.hi.r.:. .;...r:.. p. ;r in rrt- Shi no I Oil 10 c- F- 9 ool P. and PHILADELPHIA, AugiftSv Wc have jufVbcen 'favored by a gentlernin of thU - eity villi the Gibialtar Chronicle of the ao.h Way, -whirh' contains the following late and interefti.ig pairicd-ii from tjyfi, :. ;' . ; .. ' . Gibraltar 'May 29. .' Ycftcrday irprnitTg arrived bis rmjefty's cuttef Swift, com in.nded by .If cut. Satmders, fioAi 'Alex . smdria in 34 day., 16 guo nid '46 men : 'Captain Provoft, 'commatidiug hi 'majfty'. prifan fhi'p, .Aurora, citne pa!Tcoger h the cutter From thefi officers we learn that the Bsitilh tf.v.y in Egyjitrare in h'gh health, and fruits 4 and tint 70-) men of thnfe .vdt'n had bcei) wounded in the battle "of tbe tuft cf, Mitch, hau returned to their datyTliar afT.ir riiav be cot fuleifd at de:iiive,-the French urn- I avmg rnjrtgcn in ay '.encal aft ion ft tee their rlfe. J ufc'.ja anil l)amitu haV? brcn takmby the Briijih . forcrt 5-4000 o'f whom together w th t ,o."iO Tvt;, undcr'tiie Grand.Viei'er, had proceeded to the attack of .fthamariie, w'f.iilr.waa gAfiiConcd by 4000 piench and washot exeft d to mA-. any coniijerable re Vlatice Th It's of Rhamame will cut' of? ill corn, i. itiun'u' -lions between. Alrtandiia, Cjiio, and that country, "d complete the inveftiiuie of Alexaudni. The Bombay aririy commanded by licutenarit-ge-ner.1 Craig," con filling ol; 10,000 men. S.ttith and Sepoyl (ihc Snc!l t'oops in the woJJ for trtat coun try) had landed ai uez, whither they h.d been con- " ejucied by a powcilul uaval force under admiral ..'banket. ' '.' The csdvif April, fir John Borlafe Warren had fffected lus junclion with Lord Keith, who bsing ttlfo it'ulo.ccd by the captain Peru with 4 fail ol tfie line, had tn-.iher 17 line of bat' le fba with hin fc.cf 'ie Alrratidna, and one in Aboukir By Sir Sidney Sim M had piocecried np the Nile with a rubber o: Albians ard the Eflgim guo bjatr the Prize Courts On the motion of the Chancellor ed by tiArK ,Th. ptinr.ipil re.fon why the. French But thu new ConHtut'ron, has it been made for of the Exchequer, the hpufe went into a committee ,dem0fd 6 take ajoiMSon of Caliel again, is the toll jou.lnruiated.inhjbhaota of a iegion lo remote od to corfider nt th? falanes to be granted to the judges uroll p&tl by the Jews travel inf id Germany, ha- To different from the parent nation t Have your Rc bj.bie mii!y priie courts io America . a.-id the vinst Uen dctn.Jided by the Frt ich Citizens of that prelentatjvea, likethofe Jtkf the other French depart- yve.'UIiHitca, and of a lgwancea tn .pt afforded to petfnhod, 0" coming trora in lett panKi ol ine .menti. concurring and participating power r . no refftns who hive exercifed tiiia cGice. The two fol-, Jlhii 4 i The vifjom; and accompanying virtaea whkh liivi f . . , 1 . . j -a ' . ' -j w . ' -. . . ... .l - r-.;:.: , t ..:' rt;.:.Jl 1 .a low-inf rel'olutioni w re moved and agreed to S Rtfo'vcS, Th-.t it is the Opinion, of th"con. 'mittee ihit alum not cxceedi: g 3 6ol. a year be grar.icd out of. the c?nfylid4sd ' iui.id as a . fa-at y to. each of -the judgeji rj his maiclf yi "pri 'c conrn, in any two , of tiic Wc'l-Iudu ifiHds, or in llali,',i,-"t Nova Scotia. That a. futn Doj, exceeding sopol. be grant rd as an alioauc-;, ui.oeL icrtani-icuficuoiij. to pe.nti vBJ.H.,r U11 u.r 1 BERLW, jane 6. ... , ; ; fn t'lS ulu ?i. de RolqucrauU Daa'.flt A m balTadot at Oar Otrtirk sXtiangtd with ift; Cbiact MiiilUrt Count lUugA'int, xi.c tU of renhcuioo ret- fcettinrtlie acccGia of the cw,t ol' V uu. pow pr:-lidrd at the formation: of thia .eonftitutibnil act, have coi.fcciatfd your fighta, andfetured your in- ierfRs, . ,.'..' '. trim 'hi momVnt JiiHice has declared for you, th rwwcfiil nd f inerou rtatioa, whofe tafte and k , ' 4harAi-r vmi nanirmitf. an. of .h:ch ou form- 10 the . ,-. . VT. r :, 5. ' r . L L f !. yri, naa-vroxen ine intnieiui cnaun wfiicn inc ijurn . r. J fciV-.-fC... -..L' - ' . - .v . ftt art7 aiid bf naxhv bjJJrted for vou. ui.dei icrtaiiiicuficiioiij, to pcifotu , uct '(! vcr ': J" - ,, . i It hi Acknowledged the rigbu vtich ' you, id- bate excrii-d tais crlicc. - " June let. . b An antvW r.. Vienna, of ' 30-b ftitea, tfiat th- repbrt of a French army' having o?t: ine l poffjf. frtn t Moi($ Kcgio and lufkilii Dalmitia wtuis. C'jnfirination, . ''.' The miu.Ueir of th- Interior, on the evening of the I3'.h rtiftini, gave a r.iolk fpieudid fete at Paris, to the-ki(s of ttruiia. At nine ; 'clock, rlK? whole .l the jpai tnlei.is, t ;e gu ictu, and the hails, .wwe il. lutniiiattd. Ail the coniniuied au hfiines, ,.d a numerous affeinblac olhd.es wire prclcni: ami t trjs fellive magnificence ol he ' bajqai.i wj addej every icfe'H Ipert.rs 'f amtiftmer.t that loe captal could futiiliV Tlie frei.cn iunot are ratcr -iow;r than they weie flated 10 be ty tits foitner ac.oaaii. hpii . IVotn n Itv. Henceforth, vou will not ut ; e x'Kif'd .0 the enib!t commotion'', thofc violent ! eviu!flrij1,rt'ofe politital ftoirns which atife ffotrt the execntfcri'of law, made wi'hout yanr approba Hoh, qii'delar fiom.you, ad- whicn ' confcquenily cvnnot iccord w.th' your manners, your cuftoms, r.or it!i the, climj'e you inhabit " ThtnkV be rendered to .the new Frcn'-h1 Condi-tio- ! ; Fftr-;h Colon. Hj, you have been awakened ot yellcfday itqtiettea it from mc, and. as I am no by the yitl'a'rficle :' the want of laws has at Ufl beet ni'j,ed,"accir4tr.g t my prortufj, 10 icmra you iA' fel:, snJ you have cprefld your wiHiei to trw gene, oflicial infwn,- i am, &c. . ral, who goiefna this colony, to (he general who fo CsLONSTABr. . ! often lw fiat, bed vou from the edge os - piecipir., and who b a fo fuccefsfu'ly defended voo fwm. the Artal reb.lution htthe vnvrrnmmt of mP' coemtej, and from the infliieree-' y v.-.,- r ... ot ev;,y.;act!on Ah, you coad not bedell, to the -&t. Uwvnr't ha been r fleeted. lub'fU man. .win K3 Avc liis life in )iinillii 111 tK to the ratification of the Fitnch Kepuii- wou ids of this fuffcr ng colony, and in pouting oa" ' . . . ' . i.-- . . 1. ..j i. ' A lmiral Thave this muiTifnt rert-iv-d tbe oidrr of the- king my matleY for .,k ng ff -tlie'caibatgo m thr .trade 'an 1 navigation to t. rigtanj ' copy' of vh ch I herewith tranfmil to yoir Excelieney " I hive loir B) time i 1 making thu LOiuiuumtati on-to your Fx :e!lrcy, ai yo r Excel cue in vour letter Extract tf A pivte letter from Copenhagen, of the; h 1n!litt received. her.. tni afidnuon, c ntairfs iheai- J .ench fur. .beats Lid rci rated fcclwre tit. 14 ta Gia id lowing oblu vaiions icfocfijug tbe North.-tn t,h- Caiio." . ' ' ' - : lance: M ore than h. If ttic dUiat.op. ot uie amautca r-" The wliol FrrnrH f;ce Is fupoolrd o amount to r brt -een D'nmark aod - fcglnd .viig lrdy t 8;ji ni'-ii, v.ho hie very much d ffitisfi.d. pired, the loj-ic of gejerSt con'.crfatian, in a 'j tbe ThtBiitifh tuny an tnoft plcprif uily fupp!i:d with hihet circesbuc, )s tk? prob'bth'y ol a teewa; !' kindi ol rovifrons; atid'the ou idcd general of htiiliiies T.ie feitut of our MUI:idia iln , 4,(T.0f is are rrcovering tift; except genial Mow.c, vithout any'previoui "and formal deciaiaiion ifar, wliofe wour.u in 'he I'g continued lo nou-j rMrnr, . and of tferaiiy pentd when it rnppt;Kd, nas ea itr-d thatitwas af p:euenlcd lie ma.f go to M.I11 uli' h more indignation ihn furpriz; a . ong us, i c. gets well. ' c.ifiO'icd the (pecul million of our feerc ry of flat i ouni EeinlioiiT, to the couit of t. Jamc 'a, v,.cte . Captain ttowUnd, ci the Aj'o, v.Iio a-.Ivtd at ! the -Riccef. failure yt bia Nociationa (w!.i6 w. i Norfolk on I ridav, 1.1 week, fpSke J..ly 14th, in ! ut " f ec'df4 lh' 1 1st. 4a,.louK. "5I the fchoon. r ftilab,, Kngs-j P wa.. Our u.u.t, and thofe of Swee m-1 " 1 r . n. ... ' " rtt 1.1. arif.univ r in v:r n't to t"v MO tfl ? win- . .' . " .' to tai ratification Of the Jutnch Kepuii- womdsol this fuHcr ng coiony, and in pousia I nevewno pUjfurc of prefciting vnkofs n-.ble aaions' command your admiratioi man,- . admiration and fo our readers ike idlaviino iuUKfluir vom eratitcd-, has rifen lik-Pbceuix fiem the detc'th ' ' ' . ; midlt of ilhea, and haa whily devoiid hlmrelf -to r " . , , , hc defc.ee f your couotrv, of your peifoni and In pur rCxt pjper w flKill tubhftrjbe nc-x prore.ty ' 'ifiM.,;n 7.,.', Jlis had t .e g-nerofuy and tbo c.uge, to'affame - 'itJ tranjhtion Jcr this dzfs fapir. foruicd, thu hi Fre-Kh sad :pni(h army were within ten miles of L ib n, tnd wer hourly ex1?!. cd in that ri. y, haviog cinluud cveiy ftrog place thai impeded their ptogiefa. - . ' . , MATANZIES CUBA. 'sin IJarvey, Irom Matantics, in the SpaniOi it 01 Cuba, nl who f iled from thence on the 4.h r.f July, tiilormi, that the trade at chat put was intetdicUd on the Ktb cf si . As.arder was re nvrd (10m the new Miniiici of Marine, lorthede ' iXJieof eveiy American vefl'cl (wilh in inward .- "utotlhe port The caigoca ot ft.e v:!fjls weic at (he time 01 Pnorc, waii.uf a peimit frm '.e llavanuah, at iifual. . - . a a rf u Kitrafl of a liter d..tti L'fctfi, fat: " - - 26th, thoi. The 111 accounts fiom F.g.pt announce th irr"al t.f genual C, a a to at Suca, witii i4,woo teapoy and tu.sfCin tioops. NF.W.VORK,. Augna 8. ? 'rJi Papers to Xiie tiineteentb.rf,jf '"f, uere lift txxr.ir.v received a! the (flic $f. the. Alirihjr.lile JJi-frtifrr, k) tbe I 'ftp Portland Pillard, in 45 dap r fr:m TRANSLATED'. For the National I n t e l l 1 Q en 0 e f. . From ibcBnlLlin Off. hi de SA':vt Do mngur. '.' '. rm cotoMiAL 0$tUTiTi. ' eni.vened vour agriculture, he bat reDuilt jour ctie tioji. j and difciplined your troops. ' t . Cspf-FffiWis. . 7"JV 8. ; " Ilc hA0i nm..no,ehe ha. cornered inve. W",,n.n '"""d ftme d yi fine, lV. , JA J-, . '. c,ZAt ,Ke gneroluy and tno c 'tage , the goveriiiti:ni ol an ab-n ioned colony without any deleucc but that given by nature, and deUitute of e veiy means to protect sgricu.tnre and commerce. " Yon knonv, lie has cveiv, wlieie upheld the French chiradlcr by cacTug the French flag to Le tefpe"fccV Heh.itn.1ed your porta with provtwons ; he ht aoiuL.TrON of Tin . VhuA ! tflrvoial fydem had lo cruelly broken, and which an. is moat. , wcj,y) , order to iniauin its odious empire, fo in jn 1 on d , iu,an;v f orted with. The pioc amation ol the ge- ciplts on' whit h t:ic ventiosof tne Noith Tlfoun;-' hind bi 1 diliiiboied ihrouh the town. ed. tliotifh the toavent o i i.lelf ruay,utdet the ire- rtu!r,l '.ffj . blv had fixed on the h of tn fn t-ir.-n Tiltine t.e lulo.'iiued. at undrrra uum .u. a... . il,. r ,..:.i p n. ...... V"v - , ' 1 I V " II lliw- UT UH nuivil int. - Vl ' i UilJ H'UU.U.1 .J '1 T" . t abatement. t-A ma i(t t.om in it. tenor. VV : te oromLi ed : an ,o lend.r th,. cere nv ' ,u,,?n' V 0,"d . T"e P';noo pi thrge- p.ovcsth.iis, iheiUe.nnexclisnge oftherauficatMos fndid a it i. irupIeiTu-e. the G.ne a, r.im!elf had ' "'".. -no co.RCd yo repre en-a- fubfequ.-nt to ihs utile ol Co t.,hafenj our amtaf. ' UnUi the det.i s. c .nfeq,e,,ce nf hi. o.der., tne -'Vt, vnVV.l.irTtt-VUr''?fll' . adorexir.o.am..Va' ds.'tu. ii .leturana, eich. ---tae.-.le wai bit yeflerdsy at l a'cloch in the morn. : Jw" '"u . T " "V , ' ed that ol n? Da ..ft caou. t, will, cv-unl H ug ' ut throi.b 11 th. Icttio.,, ofthe' town, and b..,d. . -P.""' 11 ie Bccen y s .r- on tbe 10-.hut.-Anc.hcr circus nee which ihev, of muficinurmixci with drums. alt,,,aulv ! 7"? Por.aws, ana .aoptmg , COnaui m: that thee a.efcr.ou. anprch ah m. of a cootiouatiirt m.lnJif,.,. rJU11. i,J ,i..,r- i..iir. 1 1,11 ',Jl laws are convent ons eltablilnei by tfttn, wiira that war has adop 4 io p oclaim iute ron. . .. . i ir 1.. oi leading it, truy Die vea ine airangementa pre- unbed in the hand bill. and mmh-:d in the lo). cflh. ar it, that t e woiks incur ailena.i. oot )'ds, and at th: fjrtili.ati.Hi are cur. d on almut wr.houi imeruiiJton ; and lal VVednefdy, Jjnc J, the-king unexpecU'rtly, iiru.'d a royal edict or runs. no,ii':i) hi. lubj.cUi gene. si. to delena his kin. do.rts, nd r tidermg 'a.l pcifus liom the age af it to go, wh dj'ntn IhIo gt the rmbuJ.ed n.u liiia and v-luiUcr.it, liable to be wli.d Out ia cafeel tnyafioi. Jaingo dcr teih Plice d'Atmc . A pr vue letter from Puis, ofthe lithinfls.H The tosnm fTioo oi Commerce, contains tneifl.owing ititcmcm, mr the t uthrt wni.h wc carno'. pietcn ta vuutnt Iiie fpirud faction it fee (l.y at o,k in I it captal, and .c.tu otao alaniiing name have fuud iluc w y initial rjll eveiy puolit meeting It it c . ft italiy all. ittj, tiit a C .Muderaaie dirlcteia oi uym lelpectin l uaie of publ i-ffms exills iu hetaiihei ol tne ftt .1 . i - -if. f r j ..... . , . ... . - r i - j r .i " unci oi aacieiv ; ii uncovcit io you, mai u n wii.i o c ock the ttoiaps ol the I ne and of the natnm , ' ... n. 7. lW . . . vu - i t , lan-s as It is with producliona of the ra th, that tint i i.t ftl trip Til P A'4inii ui1.... 1 1. I r . .j -J i jr J i i i rwi uwuiit mi ill imiiiiii niaucii iou miiaiaiii peared in tood orer and tnid-a hancfome dilplav. i . . ' v ti ' aii.w-; -i .l;;';i. .i .u ' ' a 11 bas its peculiar predictions. All IneT civil ani military autho met, in then ap. . . . . , ir vi r i a it . ... j .1 .. i r I Acoordfg to thefe princt.lc, o alljmbly of the ' f . . , . . inniliieanii fine recrived Irom vou thi ininnmnt The adminiftia ipn ol the Marine, The Mu icipaiity, , The .lib nl .f Commerce, The tnlmiial of Pftre, t The civil 1 liSnnal, The cepirai'Atreaibly. The GsACial in clncl, accompanied by two fene- i ct. who weic t Live'V :clr7'iry-f nrp'tb-ttr-ivi!l; the j'Aitwinf urt'uln of intrlHgcncr: LONDON, June 17. " On c:ei.'.v the fift inliHnent e ike febfi'y it ToiMigjl, lrnO'iftig in ioc.Ojw. wa lent on from t. r tirk gold and fi ve'. . i)uii-i.y lad :e in! vefTel Sti'ttrd Dover "TiomC'', wii'i fifteen iH.n"i, vh I "f, iht 11 r aro C c e'l I lied w;ih F t i iropi, sed ii..i'r;l pepviaik.il ate AuUy itkin; fir the; tliftairrc't mv rionoi inncnwairv. s wo aataionai ttgiir.riii ntarrh-! into CaUit few avt ago, tnd Thuiltetirtt na e xnow in-i lou.e rum u-ri.mi ,,d all she militirv nlTi kn utda g veinmehaveriot Itiuped of laieiva declare tarhed fv no paiticulst coips, but. were out ol fcr their diiutitrc4inni ine pitikti iwcih mine rim. VCp( Ca-ful. T l eyund anl Carnot ln had cv.lj Anited it the ?lace d'Arme.. the tivil it n'.Ktir , tjlk ot laying the Cni.flituiional foundation ol n in trii lytiem Iprthit colony, and litblu to the, mo tfui country, Ue Geneial, who l.( autborifed ' thia aifcmbly, hsi piociaimed that this f Item ?lhs 1 be fibmitted to tbe fiiictian of the Loin govern. ' ritent,' ' . Conftdering the diflancc ol France, and the wart in which fh; is now engaged, yrar iertlenit ve flidull 1. 01 inicrpiet unftvoitbiy her long fileoce; bit llanned by vour want of law. in this peril Ut. mo. ment, th y fhould diiTjpa e every ir.quietude, end re (Tit re every mind. Aiko.iwlcding that the flct of the whole 1. the f.ipretnr law, Utey hvc f e ieveo it their duty to invite the ornrr.l who w.ichea ever ,1. s. 1cy1.ua ni ici.ii An.ted it the Flace d'Arme., the 1 ivil It n.Uwy "r",'r ,tt ...i.iMk. to,iferentr.-Mh .H.p.i-.iiu.nl it v.h; U totmt6 ,;uU .oufi ..i.uL ,hV t i -d Dmi,.go. to carry i.to-afTca the ih .iti!.i ol.Foueha ia mdel.i .kl t jl -f j . "y" f'u T V. ., hf.t legifiation whb ihey htvt Uid, tl is.buw. , The viguaa c ofoucn inaeiatgibi., h;d been lined, 10 odcr 10 ie disnity to li . a ..j . ' ..r. . u rk uifita.i e ol .Foiicha ia mdelai .kl t . j l ...r.t : . 3 . . Pee or war depend, cure., u f. ultlt , f ifc ,u.a b. Me d.i ft.v ' "' PP' '-' V w"uP,;d,:V:i " Jf Du. .'a o..flon to St. Peteilburg. whe.e ..c i... ., Ut qooeta,r. J wMf,u. ne fofwil, jj 1? ' ; .11 .v- ;riiea..ifl ..(.nbf. ol .he KulKan cabm.i i ..... ..j ..A. : . toiendet it tjuiab.c. May they pot be dil.ppoio ti .-. w-- r r " . iw'hiic it eiicui fiu cAvii Tiwc iwi iiro wi.h nii, . - w ' ' rench er1nniftind brtve foldieis! never for telstivc to the fyllcm ot ind.BiiiMi to be eaOpttd id Cuiucq ol tlx treaty oi ..uecvii. : BUUNN, May "jo. 0'ir "a.l acc uttts ftaie. ihtl f.i tiencr, the leading oj woik, vthlcu to fi tne telhietolM. Uumngo. ... . . , , .m m. fc ... ,w., :. Atthi niomei.tC.naen So'fe.l, Pre' den ei he ' . ' . r. t... . ., ,n . .j . -i urn oi eap'iieore alone h eo ilo Idas hu "'mi niiT.iuiTipiKiirg i. ia nipiinr anu aici. , u u . j . u- s. .i rt r . r . rrt in irt I. h in iiiiia. MjIL a ah i wi thi. f.mil fflmftirl ! whi. h is prefenicj to yoti our detutie. depfu it i tour bofiimt the pal adiuan of cur civil and Item ike Tutk'ith fieni'tr. i 5rVe "oncii.ej oi tne t-onu luttoo by n e. in Uoli.ii me Tui.. ate . prepatwig I'" 4Ucoune teadinrfi, c h mbuntiu three 0 pi-uiicie t f;ie, that ihe cine! eonll had a rrtrd ... w..... .... . . r- rt . i t ii ... . , .. . ,. j - " vr bomiisi ii ins su Kiuai e; vr.ur cms w., .nd tov,r,o; (hete.Oro ,Uce. wt.l en. Ird of ,m?.l,ir, the iVereil it e.eu.d ihel.dge ol their .fleftio. for i .i i. . . : DV SI Kl id r .r nl . an.k i. i. ui nr. i. I u ii il nil . " . r ... ) -j, tad ol ireir deviKioti lo the republic. - Lone live the Republic, hi .k rtljiirs It which ....... : - . f. r-r.m,nt . v l.i e at tonUaoiinoole noti iioas u...iv.s v ...... k i...n.nrr i nil RAiiAtnin imii i hb i j in in in --- w . i . i . . a " tatbie ol fyff, from J 10 tio .Hitidta e.d Mpffeice w-ib Ftadce .it ejnyi goood.rna tne-, V."T7' . . ... . ' . thryi;ktife-! ioa 01 '"nily Ubeui. !'. Several . iVf Umft and tr Alt .Uiertf nd review of ' ul,,u ,,P'"ic 'l0,n tH.diioOjile fori I lit long fin c St Domingo 'pii-d to iff in a l!.e n.tion.l f n.td. in tf g.ldc. i.1 Ihe 1 httHi.ski, " f " ""PP!" p"f. " ' FF'b . .."pine ., o 1 rm , Iafll v, . niton. . i.d .... it u.. . of ihe tommmioii occfiOtred by two FaJi., 141 ' Thtfia.on. which h.te fucnded . e.ch ether ...y....7 i.M, .......... -r .i..1-.t.kau.t.,i K .r. at war w.lh lite ana. uii,i.""."," ,'i - - - - cnt Horn tool'aui no .1 l .iis, ih.i ihe ern.y ol Ihe kh-oe w.sio Uem Ibii igr,oournooa, w0, . , loved in the '.tiienJed repediuo-ss tXUuA. b- bee f. Vi 'r 1 .11 ... ,u.Ji. lo tediMinf the rthaof J t... .a,.... l... t.. ...--1- l'-e ItvoH difpiClied gan.ll riCrv . 11 .IFIIIHVT, ll'll , "! !. ... . r. ... M . I... lull. V olect. h. coldinr I ' Citiaen B'rgrlla then read ."Other difefcu f. In tf e rVm nf an i tr"duiiwii to the eoe ftitu.ioo. Al ihoiih fhii ni liriimi v difi-oui fe aurxai a la ut inf l. iothefcoymmeni cf reKt in prnoig.li-g their pt-abtel.om thecjnlliiu iio.tf which ii ii only the pie o.rcbicaWtincip!. iaiKitdiAant Ifhnd. I.d fi CP ,lrl . rwm.nl. ihink it nt.-r tu iufart il for ihs anide lo obedence, but Ct4 tbt jufkevmp nn. of in ulortutic idh.bii.ni.. (., .f.lim ..I nut 1.1. m rut.rriir.i llhimh.ve nut vemuied had d grdd them from ihe dicnuy of IfMtn'n,' . f he ealouv of St Do.nine exiflfi mtoy Vr.r. h.d robbed hem even of thofe precious emotion.. ' wlilm ... nnfuiv lawa. . or a lomt time eav.tn. infptrtd b' tntimrnra which cUvatc.nd ennoble Ihe ,(, bvambmout men. it. tdnihit lien would hive .1 ..J L.Ji te.e . 9 . ... foul, and h.dloitcJ ihem 10 re eive lewi v.bkh they p.-, i0euib e, b.d i.oilhe Juft r.d equitable miqd hd neither mdc or confenied t. t.f'the eereral iu ebief TouiUitH Louvinui. bv e-im. " : . t . 1 1 - . . . . ... tt tied into lor iwcmy.oi.1 6 ..- - ,,p,e.ta Mm, m... ... The fq-idma ready i t . ! eire'Uinn bi. r'y "'X "! 'h In Cawf.bd i.y, is lo ConfiQ til 5 fltir of the iuf ' ' . '".J.r n ... . . r.ot-w.aw.at -ht . ,h. ... ftf 7." . . . . i ' . Adiipatch irons Li'd r.;g n, as v-f.Mni.nipie, Thlort Cnl, bear Mei te, it jt octepted . 1 .Zs . iJ...Vi.... Zi .. . W"J"" r-'"- ".? ie.v.d jvfleid.y by gn.erdeen-lt b.ir.g. . t r,t,tll ,(t0p,, Vt e f.emh torrJ.I ana Lr ?r.U,V. n.oU del.veied .1, w.rly at t ettoum. liom before A!e..d,i. o Ute h S4 , 1?.,,,,, ,,fl.ila ed I. .he ilm h..uf,. ! he . 'Jl f, I , . i,hin r. ' V'mVrf m '1 ,,,fr;,, "4 TT'r l,r,",:' ....... ...,1.... in,....!.!.!!.!.! k k.i( . . . a-.r.t l " lhooy tntmofl terrible laii.tty IhedrfUne. and fufef.fuilv a I r ttbel even fpth of difco d 1 . 1-.. m .... - r itttMisi wmmiMtni y..i. a. give . rara;B.ft w . k1.. .ffi. -..1. ...f- f ...a 1. 1.. ' .1 . L"a a ' ,t!- a- ne'. '.led Toll LI 2n ? l.Ur rr,B,,-B 11 U,U.,h" '!l ' f'f; h"h 1,41 : ' Ho mifoe. Ikt love ol l.b, and of Ihejiencn irepmru sewvci, ri leu 1 i..un fa...j f.an end - ii.d 11 it-im nriii..il atroft ....i.. a ui...r. . - - - . Vi t V 1 vj 1 1 W H T IIV I .1.. 2 .Manfilll a 1 I V aT . . . J 1. . - .J. a fA ! a . . a " ytned, fulfcquvat to the vol. wbuh btvt teen It iofdel in ihe'Ctie.ie. ltaii L'.io ia ipoi'd lo he irca-'vtd . difprrh fim dM'tl B'tntrl, II. 1 ng bis aitivtl at fun, ' with tbi iinficn.eni fim Berjl and I embay. We rf beaid fimiltr toon i fo tn bfoe, vuhte. b'ing''wfft loondrd, lha e tannot give srrdit 10 li-cMl'cf ll.il h od li'l iHiiially l.'teced. Bv fn."e '.mer. fin N b-'gh. we 1'te lhl .lie ftt'th nt La i.l-ir-id M. iJo'inio, ih. S)B i c! Ma.ba'' h ' 1 ' , I -t tjp iih f'uv mulidn. vthwh ii ht. drm.edid I. a. i)t fun if. Ckpt.eite ki e f Uiu tc.i. ' , loP.ii. lor fjither in 11 mil on, om . difference Le lake pace id the RninefM. Irnren the noorsol Oe Llrclor of Men s enH the Fitnch,! - a ccovi-tdl f,oinii l va ne, iitiM' lo INt tlrfitlliral rrtrnttir .1 Mehtl, h:H the latlr t.r lied cTVy loue BANKS Or Till: MAYN, Junr s. Alt ihe fi bu ih rieixli belnr aUttdy aNan-in i(jn lo ihetigll Br. nl.lhe Rhir.f vaith a cm Mraie 1 ",a c .. set v.md Uwwtioi rt.;ttr li Lkitfcb.ti.i..- tU ibe iinmenfity 01 Ik Ocean, tnd ha m.de Si. Do 1 and in 1 wuid, inlund i entire fwbmtiTion t4he mgobowsir.'er tb coorvoai eghi n( i totieel ; Fieruh e i.pire. 1 he ifvulution hd vi nently otei. iniurtitf. At leegS, Buon.jnrte flw lrm ! , ih,0wd ail whUh cobflitmrd ihe f,flm by which tci rWt of Egypt to he hM t rian.-v pin 1 mo. ((land ol It. D imiogo bad bc nientiy tdmt. r e 1 f.fiinnvao th d Mj lacia'. odcr fjrercded to riiflcrad. ,1 lit envV.fidH.i..hy. t 1 h, jifTecdt leg:fiai-eire-.bii'f of rr.nea, The H. public uft'Mhe fel ef peace tailh.o,. ,, 0orf) had fgnHnuted mete et ditTmnt epoch am pitpared hfalf 10 itf in .ui twiihoal. ! bar f. . reporrrd,hif hcohnedcy md m M- A rt w Con liitiliOtt 1 Inrntd' dec liom ttal i (ictacv w.ie ah-o-ldfrd ed bi Ui! whj enr-ipl xiiyel powet. ich, lufoin wi heKb f tfr(taa ihe m, and the manner in wSuh llv were ut o h', ne nictitated 10 pisdute e-t.r ctb.W, d eciedby UU.oui a d d fordtilv aneo, v.tjo iuU,. ft.tihiy epioioui, iod iMnUiii'c. ,(id Ux btl U,ti U iflwtfu, to-iritelj'" . J. v T ; - T i4 1 " tanastk.

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