1- z-' . .,- v . -. . . - - -' ft tm. -- ' - ' - r ... - : Y .: . . y. . . . : . -.- - 1 - 'I 'aW 10V li IM Wk..---MrA-:-- K. r - r- m . -W'"&L.TSZ-f.H - " - r T7T B:- I" ,11 .fi-: o e'v" 1 of 11 c r it I (3 ho to ex- It, ra ie- it n in i ,(iuo set; hivc wi a .l.-n tint Lit 1 rtil. jrt.ta can i,ne Willi the tin t,Ke la ci le ir. if. ron. it to J lo Us. i WASHINGTON, Augaft 12. 1 TRANSLATED For the Kiitknal InteUigenceK -. - vv. .- T'H E ': '. : . CONSTITUTION. Of the French Colsny of Doming 9. The deptiiiei pf the dfpartmenti of the Cotcvnv fif . Domingo met in jCentriiyfTfmlly, hve dcreeJ U'ti Uid ihe cnrtitituuotul (ouodtioii " of a fyiletn lor the Fiench colony or it. Lwmtng.". . TITLE -Terrifn. -)AT. t.. St. Domingo inalliu extent?nd " Sj- wna, la Tortuf, l Gonivc, tt Cjycmitci, i'iie-a Viche. U Saqne," auAother adjicrnt iflnJj, farm '. the tciTttory cf a G iglc colDny, which miifri a part of the French Empire, but which ii-governed bv particuftr tawj. '' ' , t. The territory of 'th'u colony ii divided Into departments, circle (Arron JUitutni) and pri(h. . TITLE II Of it-Inhabitants. 3, liavea are not percuitied ia thi territory ; fer iio it ii fortv?r aboiiied U mea born hire; live apti die freemen and Frenchmen,.. jt : ' Every man,, whatbii colour may be, ii tfigt- ,t e to ail omcf. theibule 1.0 b.eorreaed,.o hr undertiksn In yH the uaiu A the . "25. Ita rcWWtn- 'y I three nir).vtfiJ.rXiiLiLOe!i.v. .v-cu There exirt no other diftin&ion '.hn that cf ioidinarUvi fti!k '; ;tnJ' pofed of two deputies from ech department ; wha '' propri't'rtriV planter or their reprefontativca, toward .from thflfe upon rnanufatiarej, atucultiire, and fa.t or age, and mliH I trie hulbandmen ana workmen, ana the leciprocai pror.uon. . ja. rrom trie revenue 01 rcinoi na to be "tliirihle mufl be .thirty year have tefH-M fiv : vears in the colony, 3 O.ie hatt -of the atTemb T .i renewed evrv two year'." ' No one c?n be a me'rober riryearj f'nccef tivety. Th? cleftion (hill Jikeiplate AiilihiJnH'dw. Ing manner..: Evjry twi ye,ifi e.-cl f.-tje.m'i4iei-).irt adminiftta' ioa". (Hj narae A deputy on lh; iti Ven-tof- trt Mic') ivh 5 -IKj). JT"'et lr":,' aV afiervyJuis a't the pri.nrioal placra in iheir rtpecttve d.-p-in,.i,.i, when thry (iiaJt ionn as many, dcparuncntal xif-t-ral aireinbliea, each of which !iV' ublief. . lhll-i,'in. . a d: oty to th. Cienital Afrflsbiy. Th next election (hall take pi ee on tho 10 h V -.Z tcife, the 1 lib year of the Fre-ich "Re pnhiic . it M ..!,, Ia caf: f the death or r rhoval ul one ot mora member of the affemoly, ihtj lhall be rej)lktd by the governor. r ' ' VI: fhll alh d'efiriate, at ths firft oeriod of remo val, the msm ! of the turn-fitting central afTembly, who (hall rcjiajn ifterubcri for ih..- ertfum tra yeir., - , ' ' ' The Central AlTcribr.y-v,nei the adopti n or the rijeftiuri.of law wiiich-rc'pr6.po!cd Ivy the go vernor ; it expreffei its opinion as to the rcgaJaiion eropofed. of the jpa'icn on of l-iwi -.ircady pft, of .L-lt.'f.l - v.. .O..J i. u.. : : dutie of the- Kufb ) mcA -'and wortmen low.rd , po!ls. 4th Trom fine a id co'-nication. fth. the proprietor aud piauier, or their repreftnta- Ftom daiie aport the f lge of frip wrecked vcf livesi : fc!s. 6 H. From the Revenue of the coioaial tib- 36 'Te propofi lawtta the Central Auernhlv, cveii th'f; cxptr, main. ' . , ' c. The nroiiuee of the rent of fiotietated nro- which change the conllitution, if eucj fhotild mew them to be necofLiy. perty, the prprietoi being abfeut and not repie 37; H- direct and fuptrinttrnds the collrcticn, 'cnied, iniket a piovihonary pan or the pblic it i n t!,fb rfc went, an t the emplo mrm of the finance veu ue, and i.pp'.ied to ih expence of the admi ' 1 '.;.? . clu ,v. and eive ia- ihis icfo ft alt order ui, 'ration v. - 1 - n n ti j . . l- He present every 'year td the Ccntrat Af Ib.iri'"t made. frUtive to th?.fhli.C deb( i trreara, !nbly, an account, -of ihe'4rrceij)t and expence of ,a"d- refpetting the. rent of Cequeftrxted property col r' h deparrnieot j the flaiemeiultt each ' ycaV; fepa JecVed by the adminillration alter the pronBdlga'iofi " tatriy. v. " ; ' ' r - df 'the prefent conllitution and refpeftinj . th'ofc 39. He lupM niend and condemn througrt, hi whien nave otij co.teeieo previoui 10 ir.q proinuiga. c ni;n tu-meri, ill w. King deuj'ien tor trie ,reu n this ilUftd ; he funpreDTe til ihof: coming from a broaj," which tnd to-corrupt. the moralj, or to agm etnnroil or dittum the colony.: he punttbea the thou or feller ot fuch wotki, a.co.dingto the tin pOftincs of the cafe. . : . . -. r' It the gova-nor u inrorned that there cxtft tio.t : tl ev mall be demand.ble, and fltsll he retm- burtable the year after the tetnoval otihc fet-ucUiatioa of property. on; Stranger Tgcceedinj-In FrirKe to rheir 'rela to'u, ei,her foreigner orTrcnchmen, , fhU likcwtfa . fueered to St. .Domingo- they may con tuft, aiqtiit an receive proeay lituated ia the colony,' a aU dn- o. a couf.iirtcy aeamft the tr-na jility of the colony, be Pn,e -he hint Fieiichroenj to aiiy way auiho iofUaOv caafes to be arrrited fuch peifjni'ai are f,,f- tiled by bw. .. .-,.. - 1 ' . . . . 1 . 1 . r : . T r 11. 1 - j n ' 1 : imri ions ta tie I pectec to oc trie aoinoi or acco up, tec : and after ie mnoeor coiictiing no aomininermir rvice ol the co- ! kavnie made them fubtnit an extia-iudicial' inter- fiaan'ce," demefneal. property, feqoe lira lion a and vv roij-tn, he caulesthem to te ttam crtcd fit there can te, Itulioe etetermtnea Df tne law. yeir on i We t Tt be on- before a competent tribunal. a 6. Alter recsim y cr pence -which fhiit 'c theccnirsi afTe.nblv 'S'.i:! the quota, ivi diiration. nr. taxea, ard ;heir tn'.T.'ue nt ii-tt lalf l-;ngfr than convoke it extra- c. t ,f Uie re,:eiptand iy ihe governor e the apprb ii!.-tn ,e 01 co lectmg m 'idu'.iou. The i- 6a. A temporary coin m.fTioo thai regul.te and cou-tt (bill ha: ('u t.Tu; "-' 'i . t7. I n? aT.ii'iiiti '1'. aiment. rernm-n of the '.el and TaUnnitid V titue, nd no other fuper ority than that which the law confer by the exeriife of fome" public nfHe, .Ths Uw it 'he fme to alj ither when it punifltt or p-mecl. TITLE 111-0 RrllgUn,:. 6. The Ca.halie. Apoftlic and Roman religion, i the only one fiuljlicly profeffed. , ; 7. Jch panfh mull' maintain it religion wor fhip and it rninitlcr. The church -revenue are de- ' flinad lor the jifchf e ot 'hit expence. and h" Pi'ff vviih Vyteriale (m prielU houfe) br the icfidcocc of ' t'nc ! vc.y .i, e r, t. itle,..ci';:M Cietgy. ' ' .' '.' ' . ' !. "18. ' Hie , c '!'. MH;ii !i'.i':'--'l 8. The government of rhe colony affigoa to each ' ciiutn roui'atrV. .L'".,v:-;yie, GV pallor the hmUi ( b fpiritual adminiuration ; and , army of S.. Do. jmf; ., -i u c.: .i i-riJan of the the mioiller ' C. n never under any pretext iorja a ' impcum fv'ivi.t rrno'ctcd by tic ((onnal to thetol body iu the colony, - oy, in th; moll ci i ril cirru niUnc of the revo u- TITL'E IV Mortis, ti'i'o, an I yTe'di if t.i the wtfh- ot' a grateful peo . Martiatfrom it political and "rel:ttr Tan. P,e lhe ,ci" of gowmment are co,.fi,,ed to hit . tion.'end.tA-Mirify tbepubt.e mora'.! thofe who dunn; ,he ie miinjerot hi glonou lite. piftrfe tWwinuei which thit .condition requiet miTt aly be AiUingoifliedaod pecQluriy- pioiccUd by the government. . 10. Divorce are n allowed in th'f colony. u. The condition and pmlW-, of illegitimate children (hall be determined by calcul.ted 'p extend and to preserve the focial virtu Dd to ei couiage and lement fam ly un on. -, TITLE VAienin fwiety. "" . it. The conftitu;i n garanteea the liberty and' frcurityo: each la-ivtdual. one can Ue ai retted wiim.rt order ofticia ly txprefTcd, proceed inj dom an cfGccr , to whom the taw hat etven the power oi arret) atton, nor confined ia any place but fuch a ie publicly dcfvnatid for th it pu-pofe. ia. Property i facied and inviolable. Everr eerloh either thioitjh tlmfeivej, or through their feprefrntitive. lhall hive a dee dif, ofuton and ad mniltiition nf whatever it k owe to belong to hint - Whoever (lull io eJera with the' e'aercile of litis mli'., fbill be cor. id'cd eri r iml toward forie.y. and retbonfiblv to tbepe.foo with whofc right ha hi intci Icicii. titi;e vi. ; Azftcultute and Ctmmerfr.. la.. Th colony Heine efTeniiallv -niculturil. can. rot fi.rTci the leift in eiiupviou lo .he Itbail el tU plantet ' ' - t. Each plmitio-i it maMfaftorr whkh re outre the union ol hufbndmcA and woiktheo. It i ; a trarquti Atyiura oi a i. auUnee and orr'tny la rn.!,9i wDict mt niwpur.wr ui ine un of r.it re tiifen;itivc it nritlLrilv Ua aaient.- - iC. Evtiy V fbndoi'u and workman ia a irT- brr of tbi fairnly and a fbwtf of the rcvrrtari, ' Ce ry chanfc ol hahiiMii'r cn tie p n cl tl a hufb-r.a man, draw v'f b it the tum cf tilUre.' To rii, vice, ai Ittal intbc coivu) aiii iicvntury -.-jslit t-)4ci( lb-fuveioor hat iktde t. tie levlii ont ct volit that ireert.fl-n- :Uid. ad j.akh' ra toiifw mb e to the ( of tiie rrgvUtton of fS: t ).h Veodrotiilt, )MI tndol the p lrr).l0U of tht ' 19 h Phivorfc, bjf th general iu ch c! TnTme, Lou ' ly.Tht turodtfiion of l.ufS admen, indifpetble to if.e ea.enGja and ie-c ajhhntot 4t timuliuir, fb4:i take iilave in lu Do.uinro. , The iooQiiation' crwg-tibc gevrri or loiake thr moiUf.tcio me. . - . I-.. W ..- - . I- . ..I -. -f.i ; - r 4!- 1 he taitry ot tnc governor s hxe tor the : eyamme me account oi mc icceipn ana r pence vi prtl"-nt at three hundred thoufand franc ai ga ud ! the colouy. This commifTion it chofen by ub Gu- ot honor 1 at the expence ot the coioay. " TITLE XTtibHnuh.- ' No eae fhall jntMfefc with the right of the c'utv.en to.hve any difpute auiicabfy adjult:d by ar bheu chofen by himfelf. .. ' 43. No authority fhall fufpend or prevent the exaeutiin of judgments fiesn by the iribn.ialt. .. aa. .. tullce it admiraftcred -in the colony by tri- the fir II demand, and tribunal of appeal.- j.C(Ai.rfj vL;-.ttavuLljl .ii-vi'i.-jv o .toMU?o.o4a 1 1he law detenntnet (he 'organisation of bot, their ..i r..u y: ot . : .v !i ; .i.i.r ry, a to J ountvers, their oower, .nd (he boundaries of tjieir ut it:f to'ou 1 i iriUittton. 1 hele trtbu a accarJinir lo their le. s a governor the J gree rf juiil'diftton, take ihe coknuai.ceof all "ivil ,.;rt ti vhi I ot trie lor criminal csiet. 45. Tnete fhH b in thrxoiony a ir,buvl of cef- fji;j 1, which fhall tecid.-,Oi dc pandi aga nil ju :g sienn pronounced by the tribunal of toueal.'una on diruiea between a part oi the tribunal and the wno'c. a. l( tutu'C every t.icrnor InalL be nominated I,j-.,.J or eottrnvr rites, Out repcai udnen ci f.t rive yer, drariti-tvhrch prie.l If hi A-nKitr avoa piftAitt a ta -bienfm U., hrrnvxi laicia or wiimn .v.i.i y upioi vioiailOit wlitw, ic lion be faithful he fha l remain in office io. Iu order to infuia the traroutlity, fir which the colony it indebted to .he firmneft, ailiviiy , indc ritieableseal. and the ma virtue 01 the Oraeral w - . - a 1 - a ToUuint Louvertuto, and at a pi dge ot the unltmit- te l conSdeuce of the ihabitaiui ol St. Domingo, the Ccnlituiion alTtjn exdufive'y to tbi Geocral, the rl&ht of chooh.ig the Ctnaeii, who on the melanchp. ly everu ol hit deceafe, lhall imroiaediaicly tuccecd htm. ' ' . Tbia choice (kal be feect : it (bill be deled ma feeled packet, which (hall be btuken only by the Central AiTembly. in prefence of ail tbe general of atruor, and (ball conC.l of three naeovbeu. TITLE XI II General Difpofithnt, . 63. ' Tbe houfe of eve-y perfonjfTTr) iniriclatle afytum. Durirrjj the night no one ha a. Mght to en ter it, except io ctfdt of conftjgrjtioa. inundation, or erica which proceed, from within, Duiinj the day it can be entered ooly lor fome fpecial pur pole, which (hali be tteiermioed by Jaw, or by an -order ' proceeding from fome pablieautboiity, 64- ' Before the aft, forlhe arre.fatioo. of any per. (on, em be be executed, it ni-ift-itl. fgrmally ex pre' 'the iefon of arrcuation and the -law which drcrcei it d. I mad proceed from fnmc public oiticer to whom the law ha fo, mcrly vivn the pow er of arrefUtiond A enpy of the order mft be given to the petfon artetled. 65. A 1. fuch perfout who hive not received fro.71 thr. ltw the power of arreltation. anJ (ball atve. Jinn. - I b;t tribunal doe not take ennisjitce of the execute or 1m executed, the ancftation ot any on., ' fhaU be guilty 01 the crime of arbitrary detenu ii. .'. vcr perfon b) the right of arctbi4g indi. vidual peiion to til the CouttiiUted uJioiitict, aud efprtialiy to thcCoveroor. . x: ' . ); There Hi .11 not be forme! in the O1oiy. io COfpovttiotit or atTociation inimical 10 public ordrf fo affambly of citirtn can call thcoif'-lv a po pular i.tctety. Air leditimit . ageinblie. (hall be immediacy difperfed, hi it by vtrbal immand, and afte'rwaidi, if necefcry, by armed lorce. 68. tvery ooe fbiil have the power of forming puiikUKi miuiimincii. iot rnc coueaiioii ana in- - ifTio . and under . ii return t !e ground of coetrovercy to the tribunal which ought to tike cognisance oi them." . . !..J -I ".i. - 1 r t . . . . i9- J:,06c -Lne ln'eni triounalt jiold theat ie during life, umeft removed for mifbeha. iour. The cin'.a?flkners of government cbty.be rerrovao.. , AiT Mi Hnr dcltnqoentt are 10 be tried before fp.-cil tribunal, and by particular for.ni of iudf. m.nti ine toeciai inouna etKeco(n,i.i.. ,Lr. all rokberiet and thefts whatever, of boufe. breaking, i itiuftioe, o yo:h; with the pern of aiTtiTu latiom, 'murde., inccnd.anci, rape, con Ipiraciei tnd leOtllioa-Tlieir organiaai,ou belon 't the army of it. O miugo in active ftrvice, and the i to die governor of (be colony. commander iu chiel of he department ' General Touilttnt (hall take every nece Uary mea fure of ptrtaniioti to acquaint the central afTerobW wrfhthe puce in w.'itca the impoitaut packet Qitil be clepiutrd. TITLE X. . . Municipal Adnxinilirai'r.n. , A. lo each parifh cf the colony there i cipal aJroitiillr..tion. In the paiilh wbeie a mam. a liibu-. . . . . . . ... . I ...1 Ml I. . II Am m .. J . ri . ,L. ' - ji. The tr.tacn, who mail be ciiolcd Ov .Ciliten 1 muumpu tamiuntra- ToulTaint Louvtnure, 10 leceive after hit death the ,"n cowpoiea 01 a mayer ana tjur adminif.i0.,. eini o government, fhaU take before ihe Ceotrtl Ibe commiiuoneri ol ins f.ovciomeat near the Hi- AlTrniby an 0.1b to execute ihe cnnitiialion ol Saint ounan.m.u grarunouu; JU.unne oiuki otiontmif- Dmigo and 10 ferritin faithful 0 the Fieoch 0(. " otgoveroroemtothe mnnici. tl adminjfrjticii. ve otnertT, aa J fhall be im nedittely ioflanei in hi In the other parifl.e the mumcip.l ,da.initti(ioi. ofScc J the whole (ball be done in ihe pieleece of the' " tompofed of a mayor d 1.0 admin ll.auu, Gcatrtliol tie army wfco tie in aiv ttrv.ee and ana ne ouuea 01 inr commuuonr.t art fueled gia. the Commandert io Ciiitf ol the Djitmemt, who mitoufly by the lubaitutr of ih comm lHotieit of all and indidolly, wiihout eiqg the place, fbt l the niiUto which th;fe paniVfi appeal, uke au ovth ol obtdie.ice 10 the new Governor. " 49, The member o( thamuo cipal admp't!lia. 3t. A month or more crevioat te the ext.iralUn 1 "O" ' "ominsted lor two yai , ihey miy be al- of t vesr fixed for thejdminiOriiioa'of eth Co- wtvi continued Tli r,om nan ,1, devolve upo.i the retomeot, he who (hall be in a.lhe (hill cm,vke the govemot, wn, imm a mi or i::eri name, patented Cemrl AlTrmb'.y, and a tnretaog of ihr Ceneitls of by mwnrciPl sd-nioiSitiioi.. fhall ihuU fuch iheaiin-), wh ai'a i die fetvice, toother with te perfontas aieb.il luued te laantge the an.it ol Cwrm eu in Chi I of -he Dptr:men a, inftetd ol ttch pffh. ihetiunlfmipgtoftheCentitl AJr:mb)y, in order 5' 1 r.e uuuee o me ir.unicipai adminilliancn i. 1 ane. jointly w'.th tbe mebrttf the Affrmbly 100(181 in the exercifebf the po i e ol lowntand mew G,jeinwr, 0 lo coutioue bin ho it altcady g" ln nc nian.-Tieni 01 emimet arciamg ho.i the ii'ctcc ' I revenue ol mai ulacUict. and lioir 1 tie additio 41. nienf!e!lof convocation, by the Ce.etnM Mart on the par.fhet. Tl.cy are b(idct fpecially in offut, it a oil fed inlrtft on of tbe conUitoiion Ithargjd with the keeping ol ie,iltti, ol bittbinaa liaaci, and deatl.a. ji. The mor caercifet bit particular detita at the law erteroiiiiee V TITLE Y.-Anr.tJFr.rce. . 1 hearted force it fom in a.iure obcdienL Item eever deliberate 1 it it the lilpolmoa cl ihe Ie ihii it'e the eenertl biihcft inink a4 the oldcfl intoittaek, whufb llbe ia the active ferviceof the colony, (hall ol light ted provi6onaly tff arte the rfAi of government. Th'u Ccntrtl thajl imtoa4Uu lyceaeeie the other geuettlt la fcivice. the cot- ak taaar.aa . mtnoefiincniet 01 ine deptrtineo t ta ie mem- fure. 10 encourtre and livnrihia aum .,ii.i.t nl bandt to ttipuUic and bt tine ihediflereft interrRi, j CentrtLaAtlrmbly, whoall ire booed te gnv.roor, whoon call it into acika only for the iiduicei.d guartmytlie tacfunon ot ike Jeciprotal ! W te eo.ivotuoe la order 10 proceed csfciWf i tnti cnirce cf publ c brdc, the proutttoo of tbe ei gigtatemi irfulting from ibeir intiotluaun. , lienii; lotne noatintiioo oia new aveinof j 18., l l-e commerce of ihe c goycto'.flt en'y in I J" tf ol vtctney by deth, removal or 01b :t. the ci bingt ol tlercmrodiiieta- d ,tli( nt M J wif ol a invcrnor, before the eipiraiion ot hit of-. itownirr ttoiy, conl.qt ntly il.e irrt oduUioe' "ol See, l.e governmral thtll convoke foe the faine por . I tbe laoie tttille it tnd teoiaint pmbib led, TITLE VII. Of Lfgil4ti rJ Lfifl.ithe AittlirUjf. ... Tl. .aaiu.lll.. ..I..-.!. I I . iy. ,iMiHvtiui u'n , . iii4T yy tswi prp fed by the govrtroi tad gie-d to by in tffrm. b y tf the inhti.itto ,wbo nect t f.xfd pciipdt ie Ihe ttbtrc ol .be co ony t.ntUr the lit a ol Ccutfil Alinnblv ( St pcuiingo. ,to. No law re ti nt 10 1 he ietetr-l tmioifln lion ol Le roloay cnbe pton.a'f ared, If, ii . act ad'r.'inp.nird b) ihit fvtmu't t 1 N ceatiat adr-mbly ol Si. Doit.inii open tht atojcfilioe t tbt goetrafr d Met tide tololgUw., ' ' ' ,( , at. Ko law fliik be ebligaioty m kt e'ulrni un li tbe diy t( iitpfmalttionSe tbe piatpit a'tct el i).e iltp.ilasnaTli, pietfielga i a I any Itw n.uii be made in .the (olltin abdt it Jo tbe 'irn of llt Fieifh rolvny of t. fe"iingo, it gn. vi AO' drtrrra, il.tt the above Itw fhall frtleJ, fomu ttd trdtatcuu ihtrgh at tleoy " . at. tU ttusa. irmb jr at XKaiwWga ;t to- ciliat na. tad ihe defe ce of tl.ee. tony. 43. Ilia divided into a col., ui.l guard wiik pty, aan a coionm gaara witnovt pty the (hperiniendiace of ihe reuui.-iptl drrv'i: ?iiiom. . lhe law will putiruUriy (u ev...io.i fuc'fi ec upa'.ioit tt aff.-t.l public moral, ot ie , i.-un., balih tod fortune oi cttiie . , jr. T're law recoinper.cci the inventoil of '.uj-r'-cu'tujal machine, and veil ia ihem an eacluir.vs igh. U their dUcnvtwict. 71. lhcic Ihtll bethroaghout ij.e colony tn uii loimtl) ia w tidbit and mraluret . jt. 4 Kecompenwt Ibt I be awarded by the G--vernor in tbe nme of the oloa , ki fM..b w.rrioi lhall diftiwguifhthemfelve ia defending thftr ccant.v. ?J. Proprietor tbfeot l-o.i vha ,ver cufc. (HA prtirkC .U their tight to ihe prjprxy bctortu.g to ihera, tod Giuaiedinibe roleoy la oider i ou- Inn tnc rrmeval ot Icqafhalioo hicli mav haa larn la.d it.e.eon, u will be (urLceot it, pa j-.u-o their t tlet, and inthfwaui ft mlrt, Cupf lme-ul att,liie fotner ot which fhll be d.-tci'ne; by Iwi Tho'e hoveve7,'ae xc pied, w'i (b.l b'.ve a 1 it a a . . t i.etn euuuea ana wiAconiuiue on ihe gcucil ill ' . Fieiahemigriutt. Tlcit provefty inth't ctfc .vi l tOrttinoe to leadinimtt.itd up-ia. at cu,v( il tv.- mein, umn mey tie trat.d Iro n ihe lift. " 74- I'hjjtpluny praaimi,a a gutumy, of ar lk l. th, lhl at iet et legally connniitd b- ti-e !-' ru.n.Tl'aiioiH Aiail cminue ia lo te, if ihe y. i i whom the properly it irljudee', do not j reler to ne. goiiau with tbe proptiet-ira or ihtir r epn!cv.tai vri, wHokivcobttiaed tbciciiovtlei tlreir (rqti'Jra.tcn. f Ji' pioctai .ttnit ii is upon the ic(rttl l-r feitom tad piopfi'iy,iht iba ce.tu.c 'ui tlie earth, II li redvcliaaH, I il,e jacaut of UkOtti aud a.i (ocitl oitkr n.ufl depend.' . , - ja. It ptrcUim tbt eery cilitro ewei bii fcrvi tea 10 tke lOuntiy ih t htt'givrn hm .bt-lh, nl tbe (oil thtiaouri filet b;in, te Ihe mia;en.i.re of IU beny, nd the eeeal divihonU nooe.i. wheuotr the Uw ctH bitit 10 oefced Hem. 77. The Grntrtlio Chiel, ToaffaiatLouvtrture, is charged with fendirg ihii conft I'utio ,, to be jiefen.. ltd lor the !!, on ol the French pnvciftmrni i,c tt. TheCulonill euard wilLuut iv. it neve is . V'rthtUf Coovincrd of our tiaiiluai Aac nl Our waet pole above lttd, the g-ntralt ia Uiv ferv e, f leave tbe limit of the parish. Watt iacalct of irominen, of Itt, Ind lhe ok.fity of the pion.l re eflabl.lb- . 1. V.-.- till, a. a . t i it 1.L. . a . " . ' . . mi rocn-wri inionn. aufmv'j, ana me cob. i atoter, td upon older and under the ptihintl iet. w nt 11 tgruutture, led HUeni. i to the uaf,t. tnindctt in (hict cl tbe df p.rrtm. Ipcnfibiliiyoltbemiliitr aommtndtri or commta. lh to,iabitu ol (t, Domingo," the Get.t l 'j..-f.i. t. ... .ft. . ... . - . . . .t . mill iTnea, ia lie aan.c 01 in j an wit.e ie bavtihi ondiia ion p.t tato taecutiwd ;hioug i J4 The goveinorfeatt and promali'etl,llawi, derofthepl.ee. With j.. the limilt of mptnfh.i, be aoriat tl lo all civil aad mitlltry tmp'lo; mrau J it pi'.d, ,nd then t.eio.nrt IwtjeQ to milnary .ikl. lit it clt;d wi.h lhe orgaoiitnon rf the arrr y j pline ia ihe oiher ttfe, 11 it luf icft only to law. el which heiee.a,meria chirf. 'IhearmeJ vrU gj. Tba colonial foldictt aaike a pin o ihe fctonMyUtiieaiaihfpo.it altbecoony, (ball etmrd foic,ifld tic divided iuio b.ift tod foot fal- liC lui iict 10 nia oraera '-Cwt- Iledetwineiihe divifion ofibi lnitoiy, ia a TUcivtry it cAablifhtd lor lhe gr-nertl police trd mtancr lhe mea cbnvr aitnt . ia the imeiior tela- the (ua'ity ol tbe couauv 1 it it id liera the ee- iiwif, tad Blat Itea'utt. 1 lie i iftnuv i. t'S..iM.A 1. is. ... Rrgot lingb m'tlf by ibelawt, btUiowtichevcr1, littolinwnttnd villtgftt itl, pt,d by ibe towjt d pioaide Inr, ire la ei.r t.d taieiior fuoiitt of , and vi'.lag 1 in which it Irrvrt. ' ' be C'.tony I . And anowiar -hat a (late ol wit. it a i&. The arm a. lo ba ft,u,-l .n . ....ro: (iie o .fofiiiha, ftuctty and mifny lor ibero!oy Iro the giveinor io theremrtl tCrmblv, tad a;. latbferircai(ttiHti lhe govrnMt it cUrgrd ie CJrding to the mod edtblilbrJ by ,w, Mkaeaaiy tuvfwl be bclitvri hii4Miiy, to (aippl in wwr pirn ii m liny tit, , It. Utdtett.'Ut the aiuettl F.',e i.iK. riioiftad mt,UQ m, when ret lift tbe obfeivt TITLE XII. " Financtt, Stfutlia!inr, ty. The BuatwKel the Coienitl tie drawn lio-a d - toatcl lltt -Ahgiuflai ci tcy arrumem.. vi te 'V" aroied tmelea ' i. fioa ,g:i Jrj b itii i'.s'iaiiniv'f.'jg-t. outlne whale ef(at of ihi lolony .Utile at I'on KcKua.i an, it). ft Fioretl, ytr 9 cf the f tenth Krpjbhc, on- and lediviUb e. .ie4 B-ie;it, ptcfueat, laymond, Col cl, Ca w.., N. grr,Li Ceur, rftixa,Mkgn M taatbo. , , . VIiKT, Af.er bt4eg made mjfJf leqaal ten wi h the cm. a. ...I.... t ... . .. . . .. . ... I a'e " nay ipp'oatii m j ine inviHi..at! oi ika Ccninl Affmaiy, t Co.fieti nitttimM, and inco, fewerKc ihei.ot (ball Itiitltait It I tht Fieeth goetancai to Obtain in f.ntU in. la ... pift to iit eiuuin.ft ibtea.bvai the colony, the w(U rapuOid bvtheCiaiitl AtT(o.bly but be nt. v; tele. filled at.de ttiottJ. " . . CitatCavcFam.oWibeie-MtS4r fl ( 9 o! the Fretb Repobda, tat anj mi v,i.,;t. The Ccacrtl it Chut. .1 .. if.'- It 5 e 1 li i J il t ..'f? I ) Teal d.at Itryiitat. m :T. . .-A u t . ".. .. .i- ..... - - - . r

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