, -.. - """"" -"" . - ,T- 1. r; v:ii" . . " .' ." """ '., TT -J" -. . - 1 ' ."'.!. ":r' J ? " ". . .-, "7 1 'l -X t ' .'- PUBLISHED WEEKL Y BY AL tM'A Hp - ALL : Thw DoUar& per Annum. T H U R S D A Y, N O V E M B E K19, 1801: . -V m i " 11 1 1 ' m 1 ', ; V. ,r v 1 1 1 m..V Ami-. ", in Tit 1 ' t' 1,; ,iV . . ' 1 . ' r ; - M. i" ; i , Vol. V. No, 254 1 1 Hi 11. ' 'jl : f - - - Jt v- i t I iC lo 11 r X Itf. to on ret fin a jdof Vorr a me trr t ol it- (iii. pier it 11 can :ik. 1 t A"'.. L a t e Foreign Ad vi ces i "'.From i Lordon fapett-h the 15th Sfpem DGB HALDs CHARGE. , well u p!;te,. C30irterated in the cooftitulln . i Veiecf ffary 10 be itJv'c'a. It v trt well . fid. 1 . . tert received h the hip twit Friends, hoout.uty na Hegiwce, fi?nt a ft of fubmff. Capt. MNeali arrived at Lharkfhn, . fMyt c, the crtdV od retanied o h fprmer . . ' ii 1 -. -trclkicnee.in tht"'city. But in th tiiirftrof the tkth , LONDON. September 10. uU. many f the malcontent! found rr.ijnt get n- f 1Ve h.opy W fcr that Mf . fox,-yielding to ' 10 t.oopS of iro ten to twenty, .d inoVe loudW lor if eexcrcife of hiVgr .litie. A fo !owi k.d fo ba' gri1y ,,fted. the tW tmeKgeoce we fit.d on ' Mondy"i5 dailv J was -in wror l4 couftcroa- conTirmed. The Duke of York!, at Pouotuh W- .ny m.-rchanii i .td n.h Turk fed with fpedirgtl-.e fortifications, affined byable bfiors their goods id Mluab reffefts toSemlu.. .The let. . .d he will ro.ke the cWcuit of the coaft ' far a, eTt .Jl S,em;' Pr!y fvrt lhatthe ?ebelho Norfolk, for thrs pilrpofe. By a letter from Brigh. " J10''1 '!CI .h.,d fto'"y bombarding thcrr Pachs "loo we 'find he I cypectpa at that, place' in a day or two. A camp is lorniii g; there of left thouTand Wen ; and fnme of rije guards have arrived at the tppoin ed footr To begin lormirg camp at this '1tt(on of thn year, is an explicit d clarattcm that -jniniftci s have recently feen newtaufe to apptehend an ttek upo i our coft by the etieniy.li This new ta'tSfe, e be'. eve, topfifls not only of. the menaces n! preparations cf ihe French, but the almoft cer xfv'.v wilt rj-r w j'.i;- Wdor to the eourt of dsio, armed .form day ago .v-rv n of .l,e co,ll which may be theugt.l mort ltt lh COittvof Sutc. jn ,th which effcl being kl r. Kit lilfn'inn ail h Mr j I uv. .... ui wuuu DC iiiuv-u un ws- ; 4'3..Tlx. v-hic1t we lone fi e flaifd minif- 04,d ano,her ve,re, bouna Hamburgh, - ' l' 7 1. m m in favour of TJffm Oglou. Soon after,' however , fotnc of tire o'Jtft of the TjiiilTtries. apparently full ol contrition at this Qu-neful dere'iclioo of their , tJ,e foflawinV'U tln r.kar d;iviVtk0 Tt...,H Ithat the Judiciary i ton-ley Rone of the federal arch. A. H A'Ctt "JEfd. Chief Ndge of thV Fifth Circuit x mU ot binding. the wM together, oi pixierving unnormuy 01 orcinon in an idc ju dicui proceedings or the Uoi;ed Stwei, wn,Lft greatly tends to the fecurity of peffon and prntelfiipa of property.- Mifera eft fcrvitut, tiba lex eft vaga, tut iuco'goiu,Mifer!)le is the (ituapn iff thn pC pie whole., ia waare'unccrtato ovoknoWni. , Whe nn uaiforin. fyeo exilU, wbvc there arc to fiittlcd ra of'tkclrton, -whexe wMt is law to-day Dm ' declared not law to-mOrrow ; wh;rc there A no fV. periuteniing tribunal of appeal in -the laft refoj you can neither exped refped sib'road, nor fecurity at V:'me For ttiofe and other weighty reafons, the conuitu lion has declared that the Judiciary ot the VflrtcA States (hall hive cogoisarce of . All cafes Sinder the tonftitution Becaufe the tjLl contltadTon of theconflitutioh, and its proper expo. fmori, oufkt to be aicertamed bv thn parties to the in the citfde! ever fioce the I7ih hK. and when tbefe accou iia cme awiy, fiie had bidkeo out in feveral placet. A fcorpa of PiUjn Ogloa'a tronpt wst therKon its mrch to :joio the rebels.' Tie "Tuiilh merchants who remained, ' were no 1onr nermiued to convey away Soy of their goods but the Creeks from Sein'in, and Auftiiao fubjeel', were refpefled, and at liberty to difpoie at their property as they I plcalca. , air. ibarlci fmckntT, the new American amoal- It ten spptrf'ri ! to dc the rel o'ujfft of the enemy, I: hty 'at'rt'Jiiy -defigr tnvifion. Of this there can be r.o do- Nt, as tar preparations and raenacrs go. Tha h. tl'e in alt tKeir por t the neaieft to Lon in, the , Msrci.ing cf troopi a id artillery "to the coalls ; thel m"v: mrnw hya been repeaiedly fated', nd inth- Pji is Journals to th y'lh,-. which we re eved yelleitlay, w find a rirculir letter of very ' 'great in-portn.ee frOos the maritime pfrrfccl. it An. g:r', tc the (uli-prtlifts. It is there announced, ' that the Frenrh (.ld.ers having obtained peace on tl . "continent' by corqueft, it t.iins'for the Yreidi esmtn to abtiin peace on the feas by con juert liaewife. . The ffk d the foldicrs it Idlfilled that.oPthe failots is besinuinr tie moment au- . proacheirinmtnti are ordered . in all the ports of the republic, and all the feiro n r? ta be put in requtlition " This 1e'tr hai. no been offkUllyj puo.ifned by their men goverriinent. whtch. v far from be ng oftcnt'attous refp'ft.ng the pre pita- of the United States, at the Cotirt pptned in the cky ot K .icgn, on the lecond initant.' Gentleman of the Grand-Jury. Congtels havinx rnide a ne arranrerrfent of the Judidarv o the UtVitM States, it becomes the duty of the Court to explain-to you fairy the mature .fif, iw joii dicsiov and o inforna yo itMttlty fit ibn.dsli treni vonrlt Vilabtilhed under the authority of the feocral Govern-cent, Tltcfjutceo that tuthori'y is te Piopit, the only SoMrcicn kuowoto the conftituii-m or .laws of this coautry. In language at oncefifnple and fubliir.e, thii great and important truth it pnblifhed to mankind in the aft ordaining tbironHituiioif. In that aft, new and altofftmuig to an bditiirtng world, it is declared, that yVe the People of- the United Slates do ordain and enttMilh this conltituuou." J,et us enquire what were threat pnrpofej ol this tomfp4a or by auihority derived only from on, of fiiprerae ift of the fovereignty of the people of (he.U .Stages.. Ibey were the wiiett and belt calculated to proAote the happiefs of Vfan To form a more per. ted union, to eUabltfh inftice, to eufure donienic rawjuilny, to provide for the common defence, to threm. To cafes under the la wt of the United Statei-Se taftfe. as fuch laws, coKftituLiooally rbade ae obli- calory on each t'.ate, the mcafure of thejr obligaticrs ought not to be fixe'S by the party from who?a U i whine- "be is rone, on hi, way to Madrid An open boat, ai a Hue of truce, atrrved at Dover from Caltir on Monday, with difpstches Irom Mr. Merry, and brought Mr. Duvion pallou ger ; he 'is a cjemSer ot Congrcfs of the United Ststes ol America, who haa been over to fettle the tietty between the two power Di (patches luppofed to b: of great importance were received by Mr, Otto, and comnmntcit'd to miniilers. . It was ye(ierdy reported with confi- dence that the negotiation is on he eve of being) bioken oft, ex T nc re was a rumour likewife that Mr. AddioRtoo it about to retire, and tha Mr. Pitt'wa again com. ing in. If it be tiue that the negociationls tealfy :t an end, we trull not be fur puled to fee Mr. Pitt eomc forward trdm behind the cumin. If t'ie ne gociation be out entirely brokcaofT, we bslievn it will not laft 'mach longer. ' We fee very Utile hope Of i pro-nou the genera! welfare, to lecure the bleiungs of -; j. u... f,v , ..-.vi &tiUne authority froW hoik. liberty to then) lei vea and t.eir . poftemy. In thefe To all CMe under treaties--Becaurt they u d--few woida, we find completely rmbraoed, and wuh j 'cUui lhe fjpTeaie i,w 0T the land, and binding oa energy pnd dignity exprtffed. the grea' purpofes of tne 0e aAfot ind ought not to ba affefted by n., ..imvir ic u.j..ui.i, auu ,.w..7 i : jocat la w, or count or a pornon 91 tne xaiion. jonle. , The.fUft great object of the citizens offthis country, when they ord aired the cpnfti ution, waa 1 1 form a oora ftiUtl uiilon. Trun indeed, they had beej hi thatlO nnited by a federste lea iir ; but perhipt their union before, wss mote attnbuuble to a bnfe of conm-tn dinner, thrir common refinance, to opprefU on aud (he fjine opr'lToii and to the enihufufm cx eited by the "great objfft of their cu'fe, thin 10 any writ;en cunven ion, or articles of ciofederation. loken off, if not abToluiely at an end j and fticksj ' iperienccd a dcptelTtJii ol above one' pe? rfflt. I e tiop igain'lJtiiiaiiUiindiasijnnA WiUsgaMHSf---.-v A.. -sV.tv. The FrencK ninrrs are nearlv fileai nn the I . ' Ptprtmaxr tr. . 1 n f . .i- . ; . . 1 1 The able and pit ioiic Ilaief eo wliocoinyoftirar deril Cer.vention, were d -ro'y penetrated with a convitlipn of thie fr-t liuih, That ia the ftrift on iJ ited you I mbif rur "fubjf A, and the heft intelligence We obtain it from the Hambu'g pantrs, feni to u by a private dorrtt. ponoeni ai Bruffcl'. In addition to this letter of lhe mstittnie pre feci, we find that Admiral. Winter is (tiak y ordered 10 fail the iro ncrtt the rqaiaoxiat gales drive the knglifh fK't from ihe coaU of Hol land. He Is defued to join fhe taulla, ujh ad. vmce.l fuatd," under Admiral Lalourheat Bonlogii 4f ikefe " tirminftanec do not induce miolilcrs t9 like tvery precaution, they will be ts criminal as lh fe who ifTi-rt in alarm cf ii;vrfioaM all a mi -ifliil hnn.ltog.V' On-Miinday, we nittly tSatei the epsrtart of! Ihe Guards, and el ihe dolt ol York to Review tie voaba. but th l the ixfociatUan had approached o yn important criHi, and that fpnachingdrcifire in it was to be immediately done M'tVtymouth. air. Ad diugton le'l town lor that pUcr, foon alter th im -ottaot cnnlorrncr ;t the d ke of Ytnk'i 00 Fri uy, ai'whicli tl.e lupluit Of the rteocia(Ht-ttiot only foiefrtn, but ike' refmion uken oJ ii crtosj f' taicaat'of dfeu,e in (on(.oc f piraut infrr. iftiinn. Mr. Addiuavoo ttiMrna this day. Wn the (leys ar, thai hi a bten takca in rrfped to th tteaty, e do not know j but it is reported by well iolorned pcrfont, that ninilrrs htvine about a ottni,ht ago mhdt certain iropofitlmt to Buona. ptr e, in the f. iTu of a ultimatum, with the deugn c: ptctur.g nun 10 a grciuon, anu 10 erin stout, ao perrimo-Trri!ar treaty, hJhs"s demand T the icfti. ution cf me.lt of the co!oniaf lite allies of France, a a eitlimlnarv to a nraociatioo. Upon this, ii was on Piidaj ufolvcd, at the coofcience at York kcule, to prepa-e arsiqft irmfioo, and to fend Mr Addintoatothe kmj, with a view pf :ikitf fwm im -ort'Pt Afp. Fcrhsps the nrfoeisiion . will b totoktncfT, tedf-mtning pullifhcd rpimedUtclM bntu it men in ihccB.rsdcr of the picfent tuiml. tcr to fend cotftiets U Paris 1 tnd the farce snar Dili b kept no till neady the meeting of parti a. tnent, at if e t'eour ment will 'hen bate a mitcb tnota fervictsbls tfttU en the pu&lie Two mail btiivcd y(ida, all that Were dec from ilanrbutgh. Wi.b ihcmcsmc Mi, Vitk. wuh difpvihti l-am Vienna, .and a malUner fioo St rrteitbiigh, wub t1 cttiificaiien n( the vrraiy co cl4ed Feiwcea) tint tvunrv and RjIBs, F100) tb lore n joarutU we Iram bowcvei, thai tki treaty it not an n liked by eeen, t.id Rill le t by De.t muk. This it ia laid, dentins Duroe at St P b.ifburtb. Frtnct iskat to aUivf IntertA ia (he (uU jtU, tnd the IriKichsni ol mtfciicert r ry fta Mt. lh(snperot t( BulTia is fai4 to lav d lerrrd iha-FitMs'i Iroia landing troops in taro Turkey. The upon of Miaou bs-tne rrtnuf;d I unsiqly usiruei equally fo is the Mof a Is'lf A fecood and more tonfiiierable divi&sn of Lord Nclfoo's for. failed Iroia ibe Downs for Boulogne onThurfday.-.lt conftfled of the York,' of 6a,, aud Ifif, ol 50 guns, with f-veisl o.hrr fbipi 01 war. Histoidfhip, on Wedntfiay, received inteiiijsnce by orfe of oar aimed velTcia that the nem 'a flotilla had moved 01a of the harbour to Boulojoe toads, tue wind having a'jaied. Hence a fufui loo aufe of their de fig it to put to lei. By our Ma gate let ter, it appetis the fmallfhipsof wit in the roads there have been put iu motion, to join lord' Nelloo 14 the Dawns, no doubl ; and it iaiatd, hialordlhip will himlelt put to fea, to prevent the movements of toe ene-nv, . wn-i, it u believed, will attemot to bring the fleet of gua.tj.ts that is in CiltU out Ol mat pio 10 ioiiiognc. noiwiionanamg recent e. tents, the panics will again come to blows, if the French stain eomt wi hi 1 their reach. ThePaiitiournalstothe'oih. which we leceived yeHeidsy, connrm the former intelligence of the Ckspiu oi Munuvr having ooftponed the eledinn ot a Diitaon at tne inasitce oltbeKineot nufu No doubt can bt tn eituned of the fat f that Eifhoprick. PrufCa r.uft hav taken fo decided a line of conduct in confluence of the fipport of rrancc. lo return me is lulkcctedol I wirn 10 1 viv the armtd uevtrali-y of th. North, or ft IriO lo embroil Ctett-Briiain on the fubicct. The Empcor Aicxaparii Bas loiicuea riUir.aia vaio to cede to the convention ol the 17th of June. Sweden is dif- (at tilied with it, and Denmark w thholda ber pruba ion. It is n ynliktly ;ht a new Dorm may aiife out of thefe elements. PraQts wi l be as drtir. out ol dtmimfbin the power of ti e court of Pi. leiibutgh, by g'alnisg oyer to ber iniercft, aud plaon log at ner devotion, the king ol Denmark and awe den, at fhe feat beco to cuiiail th.t of Auflrit ia the Cern.sr. tmpiie. The fundi (gain fell ytfardsv. No man ea'cr. taint any hopes ol Ike oegociaiton. Indeed foaa report that it is on Ike eve of breaking oft With fuch a combinsiitn ot urJivourab'c circuisll met. a ta pprotcbin tuptuieof the ticity, daily ihreats of ao loveftuiv and the certainly ol ao rnoiroaas loan, lb luadt nail loon tunibtc at a rapid rat Acoaqulrna C.di Pare, thai I or 10.000 Fisnch troop art now st Caiii, whec if it txjtQeJ that 0.coo 60,00 1 matt will fooa arrive. Varioa conircluMS sr formed isfpscliaf their drdirxd icr. vice Some prehend the (afety of f pain, whil other fuppnfe they ire iur.dc4 10 atunspt th : - r.k.t'... H VI IU . WI Vivian. September 14. Some Jsn. Osrtet, raodrt a lo.der tonnaged with PafTwto Oiloa, hsva lakra BtU'tit. deoofed the pacha, and sppoioied a aewoae, ft f piled tb da- tioion of tha tla.ri, depended our polLical fa'vattoii ; thatit was t(m only inea'me to lituretlie bleiTiiit of liberty to "h-T.fc'ves or tlirii- policrity. That union wa Ji.mjy eilabli'.'rted, and Heaven grsut it may laif lorr.r l , But t'ifilegirai aodvirttious nvn weie e-auall-- inioicfTed, tnd a Rfrnly convinced, (hat th-ii Lunioa toulil 001 be uraUAcd, their ilouuttic tranqui ik-r.H,'tB 'ir i.tnM 4tlv) nrotisad 0i tbeir genera"! vtfeif.re promotei, or t'.Vc blellioca of Ii berty lecur'd 10 them or their podenty, without the ttTAlknuMZNT' Or lusriac. They knew and fell, that they culd npi invoke the C.eai Rod of fu lice 10 bleft their undtr'aking, or I mile open their cuuatry, whiltl they negl'flei its promotioo Here tor a somen.. Gentlemen,' let uauop, and permit me to mingle my ro.iijraiulatioha-wiib ymirt On our hapey lot in being cttiaens of a' eauatry pof. lemnr, lit- Iicrrt conltituuou on the globe. Jt has been aUrrtcd indeed, by the fuotiorteitof the different monarchies and aii&oiraciea of tke worl 1, that a urjple are incapable ol eoverninir tliemlclvea. Ic aifceca declared bv the apoule ol thili dottriors tbH notof.ly the paflions of individual, fho iM be luljea-l, but tbat even in th. mals anj body rd the people, as well aa in the individual, the inclinations of ine-v fhowld be thwarted, their will coaticiled, and their patloia broutbt into lubiedion. aid that this eon Id only be done by a poei out cf iheni feWjsjV by whi.h ilicy mean, apow-r independent ofi) e people, aeeV ot of the reach of tliair control. roriacately for lha advancement ol political truth and of Republican Keprefcptative Government, oor nippy rpumry cxhibita abundant proof of theibfjr dity of their dohi act, and at once putt to flijbi thofe piinciplei fo fatally boftile to the libeitirt of resnkind. Let tha preachci ol ihole d ct inti threw their eyeson Uatted ArrUticsj -where thi pee- To all -;afe aiTecline ambafTadori and other public miniilre-Becauf ts tbey iire ofT.cert of foreign o tions whom this nation it bound to pro'edt ana treft sJeotxing to the law ot nations, cate attecting tbcm ou'Tii oniy to C3jnir.4b!e by nstiantl authority. Toall cafes of adrrtra ty and rharHime jurildic tion Bcesflfe at tne fea are the joint property ft naiioDt, whoTe right and privileges relative,' thereto, ' are regiilatcd by the WW of nations and treaties, fuoft cafe na uially brlongto national jUMluictioo. Tj conir verfui to which tha iy States fh all bek party-a-Becaule in cafes where the whole People are ioterefted, it would not be equal or wife to permit one lla!e to decide aud meUieut . juftice due to ot1 ers.' Tn lontroveifies betweta'iwo or mote Itates---Be csufa domrftic tranqtailiiy .lequ'ues that tba conteh tion ofStaieTftjwId tepetfolo-4ech404 y aooiis-'' itaon fudicatrirv.'irad btcaufa in Irce CounUV lof. ' t.cte-ghjt tit-t 6 dVJoOib4'wIll o'tnuler of ito llrigsntaf . 1 cafes where Stktc hsk demand rgtioft cufttna of another Rate Becaule 10 foch tafe, it ia better tbat 'ihe fhouiu profecote ber demand in a nitioptl cdfirt than in a couit of the State to which ihe CitUen be ligiv The danger of irritation and crimination an- hug from appicnenuoBl tnd fulpicioni of partialuyv be;ng th-reby obviated, and any ii.flotncc of local prejud.cca sltogether prevemed . Ta cafet between citizens of different "jtatei-iFdir lae real'on laft a digued, the parties, citixena of dif ferent Stattt, may lit gaie their claim in the count ot the United its lei, To b.fea bftetnviiien of th fame State cUifn- ing land under gran a o: diJtrent5t tes-Becsufe ta the right of ill lww States to grant the laodt it driwt into queuiou. neither xi. them ought 10 decide it. To cafe 1 where a fietctniy he pirintiff, againft atoy foreign flair, cultent or futrjecV, and to coutio yeifiet between IhotUuri t Of thefe ftairt. tad ao'y tweunll.tc, iKtaiiMor lubjeots .caula s every naiioa is cf ponfabla for tha conduct ol 1 ts ciiuent lo wtidt other union, all queflton touchiag. the u( lice due 10 ei her, uoghi to be afvcitaiocd by, a4 depend on natior.al au.hoiity, . I will rcre, nwntion, Ceatlemen, that it wit Ja. di.ially decided, that under the woids oi l?ie con Hit 'lion as tiny originally ftjod, ' a date wta fusbU in the Supreme Court of the Uaiicd States'- But by an amendment 10 tke cOnftitotion. it it declie(t. 'a is ibe Onlv fonrce ol nnwer. wl.tii the inariQuia I d. t'iitt hb who sothority Irons tt.tco, and ia them j B0t be condrued lo eend to my fuit ia law or alo a ii refpoofible j a couatry, wkilJ (La old world 1 nuity commenced or piofecmeJ egsinfi one of tba 11 convuUed by vsr, porluei ihcarisof peace, orer United Ststet, bt citiatntof arttnber flate, or by tt- a wtroinviii irev, equai,. rai n ano irprcienitiire. 1 tucat or tubicCti ol any loreitn ttat. Vt... .:il L 1. 1.1 . -I . ..j ):....., I . 1 . ' -. . r . fet ial Is. 1 1 tTOtrrat Alaftil'ltTiA. iat a-aaKl ark iWt VrtfHplh A m tV Ivottd to PfOaa. Tb laihority ol the Part in Tbi lt UelUgsaut ooanei Iroan Malt tha tub of ,hi S,,l,r Was retived fom iad fbocke, aad Jat, t not re btr dvkr Irota Egyat it (a. I a lau, fsi'wao ibicatra U won ikiMi, W, rj,0-u h'cb like 00 antic ol fo great focal u th cap. ootbe fntpritad to fee part of lb Tuikiffc fottet rr. tare f f,vtn bandrtd nf th Irootl at AUaaad.it. Iraaa EtTft, to abp tb alafaiag pregrtfa of T! Fitncb foUiert snitlt it Mailt, ctaao hsv , h Pack ol Widdia. Valovgid io Idlitid't tr-y, ao part ol wbicb. oonld " l7'" "HL 1 a...-. v T.f. -.. f 1 : .c .1 .... Tka aiataraof Betersdc. the butnarV tt ik Tut. day m .. ibrf ifp tcacked Msh. Two ampiro. lo tarope, by a cotp ol Jamg.nea, k..f.iiJ i.i r iu. i..i k.. .;t-.J cnanatMndtd by offt.er lo the fervk nf P.awsa si M.ba, on ikeir wty 10 Pgi pt. .d ibrea Ihnnfa-ad M P" Jk fioa at Vie. EntlilB ktvaiattly .IT'd by for ia Waro twit I'affwao Og ao ba it now a bit po.rr 10 for ihe ram plat, bevisi fmall tiH.lt Utm to thiWea lb; tpi.al ortTorkry. tt I sncotioned, M art inu AUamJiia. .kKk bv ska U necoubtt. pafViv Ufl, Ikal Ctt Etnparor 4 Cvtmtnv, by wty in! out a enpn e.abU nm. 1 "t, u,, UnenUe, 1 ak twaiknl.. .1 1.0 .a.iW ilt fMiff..ai ba rafn-niwd t 0 itU any rattfara Ipp mt lafradf tr-ot.niad. ano com yelled iho pKbt oi ibtt Vindtflb piag'tl of iat Peeba of Wtdom, atloni olaf a io Ihrev biottll U10 the citadel with a UU latwe ftall coaliou to obfeiv ibe law nl n.nVr'ol ,fk .rt tad n-eta wkoie-niod 'anMul 10 t rirhbm.'Kaat.!, aaJ abstain from .... .ag biaa. lbttaoihiutendt',kndtbtaallvti AatUiaa UkeOs, waeuaf wcM ex ChilEuaa . 1 . Tbey will here hno liberty, rel gioat sod political, molt f..jly enjoyed ( "the pauiont fuljrfled :" fab- reiumo 10 the orainanccs 01 the people, to IliKHoo. illy nude ( the ctntia pon fhmeni ol tbofc who ', friege. them, and the ftcrtd protrdioa ifMeaml property, what abundai reafoa have we. Gentlemen, to rejoice io or happy d'cAiav I WI. t tbunc tni realoobave we to vilaut or Inioks to ibe Creat ttairr ot rnmxioj. t bsv bclor obftrvrd, that the firft object nf the people of tb United S ates, after 1)1 formation ol ibeir onion, waa to clablilh Juftic, which is the cad of government, fc.d of civil locicty. The conOitratioo nf tb Untied Stales 'declares, (bat lb JadicUt Power fhell extend - To til cafe tjadee th con.litution t To sit cifc under the law of th United Stitr To til treatie tnado imdef th athtMU' of tb Untied Slate 1 , ' To l tafet tfrcriflg robtfTidort, oiher public rnmiHcri ao cobiu 1 1 r leer tin potuont tl taihoniy To caret of admiralty tnd marhfme iunfdiAioo I partitultrly ,ol admiralty aad .ii.. j.. . l . .1. 'i . . ' iuiiijihi niu, aiiui ia, hhudii.i i ,as United liatet, Ta all cafes affecting imba'idort, other pab ic mi. ftllettind coafuU ToVii o adaatrslty and maritlate JtarlfdiAlon To cootrOTwtfW to wkich tb U, kuut fhsll . bo To cowrovtriie between two or wore Sum j I conclude thii ekpofuioa of ihe iudicitl tuthoritt of the United Statet, in the words of ibe Warned judge from whom I bsv principally lake it, tha, even a curfory view ol it proi?ioa, It a vet tbtrn.nl Mrongfy imtrrffed with tkeir import a act 10 iliepra. fervttioi olihk Titnquility.t'.e tqual fvVeieiga.y ial lhe eodU tigbit of the people." Tbe conftuutlon having ihut defaaed th povmb tobtcxetc fed by the Judicial y f the United ttstrtt and having vtclared, that thejjdititl power fhoaU be vtdtd 1:1 One Juprtro coot, and in iacb ulenor Count a tbeCongrcft antf fiooilime to time ot dio and cdt'bliib., Congief procecJed to legifla i on ihe fubjecl, a d puilutnt in ih conO ratio.. A itblifhed voeSp('ne Court wkich boldsi s liffi t ihcfcstof lb: Fcdcit! CavttanaerM. .Tlsi CAirt hat original juiifdiclioa only in cafe el ambalTtbit, other public miniUer tnd coatulf, tnd ihofe ia tb t b tin fhtll be a party, nd tpptlUte jarl d.ifo emaiocsfr defined by Itw. Tn tb L flrUt fnonl certio noitton tl tainoniy niv beta omuro. trly ,ol tdmirtliy tad Mititima fc.iffc tt is oar peculiar duly to inform yen ol th oj'cu 01 ibe janfdiciioo el ihit Court, ted it is ifffi-islly ne telUty thtt yolt 0a:d be aiatwitd wi tb fob lefts ot iu ciimintt authority. laavtiyttU ign lated Ijle-n oi Jortfprudence, tho fwor I aaOvcaf fary a tb UUtl I nd ibe will beinaf Lrleiy reqnitet, that a rnraattnc fhnnlti be pot-d, ai t mnJM pc paniusen. 11 11 tne envoi ivti To cafe io wkUb a Situ fhtll profctuu tlaioa I m U lot 01 yent to L taietit nl yeV l'qavf and agaial a cits ten ol anoikrf Ittei Toctlct aetweaai cuitaa ot diHatrnt Itte To conirovc'r fie be ween individuals ciiimiae land aadar grant ol di Street Autt To eontrQveinr ketw,M loei(n Sttitt or citlltnt a.tkCMlieol ibrlcSuitti trd ibe aato' aud tb obli.tiM of lb oQict f M aid Called apoa 10 (latCil. By ll. l.u tnsagettntnrrVe Jdic'ia:yika U titled Siatta bavo bto 4tl rw fca air.wua tb ciicnit, tting the fthb, ea-rprctei-sJeik diMriAa cf Nertb-Cstoltne. Sotttb Carolina .nd Cadrtfa. Vt1 Toeifetwher .Stat anaj b plaintiff tgtiel fo-1 CtnihdtrtbU civil Inr.fd.a.uk) it'ti-a- a tbi coon, to-inatatra or -.intent . - . I and bv tba tlib faio 4 iba iat law. It la dr. tbeaotrOity ol Ibtf tnbanilt, ibl trJf.piowA iUrd, That iko clrcatt c.nnt aVaU bavaVcgwf ingpnwdiof Ike cnaQiitnion, lit bghty Important inreoJail eriatat nrad fnce cngplaabotaitdn tl a and aUK,l part 4 lha Stdntl rteot. Isltiaitik autbotiiy ol tba United Iiatrt, an4 torautdaii dattiniliaJiCatd jijl.ct, sUiLc power, onginalu sa tbcil itfytOiv dalaiat, o o tbo U. V , 1 'X ! i fi t i 1 'I , 1 .4. 1 1. . ...

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