22 HieoU, artTlrtr- fdn?ficthi In RhaJe Tl'til J recorded Thefe pl;je6tljaeaiiedywvl;ut -wogpKvy'aflnV f, ifibfer vijrhd contribute,' to think zrr. y"rr?r : ' '-that .-what they eive . . . f "1 i' ; .1 n 1 1 iiir 11 iti 1 1 iir- aiiriii.tt.ai jwiil vj u. v Kir inc.! cent, previoui to aunnmuiii ny iu;toer rxpenai- .v- . T r , eJ, lovoived very d we under (land the scitive hit th-jujl&Jt pr in rne somes, ot tne convent, -it may not be qnuoticed 5 lure, to mAe full enquiry jrto tVre alidy 11;. ! delcenrjatys may nave occanon xo paisuvet tp3 curred. anl the addt'ianr iumi required. . ; Ir the ereeVion of the Arfenal and Mi'itary ftorei near Philadelphia, a Jum cf be'.w-en one' ana iw.i -tiunired ihoufand dollar -hai been expended. 7 For ttj'ii I'-vce cxpendi'uie, if. it believed, that no fpeci- fic appropriation byiaWFha'been tnadei- othe'rwife inhofpitablet mountain, tbey will iS.t.lhc convenanJ will here fee their own or thetr anceflorYnarneJ mentioned as ' bene- faftors ( tljis ufefui inllijuiion. .'If" V- That ih; public may be allured that the From wh.it fund hit ibeeV derived'?" x ' "'brethren of thf order row herer-rc wKat'iftcy ! Hai it not been talced from moniei WW""' preienJ to be. it is only necctrary to fiy, that to the ufe;-oTibe0rter MalWs, Department t . .If .. n. irar U U- mnft. adtkeBTarfmlift t 1 uTr . . L 1 . i..Ck4HA 1 . 1 ,. ' ment authority ? It undt no law doe, it not ap- nd nave been acknowledged, a lcn oyJuhn 7pear extraordinnry that moniei, appropriated to Marfliall, Efq. f;c retary of the Department . iarticular department for fpectaj-f uryoWi, fhbuld 0f State of the United State:; by his exceliea biroterl to different pvjrpofes? ' ' , Vy Tohn Drayton, ffaterhof of the lUte ol . I.Jri"l?:Wn:V f!f"J !.Sou.:h CarolinV ThLas Gibbon,, Efq May- defignated by Congrefi, ii the on y protection of. or of Savannah," A.' Jones, EI Intendaitt the nation 1 gain It uoautborized and unhauied ex- of Aogulta, and Henry Urquart, .1.-Mi pcoditurei. - , - , - .1 iTi'flrale of Police of this Town. - Wilmington, April,. 30, l8oi. y . On a late prefeniatiun of the French Ambaiiador to the h'pamin Court, it is. Ittar.l rhar rViVlT in w iwi.l re-fled him t Villi : Ma,t at 00 Sua day lalt, Mr. Jamii Ri"c.;- Xk; Ki, i',inrtf -iai. Amend on mv la M.. MiM ' ".-'" . r WILMINGTON APRIL 30,1801. falcfn, of tiSevtood of Lebanon, for two (hillings which would have colt rat two Port of Wilmlhorton. . ENTERED SINCE THE J 6th inft. Brit; AUirttor, Hatch, ' Sloop Lucv, EtaoOf Allici, Siittori, f ' Blue Bird, Stone,. Scb'r..; Cerea, Weft, - Betfey , Jri'Ilnenny, Aaioi, merchant ot this Town, Moohi, ot Bran f wick, county. , u Though j peak with the tongue i $f men and f an qe Is; and .have not charity, I am iecomt as founding brofj, or t tinkling iymbtilj . St. Paul : TO TMt CltirlH 01 WlLMtKTOK. WITHIN a few days patt tiieie have arrived here (rom the north ard, fsveral bt pthren of the regular cl'cical order of Hojpiullcrs of St., Caniltus Dt ilies, vhicrt order is elUblilhed on the top of a fiiQiir.taiii called St, Bernard, whicli is the higheft o( the ridge of inoimtaiiis called the Alps, which diviu'ei Switzerland from Italy. -. The caofe of the voyage of. thefe indefatigable nven to thefe Uutes, is'tci ob- '?!LaJ!i?5?.?-?-? oiii. jhe ihar itabie bud hn maner that they may be enabled to tonti. nue in the eitercife ot thole acft of huma. nity, which their order has fv long been ' celebrated for. - That1 the citizens of this (lite may fully' ju in . d t t ft and. j h eo t j c 1 of t Ue; r m j (Co n , k , may not bea'mifs to lay p feV words on " the nature cd the inlUuitioit th'ey belong In. . Several liuuctrcd. years ajo, a vtis rable . cle gyaian, who had pafled fevetal times between Switziiland and Italy, ob ferted, that ia jwffmn th Atyi, vhic'o ore cooftamly covered with fitow, nanv fatal acctdentt happen to travellers, pir ticoUrly when croirinsho mountain fince called (roni hitn.the Great St. Bsrn.ird, Yhcre, when the fnow (ell, the unall p'Jtl, (for the road i but a path) was (ocn Lid, when tiie traveller either war.orred man . he Mtas Irozen to death, or fell into a dreadful cavity, and wat never afterwards heard of, To prevent tbete accidents, .this ptoui man, by 1. is exerttonf,. obtained lurids 1'utHcient to ellablilh a moaitery nn the. top of this dreadful precipice, an I to Support a brotherhood or -order, wbtdo fide huftnefi it hnuld beta batrol the toads for nine miles on each fide' of the mountain to lhw the road lo eachNtravcl ler they met, . and if be was in d.ftrefs, to brio 15 hint to the convetir, Vvltcre he wan treated with the nreateit hofpitaiity lor three days, and then , piloted down the o ther fide of the mountain) or, If he was froltbitten, to convey him to their liofpi-' tal, here he was carefully attended on. V '.! t.i. ..... M...1 ' v 1. . in ma muinj ui ucaiu, r roni inc ay ofiti inUitutiot) to the piefent time, this Older has continued in tbis pious and be. nevolent callii j, and fucn were the haooy -effrtfls experience J From the labors of the nreinren, that the merchants of Swttzer land and Italy contributed fulircient fums loyalty, as I do on his , and erery day h3reafter may conv'mf you with what f ulifnr I Hull Too vinn h.-." The Queen added. . I fee you with pleafure. We know that " the Firll Couful einertains a friendihip for us : we entertain" the fame for him. He may depend on our goodwill, becaufe he has given us fo many proofs of hrs' ' . ; . '-: The folowinjr, is 6ne of the tnoft (Inking fadb to proe thedefpeiate fate ot lnttlh finance, that we have heard of: The Government have caufed advertiiements to be. iuferted. in the Dublin papers for leveral months, recommending to the poor and labourimr clafs, to bring in and flepofit in the hank any number f guineas they may pwtfel.s Jrotn h ve ro one, for which thty are promifed a government debentore to the aoioonu hearin2 intereit ( The advautcse ured is, thai of putting out fq final! a fiim to intered i burthe intention of Government is to get pofledion of the uioney of this c'afs ,cL.c.!tl zensf..ot-WOJch they have treat need, and thereby lecure their endurance and fuppoit ct all tie abides of the exiSiug fyltem. Another efieft of the terror, of the go verning powers of that Unhappy coiintryi is the luppredion of fic,kwclHbs inltituti6ns lupported by final! monthly fubicnpnons iroio the labouring part of the community which, form an ample fund, out of which in cafe of rickreff1, every (ublcriber is en titled t6 a certain (uui weekly during his inability to lalour,which preferves tbou. hods of families From the dee pelt diftres. Every gaud govern ineat would doo(it iefs promote , Tnch provident, benevp. lent roctetieV to the utmofl , but the Bri tifli Government (car them, h'ecatife, when thty! meet ir.gttherj they niay-talk about their coimnoii rievr.nces ! ' Pollr. Mailhall. . Charlotte, 'Lad d, Pclicani'.Wsiowrijht;' Naocy Cutu, .. '': '"' CLEAK0 Brig Hope, Allen, St4ck.hpl rtf Englilh, ; . Folly, Boyer, " i Ranger, Foier, Sloop Prelident, Pratt, Alice, Saitoo, Sch'r. Pf.ly, Msttjiewi," ' De awarc, Cutter, " . E iia'beth, Saod en, LVpwing, Duofcomb, Ceiei, We, Hanoah, Rof, Mary, Snow, Pelican, Wamwright. Chrittopbe . Savaoiia: Do; Monfigri Bay. CkaileUon. Cbarlefton. orfcr Do. 11 Charlefton, Waffau. N.-P. iDcmaran, , Bo (Ion. . - Do. ' . fuiriaim, Kiagtton, juia. ' ? Savannah. Do. ' D. --t Bofton Brmudf; Charleilon. Monteo Uy Nw-V01K. 'Bermuda. . B.itoh. mUU Sdd at tht Court. H$uf: fo 11 L .mingtont on the fir day ofy junetxt okd' if not Scld on that day, ftt jqU tf continue trtm duj ti day until tht whJt is JoM the folhwfog Trfls and JLtf j of Lin Jt or fo much thereof as will pay the taxes due thtreonJor the-year 1799 and contingent tbarret, ' ; Nfc 1 ract of Land-contatnmg --- James Bloodworth "and James Smith, lubpolcd tlie property of -David B bod- worth, decealcd. ; 00 acres on the N. E. River, joining uavia tiioodworth, len r. and I hotttas Murray, fuppofed to be the property ; otThomasJohnfton, 20oacres on Aflies Mill- creek, inhe upper Bear Garden, fup pofed to be the property of Fredfiiick' Weils.- V . . ' ..--' ' 'v- 300 acres adjoinlnc; the lands . 1 of Strudwick and Afhc, theproperty of Marttn weiis.x j 66. acres on Moore's-creek , joining Michael Sampfoti's land on Hol iey Shdter, .fuppofed to be the'propcrtj of the heirs of Thomas Searbey. 320 acres on Holiey Shelter, -i'P&Uy, Mjrlhall, Notice is heieby i;iveh, nn H AT David Slone.. of - Duplin ! X . county, is dead, and that tht; fub- frr!hri b.i vp. mm li find ne f? v .rutrif c tr . . i .. ... tmn.tr. C .n.nal ClunL I . L f I his lalt wilj and teUament. ' All per- :Ji V "- ";v ol"cy nu inc vviaovr fnns indpKtl rrt the Wfit,. rtf rh. Y,;,i i Ar.derlun si, lupppfed to be the property deceafed, are therefore Tequeited 't0 0 March Woods, deceafed,' . . . make payment, and tuoie who haVef urcs.on uiaCK Jtviver, demafnds ; again It ir, to exhibit them Joining Gebrjjc Newton, fuppofed to b properly attelted within the time pre-l.thc property of the heirs of Alexander lcnbrd by law, othe,rwife they will be .tampbell. barred of recovery . James Matthe 5, ; 1 p .i . Andrew Thally." j rs Apil 30." FOR SALE? 300 barrels llofin, 20 ca ik s Spi ri ts "Tu rpanti tief 20 ditto Varmlh, and 1 10 barrels Terpentine. ALSO, . A new Whale Bout with a Sail. Apply to - - DUDLEY 6 DORSEY. Wilmington, April 23, 1801. loo acres . j 01 ni tiff the latl ' mentioned piece, (uppofcd.to belong'to the fame pcrions. , loo acres joining M. Cow an's land, fuppofed to be the property of DivtJ Wells. ' - ' JLS- 7"n firrf imnlnrif YVSlli'irt .., Wil.iams4and John C Craft. And 1 lo Lots ot Land fitiia- ted in that part of the . Town of Wil- mtngtoni loutnot uoqK-ltrest, belong-'-'ingto the heirs of William William, of . .'Oillam Bats." On the day of file the numbers of the faid Lots will be mad known. ON the i-jth day of Mayncxt, (if not difpyfed of-before at private ale) will beexpdfed to fale at public venclue. that Valuable Lot in Dock. ftreet, the property of John bifBoist Efq. For further particulars apply 16 TAMl?ilAAT.V-i7D c... Wilmington,' i,2d April, "1801; uH jally tor -all their wants. But the Icene is chnpged j the fatal wir which has - Tarred for a number of years pad in Europe. hj uui 1 iiich uui uencvoieac iiiuiiution. 1 r r , , ,. . lor the httle town of Str-Uerrtard,- in thel. ? V . .7 A letter from a young man in the Britiili artillery, who went out with Sir Sy.!r.ey'S;uith, in Augnll 1799, on the expedition to the liege of Acre, dated Beth'them JuJca, February, 1S00, gives the following account of that country i Alter the liege ot Acre, we march ed to the city of Samaria, in Gallilea, where we lay fix weeks, when we got orders to proceed to Jerufalem. We palled by.thc land of Sdom the 20th of January, and encamped on the 26th on the Mount ot Olives, hear Jerufalemj and upon the fecond of February march. cd into that city. The religion here is that of Mahomet) and there are a great number of pilgrims. The city which is about as large as Dundee, in Scotland, is 40 miles from the fea the fined bui!- April 2j,-ijoi; D. JONES.Jhff; Thirty Dollars Reward , RAN AWAY from the fubferiber, a bout the firlt of Mafr'h Jalt, a Hegr THE Term of Copartncr(hip Will, kings and Scott having expired 01 fellow by the name of PRINCE and on the 20th of the lame month, another nam ed BEN. The former is a French negro, about fix feet hih, fpare made, has hi! face rigs and acott having expired on Icarihed in the manner of a Guinea necro. the fir't day of the prefent hionth, a fet- jry t'lack gumS, and teeth very wide a tlcmcnt of accounts to that perioJ is re-IP3" antl ha eleven large letters on hit quefted. Thc bufinefs is nov? cariicd brea,t. ,he firft of which is T, and the latt on under the Firm of Willkin.s Scott i" Y he Jd .n "hen he went away, a , and Co. ., greyifli coloured negro cloth jacket ami v r ynUrd crnTT nomcipun couoo trouiers, ana an ozna- 4 wi i . JN bJ-Ull. borgs mirt. The latter is coantry borri . Wilmington, April 21, 1801. . .bout five feet eight or ten inches high, ' - yenow complected, nas remarkable largst FOR ftAT.n hands and feet, with his toes mach foread. I his teeth are thinly ret in his mouth, and i idoTAcreS Of Land, ahoilt has a large (car on his nofe where it joins I l :. ..1 i.r. . .l. r us juichcvj mi .iuiut:a wcic 1 11c uuic ua i miles from Wilminffton, oppofite Old-Town. called Bernard's Creek, part of which is JooJ n 4 I ll-ii . . o . utce L,ana, witn a (vim Dear, ana a miantiiy of Timber convenient theretoand a baud- fome h'uation for a houfe. , foe further particulars apply t . iur aue nine iovn 01 otr-uernaru, in the c r r . , 7 VallaU, on which the conent'of St. Cam- ,h5 Sun .ul .now longing to the millus depended, hat oeen entirely laid urks hcrc isanodier temple, built In rniuj, by coKicnltng aruViet. wl.ichlovertnc Plice where our Sa vtoua was have alfo put a flop to all trade between Italy and Switzerhnd, France, &c, by which me ins the faurces formerly relied oa Ifaye r.dled them. In this dreacT. 1 fito in, the venerable prior of the Her, Father lniri Sperronl. has lent leve rs! of hit order to the United States of Am-tica, to implore the allidance of its generous inhabit tuts to enable him to re rir the cooveur und horpitil, and to eontinoe trt give affiftanre to the dillreffed traveller and infl ni poor. It' may be f4; that as this is tn inllitution founded under iha auThoriiy oi he Catholic thursri, tftai it (houJd look for flTilUBce from the itippour 0 of that church l tut ta fich let ji be known, that th:fe men who hate de yoicd their lives 10 the fervice of hjioanitr', anowiaodiflinclionin men j ihe ChriRian toe Turlr, and ihe J-w, when in diflrr fi, are tiea. tfderjaally alike j ieir convent is ope n lo fery unfortuoaie man, be his religion whit it IMV. rhhn Bthtijt M;:n,and 71 BaMiJl. Mi.Yt-r are twa of tl,f- nioafrs nawhf'e; f.v aseoaa esaa hii nfiht names f e ery ! fon tail) it kind r.v d,K in Mililt th n-ir'n'ifi (;i. mulian; hUh liAwiltle fa.ih.Vly buried, and art image of the Virgin i a a nit ui guiu, to wnicn -tnc nigrum pay their devotions There is to 6c fcen ilkewifei the cleft of the rock whith rent when our.Savlour gave up the ghoft. S ft m . w We lay there three weeks, and then came to this town, namely. Bethlehem, ten miles from Jcrufa'em. This town 11 about as large as Perth, with fome fine ftrects in it. the place where our Saviour was bom, is now covered with a chapelt about as large as the fleeple 0 Dundee,' where the ChriOians worth ip. " The molt remarkable things in this country, is the cheapncls of provifiont a lf '.I't. cxc. . vvincisto oe nau at two pence per bottle lemmons one penny per do zen, orangrs tne lame ; ngs tnree Da . . a. ' . . - pence per oounu : cutter, milk: and chcefc, alio very plenty. It 'may, ith propriety, be, (lilcd the Land of Frcmife 1 a it -ii 4 una 11 twiug wun miiK ana honey for ihcra is every thing in , great abun dance: in limn, this country almofl wants for nothing, 4moncy being very u;ue uiej. 1 got a cneu made at Jciu April i. I1ENHY YOUNG. SALE, the Soaih end the former. Whoever will feenre faid negroes and ' deliver them to me, (hall receive the above reward, it taken in this coumy,or ten dot lars lor t'rmce and twenty for Ben :. and it taken but of the coonty, feventy dol lars t that is, twenty lor the former, and fifty lor the. latter, . EDMUND HATCH. Jones Coonty, April a, t8ot. FOR . 1 ati r . a A,.V, 0 1 . . oa,tl I XX AN AWAY a few days ago, my boy of Wilmington; it is pleafantly fiiuaied. 11 tPARnmv . 1. r.,uA L about S. W. of the Weft end of Odin'i ku..i iii...;. . -1-u7x. ft. -.11 a od North of Noman's .land. About knnmn iiiai .uirrintinn hf M. n.,rn ,ve years ago it ss olTcrci at public fale at onnrceflary. Whoever will apprehend (aid the Court Uoufe. Nobody bouS!,t ,t-no- boy and deliver him tome at mv Sound body Told , it-nobody owns it-nobody plantation, or lodee him in ialh 'fhall be ..r 1: .' . . - hold. it. Any perfon willing 10 leafe or pur. handfomelv rew.rdJ. .u.r. .l. r.. :ti 1..... . '.u .l. n 1 i u to utc tsMie, win iiaii tuu ijic a lluicr I ' their propofali audoame, I April 0. arv avat a r m w w m , ' April 1 6 - A.B.TOOMEIU- IB TJ AN AWAY from the lubfciiber, IV GeorgeTown, his svaitirTcman Ten Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the fubferiber, on the yth inftant, a Negro FcU II a -rx sr a ft MARCH.onthe ictb February. It a low named u 1 iitLUTtie. 11 aDOut nrr-Tr rre fumed that be h mad rar thirty yean. oi age. ihm vitsgea and a- Wilnilfcjton, be being well acOjUainted I bout nvc icet icven tncnei nign had pn there r March It about five feet 4 or elwhchhc went away a bfne woolen faitot't inches high, of a vettnwirh com p!fi!on. I jacket, and ftriprd wool U cotton home A reward of THIRTY DOLLARS will foun ttouftts. The above reward will f paM to any perfon lodeing laid fellow ,e pven to any pctfim at prehendipg fatd ri Wilmlrg'on Goal, o, delivering him 10 Negro Ftlluw at d lothjng Mm In W. tne loDcriuei in ue orgf.io wn, nod Mrninliton iail. or dcliteiine him totha rraionacie eirences ra d. . 1 r . r m . ' . 1 in iMc 1 iurr. ... JOSIAS Wm. AUSTON. '33 - JAMES M006E.