I x i t o o if .- it - ; Se el : BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH V;: .Ms. JEFFERSON, JtxtraBeti from elate Lnndm pufju-at, 1 ' ..entitled:'. Public CbaraCtcri'if ls:r:u$c6-?-.lo.,,' '. " . . sn, M: JEFFERSON. r' YICE-PRESIDENT OF THE U. Sf.USJ. . Of AMERICA. Mr. JeffeTfbn wet born id Virginia,! and '11 now furjpofrdv tobe fomev Set turned nf, h!ty. Hs h the fon of gentleman of that ftae, the ftrtte. whc-cra Jpiot commilfiohrr with Colonel Fry for fettling ind extrding the boun laVy I bstweto VitgirwA nlWMlfcjroliV ?49 -: -He w,u educated In Kit ilTveTtl;iffCvta 1iiriT"he "waioe.er abfent till u feivice Uemardsd his rifi dence at the couitt ofi'atii, whhlier wai fe.;t-as an envoy. - Mr. Jcffctfon u ta!lf and f.cr.dtr rnitK-,. fVcfh nomplexion, clear penetrating eye, hair inclining to red, and of very modell and affile d port-ieu. b-Ke wi proftflion.illy bird a lawyer, though torn to an affluent forue'; ycl t've publ t tieKitui foe the exercife of his uleti'.i hi a .higher C ihens left h:in bu: little time to ilifplay hit name elnquenre ti a btrriller, nor wit lii of a turn to yrofti by the aiti of ordinary . prali e,. H$ coiiry c died Wirt for ward at a very e-My period ; and promiflid, liei'elf, in hit abilities, ih !e very impdVtent endt which hive bee.n iV coif)icuoufly realitcd in v.'bttevr he hat been engaged. - I " , la private life, in hit you;vrr day, rf e i!.i!y days which fortune feeme to have allnted o him for ah uninteirup'ed focial inteicoui'i vi h lire w irld be wai, in every circle, (and all of trie firft wc ;rtr petiton for hit pref:nce) its ornament, inllruitor, A pride. Clofe application had fupiOied the f'irt of many Europe n adv.inte;;ca. Vitt'oi't r.eir 'ling the particular frudj rowhich'his piimiiy employ meuta were devoted, Mr. Jetfcrfon found elfo fnf Jlcient hourt to attend to the p rliter atqu'ireme ti. In theft auxtiirry acconriplifnracr.tf, he irtaintd a knowledge in drawing, geometry, genjripfy, af. tronomy,'natural phil'ifophy, and mufu, in which he wai confidercd a proficient nor. wai hia infor nation in hiftmy and flat"! aiTaira neglefLsd for thl'.c dornment. AtanctrlV tti tit roairred-t rrrVid At amia'rfi the daueh'er of Mr. Wales, an eniinrrh V.onrellor in Virginia en afTtcVinna'e parrncr, whr, unlortunalfrV ly, no longer cxtnta t.ie. earn oi irn uay r-i conife devolved o'ljim a more wS:glnv parentil care, in the ejj'i'iii1" of her Iwo love'y riiuh'en ; they havcbeeii re .red L'ndci Mi iirned: e infpec. tinn, and hive -c.'r'npanird his diplrn.iic fi'oe tioni whiiherbcv.r ih-y have 1 tm djrerd. It could no; be ep'td tlui tn of fuch qua FficuMoni, in a criim ry wbi' h flood fo moth i:i reed f theiii, cd'ild be lutfced Ion to ro naiti ,in ph lofopliic'retircment ; man i rot b im lor Film.' lelf alone, and the .rate of hit eon 0 interns r,!i'ned l.illtboriin the Heidi of jurilprodeiKe. In the lerjiftnuie I. Virginia he .beeanae a dilin (uifhrd and ulful member, fnd hit left maty :ia cn on record of fufnicnt in por'.aXce to indicate Iti.ure greatncla. During the rewli'!!,?.n't per'tod Whlih f.-pauled tl.e Unf4 tate t.om the mother e.ounfr wi find him advan ing to a IliU mnte dignified Union waa one ol thoTc t 'y. '.V)!e Lands the ptjnple thoug'.t t t r? ropfide tf.e v,a' m4icrial,"evrnn cf their polii'ml eiif!eii and f.' me :f'.n!i. Ke wst h-uore'1 vciih th pufilic coi.fi. ence durin it mrt, iinnortin IWuKfW, a d latlMO years iu t' e lir.'..j tonrtf whic'brought a'wiut the livoUtiori, and which is t oy'cvHy w!-cre highly lefjirflv.d. I,; this corrt( be fe'.l3t..ed a cban Vr wlikh will flnd d gmPr.i Uit.'nd f f time j-"a ch'ficr whlwh can fever batter, perhaps, he exprcff.d, that it at itadV U by t'.e peiitil ol tl'. Trumbi;!. " A (5'ca'er"ex.n;u ff "unlitrtltei eonrrenre lhin Vai evidmrcd in (he addtefi pf his conlliiu nts On the awful reerion ol hit ct iiiubn, rt'.av probably never be recorded in hiftjry. ' tot allitrt 11 tho th.-re it a ritd incntion to invade our rights ind piivileje j ye own that we do rot fee thil clearly, bu fi-xe you adore m ttat it it f , we be- lieva the fact, Wetreaboct 10 taVt a very dan. terout Dap, but we con'Hc in you, and an ready " to fuppoif yo in every mealure you (bill thiik " rrpr to anan." Tp f roceed larther in ihn paragraph, .with frtb'.e atcou'ls of a riiio, who Oifuld be only m'n iond to b-revered, would be t1) cfer infult to the fvperior ptnfwhkh have pre ceded, and merit a Uigma lot ariofincr 1 The dul.e de Liancnurt, 10 the chua5rr of an agriculmralill, (which both ha and the board of stricpiuie in Eng. lird hive ba'lowed on Mr. Jtffe fon. his added the following ey beiuiHal tnd (tithlul piclu-e ; They rrmft be vfry ignorant etf the hillnry of Americt who know not that Mr. Jrffeifon flitrtd vi;h Ceorge WtffiirgtOM, Prinklin, John Adtaxt, Mr, Jay, tnd a few oihert, ihe tollt md daDftn f ttc itvo' i:on in all iu different fugri; that, in the famoui conre't wk-ich guided' end mnfol dutd bedifplaytd a bo'dneft an 1 firrrnaft of cl indter4 (ur.d ol li tiili sad knowledge, and t fleidinel f p inoplc , which wile hand down hit nme 19 oHriiy with r.lntr, and a''urt to him fur ever tl.a idprft and rjiTHvde ol alt the Irieidt of liberty It wai he who, in the lamool congrefs, fo rtfptAa. tie and fo tnuih relpedltd, iu that ronaref , evr iniccefTible l v the ltduclion, feat, and tDDirrm ' Vfakrefsofth people ;ho joitttU with Mr. Lee. IH. II mm Amm..lL. ml i . m l m. ! m .J .1- J. tiorr n! indeperden e. tt waa he who, (upponrj pr neipilly by John Adanmcu fled tht dclihtntion f Ilit folj'l, ett J tarried it, betrmg down the vt y pmdf cil fomt ol f.it colltagurt, totT (led of s qual fliirt o patiictifm,'4tit ol tela couragt. It at he who wat thatgtd wi.h drawing up ihu mif. Mi.i.i.in t A-mrY .r ICt rat, IT WII '1 ft Tl ciet whif;er.. luliice 10 this i-entlmiin a-ii.itic! of 'omc ol the more overt atuckt wli ch terplcce of d'gaifvedMvifdo.m 'md .jtnottdpnde. ' f jbt-ctvU '.tWhwi f their-woi .iml the !twi of executive ant judicial i t. tbt cbtval It waht who, .s;tg afttrwarat appointed goven or , wtr empowered imijeum-i tnem in takjog rtedfal the fuh nion oCt!Uilia(w'ii.hfli!l kit pafvd :S of Virginia n ,li p-rnd of tKc invafion of Arnold Tfupptiea (othtrwifelriSn in wtflej fioiu thoito vhcia Icgitkto.rc.t ort ihey.oaie Htty la)w and Cornwallu, roai.rd a peculiar cia m pn the rrvraence nao oeen moit Diumr.ai ; lor ruchrhad and; fjooa tka rvttaLjid ) t il) a ti ttttat a maue ne common lot ot . Hie war, tbe who e new to mncffiM that iV. leattat; itde cl ik property or me peopic oaing .voluntarily pieded lor its defence, at lhe"period of in comitieotement,' S -tive of the military bewevtr, had a different fence of thtfe matters, and pefrrred ionartr u con 'the chief magiftrate thoTc whom ra-ilt and mi!itry pit,:e r uld hive better m'.tiutttd the rules ol decorum a. d cotni'vo:) civility, . At eaily -t"theyeat'V'J'4 Mr. Jefierfm had ap." pcarcd in p int, arid il waa about th a 'JiS rafteJ pe liod of levo'utionary corr.niotiaa that, imMil hit ri'imeroai oITt il fiuuliont, lie wi called upon by a f-ireignrrot di Mnftion, (litd tr1, be t!i. required by the king of fiance to lroifh ihft n-jtet on th.av lt.ne oi V.rginia, .which, have bexn fnte f-ar ti.re pibli i.ed to the w irld, nd h ive added ,rrr;cvvht tffliliTiTerwyTepnrJsA It'll lirba njEretled" tTiTf ' thefe 'notes contain, prrhaps, n intdverieni ilsc. lion on the v.fiaraer ol an ooer, which f,H been the fuhj'rft if a'jimidvtr.'iaii in the Amen hn pri.ui, tiid has been feveicly reprehr'aded by the !3r irv. a- of tlicfc;nild pttty : rrten'.ton n ni4 of ti.i un". liick.y circimlUife bee? of- it wc" d be raruai to hide-, aid yi' it len- erlually pioLcr t' calt a fr. -de jvt r..t& re.r.embunce. be-Je it eioea not jultice"o hit pub! cbaaae w.ll appear in a li t,t fetiniiatur! to the Kpncr1 ftuie ol bit Win t0 yet nore true, pe. he, f we eatniHtt kow far'iio do ai.y r-a.n wilt til iiiju' . 1 he picure drawn by may bae rcti tbe rr'.ac plea kw lw a ref nbcal Mr. Jeff'i'on isvertainiy i Hit;h ccl.icred one; and duiing hia c.vil itntiliatia it) .the kcatin 4 Ukin tii't'ots t'irether, ieemt ttv prefeu h,m a delegate in a36fle, foreign AmU.tad, ., ltt. were madeoivhiin, i'wiiich, tho' Tigue & loofe in l,auP "-wmw-. .e..we Miru tti.e :ary oLuie. ineitifeWeb," have -been fenuenty recited by. inta iupPonoi u.4 .wi lajtncnta m , . la tne-year Re waa ciwartf ready enouirli ti do him evil: It hai teen ort-tied . hit ' ?vvj rnan . ns: n w appoint ntniiMn i ,k he bind.nvd the government of Virg'nia to its e- oove nomo apie.ns An. anua, ar.d .ftcve or... of npa ut Ut tbeappr eb tf re. u - m ei.td miuei, ana lougit perinnai meiy in nu n.r n w . ' . ' , . . , ' .... ....T. .),;4, w the moumtine ; andha he're'ufed to pay .miliary 1" 0.qm.ri V ,tt.uhw tnlae . -lM.or at cootie. -Aaw. , i. a4a,laal cl.;ms in pveference W thnft of iheciyil lifli, airir.1 4n ,UUVT . H ' efn .,.ett . p-nt 1 1 I.i Kah,7i Ni Je.f t . t., d. fon io rciraft ia a tt a of err,-;, I ani peiluaded of VtrV.Iea. Irn-.i wbrnbe he onatHt'd rnn that the happicTl terminaticn on both fidet will be nc-ociationtconttrn'mg ih freeda f i ciM found in eclancifemer.t and cSlitciati n. rid r, the pewerUI fp-x!,t en nfih (,- ft. To.etam to the pattuulait ol Mr. Ji.'erfoa'a dec l Vr. Jay, trns i'tu l eir if..,, fttJ prejudice aa thron out to the world by ihaf; J.f c.inrta co.ua.bl dPHMC .arm 4 i pinifana of evil who alone have caaf. ro iliead hit I fu.cefi. ha.C .4 ih a..;,, . - J- ' " i mm :n...: . . r . . . i - - i . . .. . " . " " " , T. i imiiuui.imn, ii i, iB( ire n iciy on ici man e?eon a, an4 t'.c a'qurtk'pce l M' rL. propriety of hi. pecuniarypprc, na..tfni are, pe''f ".7'V; awxaaa- j lie na a.i . rccnn.mtn lej .. ft,, ft -f f Carw Ht 1..,.. ealilv to be iut.P.ed " ' 1 ' ruttTi Amerra :" wtl! auy man . an mproeenaen. .a pre, , tJ.,., Ha.lac wd.-. f. , .. . n. , ar.. . tr . , 'ue aucti la.i re e:n wh comrractd in t .1 ii-ln Ardor to l-ad ike Ved.re, ..i. the bold ailertioi., .that the enverriiiMr t ...i. ' ; .u.. t V j " ii wt at a deteMed Mr. loHeifon, not thit Nr. cOe. ftm - . . , V . , " . r. i ; : - ..-."-. .. iii nritil( .,,. nefiuirid a eratuodc of "fua"U"Ilv..ci u na. It was he who, as the firfl amba lor of the UniteJ Statet jttt Frsnce, , filled at that momeMoti. epocha, that ditjinuifbid j poft to the faviaUftion of both nation.. -In fine, j it wai he who, ti l.-orerary of ftate'in t7f, wheiij the ridicu-ou Mil dj'fvrgvMsir.g' pete"f ns ol Mr., Genet, & tbe'l-jf y Mr'ogi.ice of the mini Iter, eiu!cvi.ted altetna'Vy to tflnxl'e the political lo neli of the United' :?'"i, niduced h;t povemmeiU . 'o fpealc alnoble at iad-ti-knt nguspe, ;u l",c.' would hive Uo te c.edit u t! e nnll toimidable pow er. The long c rreJpoiulenre--carried on-w'i'h ihefe twa d Ttgning agents wmi ;, ft.oni t -iuft, p, f Di:nd, nd able rea toning, he a f-tie fafliciet rox'hlr' on iv.'K.anthor the reputitioa of an acco?!ipiiricd flaief. matb. -'.,., ' ; - - .... Here- we mb(V. recur to etniicipfriod i'r 5Sf Jcfl'eiTon'i civi admihiirvwion, ' Me wit the Tef.ond governor "in. Virginia, hdr ut ' .c.ncvated con ifitutioni the InrcefTor f thit P.tiick t!cnrv, v. !io wss tire hccell rr of lord Dunnore, sni wro baiilly lveW the reign, 'd.f an 'in.rijd fyHevti. . At thit ardu'5'J- period hs hud n uch to contend with; tor he wai not only the ob"eft rf i o;icn tuemy in the fieldv but, luftaiiU-d. t'ie irili 'eorjt n'Vii. hce of an alullin-like tattler, wito tii ilea mi re- the darR, e er teady to I'm it wit-i a fe- this enitannin demindi loantrv .'hopld be ; Turpi, fd .mo iheaQ of t) a'. nr ru reel e-"jua iy atienttve to in prwmm of the' filt foveictgnty and ih cotiMteey l ihn , enfedency. 1 ih 'ap'iVntnt ol 4regteit C--ogrcfi. ke has left V eiecl.oo the banon iba Hal's le jtlrture, bu. bi been earrf.tl in ex.Me .ho " rjnember nf the eViCsuve power fiona a.rkei aoita nff -feat. ' , - !- .' , "';,.. He hat panitularlr g jardel ba wtu of h keto i-orpni lithe right of eery wan. at.4 I ha. tro 4. full' be ihelcnetl p"rr.a'e ftr.Kbof ipiilwinn alter fuch writ it demanded. He hat take doe c ire to tn tbe vniTury aikraV ,tv to the civ. I power. Filming prettea are o f ilpn t :iiornTconventora may be tailed wfceeti .Uf are ihn.,-t. .to bt reedfrfl btr twj out ef Um ihrt .bra. chea ot government. " Su h it the magna cherie deei'ed fey ImI u aa4 honeH (lirefman : How fe!e ir inland sW!4 conceive a man dtngtiocit, aa a partial lrtdt rrir.C, who ia fi wiiima; i .ifhia own fcanda f.ca doing milcri.f, it emancntasia, lt the wtdor anA ienvas hfrfcTmirtTQ ration 6T tli it g IvVrt mentr " Il the H c'f lliele toole irfmuationt it fipp'ofed tojipiy to the evacuat;oo c-f the Virginia metropo lis, an American olruer now prefeiitwat with hurt on '.he occift 'n, and, contradict i ibe faft; i'( to the Tecood vifirVVuh general Tarleon did h.mfelf the tooor of payinj; to the liboiaiirg council, of thattouniry. the whnie teiiavi iire mun nive oen equally ripl:cte.J : I")um armes filjtnt lege Trav.li a,to in Vnt.V tt,. p. fp, aVc. dcter'.ed the flvernitunt, on thu occ lion ol unpfrillfled tili and diffiruliy. The )entleni pefe.it, and now ready to te'ltl) wn a ht pe riod, an ofcer in th conrid'nra ot the coimr.a'id geral n tha' p.rt ol the cnuiU y. anu'wi., on Uiu pmiouUr ocuii.'ii lent to Mr. Jaifrilun with dilpatr'iei of an impoittni nature, ''fnf choice iy tnniinicd, by the general'. parricHi'inr order, oi 1 1 mo!) noted runniog hot'.e 'whii-h the whole country aifcrded. He tnund Mr. j, in the town' of Min chefler, oopoti.e to Rn:hmind, v hith t. the t.i tropoht fpnken of. and tharl about tourtecn .mice fioiti the narof Ccuenl Arnold, -vho wsa retiring from his dep.ednory incumn. He learnt front the conftd ntitl fricndi wlm furreu'.d.'d the governor, I Vat hit excellency hid been bufily tngjred even in ptifonal lafjor to fecut thlfe very armt in a place o( (atciy which yVre ba.idoned ty hii citiaent. to thenerc" ol JI.e enemr while l.iint, indeed, were ii iadi:fiou!ly employed in circuit ing fjfhoodt to hit pre;l;ce. li 'ie refpeft of hit prcin'arv tpprontiati-inj bl fore alluded te, gentlenreh of die trray leem to have bcrna'irile premature in imbibing a (trjudtce a .'r'i a pi'blic chirafler, wYole olP.e den.nntd of lu an independent exercife oi hit judgment, Thu mig'U .n ait,' itrhipi, proceed from, iheimpeifect 11 now td.e 'o ".'Inch mt ttary life in get.fril attain t.i the tRi u of civil government, and partly frcan llioi T.lie fnge'fvmt wF.ich are wont to ti'n from the. naai'ce ct faftinn. Ii it ;rn that a part of, the armrwerf fix totwA with -Mr.-Jeferii,-and i 'I'Jil'v To that tl.eir icaloufy cf Derimiary vtii- tli iet wi. '.hi. Chief caufi ( but it. remain! to be de terminer' v'lether 'this wat a taafonable dilTaiu'tc. tion'. It wa a prevalent cnHpUint l'at the t'.:X lill were pt jd whi't ihe ejaliri ol tie military wtr: un. at ended to. Incanviflio thit ranrmer, let nt like a vie pltl epi'Wilei. I've yon knowi the ft luition ol Virginia at that time t her credit was funk, 1. i. - L- ft J !..-. I . I . - . ucr i'ren".n er.niiia ryine miicnine ana counter 1...1 marthin,' of iht troopi, invarfei by a powetlul ne j wr,ole myn.d her conrngent lund tt a very low ebb : t ,-tfa icuiiHiy inc prvpriviy ei luppoiting iKr '-in g vtrnnieat thro'i jh fuci dil.Pen will be v'ewed ts t pnmtry cbjecf by all found uolintiini. Without hit luprcme head the very tule which clled lor a defence would htvt bee 1 tonihilited, and the dif fiiufied military wouid hive been di;orgmized, and no longer necelf.ry. With regard to tht cornpo. afflt individualt who were Inrfuded in the civil lift, itwisaeccfTiry to fupport iktm; for to do thit was li fe n ill to the exillencc ol jurtfprudeutc. a d indif. pcahbly nectlfiiy lor the lupportof good order iai t.'i co-nmanity. t,he1 people ol the eatuopo 11 (R thaiond were neither vt ling nor able to like ibl whole turthea of tovernrntnt upon their own fhou dert l nor were they on ai y account, bound to iubimt 10 tl : yet the dtparimenit ol adminiOtaiioa t'elTanly icbde 'here and the inhabit inn anuH Beccffinly.be paid for ac ommndaiing tnea who, having (acri.ced the conven tncca ol lift to tbl du litt ol public lervice, were unavoidably dtpcadeot on tht national fund. Hid the ir afury ol the lait beta adffuitt lo tht wh.le dtmaat, it it prcfanicd re rr in would bive fell greater pleasure thin Mr.. Jtffcrfon jt. the accornnvtdailon ol all tbrlr wintij lor btntvoKnce it t trait in hit Cgnflujiion whi. k htt nor thin on.e pltced hit privatt creiulilyiQ lha ban 1 ol tht fwiniltr. Ii i mmtoirt to be eonfi. dried, thai lha civil I'd tom.ined but a Imall notn. ker ct individual. 1 the mi itity roll (mpri(cd 1 very lirir ona 01 iw.i evilt it wit ceitiii.lv proper In choolt ike lesd 1 befide 1, iht military fi.d nne rtfoana wkiib wit btywuj aa4 iraaada.'.a yf so, ,.u iu iufi . Ui uieriti tut ol Me, le'eilo,. -... ii Inijfhj-t, he wai toemo. of irnuia. Al r).e ttnmrlr vine 1 k- a.l.. .. : . . T .A. ....... ,7 l 1 . -rr. .. io.mm i.i.j'. iiu.i,i iiiaiuiiiii'i'iioirii wun.n i,ae ye. oeen .poma b;ci. ruii-tt- to tn inira'eint af 111a t on r id ol arc berei.i bciore fly Hated. mj e.ia- ' t'overted on the p rfonl"kooidje of ihe wi,:r. ' L then a iingle inf.n,i'ou tl.u wiu bc-.r ift'0.e;n, 1 athnuh he governed, under evey potfible iinp.d. nen- ol mv.liln and i'lwi"'t(r" f - In .781, he wroie hi uotct 01. Vng;i.. Theft f"e nt intended lor the piefi ; ycl they hue !oan4 their way in the print. Can ry nn ,f lt ,a c.rfe to ba aHiamed l il.c prmcip'a. he'hi avow. td Ii ra 1 Let iut book be read, tt will' hva'r WiU nr! lor man. . v.' Iut theie ia oiie of bit tvnw t, tAa oi. wf.-.cn oxn (.i note c:;uictl- Io'ji, lit t"t yey rnoiftnt oi fuccefa "(call ir even ianum'.y) the tetdination n( ihe wir in ;8 ; it 11 bit tru ht cf fiiidainental cor ti; f.ton. Iu the fumuier 01 t jlj it yai evpettea thai the people ot Vlr,;4 ovll cai a coovcottcn icreuier ter the ti'irnon of ni-ivirni.., Joa C rr,. In.j1t th plnefa nl man. ' A mind tbu. e 'ed abiv-.the j.nary employ, me itaol i:a fpeeiei, 1 j,u! f'ceiki . ,tn 4ny .r.l'.e ice r p -.ty p -!u y 5 r w tSt g-nsf.l. arlfolKi.1 whith u irw-anb t of tavwi itt neatto ira-t ol ev'J htbn, Ht fth ik id fp.ru a It.; .propi.aie Jn a .rev n i.e lttt U If Vlea r,ret,Jent of -.aleytU.e. dated fa. a, Sep.tn.nrr , t)li, rigen '.tain d.f; ?ai a -w; iak irnniii3 1 .,.,.,. 1 , ,,, ttw hl . M m t.,e irse ". nenct o: n t e ninrr.. k. k a....... .1 people m . t ctKedtn '4 wan , 1 mi tax) I . m. mm. - A : . iiiei-.a.w i u tt ft nat ren:p tppMt.d lira- t. JtUnre wuh a. Wad w.ll chn'tn laita. When we hed a t.an, in mli t,er ..bilf daev v..u.w v. pjoring ti wiiaa of nat iic. iSe cw lona 01 t. e human i.icjl ai .v.. . . . . n cxe.uliva aulhotitv 1 and te ba liner, ike very tii.cly i. eqa.libttA. Hn oividei the turt into iwo houfn. mi re deri tbeir con- cxrtenee an elfentiat of their lawt. He rropofet'tliat tbeir ticilion (hould b annual. He adiulti the e- quatity cl el flion by proportioning lha country re-' fl piefenittivet to ihe number of the t!eft it, ant by! ' limning I tit namber ol delegutt of which thu houfe Ihill comm. Hu fcnaioiiil rfiviiioat coolillt of dif. tnUt and ctalfct. He tn.blifhti tbt method of voting vita vote, ana g'tvet the lulfrige 10 all who a cooveottcn tereir.er trr the L-ireo. nf u. klibing and teviving the effentJa. I. int of their! nc. ilgtjta, b y the f jrrnau.no! a. adical law, or i other imercnnrftnf lung 0U ikM.oM wi'S ea.a r-le-1 kta wordl, coulitutioai Mr. Jeltctlon (h doub-Jeli J we J Hi'n airmrivt t ?. -ie,4M, J. y w.u.u nave vrcn vi ir-.iT! memo-.r or irat oodyj B --e an . .0 .ne punty of r.e'i ., .0 ike ianrnvtnnr had prepared him lell' at leilure, . -srl dtlil-rif.eS of cjmk. to iranfpoiitn of l.c-f,.,,!.. , uience 10 general, w mutt a hi a grade ikov the tool olfaction, ad., n I, en ti a kit (f. tt dignity tban iha rhef , ,,; ,, a ,...,,,; ltH f ab-.ut io-accoad r et. and a 'o h.o. a ,n . .iEciK.1.1 lot ti.t p e'dennal tai'nf ntwi.nnuy which Qaoaia wanted oletwefitt t Una.' - On lM t.i nlOflr, ijli, Mr rr CatiM announced to M. J.Ke,(nn, t;y Uuee f. r o bltau, tht in ention oi ihe king 01 lw u tavov thecomme'ce ot the UnitedStatea aa a, s a. pAlbltf lb double ke number al ihcir pnni . ,M (Wo dutttt which were ..cjadteiat to tha comwe K ah Atrenca t tbH after titaprrat ton of a contract aaad a.gcnta me rorm o a conurtuu n, ur,-. 11 ft- (,n. cctted c.lculited to fecute the lightt and libetty of hit.coirntiyt tn the moil permanent manner, aud with tKc lead poflible rcUrtint on tSe Individual in tl'.oatioa. '. !e optnjjhe p!ari 01 thit toDftliliVion lilha de e'araiTno the world 6f the niluid ul Ih Warp and other prt-r.ill.05 circumltncei whicti had rendered the (nopottd raeaf ire tiecefTiry. He pro,ofct ihat a convention fhou d be u.vited by the voLotiry tel'o luiioH vl the legitlature ; tnd, of aourfe, deduces the deaeider.ee and lubmillicn of the law giving power lo ill on10, tli a Deoole. From tkia c. ntlnuinn.l lo'fi.kniwri oXthetoenmuniiyr ke dtlttatta-tha fle. Y lb fstSDet't gtaeial wuh Mr. Meet fttn.c partmemt cj jiuifpradence io f.it Icgitlaiure, iadi. I ,ol,ce,i .M '!' e fhoa'4 l pe,, utd t 4 f 'f vt't aec.e ,rA wi.i, n,n.( mr tiintiKt bl tne term kta nil, the lermrt'e tral fh.i..d to Purchatt annuallv bout (Veadiof lobuti t Thu . tri4t, (ihongi. not whJi incip,etprpo ed by Mi arecnneal inptartinhava ft. (.n't netncitiian. mind tradicare that monopnly emt, . In the trgumtrta rc I by aa f (t am a aft . t.O - v,,",ur reipect in atvmii a " fi thruf4 b : i H,e rebt .! mny r- i'o " the c ia "w't nl Mr. J,- id It ,ra to ' iil. da ietnf farcn rt torolltd in the milim. Ht rtculitet and coo ," 11 ,a rpe to kl tt cunt, tonal finct tht time tnd rutnnti of legiflaiive totcti; g and eonl",0ft ,af -ja Fiance rf old not .oJcnt djOurotntni ; md, giv.ag the governor a pawer of J ,oul -toliunn, fht yu iht U.iid 5'att on c nvroing thim, ad mitt a latitude in the tafe ol io. W,?S ,nt "",,t To-n and Mr. de Caionro ItMion or lovtlion, which mty render a ttatportry "er pit-t.illKig trttuet with mher aina icmovil cupCviCDt. A vijority of euhci hvula formt '. ' foi bar d ing no morn H,a wot tk.iU lurjuoinm. lit allowa tht raembert no privilega "Z" "',ic,,' ''"''r, Iho'i fitta ikouOi the dntiaa whntevtr btyasd .erfunil ntotaclion mhila ha a.a 'aorcai on upon thie article. . antged lo public bufioelij ii.d, ft, hit rr.t? fttot On tkia octafino ht l(o obia.Md an incur ge.r-tnt' riiraoromary in .ngimo; be fr.akea tka mat Vet y piut of wheat tbt medium of their wtget, thereby I (ipprtbtnd) limulatin an titcaiion tit egr caliutt . . 1 ei tire taroln.t tut t.a'le anet. a tkni.i.a. - tca apon tha a. id. ept afh, pearUa-. I,.r.' in., hair and raw lea. her. m.HA. imp emu., fed ctoi. iitt. ok. Ni i.i.t r 1! km. as lhri bii'It lit ut LV.iaU l..! . il. mm nAal I.. I. A.... a a a hilt lie ctipeattt tht midium 0 tuMy. Uh maiely, ha paya a dut and Icin. ulout eiitniitn to .he doArincialtitSullion. ttciocitt. dt limin of power. "tf ' ,,rJ Uom a"- a4 paper , To the it... . r a a. W n . a a . w iw ittprtnaeni, ir. jeiierlon hn p. id qil l leu. " .terrain iKiim.i on tbe ta,oit.on o( lion, ii well 11 to Ihc judicluy tJeparlutcai. Ha ,n" ""fl of leio, Cu.eann, tad Toumnet l.tt ilfo propclrd a coai.cil nf tcvifion lo tonfift of 'n n" -foiianoo t,I ara.and military Haiti lw trr.Lcn Iron, iht two frvertl dtpinmemt ol tht ,r " ' At thu period th? confumpiion of Caro int tic "Oet hiacktticl rol co n..ci Ctclap Jeiia, Wi '' PM have bctn abont one ball of coin, p. gt 1:4. . , . ihetr ical de.-.ai.J, i n,ttd U Ujfr irons Me a at Jafaiioa't Kv.aa, Apptnd.t, i., J8"? Du fl,,.,f Mi:?n, aare-f t - rt Htr 1 - ? J t e. ' un I 1 , 1 : r illi i 1 t .4 A ; 1 : 1 . -1 1 at s j I , 1 t . e J ( I' 1 .-Mi j'. A" t , i " -THjlrwftm .a, I m,. ,mm,m t - a