.f - ' v l - I. : I! rl r '.-V-. t ' Ji ; h :v... BlS-l inw eel i Id be ifeir iaJcfpSsndble daty fMrriffac, with fc ye rtVi taper Un t-ba pe rs ia IN Vofe evqp siting tending, to cotfuffon., I poffeffwn. ',. y . - . vTrrT O.i (he. other hand, if the Catholics I A letter from Nantz, dated the join, noli fhoulil be fenfible of ihe'bene&is they" poffefs fees the arrival and departiHifpf 71 of the per by hlvinfffo many-characters 'of eminence, Bfons who are to bejrattfported -fto were fent it,. . "V 1. r .. T - L 1 .Li i !'- . I flUdgednot to embatttin the ferviefrof to veiirnent, except on the terms of the Catholic t)V;lfe being obtained : it is 10 be hbptI that oh ibe baiaocrh?.the' kdvlauzc at d dif-'i advantages of their htuatian, they would pre-, fcr a quiet and peaceable .demeanor to any Jide of conduct, of an opotite defer ipfion. ipfj,. . . . M - TJT'I'I" -t ivir. UM oil board the corvette La.Flcche, and the lemainine li Wboard la Chifohne. aie vfrig'atc of pini. Sixty 'nine more are eTr .peCledone ot the hrit pan y has been let. at fioerjr;-, i'ne-rrentn iters Uonlottdes are ai?' 59 francs. S3 cents, "-" ; : lThe leading part of hisMaje2yMi. ntflers, findin.g 'infurraountablePaclet to tho bringing forward meafrelpf conceffiou to the Catholic body, whillrrr office, have felt it im'obflible to contlber inadrainiitration under the inability ttfffopofe it, with the cir cumftances nccefftrfho carrying thV'jncafure Vi'hall' its advatftigci, and they have retired froovhn Mefty's fervice, confidering this line, ofJrMucl as mod hkeiy to contribute to its ujfimaie faccc. The Catholic body will tWfefoie fee how much ihcif future hope mull depend era lire ngihening their caufe by good conaact ; in the mean time tney win pruaenfj ly confiJer tHir profpetls1, as arifitvg from the jcrfons who have efpoufed their interefls, and compare them with thofe which (hey -could-i 'lo6t tofrooi any o.her quarter. They may, wuh Confidence rely on the zealous fupport of afftfiof? wh riitire, itnd cf many, who remain in ofiicc, when it Van be given ' with'. 'a prof pccif luccefs,. They may ' allured, ilui Mr. Pitt'torill do hi uttnott"iQ. tflabliih their uyfe ia the public favour, and ' prepare ' the wayTor thorn hnally pJtaintHg tLe-ie objeHs ; and the Catholics will feel, that as. Mr. Tut cou.d not' concur. tn an hopelets attLtnpc to fofce it niiw. thai.he intift at all timet ieprels averfe in the Catholic body, Under thefe ciriumflaoc.cs, it-cannot b doabed, - thuwbe- Caiholicswul take the mofl loyal, dutiful, aad patient line Of COIlUlll), dial y -wi 1 1 i.ut ft.n"f tUmfklvt to be ded ut to incauiei which can by any con flrtction give a handle to theoppufcrs 0f their wilhes, either to mifinicrpret tnsir principles, "or to raifc any "afgaaisnt-foroppoiing-theiT claiini , bui' that by their prudent and exem-. p'ary demeanor, they - will - afford additional grounds to -the growing, number pf their advo catci, to enforce their claim on- proper occa fion. until their objeft can be finally "and ad vaatJg.oufly attained." . "Lerd Darnley, 19 compliance withibe ge eetal wiib nf the Houle, deferred hu motion till the vOih ioQ. ' ' 1 . v HOUSE, f COMMONS.. !, .- . ; Friday, FeS. '" ';. '' Mr. Sheridan adverting to Mr. Nichols's mottoa for au inquiry into the caufe and ex. rent of hij MajcUy's illnefs, in a fpeech of pe caliari candour and feelii g;; deprecated all preifentdifcullion on the"Tubj-tl ; he felt affu red,' that hould unhappily, the King's con 6rmA tfiA-faat'miieA tllwfft-Knder -eorarau.-. .. f 1 r ill wutrthe lame dect'.ion, as it ne neld an ti)Uion, ar;y unconiliiucional condutl Bntiili Parliament. ' , . HOUSE f LORDS. ' Tuesday, February 10. ' The order for going into a difcuflion of lord DamleyV motion for an inju-ry into the t codact of his IVl3elpy's Mintllers,' and! lor j their difmiiTal being read, LordCarlifl wiQied the fuBjedl to be pollponed ; ihe general fittt-.j ation of ibe country was, be obferved, at the prefeot momsnt, c'ruical and alarmiRg almoll beyond any former' example, . and involved con fiderationi which .hould r'eprefsprefent dif ctiirion he thought, too, that in the embarraf fed and unfeuled ' fituation cf Minilleri it would be ungenerous arid unmanly to urjC the matter tarther. ' ' - - t N L-rd D uny felt flrcrng conviflldn of the neceility of the inquiry but ftould be governed by the fenfe of the houfc as to dw time ' of bringing it forwaid . '. :. Lord Radnor concurred as tQ the neceflifcy of iiivelligatirg rhe caufes witich had prcduced ihe almoll uriprecedented calamities .under which the country laboured ; but he thovrght the prcfent moment unfuited to the Kiquivy . His Lordlhip lamented that th prottsntya a our refou-rcefwere walled and d'nainiflied. in the fame ratio was the. nation deprived of what talent and ability might have been exerted to extricate it from further miilortune.i t . t 1 Lord rite Jlrongly advocated tr.o motion. In fpeakinff of Thanffinn-adnuniuraHon,- hc ibfcrved, that' if it is -a trick, -nothrog rould have been fu witkcJI'aJvifcd and if it is real, tithing more ludicrous. Lord Cailrlle wilhed it to be under(VoC( that in recommending the poflponetneiu of ta 3ueft fonlie ; w iriTot inllucnced by any confi eratio'n in favor of the new adminillration on the contrary he thcught it weak,' niiferablc, and rickeity, an. I iucot.ipetenl to the arduous .alk it was attempting to undertake the na tional honour was pledget to the Iri 111 Calho .ic& tor their emancipation, and he apprehended muck milUuet from rciiUiiig'ihctr expecta lions. LcrdGrenvilleJ after deprecating a prema ture or ha fly difcujlion of a topic which deser ved the mod. 'prudent and temperate confide -ration, con. tuned thtis : A painful duty ye: remiin for melo falfil to fpeak of myfelf. from this I wul not (hrtnk, us a dec regard to my own character, as well as becoming ref peels to your Lordlhips, call upon me 10 pro ceed. ; Some timengo, my Lordllljr Noble Lord whi now its near tne, (LordfSpencer) another Noble Lord who is not now prcfent aui whole abfence U only occaficncd by le vere indifptfitionj (Lord Chatham), together with mvUlf arid fevers! of bn maiclly s ler vanti in the Iloufe of Commons, thought it 0e Tiioufand Pounds per inn. r to be fet expedient, that the benefits of the Union tied on Sir Sidney Smith, in confederation iQiould be rendered as'ercat aud as extenfive bis eminent fcrvices, and the valor and abilit, poffible, by certain difabiliiie being iemo tier he ht difpltyed in various important lyed. under w hich a nreat portion of the inha ept'tations agiinQ the enemy pn ibe coaft of Ibitants of Ireland now . labour. Imagining Ccre O4I,,C0iT,y lor mi fHant eierp B'lomparte has lately obtained a ton of clafct- from IrclanJ. The extraordinary arc jmflance aiifes from all the wine of the lame vmiigc not exported from' France ha vinf been confam.d A iney nicatfon ijeceffary, his Myefly' Minifters would not be deficient in their duty. He therefore moved an adjournment till Monday. Mr Pitt feconded the motion ; aad afwr complimenting Mr. Sheridan on hi honor,a ble, loyal, and affeaionate declaration, I canDor,'; faid he, difguifc the peculiarity of fiiuation, - owing to the neceffity of the tall in appearing again in this hqufei as I did.,iio.t expeft to appear, as one of his MajeftyVMi- niders ; in which htuation 1 mult continue, while the caufe of thai' continuance remain?.-' Be obferved, that iipuld his MajeftyV illnefs continue contrary to the well founded, hopes of thoreirh.atduiely about his perfons and ihe country at large, his Majellys Ministers under whatever circumilancej, would teet it. their duty to bring thefubject before the con- lderation ot the Uoule, and ptopole luch mea ores es rnav tend to prevent any obll ruction to the necelTary -difpatch of public bufihefs, lie trulled that, all difference on public opini ons would fuhfule till the period houM at rive for dtfcuffiR.fr them. After fome fhori otlervations trom Mr.MichoHs, tnc nuemon of adjournment yas carried. of ttvjTTill of my eoUticil drmi, , ii 'more "pra Cioaslhaa lay wl ich pieceied lu TheK 14 now o jrtaterfelicltTTeBiifnirf iorTine to tjopttr'dffir'eT- than to ptu the remainder ut my aayt m rcpou, i . ?b uodiHurbeJ participation ol the common pi i-" viiefti tf our feUow.tiuitns onJei y ur piotefiioi , T Ihe ittutaCuoa yu bave taad in inc idmiuiiirv- tioe of the eeiiaral caveinnent from its commei oe- . :! L n. l . I.. incut, nj(iuy grcK3 vu, mc, inu i iiuiuciy hope thit Uietwelfe year to corce will not be le!a.' profperouscr bappV-for our couuuy. ;.f .. v With the utmolt lipcenty I itcibrocate' yoar de vout fupolicatiuns for the iappioeri of ,yoMifUci, JOHN ADAMS. - Quincy, farcb tS j8ai . 't Mwraltv'-Offictj feft. 14.' Capt. Linzee cfX'Qifeau, in a . letter 4o r.arl it. inccnt, gives an account 01 havpg chafed the fcr er.ch.fi iga'e La. Dedaegneu" pierced for 40 guns, but wouniirg 36, . Wit 00 men, lor 4t hours. wh;n .ihe Mccus an iVmatbyll heaving in fight, immediately joined m the chafe, and bringing the enemy to ac tionwhich he galla(4tiy.fuflained for 46m'in utel, an4 flruck. La Dedacgaeule was char ged wi h difpatches fioii Cayenne for Koch fort, and was within two miles of the French dors near Cape Balem when (he was captu red: She has icveral "men killed, and 17, befidts' the firft lieutenant and captain", woun In the deb a ie in the Houfe ofCommoas on the toih of Feb. mi the fubieci of the Ferrol CKp:deduion. " Mr, "Pitt was 01 opinion, that it any- en quiry Ihould take olace, it otigBt to be before a mmtary tnounas, , tie contenaeu, nowever for anvCiiquiry J arid as a proof ov the c 1 . 1 . 1.1 j peottion nav.ng oeen 'utiMftatten on gooa ground , he -fa id it had been approved by Lord ! t LY ' n ce t, no wj t thejbca d of the Ad in i red. tjj. Mr. Pitt- then . proceeded to vindicate Miniflers from toe charge of Skulking from their duty, rilthough they might continue in oCicef a few days es a matter of accoiamoda. tion, they Ihould always hold themfelves ref ponfiblc for their pad conduct, nor - did that dtuatiun conflitute t'aein tliofs npn-defcripts the honorable eoileman had reprefentcd litem 0 r ht ibis meafure could alone be effcQual if cominj from the Executive Government, we felt it our duty to propofe it to tbofe who di rect his.Majell vs Councils, It was not 'deem- cd eligible, and Nvt were unable to prevail J j.u,.fic not exportea irom trance ha- Our opinion .fits .olicy remainiag unaltered, gbeen conrom-ddunnif the orpfrefiofihe n:it.kLt:.-.u.. ?u.. ' .j .u.. .10. ..iJ ,Jd alii nd ffom Ul be,p Hjh efhblifh the tranquility and profperiiy of the 'ri "i'iI 1 t ' i. . . ' Empire on permanent bafis, we conftdered The laft mail from Dublin relate., that. 0tst ai und ,0 rc,ite. . Acctrdingly we iaan-ir military ipparel,and of lingularly good and '.oljierlv appearanrr. hid been br.M.ahi in there under' fln.ng guard, and loJgei, in- tk towerof ihe cattle. . . . t ; . r Admiral Cornwallit is to hoift his flag on .Uaidthe Ville de Paris, as commaaicr in chief ofjh.8 Caaanel fleet, . t ; . Mrch 4. TTr fil!owi8x itrau;emenu w ft iiui ar llnallr (4c'ed, in d,.iion t9 thofe which t k IifVf Ii4 I clou ibe public. t"Ih fail ol MirdwiUi 11 10 kt Lord Lunteeint of rtUuA. ' Lotd Lcilbsm Preridentof (Ut Botrd e( Con. toul t.i4 Lord Cert Thimt ve ol tht Loi4 l tfetttlury. . , . . TARIS, February t6. -Two da?s Alter ibe iotelligence of the Tre,y 0f pce WJ retc;d al .ar;lf ln MmJIcr of the liMeripr prefc.ted to the Firfl Ci.i,Tul a Ce. grai hical plan of France', in maul., wiih the limits .find upon by. the trea.yuf Lunetille. An immenfe quantiiy of artillery warlike lUrei, ar.J nrovifior.i. fia lm f.mn.l in Minui, wbult became the property f tbe army, . Leiieti frum Germany announce ibe en irai.ee f, be Ruluan army into Moldavia, on "i ,nft".h,'fltt Coflntinopleio revenge 1 . 1 oo of i!ie i0 Ruffian officeri. - Abbe Ra'el, one of ihe accomolicct in b.u; agiindiac J,fe u(,ht Kirft Conful. u reB fr'dcd.i4i ihe Commune of tendered to hit Majefty the rcfiguation at our levctal employments, and he hat been tra. cioully plcafed to difpenfe with our fervicei. thus, iny Lords, we only hold oar offices nil our fucceffors are'appoinied.' His I.ordfliip exptclled, in the mod animated terms, hit gratitude and attachment 10 his Majefly, and obligation to their .Lotdfhips, fur their cooS- aence and approbation. lie congratulated the Iloufe that the fame line of policy whith he and hit coadjutors had maintained would be oburved by the new admiuiilriuon.- T-l t i I . tnoarn we nave retirea 110m o;nce 00 change of meafurct will take place, but ihe tyuein wmcn nai aireajy proved io lalutiry will ctrf'tinue toLeafled upon by our fuccef fur. Tliough we differ on fome points, yet there is toeffenitl difference teween us and v bile th:y art with energy and decifion they Iha.II have our luPDort." Lord Moira wifhed ihe motion (obe poll poncd 1 and lie trulled ibat the flrona: fenfe which to large portion of the Iloufe feemcd o feel of the abfolutft neceffnv of an iarsW intotha caufet uf ihe intreakd aod iocr'cat- ioi dangtrt of the country would mtkea feiri qui imprelfiOn on the mind of his MajtQy and of the tnuwtry at laraa Lord Saenccr affu red their Lord (hi pt that he cordially acquitfeed in ihe obfervationi of Lord urenv ilU-, who hat fo fully explained BOSTON, March 27.. ADDRESS or the LEGISLATURE. Ycilciday ih Kon. Mr. Phillip , Freiidcnt of the Senate, end the Hon. Mr. Robmj, Speaker of the Hjufe of Reprefccuti vet, agreeably to ipjioi .tirteut, proceeded to tit Houfe of Jon m Adams, t'.q. to pit fent ia him the tddrefi of the leriiljture of Mt. iachuCitis. They were talununly isompan'tad by number f the rcfpectaiih. gentlemen U Bolton, tod the neighbourhood, on horfehack and in cirruei, exhibtinj an etenfive cavalcade rd were leceived by Mr. Adams, in the mod cordial and aflettionnte manner. THE ADDRESS. T$ JOHN ADAMS, Efq. At tha moment. Sir. that you are dcTcendin; from the tiilted Anion of tha Firft Mat;iurai of tbt Amarictn Natioa, o mingle with the mit of your fel!owcitueoi, the Senate nd Hooft of Re. prefeotitive' of the Commonwealth of UafTachufeitt, voir onlvt flu, embrace the occlion, to por furth the fite will offerioj of their fimert ihanki, for the miny important and ardaout lav ret t yon have rendered your country. 14 the performance of this ad, the ltfifitore bavt hot ooe heart, and that viLrwt with atfeAion, rttpeft and gratitude, lor your, virtues, tarcnti and ptuiotifm. ' ... lr . 1 . -i .t . . tonccive 11 vr.oectiury 10 aeiiu me cruris -i Of him, whofe life from eirlleft manhood, bat'bero mtnemly devoted to tha public ood this wid be the delightful cmplojueot of tht faithful and able nittotiao, Oar poderity will criticsllvcontare the iiluQriooi chartClert, which hive elevated tho condition of coao, and ditoiSed civil fociety. thiout h the variooa a jet of tin world, lira will with grateful efufioot autt conlcioat pride, point to thatol their beloved count r)'man. Tha period otlhe adminiltration of our General Covcrnmcnl, under the autpicia of WAttilftatOM and Ab k mi, will be conGdered at ai.i-j tha hap. pieu crat 01 iiroc. The eitirtpU ol their ioiet rity poUeDea a moral and political value, which no taicuiatioo tan reach, nd will be juBly ellimited, at a Uaudard lot la tare ri eudeaU 01 ibt Lrulrd Iittet. . W tKrie you, Sir, with open arm, eBecm, and teueiatic-a ; conhdantlv hopnif thai yoa will pole It undifturbed tliofe blefCini ol domdic retire treat, which creat mindt alwtyt arprChiate and en joy with dianity. i devoutly luppli:atc the father Ol tM univeile, that you may rtahte. while all the happirtft ofhich kuman Clalurc it fufcrptU bl and when your coarfa (hall b laifhcd Kara, that your fpuil may raxtivt iba litnfceodant iaidi el ikt jun. THK'ANSJr'tR. Te tbe Stnatt shJ Houfe of Reprtfentativtt e tbe Staff of Ma(iachutttt, Tift vriv ttfa&ff. ifTcClionate and ctUitiuf ddrcft, which bat buea prefented la rn by tha f Mudent of the Senate, and Speaker ( tha Hemff el Reprrtrntiiivti, by your order, hta a wakened all my feoTtbiliiy, and dcmaadt;my rnaA (rauful ac kniwledaeu. ' ' At ihe viriout leniminialt of tht approbation and PHILADELPHIA, April a. " We were favoured with the perufal of letter from. I5o(lon,-v received' by yeRerday'a mail, which contained intelligence at this ttms of a very, ferious intcrell. -Captain Folrer of theEliia of Boflon,n a Ihort paffa2;e fronj ' England had arrived here, and ftated as lol- low : ' . 1 That a number of flips of war with a con voy of thirty fail of tranfports having on board , troops, had. failed a few days. before his de parture, profeucdly for Vxibraltar. Thatafipe having got out to fea it was declared 10 th fleet by orders provided for the purpofe, that"1" tneir aeitination was ior tgjjp o rcmiorco tb army under General Afecrcrembie, who had been gone a confidcrable - time for " that rjuartex, ' That- on the communication of . thife orders, a fpirit of difaffeftion brtkc our' , and mutiny followed, among the foldiery an J fearnen, in confequf nee ,.of. which rhe whole fleet had been obliged to return into port, and bad. arrived, and were at anchor, part at Do1 ver,andin the Downs,' when captain Folgef failed tl ence", s The , account flatet that tha ihe Englifli prir.is were cautioned to be filcnt on the lubjefti ; : Captai n Folger, who is a man well known for fiis candour and veracity, is jt member "of the refpelable fociety of Friends or Qua kers. ' ;ir would fecmihst"The rf6rcrab6vcirren- rioned which has ihueretorncd difaffe fled, vat part of that which failed about the 6th of Feb.- from f ortlmouth, trnder convoy of the Profei.' byte frigate, flatedih the London papers to bo on a lecret expedition. . ' AUrcrobiea army, towhithTniflareol'" the troops were '-going-at a reinforctqenr appeara 16 have arrived at Smyrna on tho ' 13th of December laft, after encountering ' fevcre Weathcr.--Thc fleet confided of 14a fail, and bad iS,ooo men on board :; they took in loret at Rhodes. This expedition was intended to have afled in coniunrtmr with a corp of ia,oOo troopt frofti Hindof tan, conveyed by the Red Sea to Suez and co operating with the right winfcofihe Turl Kim army 'under the Grind Vuier, whofa main body of o,o6o men was -to proceed viu ufuiiiu tur v"u , ucrcromDie was affcttion of my fellow-dtltcui of UafTubufetta .t. 1 . .ri!.-...: . . 1 wniio nat oten munif'a. to ant irom mv ' cat licit .M rc.on. o, m. icurcinrni atio anaM Ulb.haMt,,, Wt tftetmed tbcho.ctt bUffm,. ,w "" wiivuwib jiouic IDy-my iu, iaiha hnal apaUule ol ib UfiDaturt, fartber oatbefuljerJU - - .. , .'f itAaiOttflyirvtajtUaiaJofaof Uialtl htt to have lauded at . Jaffa, and marched ihenco again ft Alexandria. ihclc vartout parrj of a var.ous oroiecL appeared however, . to have wanted a irreat oul to guide and annimae them, to hav been badKr-conceived and worfe execuied or like ihe whole courfe of Britilh 'entcrpri aes, crydej extravagant and unfortunale, a It--1 hat part of ihe expedition which waa to have been conduced by way of the Red a 1 r n 1 . oet, wai ine nr it ox wiiich we heard, and heard only Bpon its total failure ; the Cheik whorra ' trse mitim r.ad bought over not being able to bring his adherents along with him : and thm' Briiifh were'forced the firft inflance 10 re tire tbrough the want of the very cbjetl whicn judicious military men always provide full . proviJi$n. ad The Ruffian MiniHer at Conftanlino. pie, Tamara, in a rcmonfltance to the. Porte, protcllcd agiinfl the landing of ihe-Briufli in Hit1 nichnas paralyfcd the Turkifli ope rations id Abercrombie't fieet have 'encountered . a Dorm, in which fix fail of ihe. line cf the To(i(li divifion of ihe fleet, were difmallcd j. the fate of ihe liriiifli fleet it not (iatrd. onlv in a general way, but it putting into Smyrna, a port out of the regular courfe argues di'faf tcr. . . . ., ath A mutiny in the fleet coin? out wlik reinforcements and Qores, l'rovtdence appears at lent ih o interfere) and acctlerata the downfall of thai govern , mem which is tha ruin of its immediate . Tub. jecls and the curfe of the whole earth and fci. WASHINGTON, Ap.il . Arrtntrmeuit ha been made, iu conformltv tm tbe ai, pa (ltd dunn tha laQ fcdiun of Coofrcfa, for a naval petce etttblifhmeot, which cvnttmpliU iho continuantt in tctuil fervica of 4 frif,tttt 0(44 Ail the other linnet directed by that f to bo retained, will b laid up in tha dockt in the City of The nlaca ftlecl'd fortli'u urtf, topaart lo htt ban chofta with ficit wddom. aa it ia ihn (tat of fovtramtot, and will pint lb veueli. and tliofe wboafttppoiaudiotakactreoftbtm, under Uimroiaituycoiiapablilunctionaritu. 1 . W uoderOaod that d,l, aukee havt br racaivfd (ram ourminiler Mlhi court ol London u tht niav, ol fcbrviry, and from our tniniff.tr tt leilin to the. aoih Deccmbrr. Front tha oifptcbcl of tht former,' it a petit Ibat profrefi it mVni, m t.i amiciblo rntiinef, ia tho pendin nfjonaiioat belwua iLd Uutitd Sutet and Lo.aad. t Ordert bavt txtn f ivt by gVtiOTft.t So fyfptid, fr ibe pic lent til lu.tke'r piogrcft n erai'iho Atfeatlacd Miliary Slot, in m Wmtj ot Fnt m - w-