ICQNJlNU ATIQS OF. Late Foreign News., ; PARIS. February I General Bellavcue arrived from Lunevilli lift ljjht. He w charged by citizen Joleph, Bbona- rte, minifter plenipotentii I y tor the . negociatlen or peace wi h Aufhia, lo deliver to the miriitterfor foicigu afl'4ri the following V - T.R E..A T V of P E A C E , ETwatii FRANCE ano AUaTRI V. HVM-jclly the Emper 7 King Pi Hungary and Bohemia, and the Firft Conful 'of ths French Rt- I s aublic. in the name bf the Frrnch people, having ii tqua.ly t heart.trt put an end to the caUinuiea o! war', have rc.olyed o proceed to the concluliua of . a detail ive Treaty of Pe .ce d A nity. , . " ' Hispid f ner'ia. and R oyil M jetty, : not idefiring left' apioufly that che German Empire fhou'.d pari- tlcipaie to,! ihe bleiTiag of peace, i f,d trio preffnt conjun-Wet, not allowing the necclTiry.tiiiie that h'e .. Empire fliould be coufiiU d, arid, far ita inrervenutan by ita dtf t-uti'-a' in the neociat on hit lvfajcfty, be fidei, .ookinc.to what" tut teen coufentcd to by jhs Population oi the Empire it.h preceding Congr'fj " at Ratlad.-2-haa Vet lvcd 'after the exajiiper of .what -haa been cone in fimilai. ciicumlUncct. to flipal-.te in tie n me ol ihe Germanic B.dy. In eofr'! c - f "wlncl. the parties contracting j Rhine, and Wftich make' ptrt of the Germanic i-rn. 'and jlVlll ,-'."f the 'treat .-oaV -CpV. Forraio," are pirer" fo si t.hit in cmformUy . ,W lb whit h.s own pa ticutir.yrevivcd, to be executed 'aecording to expre a.y rf.peed at the congrfcii ot Rr.td' by the their form and teaOr,- as if they were hferted, word deputatiqi of ;iie emp re, and at proved by the- em- for vrd in the prelVnt treaty. J peror, the Thalweg of thVRhine riiall b in fun-e t XVIII. T: contributions, deliverie,v; e'qjip- D'twcen tne erencrt republic nd the ter- menis ant exactions pire tvthat is toay,' fjom(tn,e 'place Vhereto t.ke place fro;n il leaves the Helvetic territory, to liie place cati-.t-.sof ttye'exrhi-i ihe limit b mSnic em. the Rhtne leaves the Helvetic ternto Where iten',:rithc Bavarian .territory whjtlover of war, wall cea e be dav'nf ike d-te of the rA. ee of the pre.f i treitv, on the oi.e psrti b,v hii majefly the cmpero' antHhe Ger- i.u confcqiiei-.ee of which, tthc French republic manicr empire' andon the other pict by the French lormtjjy. renounce an its poiijciuons wrsatiocvor n republic the rig'it bank of the Rhiae, "arid contents to rettbre ), effortl .of'ta gov? it-ncrt ! htjt aH its efforts have been in vain, Europe, know all Jthai the Bitilh mini. ftry have done to prev nt the fucci fTti of the n"t;o ciauons at Luhevillc. In vin "d d in acr' ti-tho-: rixed. hy the government, d-lare to; them; n h 9ihJpiober, 1800 that'F'anee wa ' rfid to rmer. into' a' feperate nrgnciation ith ihem. His de claration wa .anlwerrd only." by a. refufjl, un der, the pretext that Enir, and Could i, not abinditi ber r.lry. Since 1 hatperiod, ahcTaTter thAt alTyTiacI : confeiited to trjjt wifhout EneUnd, inn , to trjjt wi'hou'. Enelnd, inis givera- XIX. The pre'ent t'eatv'lrult'e'ratirti't by hi' ment fkfor or.her'm,-ani o portpoHing a.peace to tbofe t(Kyhom-they o4y Ibeioa , 'he ptirifoi najctly the emoror and kiiig, by'lh e.Ti -ire -And wFi;ch it f;i;n cirll.uy o. ihe, whole, v'i'd. It vio Dutrcldortf," "fchrenbrcitrliin, Philr,fb.irit, the fir . by the French coub'ic within the fpice of thirty late a convc ii jn corfrcnteJ bv liR'; ,iiy, and de- of Caircjdother fortifibattoiii ojii-yi? !u un .diva. rfooie"rif oofllSle 1 and it ia azre-d. iUt the .right bank, the ?prt Kchl, and A? V iru Bri frt, ' armies of tl'ewb p.wera fhil! renin in tlx pou the e;:p'cfcondion.1iii:"th'trsCp:acf.s .-ir , pjfuiou w).U .'Kv or.cuuy, i we'I in Germany .as Rialt continue to remain iii.the Hale In h they ; in! Italy, omit the faid rinfica iona of the emperor may be touod at the ttmedt the ie c ution. t anj krnir, of the e npue, and of the rcn' h rep ib- ; Vll. Aud ai, by coniequenct oKheceUi m wnchtlie Onii have bfen muiujily ex hanjed empire rauke t the Fferxheptt'afic ftvera? pti.n.-. between t!ic relpcclive ptenipoientpriei Sc date of theempire'find (heiMielye p';..p 'diybSef.' r ft i U agic.Nl, that ten dav after ti fed in whole or in pan, whi!!l it it for .iWCt.f '.'.faofe bl the fid ratifio.tions, .the arrnieiofhi curea vine mil Ihermrn. it. a. onsx'iuary to 'he dignity and nMi 01 ir n '.rjns. .AJ1 rheco ninr-rr.e of ha, and i -mmC: o nis, are no oogc.r f .fa ient tn ftisfy. it's amHitio-i ;lt trrnt Ru3i-.' D.nm.fk. -w'den e VII. Aud as, by ; confequenctokbecelii.m wfchthe ! ljc, (hall have bren matually cat hanged at- Lttneyille ' eaule-Ruffn, Den'r-k,. a d wt l-a hive by trea- .nes mutually gua -ntcei tneir ty teig ny, 1n.11 ia the exchange, oependcnce, anj tntir Uig. .. - imuenl& ' The piwer of the Noiih 'tniuft y a ackri, h. empire cotlcvlively .-to fuifaia he-.!fff:a"veruting:'ril m r& (h.ll icturn to hi-hei vita, y polfcf-;.' righ o' ' rely on th af&flance ol F. cc. The from the ftipuiaiioo ot the orefeiu tir-iiy, tc",. a- fi, witcfi ihJi' be - evacuated within the fmc FieHch.-ov-irt nent wt!l w.:h ;hm vtgan in- neiyTj& king, s yt 11 fj)ce of lime by the Fre-cb arasier; an. I that thirty j'lrv com.n in to ah ns lions, wi liouf at ny Ii uci ;n'c vni,'ic.flivi :ier me ma .txchinze. the fiench armies untci-.uiK 11 unsncia tmr.tua onir iui lg4w from the ftipulaiioos of the treed beLv(cn hii inaefty the e in his own rtauie as in that ol nd the French republic, tha th epitblic, tha In ' co-.formity w't1! the principles for naliy bh lhc4 foorefs of Raadt, the emaer jrjru I be .ou.i.l to give tfe nercoiiaiy jri cai- wno rt aiioiicii"1 n--ne ieil rive iisii.cu ii men yit' iuvtobmi ,v-, . , , , ou. - . -. . ,n n .Jtoytl and tmenl Maietty, ihe 5uut Louis, V.-u' VL .1,... , u-1- -r -u . j - V 1 -"':f. .D...n V. a. V!..i..n.-;i. k'.i.hr of "id. take0 TOmxhe hoto n of ihe 'aid ..empire, 1 wmg ... . -f v kvviuiwt fcW tll,l Wt-Bf J fc.il h:y vauatcd the whole of the territory of the jai.1 empt e . xx 4 1) ncs.and fin.'d at-L meviile the 9th February, "s o-Vao P uviolej year 9 of t.ie French Re- - paoi,c-. ' . . vX.fiUI COUVT COS'JTZEL, Cofdcn Fleece. G.and.ofi ot'ih Royal Ofdet ol "-"-" '. v-'-y I . St. St,enn. .,.d of the n.et f St-Io!,n of Je-j':,e''a;n.e ' - "JUil-.rH ttUO.v'AP RTE. .ufileN, ChaherlaSi, prtfent-vy (5ouncel!orbf!:,Vl,V ' r . . , Li. t, ,ai nd Rv.l M.irlv hi. MU'fte nf ;c' ",,r''tl bv l'c 'r,:n tictv.it lsaeietfT, in :ke? r11own are rh articles of the t-.t? l CuJ-.iea.ccer v.ite-,na..cei.Of w.uia wiaui . .,e imiv 0 Campo Form! , that thue iwwn iii,.riniFn . i-i..ft-i ; .... and the happineft of the wotld. Tne Fir ft Conlul. '. 'gnf'O - BUONAPARTE. ; t l'y JFirlConful, H a. Marrat ecret;ry f St te. ' A: fimitfrrrieir'Te "was rftnt" to "the"conMs'rvit1te'.Ser nne, but ihe Senue havinirtifrn beDoietheo'aior of : govern nt arrived, it will be received to-moirosr at 1 v t ock. -' State.' "And e tii Ca fuf of th the nsnie f the FkucH p r.pai'e,'Cou .cell-.w ut State.' ).i.a..ii l.' rt. h ..u .l r.i ...:. .1 , , U1' . 1 iry iii-'i uc 7 y in'.Ji tn.-rT inrni vnn iiic " "e". ? 'entrhTclled by fmotr orVt!;e .folf thrid J 'P ! countries j ba , fveing the di.Ticul ies. winch a-ife Who, after hMrmg exchanged heir full power, ,cJ Jf e of rjmpfo-nli, if u . XlI.AllO; os alieoAttvO of po;.viiy," all en- g'cme i s en ereJ in'or either by l ie litirsbr by l 5 5'jvernm-nt, or by th? civil aiminiitiative au t rnie of the ci drva.it Vcnn'rn tr.nitriei fir the mil -tend ncc of the Ger,. iti ud Fr nth ami;est uj HAMBURGH, Feb. 6. According to letter received from Mfrrtet, by I his J iy$ p u If Louia X V 1 1 1 was to vtfr a t.T at" in it f o e VI ",,e,,lottd ,''t tlt F'c"r1', rtJUi does not n the, dat of ihe ta iai ,.e of th prefeut treaty, errf hii "ke in,l,fh,r?e "V bl debts rc uU ig t om Ih.ll b confi.mf .1 .r.a anwledged as valid. d tf he.ilo,nrf'.r,1Cr y f6re,!dbr 1"""rl, he ,cc'tA' XI II- The te.ritori.r.itles and a,chiexs of the have agtecd to the following articlrsj I. rhctc (hall bctar the tutura at:a ever, fiiriifUliiD. - and to d undent dn'e bet . . t w' mm . ST f . - . J of th : Ger :.mc L npire, and me r.encn K-puonc ; b' faid Maj'fly binding hiwfelf to give for the fid Empire hu riiKca:on tJ iheprcfeat trea-.y in gcod snd due form The g-eateW attention iha i be jnu j place until the rilcafure of his P'ulTun m-jcly fhould. 1 be known. Swrre perfon of hisj fuile d:c!rid imt their maffer woo. d go to EJinStfrh, f.'oiwikhft .1 1. ing hii dilg'ay?, P'il IfrllTIoW theRjyal .Wa u cere.; a 1 annual peir.onyit ti O,oo rutilei. ; f-nt ticaty, fhul wr.hin two months from the date on the on- firfe.ahd on the othe-, to ihe m.iiiteimice ol perlect harmony, & to ihe prevention of all I .11 of lioikiluie bv lnd or by fea, for any caufe or aoy pretext whatUtver: 'wy endcavorinz with ca e to prcf-ve. ihe union h ppily re-.Rablifhrd; No fu. tour fbil. be give , d'uecily o indireaiy, totliofe Who wouid it jure out or ihe other of the' parties contacting. II. I he cefGon of the ci-devant Belgic provinces firulrte'i by the 3d article of the treaty of L'ampo Fet'mio, i renewed here in the m ft formal rrt .ndcr i la that bis imperial and royal Thjitlly for Iiis fuc celfius, a wc in his own name as in the nime of the Germ ic E npiie, renounces a 1 bis rights and tif'tl" to the laid provinces, which thai I be p hVlYd in . tier, etu ty, in lull foverc:g.-.ty and domi nion, bv t'-e Freicti republic, with aii the tenitorial in- triell thereunto Deionj.tng. in ure manner are cea . ed to ihe rrtneb republic by hi imperial ami 1 A nleity, anj with lb formal content of A letter received br" the fame ioft from Peteif- bur;, f riie'jntelligeiice 6f th: difgrxco f Lodii XVI I.nhich wa o nunccd to vu limaj weeks u, terminated inihi. Prince being mt t IX Immediately alter the xchange nf t',e rit'S-: of ihe exchaoire of ih r..r. fc : tk. !. inlioloHaly driven f .n hia afvl im ai Mi t 'u,' tationa of the prefent t eaty, theie Ih.ll be r t , ' band of i .e powers which mall hve cq iire l the v,h'''1' obliged tn-q iit, with all the -rfom in all ihe countries ceded, ac-iaired, or exc:ijnj;..d, p oberty of hnn. The p ans and ma s of ir e for- V;!11 to ' t coun, the 23 ult. The n .fonuri.t by the f id treaty, al: the inhbi ans or pr pn t"ra j i.tlTes, town and cou.-tries, which the co itra 'tiiz ' Pr,,,c' f Ttinc Dj 'iinlei ol Li1 XVI " v whomfoevj:, removal ot the icq a i ju placrd ; power cq xj.tr. bthc prcfeAt tieatv fh.a 1 be j.t'iac!l'r4 ot A,,,u:cme. lo the-royal Wa.iderer. up'jn uicir g'uin, prupcrnci nu irvcmcs, on ac- - itfi.y given up totber.. I he military pa-erand .,. 11 ui e 1 u u, count OS the war, which haa taken plaxe. 'I he par. j regiflen tr.kea in the preTehFWar fro ii the e !t' major lw1l'her' it " fS1n,,y n lav.ud. C.nv.t ties car.tradting b,nd ihemlelves to , ay evcy Vui. a; I t thcfe.r(eiive.'.'nleil (hall be rclbred in th- faaie Cj, n,ni thc .i"i'a a b6n'a4dr, wat . ifmifTcd lome which they may owe tor lund lent to me 1 bv tne manner. x .-. j tnca.hs ago trom r tcilbir, with mark ol me moll aid indivi luals, a well a by ihe puahc ed b ifh. XV. There fhill immediately b e-A . niomtyiu-' coldne! and d.l laio." ment of the faid countiie ; nd to pay orre-imbuile ' tieaty of commtice, founded up i n enui able ba. , - . Fehrntry 1 alhannu tir granted in their fivoi upon any of them. ' fu, and fu:h a fhall fecun to his mjieltv te (mJ' I.ettera"Trom the Bi.tic announre. Ii cnnieauence 01 wkku it u expre aiv a knowiedt- . io kin; o n neirv. and ihe Fiench ,i,..i.r .A ed that the owner 'al bill o'athe baok of Virnna, Usn ages eq-ral td tl.ofe the molt favoured lut-.ons prkuuic riciii.il, iii.i bi'uiiu iw cnjuy mc orneni jy in ine.r reipect ne Statra. Meirwie a'l 01 meir diui, mu in.u icceivc me lnieicu sue, 01 1 communication and CO nm-.rcial relitiohs (hi I roy the Tip" ,t til The country of Fs!k:nflein with it depen tUiictcs. ai The Frickt at, ind all that bflonrt to the )1 ue of Auitii upon the left bank of the Rhine be ween - Zu'ich and R Ce The French itpbblic tele-vinr to cede this Jatr couu iv to tha Hevttic ItpnUiic. : III. lo the fsme marner, in the renew nd nn:i'tnstion ol th: article VI. of ihe tieity of Cam. . po F'rtniio bis mrj'tiy ihe emp.-ior and ki g fr.a'.l pcffcft.n fu 1 foveieignty and doiiamun, the coun. trie heicaftrr mentionrd : mat it to (ay; Iiliia, Dslaiaua andxLe ci-ccyioijyrncaau iflaftd; of the Adriatic and tht'r -Icpcndenciei tne mouth of Can. li'io. the cuy ot Venice, the Ltgures, snd the ciun- liirtco.piiled-b.twen the hrdi(tri flatf of his rniifdv t c rmpe.01 and king, the Adiutie fea tnd ia gr, 11 um nn.i t jivi iu tne J-'l mi il empties it e If into the fa id lea, thi TbaUeg of ihr Aiige fe v rig '.01 the line of limitation ; and as the ctiiit oi Vr and Porio le; nano will be divided by this line, thre (ha I be ellablifhed a poo t e mid dle of Ic bitrgt of the Uid cine diwbridgtt, vh'uh fhill ms the fepsrstion. IV. The ti ll auie'e of the treaty of Csmpn Tor. ittio is alfo renewed in ihs t that bit mijclly the! m hit own, name at interim and kin binni Ii mlvll In rrt ia ihr Huta 1 " w.-m " " - " Ii become due: Not wiihlUi.dnir anv leiufUra- tion or ab'lraHio i, w.iich fha'.l be regarded as never hsvmg taken p ace, particuhr'.y the obilmdion re falling from 'i.e t ucuinlance that the owners luv. inj become Fiend, nave not f arnifhed the thirty, or the cent, per ccn. Ormanded Horn tne luoiiri. bersof tuebsr.k. of Vienna, by his majelly th; em- peor and fcioj. X. The panic con rsfti-g fhall alfo lake off a'.l fe.-ur ilmions that may bave been put, on account that In the fprug,' Sweden and De msik wii have to fil of. the Im.-, and Rutin 30, to op,ofe .he EogHfla Iqi drvit. I; apjar. that tma onbrncd fl-et il Q3t confm: i felf to a -line oa i'.ie defe ifi k icUjrcd to ihefuuation in whirh m nj u. ' " P"ceed 10 me Nonh ., wheie it will b brelhewar. , joiitd by ,'ie Dutch 0 rt, confining of i or tt fil XVI. Noi habitant of all t'.e eoun-ries orcu. 1 ol thi l",e ,h'4 P ,w rful f -"" w,li e"r",iy tied b; the Aillri.i and French aim.es fhall beiob'?e llu En',th 10 rci ,olC' lht Na; "h flje, erafecotcd or qiellioned. either in bU nr 1 i tneetpence -il than t'a..d C.unncl B et, a er- p'cteity, on tccouot of h.i poli iral optnijns or hit coodua, ciyit, military or commercial, dining tae r mi ma taxco pine bclwcru Hie two owers. XVIf Hi taaieily the emperor, kin 1 of Hun. I . ' a - - ; PrX ai ooric.i.u mill cot greeJlly to the princs cu ntUace which will alTo.d 'he coii5 ncd French and paoii'h fl et the gi eater facility oi autmp.inf a deciuve expedition. ct thtf war, upon the properties, rights, atd itveMuc ' pics oi ne .irahty, admit In auy of hia pun., during ot ihe-fafcjtft of hit n.ajcly the emperor, 01 of ih , tie .ourle of lhe.prefeot war, tny t-f the beUirsot XV S 1 1. Hi mtjtffy the emperor,-tnd kiog of Hungary and Boir mi, tnd iheF cnch republic, ecxpedi . LOVD ., i. 19.' ' It wit reo-rt.d cIleioa. 111 lh ftrl uolitlcal clr clrt, that lire Marquis of Lnflon h.d w-itten inter to a C.rtain, oet'inar. ml-r. by a lie et .1 i.e lu him ell a, ue ty 10 impm to hi M that tie had realja to know, u ioni . p rte wa.dilpiled to ireat for' peace, o.tc'manoC iiijuro'Jt eaher to the hoor or inter 1 ii b-iitnu ri li 11 laid ihitiae ner mi wry rnesn so tiie-n.n , nee cisti 11 f Jt psce; andlbalLoid it. H: ut Wl- be fe.il w Paiisr ' : "T' March l.' S We tri potT.fTedoi le-.teri fiom ff. t- the 31 . of DteT.lter, and from rayint foth.:jIof Jm s- ry, which Stale, thai at e.ch plive t!. .i .t activ prepara.ioAt ware mikinjior kbtdc ja.katioa t d sntrch ol the if 0 pi undet ir rt. tercM nbie. ' In confeoii-ntc of Ue fl enetr. of 'he t ient woik at Alexandria, Rofettt,' anJ U.mietta, tliO army wlto la.id at !ifa, and 10 eo f-vj w in h Turks to maffh tTOlslhc Defan for Csiro JotJ canitem l ar becarriaac oi wste t an t p'o.io ti te luo ly 01 p.ovinons, were c ne.iing ij .u i ihe 01 Via.i had ordtred ante c is lr unde men, 10 whicn number hecxpecUa hi imy 10 -e t jmemed thai at lh? Bittoi oar leit it hit ca.it lure did not exceed 8 rx met. ' . None of th horfeit iar dug on hsl ar rived Iron Cj 9mlinn?1e a th'f w i"t note of gen. Tarnti, for icdi o a tbi cipC44ioa, A3 . t the camp A plaa 11 faid td be U ij'uit'oa between Ru Tii Au'ln. and Fian:e, lot dinscmberm int larilai Ein,.i' in Eur ape. 'I'llA fl..t.l. ,.S tf A X W IMA t.i f ,1.. ia blood 1. lu BiiLtl on ti.e thitae of Tcin. I . r '.. ..... irpvbic.fh.il be lira, without the on. p, .y or the , He will leavrobtr lhl be owti U 10 the r.dc'.tiy of ;d,f W" OCCtip ed IB endeivori 10 ob oihetbe.nftt llbeityto cU bllh iherc .ay .loll, tr ; lpa,n, .ad ihe1ndlnif of Fisac Hi rvadi md 11.1 ihe peruul of pipen r,rnflledl- hafiJed bf . 'Im? 1 V ?' 'me 'P ,r Ibupoili wiU-bcfhut iuOouiea.mii tnd ttcome Ma d irt Cor iwiI'ii to lew perlont in thai XV. A I the prifoecr nl war ntdceathenae the fv turf ol our comm. tea and our (T.I. a,iU tTi ' .-J . j.- : ... e. ',e oraa the other, alfo ibe boftsgei cfrted . I liu-n. ia thutoafiOt ihi pledge of ve.ce-a.uL w Vxem X, vi;J.lf f..,' . r. h- r " J'fa Jf I war, who ih.u trot hsv ( in, heneioith Irptrtied ion fraa:e by extcnfive . .. ' Ct V ' bceii )tt icQo'cd, fnU Be given at la 9 dtyifiom icgoa, will no langer coieMsia ihtt riytlfhip, end tinincipli n. e (' la or .1 by empire, ia the tetr lory ol iae Fiench lepubl.c, snd of the F.enth cltizenii ihe flairs of hit fid mi ieQy, or ol the empire. " XI. The prrlent treity ol pesce, earticularl- the fl.lt mutualtv obieivc 10 each o her the fame tne article' VIII. IX. X and XV. heteahtr is declared minial' with reeaid 10 rank and other etia-ieae whith common 10 the Btaviaa, lielveti., Cifalpi..e, tad w coaUantly o if rved bclore the w.r His fs-4 Ligorio republic. ' - . J ir.jelly aril the Cifalploe republic Rnll obfetve, with i he partict' contriftg reutua'ly guarantee tU . rrga.Td ealh bt er, rhe f.m ccremnaial of eti- independence 01 tne laid pubiKijiudMhe I beny qette which wia tn ufi between hit insje.y tod ortnc peopTc-wnw mn.uu mem, 10 a aoi men. 101 ra the iepu?itc 01 Venice. ol government at they fhal tl. in. pi o pea. XII. Hi. im e.i l tnd r,,.l m.jely ten oeeil A'cTS of GoVBRNMF.NT, Fcbll. or ni. . in ' luLi.iiun id aver 01 inc vi iai 1 ae r r.i r r 1 it n . pire lepulic, til ih rigut and til e a fi -g from V "JI' " r U'l JiiVI thole nghi, whirri his laid .-uj'ly cuuid C aui in j taajt Un 10 lr( iriOUI'te. idc couuiiir. w ii.hiic p.'iiruc. peiore inc was, toj The peae 01 ihe, continent bis been (igned tl which, by ihe term ot the S.h a 11c e ol ihe treaty Lane.ilie. I, is fuch as the French people arfi.ed. oi vimpo uniio nvw m.ie a part o mecu 1 mejherhiH w lh w lli bound ry ol lht Rmne. tc uLlie, which fhall po.T'fitUcin 10 la llveirigntv Tkrir ftverfe ddiot titer their inclintiium; their ia avnii.n.n wiiB w lUe icru.oriai lutticu ue- vittoile ought not 10 earge their pretendo.i, ecodenton ii'cm. , I Alter reliarinr the tncient limits ol Giui. ii b1iii? . -. . . . . .. -. . . 1 . - . - - - - XIII. Iiiimpciil tnd raytl mijelty, 11 well toihcmio refli-e t0iibeil, nations wi.ich were aniitd hit own, name at in lie nam ol tl.c Grrmaaic I to them b common oriin, ad the ties ot inter eft A Mm .11. .1 A . I... J .. . 1. .1.-1 1 n-- I i I .1. r I . iiivii. ........... hit -ti .ic.i vi riiui rivia dv iue.; hiik wninmrtn. in nrranm ni in . I . I . . m , 1 :.. r 1 - - . 1 t i 1 " . . t O i T ....-..r 01 ivipuen ., .. an i-cmn.iy lartoc count icwn,cn ,UI, ol Carpo Form o t- il.eum.n iai iht ci dc Ltun.n republici it fecu.ci Next to ihit duty ..... r. ........ .......... ....... ... ., . . ' vam impcnii ncn wun inc i inrno rpui,ii, aua ti.ei was tuttber wh Ch iit.l'ce tnd gmcr-d y pre gsw, wh eh he flull poll f en the fame lermt i. , .mounct.sll ihe njht tad Intel aiiiW lio.a thefe , Icrloed to tf.em. 'The king I Spia, bat been latih anoenr. wpi one p.. ..c..r,,ne ,.oacri. i,ghtIOI.a nU. , fu our c.u'e, tnd b f-tT red Ut it. Neither V. , It . it brfiaes ttteeu, Ihtt hit iol li.ghnef. XIV. Coofotm.bly with the nth article of lht 1 our wife., aM tHe perfid.ou. infinuttion ol our thegtaoduktolThkiny leaoance erhie;i,hi.I,,,,yofCiop.rMoiio, Hi ovi(itio 9f the A. leaf let, I va bteo tble 10 detlc i hi ji Irons our in. r..fT..ai a. at as .II aaa Innl ksylMa liiU Ia tiaa.i . : a . a. . t ' ' I. . . -. , V j ' aV i r iering lor inc limit uct (rn-he Usui ol h.t ! uieB. He. IhiU receive I, rutl return. A Pnnc? an aranm sra a i uira'iva an sbcb ii bs i i an ana i a iiii. at a . m m.mmi taam u i m . . .a w r . t aar a t - " . t : ' , -I "iHiin iyii n..jr., j, .i.u m mc ai inc ficutn I. tot wni.n aepeno on u, aisinj int rign ina tines stfalting fiom ihofc sight lo faid Haiti, which fhall be pofltlTcd. in loll fovereigaiy tnd dominion by bit inyl highiel lht duke ef Farm. Tie ttnd dull fbclobttn in Cermany, t (a 1 lad aompmt inoemnity sot ni uiir in ittty. I. 1 he grand duke (ball difpofc of tl kit gUitar; tne property tnd efTefit which he poffeffet fa Tof cy, whellicr by pcrfonil tcqoifnioa, or by inheri. Iiacetilthe perianal tccjuifiiiont of bit late mijtQy lh empeior Leo.old Ii. bi fattier, or of bit late tnajefty the emperor I until I. hia grindfathera It, is alfo agieed, that ihe nulla, t1Llifhmrais7lt'd o tbrr iiopertiti of the graad duiby, at well it ihe alebii daly ftcored by anortgtge oar' Ikat cottaiiy, fhal1 p.r to Ihe new grind duke. VI, Hit rn,(fly the emperor ted king, ti wetl ' la hit owaatmeis ibst ol the' Cttmima empire, Ai.f.ma .k.ff ika t.aali lilJi ' fkftll ..AlT.ia km ww.-.... ... .... a . ........ ..... ,-w.... future la f- I loreigaly lad ajomimoa, the too-w Hit lad dto.ta b aatlta lb Itfl btnk ol ihe th due of the Ii atirlrc ol ihe ittl.i u i . . a. I a fa a . avi. tne lanoeo inn peMiinal ytopftiy aot t ienaied ol hit loyal highlMT the tul.dukc Chle s, acd of the heir of ber I i toyil higim mtdim mc arcneurnti a.nrinia, which tie fr.aatcd ia countries ce,d 10 the Frth rpui.ie, Ihs I bete torta n ihrm, oa condmaa thai tt.ev fhall fell them wlthia ibe fpiceof three ytart. in lme lhi be obler.ed In the tile of the '! tho a iefratm.au, wmch l.tvc f i fu maar ft beca Cortf fydi tleni wilh Ihe full 'Wi.iif coUiCl oC tbaiormcuioMooiciwo power. aa p oevcra me n ie imerr i n; lliictntnii Coat re f IgaCI Ibe govemTtCat owei lelimnay of fati.f.flioa 10 lb iiii(ler plroip in.iry who bat C md.Ud Ihit aega Ulian lo lottaaaie ta siiue. mi" ao ialcrrasiioa, to be dieidtd, ao OIIC t Uitnt. u If iSe Ci ho'.ici fhojfi now pnverJ 19 vimefice, or cne ain any uet of ohiainm li'!?.' ' olJf a 1 coneulfitt rn'afjff, of f.irm ; rd tud perfoad property ol ihei.a, l f.gel ihe ! iWa w l- draaded, no e .f of ibo'e eaa.fKit H ih men of jC bii'Ctl p-in ... .....,,. ,p, arvnaa on airponiiotit, ia wnica ibt trt a, dipiomtcy. aepo.ni o;, n. s touric pie ns lupp-iri inl lt.tr.x, b . vail, ia the teiiuot, ol the Csfalpiae live ge-t ol t aew wsr Wby U it ih.t .bit uary ; i4 of thole h bare ficrifictd thsir tiwp li "'iv.;: Tw ... xii. mi ir.xvi.xvii. i'.'i.'"'f".kli."'f1.ift I . i . I .. ' . 1 ,