mm r : i . il W II II lT if il II ii If fl Y II TI YI - MS mJtX i V M V fl V I I 4 I V 7- 17, . '--- . h- y - P U BUS HE D WEEKLY BY A UM AN DM At L, , ,. v. - ,:.JH: 7 j Three Dollars Der Annuiri.l T H U:H S D A Y. M A Y i. iRor. ("Vol. V. -No. 1 1 4 ' ,-U'l? - r. - r-K . - - v a - r- $y ike Ibtp New-Tart, aptain N.rColly, Sit . Sidney Smith's fquadron, confiding of Dick findmgf that the; lofs.of his. two belt -arrived at CUV Point in Ad'clavs from ! tfe Tiiy Penelope, Tcrinegan, Patterel,; boats, and tndny of his beQ men, added 10 a Livcriaal- land Ciucl cu ter, was in Rhodes in. Novcmbci1 conflant fire froni the fchooner and two bat LONDON, March 5, 6, 7, 8, i - Wilh joy and graiiiude to heaven, vve con. ,"grati)U'te the empi'e on the continued amend" iwcnr of bis majeity'sJieaL h'. All alarm has now fubfided) ind but little mQie remains than the weaknefs incident Jo fo fevee an illnef. Tbe painful foVicitude.which has pervaJrd all elaHevof loctesy on this awful occafion, is the beft eu'ogiwrii On the father of his people rand while it manifeded his-woi tli, bre ho no able-tedimony of their loyalty and aL iachmenf. y , . The following wai the report of the phyfi. ciar.s yetteiday hioi tiing : as Queen s.Houfiy March 7. . ' His maielly's fever is to much aba cd to give the faiiclt profpett of his immediate iecovqiy. : Sijned .;. 'i-T GlSBORNF, ' - U. R Rrynolds." A' niHow of 4 )ODS. his. njje!l h five recommended by Mr. by inducing Ilecp, when Adding 00, ''contributed 10 the ahateme'nt of r ' r r I J vat ious topo ires sea . . Iris fa:d ih Duke of Portland ls finificd hiv-irrti toKof Teiii ing f om otlice as -- foon as the vi aft'executive auihorly capa. b'e f receiving his fo-rnal tefignation. The gal'an. di-ing ofdU' navy, has render- ed us fo familiar wiri deed's of heioifm, that mi acles !uac lo'.l a'l i:iv itcty, and the only la fl . when cafr. Martins in the Nonhumbe;" land (was faid to be on the Egy'pt'ian cbalj.1! Should Lb d' Keith' be apprifed of ihe "apj proach 0' Gantl'eaume, he poilelTcs a f(jUidron's fully competent to intercept (hem ; but lhould he uriforiunaiely be yttinformrd of the- ene my's approach, our grcatefl p rob v'.b e for c e p!T Alcsancfia malt prove uneo ial to or-pole him, ' ; " .' ' : ' : A letter 'from Memel, Feb. l fays, u The Ci-devant count de P- pvence, accompanied ' W the interefting daughter of Lewis XV Iih, lent out of the RulTian (latcsV bad Tud4nly arri yed here. ; AH their domcflics of " every rank and age have experienced the fame fate. ' The motives which induced ihe Emperor Paul ro 'teries, muft hive rendered any fariher attempt auoruve, net juagea it rignt to make everv attempt 10 ,get over 'the bar, but the pbb tide .1 having made, and beine to allv unac- (juainted with the riaviga ion of 'the river, (he got aground j ' audi feeing it iii)po(Iible to get heX-ofi" andi)eingulled-by-TVtTyicrom ihe Pofnt battery, he found it abfoluiely ne vff:uy to retreat ; and, under the 'miny ob tlaclcs he had. to furmount acrqfs a (rernendlf ous furf, under a heavy fire of grape & mufque try excises my admiration even more, if pDlhblc, than the gallant manner in which the brig 'Was carried ; I therefore feel it my du y to recommend Lieut. Dick to their I Lordlhip's.noiicc, who fpeks highly of the iffue the outer for iKeir departure ' are ' un- officer and 'men employed under himl bo h known,' but mod of them ate deftitute of e- very refou ce; and meir rriisfortunes excite the deepell intercft. The who e of ths F ench. colony at Mittau, to, the number of oo old men, women, and children, were com pelled 10 leave that place in three days. Thofe whoare unabled t-oni their poverty to ob a'in a pipper conveyance, t ayeiled on foot 6'of the Empire. w A letter from .Cay eaae, dated the jtR of Decfmber, fays Y'ou canno' form an idea of the joy occafioiied by the arrival of the tin boarding, except 5 whites and 12 blacks, friga'e Tent by-iae FirllnConful for- the "n whoare now'c j board this fhip,"Tt was chief, fortunate pcrfons ' who weve.tranfportcd by ly owing. to tac. alacrity an courage of ihe tnc Directory. Alter receiving tnote at ay. Utter taat we met wttb inch reliltance. ennc, the vellel is 'o proceed to Sinamarvl I C. HAMILTON. to take on boa'd thole who are thereyV Tlie from this (hip and the African corps and we bad the fatisiaflion at day light . to perceive the brig bad funk up to her gunwales in a quick fand. It appears flic was called the Se negal ; Ud been Jit ;ed out - there at the ex pence of the Republic, and was consniandcd by ciiizen R.enou, who was on board at the timr, and of wbofe fate we are uncertain (he mounted 1 8 guns, and 9 pounders, and had nearly bo men on "board, lome ot which efcaoed in a boat, the rcll were killed . LONDON, March it. H! majefty has fo far fecovprcd '.frb'm his late ferl. ousjand alunhiog inclifpofition, thaf. iti not thought neccflary longer 10 cortinui ibe report f his pbyli ciant. That on WednefdT which Via the latt ihat will be tffued, biiagi certain information of the 'com plete removal of hit majeity'a (ever. '. r M Queen'i Houfe, March 11. Jittil jr.ajOy-iiIiee.lrQmieer. and Lcmt oalyiSi require the time always neceflary aftfcr fo"fevere wn ilincft, for the recovery of hit ufual hca'.ifi a ad. . : ,. - . -'.' (Signed) . . T. GisaoRKS. . H. fL. Reynolds." His Ivfajttty, iiififl, may be coafidered as perfectly tecovered, except in point of ftrrngth. On Saturdny the kin and hit royal family intend taking an excariiou to Kew. ' .. - It i unJcrltood to be the opinion of his majclly's. phyficiiiu, that in inftant application to the dutiea of ai oiFicr might render precar.ous the of his hel V, and hence it is fjppofed that temporary council of regency, by the king'a own deftre, will be appointed to u nil aft, for fucn time as may be thought necefliry, the weighty and irnportaot buft. nefs of the Sute :, And a report in general circu lacion t the well cod of the town, ihit the lempomy T couiiuil of regency will oooRtt of the Piince' of Wales, Mr. Pitt, Lord Thuilow, Karl Spencer, and, Lord Moira ; and that Mr. Aldington ia to be called Bp lu the Houfe of Pee , and b mad fpcfckcr. We give this report without attaching much credit to ii. ' Report fays, that Ihe Duke of Portland is to be fuccccled, as lecretary for the home department, by Mr. JMham, who 11 creitied a Peer. .Peace Was pub icly pioclaimed in the city of Vi'tiiv on the 6th jilt." A Ifcret treaty is uoJerftood to have been lately; couciuded between France and Spain, by which, his moil catholic in.ijotty cedes Louifuni to the repu'jlic( in eiunilor which the latter pnmifes .Tufcany to the Du'e of Parma. This was tbe plan ol Caio jt ia wo'ul we no-v cfitetiiiui, is at the endu'ance and peifcvctauce-of our-enemics. We fta- -led in Our lall. that two Ingres, one mounting 40 guns, had under favor of !wy weather eluded ihe obfe. vatiott of our Iqj lraofi"F!dhirig, tad put to tea, fnppofcd ;o be f'efTined fo' .Dnnknk on heir palTage howeve", they met with the SoVbay frigate of 3a guns, which obliged " hem 10 re. urn, and eral'y chafed them into Flullung. One of the enemy's Slips loft -'her1 udderj and was o tbe wife Co mtvih damaged as to be obliged to g in o Jock." We have not hcaid what in. jury was fuflaincd by :be Solcbay. Oo Wrdnefday la ft one of our cuizers looked into Fhifhieg, ar.d faw one of ibefc fhips, at.d the f !uoof 64 guns, ready. lor ica; there were 'ikev.ife a floop fiiip.rigged, mounting 18 guos ; iwo iatge fchooner gaa boa'., each cat lyin two 18 pounders forward and two 1 1 s aft ; And a lugger for. nirriy ihe O if'et Eng'ilh gun veflel ; eaob of ;he la tc having 50 in.-n. Abou, two miles bove'hc town he e was a large gttn-b'ig and fome fmal'.er crafts, but not in appaicnt fj"wardnc(i. Ano.hvrof our cruizeri on Thuifday lafl Jooked in o Go ee, and counted uine (hips of va-, four of which wetcof the 'ine j execp tii:2'heizuard (Inn, they were a'l eady for f; a. ' Ti e No tli Sea ftjuadiim, altcadyjccllethd at .Ya 'moj;h7u7rnp: ifrr2l fill rf the line and are immediately to be joined by 7 oihe t under urh' f n this pu t.of!, nainely, ibe . Nepttii.ccf 98, Edgar, Ei"K!"an' fowc.ful, Ir.vtncib r, Maicllir-, and Uium ol 74 pms, indepei dent of numerous other vclfels chain ing fjr 'his feivicc in ihe M;dway. Ai d we Dave ifilo.n looei.evc, whs ikci win ex cced ibe fo ce at wh'ih we lall week ellnn ted ir, a'lKongh fome uitinfotmcd p.iuts have eieat'y rrduCvd ic number The laleof .h- Eng'.ilh, proper'y put under fequetl'Vioii a rtlujgt bad commenced at the date of ibe la it -diet f om tb .t cuy. The Koninglburgh. Gazette of the 9 b . Ftbnury, laysihat a Rulli in amy was pre pa'ing (or the mvafion of Ireland, t 1 c. r: .. r' '. March 8. hope of teturni'ng to France, and lecing it I We have.1 letters from Tafia, w)iich (late happy and at peace, lui almll been 100 much that be entire camp, r.ot cxcepur.j the Kene. ' tnct,ine o the directory: Car noi'a object io obtatntnj loricverai; not cry a owner ot L.a irap. ral (Kioc erl had been ill. sL-.d fjr the o ca. pe experiences lome forrow -he rcg'eis his ser part continued fo. garden, his folicitude, bis cell, and even his 1 ' Tke Grand Viziei- bad loft upwards of privations, ua.aud Varcnnes ,t manager ot j iht hundred Mamelukes and a pMncipil the farm of Orvillieres' 4. I Jft.-v bv the nlaie ' hi whol forpr- ...lrr There lis" no changing fides in the new 1 10.000 men. His Scvits from Aibaoia were miuilterial dance, the figure of which is fim- Ucry tardy, and although he prole (fe I 10 ac piy" hands round and turn your partner." CCDt an immed'am remfcrccrmnt of . . - - . " 1 - 11 1 ihe duty of a i-2d.'per pound on paper,hnent he Icarccly ever rtceived'a fupply of Swedes ihe Dryad -n which is intended to be added to the fame du- m0re than 2 or -too at a time. x . p ge ,X th- Wel.1 1 Louifuua, wis meie y to miutainthi revduiioiuty power in Angelica, . . . V Match 16. . ' ' - ' Govcmmeni have received advice, that the French' fquidron, under the command of admiral Gu thcuroe, palftd Caah'gena on the i6ih February, hig teet n reinforced by two ApsmRa uu . ut lb line, and three trigaici Irom Cadis. . ruefnay. advices were received at the admiralty. of the alu 1 c ininenccment of boftiliiies againd the rigatr, Captain Manirieid, on Indie, fell in witn abwedifli ... u:j r t... - i iu I , . .. . . . iriyate. t.i.tatn Wamheld willing to lpre ihe v .-.u .CvtH yc-., ,gu, u-c, 5u. p:. ,o. on ine application wnicti tue Vllier made tor unneceffarv erfufioo of blood, fen. .boat off to- in- ih.n tri.i. t l . . . m a ri k.. I iir rn r rt ' ' n . i a- l . . . . ' iu .nine, - mi ii. 131. avi. wsi mi,- a uu I rne . Ill liance OX a iifllllli artnv toaiU ir. CU lorm the Swedilh commner if .heorera he had bears very uncquaWy. 011 that article, as I poiTctling the French of EVDt. atnone oiherl 'c'ved to (top, and detain all ihe veiTels ol that iia- ftos paper docs no pay 1.411 of the fum that flipulations, required that bis army lhould be !l0D he ?'ht iu ilb nd notilymg to him tha coa.fe & printing paper are taxed at. The UlUd under hi, comnund.' and th ii (hnuld "fcloce of i h,. not fu.randenng h,. anlwer, imari ac ta an .1 1". . 1 i i- .' "..- - - imp otieceivioetutialactorv n m wrl 1 1 . t t mttt i..kiuaH 1. . ' r . t j uiMii- 1 iioacniuca: i ;a toe evd u wa u h aa :nlfb- be The Vizier thought 500oJPfd7Tbe wedilh frigate has been broug t tu 'r. grcai nir wi 1 near very nara ou literature 1 retire irom .ffypt in 111 general, hut pamcularly oa news-paper I lion was eifefkd. ptoptriy, Wuen the great advance is con jBriiifii troops competent to this feivicc, and to Co,,t wth,lne lofa of men ki.led ana ij woun l!?::?!! hl "?UCft 10 :blt nUmbc:- . . it K.C of Naples natetohave conferred .0 th. p.. uamurw.pui.muunnngtop r uenerai iVociiier, Dy meansot pigmy bat- tX:iutiou of the Englifh from all the potiin his do- ccni. unce ine uiaMtnum upon mem was uia j iaiions painted on lmall pieces tl wood, la- nnoious : and futaer. to futfer French troons ! logcther with the advance of iouroeymcii s hours to inflruQ. the Turks in "tatiics. and bv tanifoo tb.4cport. waies ift conlen jcoce of the high price of pro.! this mechanical demonftration. has done more A letter Jiom Oeienburg, of February if' tWi, iflom ir it rwulriif iKal nn Cifn roiihl hv I J. . .,f.., U -.r .k. r.: I "at 0000 ..... r ... ? r-'"7""'6 ",v",.w,1 ,tut i.iiwiiiy Dy r.ffawan Ogloo. in the niahi tim-, and the great. hen l. nnfif ti law 111 lit unnn I .r.l f. . .. .1.,-..... . (T. .1 - J U.. .1 ' . . 6 : : "''" . j -...w... - - -rw.. . Ul uiiupuiv tutu mi (uciicu vj 111c praLiicai i er jpsrt ol nart ol thm nut tr tV. (mA' I.j. pifu u.. . ... 1 t 1 . r - - - .v .... . " w. m . w " - paper as the pclent. It will put a . Hop ioje lions K eber gave the Demafcvs army in ihe Iteiwards given Uito pillage, aud a great number of all works of gciiitij, and render it impoltible I plains of Ezralon, or all the fuccr (five field I ll)e hoof reduced to aihei. lor irop,icioti 10 piWiU. ilicir pjocr. 1 He i,r, ,1 which ihe Tuiki Wete prefent 11 A '(''""""" fell ccriait article to th-fe ol PiuiTia, with thia re that every PiuIGjo who purchslts. do prova authentic docmcu(s, that the goodi will ool be r to England, pbr puitliafed on account of any Englifh agents. This piohioition is o le.niio ia force u.iul the Ruffian L:et (hall put to Ica, . It haa been occaHon.d by inlormation tiven by the RufTiao Ihe partoi their tptea, that fome tote ga j j i' wimu,i itioni 111a iiaii iiuiwiui- iru cenai centr it tiat fufFicienf; it mere's; covers the (landing the arrival of Sir K. Aberciombic ; 1"flo r, wi taking iniotonlidcration ibe in. he is engaged in f.-rtifying Jaffa as a depofi; v ,ulh' fedpricewliicUilicmanufaUuier&lla ioner If (lores ai.d provlfioBs, and as a point de H'JX , fully cqial 10 Ike duty pfopoled. The-4 General KothlerrtalnTTiiirflaiT notwith- per cent duty, w crcafedpr n-ifi have to repay Ihnn for io great an in- raillament in the event of defeat. Compar cnate 01 capital lor me ule ut the revenew, lrg however, the means and energy employ. before it comes into the bands of the eonfu- ed. with ihe magnitude of tbe work." it is not Cabinet, on I mer. i " ombable 4at it will be cr-nmlered in left S",,.w,!l PMKDf r .1 . r t ry . I '. 1 , ' lin Kjtua. lor Cieat-Brnain. On of thefe IS . trim ire jL9nunuazeiif i man twelve or eicnteen inontns. Ii.s4.i.. w a.j "a v:. Admiraliy-Ollice, Marth 7. I Capt. Lacy had returned lo Taffa from El leitedand conhfcateJ.' uepy 0 a letter Jrom rr Charles wm-1 Ar.lh, the ton i he at 1001 ol winch with very I A Uucr irom Lifbn, dated the tsth ult. ayi ton, Burt. C'ptain tf At Manfly's ffip con ratlcd power he had been fent out to " Aomirai, waoeinsa sa iroin . ' . f'f ' j flrcnv h?ri the other day, repoiti that eeven faiU( tbe line got Mflptment, to Evn Nepcan, tq. da. U'cng hen. out of Brett. iefidei frigates t fe.ea fa.l had go,e -P ted at Giret, M Jan. t8ol. .Th.C riru',on 5f 'hOiloman em- ,heMediiei,aean ana the other four to the W.R- Kit Yo,i w.ll I.. r.t.,r. ;r.. !..; P"c '' P'f micrcu. is 10 iiiacn 1 iouici. snc aeaboiie iiifate. ana tn.cncHer More- ...jru:. ,l .. t.:ir.L. l en 1 I a degree of imDnrtance to everv circumllance inio, of 44 gum, ai cut tn here wuh lony fail of on ihe 11 mil. the weather moderate, and . . .... . aa,mi thev ,iti mi it,trn, a.,., k;,n. u. ... ' 1 ... 11 . mA u . i.n.i:. ----- -; tlie furl low, with ihe concurrence of Col. " -""-7 ;"' "f "' den with lPP;,e. tor tht army ia Egypt. lhie yncziar i acna to mc oniton, ana mat mis uanfporu laden wi h cloaibing, ani take.i by a tifCumllaocei contributed to ihe many power. Jailh privateer, have been brought io litre, but in ful caufet which induced the conven ion of .eoaleuean of their anstttfi (wta ing that they were El Arilhr' Th tfnft .nd .dir.iir.o whieh "pt-rtJ wilhllhgWe diQaoct (lour roilct off the Fiaiier, I conceived ii potTi'de. if we could 'Ir . " i i r t rg'i.h Ibareof twoSjiamfli fhiP captured ini,UfPn,c 7 L J T r 4 ember 1799, 7 D'H.s f.igate, whild .polTefi our- 'r u ,i r r i :. iJirk;'. fc of ibe ba lety commanding the eninnce, cruifing wiihm the limns of Ins lordlhip a . . , ,l rr t j j r f i i lu and, by me meani of their own velleli, at command, Ind under hit ordeu, but to wl.un , , . ' j c. t I v r j w l '.A .k.-. h,i none "der my command fit for the jo ds Ne fon and Kei h conceived them . . l e n j , - :: .!i..jn C pnrpole, to have finally reduced Senegal " ?T 7 EKil 1 bcrerore tleiachcd Lieu'. Dick, with 9CJ tohii I.f Jllitft i deeilion ol the NlPi I rr , ... " v1 ii i r ' " oincen ana men irom the Melpomene and l.e.r.b. ut- i- . i . r i AM... f..... . I. . L- i r. .t n S,r R; Calder had on .he sal olt. received -"""iY" Z7 "f .7 . . . I ' i . ,n! U"J fui f on ibe tar wuh the flood lida r. - i t . J l v ' "n ii'iiunaie rnuuzi 10 pais ine .......... ..... . - -- rcavv t. I 1 . . . . a I. rn ereu tne m cuerranean, ana w.. . ...c . ., . . f , . . . oecf i. ihiihr. h'"et bmety.buion iheir approaching Vhio hail wever wc .PP tljcnd a, J beyond 9? I J t S. .Hickon, who had" arrived off Pi,mJ ilh fcve6n fcJft Wfe Vi,cJ fld Sjm, Md it l a fd, b-en fcry w ..h f f .1 (w0 ,elt fjnk Ko(wilhnand( hi uaUt. oi .ce .ine -oc.y.ze o - m4,e CJ ,hc br; - a f ,r .... . i! i . ..... toll InJiwA 111 Li r1 III .. . ICUk ' l" iMU.vr niilii . . . v t. . . - - . je j.4 a tjitat l-w o, lr a.p the gallant fervice of our couhirymen at Acre imprelTed bira with, in a material drgne di ve;ied or overawed bit enmity ; but the fame uuforiuhaie policy which broke the Lrcaiy with Klcber Las foofht to jollify its own weaknefi, by traducing and undermining tbe influence cf the man by whom it was formed, lilt Ghezzar had been taught io ibrow oft both hit fcari and obligations. It it faid that ihe Kleflor of Bavaria "hat made General Moreau a prrfent of the fine Hotel, known by ibe Rime Drnx Tunis, which he pontiles at rarii. at which had beets fequeflcted. An article of ihe peace of Luneville removes ihe fcucf otllir.ate deface of iwemy unod-e i. but which ' V'T ,,u, ,Btu 01 n mi 7,0, ,l;tctLjM,..jiff tmt io cut ici cable. Lieuiaia "mc, , Poriutuelelboif) tbt Prioct Rtrtai iil have them rcuoted. " March 17. At the court at the Queen's Houfe,' the ijih cf Match, tldl, pitfenl the aaoB ca.eJIeot majtUy incuaciL This itj (he light ban. fbi'.ip larl ol Ksldwicke and the right hon, Ctorp Letgr, commonly c -lied vifcodt Liwiftiam, were, by bu Maj'ky'a coa.mtiJ, Iwoia of his crtije i yi aoft ki.o'abi p rivy duoctl, and took Iheir p aces it the board accordingly. Hit mijtUy ta coun. il was t'.uday tlcad la c clarc the fight h. Phiip Earl llirdwkkc, Lieut. getciai and ovcroar ol that part ol ia- kip;dona called Irclaaa, Ilia mjU hating Un pirated Io s point it. tiftl ho.,. Robert Lord llobsit, to It ul hit n.tjrftf 'a principal tecrrta irs ot Male," ha Uidtbip wasthitday, by hit maielly's tomnuil, (ot n one o( hit anajcUyU ftiaciptl fccta-tliel ui CUj K'.ar. diafcly. ; aijaBt -fcBa, -aJs'aflMaV j DajaaaSi LmlG' fmQQBmlmmWmiKpli--j. m 1 i n u SI ()