-" TKree Ooljors per Annntn. T H U R S D A Y, A U PUS Ti 6A 1801; 1 - " 1- v. ::; . i- . .. rrgPV- Ji , " . . S V- 'TBS ". - . -, -St- " t ' J aT': I . : V . ' 12 II UV 1 - 12 LI - tj 1 , V L. Li 1 I V W . H iVI "V .J If ri V I. I... . a :.. i ... . : , -A.-. . , . , U .aq.-.-.--.. -t fc.-;,. ' ir ii m ii ir - i t - " - i " " "nr' - -J - ... . -7 " i c. e t eo It at htt h rcrl ind Ue ff. lhJ tron V.th lo'is NEW-YORK, July 15. Trmbery ts m?rc dreadful Man open mitwn i.eBuatned from hu iomer w pretty , ; Mfxluh wca fa farvw-.the Brm coiful bat diffused 11 -r 0 guurd- Ogaitijl ciasaefline plots than a- The'Btti'rftr c'oofu Jltud that Mr - Cfcee Irani Vra ottinQ rtiTl liilatk 1 , merar of Ihc for.iety butlHi! he hid never at ei. ? . r V- - d iu.-, in tH 4 Bmffa conWi ipy .had eerily . . ACOOpnon. -t3jatfrficMed-"to'lt fmaloyer mlfiiTformiiiot.- W are about to unfold a plot extremely flagitious Mf citcctlum w aot a ntetnUr of the (a.ifiy. , Bt V-.4r --imftH-eK ,HT are aware thai our ex.- lhll irofe -ndt fr0!ll ,ny objeft-oa he hid to if, tor potnion ! ,H .intended - jerbetratios '6f a new crime, tho"he fceh no local auachmerit yet he wi!:'t all tleaft'inthe annaf.of the Un.tcd Siate will bring timWtcd hl'thand to alult id freeing "mankind from poo utihe wrath of the RfUifh paitJMniiiuWLJliiJery ter,but we prepared Tor whoever ny .iake place, twee0 lyrintt in thofe who reliQa frecd6m. npoi y sod no confiierauon of perfonal fafety Avail icier ua bega ; the United te.-(h6uld .never ceafe uniil from the perlorntance of our dnty to purfclvcLand.. ne . of the 0.,ei ftali be fept Irom the earth 7 ee- to trie puDlic. riivjic lUJUtuJiiou nas uccn mo frequent in every country where biitif!) iiifljcncc ha. prevailed, aud where the Britilh government ha- had fpecifie Oijjftj to attain. Tin accoroplifhment of defperate olxtt require the adoption or delperate We hive been fhu minute io order to fhew that . mean., The uwd ue f. cadency of Bruffii politic a in twh hia Britannic MajeayV-co.fja Toy I111 lhi country hat recently furlained, wehope a aortal njifcommooitated one thing, yel it doea fuffic.ently blow. . Yet ua advocate tT- not hoKelela ot ui.rel. .n,vl. K,.h fni fli hvt and other ciicumft n toration. But it appeara that every difpofable ob. lhlt)ic e,Ki0U Itat o: fp to wauh ihe 'ac ftacle in the way of a revival of the old order of ti0!l-of war tell jw ciiuena, and .his too rhuiV have aningi, "v""ci ,u' ""! been a ptrton in whoianhe repuoucain wti inten Crimea attending it.'muft be removed. But wKitever ' fa ttf .-fociat for the p pofi. above tnentionuo be the fae of the cd.lon, whetner they be doomed j blvc g(Mt. ConSdence, But how he became -to-die'by ihe hand ol the monarchical affajrip, or to ,C(joainted with all the politic! walks" ot Mr. Chest .be dragged on board a Britiih Hup of war in the TTiim ufcvrCerv conceivable .l urely the Ui, whole' aZnlii,j a K"g ULiiiicu nuinioi, n is no iniau ton (olation to them to peceive mat me iiijln it become offcnfiv'c to the Britim peoden in the ,U"ir ted Siatei, and an obdacleto the titaininent oi their Kow the Bri:ilh confa came at a knowledge of Upon my diobting: hia miellgence, I he faiif hiihere, perhaps Jike Campbell,;; they ; wertta hsTO tVi ticfign is out eafy lor thofe to diicover, wh informanon' was taitquelttobable, not . r only witb . been charged with treaton .jneie ts tuc ip-tHmv have not ekherbeefl foies themtslvet, , or tv-.-procn. feloect tp Mat loewty, b-it tnt mere was not a hngte ny between tne two icnemes, mat, wnea w writ. Never the els it appear .that, the n.tor dom can never be fecu're while tyrants exilf. 'Yet- h i warfare flia.ll be honoorable. He would neither admintiter poifja in' Aecret nor aftaifmate - in the cant. political walk, which Mr.' Chectbarh ind I ftook, dtred that , in the caie oy Mr. Duanc the debgn vest but of Which he was' i'nfomd, and- added jf we really executed, rro deuftt can be eteitied, after the per (eyerVd m our proceedings, He would ai IhoUlq coufidcr it bis-iuty-io-accorhpliih otfr ruin anl dellrutcm. Hi then tnterroj;ted me'whether jl coniJei cd mjlf a Britiih (uhj :ft ,or tnotv upota my Briiiffc fubjett, a'perfon who ia a native of Britain or-her colonies the Britiih coiifui in , a violent rige id, that wctu jL'ot in the hbuTe of hit Bir;anmc Majerty's Corfftn; he bu d knoclt mo doWn,:; that Greal-B itain rei?rded the power vf te United t4tes nojjc than he did that or i flvrand-m tch jefs dij he fezard the foc:ty to w.iich Chcethsm nd . I belonged. ; We then pirtcd. All which afjrcfoii f.fti, I Jo hereby jertify to be true . " L . JOHN WOOD, , Attain-? . IVorlman, dcclintioa of the conlul, oi his intention to et'cutc :n the other." Of the BxacVttA tfty of the tonfuiV fchmae no ooe caii doia'st, ftufSms in every- Cdujjtry can be ra , txkei trxetute Bniift "plutl. And the Britiih go- " veratdsot is fo much in the nabit, of tipping pep plcYmbatha, that U woud; be ery esly" for their v hirelings togag in the night, a fc obuoxiona chaV aflevs, and fhip them on board 'n arined x-itei.x BCit what would be the cnufequenca of fucb an aft Hjvv would or citizciia take it?. Would the? nbt wreak their Vengeance upon the inftigitors of fo fool dfed? Of this the Britifh conlul is lifttcfi Here what he fay!, '" Great-Britiifl regards tire povt ersof the Uniicd States no more thio 1 do that of fly." Nothing was wanting to complete the dcftS but thljfenieiice. A Cf t!ic treichery of the Enjlifh goveprnenti ng Tub hi(Wy is replete. For the pxefut we Ihall onl'j; adiuce the fallowing example., -with bich we (hall end ear obicrvaiions until to morrow withes. . , p , - 1, The following affidavit of Mr. John Wood, Will abundantly fhew, that a ftheme has been laid by the -"BrUiOvcofu!, to dcttroy himfelf and Mr; Cheetbam. ' V dellinRion it would appear from tfe, altertiops rje Britifli conrut,'and Kir, Waddington, a Britifh v ..chaut heic, is to b cycled by fee ret mtiiu. It ia 4 fortunate circumlra:;cc, th it ih a.confpiiacy has been developed before its tXecntion. For .whether it (ball at a future pe.lad be put into execution or not it-ia a fubKaatiate of ti e abosninable defigna of the Britifh agenit in this country (:d of their intention ;NeiO-l"9r)t, July, n, iSoi.' T'he indignation of our cilia 'ni ha been njtirally frXCltfd hv ihcdcvr nnrmrninf rh .lm .,k..-h w.. i ye:terday gave, lc very properly Appears to . them - vwaiu 4.uuu.w, w..w " that wbciebijIi-i-raQicei are "fu.Wd to cxil, no rtin i h,j attaenment to iheaufe of reafoa and liberty, iiiafe. A d..hii.,!!,... ..r, i u;t.B !a?lUd when he.was ioerm.v, tathe Briti!H'c has r.ot beeu taincd i-ito execution.'vet the intention '. briet far permiod to. land'.al tarmnu-.li to proceed) !vdo fo.Unotthe Utk nauntfcV. ' Wiain tlis inten-! 10 Faltrjottih, aid there tq embark tOi Li!b,n, ;wher6 . t ' tioa tiat Wemuliricw the trim; : for we hold t he intended to make lome itay lor the beaettt ot hft ... 1 rttiw l.lipofUble 10 execute the enfoiraev in anv o- ,Ray .!1"V '"-fequC w mi. it g.inte; mcT 4inc, into oy i.cret la'inatu vengeance would be . wrought fo - &:paaopingot rcuauican citisens by a. itifh ageuti, b.ufinefsit was to fpy out the prucesdlnos of this terrible focirty, could not have had leilure enou h to -ii. l i:.: in. -c r .... nave, wiitneu au rnc pouucai vrais ..ui wr, vji- frs ..L.- i . i '- t .. . l i. ii .'ii ,?iat wcic. H really to take wtatt. n.-.i i wreck ot ham. Wf.'whn k.nnw our own wa kit r.rhcr think a ... . w.r"v ' ther anaanc; than by Uret TafTinatian.. , ' Tor pu l.c : Dlt lB, "l7a,.l '.. ne " "V ' . i i - - . r . .. . .U. n:i If. ivrini r. i with Kit liiiu .hit- UiiarJ i B.uifh 'agents daughter J. 'd fimily, caavcyed feparately to fab, it impoflible li then'our opinion be coned,, one fpy is incompetent to do all the birty w?ik ol M Ins Britannic majerty's co iful general," aird .oiilc iucr.t ly as he knows all the wa k sol a I the co.ivci fttint of Citizen Cheetham. it is not very vi eiu to infer that he mull hive Mure' Of the Uwfulnefs aoi pro piiety Of a foreign nation, emplfwing fjjiei toommt mifchicf in the country in which ne leuiis, as wel as cither t'uCumwancei jtundi.ig tb.s affair, we fhi'.l fy foiiielhing more io-morrow. I, TUNIS WORtMAN, oh-.iftk lit. tilli :i.flutnce would be Jelt behicd. li is pretty well li.idcrflood that gbveruuient agciia i i all. cuuQiries are' cjflif.isil. fpies. ' But the acute M'. Barct-y, the Biitilh tonrial, is perhip-4b fi.a liiiu who ever tcKno wiedged his capacity. 0;i this Uijctt Vatte) ha the loll j wing pafl.e,- The Fo I IU iveiomenl it uot loud o n-ln;:it tninifteis a naong ih-ni, as indeed their prailices with the latin. b:is ok ih.Oet have given but too .niyrea funs for keeping iheta at a d'!Uni,c Irom it. 1i the year i665 a uuucivotnly ituipliuicd before -he X.'ie;, Uiat the French Amailadir f ro.'ongcd bis Hay i: f il.mj witnv any mceiiVy, una that he ought f be iaai. Ipa menace upon' life ar.d liberty, and cofittdent-. Iv a mou ieruicious ana unwarrantabl: aiticit uauo the iodependenc ol the republic, and the fecuiity qf ler ci'.iaens. from tht ob.ervatioiu of Mr. W-dd-inetoa, it wou d appear, thit the BritilH conful and bimfclf underHood cch other perlrdly well.. Mr., Vaddiftgton in the affidavit, fpcaWa of fetiing cer tain pfifons a: d conveying them, in a rclaad'.lJ.ne tnauner, on board a Biltifn (h p of war.fvnd that himf'lf and othera had laid a Ichcoe for . tVal pur. pofe. The B iiifh eonful, at another time, and in the ftblcriceot Mr. Waddington, declaies ih.t be (Hall confiderh his duty to accornpiilS the 44 luin m&tr(i(. dcllruilloo" t MciTrs. Wood and Cheetham. From thiauniun of fentianent and ctpofiiion ol defiju, ii it unreafonable to fay, that i lc:ici uoderQaadiug pre vails between the Biitith eonful and Mr. Wadding ' ten, to deprive either ol lrle or liberty or both, th two per Ions inentioued. further, in corroboraiioa el an inttmi.o to pot this wicked plot (cre ly into execution, the Britifh eonful declares in' the true ' Bttrith (We, " that Crcat-Biiliin rrgsrds the power ol h Uniud Slates, no more thsn be .oes that of a My.M Rffyrcling this eontcinptcous ilfeivsuoo, it iibirdlyneurr.lv to fsr, that hill airiiUinoofrcnnb licto bsyoocts, if ntc (trjr,'-euld foon convince it btrcby certify that on the eltynta ajj.ilMt,iUn.. j. 4, pai!,E4. .' IJ"b i. the ythr tf.cur Lr.i 01 But it appear t.iat the;e fufpicion. avofe from tbwfana eight hundred i A On?t prrfowtyilfo" gcrcial c'rtler. TSere'ia perhaps not an ib- vppcared bejere me , M r. joi.il M.dor or confui having dec a,ed that tl.-y , tlld aecUre ttat WijonK :.asthein'.e!ii, bji thitiney abf'.iut as a i anaotin dWylWitn iind Jingulur the matters-, andthingt mentioned and attained- in the nartativt I er llatcmsnt thereof, hereunto uhntxid art la teftiinony whereof, I have Here. uii'o fubferibed my rum.: and af. (L, t.) lixed my feal of otHc-, a -he ciiy o' New-York the day and ycit tbore written. - T. WORTMAN. . Public Notary, - MMM - a. A8CUT the Wrcf half pl nine Th irfdsy IsA, Mr. Main, tradu-r ia Cold-duel, called upon me at Mr. Beniamia Cheetham 'a boufe In Mud n the t iglilh govemrucut ol the iougn.ficsoce of itsjljoe, aud re-ueked an interview si a friend, having power. I lomething to comrnnoicste be lud cl tbc uioiait Tbt aiveituemera n.ti.titn.d mthc aftdavit, apl iotporiacce to my lafety, Ai er being J-ife td arcd in Mr. Lang's paper ol July 9th, aud tela e I together, be inferred me, Ibat Mr. jofhna Wad- at am tm (t Ira Ural V if..l k f n .Wa Jl ...... I .a A t a s ,i.ta DimK.ian crguininao " ; laesdvrt ii. fcieiii 1 0I bci .f 1 member of a loiiety cl bich I vti the in thtfe woikr I His Biitaiic M'i'ttv's Con-1 le,Jet. lor the uroof e.f iiftV?.n natin inimtKiian (t.l re-eral, for the caOern (late, icquellt the fsntle-1 lis, d bills ihr' EoeUnd sud Scotland. Mr. Main enan who lavaaiel him with a note th s day. under I denied the ftsl of his being a member. nd 'added thafigda'uieol AH RNCLIllMAN, will call on Vi.u him fc lid. not b-.lievfi . Mr. Wood whom be nv morning iiom ei.l.t to ten.;; tr apceait frv LLuew tery.we.iV bad tnOituted (odety lor f-cb t hst the BiitiCi eonful ol(-ved, tkai tbia f NO-1 buryole. Mr. . Waddington rtptitd that how. LISIIMAM rrqutHcd tH an !nloimt.nH bt & trd againU Mr. Cheetham, or ha !ni wii icn In the Citiacn dlifofiful'y ol hia Britannic Mait dy i" feilspt be conceived that the United Stairs, wnc Rill oloie."ol hii Brl.tnmc Mijcfly;" and go zeroed by h lav 1 ? - :. How lorgtb:! t!t has been In sritJon we rsnnoi fay I but we r-s.c leea I tern fy;.toii 01 it l.r aboot vcr lu.t mirnt fie, he and other wen re.'qlved to lay a f.bemc o get rid "of Vlr. Wood sod i'.ie criuc-ptl nicmVCri, by fcttinr their ce'SOM and cooveyiig therri in a rlandcBine nanotr cn bosrJ a Orui tr fcfcet. or telle! of war. He theielore in formed Mi. Main as t fiiend, tSe lt that wj'Jd I wait him, II be bad' my ConrrQion with fuch a " All.' . f ..I - 1 m.ml.i locieiv. two weeks ba.W Irtm ihe pcriof Rind and Wsyoe, Ulr. Msiftto goalot j with Mm to r.V.ddigtoo, iww cwis wn pommy navcionf ftanai a lo.ne 01 1 sn t rt;uU n captation, , and abtarv d Ike' keretfeiVHC roooev" of N hit Biitanoi: 11a. I thai nod Bioball th i.fiilRiBt -khicl ltBV ..,,m4. bM wtqiently menuoned the prtp't' I appeared in L.ffa psucr of that day, lion cieufely the fame. The abilitv. the aO.ivity.and the IT Ol eilbStchlliC Mr. 1 hr nhim. and .1 m rot I hi. H, !inii .;:u. .11- 1. J . - .l. r.. 1 ...1 -r LI. 1-. .... e r'. .1 ' . n - h backward 10 fimiiar Int.nalibia. "Wa do o I nitoafla.ne. Mr. MsinrenUea that was f 0 his tvrninen Ijreiufe she tar a t A ret P j al a? w4 in Aslant I 1. . L . . . ( ., m . . . I . .. r - ". . - - k A1 - nnww tnaimc emuft coniai hs ffitntionta io tticm i fpiiuoA, and advii'd ant rather to go to Calonel it miqwny. He wu tfeiclore an obflle in their ao ana- were not y abl'Mutelv nj. ployed luborJi ate ones. Thij candid etpofi.iou has-ba-ii lelt lur Mr. B.clay, h:s Briiaunx Mijelly' Canjjla. Ipy.. A fiiund of ojis pief.iK while we write inn, o'jicrves, wist 11 .he tniifh ton'.ui had been pcfclCed ol tile good f;n;e, and prudeuce ti hive k ptthi matter a fret until he baj etficted his purpufe, he would no. ooubt have met with ore- cimerH.and we will add, lluih.d we any iiilloenct in ne tngmn csuet, we would a-lvile.ua mcmlKti never, to eutrua anyle;ret in the hands cl Mr. Bare- lav. 11: may be Lo(lc.T:d of banair knack ia dif. co' triog plats sainU hi, io) at mallei ; but it will he veiy eaiily pctceivrd, that be is no mafoa. j But ia be Itrious. .11 there ft any who doubt the trntfl 01 oar, w joa -sruaavit, e would tdvile thm to conlult the hiltoiy ol the tisnfacttons of the t g l i pvererceui. In that hitiory will be lopud a. buudant corroboration af Mr, Wood's teQiinouy'. Trsacheiy isUacbaraaeicttic, and m ibia it bases. ceeded any other nation, Europe as we a America abmods with iu fpiea, and recently a remarkable oc cuarence nauixen puce, which is doubileli ike el Ret ol the Ul rts of the la .fcduoircli.Campbell the ibe celebrated author ol the -f leaf's oi Hope, has Utely travelled throng Fiance, the Italian States and Cermtny. .. Tbit tour took him about th.r cen . 1 - - i. : . 1 . man i. is. wo pit arrival at isrrr.ootn tie was-in. namly arrelleJ by order of the tn'ilh government uim acujriaoiijiga ireaion. - be .hat com J . . . - bihko, iresi o 1 101 even lurnucd. And we art psilusded ttist bit arrctt if oiftaied only by a drfire to hstisiiyhe patriot, and is founded upon the ialfe teioroutca ol lie fpies- ol tlie tojiiftt govero- tfiecw Bnttbt te-viiih which. Melfrs. Wood arid CHeet ham is threr icued, i very G.nilsr 10 lbt 'which Mr Dusne icslly cxptiieoetj. It is true tUec is a dif icrenre between tne UK indies aud the V. Sines. Ibe lormcr, no muter wlih what criiart It bst been attained, il now an adi jaft of Great Britain 1 the I Istier .u independent Date but tha def'f a in both ia trraticuui uungeons, where ttwy remained near two moiiths, . dapuvcd-of day.lignt i.nd.eyery convent. ' tnee ofliff. At ihe interpofr.i'on pf tb- icn (ts) mlniiler, he waj releafed from Angln Lqfitan'wn cap. tjvitj : but how ? he and hia family were COIv yedl " : 01 board an Snglifii tranfporti to the cue of an & " " ral then on ih? Gibraltar llatioo, who feat them -all iu an open oaa; to the ccart ol Bsrbaiy, waein' they' weic put ihi ft ore without money, withouV a change-' of ciithe and vhhoul any lsfers or p iTpofU. T.1C cotifci) ence was, that they ware immediately rtade prifoners and ent tg Mojadort, where, lluj would nave ueera io:a as :i .ves,naa not tne v nf tiai eonful, who ktew thx ennt, daincd aad pio IcA'ed h bmty. O.n ary man or woman TCA iVWs :iacJ.He wtth'tut fhaddLitug ti tUi birtia.ily o: t'ii diabolical ronfpiracy agnntt the lives crtbis worthy mtn, bis cid'.Uli, and tneir DtiW.iUi, accoinplilhcd. tnd, virtuous daughters ? HjW gallant admiiai with this dee! sccurjtd full in 1 1 y la.e, crrildll tlmur leturntuthy indinsiii cpu trymen with fuch tat- nifbid Uuiela f " Crimea ol Ca'jia.ts, p ibd-ra. 4 CwitjZen-jbio pri.ig a Veptt'ian and having animunfe hnded property in th.it f3c'7, an l Venice bting thm unier Juf trian d-jmiaht, the m'mtjlcr at Lifviit claimed him as un Auflrian Jubjcil, BO ST ON, July vi POSTSCRIPT. . At a late bcur'iaft eve iv, wt were politely fs vour.d by captain York, and Mr. Kaynei, with toa don Faricra to tbe tyh ot May. . OPECrPT. .' LONUOM, May :3. ... By VtHerdat's Hunbnreh mail, we !eur. that brd M.nto had 00 the Din intl. received difnaichct l...m.l. r..i ..I 1? l .1 . wh. .... u.ii vi c.-gin, iiaiing, s'm vnr iny iri Fgypi having mad; tbcsn e vei msflcrs of an impor. lam height which o imaaded a par- of the ci v of Uxinoria, Ctn. Hmchinf.xi ente laiued confident hoptl of carrying th t lortrcr. by ftmm. We know not how to reconcile this iote .igeie wi.U the fuui. tion 0I..4W boftila armi'i net- a If x -ndri The on. ly heighia which preveoted, our troops Intra aitiu dired y agiia l AlcXiolrli, wcic .cor'-ing 10 snou rccci.1 accnun , thole ociu, ko by the Irene s lorees unde. ihe corn '.aud oi M nou, fwusicd ne.r ryanpe's P.liir, u the north raft of Alra n ri At t'xy aw nd roited in our e!H:ial iHictligence in bsvelheir main body Oroa'ly cnticncbci up. 10 thefn beighu it folio s tlut they ir.ull have berO) d.Qadftd f omthat advan'agcouapofkinn in ensfa. qucnceol an sMion fought fin. e the nit of Much, t that dsf, airing of n sking an trtxtjal icfilancc, they have either ictret lota the iolerijr cf tbtoun. try m ibiowB ibemfclvet into tbe fortr.la of Alcav. audita.' Oar rtivite (Otrrnonienc Bales on the author' ty ol letters rcreived fron It ly, thai Ctolhtsune'l bit intention 1 he certainly ia not a ve.y dife-eet I E.rd.y ibt BiltifH Confnl. t.th whom ht.wsv. and Vi was tb4iefo,. B!rVv l .ni 'IV. ' 1 b,.ot V1'' 0rt:. lh .' fl 1 . . .. -. - . .iwi num. ut iir innii a. n m iiui liuaibn . ' - -. .- : a - man, or he would not bite fad at n uch ts be Mr. Wood, Bat he thjaienrd to knock liim dragged Q board ol her, ltatiftwud t" Londo.1, -Mr. 1Vi whee affidavit vie i:,1e' dsy tulMed, is by birth a Settcbman 'and a rtipeflabie inhabitant cf NewTtrk'. lie hit travelled thru,gh urtpet tas vritttn a Witty Switzerland and J tbfSv's Hcwlutkn. lie has. alttlug lyw httn a litter cn tbe fiijtu J the illuminati, add'tjfid ta Judge AiJft. All ubUb fa tin great 'credit, lie it mu a tt aihr tj th hrgkPgei and t na I hematics. ... "Sf (Mr. Maifly wis ell a.qusmttd, and that we would bittvciording'y be widr,ed fee.etly on board I down I inlorni aui UKta of Ik Barlleulaia. Thli m iI t n.l.rV 4 iV!.. ...1 -k. ..... 1....1 . ...1 otintoa psrtn,Tofthiaieronf tnd nt ctmt the Upon, and arrived at the boufa ol tba Britifli Conful Uin which he was landed in Europe. This plan fCrei, ' I a iiiilt afitr tcaTh kVitaoi nno-i orrninr ihi rfaair ' I-.i.a ..( k. I..r-,.. U..iai ..... .-t l .-..a lu .. iiii imj nnr i-rrfciningnij,suing u.e ni(,nui insme 3invi tne tuiooe was goat j be IngliDt Conlul, is n taut cop 01 thai, by wbith . lot ; eiy snentiooed in the afhiavn. jlo bed, bnl ibat he fbld fnon fee. Alter the Mr. Duano .tf kidoapptdM'om ibe EaA India. A.' ...h pcucvcinai ruca loc eiy ever n.u,i-r,.0t g og op u.,n, and Morming the Briiift 1 JtriuOa armtd fcipvas 10 bae Urn provided, aud tftp, lutwt do know that ft intelligent ciu ce.f.lt.ai fcir. MaindeGidtoiak 10 bitq, 1 wi MrlTrs. Wood tnd Cl eethsm to be feiaei in ihe pitbt i ciciywHlnbacnrll'd(a fe lueisry me.i Iriufh cocful and Mr. Main raiircd into a nit her tbsir irutntion wstio coouibntc their might to tbe re toom, They did, not rctu ato me for upnsrdst nfisuooolln;tsi d Akmlsnd, bythediffs miniio think oi a quirtcr of an" boar, and hid it col beta In pamp'eisof o',frwii, of plain irpubdctn truiht. , for Ihe iOi.fi letea t placed In Main's lotrgrlt;, 1 2t was wifely (onfidsitd ibat st Wai oaly neiiiTaiv to ccitnialf Oioolj Kse t orckndl a d.Cgn wll make ingUhmca atd. Scvicbmen fcrfab c ol ibcir then Isid of pa:tif Mr. Widdi igion's fihenx into rfliitd id wrttctnd f.aie,tt isn't ihtwt lo sne'.io caecut.on. 1 U Boufh eonful and Mr. Mam beving tne, bt a bold tnd vttionalcTort their own tondi' at length eautd, the eonful it (reduce J bimfcll by tion. And at ihn benevolent objlcootd tn be fnyu, that tht tdmi tsmeot bt inp-rttj in Lang's betltr uoennliQtd than by aeandid difplsy of the piper had itfrt'oic 10 a icniltan who was festive cond'!oh nf two diliivd flsiri, a befer tx-i defuottl of biving proof giir.ll Mi. Cimttsn., bat at ' ample ii wn cnntideicd for tbftr im laiiosi Could not ika lama time intwrmtd tnt, Lt was ptrfeJly , wtl'. 'Le eakib ted than Ibt Unt'cd States. fUch wtit Iht I acqwaiaitd witb the fociitf to w. Uh Mr. jimn . j-'i'i iSis in'cndfd locieiy Lid in ad f;fc CUe.hias s d 1 tclon.sd 1 htt be 14 B ntti Ibclgslaad laudasj.. m ana laticded 1 It nlcd ta I fpy in wbo-n ba putinoJI conudente, wbotcqoslmed .htm. 1 1 m re gu!srly with a.' I o( n scuais aad 1 uin dingl. We learn uuli t rest f.tiificiion ika: reinlort. menu have been dif pa ched from Malta Io K.Tpl, and ihere is 00 dsnbt thai del chine ti fr m tbe gsr -rifont ef CibtaUar and Minorca, whi. h art beit.' tnab td to fpsre tbim, ksvc been alls fe.U la gcotisl ll'ichinfoo. Wen eiflsnd. thai dlfptt. bet meived at a !:tt, linnt lift oicKl b ijteeamcal frerm lord Uaia. rtato. iS srrUal n the Xed tea, ike iro'h't I oai llics. JLail li'tl , ntHined to eo-npte wub g! iera. Hut' thtnt mi, sgainfttbfl Frt ch to (VpU Tney toniiV. vlitoo anca fiorn Ibe Cane ol Oooi llapt. eoeO from tht preddenty of fl?naUy, and f o fr Cey ! n. 1 bt naval lora was soramandM by bi H. Fit phsm, a-d the tmi-'itary by sen. Band. Adit ebwent 0 Our Wood b4 stt fent'op aft.1 COvnliy, o; g'tral ) iurehlnUn, who bad imitf. in fomii.ni tit tfrmsh of ike ludri .I'm) id nr.lri I4l.iiitatt ibt iLaieb ol f.c.wis, JrcfiiU . jtoihwis wi;b iheo), m j? , : :-. ; Svtlein Ajtrs. faonfra.fCt of i dif.uiet Ulwten tjg'ael I 'd tfe N.trria Pa.eii.tbr h at vi4a. b'n .i .Hi mm - J'l't'i,- - ' "V M : i ii - ... . t : ' ( i Vi r , liS I ir ' - ) J4; 1 - , V I

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