V v. s v It V j :ct?at inl refcmng thVfalvse or reward - 6 be:afcemiiied 'b.y the ,commt ffioners at ;a'ifai ; tut neither fee ot rewirii iv to ba i .i.U r,rnnirtv difLofed of-uion the ifland: yTVrV arelfo four able men and proper boats J wth materials aornpletely fitted lo ereB.an '': )ufe and good ftore-Aifo 'cattle, , flictp, ats aiid . poultry for breed, and feme for ufe if neceffity requires ; cloithir.g, provifiohs, and v ail other neceflarie hare alio been provided, Xand the detachment wiilT and materials 7lau1:Wn " Arnnvew nf Ills' : mfc.ftv" armed' brie the . m y"' "I; J J -" - - J .Eat I of Moir . can . Fawfor., who Vi to land one of his i a pbuiwj. rarxonades wiuYfyfB ' ' ; cieti't alTowancepf ..cartridges "(ky .rbr-kets for, igna's, and t& anlwcr gur.s ; heard vom thc-fsa. Flags -are. to be hciiled ai foon as iflisf.flaffs- ci-tr; be located. ' The mode and I combination to dcno:? danger, and how to ei. cape it, is to be concerted by captain Faw- fc!s in diftrefr, but owing to (heir 1ovn 3f-trcC-jd Gtuatioa, could. not. render them, any affitiance. Tbj Wig 'had. ail her after fa Is u bent, and they weie trying to mead then. TRANSLATIONS ; TQUSSAINT. LO VERTURFI4 . 7e a!! 'Civil and Military Officers. Captl Francois tjltth FruBidar-: : ; ... .... 2"iwr. 9. , ; - ..v Citizens. 'V. !;'v" ' -' :"- ''" .As I have been Informed, th"ic caputris of foreign vellels, after caixyingdwSy by nfte;f to their daftiny, Ixtt Morris on iheif arrival on the ' iiland-Next'year;wR preffiife to crctl o:hc;.s in ihe. middle and on the call end, if -his cai'ui ingwintei 's experiment will . recomrrirr.d it" : The liberali'y-cheerfu neTVwkb which j 'the Legiflaiare have 'encouraged this humane' C 114 VLllllllC ll l,cilt.lj lilt, (jimill m."!'. ' ihyn ; and affords the tnoil lincere fatisiatlicn. I tmperfuaded you v.-i'.L pai iicipie vi h us . Uiercin, and as the navigation ' of the V otcd States is prticulrifly mtevefied, that you wil1 xiske filch cornruunications, as you may think , -expedient to enable whoever wa:h it, to be Veil availed of the benefits intended by 'he ,'InQ.ituiion, The created ca'e has been ..jaken ib'exter.d aid as much as poffib'e,' to prevent 1 ' 1 r . 'iuioriune or rcitave ir, ana 10 lecuie pro - t.ertv' from lofs or from cxtoriiort ''for fav, j', by refering it in a'l -cafes to the cpriurM foners in Halifax ; -fiom whofc-pHlab:lity v-e are nfluT-d equity and chajpryrwill, be u Tftecl in diretVirp and dettcir. ! The (u. ' . perinterdant and boa lnctfare pa d and fubtli luted, and ali nectflrtes furoifhed bjTthis go. verTimint ; thatrfo clatms'ot dernands ftTcu'd " 'be made bvjhSoi upon j the unfortunate. -But ' 'as extrao)tiinary qjauc, enterprizc and exer, tion itrfo good a csufe.dcfcrvc recowp'encc--fubtafes a eu be cxaily dated 10 the Com- ilfioncrs who are idcoufider of the uieafute and mede of extra, reward to be given' force , or . fedu&ion, ; ypuag citizens of the colony, have .been fo bcU as to (ell therti in the United States, it is the Uuty ot'every public officer to prevent, by the molt ftrit attention, fuch wicked atr tempts :'fo.v.beng renewed ior the future. v 1 . French Republic ! ToulHint Lou verture Stames dcir 'to bur neartsyand which we ought never to fepar? le . If he is all thro' her, ic has dohe nothing but for her.- ; . - "-. '. . ' . Met together in this place to celebrate the annivertary of the foundation, of the .rettch ftcpuSlic,1 let us then ; raife our fou ! s , citi z-cr.s , t ow a rds - hi m in W ho fe liandsUre the hearts of "incn ; let us re; tufnthe U ' ..TI .. - ' t. k..fl-...U nr. ilia l'r.oK pco'pjs,' by jgtving tfaforn 'a'frecreupe(cn- tative governmerK ; as being cKte!y fu- mbsluppy but by their happmeis. - After this fpeechf the. general Age, acquainted the airntbly with his having received theerganic laws tor it. Uo mingo, af invited jhe ivihabitanrs of this garfttnune to meet aain, in the fafBif nhice. the third ot thTsmotyrTlo car there the readinjrhe intended to make of thefe laws. , ; This pious ceremony ensd by a te Deu M that was ftingi " accorirpante!! with $3 citcharges ot guns.. ' Vendanaire 3 (Si'pt. 2.) The reading of the' Oraiiic laws for St. Domingo took ri'ace.this day, in the chuieh of this corrimune, as ivwas an nounced by general Aue, before the ci- vii amhorities and . a great number of (.itizer.s who had met there wt'.li eaer- nefs. " , daVv, 7 he pullic may rdy ck the (JJlccy C 't-Arff49ijtr'yeu:fit4 the flux is hzl if pofftble before it cfucs tl the dy f enter y drink thre; or hur tea-Cupfult 0) nelt.-d mutton fact daily, fay a cupful every three or four hurt j Jet the fold Js the jitur .of well parched Indian enrn, Tnade xntt atoh with new mill; and fae teKf-2 stith, haf ugar. ; andlet the 'drink be nolfih":eW- -' iutFJir6Mg 'UiiidtwiihmppsJ vioid-vr-read auk bark, and f wee tried with baf iugar, tbcugb " it will dt without, any fweetening. When you find it is checks y ' mukc 1 be ted weaker,;, ; fijculd -i :;';' ;.' fudden, take-'a little lifts or fenna: With . the b'-oe fimties I could 'cure 'thiufurJit without the 2i 0f eny." The tare -w fll b 'pcrfefied in five, ftx .' or even days Extreme y if jtJJlb!ctU : goo a. In utrrstnz 1 u 1 we.I in the rear ot the itx '"building, at 50 fe?t beneath the futfare, tho J.tboters have ilru k upon the rtump and too' f a tct 3 feet in diame'er. In teaching this (Itinrpand roc larding e as in i s native Tate, the laborers palled uVo a mixture of clay at d common raa le : and finally in place oi the Hump, the flra a bore every appearance of a tootv bottom : an'i 'he tmeii vt tnc car n and the pans of the flump was as though w'afli ' d by iK Vbaicts of a.fil by niafi" "j fraJhitgtQn paper . WASHINGTON, Ofl. 30. A letter, we Unde ftand. has been 'ccetved from. he Maillial of Tennt iFee, hpolog'zing fyr tjo. nnknj triurn of life renfus of that (late af the appointed limes ; but Hating he probable numbers of Ten' elice si loo,coo. ' If loo 000 be added to the agcrcga.e numb fcf ill the o her date, and to,co3 for the 4hf ient ' diflrifl in Maryland, ib: lota popu'atioo of ;Le Uuited S.aiei will amount "In 1799 it amounted to 3 9lc3 T have teccived advices, importing, that L-uizcn Abraham in the IJape, 1 r . I t ' . . .it i k" ieo:e ot tne plantation caucflaJes es, was co'nduc"tcu't(vAVilmiirgton j that after having been, putpivlhorc'he vyas taken avvay.inro theack" country, where he wai goiniMjarlbe fold, when he was claimed by srenchuian. and fent back to Cwylt rsncois ' or ,(board th fc h op n e r yfb S i It e t s . The fa me citizen informyrre, that a. young .; blackm'an namrd bounoaime,.a cteo;c, tavior Cape Francois, was'"' fold in this manner, a few ycais'age, in Charltdoh, and that he is in 'qMcli ot hi'm. -To thefc pofit ivefaas -he adds others, the ptoofsKVILMIGTON, Nov. 26. 01 wtutn ne is trying to ouuin. ; t. -ir. '; .i' :. r.' l" ,, lcl ! ".uMwa.H.n, Th, Gc a, AfTomMv f hi. S at-, con yuu are icnume uuw . g.cai ,(.w tea. vened ou .he ,5 h inff. Gen, 1 jfe Reddlck ongttt to be, to prevent Inch piratical eleftcd Sneaky of the Senate ; and Mr attempts tor the tuturev . . 1 here js no Carrus, Speaker oC the llaule of Com uouDi nut mere are among yie caj'tamsi mom. wnoirane tq tnis colony, lome mean and barbarous enoueh to deal in ihi I OFFICIAL. ieir fcl'ow creatures, to carvl . . , . n- t . . s ,1 A' ' . " ,d?Pf'ntmentshy the Prcfident ot 'f he Unit -far trom tne?r cwntiy yr.til J J , ea oiaies. GIDEON GRAINGER, Vn.M- terCet eral, in i;e place of Jidcph lia kribam rtfigt ed. Dr THOMAS TUDOR TUCK ER, ot Soij'fi-Caroitna, Treahtrtr of Hoping the public will tch car, receipt I remain 'their mi? tb-rdi&t .1 j; l Hi mem away tar trom tner cw.ntiy liberty, ar.d rcditcp them in lla'very. 1 hert-fore, it -h otricre.i thai ail inibiK officers inform trie of abufes 'that may be comtmtted on Uiat matter; and tna commanders in fca ports go ith a muni cipal officer on board ot, thole vchcls rea dy to fail, and make a flr'ut vifit to all pertons on board : and if there arc citi zens no: included in thc.crcw's Hit, to have them (Ukmb.irkcd, unlets Ihcy pro duce a pafTport ftgncd by me ; to (top the vend, and t'"vc me imtv.ed'.ate notic thereof, fo as Tmay order to b? Lrntigkr bttorc a council of war, capiaini known to be guilty, in order that'lhej fhou'J be profcculed to the utmoft cxttt of the laws. , Salute f nd fraternity, TOUSSAINT LOUViCR IL'RK. COLONY of St. DOMPGO. Tort Republic, 2nd Vtmtia 'mt (September 24 J Yeflerday the Anniverfary ct jvp F tuu .From a S -tvrvnah Pi -her, Thabci'g Fair Amir-can, fr.Miwilm'ng-on,' T North Gafo'.inaj bound :e Jamaica, ii pa: uj . hc e in dillrcfs. . The f.hooner Ranger of Bo p. on, frm Jamaica, bound to Wilnung on, N nh . Carolina, was cad away,' about 'a ' ' fortt;gbt " ago, on the ifland of S:. Simon. The crew, gv puncheons of rum, aiTd Tome Ipecie, w;ic ' fived. The ffhoper Fox,'arived on the rh inft. at New.York; from St . V ncenr, jn 3a aays, o ings an .account that even lui'.,pr?d Britifli troops had arrived at M ;r inivc, at:d thai io,r!00 wero daily exprcled." Port of Wilmington.. LNTEUEt). ; Ch.ulf firm. S'oop Lircly, Ingfajiim, Sally, Older, Ar.tiy,ua. li ri g ; Duke,. Beale,... Dumra: a'. Sth'r. Ceres, Weft, , CliarfejVoii. : K iza, Filh, New-Providnce. Ship Clsrmont, M'Farlaae, Liverpotd. bcii'r. eyrus, Iclpkuapn, Havannah. ' - Swan, Liming, .- CLEARED. Sch'r. Favorite, Grofs, Clurlcllon. on. he U.'.Stai.s: .in ih. m of S..tl " ""eY? vi-iinc,.,ny, vnaru-uon. Meredith, reined. '7 CHARLES D. COX, of Pennf)! vania, to be Commercial Ag'int at Dun. l.-itk. " r-r, William patersqn, ofNcw. Yoik, to b Commercial Acia at L'Crient. " A letter from the mate of an Ameri can vcllcl, dated Barcelona,' Augult 3, 1 Sol, to his trtend in JJoltnn, lays, " E very countenance looks fnnling j t!:js morning :ht Americans warped into the road, and in a tew days will lail, feme bound to one pott and lon;c to another, and all out yf the Straits. Jiiilgc what a pleating fight it is to NOTICE. ilSO?lS ihitrhveh trincf into the C-tf. A .tom-HoLCe, xtc iuform'd 'bai'ther will be a-tnded to at :W. refp-iAive h Wilis' of Us two Oficm en'.tl jitl ef next rion h, whfii the fi ua i":n of V. wiil be changed ha. vig a dye trgiid to' e coavc r.ic;."e cf trai November a5. T JACOB LEVY Inarms his frienlt and the public, thti he hat opened ' venuue ccuomintiiicju Incrfsfe tn ten yfi, . .1.317,40; Accordtrsj to thf ra;toof jncreale -the-Un-ten-yea,tsr ouriiUmbcri double JL .. . J - .1 ! J . .' sui'ui, 32 years uq wiuu, - , FRr:DERICK-TOWNTf OL.i8., Oo Sa'urJay lad, arrived in thit (Own, otir oftle Tultoror iribe ct Indians, and j I j .1 r , . . . 1. 1 . 1 . w rw Kepuuii -was ccie. hlS ut,cr Uin; thrre .u-nuhs and Up 1 iiiuvviihiiuiiy 1 III. ivir.tc hlr-.i'L-i-.l nrt. Iir.- Iiu tit M1 .f tllJt llllliint I.I IV i In. y r J dunnei V. . . . , . " waal,r,inl I npoiiuiis. tu ice our coun blciu C(;,r? Y;"'0!1 ihccommunu, whete, unfatlcd fur our p aucr i. c ut-n. man naci oeeu nit.c, vviin it. .... 1: . : ..r . . . . . 1. .n .1- t) ck' . Mmical to ne iuvm e;tillijbmetit. lor th:v the citizen Pomccc. aflinc as nrtfulcnt ........ ... J- . - ( .1.1 m ! 11 j ! 1 arc n irinius 10 incir country 1 or con. of the municipal admimltation, pro- :r, ......1. ,:, 1 v'-.l r. .. ' , 1, 1 r ,i . . iitfc I'J " liwiv lilW ium until 19 iDUnjCll nounCnl tlx follow log Ipecwh t L :. uj- - r ' r , . 5 ' Ion a Quite ditfircnt hafts iiom what i; .. ..... rt any ts. a nvy 11 1 iic only means wo have ot commanding any refpeft among the nations. The three mips only, whitf) are in ijiofc fea, itavc dtttrojed all t!ic AIll.'r 1 X lIlO fl ti.tm 1.1... 1 ..1. ' 11" ll'"ni 1 ink 11 vi ulUVAl'H'k Mt Tt.be, ,t ,he time ihefe Chiet were : 1 '7. V ' , ' u "?T ' n-C lbcir admiral si:h the two Urgc of ,cir lavi ca lojtfiouie iMiuoni. r-- ; . ' , Ihins, m., I ....... , i".-"u, v,t., tki.j ... , tf I 1 c nave aid lis and Up- Barclay's wh:rf, adj vnin; tS. 2 faocimisj Cotin:ing-Houf of Mr. Jo!! uniiy's fl'.IUrclw, where ho will gl.i Jl restive1 the co-nruand of his former acq. ;ai..tai t.n Mt.dy morning left this p! ice for ibel C'TIiCNS, city f WafhltigKin, brT name" Scqtatffa,! Long live ibs French Republic ! Ii Vil iam Preuuop. Lng B,jid and Thus. '$0 hrr wc arc indebted - for the iucfti. t,ree. Inry w.ll puriueih.ir journe.1 to niae blcOinj; of liberty. Could wc N!h.CV"V s,:"!'" ? former gratch,l for it i . . inm i nans unus icii uj mim iu iwri 01 , . t 11 - , . . . . ' . - I rail 1(1 VV I ft li-It lh V.nntnl. ln.n.t protection. Down with all thofe wTio arelnuK,, arid others.-vhnmir U'ri'iclMifHliA tavorhimwtih their lufincX JK- vvilh ufr his ntnvdl endeavors toTuvc. j!.cii wih integrity and punciiiiliiy. ile ha on hatt'l lor' lu',' on Imr ef r., a few p:tn;oii n S:. Croh ..I I t 1. e t - ur .i, one iruns 01 aiicvi. two oflcnf Kard Vare. Nov. 26 is proud 01 the luhlime name of rrtrichj . .t r 1 man ; .here i, no, one but is H"ctrarevl " fcaf, fJ7 f fm , with ilia fcntim.nl. ,hc rtioll tender tit T0?"1 '! V'"feJ ' 'CI1ARLCSTOM, Nov. 14. , ..'lit Uhooncr bally, Mom, ou. 41 davs , -1 hone the LO.crntiicntof the UniteJ Siaci tl. fUl l lt-t U .I.CII. . ,- " - "II (." .,!.,,, i ,,..VJ,, ,A Kill. , lr i. i. I 1 " . 1 . .1 .1 . . . and'I ln lac. lone. 7i. t. raDtain rune, ry anaio ircncrous. 01 wnicn tin? court' rv I xr.u-rA ' . kV: r.-. ..; l,;..i.i.rftri!n.r;rit.!..,f:..f.,i "'c nnct way 01 Keeping peace, .1y ol lUndi, bound . o. Salem, ou, dependencies. - ; " iLink itc chcarK.t.way in ilc r.J.M .vlayi,. Cm.t tJrptrtviDons. Capi. IVdiviJed j , Its invincible armies havi tiinmicJ v. .?,.ru. ,.n r . r VWi-Uofk ofrfovifu,,., d gave be gceatcrj over 10 league., arred one after another " A,ChVi! 7 Caiette. U Dar,nie winaiome .wtowara, tna in tnc have lull, in fpue ot hl ptifilantmous Or- 1 e- . . , ;iiiivn i 19 ff 1 nf oil nn uirirn. wii mini 1 j nri' w fir aiiiur . wr.r 1 m wim 9 r treat a huffy to dipatih the brief's bat for .tear cf gi'tirj to the northward of the bar, that ib nioie tf the cciain or the brie wit tirgitrtcd to be tikf 0 down The ate iu io'mt J ipt. P. that thry had eipeiienecd a lrefne.idoJS gale of wind, tmning ihrougb ib rtdph h;ch failed without inter million, frtwa Sunday until the Fndajr following,1 and bii. obliged to cvry fail 10 keep oft ih F.'m- fltarc, their faHi had b?en cntirttjr bLwn in piei rthl' ihey hid fpoL a tcft' that had taken up-.th ete of tno Hf r selTel, whiih bad foundffd the gale ihat ilty efprOcd a rumber tf vSfrW bad been Jol on tbe Flo f ida &ore u lis bad feco a' cumber cf vcf- given peace tincnt. Tik-f Ih he if not wife eutug!t ugit to icgulattthe am. r, '.,' n.,. . ...S bilion that devours him, ori piinciplcs VT" ,nc "WWW: coof.neut with the digni.y of Iheconti 'HlT'"" b'''r. ncnt.l p.wcri a.dthc liberty of 'the 'J f0'ltl. f - ' ' , ' h v! U l'l 't'ir lad it til my . i..ir..--.'. . r 11 t k. ... t . ...,'...'.... 1. 'uitii. ..yniiiftic-if... . . . . f. f trtm ,4 C:tiil th the cart f iUtet 'j- pends the :lrcngthcningof ..,r VimU. K . JJ mna .rt kothtng htif ihc liberty-.of the Lis cn e! rfr-:j't,7' " brins bick into ,thi Jnand UV sb.ient '" lf t r.t. f-.t' : - i.nt " d letn under tl ii . til i'L a ii a l a . 111 -i ju iiu- iiu'iiiri a a . ihc iorkVcf ficncft Touflaiat Louvc l" W lure. M,I I" lc" rtitip a iw ift iurtd tltmin 4 fern . A Cotton Mill WHICH the buik'rr hsi v-jmH " ill clean at lead' out ihnjf.i, I wcighf from the fceJpirdiy, fo ss injure the ftaplcjuliule'ai any other S Gin in the (laic trcOeifor or before tin- Crop of lart year, and to be complete.' :tt Oram Mills in a f:w dayu, wi! i , fhnit time Iheretfttr pick or, clea t o-,i Cotton. fur the cudnmary T ll. I3ENJ A. SMITH. ' v ... 1 1 uiriii.iri sr. RAN-AWAY fromihel jt:cr.br in bruay 1800, frlfo mn i.amed SA , M iwmy yelfi i f aac, a bandf ms Ij fell.jw, alHit five feet ct rhi ir titte rf . hich, Ayl baili It it well kn.Wjn . mtrg rn, by ihe name ct Jrnuirs'i S , teitii; Mirhafed f him. Fitly d dlarf iewd wi l b- fJi n . Lfing fnnfined in J. f.i t,Jt the nnrf r- Hita, .or hre huud rd ,J iticy i,e . tars wi'l.be-tjWTor ihrthanfr of ya, V" rjri;M'"brn1fd. J. M'JN N. li. Lfueri co fiihef,fl itidfd 'ot LumW ton P&ll.OCve. . - Otlestr it;b, i.ar. A. ('