If' X" St i rvivfl Kf niftier fram ai efliWWoiarA e avium mar jtf . . , . yr -Qn board hi jnajsUys bf'g KlV - ' V '., ,-- ,3'' .o .. .j. i 1 -ViTirT? ,W fttW.'of-FrebruaiV obtetved .V ii )iMf rsf n. fiis of winch v,f,y. virv" faft., We-lhorTfcned fail to --. 7 ' ' . ' i t r r I. U' ... fris. nnd lay to, 10 wau. tor them, iriey t vout price oro9iDion tha bread, mate cf-tbwholc of the -meal fiOri .blanched wheat ing to the laieact of parliament ? ' ! Infinitely, beaer. ; : . ; v His grace 7 ha ing 'informed.1 the commit tee rihitWM-lerl- famlc .of flour nude iaccljiding ' to "the: bb"ye' experiments which he fhould feud (Q be baked ttuo hreaA i 7-' v.: ''I itif cwuned-'haLlhc .'faij famo'ej fliould be ferit. to the A.bian milts and.to Chelfea hofpiial, and that the re. ffuU ftould be communicated to the coin- in :r . i...nh ho i a in" uciciilc ! ii.i nriiL( . v 1 1 a v. s a w - - - - the name 01 wig icuumhw, . which he export .bem-tot die. He ha. told lhis kingdom t ; However, as property themiine fail of the line, bavi 7000 troops Qf every difcripuort is fecured if) its pro- 1 j "l .J r,:u4 frm Krance for Ecvp Siul rinTiprr5al hnf.rieTs urvlif- nn liojrui imu muru , - - iin.'v'i .."l,u.v - . ; (noncmt up whh'hitn ; when ihey Jortaii a af 9it nri hoiiiia rreneii cuiurs. JIIIV V .. 1 . j ,,A ni feri'Dle to anarlc ihem all: nd, s we f.rared each other, 'We found they were fi corvette. f 24 gi, and .two la-ge armed ii.r. f ift mm rach t a naro maicn 10. i-u! j3 gans. However, when we ; gat wi h 'v.,,.i fhnt. we exchanged broad w.i rie ihree z ibeybroadfide of one of th.-? mod fhio told a heavy a$ that of 'ihr coryeue. Tli'e aflion contfnued very bnk for th'cc hours ',-whe'if we go' -e wea her.gue of the .fierflmoM:f b"rc UP ".iT rcc.nrtf-a.ut. he' power noceffacy for wo kirg , wcwvm o . . a nair ot tonei ; vn iHg lh toro ronton and havi. g JL. procf 0fb!inchi,lg an" and that With this remtorccmeni ne wpu aaatn eaa , uic iuit w .. Vfs; . rheionc in vain.; :ne ioiairr"- ?nd:c!amarou5, and a few days Ciapie,, fnat in of (hem do.not delert to 11s. IUII - . 1 1 I A euard of AX vellefdy attempted to come , . . . m j f.,..,l -..t.tvi 1 a fl but were d.uoyerca aim i- T" y . turbeil, it reconciles wliatever iber fil. -riticcs tiiay ybe tlw; rctult. - .' -COMMERCIAL. , r.;n. rPorua!) July 10, 1 The markets jpr Rrain and flotir under the lee of the larg-f fhip, lli" bo e up wih an inicnuop uiun u- u" - -reeled Ere oUiged hira, when abo it half pil lol (hot from us, 10 flrike his colors, cie. . . ,r, Uiif fiir' nuarier. lhc o. very uni'g 5i ....-.--- . t,er two bote down to his aihftiftce ; and al ter a fight of about an hour in the dufk, we had the mifftortuneto loie our u. .. . f,,,,,,, it w, .ntwer il:e ,tr. which fell in fuch a direction thatthe who!e " n 'formed of M.-becaufiW forW.vard became ufclcfs, which, Reiner r. V.roWl . vnhihe difabkd flate'of he rgmg, r fails all cut to pieces and on fere, mido the hrig qui-e-aogoverriablc. Our encwy how-,-r nvnmli t,f it. fof takinff advan- f a-r'ark nichr. and our Puttered condi- but were d.Uoyeied aim uau upuu , u Ul j vntin W pockI - for icvcral iherri "reached our ues; b-it the rett weix eitaer . 7- .to M,i.f U lTd or ob', , o return, and lhre?spf the months ; Otrrg to-the vyllj of UMeVhavefini teen fhot A A raiir in MJy , wluch. Vas almaft dettroyci -Menouiaiely fred upon one of.our flags of ;he ufual luppiy.. ' . ruce,-as'it approached the city, and'Omoelted-.. 1; ; . . ' I i: ;-,:.. ; ;'ihWinionhowMhis frr TATRBANKS -TAIlEIf. I - uumeu 1 Y(.it,.r, , lainn v airoanRS.' unuer fentence of death for Murder, was fafe- defpondency, and en'erains the deh e, . uni I j cohimitted to the goat in this towb. verfal in his a'rr.y, 01 reiurnmg iu "----. - He cfcaped from thepnlJirin Ucdtiap, , r "T. 1 1 ' on .Tncfday the 8ih inft'ant, and Was ttniirh carr.p before Alexandna; Apr.l 14 his flight by Henry ; We hear iha. in elinc.is reaped head .A They- t(V)k tfe roato VV a a,r of Hones ; & a having hrpitej5ffi i, ceOer 'Spencer, pafled Connecticut me p voce u otv o;.aacnnig uu u,j ,nB r .. .:A r m, k vf!-r ihi -I ajo cheivd three mii'pp. Dq vou ihink the on er, fkin was entirely . . Taken off in ihe above experiments f Not cnurely lo. , : . -f!f(1Miert ihat 'notwitbftir-ding his ailumed 'Are .you of oj,n,on...tha h... toethod" of ,fo blanching wheat fo far practicable as liiy uu. i.v, - f ..... r - . f 1 ..I 'iWAiwAivMtfrifv a 1111 r: 1 1. 1 a ihj iiiw to lie of general uumy f , I have no dpubt the machinery may be 'ap-: j,Jicd to all water rDisand' Hkewile to every The macfiine does riot tion, they made tC We repaired our rigging in the1 "night-and nex morning we puriueci them mto TCTierit. s mey nicu B1UV.. -cur rigging vith routed and grape-lhot, and iron bars from a foot .10 eight inches long. Wc luckily had ro one kil.ed, anu oniy a 1 w wounded. Yeflcrduy we fell in wuh a -Swedifh Eaft lndia7 an. which-we have de- ' taincd, and by whom you -wiH received this letter.' R E P 0 R T. " ?hf nmn'titu of tbr. ctjt of canons ap ' Minted to c.r.fuUr of the frefetit high frice cf pni'tfisns istul to rtport tie fame vjilh their tptnhfi ' thereupon, ft cm tmrt9 time, te litis huh, tt . .... '.,! ;r.irm.viiin of an inven ' liaVC 1 cecum f tion, made by Mr. Kobert rerryman fo ' ..tr .luiril coat of ihe grain 01 - wheat, n'eviointo us ueirg gr... - , - it appears ihat the. tthole of;theCratn may l ulcd in bread within: any 01 u.c ii-vu..-vmirnccsihat have h.' hcr.o been found in ' Lrrad made from the whole of the meal ; and at it appears f on the e vrdence that ih.s in- ven'iori mav be auenoca wuh -ibe public, 'your comnait.ee have the .ght 11 Ib-ir tiuty o lofe notice iff la yirg before irw J.oufe the information they have received op the labiert. .ExAinUhn of Mr. Mvt Ftrprr.. What is the nVjetl of your atlenaance ic. fore this committee f To explain to the committee ihfc advantages .rifirg from faking ih'e ouvcr coat frm wbea' cievious toil being g ound. - Explain ibofe advan'ge to -the eomi- Mr. Ferryman delivered into ibe com. r ft'r. Vill mAft move Hour than ifour naif nf ftnnrsmoroved in grihdir.g wheat in v common lU'e. In erretting a r.ev .mil no aHdiiirti.alTinencc' would be crea'ed, exesp' in building a k'.ln.-f--l7'appehcnd lhc- e may be fome dittxcul yjn car-ymg ims proc-is .o ii'i' it to ani'vrr ir.i ..i, 0 ih. nonier clafs have 10 brown be founded in the im4of:tior,v prac nf.rt l,v ihmil!ers in the inaiul'f 'f lure b coaife fiovr, and i)e kivowlef'Ve ihcy have thai f.rm the -..quannty of rubbth miKd m fiic bread made f om it, it i rt fo neuricious fomeai hit nadr trom tine Hour Ucua' Kanon ai oucz aim aiciui- . - -1 r . . I '. -a. rj.jl X.. l'cnlr r full march. They are, Uaicd t a'Mount. to . - yj y . j " S ooo men. " lanu logeci mat nignt ncav inc 1 r . . . . . . 1 . ill . . . v tel. r. .a Alexandria, aVhw.gh o4 contideuble ga'e, cnt tnncs aunv ' fireneih is 11 ill alfatUr.ie wuh fiicccts ; but I they proceeded tnrougn Vncinirc, jjlu- :heen erpnze wouia, u u cuima co, wh us 3 1 ninKtuii, nniiimi'ii uu uihsmi nr Wr men and es .from the . condi icw of j his oisnartnes, the enemy cannot ho!d ou many mon hs, our general ha. h'jrr.aceJy re.. (nlvrA in ioare to our coun'TV .10 vminy rt 1 1 r ' f alUnt mn, and (rult to t:ic operaiion i urne for the f pffsffion of (he place. ' ; The dtlerte s-meniion, mat Drieyerai c.ays p?.ft the allywanre of provifions and wa:er, had been reduced 10 little more than hulf the arii(l,,,l latinn : and that even on this con Vt if ted fcale, ;hey rad not fubliuence for ino'-e'tlian-t.roondi. , ' ' The annivr-i lary of the oefeat'of tSe C arid T l.'l 11 ...I.. ..... ..1 ..k - .. A an thA e enierioined. ' lhe oo-y ivay . , , ,l-k,u ari country can be fu.ly ..V...i.' ' J, . llw. nff:r(. ,ft :nfnire 'and as lhc flour m2de undsr this procefs null of fadHfk color, the lame dilliKe will na urilW b VirrVf, ' bv which'he k-nfi I -the'difrovcrv fit" it fhou'cl cn Iwer thc'expeflaiioris t have formed of v) 1... l... ... a. r.i-n in :nc n ui c nuu .r.,-1 '. t rnnceive (r eat ad v a n 1 re .vould re r,.l in i'h ' roiin'rv from he efl-thMhoient of ,.,,kli. .,,'.1'.. in Hifl'rent oartv of.-ti.e country, t.ir the purpoic o- inatiufaauring fiour for the ..f. f .h. nArtr. I am not wi:hou: hopes that his country niay tend 10 the adoption of fome p an f.;r that purpole. r.xaminaihn-cf Mr. Sintucltiyitt. VTi- Wr.i flllverrd in o the committee a pa per containing the rif.il. of the experiment made upon tout, lamuies ot lloa- ten vy -duke ot Bedford to the London Hour com pany every tr.emt were ulcd by the ofneers to infpire U.: ,r,..,,. uMih j'nr an.-l riillinriarm. and .men I'w-j" t..... . -y . lvxr 11 )S ccruiin nicy aiiv.aa, . v . 7 I f JVCu lOrflPO 0 Wll' liiry rptiieuvvu, " ' i n . -.1 i 1 tie total nnmocr of iurkiiri iroops wriicti hive landtd hre amounted to rks men. - .The F tench tore now in and oetore Alex and'ia confiflsof'Coo'vffeaive men. , SkeeniiKrotih, (WhttehallV bn Eolith- Uay , J.ake .namptain, wncre uiey.wcic. apprehended, on Sunday morning, laft between' Z and 9 o'clock, by taptatn Henrv Tifdaie. of Dover. M r. Mofcs . H)lt, ofHadley, and Mr. Scth Whee lock of Medtkld. Meirrs. Tifdaie and Whet-lock were 'fent on thc.-purfuit by (he riff Cutler. At Mil ford, they ob tained t hei r fi rft . i nfor ma t fon-of -t he f u--: gitives, and purfued lhc road toCon ueclicitt river ; wbert? tiu v were joincrd. by Mr. Holt, and ccntihtied their pur fuit, from information obtained 6n the ro3d, to Skt ef.fljorough lanc'.rg ; where Mr. Holt, beine the belt mountcn, ar- itrlt, found them, kept them in Converfa'ion until aiv.ltanee came tip, and then fecured them. . Pievioas uitVu tr Ww't a'frt nrfuf.irfd to the fomiritKf le. .... . . j - . - . , m vera! loaves made according to the above . expeimen?. Amftnbe'r piefent delivered in,t.o the comrfut. mi iee a paper from' the duke ol Bedford, containing an explanation of the q uli y of lhc four d'teren' rts ot nour irom wn-m iheb cad produced by Mr. Wya-i had been v. ." - D you conceive, iharVlanrhing of hea at niftoofcd bv Fcnvman. would be attended Veiy geat indeed ; the grrir.advanme ...Al.Um .K fffiir.ir i,ff ll;C OUtet t oat of the wheat entirely free from the pollaids or llourj ...u'.-TTi,. r,.r hi,.rt done vc bv any mode of trindinf? ; what 1 nvan by ihe pftllards il Dukeham had chartered boar,J.r 15 -dollars, to convey Fairhartks down the take in St. HohnsHn Cansila. who was rtrminal'm ,f tU differences vith 'the dy to embark,, having f:ne Jaggage Ve have u.fini.e plealuve in announcing mfT brcakfad, which Was oti ?h table; 1. -j' .ii c .11 I tn, tn faL-. Ia-iv ot his crntt p. a n i o n . to our roclats tne nappy jajjuwcm ' " " , 1 d.derencrs between this country and the Jusi- they Vtre CGndudcd ro Northampton, pcror of Kullia. Lord Hawkefbury, wiih where by the dirtclion of his excellency ie'i't adareiTcd the followifg BuHctinlo I e ,:u.Uly of general Mauoon, ' fheritY b ... 1,1, c. 1... i,:i..,.....u crrdi la ft nig thc Lord Mayor : ot Hamplhirc county, & by hirr.brought to tint ttiwn. and Do:ii commmeu tu Dtwniw.llreft, yuJy II. I wil. -The fugitives were hot (armod; halfifl land did sot make any rcf.tbncc. I. hey " ' My Lord; . ... Jtravellrd Itifurely alter 1 hey palled the. , I have great fHsfafiion in informirg yow, 1 r:ver tlioueh they were Vell mounted. .hit Capt. BUle of ihe D.fp?tch cu ter, is A( Arlillglon Vermont, Dukeham - juil arrived- ronv3t. 1 , - cluneed a tin dollar bill, at.d told his brought convention, .gnea oh tne 17.D . ovvv.Jl to DorcKcf- vouni mm ., T. ...... :s j ter. i'aitanKS appeared 10 nc auonrairc; . 1 1 ...... 1" that anv or.cinouiu purine mm; a.:o . f . 1 ' . ' :" : I 1 . . ob erveJ- tha; haa ic luinecieu uc 9 - - hvered into ir.e com , fc,nof the whea-, a kind of c. riy..n, mitteea natrmen 01 cxpo.-ui... . . which gives an oily iweetneis 10 mc imd-rthe direciiwti cf Or Ceo ge Unc. If cnce of ihis proccf it not Jwog cai, .f,nhorm Pu'" ; -. uiTare great advanrag-i be derived from " Mrvl,. trA i,hfn were'lhou expenmeni' v , n, -p. ... j,rf ',i,tl U alwav f. at a.hrdn ihe prain. and which a. iW.'n. ltcryf Rrdford'iat Woodburn a ,. . ' n,- .,h, mn,n,,, wbch ( Mil. I' - III II II " r.t wrrkt a? I,;.. n..;n ;. iakt. rrf. Wheat lUichfd in Ol what dees tnc broad bran ol wbeal con. I . fof a,y .j, of f'n I . ' 1 '.1. I . '.A r trl ll.lck- J:lti Y.mti. I rttHS.. Helen's, at.d nin', on the part of his majefty and ihe cm n..... r r..in, ,v whicn a I . deference be- iween the iwu coaatiic have been amicably adiuflr-d. . 1. Their Danifh .and Swedifk majeflies hive ftcnhnvrcJ to aU.ue tome conven'iuu. I have t'ie honour to ce, &c. (Signed) 3 6 HAWKESDURY. Tc'-iXirhrHwuratte the ; Lcrd ALiytr. UOiTOS, Augult 2f. .... i.ih.nif nirf. ann inii7Tii ui- ia" v" , "Cf part of the external and part of ihfi in I waiPBo.,f-; wbereas at .pRnkr Russia Direcl. r,:n Fllrrv wht arrived in Wiis n..rt vr n.rrfav. in .cc divs from Lon. .1.1. :,U..iI.i. Iniorms. that 110 tra II4VII, Mini."-, ...--- ,,;nP,l nf the com rover f:r lately iu iviuii . - .... 11 r cxiltinn between Gteat-lintatn i& Ruf- r. . ..,, ih"l$riti h linns wnicn nati I ?"' . . ...l... r. Wtisrhrr I K... .murioed were COropictciy rem 1 . , .m inai u-nrai a ' w )' av. f . r.V.' - .'.tn.mU'i'.e feeendcoa y "1" , l.r ..t ., . .i AitA ii s and that i!tea 'tcfnal costi of ihe hra: Lwtl off feni fcheat is Iren-irri'ly in that IS IBC'C ai'j inii.i 1. . flae 11 - . It there any nourill.ment in Hie ex rrw, , ... mo,c lun a fot ih.ck, coats of ihe wheat which jou propolc to ucc lnJ et c ,sen U WIH ,eV,ire die expence 'rtW- . ivcred u,, .nd that great ne proaa 1 .. . I imlirn hid urccecdcd on their voyacn Noi wh eh adheres to the ou.er coat m bran ? . . . conceive it to be the rr.ob nutt icioui part fame kind f, wheal in in peifctt IU c f - In two 'bitds if die lime. CanytMiflTeQually ffpatata tha cuter coat of ihe wheat? I can. . . In whauime t . . . .1 r i.tfl-Vt r har. Cri'tiimg-1 he' be blanched wills vul ianli-y wt'H nJmiged wlic' ? . ' AU tat i. capable of being blanched al . ihough damigVd but the l.e-ter th wheat wi h the a tin Ucslny it HanW. , Wo-Hine rta-eof be damiged combe Improvv whin blanched ? . . 1. ...... 1.. iiit1 deoendt uooa Cf aimy , r ulein which uidimieo let, cipher . . . ""vr;.: 7, iI real V believe inai "ns -' . i nai me diiuui, v... - - Yes- ft l tB.f , a j murh four pair in tn: common ay ; the grain will not be fo much inthe trlr.d,ng, andif gro'iod ahoge-hfi for biown bread, it way bs ground at Ui gno at in the common way. - , r am .k.. -..,i.i it roil aDCferTeod tne ui w.i y . t II t wW to beBiat lentyou by the duaoi I conceivt it to be of tn inferior vbiy At T MRS OF EGYPT. . : tt.i...-.W m.'.I ft! Fridav broiieV.t HI 1 ie. tiawi'k ..-- - , i " feveial Uiiaisifom fcjjyp t ' cojimtifticl .lotne ery iniemi.ng r'a Ar-rd to. I v,'M wiwi ..--- -m i Oirpoliiio. ha.no; Pfnetny was ft lll II.W l"ll""l . .. - c i:n Jrc.Turorp niviVitiniMhe feas unmolcnai by teich other ; but that a ,0939,0m, tons. In 1790 liritidi fquadron ft ill continued oft the forti-n commoditici, broognt !. . 1 t . ..i..tr'.iiifiit. amount ifland ot Kotnnoim. , TrM I.tieoK Lite. . . r..1,n,,n..f Anfon. cantam Lmn- t....i I here veflcruav from Lh- bn tetters were received, frnni 1 one M which, dated jnif ion, ; "y'"5 Mi...ia . The oolitical indepeu- 411. vhvj - . 1 . .. , , ; A,hs .f iHU rnuntrv. wmcn Haft occn SV'v " " - followed, his pur diets (liould have ro'ie . i- ..'-1 f - Vsi'- ... -. v . ,1,1 lame i.unoieu uiic tunuu. nit. road eficr his detcciiow, he obfeived tl bine indi-ffcrence to hia hmanon as "on his trial. Much credit is due the gentle men who jnorchennVJ the fugitives, for...: their petfevering and fpirited cxctiions. 11 v . 11 1 r. !,.. if.. i,.!v J3lidc a nnerai ctmpcni.iwu wish fcrvices, they arcir.iiiieo totncgratiiti'is ot every friend to law and julticc. LdwardbUk, btephen rairoanKS, anu, Qimn.1 C.nttDn have been committed to icil at Dedham, for the rclMe of Fair 1 l.rnl. Iliniif.'.n. it in'ciif tooy on iiiipiiioii js luimiiivi. ... outrage Two other pcYfor?, fufpeded, Have not ycicen appitnti.u.u. , 'SALEM, A.-gMrt 11. . Vntxan-p'.ed ftUftity, f In 1790 the fliippmg oftheUni'ed Sii'ea amounted .0 only' 4 50,000 tont; ihe ginnintr cf the year iM a hid incrfaf-d ' " ff .i...nr1iMI Kl o QtO.Oootont, n 179'ui oron commoditici; brought 'n.ot.e co in'ry fof re'ep'r''tirti,ii amounted 'o n u.i a mi'.iior.s ofdUaii in value j in iboo 11 ex. ceded 10 mtl'ions. In 1790 ihe epof:i of our own agricultural produds were,abut u- ;,.n ot d'Urt t in i03 tney atnu.ta.c4. ti lurieir.y ji m snons, Ihe lands ui tnc unura y v.r i . P . . "I nirpOilllOt r. at Till' r , - , i.- .mult in which U udamigeil. I-j. L . - i,. Ufl. nor tit prosablei ' ? . t:. ?r,i J tf UtJ- rpai cna"RB ... ; . , , in.( , t.xmmw.n v we ft4li beior tome nmv p -. . f ;,r.... ... . in'Hisqiircrinaa;veoreiattonSa.her" 7 nUgr.cedelive.fd nu "' '"f AWaUri. depend. upon tSe W; -1 . I lC IUIIWI m- . ,. m I . rv . . .nUnJ ai 1 a million rl doliaU. The ep;nte cfthe prefei.i year are elhaatc 1 . ... J.jl,f,,le..in a ball mce In tH? of late fo fevercly threatened, it wtarc uu(lUJ 0f upwatd. of two m.UM.s andaU.l. France a,i4 Spain ; wtitcn ; 1 r from the fatal cfiVcU of an invading at- thi l'- t,tV-- put rouia not uc ituuw.., - 7" , 1 ,m on the frontiers. Ihe corJi-1 j;s 0t lixclinngc tpn nniuniu. f the pcxce arc not knowy; bull and SaV.Hinall. eTall;uaJc,lbodthywmPto,. ' .llta 1 , . ' ' . . 1 ' -t. v . . ' . v , "... .... 7 . ' . x

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