1 t- - 9- : A. lis 1 I 1 I 4 f: i) r 1 i) 4 i i 4 v 1 ; A'1 I is I 4 , -A : COPENHAGEN, Feb.. y. $ ' T AT E PAPER S. KORfHERN CONFEDERACY. P Oo iiie 15 h of January lord Genville pre I A dioerence which arol; between the eiirt ot Pcicffijurh and London during ifi'i ciaiion dcUiucd foIcly to the prmct(ion of a DPrfpf) neiitrahtv in IKe N.TA, I, - V. . . ' j f - " - ' - ..... UV !(' fc-nfcd to the Damm and Swcdifh amballadors, "ion whatever wuh that ; and as hi Imperial the following note refpectit g the embargo laid Majtfly of all the RuHias has cauf d ,to be Op, ihe Din lh and Swedilh vclieis : ; ' pubhfhed a formal declaration on the' fubject v' The" underfjgned, principal -Secretary ofl of the motives of the1 meafurerStdopted on hi fUie f"f foreign. affair's, has been i eomaiaiided part, Dcnrosik findi in it a cbmbleie rcfu a- by,hjs majefty ro make; the- fnltewiii'g com;twn oPlht argument advanced by th Briuflii minuter, . . ' ,': Wuh refpeft to the principles of the tfor- ' T - - TTiilunt -W ; heenpndered liimfelf entitled . . . 1 . li.A. .Anil ilia a C I. Kii tf Great Britain thought it bis duty to fupport (he rights 3iil"Jniereds ot his kingdom hit Piuflian Majelfy coiifiilercd it as iiot Icfs his duty totmplcy every means inthe defence ol the riRhti and inlet III otllaft y tar, 'between the courts o TUlTia, . ...as. . J' fj i - .-j v j . t: l in iu jctts. - - , -. This anlwer mght have fufficfd a few Weeks line e, be 1 (t t'rve filiation in w inch' -.I." - ;r - - H hf?btej rnt to c!ecIaro to hi flinptV? majefty, that hehasaan l uV4 in i li:s own principles, that he it lull) coun..crd.'': of its iieecfiiry and Utility. an1 tha. he baa formally acceded to the coneot'oti,"wicU has teen concluded cut the 16th lJebery vtijnjcauon to Count Von WcdeV JarlcAerg, and Baron Von Ehtenfwald, Daralh X and Swcd fli' f nvuys at iTiiT court. ajfijra nqw: air, ti King thinks Kimi'elf called , upon to make an explicit dec la rati -f iher'ft pt)wen'efpeatnhcCrcditiffhtt of J hn the CcuVt of London, r'elativeto the .His mjiellv has h?ard with the fincerel-mraliir, they havc aii;;.be:iit abandoned, M'"!1 the lieay4 which was prooabiy Concern, that -at the in (nictit ofrPeter&irffh had adobiefl the roofl h.ouiIe meafures agdinft the perfpns ..'and property, of "tXis majey'a fubjetb, the two courts 8f Co penhagen and Stockholm had concluded a copveti'ion with' that power for the mainten ance of a naval armed confederacy in the rbrih of Europe." Tf -the'cfrcmntlances under which the convention alluded to was hego ia ' ted and concluded, could have left any doubt in his msjelly's mind refpe'linr the cbjeclsf to which it is diretled, that doiibc wogild by the, declarations of the court of, Peteiiburgi, and .fiill farthcr by the 'recent and official 'dccl ua- tions of the court of Copenhagen, have beeri v Cxnpletely removed. It is fumciently known .with what hollHc inttntions. an attempt W made in ihe year 1 780, to introduce a new - code of public lav? agiinfl Great iSritai'n, and "to fupport by force a fylle.nl ot innovation prejudicial to the dcatell rights of the Britifh empire. But his'mat Ily hns Hitherto had the Taiisfaftion to fee that ihofe arbitrary; and in- J wiien ibc court Riiffia, in hej belligerent quality, has only t u fpe nd ed he a ppl 1 c au 0 p j a nt De 11 ma r k "a r.& Swrden have, by th"ir conVtntion of the 27th March, 1794, .(officially communicated 10 alt thj, belligerent powers)' declared in the face of all Europe, that their ." iy flertt of proieclion iis favor of ihhecent commerce was invariable. been ar acked be,caufe it was not knoii, and which' ii far troinhavin the offeiifive views as of wnkh the comradir.g powers hnve been arbitrarily accofed. They have rxprefsly agreed, thai their meafures .(hall be. neither hoUile nor tend to thej;le' iment of any country, hut only have tor their ob- je.1 the lecnrity of the traie & navigation hey hav e been atten- Jr frrti - uu r.ft;n, - un. of,theirJiibitc1ls only row rnew, ties which have not ceafed "ve fo adapt their newconrr fttons to pre to ekiii; The uiiderGgnco thinks bimfelf, in f"t ctrcumrtancev- The i r;tt pft.ee of IU1 il IJIllJ' LUC LNI'IUI U.I 11UIU l ua mil in the- detail, 'propofrd midirlcuonS, vhicli alone might be tutficient to indicate confeq lenre, a'l hyrilcd to proteft, formally, aga:H.!t proceedings of fo hostile a. nature, which ihe king, li s mailer, could not but have coifidered as. an open and, premcdiiated pro-vocaiio.- had not ihe conr nunication b:en ae comparhijjd with the alFurance that his Britan ic majelly Mill deurcs to maintain good har-mony-,,wi;ili Denmork; a defire which his Da- niflj majclly has confiantly profo"cuted, andbf . . ' which he was given the mpft unequivocal 1 'v ... ' proof. ' ' .' . -. . ' The underfio-ned, who for a number of the the Dcnmarkraiid Svycd-en.- Hi ; majtliy , therelore amen? the dumber ot the con- Jurious meafures have been complclVly given years has1 felicnated himfelf upon being thi up,. At the beginning of the prefctit- war, interpreter of the unalterable ftntimcnis of ih ihfniirf of Peiefb irffh; which had " taken a : king his mailer, n deeply hurl that falls im .;; ::,:... ., ',-, ,h flaVii;nn,irni rf ih DreUionVhave in ft tacoaced the' goad under- former alliance, entered into articles with his Jlanding beiween the .two crowds He wilhes urU om nrtr mc rrhr. npom!a! h e that ne could itui De me lnarumeni or an ex- the fbirit jnf the "wliiile."--It has fince l'-en tietenmnea, tuat tne treary man ttot oe p e jixlkial to thofe vhich had before becij' concluded .yjtih'atiy; ot the Velligerent pow ers. It was alio refolvid, that this deler- min atioti tliould be candidly communicated wers, io prove the purity ol the iriotivcs and view3 ot the contraclting par. tics. But England would not allow time fnr this. .Hail fiie waited this confidential traclino ' i arties, and has boiimi; luinlelf, in thatx quality, not only 10 (akcj a direct iliare in all ti e events which inertlt th caufevpf the neutral . pover., but alfo ia irtue-of hU''ngagewejitiJUilM'Jf thst connexion- by , fucji powerful meafttte as th e i m pu l fe c f . ci rc u ni It 3 nets ay r e quire, The. note of lord CarysfoVc men tions a tcbjecl, to which his majefty be lieves himfelf neither jubliged tt anfwer, nor even to' have.a riiht of cstertain- jrig ah opii'ioh with. reCpecl to it, , There "xslt difcuflions between the courts of Peterfburjih and London, which hate by no means sny thingno do'-with the- bun nefg which the latter has. interwoven with ic But inthe fame rnealnrc in which the conduct of Piulila has hitherto been di rected by tliis moll blam'elefs .partiality,, t hc kind's conduct will" henceforth be di. itTirn iw his rtirird for enpairenit'iifs. , o . f- tv - nhic'oin 1 1 eml'elves are a psfoof ot it. io m.ncllu which ore ......... 7 . - - - . - . . y . . . I . ! . , with the convention of n8o. but winch are plana'.on -i calculaicd to do away injurious dircai, in the face o(it, engagements which ; doubts, an l to prevent mcalcul.acle onfc 're Will, in -forcey-and the reciprocal execution; q'tences jjo the inercfts of - ihe reciprocal cf which his raaielty is enti led to demand up-! powers. . , .. - .; 'd tjlth Ourin? the'.'" l i' .wim nine icuum.'i j u i v.ii:i i.iur " W I J. I ' 1 11 II Th:condua ot hi ot p , on every princi pfc of gv rontint-'ahec of die w4r, toinmuiica:ion, fhe mirj,ht have avoideu thele ifiteiDpfrate nicnfurcs which thrcater. to fpread the Mamos ot war flill wider. ' Befidcs it only depended on Enalnd, prcvioufly to dra fansfa&ory intonni tion from the coriefpouder.ee with Den mark, it' inllead ot takinc, hold of two ilb lateil pjllVi'e.s, wluch I rd CnrjCort, in his fivft noie, exrrac'ted from count Beit,- lloVfi-'' nor ot ihe 5!t r December, i) t court ot London had t'deiied ro ui mrjcily'tovrard thrnhcr po wers of, the Bal J - tic, and an the tiecuiuns ut nis cnirrs J'.'t ticc in regard to pnrr tiave bCn. unitoiniiy, and n-voniinlh', to inded ii( n thofe princi ples which prfv" dr. to ihe year l7-?0, had 1! Ir I il -y r ii'iroj.fin coun, of ad-mu'lty. )'' .ii i i iiitiM'iiou to rc:iew the. former to:if-d-ny b?en -om.Bun'.i-a ei o his m-jj.f-ty on tiie part of any of the contracting pow. er,M'i. he .feccived nfoimamn .of ihe actual ft? g of ih convention, a:id.haJ been ap prMe lby ihe declaration of one of the par- ti : s, thai k tVjrrt,of it was to confirm - the flipulaoss emered into in the year 17E0, and 178 , in th?ir original (hape. No farther doubis therefore can rcru'n, that the objeft of th;ir confederacy, and the naval preparations which the contracting parties purluc with vi Ifiour, is no hing lef than to place thcmfclves in a ft uation to maintain by' force, pte:ea fidns which are fj obvioudy inconhllent with the puncipl s of j iftice, that thofe . powcri . which whet nautral brought ihem forwaid, were thcfiifl to oppofe them when ,ihry be- camebeHigereni, and the eflablifliment cf which if it thj.ild be elTrrtcd, would be one of the principal means of overthrowing the 1 llrengih and lecurry of the Britifh empire. On the knowledge of thefe ctrcumilanccs, his majfflyj the king, fiiould act contrary to the' intcrell of his People, the dignity ol his crow a and the honor of his r'Ugwhich by the dif- cipliae, courage, and (kill jjt.hii.navy,,his rt-. fen to fo extraordinary a pitch of greatnefs) were he to delay the adoption of the mod ef. erfect conlidcra lion,, thai, j.chis. ih.: honor 1 Umndeclara'itrt wiich it- rcvtiiniJ. the homage ot his refpfftr"""'!' (Sgiid) 1 WEDEL JARLSBERG, ilir - LONDON,". March X , . Lad iii j' hi arrived anonut ilimburch riail, by wh;ch we received a C"pyf thr ij'il i o f trst'lini'ted 10 Lord Catysforr, the Bi r.dh ami n!i'l,-.r at B-W'"' hy count HaOgwciz the in'Iiin Mimtter. -Thi i itat it coum never h;ne .nceoito; oir 1 a niontrni. l raf 1 J.'nnva1 K -ii"tvt- t'-t v i o -lii p .t a i a r,a n It r. y 1 n . , o' t t.it co'ii'u noi lullilt tcrct'.ei wnn 1 inw.tinueor hrunionv tcivvceo th&iwo crowns, iin I that ihe cotut ot Co,-ie:i:i!'en r 'nigra; ula'ed rfelf on fiiidiiifrTopj.-o tii wiir for coiwridicTing, in ihe'iuotr pt tit i v c fnauner; fuch unrounded epot'S.'' This plain a 17I prrrile tclftra.ioi; ajers. wJih' t'.'e lar.fitawe whicfi the undrrlir' e J ha ufed more than onct to lord Cinsiorl, llipu;,iii(ii s which contain nothing h'lti!e,' and which. the tafety ot his ftiVjvcis rcqni'.'. e l. be owes all the intr.vns" which i'nivi. ttenre has lard in his. power." L) i.-pleafanr us the extreiiies may be to which Eglam has pi 6' veded, yet his m.'jelly roiibts not 'he poflihiliiy r?f a fpeedy, return' to con tiliatit g nod peaceable dil'pofi.ions, airn he relics o'n t he tei-ti'nen's r,t'ejity wliich, on fortntr ocralioi'S, he has tnd the d vantage ot ineetiii w iih iu li is Britannic majVfty. . "... I" is only liy Tcvckixpr and -pyi entirely taki.ni :ff the em':i", -ha' in:i 6 can be : 'rMg'.'i' t, thtii I to n. t:i fi jiaiion ; imd' it s ftf aii,.1.! in. o in-ic'e w'i.e her it onht -co-lie 10 thar if fotv i'H',.'in o' v'er to of- er ;t!,S,.Ol!T ,C': "'l ;'TvllS fur pr(J.3 .f k: ..in.'o . ti.)ti wmcn O : k. ' . " ' 21 r nit al'VCS "fx:G w h!f h - .!- t : r1' . to tlO'll I.Ui.J 2;'H!i It a c 1 t. n y s , .t i a,i ir an;'.l i . rh C'1- on ". r' If , ig r iiti,.,i. i-ii 1; u 1 oe 1 1 e tui1. n ' .to t .1 fi: v ju.co.d. d p"w'tTirv! iis-.portanr pa;ur. iu which the isr.ttinent andvic'.rsot P (Tun M jfUy, in rerd j when lpeakirij on that fubjei), md it rpn to the Northern C nventf)ii", at e cxplaiiir I fcarcelvbe conceived In w the. Efcl.lh after that declaration had been re- t q 1 a ti v .'r-y, 1 . 4.e ,tie i.-f . w ai n cecia'e to ;i e ti r , try tl at the V w 1. . . ceived, could conclude from the t.o.e of the 111 iiiiH er of Denmark, That the en. Easements of the contracting power had tor their ot jeft the ititrodiu'tion of piinci ples of naval I'ahts, which had never been ed, we have this day i;reii at full length, as follows : . STATE PAPrl. ' . Tbe'ftHowjng Is u t'py cf the Note trjtif . mitte on the l(h of February, fy lie Prulhun Mimtter iun H. ULwitz7 t't y . J . ' 0 . . 1 .. .1. 11... .1.- ..:i - r I'.rd f .:ttrfnrt Ihi- knL, b Am ,a dar t " J imuuiii i i..iim (.11.1 TlflVII TTVIV VI f IJIIIW . I' V ajainlt Kn'and." The CAnc'uGon it to- taf?i U not authortfed even moe by the. conif nts of the anfwer ot the Da. oifii court, than the 01 her uniiie.Hfd re proach made to it, . jf havinjT renewed an allijnto of a hollile tendency t.gainlt Enplat d, and ol bcini: actively employed in armaments nuhibat view." Never were meafures more e-.tently dt-frnlivr than the mt-alorcs ot the court of Copenhagen, and their i'pint will i e nnhnnctived dill lef when ins conlideie-t bat. nienacn'ii denionllr.ttion t!nu curi had exprrieored from the Hri.ifli uovei i.ni,n, on occihon ot Berlin. The undeifij;ned,Sate and Calvnet Miiufler, has laid firfoie hit Prn(!Mu Ma jefty the two No'es which lord C rysfort, hovoy Lxtraordjniry ami Minuter I'letii not enti.try from his Majelly the King ot Great Bniair. and Ireland, has done him the honour to tranfmit to him on the 171b of January and firrt of February lall. .1 lie underfined having it in rominifilon to return an explicit and circumllantial ahfcryis under the nrceflity l informing Lord Carysfort, that his MaHti cannot fee without the oteioft fr!ef and concern, re ll. y ti lull, of Hvj u 'erfi, 01 1 oMieie'l li I'nr rt 1 B itillliilC ki r?. w'.nle I e txpref- f. bis con eii atctn . tt which he hit not Iven t'. e caufe, w II ba rely fulfil-" .hs'ei'p teuieiiTs pieAribed 1.) lnni by trea ties. T..e uiidjfi;'. ed, thus-txecutinj; Uis rdeis, has the honour ol '-lliiring loid Carysfort of his hih edeem. Sigued) HAUGWITZ. 1 - Mirch 4. : . Yeflef day Lord Clnrurry and Mr. Bon ham were brought from the Tower, ai d. Col. Defpaul from S.irewfbury gaol, to the-Secretary of State's ollice ; the former was attended by Mr. Foislkes-and Mr. M'Curthy ;'the latter by Mr. Whir, of . the Temple, and anotlicr Gcsitleuran, Col. D.Mpai J, who travelled nil input, w;i unattended; but, firm to his old pri. ciplcs, he rein fed to receive his libcii y" with ny condition annexed to ir. Lord Cloncurry and Mr. Rouharri were ndmitted t hail. The appearaiue of bis Lordfhip imlicaies a foderint; Hiiud,wl ich"" the numerous misfortunes he hat fud.iir.fd, .. f . - 1 . . l.i i 11 . r . ..1 '.1. .1.. iiivui iiiv ii 1 teaual mea.ures.o repel ,t.i ...at.; he tu, a-; uieMoieiaann . any meataie. 10 wn c ,i,r.F,evi f,i,;u e. b-UwmR to hi. Ion,; confinement, may v.r ready experienced, and to oppofe the hod.le Court of Londoh hat- proceeded a;amlt . , ... . nr.m ..Z.t,,A.n't,nr. H . uaertcy trmea aiainn mm. tuc riiicrn ,o4u luwen uui iunc .. . , 7 . ? . lt. r.. t..r r I K.1ilaniH arl.i elTeth of ihe conl Uiary coid.-tlon tui ocra- 1 1 is w'nhjreat coarern we announce, th? ons which it l ad nndi. lor hmeiime p'", j hay or Bengal, on the 7th of f.ftobs', oil th? nd whic. it I is renea-clly rtnewe I in the ! Sand Hparf. bv ih Prmilinre Kiench uriva. His mnjeny has then fore au honied me un-:can nave jtven otcaiton rotncie "ncaiarc?, f .i. (- - - "o d.rriJdlTiuallv io rornrn.inica.e io Count the attlrtior.s in the note of the S7ih V" V. " y fP''' W1" Prl'l,"J 5pure of ihe Kenfv.fc.ift Ind.aman, ,n th. Wcdcl Jirlfb-rg and Baron Von Ehrenfwald ' fufliciently Ctew. In that it Is .faid that that an embargo has bzen laid upon all the ', the Mar jtime Alliance " has for its d-jed, Danifli and wcdiih (hint in the Dirts belon?- ' to annul hg-.o h's Majelly. . But in the exetuiion of 'th ihisaleafuie h.s majefly will laVe care ihat n her, wiihrcfpecl Yiolent or hve re proceedings Uu! be exfrcifed tnit.tne on the part 6f his mtiefty towards innocent tmpofe I . ilJ'.'J .1. II! .1 n-ll I I .. m1 , kltrt. nr. rr ft li inaivinuai. ans maiciiy is 11111 animaica iv: v -- the mi anxious dclire that the circumlUnces I Nothiu;;. however, ii farther from the vhich hive rendered thefe ileps necelTir)' ray aWe mentioned ne social ion, than the resfr. ind ihathe'mav be ensbletl 10 remm ptiaciples here fuppofcd. It ii founded ... - . 7 f . ...'.. 1. .:: ... ii. to iiftle relations wuh tin courts of stock bolm and C 'penhagen, which cxiiled between I unlet nl lnni P4rlni ?. n th r meter' ni I ..... r. ....... .. J . 1- . t. .....in: tbetreaues formerly concludetl ' : ' ''r , ' V -ri.-.. wr,i,,:,',5u "" ." Eiiand, and to nrefcrioe . Ias to ' v ' .-'' n.e ergigrment of ncir.o.,e hour .i 45, to the orincinlei of theoj I U""":",l",""t " ".'' minutes, in wnicn capt, Kiripg'on, ci in . . i'"'"-''-' . ' I than in anv former war. uforned the love- neutrality is only a nreiexi io . ' 9 , i w...v..u....va, ...t .,..-v.7 .h.fcU..n herb; lour, W l. "'S 't" Jr 'l.f' "!' t 1 '"K ''-' 4 v ; meni ol hn ex.Hcnce, when na exiUirne. con to unne win? toe true pnociiuci 01 mc them, till itiematual good underflanding was interrupted by the prelcnt utempts 10 renew former pretenfioni. . ; ' (S.gned) t CRESVILLE. Anfxotrjtf Ihe D mijh Amb'nffaitr. vThe umletfigned, envoy r xrsor diriary from his Danith majelly will tranfmit this day with rigtet 10 his court the official comm inicitiot he had ihe h-nor to receive yeflerday from ' Lord G'fnville, upon the fubjf A of ihe rm bargo laid upon the Damlh veiled in the Bri 11 th pons. "'While he wilts until the ordeis of the king his raider, relative to this olTcnfive nrafute, arrive, he cannot avoid proteftinjr giii.ft the validity of the motives alle-feJ in in: uidnotf, an4 agatntl the jolhce of ihe conleq iencci, which ihe Br'nidi governaient ri coo etved it could accredit tfiinft the tj)Wl of Copcahgta. law of nations, it exercites, over the oher Inendly and neutral powers, an ufurped! jurildtCtiyn, 1 lie legality ol w hich it main- a ftn.a mm rl uikiiili 11 .nfi.ljia'Ma 'am' ImiiVB.' of. copy of the convention to nch f , ib . h rinciio,ied by nil theui lieUirentpowersashadtheiuibce buj;4jJ0f The fovrei, ,ave in jullice, in moderation ahd the comintini est ion .t . 1 . 11 .11: u. ... .1 iii ikr 1.1 it 1 rut 1,11 w r I m imm iiu i iir iu i I r . . r. . .... .. . . . ... UUU41, ol Europe, 1 he lovereit-ns u pa .cure ,wr. , , c um , ne,ef conceded to ZnaUnd the privilege ptove this beyond the polTibility of a tie' luai, - . k When In ike beffjnnmc of January' the Minitter of hi Britannic Majeity oflicially rropjl'ed to the u.dctfifued the qoett ion. ' whether the Naftherii Courts had afln. ally iconclti Jed the confe leratUn which had been reported ; and vhe.her rrnllu had acceded to it f 'he Kuift conceived that the rafpeci which Sovereigns owe to each other, and the liberty pollened by eve ry Mepen lent (late to coo folt in own in- terefU, without rendering an account to any ether Power, authorized him to with hold any communication relative to him felf and hit tllicl 1 and contented himfrlf with anfwerinj, that ai he had let it with out interfering, the connexions which In p hud bad entered huo without con. of calling their (ubjeOs before its tribunal, and of fubjefting them to ita laws, in cafes where the abule of power has r;ot the bet ter of equity, and which, alas I are but 00 fr-quf nr. Tne neutral powers have alvtayi kid the precaution of addreflini; to it the moll enerpetic reclamations and pro. trill, but exptrience has eer proved their ren.onllrancc 1 fiuiiTe !s $ and it is not fur. priDng lhar, after l' many repeated a'Jk f opprelhon, they have rcloUcd to find a remedy agaiidl ir, and for that purpofe to ellabtiDi a well arranged convention. which fixes their rights, am! wliich places 1 hem on proper level even with the powers at war. The naval atlianeeia the manner as St has jttQ brtn tonfolida'ed, wis intended 10 lead to ihit faluiary end, and the king ' Do not g've up the flop." Mr, Ca'or, a free nKrcluni, a!fo felt, covered wuh Woundi All the farvivir-g palfengers, who were able. 10 be moeJ, were put on boaid an Arab, nd landed ini'Caliiii'a.'"' " i ' General St. Ij'io and his family were ot board the Kent, and appear tohave teen par. iiciilarly unLrtunaie. All his jewels, piaet and ba7ife. had been burnt on board tha Qieen. 'Ihe gallant cipt. Pdkington, iha Generals Aid.de. cimp, wis feverely wounded iri defending ihe General's family, 1 Previous lo their boarding, the Kfnt had evidently the advantage ; and had ihe crew bten equally armed wuhoKenute weapons, or hid mo'e mii'dueiry, the ConHasce woulj, i. all prubabillty have paid dearly for ihe rafli. nefs of her anempr. This the fne (hp which was Leal olf formerly byj hi Arniihn. The abve melmchvlly !icroirit came by aa overlind difpatch from B:ngil, di.ed ihe idr of Ottoher. Blanks of all kipds for falc br the Printer.. . tns; sfcel t a .ce, ; 'f.. t!)': ni:n (';;! itiii'; re!.. 1 t s t'l i: tie;,. ,t ccJ and th, impa fl.ir '.al Io ion 1 : .v.r ' Kilt a-lir em! k'i". i..i. 1 1 ai.i ruts II. c Ih- lll pr t '"".,1 de.) Km ll-e r ' (no ihe led Jlo lll9 rn Ihe not d i lih ha 1 j id. re Vt f arid ati