I. V J if' for thcfe feasy and on the 2gh anchored "Win this bayi' a Tripolitan ftip of sS , guns, (American biiik) iih 24.5-.. men. 7 . corftmTndedT.u Fiiglithi-repgado, marfiedto;- th-;. Bai : flvaw 's daughter ; :al fo a brig of . I 6 gun's - - uu 14U uiiii. meyaro pom cniizers, failing in, company. They reported an "arriiral ' tJir-rhp. h.-hh nfli .U ... "3d been out 35 days and captured no ; . . .:. thing, luir wanted ' Vvater-jjio" ' Pratt ic matter aflced the admiral if they w;:re at .:. v 1- ,1 v . 1. .; war wuu America,' wno laid ttrwerc ; 'lui.un me 30m arrived tne :rrdi Jcnt, Commodore Dale, the Phi'Wh.1 ,Ilirex "frigate j they, anchored clofe to "x u'v i-iuiuj wiiu were unier -- quarantine. 1 immediately waited on the commodore, talcing with me Confuls O'Bri en ani Cathcart's letters relative jo tiie alters ol 15irb4ry, &c. for his information. He delivered me your fa- . wi ihv liiu ui iviay lau, me con tents of which lliave duW note! permit rne to amirs you, that every thin' - . , f - 1 V ' O ... u.y. puwer to lervc tne commodore, his fquadron, and the nation in general, ih all not be wanting, and it will eivem' iue grcaxeu . pieaiure, when 1 can he ufeful to either, as ih'diitybouiid. The commodore made enquiry of the admiral . if they were at peace or War with the J. States ; he faid the latter. He then enquired if hcxleftco'iful Cithcarc well he replied that ' he had gone from Tri! poli a fortnight before hu failed- for Tunis that he went of his own accord, sand, that he was.no friend to the Am: ncans. '. I likevvife wctit aion-fide cf . hi'-n yelierday morning ''as his aent cxpreired to me that he wiflied to have iome convention with commodore v Dale) to tell him" as he was to get Prat lie that day, the commodore had no ob jection to feeing him on board the Pre, 'fidenr,or at my h'oufe orrfhorer which hs rejeclcd, faying he would meet us at a Tavern,' and no where elfe. Iutccd", I perceived he was trifling in the Uiifinefs, io that the commodore determined to to fea with the fn this morning, taking with him the ihip Grand Turk, bound to Tunis with the r. " ' --"g'lii , -a -vcxy- g3n ivaws y--w nr.crurrtn?!' le.1lrp roYoTT aavs unce a iegro reUow named TEL L;EM mmo4ly .ca'lb-l Macus, or a black como'ledio!!. an,l i imi.; about one. when the two Snanim of 112 guns, and 2400 men in all, blew P. and only about 40 iifi'ivwir. f,U The Ex-S p a n i (h fli ip S Anto n i 3 , of 7 guns, now officered an 1 manned m(t-with- French, ufing aid fla; Was taken and brought .in. All the Eiwlifli. flris could not come to. adion, as ihCy had but little wind ; two of t hem went out and arc'L-ruiJnV nfF (W , ,i ,.,". .auc oiners wiu aili go t!ie hrit wind, as feet 9 inches hyirfps pUin EngliJh '!is wil Is ths, propertv "of TWuTa n:it ! r.-i' 1 r,-." ' . . . ' jiiq. namc'i vuyi wno I ara in Z T T I ' -t r- .k -u may.pe.narqourt.ao4it fayettev e they have; received very little damage' (or on Mr. ifiil's plantaUon, or fope! WJJT vn7PTAM o . -" i wt)ere near . V tMhington.. THETrtbfvT ibers havt ng quairficda" the fall i county court to the I ait Will and TeUartiei;- of John Telfair, Ie Cealatl, hereby ouiice all ihof-.vl.( fi.nv aay. demands ag ::i(l fid tlbie, to pro- tff fe who are. indebted t!.ercto may ex- wife. i ' . . . .t.ir '.r-r...v . . ,'y. t 1 .1 yy-l-,-.-x--Tto.Y r "fell ovv i? gone up there- after his vyil r will -'give any perfon a reward of Twenty Dollars who will laid, tellow and brini? him to me at the ilermitage. Augult 18. J. BURGWIN. An arrival at Bylo, has brought UnJoi -o;nU to the iklh J.ly. n,:repearf norther mvs hy this arrival than what hat been aire ad v' rrrhJ .. , . ' - "-Yt ' nrmalion. ' '. . . . A : " far is. Jul tj? J..'- A' anmunred A- ;.;,. .1 ' j ' X JL 'O.'a tDU atto"'tel'ioW nmv .... .r.. ,riwf '-v i(iffiir tii jfuh .. -'. . . . -' : I. - T-V . trjtHiumc at U rna. a rit nr Ji.;. .igaonnj -Uarca. IVe are tmre details ---- -1 TiHnwer or : tro'jps thut landed amounts to iooo njci and ' JOHN LORD; ECt. September 4v. : -. One Hundred Dollars Re war;! I3SEN ITD IniniVlfa few days have (dreads, X "."r" "u"ut ;t rcw ays - a- ! . : "s; 'dmirul Gaa ' 3 lTlll!att'v nam,.! JOHN", i - .. irP Wn0lV!;J1! kUhu vV.ihv,i.,gron ; ' . informed V Ur C'ia-r-ak 23 year ' f fav'eieef eight .ilvJs.igl,;; ra rooo mm aJd iZfnX made llas t!ovv" loka bold , 1 f,nrr ' 'Vju' ,J .Vf11 c"'enancc, ;ad a large "" ' I 1 IE Copartner !Ji i o of Th cksto, . X ;rc!, -Pat haw., didolved on th 27t,it)f fnl. iait Da'lf. Slid' thf filSrrri'"r Partners of faid firm requeft all perform having operr accounts with them to call .arthc ilore of C. -Ar-P' Pf.hm r. itle;nent, where thole to whom- thev ar i ? i . . . y u.ji:u4i. ii:qucncuio aoolv tof. nav- S. I. thurstcn, CHARLES PEL HAM. PETER PEL HAM. . i - Ctty.Pohl. in 55 daystr6tu uujun. juz vr-jurat cut t" t,jf7,-o. V" '"V sr 7.ouns md ia ?un boatsmth; zvyde i .;. latter have died of their wiutdt. Seven teen Dant and Swedes were fmh, at their anchors' it Alrrzlr.is - tU. i ... O W.r .f'tj. i 'J, v orj j Sp mhrds wwld mt fire aoamll the BritiCtxt tit iu . . . - yarr put every mar. to ths fw$"d. Oi .the ith another jclion took phce, between the French, Spaniard and B dllfl. Ti,e Spaniards , when thev d f -a-.n-r -! ti n.itiu got iiitt confufi'n, 'and-1 mi three d'etkirs tear on fl b'e leva) his iflr .rm. For lodging h'iin in VVilminton jai!, I will give iitieeti Dollars, for delivering him !o me in Sarnprn --county, -I will give twenty-five Dodars,; if he is jUr- UO'Jie.thy anv rc-rfon tor fiiffijnt nr,( cos, to procure a convic'fibn thcreot, I will wnta'tion called .Rotife's Hammock of- o uunrfii, au-4 i wiupivc one ; ,u,u, -n.iei ana joi.ie imalSer hur.dred- Dollars.' to whoever will ,iu,. . Tratfs with a conliaeraM,. r,.ni.f iiica pro:jf as will enable me to pr.d'ecuce K,cl1 ammyek, on which is about fitty . acre or Kice iwa.r.p, the greater nartr." The fubferiber offers for file fai All his Landf oil New-Rivr, rrWU AT vahi'aiWe Plantat ion, Turkey A Point,of lix hundred and fortv n. i a. vny i rcu ioii. Alio one other fxrj o a letter from n officer on hard ;c ' f ni.a-ieip-ini rapt. Barron dated fjh'rxk of CtrJtcr, July 2o io ntsjnendm fbiiadelph'ta. ' L- H 1 cnaoie me to pr.lecute tv,t,k -VT1,J-K In thr aflhn of thsht!, tL pr;,:u nV "vidionany pdrlon or pcrfonsrwho acrc o( ehip hdnnibMl.if 7xuns anl i i u .may. juve feduced or cat'ried iiiai out of' Un(J'r iiiim- The fiil of both Plaiuatu ats-m the zu'vle iS men kill J ,Jn A ,ile 1UiC- " ' 0,1 s ,s e?lV'e,,6nl K,r the culture of cotton. MICHAEL SAMPSON. or anr Kli'dor produce peculiar to this coumty, nes in the centre of-' excellent winter and f;)mmer RanSeand' hasevo- Svnpf n county, S.qru to. ww.... . a ii ii i .Tilling. I'jajujt'n, anu t:oy three deik ; (initiations, and the hrir iirvA f ttdti ' nkt rr...i nf . ... . ... t & '"rv 6' ". w vmsrivey cried Out cnemv ' more James Norman, comma-jder. ; , and. began firing-at-one -another. - Ii'a A tew days unce cams in fight from fart time thfy both to.k f.rc t,a l bkzv u the ealj, three French thip, of the line There werebut ninety fix n vfrvtu "L and a frigate; but the win I taking them both (hips, out oLi0i 'tljrel L the ... . "" & " " l,,c "ck rmuras run am le't tie French Ib'ifis n ) Tths day ,t fprung up to the eaft, when U fight five E ifl,. The headmotl t tie t.iey went toAlgeztras, and are landing brought t, the (Urnoll Itf'e 2800 feamento man the mips at Cadi.; AnEnlbas fifZl 1 before which. oort arriWd T,r l,m,. c...' 7?,. "tu,...: V. . . X'.1 a ; iaiui. N O T I C E. before wh.ch.port arrived Tu James Saul Bithat tvne twin,, TM cle nurcz. with five nf tl,; nM r M n. r..-t... J 1 L u llJ0 cu r,t Englaud w,,o jo.nal the tvvo that were R into Cadiz. . .At ,ue time.t he French a . V'erc. It is faid that th: French fnua. mira had four F l:.. .! droncatnefrom Toulon. rn, ,a h ,1. ft"",J "uiiiilu fkM k r 1 : m C .t. . r i . . - . .1 wck, tne Lngiun brig cf 7r?.irtf ,i number of Americans here bpecdy, and the Mahon . Packet J One of them chaUel L miral out tofig':t Bbn, lut th Uttet wmld10 njke immediate payment ; and thoft' on 'J1- 3llt '.timo by its ow.i limitation .wiiiiis or uemanu agairut tl: t uuiiuiiu io uic um lnms titate, of any hind or denomination, ararc rcHUl-''1 " c,.-mc forward and rmko rLiircdto exhibit the fame for liquida- Paynjcl1' reipcdive . lact s where bortj coming to this port. n 1 f . - - I'm uLirpr we vri'r.au'jn' lie it afraid 1 Mxtrzrf r.r ntl.m t.ii,- r n. It Vi . " J no, dated Gibraltar. July 1 8.' J have not hoard from commodore Dale fmcehu departure. Onilje'ili ind. I received atc lines, fiom conful Ta t0: Tunis, in anfwer to mine of the 17th May laff, inclofing one for captain Laughtoui of the ihip Grand Tiirk, accompanying the Bey of Tunis pallporc it Ins procc;ding ti faid -port,-without his living molsfled br the Trin'nllrin. 11 v r 1 . .. .. : r ---'- iiueruay ins united btat frigate 1 .uladclphia was olTihis port. I fent off a.nadvtcc boa', with a difpatcb, informing mrron that the Tripolitan crutzers were Hill here,' and, it would were airaia ot going out. Gapt. iurron had been the day before at angier for refreshments. 1- -fi'i-v-iivni iu icar a wuirai lir James Sjnm.-m ..,.!:. . .1. 'J'lii g of our merchant vclftls and the ...,.,,-n miners in port, who ha rjurnircd, on bting apprifed of thctimc "'.'f 'ir.g of the former, tint he will dc I nc latter twenty toi l !... rt . . ..-.. 1 - . ... .. . . a r a . . aim. i. 1 ...1 1 un ih. itik ;,.n r 1 . t a v xi 11 c inline nrin a umi 1,.... ini mi i4iicu irom Aife-i 1 r - 0 ? "w ri !.. .1 .1 ! . . o '.. 1 UrrL C li t,i... .......... . 'PHE CpartncTmVGiDhs :;mera,-)a "gcVand base 1 Barcla tern.ina'.os tlu, ' L.i ! 'y Ust are- in he nMLlfi,, or' 1,1 ?: . i . L.ndsnd nofra .irclay, who will pay "and difohargc the debts due by fai l co ucm, . and who is a nhorift d to collect aud receive fuoh as 'nay be due to U. ' . ' GEORGE GIBBS. " ' , ( JOHN 13ARC.L Y. N. B; The 'bufinefs hitherto carried on 'by George (Jibbs and John Barclay, will be continued by the fubferiber. ' JOHN DARCLAY; Auguft 17. 4w. N O.T I C E. j TMOTICE U ! 1 ceafe ot ROBERT ADAM, Efn-"' late of-Fayetteville and Wilmington. tne rennrt: ot my ...rf,. 1 r. .,',: ... U.ey will gall on Mr. J.,!; liarill- v, feu'r. who will fhew ills fituathm ot ih, Pjanta-ions as he ii weir aciainted. -Caih or likely Young N.roes will be taken inpayment, and twrfv.- months credit will-be given for one third of the purclufe. I f the above Plant ations flibnld not b: fo.d I wi.l fct-le th an this wint.-r. 'Letters directed to me at VVUmingtou wilj.be duly at'cr.dcl to. 0 'JtSSE CLEGG.' milPWui.''iV'' 1 1 ""u""l,t laiucior i.qui.ia. . - : facts w PTTnT r ir nt 1 . . I'-jwivm, ,0 tne executors, Vi . . . 1 VU,,,,!,CUI, a44W ,,UI;L c ,'CC ,,s,h-ry given; agreeably to law, & within the time li-, , 'P1.', c,J,n's fiU Coi.ctius. mat on batur lay the 26:h init. Wilt rmin-.l Sv hp.iA ,).ri i ..r.. .1 . be c:d on jnn!i,-ti, be OOlltlVeiV f.dd finr I ie m....... ..C . I. . . I ! .. . - O . .. "'""v wi 1 uc . i'-'h in 7t tntitieu Art act to amct d ZjII 'li Cn '. ' .rh;:CVer is f : " a" aff' e"'M concerning proy," in ?h he concerned) the Hull, Tack'c." inB wills and granting Icttersfad (App.rd . ;mm.re , &c. of the fl.,? .".qMniJlration, and to prevent-funds I Dove. t)f Pmbhe n 1 n snl, .-....-i.;.'" : -ir t.ifrr--rr'--r:-.---- '.V n-Liiaiuis r - ,, ' , . --! - - "'i " iie, iiunagcmrnt 01 m;c ates el on the beach, m the county of New. Sate,." in fa;i-i.-...f ..- r hero will , ,i.u Irtaic of North-Carolina- be Pad i,f bar to the recovery of any fu. h debt or demand. DUNCAN M'LERAN, JOHN WINSLOW. :5A-:. GOODWIN, J1iN ECCLES. JOHN HOGG. raye'tcvillc, July 17 Itanhver, the terms of Talc will be rafb JOHN LOSCOMBE, maaerof ;he fame llaop. S?pt. ?4 I " T O L E T. THE Houfc k Lot adjoinmgMr. ' junn inmion ; lately occupied by Mr. George Gibbs nolle (lion will be given the hrU day of Odobcr next. For terms apply tt .1 JOHN LORD; orp 14, RAN-AWAYlrom the fuhferiber at the Little Bridge, about lour be raid on aotiliivntinn HOBhUT DONALDSON. JAME.S DON ALISON, . JAMES THOUBUkN; JWil.N M'.MILL AN? T"W " Blwve lo inform ihc.r neiuhvj the pubuc in ntral that they have recommenced bu. finc.sat ayct.eviUc and Wilmin2,:V under trtCfum ot Donddrorn, M'Mil. lan.&Lo. anlai NuiMk, Virgin, ........ .... , ,, , , 4unaiuions, horburn CC wO. Ut vtirh t.lft.-,.. .j. . bulii.tfsin Ihc fame lin .1. .1... ..r . do h ir 1 -r, ""' " V"" w li ir j --y jf lue . -r"T . - --"' - 1-1 nun fonjra rr Aim, ment ut GOODb itnpoitld eld A DISCOURSE 1 ON THE ANNIVERSARY or ral -ailorr. n unv iro'ii f..r ntry l.bnal in - 1 111 Vi u,c Lrmin mips "e llflf f,f -1 in... t ...l- .t. I I . lM" t ,wu l Wl.lCil mine late action, with a fit. f and a Piirturriir j mm w ine Giif, and as fon as the com r'i tlrrt rr.f ,..., ! r. i.ti. . it ..!.', V'lhu tore down upon them. 4 ncmanr-tactuurs, wi.ich tcy rlkr lale by wholcfaicand unil,, Coui I'F'HMKC Will lie f -rill,.J . . I I uilcuunt made for urumnt m AMERICAN INDF.PFMnrr Vrr- 1C.J!,' Tf,cy vcon hamlaMl will , D.livcrcd July it!,, ,801, by tf.c 11 tv r ! rC?'c J,bcrjl ,u! i ot wcty . ai-U nave liiv (in .. 1. .. ti ln I . .. r .. IJ.. il. I . .? . FOR SA.LE, A ,".mblr of Lo? 'n he town of X . -irncrlborough. Two u.nmpro. VCd Lots in WilmtnutM T.... r n. 1 - - ''liw mil. w n 1 in of yeffds and ntl.tr pcrUs arc hcre .y La'.K,,n Nc w-Hanovcr. AUoan'eli. forivafiicl.fro.il harbouring cmployin, !p ot -w,lh . 'ublc improv'ctncrdi or carryii'g her away, undcr thcne ia!fvl ,hc.cwu: .. . ' : tor further 'particulars ennilrV of ihe Printer. j it . '. ' 1 V . ""wi nit; uc ia;ty III IIlT I Ha lit C, U .C-. I 1 - - iuvii vaici nrovi leu. c - . SAR,H GEE. Sept. io. ROBERT DfjVii'ncmf , JAMES DONALD.vON. -, JAMtS T,iOKBURN. JOHN M'MILLAN. -N, B. Thr hulinefMii.der the firm of Doiu.dfon, MMii!3tr arCd.-Hill not tommenct at Wilmington ti'l the ol bcpfunbcr it will be unJcr the di. tc.o ,f Mr. Jol.nLoid. Ai-uil 6. ..'. . . 1 . ... ' . . V:V-i

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