-3" ' .A .t!ral 'r-ftari of the - committee att - The Ipro wing .rtheddrr bf.-heiViMMmi'-Qf T Lfi rnfcShlLa:: lindens for the relief W to i.o Predd?ntXof the UoLgl . t. r-1 r- "T f o? the induUuuui poor in .tru- cine ot ,Loq 7don, WeUoiiniitlcr, r&c. has been pubiiGitd. Yiom ttf.s it appears, that '148,000 oecfous were relieved lad year, 'one third of whnra mull ptherwife have, fuii into exrtfneindi geAce j orTateiU-b' u ribaj pjn thr firec-, tive -parilhcsTJl.e 'whole' expenfe Was Wriic , by ihe fqb.ffiip'tior.s of about twenty corpora- t'ivejujjub lie bodies, andTrom 10.00. 10 TrilOO benevolent maiviujais, . amjog ,-wuoui the Oi.aksrs w.efecui.jlsti;!y conl;iu(Jiv Stater: To TJIOMAS 'ElfERSONV J PrejUut of the United Stales Thi? inhabitants bl the, county oMyarrea, in the Hit! of S'litth-Caroini, deep iy iittlXtd witTi . the awful check :hci i" thefe td- fs, cornbi ned with Icveul : j,id i, cidus - oDicrva-ions in, .he repoit.pfove ''the yiidotii. .-of lbs fyftetn,' and the integri.y and diligence ., with which it has -been Bcen't,oiiJucied y' -When the King of .Sweden" syas at Fe terf utei m, t with by the Mle ot Reprefentativcs, ffo "nrf f.-cLtheniV.ve inline hcifetlj of exultation, i fio.-n ihe palil c wi.4 kjefrig at.laft explicitly expref- led, nd in the unnjft i.vj tu'.n lj ot our heart, con- mulate ynu, Siiy'on your election to the chief ma- IgVtr.ty ot nr country. Our u.iuiffrntinf voice U4e Ioo rrieiai.ncd oiv wlhfs, i d, our tvg'ieil fatifi.auou i iiu'V filufied by yur appoint nen' in it: fna rr j-owtei ut Vy our cxieilciU cdn',fi tuuon.. That you-tn-y 'o'oij live ta nil the chief ,nt (piracy of your country ,' ml by your.wifdofii keep ui cleir'of t n eign ii-flnence a'J well a Joinellic ! tioa wh' ch from . yOiur private-' at we I as paujiy cnaraur, we nave douot vkili he lie .ale; anJ ' - - ' SH R I FF's SALES. f tfldirttld ui thrUutn tiisfrvrrytt: 'w'ngtirisy ibffirftfdsy Tjjr . 'fuhe next; ak-i if not Sild in that -Jay;- tit faU to tontinuf row d.y to dhy until the -ohol? is J'ji-t, t qi o'Jgj Tr,.cis and-Lot s - burgh uiidcr the name' of the CountJe Ilaga, --au-'aftcr ibi life yb rriy 'finally yn the Alrtrighty f-Rufha rnnffrrpd .iiinnn !i( in ' ''I'r ol tvorldj,' irt cjaipiavwth the h'- o' ami the Lmperor ot Kuljia cotiterrea-upoi the Crpfs of the older Su John" of Jtruldlein (MaUa.); tofeph Xzitarcly'r.S tohfitl for the U iirt! v St iles of Auittica al.C idi?., tow on ih-. : cbmiffetfrraYs het'ore the . public hv fpHo'.vifyj , Coircrpoiiiierife, - paHcd bt- Wyef ;Mr. 'Tei vy, your vice coni'il, ixA the 1 Conidiiilury o( the fiench lie , public, at G.l iiz. . ', . " (COP Y.) C a.d I Z'; jfh Frimairs, ( December 4. 9; ; t ar if toe French : Rcpuvhc, ou Atd jriJivifib.lv, ' t J."- rj. " .M ILL A' r,- charged prr.vi(i,,na)h , wich the alFiifti t-etieral of. conniiercia1 conceii'S of the Kieiich Rsinihlic, 'u. ' A'ida'i !ti, rcfi Itnt ni C-uitz, 10 M -. Amtitiii Tei ty, vj.e - cotti ul of the U. S'ittes ot Americn, ,1 HAVh exainiite l ths p-tpers conrcrp ing ihc'velfeJs fciitl Ci t t,oc vf the. Uni ei". S:..tes tt' 'America, deiiard :n-Lhe port '111 j tiilli ift, and mi mhI pe''tioV r-'rV not appeat to to mc, that to v y ti'st.- -theiiv Thaaldbp "appTierii he arT.i-rc.TlT antl.23i, ol the veutv htt'wten the rieiit' "Republic and' the V uiied biaus ol A ' uienca. I render nrcomit by this pol', :o IN MiuTRTr oir.M.TfTiie .tiTicI tireCjioi n". audio t-ur Amir.tfliriQr.-at Mi Wui, o!.i. Ttno:ives jhut iiuuced ms u waiM-of lit v. in!liuJl;oi8.( Ilefpcftiii"' thv fltipS Ann, Co'i.mcr. . Mary. Xn, and Ruh.-v: ihe 1 ro hri. were thk'-i. by .he privauc Mv, .! Btt:t deaux. vetT.-la'auu v.iro" (" .'itn..i p.iU:H of y:ur cottn.iv, who have gone. bct te ,ou, ! our uncere wiih. - ... Signed, in" behalf of the emiTis of Warren court. tv , coavenpd at War;Ciiion, '"on. the luuith. of M..rch, 1801," . ' W. A, K. FALKK-VE;, . . r "" '- ' (.cic.iry " , The Prejfih'vf'f-Anfwrr. SIR, W:iUvnj;ron M.rcli, 10. . i Hit I tender mv tlisnitj! acknov.yclgfniciiti-to hc i,hab!ia:u oLVrrarrcii,-cnii'.tir, f'r ih.-tt cooia u;a .tt'Tiu ou f-iyYHt-.,i! ( t'lc chie' fna;itricy ot oui COiliiliy. . I 4Ul7i-tfr'!U!c oi thi? oi i ttion mi j:ofifd on ie hy iht (i'jblic ;!!, as well astlhe choice n-iatle by uic Houfif ot Ri (j;elenuuvey i the iijiriiier uo.nteJ ut by our excellent c '.nltitutvon, aud.no-euie- vruts 01'. mine (bail bo wanting 10 ; lul-' lil iSic.i. . .. ' t " .1 Noilni tr is moe imnnrtant t1 the inttrel a of our rouii'.ry, tn i ihe aijf.uie ex'ciufu.i of cveiy dcife fi;ei-.it itifl te-ae; an I n-.thing ni'oie'tUn'.ial to vt htppiitcit an it per nianr ncc, ihn to dilar.m all ti i drnciet t-i tatt.'cn, by juihcc and hrrnnels Letters remaining in the Fot-ofiicef xitiicT f ' if'Lfndor "ttln'MWiererrf 'as wll pay tbe jqxes due tl)?rcinjjir the year I799, nnd rsnttn W "ik-iri "t, . .. ANE Tracr of L md cental ning - KJ .tcrc, on the N. L River, iointnir 'Ju'e-rooJwortJi;.!, fi)'jp6.C:tl thetprorty of t)uvid J31doi- vvot'h, (leceafs.'-K : ':; ' ' 390 acres oh tlie N. K River, j oi riingi .David - Bio id worth ; 1 if rff'and Thomas Muway, 'fttppufed to be vihS property oTThqnias Johniton. . ' ; 20 o n crcs -041 A he's Millr 6rcK,'in the' upper Beat. Garden, fup- ; D'iaiu : ly. nextt xvil ihi$ be returned 3 H dnerul Put-h1i. '"' ' Z""" "Vyf R, Ajli'i Appoiri, iNlefTrs. 1VL Alhertbn & Nixon,. LCaptain ! T hoTnas Alien. 1 : ira or tiuei Ainu 1 ; CapTaiw Edward Artitong, Du plin,-- 1,: '.-,'' '. '- v-- v.; B Francis Beaufort, 1 ; Williajri Brg?; 1 f Robert lVray, i; James . BrriVnlow, ; Jofeph E: Bactin, 1 ; Meifrs. Bsmiehan ic Robcfon, 1 ; Tho mas Biird(naii, ; janits Brown, 1 ,y Timothy Blood worth, -2'; Allen & Ala Buuiiclla, i ; William B.-ck, Diiplin, .; ; ' Abrahath . Be If 1 n r , B r u n f w i c k , 2 . C Wrh. Catfor, i ; George Gutts, l : Phillip Coltins, I ; Richard Uayton, Brunf p ihd to be' the property of Frederick vv t:ls. Z joo ar res 0 cij fining the lands wick, 1 ; E'lmund Cook, I ; $Utm . 1 Clark, 1 - Thomas Cowan, 1 ; Stcphen.Crews, 1 ; James Campbell, I ;:.'Thotpis Crofs, I i , John Clayton 1 i Satlv Crawford, l ; Nilua Cluil- oOt,-b.dtvivk.and' Ath - t). nrnnrtu nf Ud t i Mary CpweW, xJullOVV, I. I-.f; vv,.nt ' ' D .'Richard Dovrd, c'are oir R. Kel ' aob acres on Moore's-creejf ,y V Vk' Vip' ,d - : P . 1 1 o r . 1 j j , . k Ebenezer Lllingwood, 2. . oiainj; Michael Sampfcn s land on Hoi- p . Cart.. Daniel ' Fergnfon, , ; Mr. ley .iter, dn?po!ed to he the property Ful?m l, MtsM'Fatlane.T ; CWpt. otme heirsot I to Scarbey. - William Fulton, 1; Thomas Flan- - : f 1 . -;i - 1 320 acres oil riOtleV Mieiter, ' nagen, I ; .George Fcrricr, -1 ; J.olm jyirdog Samuel Suiikey and the Widow . Foote,- l ; Francis Forlter, Bruhf "ir.dcrfon's,; ftipp jfcll to bq the. propciiy wick, 1. cit Mjrcli Woods) vleceafed. . . j .; G Capt. Jaazantah Grbfs,: I ; Peter 1001 acres- on Black' River, Gardner, 2 ; Saiah Gee, ,2 ; Capt. Jo. iolhinn Gor2e Newton, ftionofcd to be n ithan Uilpatrick, 1 ; Mrs. t iza Ua't, i. nomas vjrois, j ; VdP;. .1,.. f At....1. 1 To'vtnV-Kind ipolica.to.i.; on ,ny br'.a ( to the! , r' .r-. UJ u.lc ul CX4.uuer ihthiy Ruler Wontia, pi rnitt mfi"t6 add mi c J vatTtpbell. . '' ' I , ' I n vour Inivrt w ltrc, anil to; thi freedom and on .a'cfpe iatniti(T the lift 1 ' FaXI' profperity of our rountry to tha Utell agej," AS-pU i" f?- Jl'.IU'g V'lC RIC ior -rii:l;l nd the lohaOil.ti; ' Ot U a. ion COJ UJ' iryliigh coitfijstatio:: and itfprff, lVv ' ' - '-r- - -THr J-EfTER - O M i" Mr, VV. A. K. Elkener, W,iitii -n, N- C. Nathan- i el Giiiii'iifon, i ; " VVintitl l Gurgautis, David Gillclpir, Duplm,"!'. Mr in Q ,. f'l" riv . ti J-VCi ll. ;i-i.if- fq." I; w lliiA ciiiiii;try(hip.' a l.-uvc ltcn a(m'i - ml Bniiji, then liiii'ifle of uiui'-r!", tic clafed t'nri'e vtili-K, tiOiiadaiifl?.!e iii ar peal -of f u Itti.ici t, " Tue-lhtp li trbjr:i wa3 c ;tp;Jrctl b)-.t,.t liigei - Vtdure,- oui -hr Kien.h ftv-r-dron, under the or;!r Vs. r.f Admiral Iiio condemned l) fent'""'tT of s ysiiiii;. . laryfliip ill Thepniinr; year 7,11. .. The Mar. Ann was .taken "hy ths fti- gate La RoiiK:it:r, oi.the Uum Itpviirnp. cond"tnned by teitteuce ol this cc.imiul farylhip. :d 'I'hcr n'J'o' year 71b. The l-q-i:d nio.i of ibofe fur ve(!eli Ik; ir lcen rna, and not on ot thfrn ia. t. comtiriled in article. 7.' 4. and a:dot ti-t t'tit.'-d Cwiiver.tion pte'Citcd. , y' " Receive, btr. tb' r lUrance or ins 1 etee;n and conltdenri'm", : (S.ncd) y' J B. MILLET. .FOR SALE,; 3 42LbX rclsI v cfin , 26 cufK! Spiri:ii urptr.tinp, 'c: ditto Varnilh, and . - uo tar::l5Tliipetitir.c. , ' r. ALSO, . A revv Whalc-Boat with a Sail. Apply t'o ' DUDLEY dr DORSEY-. 53, ieoi. . Wi!tiir;mn, April men-ioncd piece, fuppol'cd tobtlo1ito , n tnc tame perionf. iLb D. Howard, 2,; Mrs.' A. "I loo acres jninmg M eron, 1 : Mrs. Heller Hoficins. 1: 1 r ICapt. Chiules llafun, 1 ; Francis Htiw-COW- ell: i T T..nf ? William; Hmmon. I 1 a1 s land, lupnoled to ue t:ie property' Mr. Duck llotife. 2 : Cant. Lewis ot L ivid Wclis. ' . ' - . .Hu'lgens, 1 ; . Samuel' Hopkins, I ; ...320.'.:..acr'es. j jn llg' JVil iiani.. a pj.fc.'j.ou.Uva'o. Hazard, .2; t'ur.Ly.adc. Wi'i ia-ns and T ii:t C. Craft. Hampton, I ; Mrs- Marv Hughs, Little. Ami no Lots ot LanJ fitua- ;Rirr' ' Hl,wT ,Jrilfw, . .ted in.,hat pan of the town ol Wil- V. ? hf:i,naSI 2 ' :irl- . r t t ri . ,1 , . ward Jones, 2; VV. Jones, i; Dillon nmgto, , foutl,., I)ocf-lt,eet belong -Johf fton; , Lsii am liils.1 On the day of. fale the li, T ,:. r. iiumocrsot the laid Lois will be tnado i 'd:.i :. . : '"tt r 1,1)" ' 3 b y of M -y next, (it V- 'bfivjfei ftf btrtote at Piivu'e le) vvi'l beexjvffj' io-fjje at niblic thaf Vuimb-i1 Lot. jn D.ick- ot J 'in i Boi?. ikno.vii. - D . J ONE'S,-Si April 23, i35i. . Y9 lit. h. !)i to- rt f r ; 'r r, 1 r 1 t; 1 I !i t ' IV to 1 I k I It'ttl'IM) . I ini iL'iiiii, - ii!, I So I. 1 Thirty Dollars Kevvard. IVANAvV At' from' the lubilribcr.a V ij.nil tue fir It of M-trr-h J.iil, a Kei;r It iia.v b t.ic name t:f. I'lUNCjC ; find oil t.ie 2 U cf the iUiiie uiouili, unotner 11am e.rl.liA1. Tiw former is a French wearn, about u free bi-h, l,are made, fia nis face K. Richard Kelly, 1 : .Mr. Harry Kfppcl, t; John Keating, 1. . L Bcter Lc liriin, I ; John Lari. kim, t ;'John ' Levinflon, I; Henry Levingflnn, I. ' M Mifs Mary M'Gee, t. Jofeph Morgan,. 1 ; James Mumford, 1 ; James MaU'erten, I ; Arthur Murray, Dujtlin, t; James Murray, Duplin, 1 ; Wi.VMofcly, Neil M'Eachrcn, 1 ; Ca M..les Wili.nn M 01 I'm,' Muriel, 1. N Jarrot Noble, 2; Samuel Ncr-. HE i 'ini ut C ,rrn' !lh'r Vv'j l.;n: u id S.tMt h.tvii".- x r-ir .d on 1 1'f.iritie.l in t ie manner ot a Guinea nemo. ; 1 ot the p.:fi.nt li.' :it!i. a fc? !'ry black uuuiSj and tceih vetv w.'ilc a-' Ion. I. thit perMii ij rr. iJl ad litseleun .iu.e Uusrs 0.1 Lit, O. Captain J'hn Ogd'-n. , 1'. is now canie i: ' wiiiuiii. 1, ami mc lull ; i CJaota 11 Gad lck. 2 : ohn . tt accoiinrs The' hi IK . , . n 1.1 -r the rum ot Wmkin.s hv-.i-r nd Co. J'!HN SCOTT ' Wilinin'on, yVpril 21, tPoi.. i en t)oljrs Kcwaid. (C O P Y.) To Mr. J. JJ Millet, charted (pro ff m ) wun pie iixrnieici.M cinrriis o i ! r l'renrii Uepublic n And:ib.i!i,i, relidetr in Cadi, , Cidiz, Ztb Dtc. i8co. SIR, - Uv your official i t the "IVtuaife ! -obtff ve-wt; ftMicti4hat-)t44-ui- J tackt.jiiililiipcd wool ii Colioiv home tl e 1 etfiu.v, ti awH't l-tw i r- t't lil.eia ii.g tlie Am'ci ;c;m -'cm ah.t J nte.s r AN ,W 'lotn 4ln- r,:bfrribcrf .011 i!iy,7i!i iidh'it, a Nvgro Fel i.v .tianicil Ol HELLO lit- is about hirty ycais r a..e, thin ihwt and a- oii five tcct kvt it inches liijjh harj or, vhvti b- vvt r.tiwi ab nc woolen lailot's .h -he had on when l,e went way, a pcarfo Wi;Ib,n pa.lvrf tteyr.h coloured netiro chi;hjicket and , ( d t o . t r ii r 9 iei-fu.. -cotton ,ro.le,8,aJ an ozna. ' n ?Jr,CS RcrS ' I Mf rs' & b ;.'KS tlnr... 'The Utter Kcoumry bo. s H jnr.a'1Jin. .S Gt;0J lVcl., I ; bem- ..Umu fise tVet eiin or icn inches hiRh,:PrVUt,!i Ruf!i ' ' jeiiow ctimplet'led', lu ren ukjoie I.tiuc ' 'S'tphen Stone, 1 ; John Swann, I: . I r . . . - ! C . Ol. . .. i. A . I . .. t. t 1 iijimh ana uet, yi hii ins iosj much fpreatt, , C""U.V n un Oiuw, 1 ; l,hkc his teeiu aie ihiniy Art in his mo-.tn, ai.d ' Swain, l - Jolhua Scoly, Jo-u'diari iiis h iare tear on hs nle where it joim bnooi,cr, 1 ; Dennis btcphir.5, l ; John nis inrehf a"d ins dotlits were the fiuu- a ! Swainri. lily to y jflical.c'i il e :7b f M mutul: ; tnd doubt uu Ini.- ;hv ou'.is wv f HMie'peli ivc and cot ft'-tite j co'.!""rin. le tin lie srrnni'Cineiir 1 i'.. ticatj 'i.ti tpoti by t-nth if pwb :c. lUfpcti't'2 wiiat yon I'.iy of the l.-ur A uirrir.m vt 11cm A11111, (ut,"tn Rnfi, Comir.erte, (i.i iit.t". Wary Ant, A ij'tn, Bubara, CU'k, T c.innor ftdnut.' ibn- t'.ie Alfd'al TJruix (liquid have p.ifn at o"ii' . !crs o foi. lU'inn incut ni ikwiui r a i 2 or. ai nv fail Adnumt wa i'Vitr tl Miine tie hd roOiirtu to ii i li i'.j Tr f un.. of Nnutf t Irt !,itli w.f, or fii.ii 1.1 i f rt tni"rd H ihe, cttiif.'f of ?; nto o vi -Mil frrtfnH v frte-f wit CrrrtM-ir ot tire berrt'bit I Q tf r niylcif thattJ efa-i. let .cfile ;d mil. teti'tnt', tie j;ncn' l.uii tiot.kii. The above reward will e i',t en m any ncrfon at'prvhendint faid! sJt FiS'.oiv a id 'toj-iiig Iiin in il.l .liin 0,1 jail, or cell verity nun to the iiihk ; ri.it r. . 4 ' JAMES MOORE. V. i!unnj on, 1 8: Is april, 1 lot . l tic, former. " Whoever will fcctire laid neero?s and deliver them to me, Hi all receive thr above rewarl, it taken in this county, 01 ten dol lar? tor I'rirce aiid twenty; f tr Ben : and it lakcN out ot the coamy, levcnty dot- nr ; mat is, tcnty lor the lormer, and finy lor the latrer, F.DMUND HATCH. Jones County, April x, ioi EOIl SALE 1 401 Acres of Land, about C md.n fm.a Wilminif'or.. onnofne OM.Ton. ulcj IJ-ri atJ'i Creek, pan of which is i0oJ Kue Lnd, wi h a Mill beat, and a uuatniiy 1 iii.orr convenient tnereto and a hand loin; li union for a houfe. For farther particulars apply ' llbiRY YOUG. Anril . FOR SALE, csofthHfont ihij iilbrtUtoatctupot. A Ln, 66f rtVy ?6 , anhe Fouih trJ 7 tihHnvfttMitrttfi. ' of Wdnn.-g cn ii it pltafanily fnui ti, I nnlle'd.rfii yru.'flnf.vrr ffimv rCi'iil ,,J,H,i N W. f the WeH eud cf OjnWi rth t f Nj fo it was r!l Itu.fc. NV iif, ard orth t-f Nj mat. 1 land. About re pKi linmathe KrVnt pri.t-e , o hr years ago i was oflered a: j,i,bhc fa!e si . tltf ttion pi the A nit 1 ican lh-n bvat,U. T.lflli. I repent to yoti thr rntreie rffecVof vitu Hiiicn 1 rc.iiain, in ajunce ci Jolcph Yr S'dv. t; C. AN TilONY, TLURV, v. c. .he Court ll(nlc, N.bodr Lvuc'u 11 tin bodi? f.l4 t ( 1 i ul y owns 11 rol'ody litildi 11 Af peif.i wilhirj 4 leifnrpur- Kafe ihe faaie, wili" leave with ilic Punter d.ir pto' ouli ilJ oau.e, DISiElSEE. Afrit 1 ' . ( , RAN AWAY trom trie lubicriber, iu GeorteTown, hit w.minr man M AtlMI .. I. ... "... on 15111 rein nary, it 1$ Itroiigiy prclumed that be has made for WilhiiHion, he beinj; e!l ucquainted ihere j March is about fie feet 4 or c inches hip.u, of a vellnwiili romp'etion. a lewar.i ot I ismri UOl.LAKS will be pud tii any perlon Io.i!ihr laid Jcllow 111 liming on Goal, or tlelherinr him to . 1, '..l....i ;.. r 1 .. .nc luwun-n in ucore 1 own, ana ai rcafonablc expeut rs pnnl, JOSIAS Wrn, ALLSTON. Mjrclt 19 4w. :..' WANTED 1M MEDIA I KLY A JOUUNKV MAN COMPOSITOR , 1 0 X XRO uaharras. to wl.01.1 11 filar) ol twcle Dollars per fek t ill br invri.. a -ul all travrllinjf eipcuccs publ from thi place, piovi.tcd he will oblicaie hmfeH to crti one in the employ lot one year. A ply to the Prin tr l.enof. Wiliidnio-i, Apitl 9.' ' . t Blanks ol ;tll kinds for laic by T John Tucker, I ; T''in Thomni - , . . : ... on, l ; 1 hom .s I urntr, 1 ; Antht.ny 1. loonier, i ; Cap'. Euork Tobcy, I; larkcr Taylor,I iJuhn JTowuai-; Ilaac Tubbs, 1 ; Kiuglliy Thurber, t. W 1 houtas Wnluinfon, f; Timo thy WadUam, 2 ; tiij-h .Whrtc. I : S':n:- ssr.:..L. c':.L. :ii- . W illiam vv 1 oit'ii tii 11 e, 1. - JOHN LORD. Wilmington, Aprd 9. 3W. 11 A N A V A Y FROM the fuMcribcr on the 25th of March lall, a Negro Wench named AIHGAIL or AbliY, with a child at the brcall, and her Ion John who ntitful the child, tonncrly the propcityof Mi5, Hazcll. It is cxneclcd tjia will be harboured by her hufliaml, anold lcllow belonging to Mr. William Campbtil, named Cooper Jim, or lomc ol her ac- quaintanccs in towti. . A toward pf ten dollars will be given on the tonviclion of any i.egroo har biHiring them, and twenty. five dollan if any while pctfon, and five dollars if taken up and confined in Wiitniugtoh But if the wench ar.d boy will return thcn.ft.lvcs and come 10 my pfania ion onTopfatl, in the cinitfe a week or tn days, they will Lc truly pardoned, a. d lc well ulcd. WILL AM GREEN A'pri! p. . . "h ;::'TP t K 1 the Primer. X , r' ' I." . 1 . V . -

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