BRITISH DEPREDATIONS: MESSAGE Trom the Prefident of the Uni'ed States transmitting a report from the Secretary vate'adventurerco'ndemned out of the Brigantine by John L. Clark, from Amfte.rdamTto Phi ladclphta," carjrQ fundnes, taken Msv 14. of State, with fundry documents relative to iron-By a blockadintr fquadron off theTexel, . a,h'' 'ftibjpft .A..jlfe refuuotKfUW- 84Aiyt'i-"4wtoYtfmfwp ( Etigr)-iuppofed -to . inft, 27th February , 180.. Ordered to have been condemned SKe was coming out lie on the table. Publifhed by; order of of the TVxel when blockaded, , the Houfe of, ( " '."".' Schooner-Sufanna, of Sa!timore, owned by. fonaihan Harmon, from Baittmd'e to'ndernned,--She was coming. Ev'raa of a leuer from John Gavino, Con- captains ft Texer when blockaded. " 1 ful of (he United Sta es, v at .Gibraltar, da- coming otft ne Ply, of Philadelphia, owned ted the 119th Nor. 1800 to the Secre " The la! V DEPARTMENT OF STATE. ) ',-,&tk'.--'t tehruary 2jtkt 180 1, ' "The order of the Houfe of lleprefcnta lives of the 24' h ofthis month, refuelling an account of "the depredations committed, on the commerce bt the Uhi cd States by vclfe's of Great-Britain, of whichcpniplaint has been smde to the government, having been refer red i this department, I have the honor to transmit herewith an abflratt of fuch cafes as : thi Havanna, taken Sept. 39, 1799, by: the B"i. tilh fliip of. war A ab SurIc by the office 1 of the Arab dialing'' wi. j 'ht?. . ' ..''," " Scboonc1 Diana, of 'Free-Town, cha'tc. rers'Gibb and Channing, Newport, from Newport iq.IIavanna, cargo provijons, taken "Auguft 3, 1800, by the Cieoptta friga e, carried into Halifax. , -'.'". -f Cutter Crocodile, of New -York, owned by . Scott ..and,. Seamen, from, Ctirracoa to New-York, taken April , 1. 800, by the Ihtp 01 war Amiable, tanted into Kingllon commence, 1 . 1 " r have been complained ot Iiiicc inc commencc- f the vear 1 800. T . 1 . . it. 11 r .1 . t 1 - The order of the houie having hxed .no U"1; 1 01 meaigo was Jju-cn, me . re period at which' ihe Jrequefls is 10 Pa"d Al!c?Pl?PH,y' ". T(L.ciP.1l0, I nave, irom a connaerauon ot ,"""vuu"-7 " -ru,,ij nmu a iinva tccr ut the t-iocodi'e,- ol lent her on a ouize. -Ship Char!ottc, of.New-York, owned by Henry A. and John' G. Collet from New-Yo k o Amfterdam, cargo Iugar, cof fee, &c taken Apii 1800. by the Cleopa tra f igate,car'riea tnio'Hallfaxjlrcfrcl'and ca go condemned.......;..... ,..,,...-,ll.,.i.J..iia.,MlilillMil, Briganiine Sallyi' of Philadelphia, owned by Stephen Girard, from Batavia to Phila delphia ; cargo 1'ugar and coffee, taken July 20, 1800; by the Cleopatra fiiga'e, carried in'o Halifax,' vcffcl and cargo condemned "The condemnation appears 10 bt grounded Upon the allegation that the owner is a na tive of France,' can ying on a courfe of trade i-a French tolonv. N B- Mr. Girard inc inoi ' tpatc iui ". "- uiv-itiii jcjiiiMi can continue, uiuuuv in.u'j'u.'n. nnu uui view, to ItHtlt the abltiatt 10 the, time above . mentioned, TT -7r ; -. From va'ivjits reafons it js prefumed that many-captu'cs have been made, of which no comp'aint has been fwa 1 d-d to the - go vetnmcnt. Under this impreffion and for the purpofe of giving, a comprehenfive view -of the fubjefcr,. I have thought v not itnpioper to annex to the bflraft fevcral extrafls of ftiTii our conftjlt, vnd a'fo an exrrat of a letter frf irt thc. prclidt in of the chamber of commerce fit Phila jelp-bi;', to the Secre'.ary of the Navy., I will a' f take the liberty to obferve, that neither the com:nufiicat,ions hpm our roimfter a 1 London, nor my cnnvei fa'lons A. 1 .1 ' .i.r.: ..r i.'j 1.'.:. :" w-iiW ttifl cnarce a amirci ui m ijihai'iih. Mijefty in the United Siatej, would Jend to 10' was naturalized a citizen'' of Per.nfylvania in the year 1777, and has ever fince rtfided in the United States. . y. Brigantine Ruby, of Philadelphia, ewnd handler t rnce. Cadiz, and cau'ion them againft of that port for the prefent. lad wa ranriirrd nn fn(niri nC V.. It r k; lnS Frcnch Property the oivnefVis . lue Venus of New-Yqrk, Fairchiid, Frencl name, and the ' fupercargo on board. Yi Naples for Malaga wal immediately Mr. AuguRine Viaor Barrouill, alfo a mtu ' "c" 7 l " n --- j FreRch name y but having ftjlfy-pTtrved -15 thd" lhe bufannah, Spencer of Charlenon, 'captors that the property is bona fidtf Ameri" South Caroltna,with a cargo of ftigar. from can, from tht; regifter of the brig and your ' laid port for Cadi, brought from Lifbon certificate of j citizenthip to Mr. Barrouill, where lhe had been detained upwards of tout they now pretend tp detain her on the letter months for a breach of blockade, attempting, of tnflrufliens from the owner to the-fuper- ;' former Cadiz, af er warning by. Lamouach cargo, which tbe cap'ors refufe mowing me. .Plvate,,;Bja,r l? n CT1- prior , to the Lamouach'i Thel'e velfels are fent in here- und?r pretence hrll boarding her, was examined by another of beneftt of cenvov'to England and Gibral, Jing il!i privateer,, who faid nothin? of the tar.'-bur I underfland it is the inlpnl inn nf one of the captors to detain the vefle! here and forward the papers' on to Gibraltar: which of them it is, my next will inform you. " I have triftco our Conful in Condon for every judicial information he can furnifii "me wiih, and whether it .is the opinion of air Ifihn NirtmU anrl Sir lUiIlnm r ' .L. . t1J)i carga, without any .Uadiz ought Jo be., conhdeied -.asblot kadf d, -tunher Jnal or g.ving Spencer a hearing, f p . the trade' hav'ing been carried on itiimolellcd thathe has protcOed the proceeding and will for upwards of twelve mon hs, and his ma ?uu k" " . Jelly's (hips on that 'flat ion boarding and fuffer lhe other is the Sea Nymph, Philadel- ' iBgyelfcU continually to enter and come1 our. phta,( M'Ktver, who has alfq been four 1 " I have the honor to be, with the gica-' moillls 3 ..LiftnrP'red'bya lettcroften r.efpeft, fir, your molt obedient and mod marque the Bernl, cap'ain Toohy from faid humble fertant, . port of Philadelphia, with coffeei Tpice.'&ctt- -TflOM AS;' BULKLEYT" ' . unitum 11 10 dc rrencn 10 nmoiny riiRerinp. r.ia. blockade to Spenrer ; fo that he continued for the port to enquire of the fliips of wa hayings doubts of the veracity of Blair's inti mation. She was tried here whilft at Lifbon, without even the captain, being prefent : I' claimed (hip and cargo a conful and protcll- ... .u piutteaing me is tince arnyed here oroperiy, as that Mr. Tarafcon, the owner, had not refided lontr enninrlj in iK f o miw Mates to be a citizen thereof ; nor Mr Fe. rulab the fupercargo, who went from Lslbon to England on account of ihe long detcn uon there-he has Inis certificaie of citizen Ihtp along wtih him, as I am informed. She is libelled for trial. it 1 have the honor to be, &c." .... ' . . fit 1 1 l r 11 1 It.. tj 1 1 i 1 t nu 1 nann ir i r i r rrnrrt tni i jrt ai nh. - an opinion that any aouinona' orucrs mvc 1 " . . . ....... v.. teen lairly civen by thfc Britifti government, New-Urlcans, cargo I-.ftgliih and bf rman dry Exrraa of a letter from John Gavino, Con- u.n,:"i a a e Cbrltar, dited Sccrctaiy of State, ..11 inr irtr the v em ot deDrcdaiion ai uded . tiuul" "lu "n w"""", iouo, ca to in the let-cr from Mr Fitjfnnmons. h ,h pnvateer Brothers, of New-Provi. W)S ib;,.,eJ by a decree of the Vice Ad- lamk S'.rt wi.h every fentiment of the raoft 9nce. . .uiiaHy toun ; and as damages could not' entire. refpetl, Schooner, of IV altnnore ownrd ,hen be afcemined, they are rcferved, but I Your obedient fervant..- by Wm. Paticrfon, from Baltimore to Ch. do not as yet find out if th n,' 1 T. MARSHALL. Tit Trrfidcnt of the United StatesC . : DEPARTMENT OF STATE.- February Ipb, 1 80 1. facoa, cargo gin, Hour, linens, &c. &c. taken October 7, 1 800, by order of com modore Wat kins of Ctirracoa, in and at Curracoa Detained under pretext of tick lenourgns and oznaourgs being contraband. to appeal. STa. In my report of this day to the Prefi " the fubietl of Brttilh captures and which he will have tranfmitted to Congrefj, Jt was accidcnlly omitted to infert the cafe - of -ther br'rgan' ine Ruby r Ca ptain-Wriglcy , sjeOMgttig to Mr. Amhiofe Vatte, of Phila- tl'. ...n-i fx. i.. deipnia. nis vcuci jiu.ctuing mi iunu Prince, .with a caigo confifling of American nroducc and forne German goods, was 1 e.y laptured by the Bnttih (hip of war liliphone and carried to Jamaica, where, the owner in forms, me,, both veflel and caigo were con demned as enemy's property." I therefore irquett that the lioufe will con- .fi Jer this letter as an appendage to my report above alluded to. A I have thehonpr lob. '.With great refpeti. Sir, Your mod obcdirn; fi-ivanfA J. MARSHALL. Tb? Hon. the Speaker of the ? f Iluule ol Reprefeutativcs, 5 ll'f following abllraQ arcornpanicd the mef Jage fiom the rrelident t j t,ongte!i.J 1 Ofth L!iON,;June 47, ggoo. Sir, t . -..Mariaof-BaLimorc-owned-by-Jamis . . 1 A J3lfriml'r LJJ ?jn for m you ofj Buys In Uttober, I860, put"in requifr Y n ' li j ,0"0W,,,S vc,l by Hon at Curracoa, and fent to Jamaica by the "L , ,VVCU P" Bri.iOi. ". , " hc"g Peacock, David Crafts, mailer, Sloop Little Clurlo'te, of Brlllol, R. If. Loadcd 100 bu,u ShcrrY w'nc bir.d land, owned by Charles D'WoIfe, from B.if- i.,?m Ca? LouAon, with clearance for , TJ - A lrn- tl. -n.l ,J -.. I r tol to L.egnorn, cargo iugar taken Augult 2. " " v v"r' loie proper t8oo, by the privateer Eail of Dublin, of 7 l ,n ,P-"on,. of Boflon, captured by Halifax, velfel and cargo condemned. ,h-Rofe privateer of Guernfey, Paul Bicn- vtnu mailer lite brir Kinf Solomon. Tames Ilewnt maner, laden with butler, checfe, and iron hoops, bound from Amflerdam to Cadiz. The brig the propcrry of Ben'iamin I X all of New. Ship Elizabeth, owned bV T. Codman. of MHr, W-'lfln-; He cargo Ilambu gh Brllon-She appears to have been captured ,cfcn't P'"ed by the lugger, Flying FiU., from hat inir htiAr the law LroKibin--it,. I0' Jer'ey J'n Le Roue, mailer. .nirriMiif.. with Ffnr. I The bnif Sufannah. f, V. Soeneer. m.f. -Brig Sea-Nymph, of Philidelphii, owned lthkn with fugar, bound from-Chailef-by Louis A.' Tarrafcon, from Philadelphia ,on South-Carohna, 10 Cadiz j the btig and ' ... i. ,r . etan ili Int. i .r 111.. 1 I .1. I to 01. Atioira, cargoeouee, ipecie, tic. : ' ! , r,vrs,,7 ticR ana taken by a BriiiDi leutr ol marque, carried ,iovm n.d W,,,,4m ,lliani -fChnSelloii ; into Liibon, acquitted after conliderable dc. "P1"'" by he Ryfe privateer of Uiiefnlcy, tention. -. . 4 laul Bienvenu, mafler, and La Bou.h pn. BrigCracy, of Baltimore, owned by Ro- !.'"' !)f G,tu,,af (0WDCi Y J gert and Owings, from Trinidad in Cuba L,fton-) - to BaPisnoK, cargo Iugar, honey and hide, 1 In D,lg iJiniel Ropes, jun. Schooner Aurora, owned by ,R, lohnflon and Co. of Kew-Yoik, taken by privateer of New. Providence, "cargo condemned be caufe. part of it conjifted-of tin plates as fla ted by the owners Extract of a letter from Thomas Fitzfira mons, Efq. Chairman of the chamber of commerce, to the Secretary of the Navy, -dated Philadelphia, 17th Feb. 1801. " By the public prints you will have feen that a great number rf American velrels, bound 'o and from he Spahilh ports in Cuba and on the Main have been captured by the Britilh criiifcrs. The denudations have muliialied 1 hat without a chaeffe in iheir fvf. Dec. t j, iKo'S, 10 the Secretary of State. '.frn otSome protetVton ftom . our own go. "The trial of the Sea Nymph, M'Kivcr 1 vcrninc'n:, ihc iraHe 10 thofe places mud be Die on lhe oA ...t.-.. ll.: . , l .... PiiurIv .l.jnrlnnc tKnunh f.rmwM. ... confiderable branch of our trade. Premium of infurance to t Havanna have within a few days advanced from ten to thirty per cent. .and fuch is the particular fituation of thofe countries in relation to the - Bruifli Foffemon, that not one in ten veftels can efcape ; from Ncw-Providence alone, there ire above forty privateers who fublifl principally by lhe plun der of ihc Americans. The pratlice is, when-ver-tbey-art mi-wiih-to-femf-ihrrrr inrrj port ; if there is found on board any goodi the produce or manufacture of any countrici at war with GrcatBritain they are condiinn-. cd, as is bar-iron nails, tin, .paints, linftvd oil, and any flrng linens wluch are contra band; inhe"pidpcrfy is"foutTdTobtTongno" any peifons wkoare not native Americans, it is either condemned or held under an inter locuo 7 decree, till proofs can be obtained of the citizrnlhip of the owner j and in every itiflance the detention and expenses are (o great as to reduce the property for whiih no pretence for condemnation can be made, fo much at hardly 10 leave it worth purluing ; ibefe praOices are the more wcrtifying 4 ihey eiiher themfelves fliip the goodi ol which they plunder the Aniciicani, to the countrici 10 which they do rperri' us'io cai'y" them, r fuirer the people of thofc'coutitrtcs to ccme in ibein and purchafe ihrm. ,! The proceedings at Jamlica are even tnnre ruinous than at Providence j when they 411 not procure a condemnation there ihey invatiably appeal from ihe fentence. and at lhe Americans cm noo hrrways ih ain frJ I turiiy by putting their property it, i;of- !..C a -a., i.j .1. l.,.r ,u;.k ' r..-.. 1 in Mm m . j . i-.rn iinuiir u. inoi. ut inp incrirp ria.i r.....vt, niiii lurii. &uciii inn mil. e Calet 6t eaPturi Cf American V ft fit J. L "'6-;- . ,f e . 7 . i-nwn i uw vcupie inrrr, inf it h'l V .",'f J (!"" r 1 f ofCTrl A r,mn rnA,rnnA )Oiind from Salem la Cldif t knrl ' 1 . 1 1 . r'r , , h Bnufh eruize, i, f which .ybht "VhoonerJ RoVer of Bahimofe 'oiW by rgo ,h'e We properly f jJfeph WZ ami Tf S com S 'tea. that teen made U the trnment PJ theX K tt ,n(J Qwings, from BalWe.oSt. Williim Orn,; of sWrn-? pF,ured4y M. .heJ Vmted Siattit fat the li cj January, i, Cuba, car.o flour.. winr. and dr Btitinntc M.efly', ftiw Anfon. V. C J 1, 1 n.I fVyl w w . inu mti .wti.ia if(iiir 1 Hi in t 1117 l8oo. " goods. Ukeo by a French royilifl privateer, Ship Gadfen, of Charledon, owotd by of Jamaica, condemned.- Frederlfk Koln, f om Newport, to Poil mafler, Jaden with coffee, pimento, cloves, Pitfag, cargo Carolina tolacco, rice, fugir, Eatrafl of a le'ter from Williim Sivige, i- cotion, dyewood, Ac. bound from rhiladcl- and beeswax, HpaniQa tobacco, indigo, fco- gi-nt of the Unittd States, at Kingfton, phia 10 St. Scbafliani the btig and cargo cos, and hides, aken Sept. 9, 1799, byj fl.d . (JamaUa) dated Jane 5 hf 1800, 10 ihc Sc He property of Leu A.Tarifcoo, of Phi- B itili. Hoop if war Peafani, cat ucd intoj citiatjr '.of State. ladelphiai captured by lhe armed fliip Barwtl, Halifax, Gup and mull of thecafo cooiem- A nnmkcr of American Teamen in didrefi lohn Toole, Mi der. ncJ I he teafim of condemnation is flrd by have lately been landed froti prim A (hips of The four ftrfl capturei are made under he, be'aufe part of the targo war who have been relieved by me at all Ame. tke idea of Cadiz being a blockaded port A , having been btourht from the SpimtV c.o- liran vtlfeli mat wiih ei:her goingioor cofting asiheibove mentioned privieri have vlW.iei. was not landed in America. ! Trom t'ynacoa, Ilifpanioli, or Son h A me- live inflrutVont from their ownen 10 capture M t.enet, ol Ho II on, owned by Naiha- tua, ie brought, in here for adjudicate, all veirli gif g 10, or coming fiom CidK.'on !! l eliowei, Hum 10 uoiio, aitun ail caici ol atquital the capton tp-1 ana ure cfuidng oft that port, I expetlihiull u.o giti ira ion, taken way 14. 1799, peal, wnua 4 unaernand prevertti any aftion Iport will fon te bllcd with neutral, ar.d a-j by ike ButiOrlhtp of war Director, carried bein2 commenced for diusis.. lman ihem numbeis of nut im,B. I ' i-o Vauouy'h (inf.) fcip, Cargor aoi p i. j ..1 t uurnam commanaer. j i.:j h-r,.,-, ,u . 1..., "The brig Sea Nymphf Jamei M'Kivcr, dr-fs ihrosglt that Ibannel mull be d.fl.nt. tney itKe me nueny ot luggciting the pu priety ofgrantifg ihrm fla ed f.,r that trade. The palf.geto and from liia-M! is fo fhort that a lew natiuna! fliip my hi effeUuallv guatd it, except the Btittlh l . h difrrgard ine proieclinni)f our 11.,, wl tr we do not lupj ofe will happen j, hjit, it may be protected from pMva.frtOjr'd ;; ,,' from 'hole principally that wc 1 H li it wiDi.,1 tlt.i' ., ...t. !.'J f.'t ihe fili Munday in eveiy 1 Ur mtitoti fload, in which place all i!i ve Uelt frcm porn to the rail ward f thai p'ice raht rendeivout. VtlTns tfloi'ir i rtiive tni Uvt wfinea Col Ilumplieyt 10 naru ouf zot ur Lldcd i h btuve cotoaiuJtuti beed

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