fC'm,n'ue4 frsrrthrfitli fare. 1 nrT3--tciToi a gjtort inert vt T'gnt,1 ti--hc pr r-ciptc, . the U flhe land 1 j rJieu 1 iNow i . ' ..ii j v r. .1 I v 11. a nc aw O' f'c n iiuir inc ni.imin cp, aia protect ilttWa'etihdfniVv'e ti! prf rararoni iri the Dutch portl, ; -The milltar; ttrrctA.t tbi.Nuh" uA lM .l.'t lui d miv co;il!.ls of lb laii or the line, o IMgaies, tn run co mtice wit'v trrc ? the btra ... U . A ' c "nrt LI- aat T, linillltarl ttlmt I I rv V 111 I eu.ent- t 1 J i a WunofuK-n i;t wo !, -- . , a. to ru lecoid point, ie u ilny of - -. . I t n n th'p;tics; Lawye, .ttari-ii capable of .contr- ini print ;.p.c ; has there been,-' a wouio aut, d ft n me it 1 be -viang, can- itutti psrt of the !w any period lit which we hate nut felt and ac of t he 4ttaZBarrtja "5m:meto cenMe-the ttttt ledgid w ? - Inhere aperiod rirwthe -ro-rit.;.odi1 ritwe at thuefti,n it fell, thane re rnViiime hi'!ory ofU world in wh'cb the and 93 2v boais, . It is faid tha: l the c of.iU Have hniflied the era'urc from ib- hil if Emgran.s. - It i re ported Phave d.'c i ded the tralure ot 5 0,000 rn..irv. 1 ir.- U . L. . u : 1 ' It I - war tiibited ti and it, 'i peart fo plain ..-d obv.oui, tht 1 'V" ' . ' 7 l r,oo. hnlt h 1 obfcrvatf ni aVife fiom ..v acubt o iefc-r tbjhe fact of the .deHulO0..'f The at a 1. ranee, la'Jaa'tntr.e' U no v fum'ifh a prompt and tmaned e-.y of it which uo- net f naval power of B ranee. doe the hon. "(e iiate difion decifion4man ihmk-thai if the commerce of ran ce at oncvi f ipeneding ,ihi ie effi y of all the elaborate' ' or minate ar urftent Ti .. 'J ! ' U mm f'stm t hi f - I mm- C rll hflUf f f till right of a be I c'cn' P0vkr 10 ffarth o una! velle , lowed, thai-dcltruttiun would not have been to to i r vent the tumifhinrg of miht'ai v flo? 1, tr cr- complete a it is ?. WithTrcfpett to the fip- ryirtR naa t;adeiu cow abJ.nd goodi with thf eti-Uj, 0f forcigt timbfr and materials for (hip m , , avt. a.neo- by t ener.t taw ot p.t.on. r eqaipmcnt 6f. fleets, which the dly,-H?wkr particular treatie may nave van.-v o .. r. -, . , , , ' 1.1 .-7 . . .-n-.j' u. . ..l .f-i . i. abandonment et our rirht wou d nave enabled co tna-.aOMeti? Wt.h ieerd tothe former of France to. procure, dues the hon. gentleman thfie potnu.Iam not deeply read .to the Uw rjt a- j, b-'.icve, while he expretics his apptchCtulons t.ona ro am wer iof -an ua occu nea upon u; for the fafetv of' Ire and. and dwe s aiDon the can aver, that I have ocyer he,rd the point ipu- i f . , f ;.,- filat w, n,lH h; in the :re the r . " - - - '1 ttaie tu lecunty which we now enjoy r JJit . leil v anv autnomv in inn c jiiiicrv ana ncrc hcVs fnileman faliajhto the Voranon caufe ot the yorVher-) Pjcm in'thei' reafon.rgi upon it, that is that where a tiraU Coriuiiia any (.articular ftipula :ltt.n;hV fti)'i!iti .n fh u d be iegaritd as. the id tn 'hoTi oi'a general p ificiplc though there be none fuJli cxiflirtg Io'view ing it "id this light, the hon. gen I il nan hat iueniioned thai reatv with France. T! eie it, rr) !ouht, aftipu!aiion:to the effedt fta.ed in that ttea'y, Hut it Ivna derogat on d the principle Hit hon tTterd, to Viom the hoo. gonijeinifi allude, who arnicd agaiiitfXthit Hipu'.ation , did not contend .that it wai. Hii o JVion wa, that it waa yieldirig ' too rnuct t the p-'-iVion .of the tight c'.aimed in , oppoHt qn to it. EeiVbuy mud ie member, that it Waa argued on thit g uM and indeid it would . Jiaycbecn trifling to put iron any other, particularly aa there w ica'cely any rKance of any gcat ' mari time wr, in which England (hall be,bel igtreot and Trance neutral; or Fiance bclligeitnl and England neniral u,-f it nnitnir rfTirv foe ma to o )hi lenrth : I . j - - n CJ mijfi Rive tip the law of nation aa mentioned ' by the moil eminent lawyeuot thi country;- and in fuiK cfe I would sfc what i he utmoft which thr bon grn'Jem-n can exneft fiom thi coiceflion ? It is thivJ-hai:-i for forty year paft thsie bVfo great a rjumbrr ,of treaties, to which this ttipuUtlon, thai names,' of whicn 11,000 are wotn;n. I The French gyernn)?nt.is dta.wing hscon- nethon wj.h Rt.Hu daily cioier. s n onei has been Ttfued by the' confjU'e1 to cea le all hoUtlittes asamll the Kuitnn nar, ana to treat a;if R(iiIian-ihTps av-trtendl 20ih. a R:a(TuQ officer arttved tiom feteri burgh, which he had leit ;on the 3d. He brought a letter from the tmperor, which hj? delivered into the hand of .the Mtniftcf of -Foreien : Affairs hi mfelf. The contents of thefe d.fpatches have not yet tranlptrecJ. An army called the Army- oUUblerva- tictr, at Lagirotde, is to be tdablilhed on oe com- rii'tr the .courfe ofthis - arduous contcft, in which we afa. engaged, we have held out more than once a chance, of fafeiy to Europe How. have we bsen enable'i to do 10, . put by the preponderance of our navy ? If we have not fgecceded, what have we to look forward to for our internal fecurity, but the fame ? I cantior, iherelore help wondering 41 the w.tj' in wntch inc. non. ffenneman toons the qucrtion. He'flte$ the naval power rrinceasdcllroyed ; and yet when he talks ot invaliun, he holds it out in terror. Tie for gets and icmembtrs its ' exigence and its non- exillcnce w.uh equal facility. ' He torgejs it when he watits conceilion-; he retnemben it when he would hold forth intimidation, tie fays you are not now as you were when hiding from the enrmy in the channel." The argu ments which he founds upon this is, if. you conceded when you could not- help-ii,- you Ihould do fo now when, you are able to altcrt your claim, ine. pcrioa wnen- you nave power. to maintain your rignt, mat is tne very one which you fh'uld choofe to furrepder it the Frontiers of Spain. It is to be ( manded bv a Lieut. Ucnerat who is to cor- refpond with the French Ambaflador at M t drid. This Teems, to (hew that the invalion, of I'ortugalyTn conjunction with Spain, is in tended, unlefs Portugal makes peu.e, by a grccing to the dmanos of her enemy . . , , ers, tne? their rerp&We cqnnft!oni with Ii-teemi-probablfrthatt peace between,; Krance anj. Turkey and; Naples ill be concluded, under the meiUation-ol Ruffia ; bat there M1' addition ! reafon troT tlii'9 o concl urle that his S'ttilian MajeHy wiH be dbligpd to renpmice! fit's connection with this country and to fhot all hii ports againlt ' LIVERPOOL, Dec t.: : ' On the - 6 h of October cipt; Grahms, ' failed, from hence in the Diet for A,r'Ca, mf.unting.,ta guiis' four an'd'.jix pounders,- and"; 4a men and boys. m tr.e itn oi uttober, he .fell in with the La (jrrande Uacide, Frenc pi ITtl lilUUilSM'g .M a u U J wt . VMIL UKVI nine and twelvt pduiulcrs, .and oneMnded and feventy-fix men. An aclionebmmenced a few minutes paft one o'cIocLit noon, which' was molf gailmtly defenjiq on both fidei 1 ,-y 1 i --r"'-' " V J 1 within. ptltoi lhot. i.Abrut jive iheTjick's fl and ing and run mng rigging, bracings and bowlines wtre cut ' to pieces ; Tails ajl in rags, tbpmafts gone, Idwer marts ffif pled,-and f:veral liiots betwixt wind ana waier. It was about this tirn that an' unfortunate caniller fhot flrtfckpo,r Grahme and took away . all the 'upper pan of his fkull , in this fuuaiion he was carried be low. ver ; for, if once given up. can you believe . you-have a chanct..of.jnaking . peace with Vrance on any other condition ? "Whether our conduct na D'en men as 10 inauce rui fia to make the claim, that is a queftion which 1 ihaKJ be ready -to oucuis at a proper time but ii forms no parr tf the fubjett of the pre- lent debate. .Mv arg iment is, that a fun en u in fa vini', tint we will main.ain it. (tee fi,ttom. fhall make fn e eoudi, is included, vet if there he any in which it is not included, theie the ii.n"on fella fo1i.lv on the law of nations Now. if there, be any ha ion on earth wbitH '.ha for that itrr.e jorcver. I fay it is' to furrender.it up fore fu ported thsngnt contcnaca tor, 11 11 r.nia -r- tltL.. ..at. mm A 1- ll it irtnl'll9U llAU lVlft I m kVV nlpVtr W .l "t ..-..v.. Mm j ii- " w mi to, linltTnj5 the r7on'uaTyT"'lhccan'n61'"e!T'-ft"rie The nrnoft infjrenre, however, which, th hon C"f;l? -an can nietefld ccuid bf rliawn Irom this cafe i., h.vt thi qi.ellbo beirg ener !v difci fTed and dnit.e J. it th rce acniltied .: la Ctto.i which entu ' tied r i be a rule for th'l'e aif by whom it w not dift fT.-d or cofddcrfd. But how .fl'nfU the ' fMu ., ? 'it nrti Irni of a'l law nd Draft ce. von hjv . with tiit th re r 'ei i queflion, rxmefs a-td I dc r now i$Na furrcndi-r forever. This jullifui .p h ive tirv f. H ' ttei ana iput .ot bitten guar ran re 10 s the iirli' wecla'. This i, the cat.- in the "rit'tt wlh I 'en-na'k nd weie.i. the forme ' condud-H in i66i, and the lailrr in 1671, boih of th ' ii,r.v n lo ce 'd'vi'g ur . b. t u .ml .uted, ad it) wuit h it i:i.. p Ifi'ile not 'o feevi at the rijjht of r"'i ni'i!' a nuti m cany ng propeit v to an en 1 c;etr!v ni dilbnti'y iec gnieed. With Ruf- fi..tm. I'iwrer drlirao;e Hie trea y ot cammnce w th h 1 "iu,,t hve been, we w.,a d not ft i it un til (Ve c af'd 10 pefi he enuutiati n 'I this light uron n. Wasiha. a proof of our tnte tton to aban d.n i F l' 1 7 cj 3 that power oti:ti tt'el. by a con ventio", wh eh s 'lt:l n !o-ce ar.n .oemg, it mi do e wav hi (' e uni iH fiiule aft of agrrlli in o 1 cur e.' t, iu't the 1 a. u s the'iunto. ihall .oncert mjni ie mcvtntfleutral poweis trom cr'vi gp'Opery to the p-rt" of in e. Ltyin? 'hen the f irmer grounds fiie, I a k l "hri e eV me of hrfe three tienies b not in fntce, and whdher -he c.inlrde cy of t ele poeribe not m uola-ion of theiu f I '. Fait ol the . fl.ie'J or li-w.vrr, when the nfclfa')' paper) are be 4oie the h n'e. I flill .xi!irt moie fully. But the cafe doesn tHo.-.h re What : wtit tS hon. gentle. mai. far. h n he it tnl iimrd th.t Denmstk. sni Sweden htve exptefTed their jenft "o grat ludc th't E.ic'id did nitcry the principle to tar a Kutiii ii.diitduo n eafr ilineH t "Jay, mice :jawe den has hec-" l w' Hudia, and u-00 tha oc cafnr. ii o e rr.i iie vev t niiple'wilh refpeft to 1 a ,a. .iu 1. Jhs n"w o ip ifrs .In Denmark too, ' ' I., i.te ta !j1 tu u n. a folcmn atfireient was en'er tt "pto ii t t) rant convoy to V.ei mcichai.T B is iiritt the pit cipiess lurt'f ditculT'd yctti is erv nowcr litsth u h' Hi o aJo-it tht it ' en er- .l iii'o ai azr'rmeut t" fu-prt 'he ut'tui jle o tht arm d tv'biiaiMv in 1:8 We a'e not told whit re ftrftni' or mod ficaitoui miy have been adopud, Upon that lubjert which hascxtlted "fo " revenge his death, which h)s brave ' much anxiety, and which lias fo Itrongly crew anttcipaied, and for the honor of thr . agitated the public mind, we have little Britifh enfign, pne of the brave iars-; additional information to communicate to NaiUd tht Dkk's colors to the Jiuwp 'of ' V onr readers. The Hits f the new. admi- j the mizen-ma, ni'.tration hancfed about yefterday and the ind they one and all were determined to fight . day before, are " not to be believed to be ,thc vedel as long as' fhe could fwim ; and with. ' coi reO. .Thus much, however i-'ceriain, out dre.ad or fear , the chief mate and crew that Mr. Adtlington is to fucceed Mr. Pitt fought 0:1 l.ill feear 'eight o'clock, having at in ootn u places a nru iora or tne tren-1 mat time their noble captain arm ten men wounded, their ammunition expcti'J-d, ai.d e very gun fJifmounted, TpaTjs and rigging fl,ot away,Mhree feet ten inches water in the pump'' well, both pumps goingrve(Tel expcrlid to gv . ' down, and the. enemy upon their quarters', in fury and chancellor of the exchequer. It was fatd hit nicht that the duke of Cla rence is t fucceed lord Spencerpand the dnke of Kant the marquis of Cornwulfjs It was raid alio, that lord Hawketbury is to fucceed lord GrenviUc. "The duke of Portland remains in office. Lord Macart- ney is to be at the head of the bondol control ; but is not to fucceed Mr, Dundas in the office of war minilier. Amontlt tht ar rangements of infeiior-inipdi tance,,r the appointment of lir'w. Grant to th attorney-generaifhip, and oi Mr. Lav, nc Mr. Perceval, to tlie folicitor- eneralfhi;. tfie "aft of boarding, wVp'csrrt'. Gi rt'mc ""jadvi- fed them, to prevent every man Torn bw'ing' put to O'C fword, to flrike 'their colors", lie delivered up the.-veflVl ii) a moll ccurageoui manner, ad even had the preienct of mind 'o tie fire the third mate to fling Jiis rifle piece, I idol, fwora, &c. ovpib.ard, faying nooiher nan fhould ever , uTe them." He manlu If- valkcd overboard his own veficl into the ene Mr. Rofe'and Mr. Long retire from ;b Iny 's boat refnfine to receive aid or adiflance. Of the fubicct we kivw enough already," and that by giving our all rnt boldly and manhilly to the deieriiunaiion epr;lled in his majelry', (pterh, we lhail do mucn more man lave tiie ed ifit n 01 human blood.' The queftion th"ii u, whedier it be onevon which you will fprak ir.iirdedly, ai d not freely and frankly ? "I, do tot think itnecelhry to,co further. As to all (he charge aginA admihillration, there will be other an.l Inter opportunities tor anlwer ing them. The prefcht queftion is, I con ceive, ot that niportance that calls lor our undivided atientiot;. As to any inveftive a gain fl the condutt of thofe councils in which 1 am engaged, 1 fhall be able, when a proper opportunity occurs, to convince the houfe that fo far as calamines have increafedAand ex tended themfeWes over Europe, they hav? been ocrafioned by thofe principles whicli tbif hon. gentleman oppofite to me has uniformly fuppor ed, and which have been as uniformly combated by m: and 'the gentlemen on the fame die of the houfe with me, with whom I have the honour to aft." Mr. Pitt was followed by ike Solicitor General, Mr. Tierney, Mr. Dundas and Mr. Sheridan, wheit the Huule divided lor Mr. Gray's amendment 63 agaioll it 245, .. TAR IS, Feb. 4. er whtthei any, 10 fjften :he rigour of ihe princip'ej AJet'er from Barcelona, dated the tA'h I . ' -II. :l .....A .1... I. r. .L.I . f " I ' - oM7io put we pregrnc .,,T,... .. ....,.. 0, amury iayt that preparations ior the odj ?r:,:,.::,:".invanon. of Portugal P If m t"tn in tieafiir.y,. and Mr. Cunning from thi ji-int pay-malteifliiprtl the rmy. The rffignation of the fpeaker was ex pefted reHerday to haye takm jdace ; -lur. ir is fiid that will happen iliisday, in or der that the new arrai. cement may not e delayed. Lortl Ilobart does not fticeeetl maiqui Cornwallis at v as" fir It reported, nor h Mr. Pelham cotnina into office. Lon Caltlereafth is undtrUood to have religne! I verai h0!c, jr, ,he hdr, which they were oblige hlS httl3T0n. . Im nlAj 'wi'Di'lead. O.i Cranrne'i a'rtiu.l We Itated. yeUert:ay that notice had t)0arj 1 . Grande n -cde. 1 f . . . 1 . 1 t -m - r' - . 1 ' neen lem to ine nan rrotn Mr. fur, tnnt tho' he is about ro retire from oflice, it is not his intention to re fin until the new adminiltratioo is formed, and qual lie'.i to execute its public duties: am! that he will rife the fupplies tor the current year at the time he intended, as if (uch an event had not taken place. 'ayingto his men f My bmve fclkws you hive dine your duty :like pri ons ; adding (msjpn.g his own vclfel) u I'cwi Uick, tlioa nail Hone ttiy duty likewile, but obliged 10 Urikc to fiperior . force. .1 ooly willi thy trti-shad been heavier metal." The French firfl li.eutcnatt was killod ; the enemy had aif 27 killed and wounJed, and ieveral of ihe crew died af;ei the, artron. Sh iv m ich hurt in her mafls "and hull, and fe d OA he was allowed a cot in the captain's cabin, who b h;ived to hiru like a brother. The Fretuh tiotlor atteuded him night and day, his -own mate was always wish htm and his crew allowed frequently to fee him. - . lie was infenCble after the firfl 24 hours, and the aid October, about 3 o'clock in ihs atternoon, he departed this lite , tiniverfally. The candidates for the loan are to .wuh ref tiei b a k him Hefelllike the amount that he intend to upen Mr. niton 1 nur.aay next, to know a h tf and' f f fiLrlllln(f unJ,r ,htt fund for the rt.,-K .j ..-l. i ...? 1.:- a . a iital llill fAnliMnai A , .clwhi h p.it was tu compehts b ., 'i- bfa vance by Imceot a.ms. Ii or 1 not this warl i " c ganuuu vi mt ici.uui awi I it not a bieaih'id lai'li which nothing can ptliait f I the frontteri. Is it frl a cat wnich, even il we had pot heard lo muih n it, no E giifnnisn could doubt t Butt. pat ttf tnt ter beyond all di pate, it not this niea'ure . atcomptn rd with ptrpaiatio t in the Baltic, at a fea . fa-Of the er mi when ihey flittered themfflvci they iniJhi beabUio iplleft arfdmuUer a force wtth eti 4ppicbenCo n( the vigoiftus and ptomp? e lion which defeated a fi n lar attempt tad autumn f (ir of no, no, hom the oppofttion bench) Whether ibev did lor not," continued Mr. fif, will be (hewn nerealter. The h n. genttemtn fays xi di not k ow.the recfe nirnrC of t-e tonventioo .true: Bat if ti ( at ties to it tell tis ihey have done foand fo. wc (rt not to fuppofe for them, and presume thai it contains condntoiis .in our fav t of whichtrtty Oiar0 menjon.,11 wssmr mtanmcw ' haw lit the. fo ie. ed the tic- ur ot the lonveotion ol IjH . But bow far wodd the h . gentmsn have c.i' th. doubt wt J rcfittio t 1 11 until wt dull iVe tnd read every pnagtah of his new c nvtniiit. l'"til every' meant at united and bto't to best, for the parpofeul lormirjf a Ore- that may prove lu .tuf lor the'fien.h navy f It that the ietid, nn'd wh thweat 10 tenwio pilftva andioclve Ifwl Innw ih sarte nen ia htliile. are weto w.11 ut il wt fht'l f't the very feal of our ift on t I ii ot thnk hi will tht o inion l ihi? h uf Tht two grtti piineplri unilimly at now (edged at thefe 1 Ff(t,ihi no neu ta p tit fhail cany oj a lainC lttndni ha diat witn th? entn and f iO"d y, that 11 fhall feod nit f .pp iei to a b nk del town. Now th q t'lt i, wnn he fhall gtveaptnrfe prtnctp ti f Witethe w (hl fatferany non t fhin bitt w'.uh miy ( jmcuri n utibtl'j of ih onion, lodoawsy aU thefs ' ", ' " A number of troops it it faid, are about to march from the army of Angrreau 10 join the arm of Obfervationof La.Gironde. We are afTuted (fays a letter from Salz bour of the 2i uft.) that the French hive demanded of ihe Emteror of Germany free pa (Tage' through that country for a republican army, intended to invade, or at Ieall, to me nace. the territory of Turfloy, in confluence of the attachment of the Ottoman Porte 10 the Epglilh, and of the prrpirations now making by 11 10 aci igainn ine rrencnin Egypt. It it ta red that the Kuiiian army in Lithuania, the artillery belonging 10 which it already on lis march, though moil people are ignorant of its deftination, ii believed to be advancing sainit , lurkty, to punun tne go vcrnment for its atiachment to Englaod. , L;Mer from. Spa:n, arrived by the lad courier, (fay an article from lityonne, dat ed allot Jtnutry) announces, that Portugal hat at length determined to agree to the pro po(i:tni which, have been made to her by Spam ; fo that we may Gioriiy eipeftt ge neral peat. . - ' . Leiiert from the Hague, of the i8ih cf January, II ate, that the French Admiral ine amount uiame ,niena .0 run., lor ne ,ntluehce and for;hc honour Jf j,;. Mun . ferv.ee of tfce corrent year. It . fa.d thai pro.,d enf , Go( feft hil foul in ' tne amount ot the loan will be ic mil- ind hanoinef tu lull tllltil hed inia lt Aemm 'rnf ' r l tl 1 j ,ac f'.ne evening, fe wed up in hit cot, mi as Thefe changes in the adminillration do decnl i lhc Nation would ad- a -a IWll VI pit one. 1 ne peopie uncover in mem no thing but a change of men, nut of men fures. What they wanted was not onl the removal ef the tninilters, but the a bandohment of :he principles opbn which have a?tctl. It requifss therelorr' very little penetration to ft e that the new adminiftration, if it be to cotifill of the men aboveuientioned, is not likely to be permanent.. Ne ailmmillration, perhaps, will be permanent, but one which fhall determine to ad upon principles very diTerent from thofe which influenced the lata miniflers, and whicli have reduced us lo a Utuatiou of fuch difficult) and dante jer. The private letter by the. mail oiyef. :erday flate, that tho' the intelligence oi the embargo laid in our ports on Danifh and Swrtlilh fhips had created a grot a larm, the couttof Copenhagen had refoU td to abftaiit from all intemperate' and imprudent retaliation. No attempt would be made to interrvpt the navigation el the Elbe. Indeed, though the Danifh fort re lies below Hamburg might have pre vented our communication, it inufi have been rWmed a violation of the . line of neutrality, taken under the protection of fikflia, had the Da net availed themfelvrt of thefe opportunities. A great Meal, therelorr, mud depend an the conduct of the cabinet of Berlin. Accounts Irom Prague of the l6:h olt. fay, that conferences are fpeedily to be held at Bruflels between the miblfteriple nipotrnjiryof KufHa, Sweden, Denmark, iruiiiaand rrance, relative ta the con- Uruix M armed there 10 icceUfite the oa.-fDt,on Utwteii the four oortbtrn pow I PHlLADrLUHA, Maicii 31. Arrived, fch'r. Little Tom Bailer, Pro veis, Gonaives. . Cleared, fhip Delaware, Wicks, Cal cuta j brig Ann, -Thompfon, Palermo.; Captain Glenn, of. the fihooiier S.illy, failed from H.ivaima, in company with 19 fail of veflifls under convoy of the Cunttel-' lation. On. the 4th the frigate left the fleer, on the 5th ta foil of the fleet in fight, .and on the 7th faw three fail of tha fleet to the leeward, and a veffel, appa rently a privateer, in chace of them. afrr7j the Itg b$ok of the fchaner Uttli , Ttm Butler t On the Jth of March failed from tha Male, under con vcy of the United State (hip Conilitniion, captain Talbot, in co with the onderfigued vHfelj, Ship Arethufh, capt. liarton of SaltU more, Ikip Fir Ameriran, Palmer, of New. Tork, brig Piiitop, Hooper, of and for Baltimore, fch'r. Meffetiger, Stite, of and for Philadelphia, (loot) Sally, HuC ton, of do. for do. and the brig Appollo, nf lew-York, joined the Beet next day. On' Monday the 9th irll. came ir to the flfei'the Hritifh frigve Atidromach, who went along G'le of the Cooilitution, lay along fide of her fomt time and then made fail into the fleet, but tuned (her the Arrthuf. Captain Talbot madeihe lignsl for the fleet lo fliift for themfclves. At 1 f. u. fprtke the CanUitittion capt. Talbot informed tne that the captain of liii mrijefly's fiigate intended tn board all the .fleet then in lat. Si, ij, N. lung, co, W.