f V I it fiDo!! M p. JE H r jo t .Vol. VNo, 255. : . . 9 f t na. I. it f f8 to nta. II net t ia t aent tub 1 a 1 nu ih mnR jfifrl fd.U- 1 will jenee ifett law ' anl t pe 793- toe 1 al of git.il. y b9 anted r.d II to I Sitt rtlhc ted at rdut nr. iblin, NGSi 1 Ftcmthe M.ijfucbujjits'py., nit clon- un-l after the firft tonfj! hndw. yigis which'iims, the rivvl deflroyjng jsorras have tee fcen': AnS bnMi. 'ewfjpU 0f. ; 1 - -r i. ' j ihs fame ..ariicls -of (he co(?.veqiTd,r, ca'fcj iTfha tfc'feafj willc C9'inu'y' making on fuch m'rt, has a gallant naval commander been ' Ik -be fo'Jaer number af i'the Farncr ym p'opertyioH'n'tr timefi ihe .atnonnt tp tyr gi-1 ' Tp,.atjpv are the charges. which .have beea 'i (uetlecl lo ihelgDonjy of arr'eft andrial L -r 'j r..mm,.u ,.';r;r,n m C.mi ' vc uo to the c;::cnj of ihe Uni'ecl States. lawa;a?aihft the f xecuive.of"?he grneral po- 'whether from a defire to refcue the America - r-.VJr: ,'..!,;rS fi!mnfl ad "nrorancrl . 1 fcavrrJwrVd on the Piefidsnt of the United I '.Sta'es ; Manners wnicji were jpujncu us 8ap'e in the electioneering jobbing ; ca'um piA whitnv at a proper lime wi'l be more felly 'refuted-.- to he confoiion of thofe who. have been wicked enou'i to originate "thrm, na cr,fortiso?te"'enwigh to believe or to popi'e ,Wo. - A clj.ygci- a to u ue. v IH, be 'jjrve and r'onfide :n he authors . ind abettors 'of sIt'T', anlt yo-trfti tire (uffngei b: di rctkd. " 'Th& neral change of deifnr, Jrre Ji"Un, 'jicoblnfm, of being a-dif irgaaiatT, a mrt-lefV philnfophir, &c. will be palled by as . too vnlg!irr dtfg'Jtnn'J cpnte.mptibleveven , for newf-p-jper apirnidyit jion. . To the retail. 1 f.npi .fuh lloiTthefe papers 'are not addreficd. jf sby gi-e proof of turp-'tudc, it mni b? on tbbfe wio chofe to deal in;them : . Politic-'l prophecy, early atin'onnccd tVat Mr. Jcifrrfon if .'Pe-fi'ienr would" fa'crifije the intercfts of his cqtintrvtjieh. to France, and 'putiheir nec k .un der he cramp'in; feet of 'he grcstt republic. , I, thts true ? What has he don, and w'har, are jCm principles of his conduct towd;ds this once r frierdiv, now reconciled nation ? Hr has told ymi he 'lias nof lke ihe ry rants of ib earth virapDed up th grounds of.his adtninitlration : in darkrtcfo, inincxnltfabl: reafflns and myf.' te ies of S atf., ...N', h; owed tohivc.l.'P.v rTniMoi ptibii.i 101 ol 111s defiTns. & herns u;f(.if on i!v;r ranrta.. wsod ff A. patrniifm, I y announcing his frienfhp 1.0 alt jDatipns, en angsingaunccs win none, ue nas B t'Tkd with the grea'ert economy, the mci .fui'c? nearly completed by his pr?,d:ce!lor, for .re'ftoMog peace between the two cotin'te!, and 4Bnifhing ie f,'.he moll liberal treaties ever 'rrhade and at the fam? tims he has announced '1 it. 1 1 1 . t ' cf to culivt! on fair and libenl ghnW'1 Purofs of. defamation for this and' that coon fy UicnnareraDie ne ermma'.ton comfle-ciat in-ercmirl with alt n'onv o,J' " ' "ifpoit wb.fi Uiaio i to ne. -'The proof 'V'V ?'tr ort, if the above ro. ij in public d..Kotneti.. I 'hi, my feiiow couwr; men, a fi'fimt;of the ili.boding Tro.ilie'iv ? Does fnrn'iRj muter for the ders Joi'e for yourfclves. "V mr v toiJ r.l was t evo'.td to Ianrs. and thr Tfptrb)icsn .canVlidstes were VrVf'MitiJ to hera!f., asio the dancing h' .o('ih chopped olFhsads of American ci i. fcc'as . Such pai r) fluff labored in he co Tjntfiis cf cut public papers, and decency and . fVmon fenfe gv. .hjmfelvei leng enough Veadi. " t .. ;,. J A fccon-Jbock of p.rephfcici wa thnt he would invityf this country in a war vih Great. Bri'if. Has he di.n: it ? D-ride my fiiar.Js fr yourf.lvej, and nuke he. proper improve, me'it- f!c bus caufed ihe U, o atcsx 10 be fro-tv I . conEJsed-in i Jf Cltrd ljfioceifrdjttjboi. Mel I lance to thv powen a ant .-roua ration, lie f.i procured i'otn it?r acflii.a of houur-ie uti or tommsrev reform of her pruerdurts, frcurify iairtfi fu n e T'J'irirf, a 'ender fif friend S.ip. atid of foppSie againfl.Algfrin lirpredatioi!, ,I fpcciaLmder firm hit tnj'lty, ihro.i!i llavkKiin irv, tn n-aU irwn 'o the V ?'':den. this mk-n of his ref. feet ana menauip lortw wnnro jrvt'i fbevfutheis for ,'fcefs faas a'e derofKed tVi'h ihe p'oper olflccrs. C&mpire agairf the b:Oc!"T ihe preaiti'on. and trine your a 1 r a vn djcnUiof , rcrgive jouifciv-'i for be ir-j deceived, and, if poHible, forgive .hoff hr drreived you. But be 03 your gutd fir the fu iue. 1 . ; . , - Hut 'av the bjeflct, 'be rrtGcUnt is uri worthy rf infl, be mull be cppofi-d, aa lnot eoojca ed wi'h ; ihit a dclrgate ongSt to.be fent frrm ihe Mirattifeii Aa h weflern UUIII'llll IU CHII.Tlrft i n.:n .C t.r. KJ lit.. .-1 r. l:. fu'd e admiminauon, nr i0punilh h;nt for the pall, be ciufe be his t improperly caudd Vrench Hate (Sip tote trpurchafed, rrpairel and rr (lored by anticipating a salification of, thetrewy for ihat pu'pnfe Withmi' nauRr trtoiong in imuurg iclljrinni on the tf.s f ibis fudden jjaloufy of the trefy iftaVing pwn in ihe- rninJt of (om people, or the f?:tfrj"al!ff and laudalle aw Aei ig of I fenfe rf p'ib'ie rfenomy in othen, we iU relne ha i it,4"i!l.4od o fee ihefifls in the ciTe Uiuler be former idminifiti'inn, ibe I'.rrcran was rpu cbifrd ard repaired in part for the ptitptle of beit g g'vttt up, and ib-i in pittfii inre of ae articie tf eonvemion excrrfHy.te , Rr 'tiling hfr'rftort'ien." The nrw adinifl. a I a . m U . AnL .mt M X ia lta L A prep erly bfti" by I'l 'prrdecr ttuf. Ilir ref laitiion and h-f a ld.iioi il trnai't wMe nn feifll ihe fame pr enplri,on ihe fame furdt withbtr I I auithtfe anJ bet orieicit ttpairt, 'This tvtt lne fScrcta.i w n one ot mmy t.'ups wrsrtj pencil governinent claimed- the righr-ftf dcma iumff bfte is (he only one wnicn u nas been in oar powe" to reftqre, and' the doing it unde the ejtining circuml'an es may;, pro bab'y occafioin the f.tving of h?iifind to this cotmtrv, Was it noK.-oi toarfc :? Was it not ... v 1 . . . 1 v . ... r ... ; ....... .T . . . . . ' .; ' . - I Itmnwin bave done Qfherwile f would tmt j l very 3ner conicerated ro acts ot piety and complaiflrs-hjve dtfgraced ihcir counvy, lxt j dvo io-v haye- m (iy?j tniljnres been p 6i1L ving eeptcd what -was ip he received, by ji'er-'f tiited ta rbi flngracioqi employment!, Of their fidio'u'fly wi hhnlding t1 Jlrile wh ch Wa ..to miniflers, who ong'ht to -know, and. to ptaftife be re timed ? You .ire g in callod- upo, my : thr dofirine of-Jefus Chrilt, and him emci friandi,' in the fph i' of candor jmatilrrijCs And fid; have b'-en fonnd (om: capbleVof the roagnaniriii y, to decicls fo yottrfe'vefon. tais , font work of Aiidjecle: radian ; who; in Read infhtice of the exercife of PrchJen ia uilcre tion. . ''.'..:,' , ' ' i'r. The fupplies to the French prifonors have been made, the fubjeft of the bitterelV re proaches. Thia tranf'aflion was but copying the examples of o'her civilizid nations,' We were olj'liged fuitably to fupporl thctn ; the of, ficers,' by -hoarding in private fatrilifv hid contraed debts ; on application under cir. cumnances peculiarly tmprc!!ing, the Preftdent relieved the treasury , from the burdfiP of ftr porting them by enabling them to maintain themfelves. He cauTd '0 . b advanced to thctn a thing common,' fn' Europe, , a .Aim e n'ut to the am Mint of .heir on fecu; U ty oy tne,!genr ft the i'rencttgoveinment fr ! repayr3rnt in F usee, W.le'never ibe money j .by.. "theUw'e'a States. Ttje - . ........ ..-.., nccoy ; inec in puniuncc oi ..a ''t provi lion your Prefidcnt viftt;d with the charitie? of inz cijuatry, and cloathed ihm with a coarfr covering, fich as decency and humin iiy trquired rijee are the circutndances of a tianiawtiori, wtiicn nas ocen prouiiutei to ci-d tfatxfaaioftjwiM fit an dp'o :rt 0 r oub 1, tosbe the f.ib:etlof flande.-ous cenlarc.; Aflt .L . ..J I l nc rriae ana nnor 01 your own country, it it was not right ; enquire of reHffion. of hu. raaniiy of yoilr own hearts. -,Thi heivieil -of all cha gn th- mofl attr. cious of ail criniTS, Ins been the d.fininiling and laying up a pan of the navy, for 'he di ret purpoie of having it dcllroyni and aten tip by worms. T its it the mo ive which is alfuncd for the fat.). V it ur.nettlTtty to re. mail;, that :h? d-fmamling and laying up of pirirg circuml'.jices Uft but Itrtie room for dlit Ciition. Two docki for ravy yards on ly were ait borifed by law ibr fc we.e loca ed i yhi Vti fi i enr -jp.d farTy-rhoofand - dollars rrre" app!opiai towards e tiling them Oie, and the only one in vihich any thine lit 1 1 been done, was b? the o!d d w'uh propriety eflabljibcd at Walh.ngion.- In fls'd of 50000 d.illars, near three tunci that fu.nxhs b;en tx,;:ndej tvbeh the rev admi nidri ion comm.'nccd in labs u , Tha.fhips wee then'o'dired to ih- 3tt .ljj pcen a uvj itme p eparmg tor them, where no wom,i ?d pietiiu0y beeit confi. drid as exiU;rg, but whirh had been confT. d:rcd as a rroj er rccepucla fr ths layjnfr up ofdifmintfsd fju'rs. " , li is flill j eifillcd in, that there is no psvy. U,A W. ft txt:.L e ' iKincufht toicafon. , Let it afk th.1i hrfes winch tor yctrs hive been carivin? rinh into jihc fea, if tWte is r.o nuy.yard tOibJithed at ine tcacni city. Let 11 alk ihnfa' Atme ... T 1 ...I U - . I ' " I lllll. , . ty invnnin;. wuui wimn, iravci.ir; nom M mountaift, U4we,wu:a ut ,n, tne" deep. Let the pre- .a If'"r ' V U'T 74 P"cru;fa anJ merged ijf lh 04 g,verninent, in the svateri of the 6m y f t H vtilim lht, Voycf 5,1 l epndiu 10 worms, Let iture r f the pub'.ic wrrey fay jf ihrre it no tiavt-varJ ibera. fL- t .i.-- . .'. : a ue uuur.titoi a navy-yard at rbiiadelphti aal elfett here, is well tiode'flood by tbe wri-1 crvriie 'Le Bercem, hat exci ed much e, and may be a fubjtfl cf future eiplaoj'icAftbilit n e breifls 6f every real friend tkn. The Pre fidrni difpoGcg of ibe fbi Amrican navy, lthas beenconGdeted at the uat of government, bat djfeomed a " 1 nrnr ihiar under ibe fun," for a b-ave tefpeftful it.eniion to the taeafuresof eon,n humane officer, wibout ihe Iea3 previout gtcls, totkedoingicf ihe dd adminiDrition, 5o,tfl ?,tion !'r ,ie 'nment under 'huh and the in crRt of the people. Memli for I,ffli lo be deprived of hit (wati, and repilrs 4 in ibe nighbbood. The olTtcen his ip, and be fompdled to fland a pubHc, and men will be J ept Kje b .and e kept frii'. ou tie ,blre compUiot of fume of ihe to da'jrV Tbe ua iontl tjefint wnl fce'uh-, p'oie'i he had juftcapiuUd tbofe drr r.i iifial iiifnct'tiwn, Great fating will, tbirijers were known to be infamous, and bemidet Our aor.ual Contrtli will bfiur de. tOlduil to ftvefal Aneiican nelflt. Jirimine Ion the annual txpmm jitcefTiiy for jibe fup,jitofa city, aai tilUa ,b ti. lie defends himfelf by no pne: fuRpfm drawn from a long t,ratn of corifef. ouvpjfi fervtces, by which he has commanded rtvr e-1f em s'nd 'jattrude of jits fellow-itizcns, ; thefeirapilTcd over in hlencc." He has, claims of mmc in ths very matters .felftcted by his ei !nemi?$ as tne tounaavion 01 cenjiire. You" urn irft rrriii n A f " . - - . - - ri 1 " . " rr. . . I ' K ' . . . of ftudying .thofe 'things which nake for peace, have attached -thmfelyes.-to.-theirulence .of a party, and hve been the fomenters of po. Uticat feuds fharpening their to-.s; yith more crueltv, than, he dagger of the alfdifin. '.They have ftabbed' characters in tlie dark, and like com uon fcolds called kheir cppone'n.s by hard nam's. ., , ... I The piefTes have" been .more than fti?iied ith their pall labours. ery topic of abufe has been exhau-fled and ,fH irft-!f;on the j h-ads' of republicans,., Tlie principal has had, a aotioie portion meajurea w 1or him ; the cup has been drained o i-fl.lowefl dr.'gs ; and, lefi fhielded by a houfar.d excellencies and.'a' confeiou fnefi -of 'reftitude' of tho't'and aclion, he; has beer, unh'ir,. .'.Being reviled, he reviles do ag.iin; II sflndy tt ivdo friends and enemies a'-l i.'ie'gnod iri ..hi pix'ycr. His comfe is fleuy,,finB and independent. ', flis t;me and talents, comnunding as they arc, are ral ly . and la'e-deVo'ed to tlte fervice of ywr cotintrr. His cnJea'vers arc to rccno mife, lefTe:i he expenccs'pf govcrnrricnr, ihe burdens of .the peop'e, and 10 pre I'erve' their rights, and privilege? unincumbered and un impaired, to render ihe coniliruiion firong and pure as it came oit of the bands of its ghlcc ry . ; be fl a let .nnUd ! y and.frcrally hap." py aa.' r ofpero)t, refpeitabieand. 'etatrtd. L -III f 1 i now:, ana anroaa. isa can nave no, in tcrrll fperate from- his ; wi h it is crinmcled hit repitauon, his p-ofpecl', his p'-id., arjd 'he hijhell fnd beil feelings' of ; the btimatl heart., lis fo'icits only the candor, the rea Unable tonfidi-ace, aflillaiice Vd fricndlhip of his fellow.citirent. Will you withho d it tacaufe le is a repob iian ? Is this the nun you arc fnvite.l to dillrufl, whom'you mean 10 oppolt f 1 he great body of fedeialiR? art a;l retiiicans, Decrp ion for -a moment has led uem all. ay, .Our teachers bate citif. ed them to cjr. RefleQion and tims will ri- llorethrn o 1(1?-pa-h which ihryi have fo'" fake'ii-- Republicans ar: all i'edcralijli.", Mifr.'prffen atibn and a factious ambition nny btfS tudirid hem fufpefAedr They:will uni'e tlicmfelves with republican' Fedctiiilli, wi.n si; good men, will adhere to our r- uernmir.t, wi,l ctW, w.U tajh themfelves to tne corltHttlinn, and with y pcrtih or furvive in the ".tmpejluous j?(jr.ni" and flrugglcs for her liberty and freedom. We fat mei s are by nature nil ftdctal e publicans : fnuation. cirtnmllancet, habitst5f;niimcnu and feelings ,if:.. .i . r 1 iu ui iu ; bi loon wouu mat .n cine it auract, tne aews ot tae evcnir.tr r . f ceafe 10 maiden, rd intetell and felf forira toinnuence, at ihe enlightened comnry of ou'crun-ry farfake repLbiicanifin. tKricnds awd fcl!(w.cititcn I be in'reaicd to reflect : put your Rands on your brcafta and oaufe 160k on tbs. fate which miy have been crowd ed imo-yotf nairai, and let tonfcierfce fpeak fxjmtne tb rale bar is to'd v-u, come fiorn the bat or bench, from bthinJ the coun ter, the desk, or ihe ttsl cf ths ploof h. Con full with youifclvcs and then alt ; feiioufly J.i:i. ..i n 1 . ' . -A FARMER. BOSTON. OA ,j Tbe irul of cipt, Lit'le. on thirfrei ilkd-' lainfl'Hm bv the tftcets of ihe French cn Pedon oa h 10 have been li tic tba'iiat of piraici, Vtt f.cli iliirg, f nearly from the fufpieion of rfproach- fi-orn as nr.due arrachmcm .o the French. Re publl, let the manly, gooi fehle of ihe-Atne. rican public drtcrtnme af er taking into vie vr pa ft tranfactinns and profelfions,1- and perilling caVefulIyVthe leitcr of 'the Secretary tfjh Navy on the fnl?ct. Cap ain Little, ho- ever, has flood the o'danl, 'and has brought forth the weight of his repu avion unditainifbedi From the -trial it appears that French invro pctt produced- the" :o'.lovying tbarge againflL him : ifl. Tlie" taking mpneii ..frd' the piifooers. 2d. Taking other; articJej," 3d, 'Indeccni .-'condu.ft in 4fearching the prifoners. 4.'h, Crueliv i the mode of cenfininc and ! fuppbrting then. 5 h. Kidnapping a pari oi the'erew.' ;..'' But if will give p'eafureVto the public to !l?afn, that not one fy liable erf thefe charges; ; was founded on rru.h; on the contrary they j appear to have oriina'ed in malice toward .; an officer who had arrclled the piratical 'a- ' rfrr fit. lhc i-nmnlainanu. unci in ifv rvn.d tion (hat the government would be' more' ready- irig to the French Repub ic, as the capture ot a. rational corvette. The fentence of )h to punn:i tnan couti enance an act io aejrra. Court Martial is as full and. explicit evidence of ihis falfoiiob I an;! malice in'the, charg' j4 ai it is honorable o Cap:.JLlti!c," . . : MEW-YORK, Nov. j. - , When-capt. G'.adfellow, of the fchooner StilyfAnn, left St. Crbix; " a report, was in crculation there, that ten thoufahd troops bad arrived at Martinique' from England, funpof. rd to be deftined agiinQ Porio-Kico, Guada. loupe, and Mariguiatiic. . CT ." '.November 4. ..- ,Th Bakers of this ci y, in Confequence of tJie regulations of il-.e Corporation rtfpecting the afiize of bread, have determined lo iufnend baking and yellerday morning (without any previous no ke) curried 1 bit re U4 ion info ef fef ; An iftforvtniirr,. f. lUrio.i ..J ".v inexptled, excied. gon'e'raJ alarm; feveral of our weil by ciiireiu afftmUed at nhe .Ton. tine Godce-Uoufc,- arid propofed to form an , cllal. Hhoient under "he tiamc of The New- fork. Bread companv." by a fubferintiori s which btinfft fet on foau ih'o fm of "o.nnft- dollars-wat fubferihed in an inflant ; and a tncctin.'j wa called U(J evening 10 t:hoofe a committee for carrying ihe buhnefs in o im, me2ia e operatiun. , . . , . , Number 6. t Too much rraife canno be bell owe ion Go vernor Went worth for his humme e5erioiii in ccm ribu ii g 10 ihe relief r.d comfort of diflreired feamen, who may be. c(l on the itie ot.aafies. It is evidefit tin Am riean feamen Jna pctuliarJrffree..w:jlbe,bchffiiCrl by ihe important elbb iihment now going lor warn on mat nifneiiodelo at. I The folbwirj letter on thfs liihirfl ft. m S rcfpeflable foutte, sill be found inn-cHicg.' Extract of a letter from Ha'jfsi, Nova Sco . . liaf da cd 9 h October. .. ' " I am indebted and Very iban!iful to yea' for feveial kind letieij,. ibc ebjefts cf which , 2 hare exeaid n?y befl endcavois to accom plifk ; and Lbope ihe feveral pctfons erg g?d have tfportcd o you. You' will be jlea. led to find the Icgiflature have paiTcd a hbe tal vote. of money for tbe purpofe of com, mencins an eflabliiliment on the lOa wf Sable; tcvj'rcvthi at much as ramble fliipwtecks, and to afLrdallaid and affiflaoceto preferye jr foni andpropcr'y cafl on tboA. ftof.ti.. rTbe -Honorable William Forfy;b ard Chsrlo M. W entwonh.and Michael Wallace,' William Co.btanand Chatlcg Morris, tfri .' are the commiiGonerY for erTcfling ihit jmpor'aaf" rufl. Jamtli Morris (who you may p't.be. b!y recolltftan inn keeper op ihe Windfor f Ald la irttinii.l.il f.. r I . the iUanJ. U is jariicu'aily aliGcif. by his good temper, fobriciy, unc mmon metban. ical ingecuit.t. and (tvtntren yeas fettice in ibe navy. He is appointed juOice of ibe peace and iplpedo, luiseycr and feirther of tmpoll and excife, and it alfo authorif d by t wirtaw to'ake chatge of tbe iflatd,d.e, and rifheriei, and of a'l ibe wrecks found here, in cafes where prtfors are not fated competent 10 the care ot futh propeny, n J fliutlionj are given tohim,ibat pet font fa. ved with propr riy, are to have the fall -carry -charge and polftiTion nf if. and lOcapnivtc aid and i(fiO.N'r it . 0 ..J..I . . mj .......... i..w mi.j iniMK wrii. .ve.tf forcififglbe piopcriy fared, iballd H 4( f. 'K 1 1 i ' , ... ." I v ( " 1 1 . -'.. I i 1 1 " ; . i .1 ' " I i ! ' J ' ' i' "'' - I 1) . r . 1 r f m -