ops hicb l !3 I 1 h, a: c . , "REVISE AND AMEND . MILITIA LAWS ..; o p'"'' W NORTH CAROLINA. in' tfo Qe'neral Ajftmbly, D$ Ctmber 20. 1 800. ' . North. Carolina, ' and it js hereby enacted by the ittthoil'v Of llic Idiiirt, ' That all freemen and indented fcrvants, cuizens in this S'.aie ot of the United S'afs, refidfnt in this State., who are or fhall be of the aire ofck'li- - teen years, and under foriyfirve years,' lhall, as toon as it is practicable, . be feverally and refpettively enrolled in she mvli ia by the Cap tain .or Commanding Officer of die company within the bounds of whoie diflrici, (to be ai- lt cd him by the co'urt.martiai) fiich ci.izcn . fhall cefide. and i'. (hall ac all times hereafter bo officer ot any company, the cSyacity defcribed, or hot pouch and pow- wi.h a fword arid pair of j.iflols, the holflers. of, trie faid -Brigadier fhall forfeit and pay the de horn, the fum of two flvilUna?; flints, cart- of which thall be covered with"- bear -fkin '.vrfura of twenty live 'pounds, to be recovered ridgc-bo:; or powder and ball, as required, the lum.ot two thj 1, trigs.- And all parentSj mal It rs, or giiardiins, IhaHfurrjiDirthofe of ' he rnilria,."who ili-ih be under their care or com,3 wi Ii iheir arms and equipment above pnentiotied, undet the like' penalties for any neglect. That all commiffioncd officers-(hall take rank according to ihe date of "iheir cpmmiflion ; and wiiete two or more of the lame grade bear an equal date, " then tKeir ranks halt be determined by Ibr'j. to be drawn by them before die commanding r.flker of the dtvifion, brigade"rcgimeVt," bauil-iotj, compa ny, "or detachment' And each Superior court dillritt 'fhall form at lead one brigade, and each county at lead one regiment : And when the fame flial I be-coqvenient, each 'regiment hall coufill of at, lead two bataliorrr, cach battalion of five companies, and., each compa ny offixiy four privates. That the militia (ball be officered as" follows : To .mci div ifion hedu'v'ofeverv CaD'aif.'or commandine '; Maj .-General, and two Aids-de c.mp ,rt ,nti f..rU Iwt'h the rank and nay of Major, to be ii- r n r r -i. i i- i t --. . 1 r r ana eacn aragoon to lurnun airmen wim a ana appuca as tioreirirectecuuLJ.necom ferviceable hoffe fourteen hands & a half high, mandmgpillcef. of -each' regiment or battalion -a" good laddie, bridle, yalire. breait-filate- - and if he docs no receive 'fuch orders, in time crupper ; apair ot Doots ana ipurs, a pair 01 , irom me iingacier-gencral ot nis antntt, anl pittois ana-noitters, a taorc, ana carioufHj appoint tne uta mutter . p a to anther the box to hold twelve Cartrirlees for i-iflo!s. -above intention ; on failure whereof, he (hall V. And be it further enaded, ;lliat no fuffer the fine of fifteen pounds for each neg perfon that now.is, or Hull he rea ftc r procu re': JecK And the faid Brigadier (hall caufe the? himfelf to'be enrolleiJn anv-vbhitiieef eotri- commaading officcM, of the' refpeftive -regi .1 pany authorifed by this ai ihall be perr)Ti'tt'cd"?ti-c or corps to be-notified thereof at- Jeaft to return to the infintrv. except Vy ih. c.ot- t.o weeks previous' to' fuch- 'mufier : And if lijrnN he may tie out of ila county citizen as aforfaid. and.-alfo thofe w'io hall'! P'ed fro m time 'to time arrive a' the age of eighteen years, except as hereinafter exeped, or ill a 1 1 come to relide-within : his' bounds,: afld it main therein thiriy days, and ill all without de- v - lajr-notit'y-fuchinTiziJ proper non-commi uinv- by whom lach noiice may bi pro ed that every citiirn f. enrolled and irovifid, Cull; wijlv'n fix months ihsreafer, jjrovidi himielf wiih a good mufket or firelock, - a fuflicisnt bayonet and blr, two fpare thrits, a knapfack, and a pouch wi'h-.a box Mbi-eiu, to ci'i m not lef .than twenty -four ca'rid Aid"dc-campJ ferve allii by the Major-Gsneral t 1 si one, J3rtaauu'r-cjnera!, ap rr jj ir r- '1 . 1 any, oiucer man tail 10 attena any review, regiment. or baitaliort muder of attending' not armed as required by this aO, he or th.ey Iball, on conviction before a court-martial, forfeit and nay, if a field officer, the (um of ten fjnt of - the Captain with eiiroiled. or by removTI sphere fuch perfon was enrolled ' and " it hall It fuificieht for fuch perfon to be enrolled arid aj5jrovcd by the captain of ., any volunteer company or troop without the intervention of pounds ,.if a commilTioned ofiicer under that any-olhrr Ticer whomfoever, grade, five pounds ; and every non cpmrnif. i' VI. -Arid be it furtlfef enjjkd, That the' fioned.oilicer or private, who (hall tail to at rules approved and euablilhedbir ''-CongrefS, tend inch review or niufter.fliall on conviclibh pay Inch fura as lhall (lo adjudged againft him. in. tne.tr reioiution or j me twenty-nintn ot March, one 'rtmQTaTid lcvn hundred and fe- veniy-bine. (ball be ihcvrules or riilcipune to or mem dv trie court marital, not exceeaipp two pounds, nor lefs ihari fifteen hillings ; or if appearing, be not armed as by this at di retted. Dial! for fuch default forfeit and uav and one Brigade Infpeftor, to ' by th rcquifitioR of ' this aft, or fomc unavoi-! riot exceeding iwenty (hillings, nor le'fs iham ikijiads Mjior; and with the ' liable circumftance, It fhall bie the duty of the ' five hillings, to be- adjudged as- aforefaid- rankand pay ilf Major. 10 be appointed by ! conamanding ollicer, at every muller, whether.' which fees lull be recovered and ' aplied as T , ' j ' ' 1 . r 1 . --1 1 r r" -i k i 'i " : Ana ;, tne company ot innTJfiraTTItian of infan try (hall .incur the fame penalty , if they fail attend if the muuer'ground the day prettd- irvg each muflcr, for the purpofes hrcHimen tiotud.. And every. Captain or cwismanding oi3..rer or a. company. uiall, at- leajKonce in twu To each -be obierved. by .he militia of this Hate; except 1 1 -r .1. .1. : .. 1 -.'rr.'-.r' ana one 1 " itciauoub j iwu v uc iciiucicu .niAiiiii y eac1ifegtiiiehn regirtrtKf, battaTjoii r iihgle company, 10 -iicreafier directed it and two caulc Hie militia fn hi fvrirn.-i agca. ijj.rs : Avlncit general, rcgimeut and "held . s laid rujes ot dikiplme. . :lh.ers Quil be appointed by the'Seniie aod ! VII." ,Tnd. b t further enatkd, That it ILiijfe of Ciuninoui,'. anJ coniirulfioned by fi.all be the' duty of the Brigade lofpefror . to the Governor tot the tun: being. Trovided,"a"end al ,rie regunen-al of Osttalicn paraa iz. n .-if fiid ehrotmenl by a thc-15r 1 gad ;e r 0 i if a V Id rinnr.,3 ..'ffirrr of ihe con.. L'eutent.Uloucl CTo.r.r ,rh n..iirf' nv.v hrnnrf,! ! MUr : wlacU general, rcgn f at this time any, regimnit is officered -in a he dajr preceditig each rcgimsn.nl or batta? Li con lion it 1 fv, !' ees fuited (0 thi bore of his mjk:trJiisJodirlPlyl.Cau ""each cartridge to contain a proper quamiTy of powder and bl! ; or wiiha good title, ktiapfack, W-pouch and powd;T horn; a..d 'wenty balls fuitfd 10 the bore'of his rifle, and w 'uaripr of a pound of powd. f and lead j tid lhail appear fo armed, accoutred, and piovi 1, when called out to excrcife, or in o ac .' tl f:rvice ; exdept tha1, when called out on company days to excrcile only, ha" may' ap pear without a ktvapfack. That iha commifliaa. d officer fliall feverally be arned with a lword or hanger, and aneipontoon. And c very citizen- fo enrolled, and providing" him (elf with the a run, ainmuni:ion, and accou rements at aforefaid hall hold the Tame ex iupicd and free from all fui s, dillrrlfcs, exc ions, orfalei fur 3cb", or for the payment lanes. II. And be it fur her enafled, That the 'ficcPrefident of the United Sate, the Of cers judicial ar.d executive uf the United tates, the Members of both houfes of Con jKef and tlieif refpedtive. oflicars, the J'idgo ot 1 he Superior courts of Law and courts of li jut jr,aid Jttfticci of tlie l-ace, Printer to tne utjr,e, iounccuori or ot tie, tne sccreta ry, Tafafurer, Cemptrol!e the Attorney (ienerai, Solicitor Gencf al,IIIgh SScrilfs of the frvcral counties in thu Hate, Minillersof leGofpclof every de:.ominaiior!, .that propcily and rcg'ilarljr, n.daintd, and have ' 1 ite care "of ou'i ; Qukers, Moravians, D"JTkards or MencMlls, who may. produce a certificate of their bcirg rfg'ilai members of ei'her of rfie faid focie'ies j all tuflom.houfe 1 olficcrs, pclt.tnaHcri, and ilaj: drivers, who i:teicrr manner,: toe conimiiitou luall tinue. until by vacancy happening, it Ihali be . companies muller. whetiand where ths'oilicers of the;! months, at'fuch plac janies " fliall attend, and the Brigade In-! piupcr andconveni iioaxiange -ihs-ap&oiiitments-a-P0" are hcrebyTpquired iu tram & inllruct. order, of the cdmmai in ce ai he iirSIl think molt per and onvenientfata agreeable" to ihe 10 h;s act. iWd to each company,-; laid olbccrs in the ouiy ot their reipieitve : uam, and, exerctfe eich company; and fhall one CapiAiu, one Lteuicnant, one Eofign, j lla ions, by explaMiii t;.c principii: 011 . vvl.un caule ihem 10 rrprtm under arms it leaU three fWir SeraiiiS four Corpora!-., oiieVrummer j tne -different- manoeuvres in the fvR:tu of bonis in eachaoid every day, by himfelf or or Filer or Burner: 'I hat there fhall be to difcipline eflablifiiid arc to be perforMied, the his Lieutenant, and ihen and there teach them each r.'gimenr, one Adi'itant and one Q iarter mailer, wn) mall lc comui.liiooed oincet geon, and one Surgeon! Maie, icJ as aforclaid, and one Sergoant Daim-Maj-tr, and onc l:ifc-Mj to b(! appoin" Major, one jor 10 eacn battalion. lo be appointed by ihs commanding otucers tlicieo;, Hnd tli; non-commilhoiied ofiters, Drummers and ' Tifers, l'uglers, Trumpeicrs, and Farriers lull be appointed by the Captains .of each .'company or troop. Ihe cominilhoiied t.fhccrs of tbc compinies of g:enadieri, liglt tulantry or rilkmen, atd alf' lha artillery Hull bt recommended by the lirigadier Ocncial ot the brigade : and oi the troop of hoile by ihe field officers of the regiment of cavalry : "and ihe commifUon officers of ihe i'llantty fhall be 'recomraeirded by the field officers of the regiment to the Governor, who (lull iliac comin.I&ons to fuU fit all the fai-1 appointments andccommenda lions And the General and 'Tie Id officers, as wtll as all othrr cmuni limned officers, fhall icftde within the divijikm, brigade, county or campatiy dtlinaVhich ihcy iclpeftively Command. - yf - Providccl tieverthelefs. That this artance meni fliUliot effefl any ppointment heicto rbre .made. IV. And kf tl f,iri?icr A Tl. .... re employed under t.i? care and convcvancrJ Df the mili.ia emaWei at l...r; AAA .t,.,- of ihe miiiio ihe poll offices of the Ui,id may be form.d for each battalion one c'omoa. uiili'.y cf bch.g acquainted with the diffi-rcrit ': the matul excrcife and nieooeuvret direct lormatinns ana enanges ot polition, marching, : led urtlie book ot dilcipJii.e ; at which mutter Ificers, and pevates fhall appear aimed as required. If ar.y Captain or com- inff ofiicer ofanv coinmuv (h a" I fjil nr rcommending what excrcife and ma.noXvres ncgleil to mufier his company as herein di- thall be performed at the rompanyltiiitl-.'rs j reeled, he Uta 11 forfeit and p ty the l'um of two aid that they utc their cndcavourio infffirr-a-noitndj Irn'fliillinffs-! and if ho .r v . - - . y 1 0 " ----- w. iiviaa- (jurit of emulation, amng theoTucers : And niiUioncd" officer of the company, lhall fail to 1 ...... - wiih'tlu tank of Lieutenant,. to" be appointed! w',cel'rg anJ 0,',cr proper movements, t-jiboffi bv ihe1 comiiuuding. officer of the reg;m-nt :';g2ther with the manual exercife, and ihe difbefore There hall be alfu one i'-ay maltcr, one Sur.trcrt methods of firing by platoons, 8idhy mandi alio to attend the r Ji'mt bitjr itlcs tlurinc the arbis as above dtr artjiuni'ton llitircx tpfal and tattahon uppear tfjitpt as directrd at tlie fa hi n.i.f. inteungs-of the militiavCiupoling iheir feveral ler, the ollicer fo failing fhall pay the fum of ime ox tr.cir c.i.g under , two pounds ; and it any noncommifhoncd cd ; 10 inJpect their arms cthcer or private lhall. fail to attend at a com. accoutrements, fuperintend . pany muller. he hall foifeit and mv a f.nn d manoeuvres, and iiilr'tdiic" ! not exeredinir fifca (1iiti;nr. ... lC. ten IhilliDgs ; and if attending wiihout cer, etcife an ihr fy llmof mili'ary difcip'ir.e befbre df f;ri bed,hroughout the' brigade, agreeable to lavs' aid fuch orders at he Hull from time ta lime receive :om inc commanacr in cinct ot inis flue ; to report to ihe litigadier-gencral the fitld officers abfent from general review 'or nmllcr j to mike timely returns to the com insider io chief of this flate, as well as 10 the Brigadier of his btiade, at lead once in every year, of the militia of their refpeftive brigades itputiiu I'icitiii me ( 11141 -condition or ice armt. Iccoutrements. and ammunition of ih? fcvcral corps, and every thUtg-which ihcy-Mrt their judgment conceive may relate 10 tha government thereof, and ihe general advance ment of good order and miluary difcipline.' For which field fervicc ihcy fhall be entiled to twenty five Iniliinjs per day, and iwcn y-five flillling for every thirty miles after ihey leave home in rrinr iniiml tk . rinii iV. . . ,, , , 1 1 - 5-- - Mil, 11 vu 7 V u !i V . S n"n,rr or ""enjen : !gade to be paid by the Trrafurerof ihis flate, beintr armed and accoutred, hail pay a fum not ex- cccaing.icn muling., nor k-fs than five (hill ing', which fu:n fhall be aJjudgcd in manner aiiicrcaftcr directed, according to the circum flances of the delinquent : 1'roviJcd, That every abfentee lhall be allowci until the ncxi fuccecding company mufier to make his ex.. cufe, which fhall always and without exception be on oath, ihe officer higheft in rank bcin hereby authorifed to adminifler ihe fame. If any olitcer Utau luncr hiniUIf to be intuxtca. ted, or behave in a riotcur or diiorderly man ner,, when required to be oi duty, or dtfobcy the orders of his commanding officer, he fhall for ihe firfl ollcnce be openly" reprimanded by ihe Prcfident of the court m-inial before which he is convicted, . and fined at the dif cretion of the faid court, not exceeding two pounds; andfoMiie fecond offence,- fhall be stairs ; ail con.mcn al ofheers. who icrved with rCDUtatTon l tree years, or uniJ thi end of.he revolutions war, unlcfs.fooner i?. y J ,7 tK o IK T 0, in,d7il ! 1X .1 . urtcr enacted, That if any tanged by a reforn, of , he .rmf ; all ferry, a in7a f non.commifnored officer or priva.e fhall, du- ,en em,Led on any fcrfy of any public ho f 11 wH co bat.alioc parades rtng be umeV mufler, refihis commanding road. prUfded.hefi.ucff.allnot eceed the !Swt,fr? r on the ,d,y of regr ofluer, Jr rcfufe to ob.y hi. lawful com- fuperiStcdsnt ar,d one oiher ,0 each ferry ; ilffi f nonommiflioned officer, be flull all f.,perint,ndao.rof public mOh and infpec' tUr pwn expence K ' l lt Pefrform,n' ,hf, te Af0D.fincf "der g.a.d during fuch son ot impoflr.ir branch pilots, all mainci "e CJ,Jen,, mtt-fl5rf ni ,,nc1" fcrJ.on 0f thefourt- .Qually eloycd in .he fe.-fervice of ar.y I fce K III h thcl Cli fc5i?C7!ldr "chlhff,n U'U forffrC 'nJ. P " And if riiirrri; nirh.n, of U.!. S , 'i lL .1 A.sf . rl n"Z' I luch fi,,urc he f (weniv.five pounds 1 ihe court-martial after examination o ' oatli y - -iciu mil mmu ny oi inn erv. one caniam olhctn aod lluJentsol itie Univrrluy and a. I d'htr femirarics rf learning wthinthis flate, ' pstticularly eflablifl:ed by liw, llia'l Le, and Provided klwava. That rndiirnt brrrin rnn. I tainrd, fb!l be conftrucd lu as lu exempt aty perfon from performing du:y in cafe cf In vafion or inh.rreflion within this flue. HI. And be ii furthrr enifleJ, That ete:. vy peifort liable to do militia duty, ho may bj .ihc eommilliontd tHicen of His co'mpmy, be druifd in circtrnllances fufficienl 10 e- I uip himfelf, rid sshn fhall fail lo io the fame "l . a " s n.rein rrquired, in all lorieit and pay f.if rsih drhcirncy as follows, for want of a f'xnl aid frrvireable mifqiei, rifle or firelock, tbt fctnof five fhi'.linfs ; a canouch lex of company of artillery, one Caoiain. two Lienifnanu, four Sergeants, four Copo. tVs, fix Gunnen, fix Bombadierf. one Ij Drummer, one Tifcr, and fifiy-two Mattrof I." . m. rr ..t . ici ; a iic vintcii io nc armra vritrt a tword or hanger, and a fufce, bayonet, lndicli, syiih a cant ige box io cootain twelve carl ridg-s t and etch-private or matirofs fhall futuilh himfelf with all ihe equipment of a prita e in the infantry, until proper ordi nance and field artillery U provided. Thetc Hi all be io eath troop of hoife, one Captain, lf "LicuicMaiirone Cornt. lour mmmi. foir Corporals, ore Saddler, one rarritr, one arumpcief, and roi let than thiriy-Ca uik"- j ine commiuioned olliccil to funnfh 'hemftlvts with ewd horfei at leaft j fgurieett handi aud a ball rnh ; l0 be afmcd lobe recovered by profectition of tbeBrisa- fhall adinde anv neifan d er-eneral before any jurifdiction havirg aforcfaid, to be incapable of providing hitn cogniMnce ihere of. That for every neg.cct .of ihcmfelvcs with arms, ammunition, and w me iciunn m ne vommanarr in cmei accoutrements required by tins acl, they fhall ofihis flate, the lum of twen'y pound.", io be make report thereof lo ihe next regimental or recovered as above t alUh'icb fines fhall be battalion court-manial, as the cafe may be. v-' -iui w.. .wi ,iiC uw oi igc woo miT. ii ii huh anceir tern n. - "tie ' fuch nerCin (mm iKo fin. n i...r.:..T... i... .... iii , , , ....v- Vl iuikiiuki Vy vii. (na ne it lurttiir enscted. That there ibis act unnoted, until fnrk ifmi nA iall be in every year, at leal) one reg.nwiW iremenrs fhall be provided and delivered i lal or battalion mufler, at fuch place or places, him or them by ihe court-manial, hw Cil ii hits urrn nr aitii qc appointed bv law luf like Ifr.miv 1 thm Mm i L " general muneri : And hat she Brigadier Ce- arms ar.d accoutrements, lo beVcturncd when nsiai laau orocr ine iaif muuer tn fuih Tune tftpiircl. and rotation, that ihe Brigade hfptaor miy . .X. Andbcii further enatied, That the n "i,, 1 C rc,fn.cn,:- anl batul.tn feveral Captains of inffntrV. Ih.U ,i ,heir iV. mlltcri, M.owing each o.hcr m coutfe, for vetal muncri, make a reiarnot their refpec" ibe purpofe herein if quired ; on failure wUre- live cootpaaics io the cutnmaodinf ofiet cf - - a 1 a. !L 1 mm .,J for- k: i 4td(i VijSI tur : ! .- f Att i ft muflir, ; Vlfi mi - mm

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