.4 V". f I, - PGco?erf lathe OTive, from Bourdeinx & Nan, 'whi wstiBai"piI!jrdi2i3edior u..JJ?minR$i XouiU R. D. Depernct Durecourt Lawrence f coi DrDurecounrj"o Marie" Leellieii XL.a M" v Erucki, Aajroftv A, Dupin, Fiancota M. Provencal. Laurent H,. Durochci1, Loins Paoyertj Jean Torr.ct, ' Jean Pierra Viiiet, Jean S. E. de St. fctudens, Jeao i Zianco, William HatfiOaj (f Wiliwiogion) Matthew, ; ' atutmd, Jean BiptilU Le Petaux Louit iirnrl Hsnrvj Ffancou Perin du Lie, , Caiide J L. Paert- mrp-ois, An!x)iit Ignite Df prci, .-. Mafime Bean pled, Pierre l'orteea da it; Luieafee, JJuoois Jean Bep tillc Turpin. the interetl of the" fervice of the emperor, ryouf fottft i on f rhe niwrtarV attxcKt "oh In.u e have yet heajd (. tyumvapane ia a nu:; to be ukeo by the tijfe ! To blow him wiihr gtniio vdcr ia fair , cuojtU, buito pi neb him to dealli it ia'e vile 11 bo- ihoil ' . ; . NEW WATilF INDIA..' ' . "Head-quarters of the Mfort army, December 1.5. We expefted that the defeat of Doon dean wouldlnwe " terminaiedour toil v and that we fhould have been allowed leiftire:to recover from thq extraordinary -fatigue to which that bold a.lvcnturcr l:a I Tub jelled -us ; but it (ieerns that we ,are loomed to a perpetuity of warfare, .afidmat thCil-pprt;ihon 011 one enemy is buc the fignal for (ome hew opponent to itarti into the liils. I ; " Wc aw under orders torm'arch againft , ihe Coiiote Rajah. I do not" know.the entire occafi-on. of hollilitiesj but' from tho extraordinary natural and artifi cial deiXces ot the ' country, 'and the extensive preparations of the'enemy, we ure todook for more than common hard IhipS. X J-;1:-,' :v, ' . Co'.orid . SteVerifofa. fdecceded to the com m a nd in '-M y fore o n t he 2d;h u 1 1 , vvhon Col., V.'ellcfly, our late very gal lant lea'-Wr, 'departed for the 'Carnatic,'cn -.his route to Egypt. y , : : v'; 'This -army is to b at Scrin'gaparam on thc'2oth iri'dant and afer a halt of three - days proceeds- to- vottote ; a uetaenmer.t SALE M, Sept. 9.5. f. l" NEWS FllOM - INDIA. .1 ' " YdRc day arrivsli the fliip Aftive,' ciprain N'Gho's, .from Madraawho-has favoured 1U$ with itja fallowing itilrgnce:- Thai aft o verland difpa di "arrived at Madrai-bout 'hi 2d of-May, with-ihe account of a rtpturc beivreen GieaMJviiain and thef Nolberu PoWeu ot Europe-:' in ' conlTsuence of tiwicfc treair-lad-been-ratUieiJsl!btjat.:any bb'&xtra3-of-A&tlterfom-J fa America . cuuiaip luiiucmv i v. :"-. jetjuettins -7011 to makeDUbljc. - that in The profeft i. alfo mad, better f AejconfcqucSce'of a petition fro the Bri Mcdt'erranean, , Out fliet could probably . .1..., . ' ... . . h' i .u-'n....-.-j :. f. T.;ni:. eeiiency tnc governor, repreicnTin'' the tan iieet would not nijjire mucli crtqrage in &,v--k. t"j ."u U.vw4mo ut ins the war, which ih 11-y wai ready to declare n this coloty, our trade is pofrively ref. ' agatntt ui. We luvc no: yei had he newi of tcitted to the admiflion of Apur,- filh, a finale qapiurc. ' . and lumber only. The only pcimit-cd Itiepsna rantine, " " a , we1t'-jnraetay s far I ar inre5rTreTm1taTite7arrrri irrnoiatresr ad (he (hips in ih? roadJ under Danifij co Inarjj were imiftedurely fei?d, to, the nuinb'er oflixor feven ; and ''lahquebar taken pol-fclfion-of by the Bi itifh on ihs nth, and -Sa. ratnf)our ori, the ia?1. of May. Ttiafa great injmbsr of coa'niF y lhips weretaken up... by ih j ff,i)Ver)ent, id be employed as tranfpons Upon a formidable hut fecret expediiion, wbich failed , principally from Bombay , a bout the lit of March, hiVing on board, ash was laid io,onn European iroopi, oun auenwa n tus uccn iiiujcti m puum;,i.vujjiiuiiiuii bv no .more Ihioi of .war than were -fufficienti that our zreat cities hve not been viiited will probably foon ceafe. The I now. at' 18 ftfvcrs per jaUotv; bills ttf increafe.o'f the United Sta'cs lui been nearly exchanec, 16 to 18 per cent, advance & Bfceriained by the parrs of the cettftis which fllvcr and gold, at Thirty per cent, abo'va1' have been already publithed. Since 1790, thi:ir value in the United States." . the inieafc has -been at the rate of one third ..' i , ' - "..r1 - ' in ten yeirs. . The increafe of Haves has ExtraShf a letter fnm Dwd Humbrevt coRimned m oar populatton, from . natural dated Mxdrid yuj 2 u es but not n proportion to the inereafe jfa date . . of ihe freemen. The expaftad dininUtion ot rio; . . r. 7 . r , " ) 1 u i m i l r j -'I"' a j nave received a letter from ceimrnodoie Da e. ihe b acks has not hanoeHed."as was expected. 1 1 . . . . v7 c a " . . ' ' . .'.. " ' , - laatea in oiDraltar liav. the ori in i. t.v n ... ' . ' f ' to cofrvoy the tianlpons. J hat at -ihe itm he left .Madras," u v:av rcneral y fuppofed rhotitr'i not publicly-known, hat' tbifexpci. duion was dcltined up the Red -ea; o cct a. gainfl the French uvE,tvr)t Tviat ' 'h .na tives near C-ape-Uortnortn . letzed on-this as a fivovable opportunity, '.had.-revolted,.--and in o'rie or two renconties had gained advanniges, oyer the lJr'uifh oppofed to ihein, -hut ih;k it was expected urat the dilturyances Would idoo be fettled. . . . , 'S.pt. 58. ' Frotn England we learn, that every ptccita tion ii 'iifc:d againft Invafion. The fleet 1 is vigilant,'ihe fiiorfes are fortified and ready fir defsnce, and Scct'and has been roofed by g venmeni to app-ehead and to provide agairiQ danger. .The FreiYch relaxln no degree fom as in frme palt yearii by any prevalent ftrVtefs. Wi h an air of triitinph itv the- difcovery, it hai'becn anfiounced', that ihcre are ample proofs before the public to oblige conviction hat the eviU which bave , bseOi te't i'e periodical Thai, however falu a' may be the laws of c'canlincfs, hpwerer fare, the benefit f. am irunv .conveniences and fitua lions, that ft:ll there is fiooe for man m ad the Cfoud of cities, in ad the hurry of b.uf.ne(s, excepi . , . 1 " 1 . r r 1 l'"- y in; tin in an uui.ixii i;roi)atl U when ar peuods unknown, & f. om caufes yet d,ccd noft iiWef0U COnJ-.a beyond our powers Cities --take 'hen- turn to tat-1 1 , ,,... '.1. . . ' an account of the arrival of the ftjuadrOn un der his command of his having found ihrre the High Admiral Tripoli with one hip and one brig.anci of his owndefign to Tii for AU " giers rha next day, leaving one of his frigates t wa th the motion's of (hofe vefleU of Tri- ing could have been more opporv uuie for- the protcftiDn of our bommeree ihaa the arrival of this force, to prevent tkcm from proteedinir into ihe Weftcm" Oceatn, whr ie. til a'-fjw days cruize between Cadir and Li la' thty iitiirhi' in all human nrohAbiii-v ia - r i ' 7 '- quences, L I fer from the vifusof difealeswhich (a'hnot hold 1 a permanent 1 eudeoce, and which m'ift leave the ciries, they i lit to their former hopes, profperitv and cheerfulriefs. The laft accounts f om Chailellpn, are favorable, . atul all the anQrihctifioiis at Norwich, have ceaf'd. '-We frrim ' FtnmKW !s tn rrikhnerate vvith tis 1 and wlliT t'omtWrttewtm mip trtfx ol:Bri,6 , . ' had actusliy. faded hr the Red Sea, and fc'tne our movements. . 1 , , . , . , . . r- -.' ,- ., The enemy's colintryUS: excellently 01 1 V " loeinr-V ! v t .'1 :... V '..1..,..; ' inot been f Hv-tfcd as was expeclcd by the Ert. 3tiapi0 tO oscnilVC Wdiiam, juwuuunii; their preparations wha'cver may be ih;ir pur- hear of lo!f:s which our veffcls hav fujained r. , . .... 1 Jr.. .1 ttr-a r -j- :i..'.JL l. f ur.. pfiles, and the 'lew Inips at lea continua to give alarms upon the ocean !.' It is now gene rally believed, that's French fcjuadron has ac dually vifiied ,F,;ypr, and. had landed troops, and the.lafl refers were more favorat'e tc the French in Kt'yon ihin had for a Ions? by capturing the property ol our moichanis' toan amazing amount, ,and making flaves of V a g cat number of our cliiietis. , ' Fortunate indeed will i' be for us if our Med iicrranean Trade, fhould efcapc, the.threa tened peril, with only the damage, it mulV fuffer i from having been interrupted for a fliort pe riod; as-I flatter mv fclf, that whatever midir have been the idea at ("he ttme "of the faihrff' in ttie west itiQtes, tnouin.we near or icues v .j . i 1 rt n 11 ,T . .r. I nirTti.k i.net. i i z m tnn i ..til... i.T Tiifirirriv i - '-.i . . . ' "'I rf .""r. r 7 1 ' 01 commodore Dale's 'fcjuadrort from Atnc lately, as futlefed ia ;hc United State. A Of the (peel i W ' I '.III 11 in faMnelTes, and covered to fuch . erflent . at hc . ft d As. The French ftill vtm june, that .an- tnviiiiiig army is 'holi. )e m in,for ailt pofifions, aruMvejr fuhjet'to inccffant lke almort without not difcou raged. If their Tuccefs was not k no wiry from whence it iiTnes ; the comtde:. it lui ken f'uiheient to fuoport Rajah too is" knova-,to have been i their hopes, and no hing ws f.irjjp.tenwdich -'.long' preparing for the war, he Jus pro- J their numbers conid accompnSu ' Since the menfoon. the weather' has The alfairs of lr it is expected will, no' at piefent undergo any freat revolution. Wn finf.. but rithfr cold, which i. Hat f nexpett'd that rrance, aUct having exciud. cd toliave occalkmed inpth ikknefs in X fZlf ;e the kingdon m different parts of -the countty, but our jP;iCX lh kneti of '.he of bPam, hhhv ' , the p.mce o peac-, and to the council', ex. Ml Ml ' tiriHW' iivhi ij curious. ct'Ctimilance has beer, to'd palTai of .Hies in vill numbcv over Providence.- - We ha ve - n ot -fee na p ku! at account. Several 'ornadocs have tcca reported. The'fuc-.tfs .of the' kii:e-pox in Bolton -and. x i vicini y has, been great ur.de p'Clclloi Waterhoute. . Pefiden; lelfc (on has encoui- aedihe ir.oCulai onin irginia, and proiioii" ccs ttxirjeof ihegreateft difovcriei is 'he h:alinart. Fvery tribute is due to D Wi eihnul'c for his . perfeve nce Among on-1 turnpikes we arc led 10 notice the tura pikes from Schcncady ro Cayuga Bridge for l6o miles irj ihe imerior of NewYtark ftatc, wruch is in good "progre'fs, and hc propiietors are'oDiiged to lupply tlie wriole rpad wi n ire Uide of the-poplat.- Ammg 0 her literary :tlmi'ions e "notice the GrceHVille college RUSSIA,. FRANCK and HOLLAND. pre fiih; hone f reaming trinquiliiy. By the tail account the exdulion of, the Euirlilh jiiu inia.aixu. r ' , , ,r .1 1 , , .... 1 1 1 1 . 1 i;"iii rimiiii 11 wi itl I'lvtciHti i im. win Tk. rot rirciili Irliff il M In h1 ... f . V 7 "i of ihe French. The French pay cr?at at'en rt tunc. Knt dv !nc iuiari tnvr hui-i 1 i . , 1 r 1 a 0. .11 1 i 1 1 t'on to the 11a i inal refources oc to the uSluu- at, I i ni.ni. er ino agen, wt u,c .-u ftf orJf & , of their condiit) wl h regird to the foreigrf ;. .1 .....' - i ,n'.....A ,;n.... iii heir moll lulsnd d national celcbTaitan, French piiniflst ii.d amballadors, has lat.ly 'appeared 1 . . V ; !l die reia'ions of po!icy, commerce, find corrcfTinnd -i.ee wiih France, which were in eiruP'd cnfe"r.c4 of die revolution in thit coun'ry, have 'pa yc. beet re-e'US" hflted 'in; heir fti'r'-'ejt tt.rj ; Xi, the prefciu moment .ricgociai ton a - go. f wn o effccl a 'recoo' illation, wj.h tiiat p vtr by ev:ry menvcoufificor vi h ihe dgnt y f the J'.mpcror, d 'he in etcfls of the peop'e, his raijetty I. at been f'afed it chatge his in;nifier Ia.2ft:pjixihiifuelHa amb.Rd'jfi. tid -tit Mjt ne is will r to icnew the wfual courfc cf conn-fiirrtwih hat gjvftnmrt'i and iL at ihe confarences refj.efA rg that cbjccl.are in ull.lftitity. Id the Vituanon in which thts mit'erOacli, tberefoie, i 1 no longer prrper that th? ambafTadorl of ht Imperial inajefly Ciould co uiiiue to oKHmvc ay dillance ta vards the iinkfTaJor of ihe Fienth g' vcrnm?n. It h ihetefore rnjoined to you, ftf, 00 all occaiions, to leftify the ordinary and betrmiitig rcfpefl for ihem which it ufual between the minifters f poesi Lt ac in good urderllanditig wiih each cthtr, and to crmmunicite with them on all oicifioni in wh'uh th intered 01 our moll giatioui lovereign may b: cor.ccrned," (SWd) " ' . , l'KINCE'A. KURAKIK." The Wlowirff '.cieuUf letter hat likewife lcnfcnt lefpetting the igeruiofihc Uiai an K'culi'ics j Ai ilu'emnernr on h'i Ifteniori ta the ' hfitf, f.ind M! the nui f pobLe kii ieiited. afd .lit anum..ti ft om ih time had been artredi'cdl'y .he imprror his fa hef, hit mairf'y has thoorht'i hk duty ttvt to in., nuv'ic in ihe had upon hir p'oceediogi, Ai ihurffiution rf the mjrnf( hrtw?vtf, removet ill the rcifjm crhofli uy, ad ihe f .sgndi .f (wr.hrr ir.tcrtup'ion f torttfpon. drnic le wfcn li e two f ivcfnmen'l, Ycu 'C ih'te'ire dinlkJ"o"tommunKie"i ?i the mii Hera i the faid ijublic, Vih re Me sthrif ir?f itfjetVirg every o' Jetl of p. In v. tLi.hiu.ice. or o.l.cr rctiUttPt iti hitb rica, that trade will never ag rirti be left in the fame defenceUfs and expofed fit aatiorr. Know ing, as I cX that the great and incieafing vallie of it, in all" poin : of eflim uif.n, is fu!ly appreciated "by governtDen', 'I (hall only 're. ina.k, .that the Dutch in common with iihjII, of the bcl'igerent powers having lofl h?iV cai rying radc,. (he Dines and Swedes having had their aaivity ffrea't'y paraiued kr the 'i!lioke4it'elv given by England, to iheir navigation, and he Anfcatic towns and Piulfiaiis having no vetL-'j in ihe Mediterranean "on account (;f 'heir being at war with .ihe Bai bary ila.ef' no ocrauun cuuid be more favorable than the prcient for the em ourgefncht "of the can fnirit of ;induflry aod.erprire Qjtiar cr. ' 1 Ameri in that x 1 d G eene counv TeiiriclTK4, 600 bivond Phiiadeluhii. I has already a iibraiy ar(l a good' apparaiui - for experiment J phi oopny. Uo.irdir2 may. ne naa , n m: vtn i.inner fqr lal. per annum, and inQiuction fa' la dollars. Arton? ihe valuable works nnounced in our counny ws find Sullivau' iHory of lacd titles. fo that ail ti e pomp of the Mif, if not of cc clefianical power,' contrilmcs to the fupport of iheir. p-efent eftahliflimenii. lliev have not viewed the political fituatn of iheir neighbour t with indiffcteace. Tlieyfuppori the tritnds bl ibe ne order ot things, wiiom ihey have encou' aged. And ihe Abbe ink r.iflVr Reirhard has cxprtAed to Swtuetland, the aetrrmina'ion uf the Fi catch to-nijimiin the Uic j ar ' tiion in the Paris de Vaux, lud bw.l iftii oty. The Cif Ipinc repuVv ha$ new at'cuififlons and ;h-re are fume Confufed account! of late intcht'on i;t ihe 1'ihau Bailiwics, to icor. paiaie ihcmfeWci n ie fdly wiih thu icptfb 11:. FroiAine La.l.I'-ius se learn mat ihe Ercliili av'iiUd tlirn.S.Jvfs f ihe ftrft rcporii b take poiTefhon of "he Danilh to!o- ie, So ht upon tteiy j'ftn ical even', ibe ! nghfli letie ihe co'onici of aU hation. This may be an6 her inci'ftn-oi 10 ile Dtnc to expiefs heir refH mem igainll 'heftppre.Tton t'f ihe Eng'ifh. We have had tanuut ic porti rcfprttjtig ihe - Diiich. r ret. The uu acfnimn were Hut it was r34y ! r uiiTtr. The Quifin ine impofrd by the Spiniirds at Bi!l(. has been liken ntf. The ScJ;s have difcovcrrd h( ihr y have no pic fc n't intentions of war, bv Crilirjf nm allnavil preparation, Tl.e Piiiliians are pr patirg to make a fret ufe of in? iiadd now open with, Rului The indtmnififa ioni ire Dill fub)"lf forpfiiisieal f peculation, ptr the jtaft which 1'iuDi hi liken ii fudctifive. of AmUiii fo coniplyina;. that ih! nedn ion of Rulha will make no ebinge ia iheir difpafi'ionr. The fury of the pdititil com t ft, beg'oi e vidX ly 10 a!te 10 ihe UBiied Strci The fine of fcre pn iftaiM ii fa favoiable 10 our commerce, and it 11 exiUd fo la'ely tint the ippfonhkc conguli will be dec.Gve't favctibte o he pttfe it idminiflftiioh, hai the fa y wallet, kid ihe difappmnif d vt ibt if rff cti, cirnot toufe by ilicir jcalowfkt, the many nhd enp'oy iheir commcce wi h fuc ctfC it their, held. )th'fuH hirtcfu ind M.flcft the idcaiia 'tnritii of facrefi in til iheir v it cut cmtdoyoico'i. Ihclall actfounn fiuiu I rinie wcie very faio ille The Port of WtlmlnMoii. Entered face our h.1. Sloop Sally Warner, Goodwin, Sr. Vin. cen i cargo Rum, MolalTrs & Sal', ' "chr.Two Rroths s, Amhony, Cape Kran cocargo Sugar, Coffee, b'ali, Tea an! Fuit, w Shrt)p Li?V In2rharrt, J,rovif?eiice. Briff Elizabeth, Aii in, Litdrpoolca go diy CJnod, Salt & Coals. ? Sthr. Rcbcica & Polly, Bernard, N. York ring Rule, Evc.fon, . , Clu.lellvn. V CLEARED. Brig rair Auuretn, Oliver, Sthr. Betfey, M Ilhenny, vivanna,. Mafon, : Three Bioiberi, Bell, . ' inh m WA NTED r- . Jamaica. Chatlcllon. Kaffau.i New.York: , BOSTON, beptember ao. ": The Pheafant and Cerceu. tin Saturday about li o'clock. A. M. the rtitifli (loop 6f war Pheafant failed from hin afket toad, to the bay, a little bslow the UgH'-boiife, and hove 10. In ihe nkht, about 1 o'c'ock, the Frrnch corvette Berceita, unmoored from Pre fid en road and proceeded to fea . , Yeftcday afte noon the Pfcejfant re urned and anchored"ia-Nantaniet"roid1rripoareni giod oider. She wai not in fight in the morning, and came up the bif from me E.- a E. which courfe ihfte it nar'doult the Bciceau putfucd. It it provable the laticr veffel wfi tec bell failcr, and theicb'y avoided n icVton. CHARLESTON, OHober 3. Th?Enj!ih frir ate Circe, aho-it the --mid' lis of laii mon h. cap'Ufed eight of - nine fail r,f elfeUboad frdm ihs Wtfi-Indici 10 jcr HoglllCads SUGAR of this f mi 1 fereul wete in foundings, and cxccllcn quity for falc on modcrl one in gi' "i me rigiifuuuict v n innni aremfh.aa lots to account lar ii ie new Jep'edaiiont on our trade, a li.e 'atell ad. vicei from F.p'fUnd do rot mention any new ot den of ihe king in council bttc cscn iiTucd to ac.bonfe them. SIX 7 'IIDlMND WEIGHT H i BEES-WAX For which 'Cafb .will be paklon tJcliit- ty, oy Ifaacks & BUhop, , -ffT9 have jujl recrhed quality, ate terms. Othlirlt. WILMINGTON, oa.-22. idic3 on Tuefday lalt, Mr. John A. Assams, fyrmeily of Bolton. liXttifA of a letter from New-York, , Oft. 6, 1801. A vcfTcl iiarnvcdin 3t Uy from Greciock, which ttingi a tonfirmaiion dfth fait of Cairo. Tlw Britilh have taken Alcxmdfia wih to,ooo men. RAN away without the lealt provo cation, .from the Hermitage, 9 few davi liner, a iNegrv) Icilow namctj TkL LHMACllUSt commonly calleJ M acui, is a welt tna.lc fellow, civil and plaufihle, of a black complctlion, and is about c. feet 9 inches high, fpcaks. plain EngiCj his wife Is the property of Thomas Hill, Efq. named Olive, who I am in formed is gone up to Chatham county with her miftrcfi, and it It probable the fellow is gone up there after his ile, and may be harboured about Ifayct!evil!c or on Mr, llill's planiatton, or foinc where near Wilmingtcn, ' I will pivc my perfaa a rewari! i;f tt . .I'll II Vll III l'VIH"! m I . n 1 n IM . M W01' hMn hui Ci an Tv.er.ty Dollaft Wo will apprehend the men atr.cr 11 Airica or vrr. ... ,r i ... it; ... ,, . .1 lilU lUi'm auu utiiii, iiini i' iv iiik. men dthef it Africa or Ki:vr? iVrd Nctfon ha Hn i cxpcStion againlLBouloe. 1 'In hilteYouri, Ac." ihkd! Ihtiniiage. Ai'i'U.t iS. T! wi l pf 0; -fiit? t I I

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