H - V - i i ' ! 1 ''. i '1 mrifiS The captain and tit peoplt? are fli icly prohibit e J to keep back or dettroy Any of their pipers, ' : v i ' ii. It however fuch flips make ,;pari of convey, the foregoing artitle fliall .not ferveaa rule, but the captain's duty con lift in punftBally obeying the fignals of -the cotAmadore'of the coiivoy, f-rr which pur pofe therefore,; he lhall (epiuatc as littleS pofliole from the cot.vy f ' ii.o All caiitaint .are ex;-rfs1y .forbid ' den to aifemps goiiVg o;to a blockaded por, as foon as the are formally apprized by r the" officer xom mand ing tb-bkacivadfv-,I a "oider iQ'-ae:ra?n'Vnat'';blpckarted';har bour is, this -appellation, is ; confiti'ed to thole 'Which', by '.the t-xmionfi oft he block ading powe,wUh"fli'ps'.deltined-aird a de viate, to ths pbjedj- ir i evidently danger out to attempt running in. . . ' -IjiIn cafe a Swedifh merchant fhip is taDiured by a (hip of war or privateer o any ol the Belligerents, the -captain fltall immediately traruvU a circumltantial c count, and duly explaine'if ,- to the S'edtf.) conful or vice eordul ofth'.e 'plare'tvbictf tne hip is taken ; and IbphWi ti'cre. as.po in: 1 1 ' ii, were Bottomed Wweefl at toi the town, but tVelr eWcpetent ontbai fcwttlheemV mm of f ; iere fefoiind by water, fo as to pot u in fone de. theclaraor tn irjunoua Kportthat have- goto . yrrc between the town St them, which ..clearly Ibew- broad on ihit fuSject. r B, accidents which pe h pa ed with al. for the" eomV't onriie fucceedinr ejiY . ...I-.!. I . I ! I . piK.uiiij i n ui' on mcn iy or.arr tne wan oi Foil it r.tll'B. whrh hA n t .aitiir.w f hfi v 1 rrre hrlween ih meo: had" the :,;coiti -a.'.t' of the hirloar, aid 3ie ATiat the enemy -tl.ougbt themfelifea rwScieQtly uo uaiatt pritde.iCf covld o; i tkc, and in .which Irtng to defend the town withoot the atUItance ot 1 ttitt hia " minuteta.jnc Mwwai, or myicn, CcoiM or Ai e ;'conrul ihcre, be ih.iJS ti . tiitt a rnenio.riajio th SWcdi'fli conlol ot the dittj ifcjf to which the' place imo which his fhip i taken, bslanjjs, - . .14, Every captain of a Swedifn tner -chant man, who lUiCtly chleives the above .. relations aad orders, flisll enjoy a free ioyi protefted by the l-vs yf .nations . and the pr'vi(ions 6t treat '5S-, a:;d to tTis end, all public agents and Svyedtfl) cunlwls v;re required, it cafe of attack or infultf to liv e their fupporc to the juU and well iUuuleJ compUint. on the fuhjeCl. Hut ..'thole who in tny point whatever neglecl rr Oolite their orders, muit anfwrr f6r tbe confeciuencei of tljKtr conduct without rli" protection of hit uiaiclh'. "" 'i c.'By the contents of a recent order conOderation pi the bf,, ..ore or ,.3i?&Wtty.h.,JvohiUtedthcpr O fore; nil nation to enter, or wring inetr pri7ss;'in!o.t.he pot iS of his 'ltindoin ex cepr in cafe of t'iieir. being driven in by jtrefs of weather. In thitt enfe t is ex-p,-ef,iy p uhiLUed to Jill svhutc-ver to buy the yi-i2f..oiLiyvttheellc&i . witich; the privateer have taken. - To which end, publication, -&C. - Given at St. I'eteiburgh, " . 83d, December,- 1800 (Signed) -' . GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS- cato, and wat -.hti 45a yarda of itie rich me,r chat t veffe a, wh ch coaid -ioi make ten m hut'es re- A'tncMo he prty which fltould hive p ffcfTioa of port's.:. Ph 1 p. -Were ji.ch corfideTau.n,to be pa- ticntlv durci--ini if th;v were (acta, couid the liouit-' confijienltly ifliifc ao enquirv ? v'iv'! the hu to --fuffc 3 01 400,00.1. of the pub ic money to-be expended 10 lupyort a fl.et, vyhich fecmed.t go oQt meily 10 look, into a' port, or on a party ot plea. ta r e riV'fietntijrs'rni yiwis i i py ffrtlfi 5iro t heift rong palli oh the nil ;the;e was a rcdoulH whica com. ma ded "paji of ihcSarbour, vlhich the hoo, gei nefHnel to bliy:e ii attack, anda body of joo rnen offered to take it in . m'inutei. Fra'm Ferrol the-.tlcj.t -fai'led. t V'ijo j 1 iiere tbctramen took a pri. vtecr 10 a gallant Rianncr, exclaiming in it lucti waa tlTerneiliod ty took of teaching gertiala their duty ; fuch 4s ihe.ontem()t tbey entertained for the pro tee'in'Ii'e row wifhd to exsmine aad futh waa the feii;ir-'.:t of the.' Spanifli oJTiccra aifo .hat ftr tic!;" jjenfra!, with 500 men, would not have re treated ,n fucii- a ni inner, and nf;trw',d'i venture to v'eturi to Tuf'it. Meie Mr, Sturt read two letier;, Hie one fru.n a naval i fruer, dated Vigo Bay, ept.- 9, whith !id'fabftanj5wd failed thqpirticuliM ured U Mr. 5nit in h: ioccl'-j taom, that all u!i.i u'ji- ctioii; w-isJiulhcd oa the fahjeci oi. reiijo -all y.tfra itiei-t on. it .dil'c 'UiilcnAticsd iSt thr.yl wete Vimach difapfpiriud, H hey eawficd hi auKc thtji fumir.ta a Uug'.O ;. and ll.a'. '' 1 ws? r-& aagiy a laufhii 'th.-.t the" coaUI liivc.Uken b.Deulc, ,l.v- tng a' body. 01 (h, rucuu'ui ui. iiij 4id, uilor;, amounting to f ttooc, equl iu reli.luun an.l ap pointroont ta any c'k'er prize j ' Mr. S. having fiitifh. eo the letter; a msuiaer- cauea out tor trie writer,. nan.e, whu'h Mr. S. dolii);d 5 but proceeded to e d anothsr Utter of GirtHa'? import Iro-n another ,'ofHcer in the army. Wlu-n Ptrteeu complained, he fhould lupooie tin-re wu.ionv: unonai nina to luuity en Ouiry, and it that enquiry wai inllitutcd, he fhould feci hirr.feif bounl to proJure all hia authoritiei and correfpundance to the houfsl He "concluded with 11 vin, 14 Thai the licufc (Vi uld lefolve into a com rnittee of the whole houfj 10 enq'iir in o the caufe of ths fiilure-of the expedition to rerrol." Sir lino Puiienv, alter a few prefatory obferva tion. faiu Sir. had I conceiv d tht th; ch ce of taking ferrol caie .vil)in any f.iii ca culati n, anA had refrained. frcra the attack merely from note or leu with which it vc h.f that I had wantion in mv ty 10 rny cjuntry. ana tnat deferved much of the inip.ita:i:;r vaich hai hch fpread abidaJ. But when, aher mature dv'iiberatir.ri, I found th it an auack presented nu rational chan'ce offuccefi, and that.-a iailu.e imnlvtd Vot merely the tofi of thnle m)ii m'v.ht tail in any s tack fieje, 'but eventually ;-the lola oi a confidciable psrt ; Ai hat corpse If 1806 meVeould be fifcredJani locked had the rmal'elt M acne,, I waa ditippoiat a on. my aeon aadifnohUoiit nf a coo. or even ; ;oo. it fol-. arrival eff Ferrol, of intelligence which I lud conS- owa mat tne pace waa It roil g 10 men. - 11 toereiore . oemiy cxpeti, hu v" ' - i( peara, that the oemy themWyca confirin in th gfet irteature, tor our fuue operanona. I (hall ' tronrctt aaannermy idea of the nitorc.of the woika, further add.that, aa far. ai I art ci.a'oled to yxdgfuom nd of the force to defend thofe"Vorkj, and that of -on that ht, hia roajetty'a ini..iHera were,:ia ih . ;onifeit carinot be hid I either oror-cded oh ertun,di tf-en Aate of the war peffectly juttihed in em ploy 111 J ightly taken tip, or winch rwv-9:oeu aiti.-nately taj? ona ortraopt wnien tney a pw-cu vjiucr my nrTOeoui7WetheTrlOonjy u oponunity ol ca--JoraaiiajninmanntLio jruiyu "try in j the place on the 2i:Si in the morning, at ployed, , and in giving me the inftiutim under , Which tvroe faw. caunbd on-the'ramparta ; V'the tte-.' i'h.ih I Aed. J muft further fay, I muft-Inv mv were .bufuv e.nplovtd iii bri'iioy op moic. and; thaoeht myfelf unwotthy of'tlje fttuatiaa in whicbT thete couldnot be the fniaUrlt ifcHbtthat Brfof e iStchr had tht honour io-bf laced, it atter aaKing Up my (tor ii if tojbe kept in view tbit there never was an mindiupon the fubject, I ha with J..'y, tA :mv, idea nf tfdaiadinj th towain the dav time.V'they. ownrepiitaiipn,cr to convince the army arid ihe' nply provided in this rafpettr-It appean Wivrld of the necefUty of what I found myte I com- woolibe'iinpiy provided in this ralpettr-It appean from the' adhd act-cunt, -that the necelTary prepa. pelled to do; been euilty of hazarding for an hoar the. fafty.of any part of rny corpa, or throwing a. way nfclefaly tie life of any man under .my com. mad. the liaa men above mentioned dc. ached, ty n.ue nVlnrtr in tr u pill IIP f( mil' landlllP. I rirOht; Q flV 1 the advice of the refpeclable gwral ofRcera who sc. I Colonel Galcoigne thought it did nof appear,' but, comjanicd mer I therefoje Ipcke to them icdividu thai there wt a icalouly between the army and tvy ally and collectively on the .fuhjel...Tliej approach. on thu (jueiQn.j he watheretore tor the inquiry, e&t- t.id atleiitivcly viewed tlie place, and they wer-a as he conceived it wpuld produce reconciliation, t of op::iion, that an tack offcied no adequate prof- Several other m.eftjbefa Cpoke'at gteat length in fa peel; of luccefs, witb the: exception, of one general your of "the enquuy, among whom, wei Mr. JeVyif officer, who had not atthat time fuftcieeily madeup Mr. j H. Toike, Mr. -Crcy, Mr. Djnt, Mr. Fieit his mind pn the fubject, but who ha informed mC pont,' and lord Temple. Mr. P it and Mr. Dindaa thitirom what he then faw, a'd w! at he hai (ince ppofed it, and enteicd into a long detail ot ths po Jcirii'eri, he ia confident the at ao't would have titled, ituc.il tiicumftances uhdsr which it waitiken, which Ad officer of engineers,.' yh-n I alio coufulleil, and I we regret our inability from want of room to give'r whofe iatiiority fecms to have great weight with the o"i account of the leng h of the fpcech of the. boa. hnn.ceiil?iv,an. faid. thst he 1'ioueht the dace miiht' generals b fkeri bV eUide in thenig-hj that there wisj no I The houfe divided ;' for the motion 75 ngitait doubt, rni1(3ra!jle rifk of .failure, but that foch an attempt mi'it fuccwedj . ' . . ' I hive only to by, that my opinion was and is en. titey" dificfenti that Ferrol did appear to me to be, though certainly ndt-'a llrng to: lifted place, aa much in 'ty. sgainft what is called a coop de-main, 01 imm da:e alTaut," as any itror.ger fortified tpwn, parliciilar'.y when it is confidored thit ihe, gnrifon wai-tiuuble what was necel.rary ti def:cd the worki, and ' that wt could net l-e fiipplied with the meant lor fuc i an auetnp', which an array, makin? a v gu lar c-jninaigu on tlii contiaen: would aaturjlly he provided. ' ' Having no prefprc of fuccefi in an immeaiats af fan t, the only oth.-r thing to re confidered was, whwtbet it wai pcfiible to get polTtfiion ot tt.e place by a regular ficge. To do fo, I mud in the full pilce, hive got pcffcfTion of the Teveral forti co:n niinni rig the emeianc'd nfnha harbour cn both fide, bu: 1. rincip!ly of fort St. Philip, whi.h couldiot te dene without brin 'irg up heavy cannon, and open-iiigb.tteriiagainlt.it.-,.; From the nature of ihe coaft. which is formed of if not the whulr, of thecoma cnclrr- oy or.'.ers, I Gcrpmoiioni'', without toads of any kind, at lealt 1.. -... 1 r. . .'. .t 1 .. i j ! . r t - . r t. : -. u it 144 .dj:u.i:ned at half pafl 11 o'cVoJk. r Tvc Imperial PauTuimcnp, HOUSE oi' COMMONS. , ;' Tburfilay, febiuary 19. Ferrol Expedition. Mr -Sturt hid. he rofe n brinz forward a motion relative t tha' tl'.-UteJ ex?edit..n to pcrrol, whuh h.,d enpOi'ed thccouhi,ry'io .VmucH rx:ience'and rediVu'.e. t;n a fi n lar molica lad fc.Tion, Mr. Pitt if quelled bin to pilpmejt, iootdr that tl.rhoa. Henlle'man n w prtki.t micht hsve an opportu ty of v;ndic tin(', lv' conduct," and of -plaining anotivea f-r ti e fud'en and peJ :iaily tliacrdmiry 'ie.emb.tV ' f ' lrcol', we'' V" r-inted.' fiUKrd with tawCefi. acd in the o; in.on of ' many b!e c.TrtTi in'he cft.in prolpr.ftpl complete vttt iry.- Hc.wii tr.Raei ced on thij octifion loie y by a ftrong fenfe of public duty. It .a weli knon the armameni lv thiet rnonihi in uiUron, he. her imMcv rd in m'.liuiy diveinenj or not he did n.t prn'end to know, feui ce.n'n it wai, they were na rd In no way advantageous the cwunty. Af I J' n g fo lon.ai Q'J brno, the Heel fet la. I with lot anfpoitt, cuvoyed by lour or five men of war, atf aien ly und'eided whul.tr to fl;jf ; on the 25th ivtd at Ferrol, aid Undcd certainly found it ny duty. n; t l" hsiird an en'er- pule, where the dunce ot lacceinp-ea ed to be ucl perate, slid the eve t of a failuri' ' w.u.'d iuve cum piomited the genet 11 f.fety o the torpa 1 It.'.d the honour to . nrm -.d. For witimtit 'eriia.tr'g into the tenor ot my ioikructiym, gcnt.erien may nfily imagine, that 11 never could be the intention of any government to expefe to itn.uincnt haza:d a body o f uo.ji, the I jlaonw. ti TCl jw nrj I d n -jt-ont y h a v e delrated eery r bjeft of the cinpgn, but would have been a levcie blow tr.e couu.ry,' and a in. tctial dim inuticn uf in rtfcibve fo cc. . The ground upon whu'.h 1 loimed this op'i.ion, I can explain in a very te woidi. U will be acrdlef to Aate to the Imu.c iiic fuccef wi'h hiih our laid i.ig V.. effcdUd ; it wi t be i c4 e'tto date that all oppufiticn ir our nugffCito the hiighn above. Ferrol waa detea'ed by me aliiiry cl hi a me-ly' troops. The polTeli.cn of tr.ote hei h i gave me a'lull o prior. tuniiy cext morninjof oblcrviuttlie whole Atuation, and the i-.iukof t.iat oulcivittO;i wai, decidedly, not for ctiiEe. the 'traufpoi.t '.of heavy cannon 'mull . , . . - 1 .. have been a work t to. lider ible lime, and until we had ooITtilioa ni the lo'rti. the Fieri muff have lain in an open bay, 01 ruber on the open coall, in a fi- tu lion haiardO'K, la t it couid not have remained ihere a moment, whenever ir.e wind, winch waa then along fhore, chaged 10 the weft ward, as waa ofjviou to t'..fe the lcli acquainted wi'.li navl af- fair.- - ; f , r Bit,Sir fuppofrngns fo Iiava got :he fort, anl to have iion,nt ihe flet into a place ot f-tct v, it i felf evident I mult have octiipitd both lides ol the lur buur to piotccl it. I count not h;e h;d above 7000 01810' men to ftive as a bcfieiug and covering ar mr. I hva (hewn that th wai naarly' the numhrr the enemy lud in or clofe tq the town the day after we lauded. Tha v. hole force o! the Province, pi. hip ot other Province, w.i naturaSly in Movement. 1 know a a fft, that the troops from V120, wbuti is I believe the moll remote giriitan in Ca'.licia . Lfin men. befiJeif-iloia and laaiinca; on the a6th Ifice. wliu-h .t oulv an extent of 1 Boo yard, it it thev mrc"Al-to-4he-hci,Ji'.W'hlcli. overlooked thernrly forlifici in ma.onrv, having in that ; litt fix ton, and immedit;lv alter, returned. If ihe hon. gm-ifl would fay ih it fe landed i" ordct to recon- noitir, wou.d noi aooo men m uicim . as that itmnta t f Jice f Wh; n he hon. r,tneial 01 de.etl the frtrrai, the enemy we flviighi aveiy di leUmn, and th- tn(nn hd noi f .fltisni aitillerv ' to dflr-d their waik. So rapiJ acd unexpcled ' wai ihe luccef of the troop;, that tie ptincip! ofh. . cn of engineers etpiJiu'atid"th bun. genital on hit Lccrf., aad affmed him, that W he Avould fob ) iw it op, the arftnal ard garrifons ol Ferrol woj d he in hit poffeflioo. i two houu. .Thai omrai cf engioeeiatold the geoeral d.e army cou d take Ferrol viih facility, if he would orJtr at cati to prefs on j and that Foit St. Philip fold be imn.fdittely tar. litd: tbit the ja'.laut jtd reginuni waiiJ under the . walls, anxious to attack it. There w.t not a 000 men capable of afung in Ferrol, and what an afp'N fton on the military iW.iter of rfnfctand would it he demed to abandon an objeU fo important, vhert difEculty1 wit firccly ippaienl,'ed the ad. yantagrt in v w eminently gun. Ver,y aiong opi nion atair.fl iSi coudutt of the hoo, federal ptevaiU t in the army a: d raw, an I thai wit llmng a,rouua lr mqu'rv. Afi'r all the fu.ceft which wit ob lame'! liter ipprojching w'ubm a mi e f Frnol ifipm Feno', wrie actuary upon the inarch, and I am '.oluu'il iu;:Hi!t. I lound tl.at the woika.d ihe jconriucr.l that I Iptak within bounds when I fay, jlace .'stt of a na'.ine, in n opinion, to detcaiUi jtiiai they c.uld have afT-iir.bled ta.oooor 13,000 men nui'ib'.llty ot a coup-de-n ain, nd I fojnd tht ti.f iu tddiiion to the-ranifon. before I fbotiid have e tioupi t Jcfend thuie woix were mof numciom '. ven opcnejl the ticuchei. To atteaij.t a liege agaiafi d..i I had rxpeitcd. -The nun.ber cf Koopt whi h tqnal number it a very unufud operation in war. it ha bee faii that tort M Philip wai nut occ ipicd ay the aoet.iy on our iirft landing, and might then lot hav been taken poffclfioa at. . It happens that 'e land 'ii on the oppofil: f:de of the mcumtin frrm foil St. rlnlip, that the troops which diluted the ,eii;hii wiih ut in the evrninj tarte hem tort St. Philip, and retfed to it giu and weie ihofe tioopi no doubt for whom the Lot:, mentioned in thai a vl clri'cei' letter produced bj' th" hnoi.ii'olc 'n tle o, wcic in ie; aratinn, in Older to kny them iciol the harbjr. I: has ben fd that the dnU rtl tniOn(trt:rd sga'.nll the retreat and liiit Mt navy oflertd to'o il.e rtlt with ths fh pt, it I would only (iie tht foil. The admiral neer made tht fl siit:lt y..j.flioutoJhe tttreit, nr d d he, oranywher na- I I ti.yfcit obferved, and fio:n 'he report cf o'herofli ceri, in.j ioloiimtiou of pnfon.ri, af.ertiii ed to bs jpj-ofei1. vo i'i. iu tne morniug (1 mean in . nd out of the to n,) amounted to at uad 6coo men, a num. bcr mu h gicaier than wai i ecefTay lomr.letely M defmd he wotki ra .nd FerrohThi wai die num ber I men:io ei m a private letter, wiitienio the rig'.t h". g'ititmio over aainU nie, the aayalt.i we re-rmSatked, and I know that it wai my i ten. lion not 1 1 over ra e tne enemy' tout. aa lo iuy obfcrvinoa ol the town, I t'a 'h.it it is coveted on hrec h'-c, by the fei, or arm of tht fea. The ffinth taliidni. and at many fmall iavelnu,-or-raihet i dtni. The biulons have a great tievstioa, and upon th'- curiam which c 01 merits thefe work', 11 tailed a pirapei'ot mal'uniy, cr ti'.l.ira n c wah of confiJer able hci,h'- Tliele v nih.s lie in n.e belt o'der, bav ing been lately couArr.Med.. Ahl.ougb upon thole fidea wbit.11 nc covt.ed by itma of the fca, tht fbutf is lonn-d by a lice of flrtp rock, which fenu 10 make all prcriu ton unncctfltv,yilbs 10. k ha keca fcraped away, and eve; y opium LuiU up with iht utni Ii lab ur and auculinn. Sucli being the actual limaiiun of Feiro', and the fores la defend it, a. m jou.ipj ta the nuni'r 1 have mentioned, i.idepta. dent of other torpi, which could have breo thrown ia btlojt niht, rhere appealed to rot to be, mri'y (peaking, bj chance ol fucceli n any attempt ignoit it. I hive bad tht cppnriuutty fincc ol having my opinion confirm -d in every p..inl, by aithoiitici from peifohi whom no mancan luppofe to be deeply in tieilrd, c. liter in fnp O'tinf tht cnarsclrr oi hi Riajcfty's srmi, or ia fiilliiniag my tepuiation. 1 illude to aa olTi', il report pub'tflted i- Fianee. Una the hon gentleman Uitet the particular ot the f 1 each Gaaatte, inMdtr to (hew, even from lha vc ly account, which wis coitfiimed by tht Midiid ti ' aei-e, that the roe my bad ia, and clof to the town, whin the curfu'ion anl panic among the inhaii im j between 7 and 800a men. I The letter ! the Fiench . f.i I.. ((it'e.l Lv loins mtuhtnti who hu tied AmbiTador vh lianlnu it, tnki of aooj difpoU to L'fbon.i ilut.the rrue::indiiy were nfcmMad to tblr men and (ome ani itii, whub clearly m-ttl the . ai ' a numlttr 01 otn necujry to gia uit town au imiii and Ihe if tou ii ii'tll fiyi, tht gurifooi l the u.ar.e aiii'-unlfd to 0oi men, wl.ictt, if ihetf is any i.n iht nrooneiv . f 01 art.hr tct .n ofci ti:ltioit. when "he hon. rrneial lJ ordered the f tiiiaiknioo, which hed'd tvm without t liiw in M to th iinif n. Nhn iht hoi, et cnl cat id ibingto la dtawoLont ii at at , t vet tht fame ifu'.l a cuuncil ol wir. lo coi.h ier th' piorricty pi an at.',, tj H miberi sa iht loimfr account. ,Thi accouof t tk upon Fenol, the ofTicrr of rngineett wis not (ur oncu to attend. He I id bet ue to. J tne hon rer.cul that with the l'li ol too n.tn hi Cou'd like iht f i'.icf. Tlt wh grctn.d fot jnqjny. Tht importance f the pjtol TeMnl wi wmth fuch t :.iitr 1 ihr't was in thehiibm at iht tine, two Pup ol . H t grr.itatb one ol 64, ni one of ,, iine b'gi ' b6iei neii'y 8ofil of ferehintiren irt tn oi wr .li'idv fined for fca If that w it mother icfptU (.ooiirmi the loimcroot, by mea. t oning the gtntiiiol tht Hying (leapt, althougli ft takes n i.notKt ol ht campt ihr mlclvrs. I bop ti ter tl.it 1 (ha I in 1 heat lud, tnat the town of Fenol wn dtltnclen, ot dif-cient in point of itnifon. I trod it w cot b atfuei hr.r, or flat d witHoai . NOR'FOLK; April 21 D;flrefling ! Ship Nevt. Apr 18 Arrived the Btitifli flor?p Martin, capf. Baker. 7 davs front Antiv i gaa fugsr -N. Macmll. Sailed urnfer convoyt the U. S. bng Lagle infcoir" pany wi;h 10 fail. " 'y Ariived the fch'r Eigle capn Wanghop, 37 days from Port Anfowio runt k. . Frith." Off the welt Wd ot Jamaica fyoke . the (loop ' Polly.capt. Qrti-iV.om New York, that haViift before been boarded by a privajer under French colours, and plundered the people of their cioilies and cabirv (lores.v ;.tne day the bri Three 5'ftprt. cap Viikery, 56 days .fronube I lie. of May fa!t-Tho. Armiltead. Same day, the brig Two Bctfey capr. Allen, front Baltimore bound to Naples; in diltrels ; failed from Cape Hi-nry bit the jajth nit. and on the 26th lolt her bowlprit and (bieniafl. '. Same day, the Jhitilh brig Phoenix, crpr, Black,jrV6 days fiom Bslfalt billaft Wtu. CUthbert. Same day, in diflrefs, the Va'liot P.dly, capt: Ilardinj;, Itom Nwbern buund to Nw-ork. On the 13th inll. in a gule of wind loll her rodJer, all her fi!, pare of her deck load, her houu, ai d reteived other ii jury flic was towed in by a pilot ' boat. April 10, the bl ip; Spanifli Lady, captaiit Chacv. 1 3 days from St. Mary tiinbcr fur- the ncvy yard -lod his toiemafl and. bow rprit in Jar. 33 30, Jong. 7$, n the pale 011 the nib ; at the fame time laws flitp of war difmalfed, which lemainedm fight t'rl a"trr datk, but in the morning following could Ice nothing of her. WILMINGTON, --'MAY 7, 1801. ; nvvin gentlemen are elrclcj P.leinbers yLfcaiort($ for Maryland, t wit; Mr. Jofcpn II. Nichoifon, is ic clcckd ; John Archer, in tlicP room of Mr. Chrillie ; Richard Sprigp, in ihe room of John C, Thomas; .Gcrjcral vaUrliccr, make ome a. y time ' aay- prop.r.r-Uit4 rTlir tKtrirnOsnif tr"ar r ahattver to make the attack wuu ihe De:t, nor did . p, . , m, any converfation I hid held with iht ad mral befott ' Mr- J UU,ri ,n,r.e room Of .Mr. Craik, nor a y ihtng which nlfej at the time, convey to and Mr. Campbell, in ihe place of fwc me the leailioeathit he could have any fuch imen-j believe) Mr. Dennis. Tht four firll" tion. It bit been (aid, that 1 retreated in cnle- ... .1 . 1 ,, . , !e,;eeol private oideri I, nn .he Commander in ' earned are republican, the two iitl k- "... . J a.. IJ dAat ChieL How or with what intention any uue could hiand in ir.finuation io wickad, lo la!f, and fo ab furd, I (hill not prelumt to fiy. I uuy without any difclofuie of ihe obtecls of govero.i em lanjy af fca what is i ullic'.y kn9wn, lhat the expediuo.i a taial Fcimi V a oot the only fervice in which tht cnri 1 under my otdeti wjs deft ned 10 be em . . ... 1.. t.-ii.. ii. dcrat. C4it Lynetr, of the (hip Kiagart, who irriteH at Niw-Yoi k on ihe 13'h ult. intormt, ihat he brought, out London pa pert in '.he 6th ol March, but that they wcremiflaid. He fayi, thit the Kin; of E.ic and continued extremely ill that a ru t.ber of Daya ployed t a conOdetatlnn which undoubtedly did, at and Swedri hid been bronrht int Rtai'iriie 1 and it ou(htto w gh mucli with n ehr ughout le'wi1 " that it hii liouriy,cxpected that Ealaad worn de. b .fincfi, and a conodcration of great mijnitud:, tlart wir age nft ihc-Nouherft Powen. He lurther fni might 1 tirly ia itlell have induced me to adopt inform, tht fix Ameticin velfeit lailrJ in . n; any. tht line I (o!!cwcd,had eveu the natuie of tht woi, with !im, n vmi to the Baltic, which had been char and the loice i the p'ate b.en oi a uilf 'tat' com- tciei by ihe Bin (h merchant, at the 1 att ol flar. pie 1 in 1 hum what I loo id them 'io be. This cou'i- , ling per ton, and ihat every Am ikih 0 that d.-ranon patiicalirly tended to confnro me in what : could be ohttined, wt fought after wi.h iv.dity. ought to be ihehxed dcttrmins ioo ot every om:er NotwithDinding our fulpiciont ffjyia Pn lade' upon Inch a fervice, to attack the town ii I ihougnt it ' phis pipei) that the reful I of the cabinet oi England advifcable fo to do, ant ii not, to r-.t.nbark wi.hoot j to emai'ipa'.t tht Catholict ol lie ad, wit t llri a niomeati daliv. UonecelTaiy nlk and lofi mirely tircin oi Mr Pitt vd hucoidju on, to gut tht in- for the fAt oi Ippeatiucri, I wai determined ,to j fatuited lUjjeAi of ihtC'Own vi Creit B'lti-n, wt aoid -Being ronvmced in my own mind, thai there wi Utile or no thinct ol, lu ceit, l mould nave thouila myfelf highly culpabU if t had I hilled a m ment about re-einlirkinj Ire troopi. The hoa. ger.ttemin hat talked ol tht diffrtn' and the till, 1 lea which exiltfd between iht trmyand nivy emptoyrd in the f-ivict. Oi that ddcoid, I conleli I orvtr beirJ llo.e. lie hia thought ,ru ter lo ccnfitit my conduct ia) lindiagamy whale jjitttoiht fiift laftmct, wi.cn t.ooo men wa)d halt beet .ufficent to theriah how lai iht fiatt ol tKf (itiifoo ttnJcre l mr 1 tcrnl upon it wile of ilrun. th t iSe p'ate wniltailct bv imuo le-mnn, , ptacu'e j ba ii f .iely au't have b en a ttringt ..." ... ... ... .1 . . .1 e 1 . I 1 1. ... . wni n even 1.1c cneay, m 11 n 111 men naiuiai iuiki ipr-.it i icMriaiini p na ' mn m vu- t ide lb dimiaiih then aumbrti and aneana oldilc.cr, Jiif, whrrt a nt toold bt ilf.rdcd; withont having t't I'M, md ihat the IpinifH fner 1 with tcco hive athnow tged t ha nr gunlnned. And (ir, "(atne iiaol ,he if tbt antmy ihe miht ha.t a a . w ' n 1 a t.i..aa. aa a . . .ris a .a. . ari a. a -. . a.' 1..-. rien .''f e 'ea in h-aimt, rn it.oro tng iinme 11, nitre 1 ir.e iiinn tonn'm ion poiu jir. wi mr irwn . u rmcunwr. 1 nc lauroinr qi ii ph . He 'u-pt.' w" 'u-fM "t pcvukt an cnquity. ' n.stctlal pan nf ih'i icrounl ia tht tonduM tl tht c hui aa btpoitu my oi tut n iheirloiue by Ihcsirfivicdvd on t'.it fcUhl of Uit tbvh, fit- ftaoiy.' tcr ilip bun wboi.mc to o.olt tr atuikj iht iji:it ol f idol, 6ti aa. furnJt ic J ptsiMi,-! . . , . . K " J "" kive fubfeqaent reafon lojielitte, thai the q lellion of Itifh emincijiuoa bens hrlef upon the fiiitirk Mmiltry thin wis at f.rft fuppafed. Ttiu wt toclimi to think from the fo' lowing information, which wt dirive Irani iefpiial4le itihority t Ltrd Cnrnal ' 1,1, pictont tn the lait diTiee4TiCiil it iht Cabinet, wmc 10 Mr. Pitt, that unief iht Caihalic Ir.ih, wt.lecmancipa cd, and all the TiltLui rrpened, lit would nM anl wtf fot ihe pea A ol Ireland and ht prelTel, iht nrttlTity o( it lo fincettly, ihil Mr, Put ihoiitht proper lo lay the iolarmitiO.i belon a Cabinet Council, tt which the and Rrvere d Fa l itfl '0 CaJ, ilit luemberi of tht bet b of Iifh pt thca ii town, vrtte rc itftrd lo alttnd. 1 Thiy did da Pitt MiTr4 fit oireiruy f the mtafiart. T"t majanty oi the ucil, tud all tht HiJbopt to fa tun, wtit oppnl d.to him II (net tht lecelLo, ailhnah hi ii.n-ituct wn LfH.iect to fecart h.i owa ciiit4iti ti bn I JtuuVt ia Ut bliaiiij. Our . 4 . w

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