": ;..- ict he in I hms- Uo 1 1 hi s i jiery A n,n u t n . T H O R-S DAY,; M fc - l-V. X k WW IB I IB IB IB IB - IB IB IB V. II IB II II II r II wyatjW-a s i- . M J M . IK IB ad . I . II IB II . . I , . m Y ... V A I, L, AOlN AY ... , r- - CONVENTION OF THE Northern, Powers. Convention for fte re emMifhmfnt of an farmed' .neutrali ly J?mfi his M:ijeRy the ' "King nfSweden, ofhe one pari,- and his . MajeC.y th? Emperorof all the Ruffiasn ihe o'her part, concluded and figed at St. Feterlburg, the. 4 h (t6i December) 1800, accepted and ratiticil by his Swedilh Mi jelly on the 2odtof December, ad by his Imperial-Majelly of all the lit is on v t'ne 8 h (C-.h ot Dec) in hs fame year. In tit ' :nUf.. th.tlwlt Holy dr.i uadivij : ' ed Trinity, In onW that, the freedom ot the naviga tions ; in like manner his ihajeffly the king of .mandant cf the fliip of war(of tne other po w -Sweden, an;! 1 1 : a i rn pe r i at ma j e ft y of all the er, if it. mall be ".required,. CiaU duly'lnd faith Rulfias, !! ard determine, 'that' all other fully afford Juch aiiillance as maybe necefTary. merchandize- ?!ictl be and remain free ; and -ThejVtps of war & frigates' of other na'ions inorder that the general principles of the fhalj, afford protection and alHAanre to the laws of nature, of which the fr-'edrn of trade merchant veffels of the otheV provide.), in the and -navigation, as , well av tlie.-righ's of neu- '"Wan time, that (he veffeleiuirinr fuch af- - REGULATION r 1 -ALLUDED TO'IN THE . 'NORTHKIlti CQNVZN UIOM, As publiJhedJb'y Ike King of E de N. fr.'"' St6ckho.m' Feb 3. The preamble liate tHe necelfity of rendering the nglits of c omrw err 2. clear and explicit, ror this eilea, in urre'r to trai r.8tionsv and tne tinmsdiLte .conteqvience, : tiiiance lhall nt have violated the pntuipl'S may be tiUrcd hnJer ,t competenuand. (tire' of the nemralitv bv havinz earned oh. ativ . fernrs'the.-inrntertinn, nf the ortvercirfrit. fafe.M'ri; they have relolved no longer : to - iliic.iLcomm?rceV- -: r ;; t: the tot;irnei ce o( Sweden mit chfrr re delay that o!unt9ry,exphftation from Which. j Art Vll. . Thin'conTentich" 011, have no Uhc follow in'R requMite ' they have hitherto been refiraincd bv motives rirftfYi'A:Ui Ah.Vi,;n -,. r..-..Al.,i., ! In. rtn!!.tKnt a' -(Kin fktfVntTtlo.-l'rnK ion, atri ibe ' lfcurtty of the mcrchandiz-- of Vciir.-al rirvvt ' J. nuv -be eftabhlhcd, an the CM. f rNff laws of nations" be ' fnllv I'fctraipsd, fturirg tHe continuance . p' "the efen; mariti'mi! war, his Mj-fly' the" Kinii ot Sweden, and his Mje(ly. the Emperor of all. ih- Rnlfias, athiatcd by their jovc of juf i'ce. and by a rcoipiocaf 'd-fire t promoie uV..;:?vc-r n?av be for the piibhc advanraW gf tlr r?fP. cTve' fta:cs. have to' that effect de:er mi" -(i to g've a new funcli !V haw hereby determined, , that exiflf-) nrrvl:vi.i'(i ii". rnn. I'll 1.,. . lit in Sweden, or the brovmces under l.ev (hip may freely navigate application (ball only be to fitiue a'cu of vio dominion y or fliipwretked on 'llle'sy.ectifli' to another: and on the coails lone?' and atrTeilion. and it (hall foon "form coaft, and -'there fold or boutrht in a fo- .. .- . - . - . , OteCtton ot 1 c,h" i-"onny oy lccaj vc -.luiucmic cun- of tfcetr feparate and , temporary ieteCs.,, fba! have no references, to. any dilfirencts icojiirlcrcd as' a SeJe, (he tnniV VV tin tins view in; 1. Thit every from one 1) arbor, t- ihii h i.vjrntnf tiilmn - I I I - - r iM. tfiv"- iiiiwu5. ,i ineDjua o:t a ivuem tor tne pi 2. ; ihat the elects Wilicrt Selon? fO- ttW a th- rientrat-. nar mn of F.,irr.rt.-. fu'js of the belligerent powers in neutral f,s'us ,nay hereafter be denied or violatedf. try' threatened". .with war,' if (lull be coi.fi- .... -ps,wi n ,ne exception ot comrapaim gooes, - Af, VHr - Shoui A ''!" norw.'r! flj;,,ff! as lawful as Joon 'as three moniin cvry inip pure haled mint -tenntn. noweyer, tne naiuraiiz.aiipii wKofe i trac't. If fuch purchafj is in5 in a coun- P.i (hail b' fee. 3. Tliat in order to determine be confidered as a blockaded -rnrbor . all the polhble. care of the two powers, and.- wh.a,vS7'?, notwnnarding the obfervacce of he moft ' b"t- apply oiily ... .. iu: . -r u- n ' rL . t of fl T ' , 7 1U!'7 - ;';.that. the merchant Ihips of his m ic(ly the wnere tne.oitpo ition ana nurpper or tne imps ,- . c ,1. , ,r v, f ,. v :. 1 i . -1 n 1 A.11 L king ft iw'd' " or ot his nnperul majflly of of iha power bv which it rs lAveflfd, fhdl kre ?K. ..n... :..rJ...j -.t.. j.Uj . With as to rendir it aprarei;ly hazardous to , ii . n.-. . . . : f ..a.w. I-ifnter, ana. lilt vcry.p,WI!! cities cf ncufrahry, which'are 10 their nauirc a b ockadd harbor that is eviklrntiy so .bhek- , . : j a -i f L u . r , 1 '1 1 ,l, lJ . . . f , , r.unitlir o: the injured party ha forthwnti jndi-io nblr, and to require that they may be adfr, T-.oUtes tht prefent coilVe.i'i-m as much nrrnt. ,C r,.,.t ,V , r : , , , . .1 ' n I ; - - ,- r r . -i , . j reprelent the lami-to tne government, whole refwc :-! t y a l powets in-er-iled, in their ,f the commander of ibe -hiof.Laac had pre- ' f - , ,vmj ,-.,,'., f. ,i u ' j - , 7 ,,,'v .1 .u..: 1 :-r. . , , r . - - - . l ''up t var of nvateer iivall have committed .r. ...ll:i.ir: Vu 1 T Tl I II I V I C W I lie 1 I IM 'Kl 1 At rt : i liulli.'l f li'ui i - f rtr . 11 1 n I f O f if . r. - - . . i" c t uhm w ......... T j i i vii ii r att'itu n m i ai v iy f w 5 I . ties !;..n r. by their decUia t'-n of 'he 15 0 ot , ar.J i, had nevcrthclcls ehdrav Ai .'m J. to th? Norfrn C tr who . re,e-ror.,-arii5ceio.i;b:ai-nad-tmiuon. ihe maniien.ire of hofe; 'lhatwtth rard to r.-itral fb'ps j i.;' , r,.ncein'i 10 ex- I'ucb aft of. viulencc ; he fii ill reclafui the rap- ,tuted vt'ffjl, d mand due faiufaclion. and . by 111; ri-ars 101c c Uffrtt ot ihe iniult ottered (o HCtl tj.;- cn i, -m to ind-illand h.)v fincerely it i 'helvidcm grousids, fhill be ditaincu, (Vnience 1 tho cA.je'x-ri ihcir h:at-i$ 'to rrflorc in its fiatl in- fh,II be. pronounced without d:lay ; the -nro-l .(, dep.-riohie, ti c g"neral ught of all w:.'ion '; cei'dingsngaiiitl hem (liail be uniform, prompt, of etcl Wie . i tn reaT . )ung lord X. Boo , and 1, to rmer Mr. r, of iimn. prr v beVis re his hich ainrd, 1 f 1 t v.1 r. te tns in the pria 1 obH'u 1. Ii 1 1. j J . A.-l.. . f . ii I I lo cov.v.y thtv tn'p! a' a mprcnsnoi an(j iavytal. iver ana aoove in- u.uemiiuy and wViiout beirg fubj ti to the contioul ofj lo .'which they lhsll be entitled for the "da th powers. at. war, Hm Swcdfii" Mj-fty mages they ' iii'ill have fiflamed, complete impancd nis witncs ar.a ien:irsc-ii -u m icai iatntactton tam. dc given tor tne innui com il!w, and an happy ronlormi y . ox tnetr iu ita! inteieds has induced the"mjo adopt the relohition ol re-ellablifhiog fyMlem of an armed neutrality which was attended with fuch mitted ajainlt the flag of their majelTies. c. That the declaration of the olhcrr yho (hail command the fliip d( war, orfliipsof the American war, and to renew its bench ial ptinctnle tn a convention tAf.z 1 to the prel'ent ctrcumfla-icci. To this end his majlly the ki"g of Swedrn, and his imi.ernl m .Klly of all the'Ruirias, have no. minj'cd. .h'ir plenipotentiaries, nsmdy, bis Sve. Jtfli mijerty, baron Cm Yn Sted. iaorduary to his tm Benil nvuetlv o all . 'he RufJus. lieutenant i7cnei!. chamVeriln of the queen dowager. colonel of a ffffiiisnf of infantry, kmghi. and command t of the order pf the fo.d, aiiuLki 'ijlii "f the. F-ench order Pour Irs Me riits.Mtitiaiif', aod his imperial irajefly c -he HuPias. hion count I heot'ore von .. 1 . . n.. I.:.... en... .V.'!."' ''!!, ll'.S I'glll ITIIliy "I'V 'mumti.ui, icfoil r '( '!' !'' v.trijrfc, (ntnWIci lit Iht c ""T, cf forc.'n atfair;, diretlor.g;re. war, of ihe king or emperrr, vhich Qiill be convoying one or more merchant h:p, ihat the convoy h?s no contraband goods on hoard, thill be iurrcttrit and that no t.-arcn ot nis -111. ml . lug power tii 1:1 alto er.rorce tfieconMa:nt in the moll energe'ic and detennined manner j polhble,- and' thty. fhall generally and uni- tjuniy act in concert logetner should their jull complaint meet with no redrefs, or ftiould u be potlponed from time to time, then (lull Lieu majctlies have recourfe.10 repnfils a gainfl luch power as f IS 1 1 have rcf ilcd to c! j jullici-; and that they hall endeavor, by e very -poUible means, to 'give effeft to fucli cprilaN. Art. IX. Should h oppen that one or tie other cf th? two power?, or both, pn-sc-onni of, or from dfl;kc to, the preC-n: cnvrtvtion, or any circnmlance conr.rttfd III) LF , . riis.l 14. r - l ...w - - r ....... . v w - i . 1 ft . . . . err.nttcd. And the better to enlure reipett " - . - ...w..uwv. tothofe principle, and . he llipu'ations found " '"ei j-m o.cn caie it is zgrreel, that- the ed on them, which their dilint'.-relled wdhes to prefcrve tTie impii.fciipi.blo rights of rcu- trat nations have Iiiggclled, !"t iiup contract ing parties, to prove their linrcrtty and juf tice,'will'fT"e ihe United oidcrs to iheir cap tain", as well of ikeir Ihips of war as of their mere) atii-tncn, toload no part cfihe-r fllips, or'frcrctly lo have on bourd, any articles, which by virtue of this ' prtfent convention, i r- . . - i . i . . i i- may PC coniunevi at contrpira ; ana ur he more ro'r;,.e;e carrying in:o execution this command, they will refpefjively take catt to (iye-drrefmnt to their c-.;rs-of admiralty it whenever they (halt think it ud 'of 45 the diferi tft mo- aimed, ator. a rounds. f I e aoic b, and rere ca :n par. plair, ird th jon, iba lor and gratid crofs of .he foveretgn drdrr of St. Jol." f Jeiuralein, knight cf the fit !1 . , i . . i . r c. a .. i c a "I3l Or tuC O'ucn Oi O'. rourc, .J'. - utr Nifkv, and St. Ann, knijpt cf the . Ut St. .jZiiis, f Si. Fcidiriand, and f, Iljbcri: wh", af.ct exchanging their, rr.f. petVrve full powers, have agreed upon die ful L.ivii'tf arii..lr I . .. Article I, H'S rnajrlly ihe king of Swe- nnnrsit lafis, hit mnjcfly, the k.ij of Swe den, and li.'s readily the emprror of all ihe ricn, and his m'jcllv, the ,emperr ot all the .v . j. I... ..... a :n ii.;n'.. o..tr... l . . . j. " j: . - : Kullias orriar i;i liirr win hooit uihihb" imi,iiih7. tjjvc uroucu 11 iie exporta'ton of cortraS;ind mc.t:hanai''e ra the part cf heiftl.j-tti with cvfy power to p-iblilh nrccliary, and to this cod tne rriMlmont hi.h fit all cotitain this pnihipmon undtr 4he fcvcra.p:t.altiei, fhall ptmud at the end of ihe pelent a, that no one may plead ig noranfr. A-t. 1V. In order to Hare the commerce of their'hil.jcfts upn the moll legal and per whatever, whedier at prefer.t cngtgfd in war, or which may beteaf'er be cngsg:d in war. An. II. In older to prevent a. I dony fntv bad le cesr pons, of 'ould, ta L iafh. Ue 0 l' rmlrf Wbyat the St expedient to equip a numbi-r rf Hiips of war nd figates, which fhall be thargrd lo lee that ihe.objicV be eb tairfrf, and the fqnadroni of each power Dull rake (.. de ilaiiuiit, and protrft thofe convoys, tcht..:r commerce and wietr . navigation and mifundet Handings as 10 wr.at (liiil be ; ay require, and which (lia'l be conlotmalile confideird tunirabaod, his mijrfiywlie kg j ti il.f s.ot.tl? of tiadc if each nan on. cf SiwrJcn, and his imperial mijrlly f all Art. V. To provid, againll all incon ihe Rullia, declare, ihat ibry will icknnw. 's-rtlfrcM wh'uh may rcffd from any nation 1 10 ledge the following amcles as con'rahani, ! ibi.firg the pivilrge l ihcir fijf, it itref- Cn ramely, cinnons, mortars, ire arm-, r.l.,-, ululi.cd as fg r-turn not to lie aepajicd Hm.i, llmt llonri, ma chei, gun.pywdrr, iali-frcm, ihat every iratilpor', be it whole it mjy, pciie, 1-alj.l.ur, hclmctt, pdn, Iwords, hang- 'belongii-g to the couniry''whofe ll'g it bean, cm, cartridge boxes, fddlct and bridles, with ihe eacrp'ion f Inch a quantity of the above fiKlcrai nuy b necenfy for ihe defence of ihe llupt and their crew ail ohtr anicJet not bertin eruneia rd,.Utll not be conflict ed at war or naial (lores; ibcy.fjnll not be fcl'j.-U to cophfcaiion, but Dialr-paf' free and wiihoul ! fliaim. It is alfo benbytg'er, that the pt'l.nt article fliall be widiotii pre j .dire to tHe particular ft i put at tons of former itraiiei with ihe powers at war, by viiine i f h!ch, the things abuvementioned are allowed or prohibited, ... . ri l Art, ill. , Ar-d shrrris it is reioivcd, lTi'.bauv;rt by virtue of ihe forgoing t ule, can be drenvd coniraWana, Hull be ti(.'tfIci ft.it ibe utdmt cf t.:wrl ra- lull havcen brad a riptair, and the half of the ciew compo'ed of the (ubjefls of ihat country ai a the iillport liull Le drawn up in due and irgular fotm. Every tianfpcrt I n li... Li' . . L . T - .. ' . . ! ' 1 . wr.icn man rot cokivc tunc ir i.woni, sr lhall violate iVf command prin-rd ai the end of this prefftit contrntior, fliall forfeit all tiStiopioienivn of ibeconiratling poweri, & tHe goveinaient to which it may buong fliall alone b refponhble for all ihe loft, damage or iiiCortvfnier-i t"y luHain. An. VI. Htni'J it r venhcltfi happen that ihe nimhai i (hips id ore of ihe powers ihnntd find nit If in a hituiion here the lli.ps of war i f i! at t aiu-n ate rot llanontd, ard whrre il.rv cannot hae the piotfttion of tbeir t wo toac)i, in fuch ca'.e the root t. powers 'fiiall nia.fi it a common cauf, injtiially to defend each other; and-they fbtll ettprociUy employ exerrion to b:ain full itid complete fatiifaftion, as well for the in "uli done to their Hgsf as lor ihj trjury.fuf laincd by theit fuljiftts. Art. X. The principles ard rgulafirnj ilipulatcd Sl fe tiled by this prrfent 'eft IHIJ ap ply to every miiiume war, by which Eu- tcpe may tinlncrily be iift;uic,ed, IV. le jlipuUiion. Uiall iio te C(iiuJercd as peri tual, and upon all occa'ions (hall be apj;r;i t d tobv the cuniialiiig powiiifonbsjex,i,'..4 lion of their commerce and TaV'gaiicn, ud fcr i fie 'maintenance of the lights tf hernial nations. . . An. XJ. As the objeA and rniin conH 'delation of this convention is lo allure the general freedom of commerce and navigation, ins majeuy the king of Sweden, & his imperial majrlly of alt the Kulliis, hereby agree, and bind themfelvcs lo eaih other, to give their coitfeni that otbe'r neutral powers may become parties to it, adopt its principles, conform 10 us tbl grtions, and pariake of i:s advantages. Art.. XII. In order ihat ihe belligerent powers 'may not have lo plead ignorarce of the arrangement!, concluded between, their fa c majfltirs, inlormatioii lhall be given 10 Inch, bclhcerent powers ot the regulations ibry have determif.ed upon, which utc fo lt:i'e of a houue nature, mat tney can ce aemiiKOiii no other country whatever, bit, on the Contraty, calculated, to fecure ihe commrrte atul navigitton of their refpective fubjecti. Art. XIII. The prefrnt 'convention (hall be ratiftrd by ihe two contracting ptrties, and the ratification (hall b: em hanged, in due zed. flii ps houtht in a foreitin country, and afterwards taken by a cruizer belonging td v any oT the-helhji.erent povveis, may fre' ; jtient'y produce dif igreeable explanattons -in the feque! it is hereby-declareil,-- time . in time ot war hips fh dl not be allowed to be naturalized, wldch have formerly been the property of the belligerents, or i heir fVtlilec'is : neverthelefs, with the ex- cepiion of all fliips that wet e i!aniralizecl befor e the prvfent rculatTi which fliall eojoy all the rights which are connected, with the chancier of neutrals ami Swedes. 3., The captain of the fhip muff bepro v:dcI with all pnpers iij'iifi.e and proper for the lecurity of his vovaoe. ()f thil kind are (in cale the fliip goes tht nnh tbe bound,! a certificate of the place vhere the vitrei v was built, an invoice, letters fuewin the carpo not connabmd, Tuik iHt nnd Latin pnlfports, a cenihcaie by the tnagillrate of ihe placej a pa ft lor the crew, a copy of the oath tor che owner, a char, terpatty with the fubfeription of .ihe freighter, the captain, and the perfon. ' freihtinr the veTcl, a manifcll with the litte fublciiptions, containing a lift of the dih'erent articles of the ladinc, and the condiiionsof the intended voyage, ond a Oill ol lieJih, where the fame is necefl'iry. It the 'voyage he merriy. to the. pors of ihs lJaloc, or the Sound, the Turkifh and Latin pal'.es are not neceflary ; but the ciptain mull have all the. other paperl enumerated, without exception. ' . All thefe documents molt be made out and delivered in a Swedidi port, unlefs wnen a imp hns tw'.t her papers by amdeiit, or where they have heen forcibly taken away, in whiclrcafe thefe documents nay be renewed in a foreign port, if the cap tain, immediately on his arrival takes ihe TTcc.iiiti'.rrF6"exhiVii a:i authentic fnd pro- picc.iiui' n to exhibit a.i actnenticfnd pro. pei ly certihed declaration by which the Occident is proved, or the grounds dated on wlch he defircs the renewal ' 4. The captain is prohibited to have falie act or certificates, or duplicates thereof. lie is likewise prohibited to make ufe of a loreign flaj. 5. It is required that the captain nnd. half of the crew fhall be Swedifli luljedi.' 6. CaptititiS Roinij to the main' ocean fliall he bound to f ollow the courfe pointed out im their inftrticYions and agiteaLle to the contents of their certification 7. Ships dedined for the pons of a Bel ligerent I'ower, mult, with the utmofl cire and under the fevereft penaltif, avoid carrying any contraband commodi ties To prevent all doub or mrfundcr tUmling refpecliDK what is contraband, ic is screed that the (ollowinr goods lhall be confidered contraband. (The remainder cl" this article is a tianfeript of th article of the convctrioii putliflieJ tit a former paper.! T ' 8. All Svfedifli fnhjedts are prohihitcf and good form, wiihin fix weeks or founer if , privateers orain!l the Biij;e. . ... . . 1 .1..!. i..n.ft. j poUibe from the day ofligtung it. rem, inrjr muirtu ana property. , . . in lenitnony of ihe f.ewe, the under. I 9 (hip cannot be employed -f,gr.ed,furni(hfd with full Joweri,i.ave HII6erei.t. Pow.r to tranlport bereuc.o funcd our name. and affixed or any warlike mpUment. our feali. ' "ou,tl n7 wp'" be compelled to ho to C.ven aiSt. Peterfburgh, the f'n, (fC.b) . exhibit a foiinal nrotcfl .estna luch vio- cf December, t8co. (Signed) . CVRT VON StSDIMCX, om KosToriiN. fUerefolloai the rattftcaiion of their Swe Icnre. ' 10. When a merchsht fhip it not under convoy, and happens to be brought toby a fliip of war or privateer be'onrjlntjto any of the Helliiierents. the contain (ha' I not. in that cafe, oppofe the fearching of Mt 1 1 ?'filW,,-! a" t0Un '"T l briM. but UliundfilUdully f fliall t JJaCbnUdcloll, nd c.uot hgGn. J(;CUBcn; wLUh f7U w Uf ; - i. ,

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