P"-U;B,:L I S H E D "WTin?rrV t,, U;M A; N D . H A LL T H U. R S D A Y. Q C T O B E K i5,-..iBo(. - ofetaa TVol. V.-No, 247 : "WASHINGTON, September ai. VIEVTS DPRI VED' f I?bM THE NEW CENSUS. " The followbgjlaemcieidibrj the . number of -&eFtfenttiVej which each (late unw has under the cenfusof 1790, end the number of RenrcfenUtivti to whiob. each fiate will be entitled by the new cenJus, ut the ratio of one Reprefentitive for aieno"; habitants, with the fractional number of iobabitaiiti in each ftate under ihe prefent ceufui. - -' ' Tabu I.- . ' Ffaflittul' number under cffyj ffew-Rampfhire. 4 Khnde-lfhnd, . Maffsehufetts, 14 ' Connecticut, ' - jr Vermont,, ' ". a JJew.oik, 19 New-Jerrey, "; 5 Pennlylvan a, tj Delaware, a Mary rand, v.: 8 Vi-giuia, 19 North-Carolina, io 5.'U(h-Ca,olin, ' 5 G orgia, t K;ntuckey, . t leiritiry Forth r t Vnia, 8oo 5 2 I? , 7 4 '4 6 18 r 11 v..r -X V. i0 ol i8j 18,856 97 i96a 4r' 5Sa5 8,i8. 7.83 i8,8a a8547 14 632 8.785 y.3 68)6 6,i 8 '3F New-England dates, had by the cenfui of tfgi, 271 representatives ;. by that of t8oo they will have 31 lepr fentativesv Had the number of their reprefen tahvet kept Lpacewithhjjggregatejiumbers of tl TtielJatca they would be entitled to 34 repreferj'.ativei. I hey have therefore loft fourreprefoitalivei. .riLlTlCAl XtftCTI. After this view of the IocjI influence of th tew eenfej, it m y not be unimportant to exhibit it's pro bable political effect. The fubjoined table will fhew the ftrength of par C'ci in the next houfc .of.ReprefeaMatiyei, and that uii let the n-w.tenfua, taking the exrftiii; ftate of the public mui'd at thtf'crjiei ion t ' wheteas ev?ry recent political event announce : fti'.l grca'er thani in fa rout of the lepublican interest. ' Tabl in. ( , 1801 , Repub, Fed. Nety-Hampfhire,. Q. 4 -xtprr1. rri- rnmie, "( ri l':: I falan, and Coiuwhii '. nviis Lull bs appointed as- ur. -,f, , . .1,) .X niio. v:t. Oile re nrri.-m it',.,. "V ." rnTwCifii, there will be 133 re. p. -1 tul .uiM, bpfi.,iei thofeMom Tenneffee, whofe re'v.u it a-.t yi 're eived, ar.d fiora the territory. (iw.uwwui uunc vm j, com or wuicn 01 If itt were noi ioc'ni'Ud in the cenfas of 1793 vEtc!ufive of the xe lofmutive from Tcnndfre, the houff of repie ' fm atives oow conlls of ' 105 .members. The ad. tunc therefore, in the jiumfer of repicfcntativei will be at will appear from Cih.uUtion, about 27 perctn ' 'I he OatM ihat Villi acq iire a prtpoitiooal increaft . f reprcleotaiivea .ire Vermont, New-Yoik, Penn fy'vtnia, Souili-CiTolina, Georgi) and Kcotuciey. Thofe wMcli will luliain a proportional de-reafe Reprefe itativcaaic New-fimp(hir, Rhode-Ifljnd, M.nachufrtta. i'eurvCi ut, New.J-.rlcy, Dtlawwc, Maryfand, Virginia, Norlli.Cirolina. The following table will Oiw witk tolerable pre- cHion the proportional gain nd lofi of each Aate. The TuB fijure ftjndi for the number of reprcfenta tives gained or lott, and the figures bryonJ the deci. pialtuiid fvt fj'iaaoy hundredths oi a Rcpiefctita. live. TaUi II. GAINING STATES. Vermont, - ,1,16 . New-York, 130 Tennfylvania, Sou'hCaio!ioi 0,33 Georgia, . 1,6 Keniuckty, 3,46 Rh,!e Ifhnd. MaR'achufctii, Cotineflicut, Vermont, Ncw-York, New-Jcrfey, Pennfylvania,- Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Nor h-Carolina, . Moinh-Caroltna, Geor,gia, ' Kctituckey, Tciri;ory noriUit ot Ohio, TenrtcllcC. 8 -5- o I 6 5 aO O , 5 18 7 3 a a 1 o 9 1803. Repub. Fed, 0 5 2 o 6 i i 1 1 4 . o 3 t 3 1 3 3 o o o 2 9 6 1 $ a a 9 4 4 6 o 0 3 $7 39 , 97. 39 43 7 2 5 ' o 1 o s o. 8 4 o o .0 o 4 fpe&ive Hates have proportibnably ,increafed in tltfl degrees above flated in. the following or- ucr, vizt Repub. roajoritjr , in 1 80 If it Republican mai. q Tabu IV; 3 New-Hampfhire, Khode lQji.d. - M iffachuf tti, including &!a ine, Connecticut, Vermont, N. Yoik, 1 allotment wanting New-Jeifey, Penofylvania, Dslawaie, Maiylaml, pull of an a 11 Mm .-ut wantipe. 1 Virginia, Nocth'Carohni, Siuih-Carolma, Kcntuckey. LOSING STATES KeW'lIlmpOtirf, iMaffachufetta, Connerticiif, i Nw-J:ifcy, ! Uelawae, ' Maty land, Virginia, Nouh-Carolint, 1,89 3.10 M3 0,70 .9 5' The fmall r xeefs r f the amoatt 01 the lfng dates f-e ond the amount of the giinipjj Hates anfc from nJiDj inc aavaoce 01 ma ajtfga representation un der the new cenfui at 7 per cent, to avoid afisftion and climating the loft or gain of each flste aceord ircly aa i-mew iepicreotaton rc4Uci or fail fbort ai it t whereas the precile advauce ia a6 17100 per DVMiit er. airattaaiTATiTis Noars scwrir orTHa roroHAC. According u ib lad ccofus the nuanbrr of Rf pre cuiarivca were Asia North cf the Potomia South of Poiomac (6 I) lfajortty tvnh of Potomse t? ly the prefcot Centui, thctc wilt bt north or To- 1790 14185 l 47537 379S Joiao 184.39 43373 5994 J97i8 1 800 Increase. i838;H 6911a 574S64 i5of a 54i5i 484065 111149 601365 64273 4'9'3 30 9v37 t.V5'-' 896 16799a 579 r 10014 . DirnU 309704 (nuti n. 8?t95' 3'34 478103 84350 34559 9"58 16a' 86 Bin 38 aaogjs 147178 J476to 393751 497.? 854 . hOntrt uarvilnd isntm above m tn. cte.f d 10,014 iiihaliiaott, etthfat it othei wife j for allowauce mull bt made for the fubtra&ion ol 8.144 inhabitants, which form the popolaticc of the hootneii dtrtt of ColumkiU. nA fair laS atfafa rta return, which added to lha former will undjuhird I.-. - a ti ; . . imiki iDcrcate 01 oaubcr to that d.Hria in i77ocmoricca Dy Maryland. By the above table liminn that in t tAA tit fUtCl KCOtdiOat to their tcl3ediv thui t ' - - 9. New-Jerfcy, 10. Vew-il-rnDfltirtl I, Kerttuckey, - " "' , , Georg.a, ;.. " . i 3. Vermonr, j , . 4. New-York, . ....... 5 & 6. Pennf)fltania tnd Sou h- Carolaa, which have "increafed io ihe fame "' 7..- NeW-M-implbtre, v ,. ,. 8 & 9. MalTachufetts 3c Nonb Carolina, which havq incrcafcd-injhe fara proportion. ' ; . , 10. Virgifiia,- . . it. New-J-Tfey, , " 12. Delaware, . -13. Contiefticuf, . 1 4,.. Rhode 1 Idand ,' " 15. Maryland. ' It tijr.reatlvtobsreg.eted that the late Congrefs wiihpfren the aft fixing the moJc of taking the cenfiti. aid not, ai requeued by feveral learned; focie tit,4ireft a defigonion of the vaiio'js defcriptions of cuircni. rucn tjclignatton would have correctly illulifJted the xiftinsftaite of fociety, would have exhibited wi:h piecifion th channels in. w hich in dullry flowed, would kaye (hewed what were - filled ar.l what were unoccupied 1 and would have been of eflfeatial fervicc to th'evfederl and Ute govern ments y facilitating the acquifiiion of jull ideas of the operation of any pirtricu.ar ta x propofed. It would have been interellinj to" th hillorian, at fome future day, to have traced the-relative growth of agiico tore, trade, ,id m,anufaaures ; and ' the n'oralilh might not have been unproduftively enga ged in cfiirflating the degrees oi viitut.and profper. ity Which accompanied the feveral Stages. But this mcalure, though fanfeioned by" the houfe of reprefj niative?, waa tejefted by the Senate : and we tan only now regret mat it wai rejected, anl re commend ita adoption at fome future day. --.Thi bveviewenables us to throw but an imper. feci light upon the relative grovrth of the agriculta ral and commercial in'terella. As fu h it is offered. Tht r sdef will obfe vc ihat the advanced popul 1 jion of a. I the flatea, according to the above table ia r-preie ltd by tbe figures 6,14. - It wecou iderthe Itatia of Mad.ebufitts. Rhode. inand,a Tork, Pcnnfyrvinla, Maryland 6c South Cuolica at cummerci.il, the amount of ihcir advanced population ai appears above, ia i,a Whila th.,f of New-Ha.tipfhire Conneti,ot, Vxr mo .t, Ntw-Jcffjy, Dehware, Vi gir.ia, Nouh-Caro. Iin, Ceare a ni K-niuckey. coufidcrin thin ygiuiiiuiai ttatci, it . . Difference 336 Frcm which it follows th it ill- Jlirnl..r1 II.... 1 " - -a---.. u i tt.K. ! hav rnaei numbers in the above w t , i f' ww w v v 1 1 1. com.ieriialitateii which ia in the proportion of 31$ 1. Such ell'cdt mult be confi.lered at highly inter. euintolhe hapinefa of our cifiaens, and the du jatioa cf their tepu'olican principles and lepub'icao iottiia:itins. We will not fay Hit overgrown trade . leada inevitable to nffcinil miC, u . A n..:..i i ....u n .. .... . mi f. . .t. .l ' lupiur. vui win lay mat me ocit lupport ol iodividoal lelici jrani national profp-rity ia 1 ref jeflablebody of man, who derive their lutfiftenca fiom theear h and depend upon the man y labiUtl f tfl'p'o.jh lor ilctr icdepaode .ee of mind and hearth of body. . j NEW.YOKK, Sept. y. 1. Virginia, a. Mailach ifctts, J. Peanf;lvmia, 4. Notth-Carolioi, 5. New.Yoik, 6. Mar) land, 7. Soutb-Caidini, 8. Connrflicul. It further let-arsthif. .arer'ln IA iho rfm t l8o,lhey aow ia point ol numbers Hand thai; II. Vermont, I a. Georgia, , 13. Kti tutkey, 14. Rhode-1 (land, l(. Uelaaic, ! Virrtna. t. Ptnefylvaoia, J 4 lNiuiingi(i Ncw.otk Noith-Carolina, Sftiib. Carolina, Maryland, Coonrtticut. Q Ken'.utaev. 10. Kew.Jetiey. 11. Naw.UaDi(hirC It. Crorga, 13. Vermont, 14. Uhurfe iHaod, I5 Delaware, : Umac. South cf Potomac 81 ifijitity north of Potomac . 19, 1 hit majority will prubabfy be rerluced 1015 If tSa additional trpitfcntaiivti ol TcnuclTc& diUritU north of Ohio. - Had the whole tunber of reptefcotativet ca nth Ida of tht Totomie tdvsnitd according to their previous proportion, thert would klri beca oa tbt ortS fidt ol the Potomac , 83 1 " flout h cf Putomack 40 - ' . Msin 1 Majority of ' ta"33 Tht diflerentt bet ween twcaiy-Avf, the majoritt tndet tft ow cenfui, andol 33, the tn.jorily which ould kavt lail'rd had Iht population noith of tht 'otoaii4 kept pact with that fauih of It, conQI.iet gliai of Re prtfeetativfi by tht ftttea looib of tht C omae, ia. I reprcfroutivtt, illative itiitiTK at tua w tw aartiano tlATaa. Tie four fliii e.1 Ni w.HianQtire. KhoJt llli-w!. i1kLailUaJ Ceattailtt, taaotl; MLod ibt Tht lollowine i.h1 rVw. 1 v.. . tmmmtmi . .. 1 . 1 : . . oieachQatt, accoidiaj to Ut teafui n 1I00 bey od 'ha of 1 ; jo. Tabie V. ' ' . Ititreafe, , New-IIimpOjire, p per cent. RnodeIflmd do affigna. bleincieile. MalTarhufeiti, Conneclicuf. eimoril, - NewYork, New.Jetfey, PeonfyNania, Dc'awiif, , Maryland, dirninution a)f 1 percent. Virginia, NoiiK.Cae!ipa, Sou:k.Cnolini, Georgia, , Keniutkei 3. y it SI 38 9 I'tom 'lit 1 4 tfBfoi it fIllowi iht tbe n. COMMERCIAL IMPORTANT. The follow: )ay for trpuhtinjr th BrU t-JU true Ctwts in tbe IVtlt.fvJ'ici and America, was ubli'ztngly banded to tbt editors j:t pulikattin, tj he gentle mn ti "jjhim it harbe-n addrefrd ly Mr.Khf, 'tbc 'Atttriw Minijl.r at LsrMn. y- ntn ill To yoa who ur.derdind the diflicultiei v .j, ..t,vv.,v.M, ..in 1'iiifnum me tncom. peiency or the WettIndu j udgti, but on account of the prtcf,ibii bill will be du. ly appreciated. From your obedient fervm Samuel Bayard, Efq. Wefl Cheller, An an fir the bctUr rreulailin ef hit ma. jtjijs prize cwttU the Weft. Indies and Ameriea. ind fir i fpeedyani rftOuJ executltn t tbe j - i .1 r 1 ' .... aesrect oj 10: it res ctmrntfjiincrt cf ep ' Ci Ju?y, i8.M.J Kiaiai year m.jtdr f,s, u. ft.(t4t hy , tt. Ut ol lord Cretmile, ont of your Kalels'i principal fee.etariti of flai,bri. , j, lh, ,.'4 'd r 0, dirtaihhidaeommifno..fi ol tht od. mualiv in itvcke tbe cOmmiT. .-. rr . 1 J granted to tht vice admiralty coons lathe WiH In. 1. i V r . miiuii, Ana wer. 11 ia Gt a id snav Urn ia it., j.. , , - urninraiion 01 ja c, that your taajrfly fho. 4 bt toahltd to nakt aeajit mi ptoifioa for tht fe.eral Judjea of ice--muahy to.rta Am tf lo of the ,tf.oda ia the Well Li".'.'' Vl1';1"" batiht Mo.erd.ritMthtf.adcouiti,. a 4 iht f... of ,ht ldji a 4 aihar oTicfn nut Ux4 coorta Omli 4lfrlitt I t HUajtl.r, lMa4 by tht fci.j'a I rho1 excellent majefty, by and with the advice jnd : cooff at of th' lorda fpiriiual aad temi oral, and com? mons, in tiia pVefcnt parliament " affembled, tnJ by the authority of the rame, that from and after th pafiing of thia ad it (hall be lawful for his m'jfty, hU he ra and fucceflbra, by any order of council, to fix and afcertain proper and adequate falariel, for tha US judge of the vice edmirahy courts eCablifhi-d irt any two of the iflanda in the Weft Indie, and like-i wife at Halifax io America, not ixficedingthe fum of td thoufand poaada per annum, for any one til fmb j idga ;ad Tuch U!ary .fhall he ilTaed, payable ind ' paid out oftheet nfoliJttcdfund of GteaUBiitiin. II. And be it funher cnafted, That it fh.!rfcd lawful fnr hie majent, by any leites patent tfuer the frretf Teal of Greet Iriftin, to give and grant to artyv fuch judge upon hit TeEgnatirm of any'fuch c (Hcc, ari annnirv 1 r meteimot l it Lie, not exceeding one thoufand pounds, , to te ifTued, and payable, and paid nut ot the confolidated ftad j and fueh annuity fhai! be charged and chargeib'e, and paid end rayai ble jn .'ike manner in every Tefjjeft,-"triditindef n(niV fubjeft to fuih rule, rt euiatkna. 'orovifiona. nenaU tie? and foricitntrtaa tre coptained in an acYpafled'. in the ihirtv.ninth Vftr of l it nrcferit msicflv. ntL-.: tied, an ict T.rthe ai-gmentation of the falaiies of thej idgra of the courts in Weftttiiiiifter-Hall, and alfo ot the lordaaf-fetTion.- loda commiHTonera of-- judiciary, an.'l biions of exchequer in ScoiUnd, nd ijr e antinp hts n;ajctty tornit annuities to pcrfout in certain olCwSji the faid courts of WeftminiBer Hal! on their reftjnatioaa of their refpeftive ofFvcts t Provided always, that ixj fuch annuity granted tci any luch judge fhall be valid, a i.eL Lch jud.e (hill have cununuei in one or we-e of the faid officea f, r the period of fix yeara. or fhall be affllftt l with fome permanent infirmity, difabling him troift the Jue ex. ecntton ot hia orhce, which fhall be diltinttly te. cited in tfie faid grant. ' III. And be it further enacted, That it fhall bo lawful for hit mMtfty, hit faeira anj fucceflbr. tm eQab i(H rules and regulations for the faid courts, and from time to litn regulate the fees to be taken by the faid judges, and the other office! s of the faid courts for all acb to be done therein and to alter ad amend luch rule; and regulations, and takt any new tabie or tables of fees, ts his faid majefty, by and with the adv ce of h 1 roum il fhall dc-m fit. IV. And be it further enafted. That the or nfita te em-;lumeara of thejaid jndgn Dull in no cafe ex ceed tht fum of two thoufind pounds to a.h or anp ' uc timer vi me ij.wjuaFi i. any one year," and i r iafiro.oitios for tnv cmrt of a vear. o'rr t.A the fa!ary of fuch judge J by this aft granted ; and aeiy fushjudp fhall keep juj ,d tr Ce unt of the feea and pecutiary ptofita and emolumenta re ceded by him at fuch judge tn each year, ending on me nruaavoi jn-nry in each year,, and (hall, at foon after the laid fit ft day of Jatiu.iry tt the (amer carf be Rone, in every yer transmit account thereof to the coinm'flionoriof the c.vy, and fhall carry all fum and fuma of money exceeding the faid fum of two tln-afand pnunda to the account of the lucceJinj -year, or p y the fjme or any art thereof to fach pfr fon or perfons, and in fuch manner ia t the laid commidbnera of the navy fhall fecoa fir, and tbef man tor nut purpoie oirett. V. Aod . hateaa it ii expedient'lhat the powert of the faid courts, and tbe exerutioi of their rocelTei, fhould be rendareJ more effectual and eafv. be it therefore en .fled, that each and every of the faid courts, and the feveral and itfpeflive judjet and cincers mcre-Ji in any two ol the it.ir.di in lha Well-Indiea and at Hiiifax. fhall have and mav titer ife over all pritaa carried int nv of lit nsjefly'a uolonies in the Wtrt-Indiesloclodiaisttiereia the Bahan.a and Bermuda iflanda, 3c ovrra.i perfons t 1 ;y way tnncerncd therein, and, in all matter and th ngs relating thereto, all lha potrs aad lu ihoritiea, and fhall and may pu( io forte all tht te gs atior.ar provifiona, penalties, fotfeilnres, maitarst tnd ti i gs re aring rheicto, is il fuch prises had beta ' a'tba'ly biought i 10 any port of the ifland or colony vvnert luch vice admiralty court (hall-be led; at if lha pi 1' m concerned therein wert aQuaily t'fiJent , witBn lucrtiH od or colony, VI. Afldb it further enafted. That il fha!l be !swrAllur the judges or other cfTirna cf the fail courts 13 iflut ommilTi n, ordets, cUcrees, attach menu, ad other pmctflri. tobt rxe:mel in my oiherof hit mijefly a c lonirs or teriit tie it the Well-Indies or Amer ca. incladmg therein tit B; hamttnd B:;n udi iflanda, for ire exami -ation of witnetfet, fir ihe appraiiement and fa e of csp'ured . properly, or far any other p upofe of legsl" ar'jud.ca. lica ( and all fuch con mifli- n , 01. U , drcrrei, at. laehn.enti and ptoeeftea, lh.il be valid tn.t in" ftud, and Diali bt in lull fune, tnd be put in ixrtution, in relation 10 all mitten and tbinga rg irableby fuch Marts, in every psit of his iwajtliy's c,onici, plaatationa, and icrruoiies it ihe Weft I n J 1. a anl America, including ihccia ihe did iflmds of Sana mt nd Burmuda, ajiwitliflaodint tny law or law 1 ol any fuch colon ea, p tnistioti ol lernio til to the contrary thereof tnd til fuch m ifhali, or other ol fit en eifcutii g pmcelTei of an fimilar nature, or in delaull ol toy lack being icfiJrnt .a any iflmd or cotoay, all officere eaetating any lega! nirHeflri, bf whstcaer aarrc or aamea auy fukhe,lT. fhall ba Ci'led. (ha I tad att htrehy requireJ to circuit I e C-rOCClTfl ilTuine fioam Ika did tour a. ana fh ,11 ki liable to f ich noet, pc a'.tte , fjrle.inrei, or pa Ifh. Io' ay coniaai.t or aay aelecl in rxccul-m' thereof, ai aay g (Titer or off ecu ol fuch er the like fubfcMptiaetrt liab'e Io for any nr'A, and 11 il lay luch coutt wai tflibl fhf d and h:ld ia tre iiland; co ony or territory wiihia which the lanclionrol in? fuch offi.'cri trt to be raeiciled ai alonftid. VII. A. dwhertaait ii eapedienr that the pro eeedi of properly tipiured -tnd cnnvtittd by fa'r, fhould bt fecured orxil final judita-ion be il ervi aQcd, Thai ia'ill cafei where a tomt.iiIiaa tl ta. -pt tife mtai lad file ia framed by tbe judgtol the vice tdrrilrtliy c -vt before final ftntioet,' ihe po Ctfdiofjuch fate fhall not if main ia (he hada ftf Ibt capton or their tfenu, but fh til bf bru-ght int thcrrgitryof theciaf, aaJ irmaia f.twU i ta fanhtr or eci of iht cun till K l (; 'ce. . t VIII. And wbrtii irjuty ii frfrvtatly fuQainti ia ihe fa'e of tt. mre J prepeny ia itmote parn ol hit eaajcla'i daanaiaaa, wLtt taut ate eaUutb!) r I - i Mil iilV 1 r, t V I 1 ' l All a.