a- - ; ill : I "I I - V e. it Fir r. . I I. it lar c :n, tl far ml, o 4C- to prevent injury vhrcfcjn ghf anfe frowjMaejrtwtfotri Hiflo-y of Greit BrtaTtv vol J fHETCoparthtrfiil'poPGVabstaniy-Jj mat trie itKinsctpii author ty mould cer i Ty- he non-cxHlence of ' a boa1 d " of hpal'h, vhrnever no fiich inlli' ution cxiftj in iSit por', and that when they (the town or rt-y o!Ficri or- corpora' ion) are px,offitio hea.tft ofli.es, tb'V ftiould.'atfo ccrify ihe.fame, 'r- --"LVhcncyer it cad be 4ony it will be tifefil to ob aiti a certification, of the- fatt, flateii - in the b'.H of he.jlib, .by ibe con(ut or agent of the cour.iry'"to"wbtcb ihe vj? (Tel may be. bound, and from a late public 'no . -tton, :hi$" caifl tioHvffcm' particularly necerTajy" in refpul to vcfTris-deitineJ frt;' Spa it, This atrelfawo.n; . it will be ihe interefl of 'he owners of VcfiVi j to' prcur?; .But ' in ihofe potj wbccrtfre diflanef f orri the place of r.elidchce. of -the jrtper conful, may p; event its being ob'aiocN yotrmay , oT applicaiiun of ihepa tyj eerily, that Mere is not within the diflutl, county or (late, a? t lie cac may be, any conful. or' agent for that country to whic!a the vlui is 'bound ' . ' "' . ' ; . J '.. . ; At you mufi be fcnfiDle that there is no law - by which o compe; the millers r-f Vf fiVl to. take crr:tficate of he -h, the p bahilry-is that in 'nmest of fnkn f they Vviti rfftfe tore . ctive hem.' ( In ftuh cafp it. bcrcunet . v.our &x'y to tnro m (hem hat the regu anons hi fctcri adorved loiely " f j .. he '.benefit of torn inre, and 'ha their arrival .in iVeign par s wt'hou' tbtf; rprnftcare,. v. ill be. regarded ' ai- prriitnpiiVe evidence of-i.be. r xiftence ' of. in fr fticus difo'd'rs in -hc puns, from whence thev" lea ;-cl y.it. TV r'rVfi.Un ,.h- rvVtofe di'-fltoT5 I ad . 'tlrtlled ytM .Hi i'ii? entertai'rft no dobt rri .yur , rareuiioet jn - ca'r'firjg in'o eS 'fl T.'ntiliiton winch t-iy in many indanca, rttir out vrT;ls Irom very -iniufiou and r-V-j - : ' - - lam wi ;h conhdera .ion, ' tTr, yiirob.difrt fcrvanf, - ALBERT. C;A,LLATIM. Cha !es Si nits - IMq. Collector ) . Al .Xi:id ia, .Virgntia. '. . V ALU AftL-K- BOOKS. - ' TACOB'S LAW DICT OMARY. Ray. monds' Rorts, K. Bvand C. P. ' Dofg'as's - 'o. ' Durcf'ird and Eil's do. o vo. Tomliti's .,D"'gefl. Vi r row' Rep.ir ; ?, 0. W "ilfon's do. C'oki's do, Mcdent do. 12 vo. ; Vcfy jmr';. do. Giibct's do.' Vernon's do. Butitnry's do. TVpVs vl.i. Haywood's do,. Wood's Conveyancing 6 vo. Cafe in f.qui'y. Pow, ell on Mot tf;es. Peak; . Ntli Priai. L v of dw. RdV mend's Entrt'e-;. Foter's Crown La-v. G.ili::ft' Diftreircs, Cruife Oi: Fin;s. D. .t fCoveties. Hinds Chan, eery. Mi'!..'f on liiiiirticc$, Rcevcs I.iw fShirrir IhMT''. U T rft. Wi'. Tifi on i 1-1. I'i'i no on K,-in tinders. Coil, ir. C''if v l''i -'l.'ibcfi's uri BrcvitSTn. Mr-lrV'a Liwlif Mi"'or . Ward, do. Bur. lau'iirj n's.. N'a uri - d I'ol-MCil Law. Gd le'ri.,1 of In-erro't o id.. J'ljes oi Bil. n-it ' Wary ill; o '.ot-Ticrcr. B'.iiXdonc'a Coin-rien 3tte. Mar m' Cbjcciiv of Sta tutes. Lich' Caf-. ,C nlli!t)!io'i of E"g. land. Laws of bt I'ni td S'i e 4 ,. I.swi of fvor h-Carolina in l Sit imlnfivr. Iepo is of Ca(c , determined by tke J'ldes cf h: S'iperiof t onrts of Law, and Courts of ij ii y of -he fla e of Nor h. Carolina, a' .heir rif ft dte ib S of June 1893, held pur liv at f the (icne al Alf.m'.lf, fjr fc tiin ,o.n ms of Vaw or Eui y infiug on cirrui'-tCfi etc HiftorV fo Lli'na. linjory 01 bpatn. Genf va in-Frrnch ;; ; . Ditliorttry of ,Ans and Sciences, 5n Frerxb, Letter ! of a I'e TrivclUr . through Kuropf, Afia and Af ic. An fan's Voyage Wil. KwtU'do. -T-Jtlton' Otnp'linv"-"'.;:-'. '. Locke on Unrlerllanding. - P1-.y V Philo 'phy,t Smillifc'a dtf. Dalrymple's MetnpirJ. Soniervi'le'. Tranf flions. aHace's An- ac-f counts ' are in the . pofleiTion "of Jtn if n Peraffs-Bolingb rook e-T?afts Old ' 1 i t r 1 a 1 . '. o r r . i.'.tyt . si rt'' .J.-r-i cao.e K.marK.....aarns s eject . rrjnK- on DV ueorC otDOS ann onti 'in ( , Works.. . KoiKheroucatiV.'i TvlaximJ. Barclay, who vt'ill poy'and difirc the debts due by fa id C()ncerij, and Who is , a'uhprifccJ to colled and receive fu eh a tnay be chje to il. '' ' G E(3 R G F, G I.H OS . " - JOHN BM-ICLVyV. Life f Lacki.ngton. ..Vifion-of - Colnmbu'i 'jt,;..iu a ...:.. r .:.:;-! .t..i:. cuJral t'oli'ician Reply to W iiherforce. GconTriid Howard's Life. Robiifori C rufoe l"Ha 1?! sGames. Fabulous HiHory . I'l'Tnet 1 Lvt c;i. The Specia o : -Siefn'i Works. Clanf. fa Ha;-!ow.;. The Rival.' M-other.i . McW.ptal.' btrt. 0V1. Nick; - - The Miferand'Hu t-'atnity . Maria. Thc Mvdr.TVir ChHdrcfl's Frie.v!; -i,.r..r n: .'--law 'n .h,.w:..'. .t.iv v 1 urcsnd Ar ' Ramble' Farther, if mrrfon - of R Tnd"-Wal k r S Count RI)oi : 'k J oin J riri. Fathiqna- o:cvvoriu. .f ji-:o; m?!tis, Ll "Bi'.i'?f will be continued bv the fiibfeitytr; ; ' V JOHN -BARCLAY, Aujuft 17. ' ' N. 0 T fc"E. ters and.Ma. rier of tlv Rlatkali'i'-Wtik'. Edwards' ILftory of Rr.lcmp ion. Mrcket's' He igions v'pini nt IrownS Coocordintp.- Family InflruAor. PilgiimS Prof' fs. Edt.dt on the affrc. tini. l.Se of W'ilin1 A vi'ewof ibe Co v"an4 ri Gra;e f om 'b (tcul Recordi. Hfrvy's M'diuiions. B?auiiet of Hf'tey. Ch.'-II an rj.' Beau ici of Wa tt, V'u'i Mifcel anlft. ,-YniPt N;gS' T ghtt.: o.mg's Lneit -rDodrn''t Ur. r.'v s. Settr. di on Re!irout EJjca'ion of ("".wl-en. R itfeU Sven hctraarli. Kilkme'i Gofil Sow. Row's D.'troutcxa cifrt of t'.x r.cin, Tte IV.of Man' Help & Yo'iwg 1 .' (iid. ' Tisfii .Sermon', &f. on tt'o;.:t. j"jn. CnrilUa- Economy. Mif. id jnr.Mi, Qi ;'','' is 'elatin;; toKd.n-a oo, to te tfjj-tilly a. ) sf, ttt the cotid iitof thj ir n I, Sjtrftnwti . I.'it;re l'ru hi. l.u F. 'i.'y BtVtcs. S na'i Jo. Prayer Bjok, Ir(lln-Mt, &i . utc ll. HiV E'.uiirits. A'T'ife on 'be ris- 1 and Y.Mlow Ffv' . Hun'rr on the 7t M:nr-'i Anatomy. I. ham'i i'lui-ycopfrf. TMji'in' Farticiy; Mead's Hiks, Ac, , . I -n ' i-Mia! Niv'gi'or. The Ame li j.t CtuU J'uor, Clpc Fcaf Pilot, Map I 1 - Ci al if Nof h.'Ca Jinj. Mt l 4 ".K, 01 a tey Urge fi!e. icatneni 'Uf.a.. lon xi't D fiiant'y. f he iJan'i df. Jii'-'i ir.ijroveuien uu do J(ie't P6ck Lark. ,Anrif thf Ltf-,' or Charac 'A Childtcn of the pr.-" (in-. Aits. ' luff rti,v O ii.: j'.f.' S di'arf Wan derer . Noriuial .-V-Vft ' . ; G.o.fIi p' -;S ory .. Caftle -Bi'ck en , an i ly irerntan Tafe. Mor- driun'. Gull ter Revived. Yum ' Lib a; j ry". Family Ta' le-f. Thi Conrrafl. Ed, wy4 Lrvfr Writer. The - Lady '.Friend. H mntcd ptiory. Err.c'y de Vaimont The Vagabond. Village Cora'e. ' Child en of ihe Abi'fjr. Edward. Foo! of Quli'y. Cihoft Seer, Curiofi ies of Literafu'e. NctleyAh-bey."- Tbe Male Coij jette." Happy RelcafcT Rofi Mount CtUe The O fgutfe. Leo nora Medowfon Emily. The Noble Slaves. ,-torH of ScnfiVilny. E'ouif.i, Novels for Youth -Gi'hdm Farm. , Perph.xi'.ie's. Plex. ipus. Laura Atigufla. ' Orphan Mariau. Lucinrja Courtney. . Mifs Somervillo. ,Eli ta, The, Widow. Empief. Mati'da The Abftra A. The Wandering of Imagination. ! Orlanda and Lavnra. Ftcnch GJI B!af- in Englifh. Rational Lve'. .Fede.ct'a The Il'ttory of a young Ldy ot.Diftincton.' The borrows of h-di.b. IhcBiciher The' To toV. Henry 5omervil c Melida and Mar cia, ' r 'he btfieM. ' Re'iiiaiioti., Mtctcbet from Nature. Srpliia S'ernrum. t'anny, o the Happy .Repentance. ' Religions ..-Court fliip The Pnnce of A.hvllinia. The.fyfto, ry of Jane Gray. Caicib's Lct'et Love a? Firll iigh Moral E(fiyJ. Chevalier Pierpont, Mary. The. Hnr Apparent, or tbi Life of Conynodti. bi i Evcnncnfll, , Perin'n Fiench and Ergtilh G'-arrrnir, .liii'o Introdii!lion '0 La in. Liv;u-, fcu ropu. A Frvncii P ofodifal Grammar. Sft'eh e Ve-eri Tcflaien.o Uifioria-. :Lji? in Giammare. Lee'-Amr;c:n Acooun an'. F azir'-r AITiflin'. ' Tutors AfTiihn'i ,ScoaTs L'lTt'in, hpllinp BotkJ and a riuinler of ether valuulf fchool. Book . An Enquiry coiccrnin th; Liberty and Licentio-ifiicf of he Fr f . Vivvrvof ihe Public Debt, Receip'i and Exndi'urct of th.' Uni ed 'State. Pvoce;dingt of the Vir goia Artemhiv,' on the Anfwers of fundry Stale; to ihrir Refo'utton, pulTod irj Decent" bcr 1798', o which ii prefixed ihjfe Anfwert, The Pglttital Prog'efs of Britain, or an Im partial UilUuy of Abufclio the Gve.rnment of the Bri.ifli Empire in t ope, Afia and America, from ihe Revo'uiiou in 1988 to the pitfent iime-r-iheho!e tending-TcrproTnhs .urnous eonfenencei oFthe Popular Syflem of taxation, War and ConueO. Sedgwick, and Co. o i K' V-to i he fix per tern. labi. et A le trr from A'exawdei Ilimihort, conce ning hs cndu l of Jhn Adami, tfq. THE fubferibers having rjuxl'.ficd at 'ther !a(t county court", to tl:e -la it Vill and Teflarrrem of John TtUair, de cealed, hereby notice all ihofe why havi any drtnaods againftTtid eltatc, fo pro duce them in t lit; time limited by U bcirricri.rnfc who arc indebted heret.,tnjy crx r-l lJlAr. i nert.jf thir nri'nnntsare notliatttda't d k vwv.'uirt:i, J - j -j : before the hrft day of Ober ntxt, that vim will-be commenced tnot'Ctnntnare Hv iAN'NE TELFAIR, Ek'x. '. V ....jpHNXORprEVf. ; September.-' 51 1 4.W.. Wa! Cufy'i UrtUeif! Gatetfeer. ' 1 "i of Ga ut Cogipny wi h ah A '. Ii r ilifl-rr & . Eg'md M'. '.V .S's !.. dr. jvo. GolaVmi liS do, 1 v. . RjiVs Arc cm lliftory. to to. A ;.--taoi MoJ?rtiiljdny 1 a ?, T ONG Experience by the Public in general, . teUifies the .benefit '"of Pure t relh Air, fo that nothing need be fa id on the fubje, but cbnUler a mode of .obtnining it ; for this pwrpiifr a perfon irf Wilmington, who ir ' pr'ofeiT.)r of Mtchamfiii, has conllrudted a Ma- Litinc wniui in mt iiuvi tun 10 anv 1 tr- -v number of Ventnlators fdfTicier.t to fyr-j g-. iV V l o U U U ti ., : . the' "' ' : - A N N I V E R A II Y Deiivertd'Jjyly 4.th, i8orv iby the Rci SOLOMON IlAUlNG. JZL:Z:1fORvS ALK; Bills ot ExcTnge 'on Baltimore . and Savannah. ; . Enqtiiretit the Ptin'if r. Augufi '2o.' v' ... : , . . FOR SA Ltu i Nnmher of Lou in the .tow ii rf Pp.ikerfbototjt'h. 'Favo u.ivh irn- . ved Lots in Alining ton: ! Two"! m,4 of La nd in New-Hanover. ' AH o a t; ci i .ihle.Lat v.ith valtrable' improvements thereon. " ' ': , ,. e or TurtheLparltculars-CJiouire-'of- the X Pnhfw. . ; . 1 Jigs 25 HIkIs. Sc 4fl)b's, Sitgr, 50 rngs and io hlrs. Coir Wool Boxes Cbcton and C-ards. ISA ACKSSc BISHOP, fuly if). . AN ' a w a f w i t hout - the lej it orovo- nilh Houfts-with whatever qnantiry 0f M u u cncr,n" Ffefh Air they may require rid that at TftfMtX"! ttlnfU .nWpvvndifpfain V moment, of d V ..r . 1.1 i- . - 1 - . . thu -greateliacnm . Fhc Machine will require no 'm.mnal tuiicc nnlefs' the ftreanf of--ir be confidered too heavy or tbo'-UghfT"" when rwoving an jndcx I immetMattly remedy tho defedt. -Xhe public's op'mion and particularly phyfi cians' on the utility of a Machine of this difcription will be thankfully received by 'he " September 3. MECHANIC. "TV; f0rBirS0LD, Or Exchanged tor Negroes, - ,. 29,645 acres of very vAlua- ablr'cottou'4!)i rice Land, lying tiear thp towns of St. Mary's and Brunfwick, Gcdrgia. F hi rapia fortunes which have ;cri made in that country, by the cul ture of cotron, and the vail increafe of p"6pu!ation, render it worthy the attenti on of cntcrprifing characters. The cli mate it more agreeable and healthier than muif parts of the fuuthcrn (fates, anj embraces many advantages to fettlers. 3650 acres ill Glyn county, within a.lhort U ltance J the fca and near Brunfwick Swamp and coliotV Land. 3800 do. (Ituntcd on Turtle River, near the above' Tract Rice and cotton Lan l. 5;omd ar onTn rtl e:R iv er Principally tidc-fvvamp and co 'on Land. 2500 do. on Prince s 15km, I f til 14 Ir r- rrr w 1 u i . ' I wi. m . v.iMiij.nvuiyn, ana is auoui e fef q inches Kih, Ipcaks plain En-liih Tthk HljsjhK-.propcrty..fltlVMnas-Hill, Efq named Olive, who I am in formel is one up to Chathtm county with her mii!rt:f, a:id it improbable the fellow is gone up there after his wife and rdav b'e harboured ?. bout Fa)etttvils or oti Mr. Hill's plantation, or fonid wher near Wilmington. I .wilt ive any. perfon a reward of lv(f,ity UoUar who will apprehend the faid teliow and bring him to me at the Hermitage. J. BURG WIN. , Augtjlt it. , n o t np k. ; VtOTICE is hereby given mf fj 'edc- 1M ccafe of ROBERT ADAitl, Efhr. j bte-bf-Fayetteville. and U'ilminion merchant and of the Subfvribcrs harito-' !Jt July term now Ja(t p f of thv conn -Cf I- I - I or vumceriami county, qita'ihtd as executors of his lalt will and f.fhment. Thofe indebted to he tdare ait !efirc-4 to trtake immediate pay mint ; a.ut thofc haVing account or demand ..uii'ft the ertate, of any kind or de:ioiiiina:io V, ar rerj:iircd to cxhil-.it ihc.famt fu i q-iidj-lion and plymcf(t to i,V ex.vii or., agreeably u law, L w ii' imhe ti.ne i r.tited by the ait ot ihe General AllVm.v, : prtl in 7;2;rtriTi(U:d,''Art ,atl to amei tt an act, ;iuit.rdan n concernin if (i ir wills sr.d grantihj lelttis of r .- . .l - rr i v-am ien county, ri7.ir inc iu.mi vi n r i nMimr,i n Mary's Ctton La", t. miniltratitni, aiid to prevc?.f t au;l.t in th management of (ntwlU'cs cf atci," in failure whereof ihe famt will ire nciidcn.of U-bmtett 5 cs. Anfer 4IQ3 ClO. at Hie mDUltl Oth? pkaJ in bat fo the raovciy of a iv .'-'VK a)rttmi puDw7pC.ctk, on the irt;t a-illa River, f,,fh debtor denamL ' mS" -l V' l0v B ks &C-Ar; . I Camden county, wheuoa .here is a rc- DUNCAN M'LERANM ' Alio, ,h; I ,!!y.,g MaMo .ty a,.d BUnk : . f JQfiN XVINSLOvt MrichmiN Ln and Journth. Day 1 i n t t nrr"t I r- Book-. Rfcefp Df. . vn.i. (U &. 1000 do. on Dear creek, near vA' VH9.Y, ; , 1 N ' ,'r?. J Cint It Lf'Uf rap Frhi Paper. Fioe ( omsion Wnung do. Witppindr, Qnl't &C. Ac , . American ana Lnl.fh Snipping Tiptrt. MtnifelP. Mrrciun ' r n'ri-J, iSc. and an lirimrnt of &))( and o her B ankt. BUrk Price Curieni. p' m ed on EVgant Fo'io Paper and a numbir of o her anie'et in the Stationary Li ton ediuui lu e.,urn:iaif. AVilinii)jton, Augtilt 3. sto'l "ETT" : FROM the rubcriber'a Houfc in this Toirtn, or. Wcdncfday night the jOi of Augulli in old falhioned Gold WATCH, douWc cafed, the out fide cafs CluAl, tnd very much wojn, a la fy's guilt Chain to It, with b'uc cna me l M ts npf and in the miJJie a plain M.rc i;lif feal; with Walliiimott'i head engraved on it, 'Vhc number of the Watch is not remembcre-l. Maker's oanic C. Clay, Limdo-i. VVhaever will, deliver ibe fame to the fubfetiber 8ooq .do. compnling differ ent Trati, in Camden couo; on aii ne-r St. Maty' River. Payments required lor the above arc for one-fourth Cam for ths other thrce-fouriha a credit of four yean wi l be gtteni payable by equal annual In. ftalinents. The trails if too large may be proportioned in. the will of the pur chafcr and fuithcr particulars known by applying to , A. F. M'NEILL. Augulla.v. P IC KED U P. IN the North tail, River, jbout nine miles above Wilmin'n and orpo. lite my lanam at ruainj itcK, a JO'lN HOCJG, Faycuevillc, July 17.-3. v iWifand feet of Plank tnd Scant ing. Whr.evcr (U'ms the famet b; picjuciog proiur pro't f its tin2 his, niav tike fit a! receive Five Dollars and qucf-' away at a;.y moment by pa log for rioni afked. I this adveiiiftinent. September 3. J. P. WILLIAMS. THE Copartnerlhip t,f Thursto' and Peiiuxf-dtilolt'td ir, the 27m of July.lalt palt, nnd the ftf.-u frt .partiirriol laid firm rtqueltnl. ptrf-n i naving open accounts with lf fi 10 call at the llore of C. U P. IMStatn (or f-i-tlemen wher? tl.o'e to whom rhrv aro jindebitdare rcquefled to apply for pay ment. - - S. I. THURSTCN. CHARLES' PEL HAM. PETER PEL HAM. Autt(l 9. ... N O T I C E. LUMBER RAFT f about twcnti'yUB Copirtncrfhip of Rice, Whca. mu nal co.tfent, on the tilt Julyr ll'o thofs whs have ur.feftled accio'.rss with (ild firm are rcqucHcd tofeuUthciii Ulltl nrV nitvjr a t irrnr Aufi.1 tf. DANIEL . WHEATON. Auguil 6' I 1 .:..r,.A:: . . . . 1 . u r f k 1 . ' ' ..." , . -:v.- 4 -. 1 1. t i 11 ; . - i .V ') w i Mil.1 2.1 1 I. . ! i 'I X i A 1 vr . ' -A

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