-TV-- k 1 ..... j WHILE tety and pteafure ire oaw in theit ' prime, ; - " , .' ' And folly and fa (h ion expeft our whole timV ilAh ,1 Ji nonhofe phantoms cur wtfhe e.ijryge, .. Let ui live fd inviuth that we blufh not inage. Tho' the vin nd the gv may attend us awhile, i fi lei an me r.an;xv uar pruucnc ut'u ur r frr$j & jraHtte .ancles 0 him, J0 bring, hini iiuu tuiciinn. i itc m it waicii wc man notice" is jhi foilbwing ' All too will ' bear ihminJ thij facred pTincfp!ehat ' thoughtths will of the majority is in all cafe i to prevail, that will, to be 4 rightful,". mutt be - reafoalc.' . '. Froth this paffagc, it has been deduced by the enemies ot Mr JefFerjon, that they werle foRiiiiilfi quiet polWffion of rhfifeof Let ui cov'et: thnfe fha? m tht wilt never decay. Nor liflea to all that deceivers can Uy. Ho tint of ibe tofe, '." ' . fume. - The eg! m ine'i fragrance, the lil c'ngay bloom, i Tho' fair and tho' fragrant unheeded tnv lie. Tor that aeitherti. tweet when TlorIlTa "it by." 1 fi'jh not fur beauty, nor langmlh for wealth, 1 tlue-gr ant meiadPwideaceJtiue anllieali h, Then richer tha&yinga,. and aa happy aa '-hey, M days (hail .paiilwefiiiy ana lwirtiv awiv. W'o age IhiTfleal on hie, and youth t no-m-vr, . And the moralift Time, mates' hit glafa ai my ;loor. What charm 1ft. loft besutj or wealth mould I h td. ; My tf cafe re, my wealth,' U a fysrret pea;c of mind. That peace I'll prftfervS then ai pite as 'twas given, And taftein my bbfoin an earned of H:'avn, for virtue and wtfdomcan Vrm the cold fcene, And fixty may flaurilh at gay fixteea. . j And WhenJong I the burthen ofife ftVll hv? Wne, Aud'Dsatht wkh hit fisle (ball cut the ripe corn, Rtfgn'd tomy J'atet Vithoutjmurmur or f.gh, I'll blefi the kind luiiinsni aodjic down and Jie. 'Fr'M the Epilomr. ' ... rices which they had fo lone monopoliz- ad iheiefa-minc'i pr!e3. even while thev-.wcre pouring out all thctr vpn!ri. agamft mm and every thin republican. - f Rii "Mr: Jcffcrfon conformed to the fexplanation which thsy have given to tlie pafla'ge, he wpnld ! . a -1 i : I, i.i : : n tnen tnaceii nave viqiaiea ins prymiu': but 2 he has nor, Sc fre trutt will not ac q iiefce, in fuch a conftrudlion,- his . pro mi fe remains unbroken,! even as at the moment yhen ir was fttft uttered. He did nil fay to his open a!nd avowed ene mies '"-ye Oiall .cmtinut ta enjty thoji uxufiti vtihtcb tbe amiuments of onice af forded but he faid the will of (he maionty moiiU in ah eyes prevail. Now the majority "t'cre thofe who elect ed JeiFrfpn : conftquently it was their will that was to'prevail in all cafes, and . ' . i i 'i-i. i i . u not- uiat or ms snemies. i ne wminiHi, of the majority was (as is evidenced by tKcir eledion of jerTcrfori)- -that the IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESI DENT BY THE TORIES. In our hit,- we paid lome at.enuon ; eXcculivc dcpartmcrir of government to that collection ot tiiuioojs enm i fhoulJ aimjn,itererM0iely by repnb - at ucies or impsn''w . iicans. Hut Mr. jerrerion pollening . mas Jeffetfen," &c. kc. Our remarks j mor? 0f ft ti)C milk of human kindnefs" ended with the .Icventn- article nati,unn r.,pms in he nnw cnrrw.r in thh Vherejn VvinthropSaigentisintroducsd. , worj ftipulated for a participation of r:- wr:-.u.-' nint '.vJr. before! " l .t ' j :t. h a ins " uiuuujj oriices ocivcen iiie rtiajorny anu ine mi- ftaTed, could not obtain one approving : nority that js ciwceii his eriettiies word from., ihz 1?lt congrcls, altnougn anJ his rricrK,.. He fays'the will of the the majority Tbf tint eangr'cfs' ;va8s.'i nu'i0fiyh be "rightful, muff be.reefitZ 'cldcdly what was called federal. Win- .: a!le. This is an exception to his-rirfl throp Sargent's cafe was referred to pOf,,;0a vu , tf)a( tbs will if the vtynrity 1 a committee of "the hmifc of reprefen p-Jf. -Therefore the.will of tjic tatives cn the 2jd cf DecemSer, jSoo, majority mud prevail, only in proportion in cunu-quciiu; ji tw.-. w...,, trt tn;,r iDpnonty to tiie minority. cover! in ih;.5olr fyf em, mltftJfi'orrf Veft to EJt. The jteriod or year ot tierUhel is equal to about 80 of our years. ' n'Frort a late UnJin paper. ; I .VstvOF EN GLAND NOT F.S. " A Mitfe of tofJIiiirable cpiCeaaciscc wis tiirrl aV-Q-ity AjTu?v Mr. G igby, a ep liem3Tri vbc ncjgiiTwttihood of Buiy, deter hty ot hank no; r : n importaTtl fo'j:cl!. rfirfflunT.crTlornr j7 cet taoeb'Opfctrva; 6n renting tq Efrta'.tc.. more cfpeciaUy as i rclpccii tlve Cviotiti r',T tnind. ,Specunen'of Divine Tin lis. Bjbiis, Prayr Bookt, .J cHiiucnts, &c. jty.r, " , Kuin s .ncj-iinc?, j r-a He on Placate and Y-'eii-bw-cVe'--.'' '"Httftt'er vn and nrcrcnt'rrrcnis cf grand juries of Tt -, th (..u .rrirn,nt Vf h;r nrn;r.if- the Miinflippi territory, for w years N(JVV tQ (ate hc rgbfy ot the ma-1 preceding. " This committee confined, jpr(ly what .ftoud -jt . bc 1 u t,, f:rft of the )l!owing membcrsR. Lr. pacc, Mr. Jcderfon was elcfted Prcfi Harpcr, chaTrinan, and mclfrs. aa- jcnt in the room of Mr. Adafns, by'a t.rw 'Donnis, Notr, Davis, Birdu maj0rity of 73 to 6c, or in the ratio cf OtLs givingamajorityofthrceofthR aboutg to 8. iIence Tr. JclTcrfcn, moHUorotihKn"gPart,"nS Accord- rrmnletelv to fulfil his nromife. ingly a kind of report was drawn up' haTC ',0 orKanizc thc executive dc-. 1 I - 1 't LT - a. I. fill. 1.1. . . "? tender, went o tbe bank of ,MelTr. Oakes & fon in rhai tO'Vh, anJdemandecl caili, for jal. worth af nps oi their own, far. which he re- ceived pirt in'cafls iccording toihe accullom. ed p oprtion, aod die re II in bank of England no es. Mr. (jngby demqrred, btu.tooK tncra. Afterwards, hewfnf-wiihhisfervant, who prodaced iby his order a five' guin,ea note of MeHYs. Oakes, "'for'whtcb calh wa paid ; a fscondcalh alfo'; and a third, for which a bank note was tendered , Mr. Grjgby refufed'; it, and declared his only object was to bring an action if tbe papr of Ibe bank of England was offered him : it was oifcred, and rcfufed, and i.be adli on b onglr:. ". The qiieftion for the decifnVri was divided ; ihe one 'efpeiSi;ig the iejjabiy of the tender, was referred for a cafcr to ba trird at thc court of Weilminiaer.; The TaQs of Mr. G igby's demanding caflj, and bringing the action is not to be decided. JL1 1 ; .' . Mf. Baron Hoihamj 'n his cliaigff ojhe jury, dirct"d (hcfn to find for ihe p!a'nti(T ; but obferved, " who this Mc; Crigbv is J know no: ; l never faw hiiti,'he rnay b? a g?n" tlemjn---l foppofe he is ; .but had I feen him ovevious to the trial, I would have recom.tien ded to him, urg;d bin, nay implorrd kirn to .withdraw the- action for I mufl fay, it is the "if."!! wartibn, hufyj officious, ill.j(?dgcd, uojreccdenedt and esTaordmary a tacit I hive ever known,, in a Uourt ot vjuiuce Wha' his motive-is o' can be ; , 1 hv ito concep ion ; 'but ths cifsctif psrfifted irr-and fdtlowcJ up can have no o her .teitdeniy thvn io throw ihc.yjhole k'ngdom in o confmion ; to overturn every branch of circnlition and tnd'irV, a"dbe atrodod wi h. conff-qnecet;,. wh'c'i I'hnpc n i man will d:lib?'ately look jo. I.t is s conduct wSicli furpaT?s compicbenfion. r.r. 1 ...... ; 1.:. u... B -ood. "Ma'nroe'i Anatomw La '.am Phartnicopoea. w'orksl &c. Taplin'a Farncrj Mud's inc united woritoi narpcr . wus, m oartmcn, n ruch a manner, as . to cive . . . . .1. .1 . r ctnvrt vitn an agent 01 oargeni 5 men to ,j democrats that procortion tf of- at.VValhirton. Ihe minority pro- ficcJ wlich t;r majority claims, arid tefted ajviin ' the mendaciouf con- ly (cavc the red cf thofe peo.de who call tempt or eviaence uipjyw. ... ''-Vsihemlelvcs fedcralilts. bnch an arrsnrc port He I ncv io his hear . lhai h 1.. 1 a 1 Blum's Practical Naviga-or. .TS; Ame- rfeitrreoaftTPttotr---Gape Fair-Pilot of .ihe Loalt ot Wor.h-La-olma. Maps pi Cape,Fear, on a veiy. large fca!e. JciHcn' Joufna's. ' " ; Jbhnifcnrs u cttonary. nc-tdan s da fonas's Improvem:o!: 011 da. Jones' Pock et do. . . . ... ' . Walker's UniverJal Gazetteer.' Carey.' edition of GuJiric's Geography wih an A,' I lals, omolleti s liatory. ot England y vc Goldfinith's do. doi 3 vo. JGyldl'rnith's do . do. 1 vo. Rj'in's Ancient Hilrorv to vo Guthrie's Ancient and Modern Hillorv 12 v" : Macpherfon's Hiftory of Great-Britain 4 vo. Robertfoiv's- America. Staunton's hmbafTv t'o China. Hiilory . of Spain. Hiflory i f Geneva, in French. Diflionary of .Arts and Sc'ience.V'ti F-er.cb, ' Letter: of a late Traveller through,- Em rone, Afia and - Af' ica." Anfou's Voj'.tgfi, VVil, lock' do. . "... '3. . " - , Paley'i ,rb;ion; Ml'io'a do. ''Dal'-yoiplt 'i Memoirs. SonierviUe's Tranficlions. Vau lack's Ancient Pes rage. ; Bohngbrookc'i Trafls. Oldcaftlc'a Remarks. Adams's Scttt. Frank lin's Works. Rouchefoucaul.' Maxim. Life -of Lackingron. Vilioni of Colurtibu-". Roland's Appeal. Godwin's Political Juilicc. Federal Politician. Reply to WifbcrfVr'ce. Gee on Trade. . Howard's Life, Robifi'foti -Crufoe. Hoyle-'s Games, Fabubus Hiilory, Farmer's Letters. , .The Spefla 'or. S;e rn '3. Workt. CIaVfT a Hit low Mountafocrrr Old NTick. The filler and hi Family Maria." The Myllfry. Cbil-dren'-i-Friend. Mule's Companion. C dtnn- biau Mufe. Ni'nre and Art Rarub!eJFjribcr, being-a-conHiiuation , of .Rural.;; Walks. .fi,' (ioodwin. Count Rhcfticrick. Tom J.mcs. Fa Ibionablc Woild. Ze;tt:o. AtnifetnXin.t. La Bruvcre the LcK or Charjfler and lire-' Manners, of the Children tif the fnt Age. Infernal Quixote. Stdhary Wart derer. . Noflural Vifit. GylTirj' Cadlc .Back'cnN tn Trvbernian Tali he lank note - : ' -,1 mh! was ar rooa a tain in any tovn in KuiiiJ.' The jurv rjrotijbt in aerdict for the drfeti clantr, Mcfffs. pikes. The judge crdercd th. n to recer.fider he verdict. U Tuc iuty reutined ilia famr verdlc. Tkz ratrou, flat ther vet diet ought go w::h the J of ili: Aibe.y. EfJward. For1 of Quliiy evidence, oblervinr, that tue jjen ar quel-1 Ghoft Seer. Curiofnics of Literature. Netler lion rnuil be 'riel at We(l.nini.1cr Hall. The I Abbey. The Male Ciquette. Happy Rcleafe. jury then fubm'uted, and garc in their vcrdici J Rore Mount 'CaiHe. Tlie Ddj;ut(e. Le. for 11s platnuil. Gull' vc Revived. Youio'i.Lib ary. Family i Tablet. The' Cootrall, Edwv. Letter Wu jdj complimentrd b.ir roo'ivc't, which were j ter. TI Lady' .Friend. Ilaur.tcd Piory. sbv ions', bat recyxir-iid-.J a finher coffde J Emely dcVarmont Vi'lage" Curate. Cuildtcn but it 'was brought into the houle that iliiceJ. that the 4 fiance occufr houfe. It was Indecently whifpered Tle prcn;ient has 'not yet gone fo tar ; on the floor, that Claibirne and Davis t;,2 fc.jera!ias however acctife him of were only put on tne committee to beyond the line of conduct alFront them. It will be recoLecled which he marked out for himfelf. They that Sedgwick was the Spticr at that fay he has brnkcn his promifc by turn period, and that the row fa.lcn P?ry out' olOrcrs; when in faahchas had a full .majority of e:2bteen .pn all no, turncJ out cn0h to fuifil hi? party qucil.ons. at tnat time.' in mat pf0m;fc. There are ftill in olftce Uur c, however, lucii ws tns iname of thorc who g.ncraUy call tmfclvcs wis pro luced by flic report intro.. .1; t0 tne democrat ; whereas, tlie uncommon cirturn- ( flloulij be at ,ca(i g 0,5 (0 8 fred, of the report ;Wing' fcdr4irt i in orticr t0 make tf,0 partici thchfmfe after an ardent - f , rj ., , . debate, in which Harper co.niei.ca icj thefe bounds, he cannot with pro- crimes but denied the criminality of. pr;ct h(? fjliJ t0 i,avc broken his pro--'.iheml-ari-lurg-d Mr. Scrgents revn-;' 7 . . luiionary fcrvices as a Jti ej tor r.is offence ! nent, wc conceive, would be ri.llul. ' n- t j ALMANACKS f - For the Yearn 802, Youth. IP'I. Hut hcrr.ifort'jne h that-the fci!cra lifts have been fo long continued in o.Iiccr that they look upon them is frcehcid cf tatcs, which.bciong only to thefh ;and their noflcrity. They view thorn in the ! light tnat an Loropcan nooie 1 i:ccs nis But we will leave Wlnthrop Sargent : wc will lot hurt rett in peace ; and pro ceed to th? remtiniitg artidf of im teachnrnt." - Thtv are a follosv : VIII. He haiVcdjed himfelf at all i rrftm .:m or 1.:. ur -events injure th'bctl men 1 with this j f0 long as 4 competent branch of pitiful faUo; that ha would jjre otb:isWls famiy rcmai,. This fyftcm-how- nte. ' . ever, the republicans mull r.of, and will to his declarations in his inaugural fpecch to both houfes of Coiigrcf, and then X tcmps to jullify fuch mnluS. . X. lie committed two oppofire cJcclafations it the. world ; Io wit, his inatt'ural fpcech ahd lddrcfs to the New-Haven merchant!, tending to make the govern meat 6f tho United States difrtheclrJ i horae, and conftkif title in the cyc ot other nations. received, and for fs'c by the printer, Jl'h: has on hani the hlku fog VALUABLK 1500K3: JACOB'S LAW DICTIONARY. Ray. Reporu, K. iJ. and C. P. do. Durnford and Eafi i. J Dois'as's do; 8 vo. Tomlm's U:geK. U;ir row s Report 8 vo: Wiilon i 00. wor.c-s rMr iicdn ti;n. Kn:.r.. ine IS oble slaves: RiiOtaof snfibilitv. Xioinf-j. 'Novc'b fof Gi ham farm. Pcrplcxi-ie. Plex. Laura'AuguHa. Onh-.n Marian. Lu 'ir'.a Co trtney. Mifs Souiervide. Eli. za. 'Ike Widow f:rprcfs Matilda. Tht Abftrart. .The Wanderings of Imaginatio'i Onanda arr. Lavina. Ficnch Gill Baf h En'jbfh. Rs'ic'al Lover. Frde eiH. Ti e 11 Wory of a yoVng Lady d Dilli-itVcn. Tht sorrows ot hdni?. lheii?6hrr. lhe-T- tot. Hcfry SomcrviPe MelifTa ard Ma' cia, rr be Sift;:. Reta'tiion. Mteuhci trum ia'ur?. ?.ep'iia S'.cirram. ine liaoi'V Kcpenanrc Ibirt. Tfu Prince ff A'VJ'iiia. i'ar.ny, o- R.c'ito'1 Court Thc HiH. rows lypor.a o w. , . Qny C(ff r, e,.er do Modern do 11 vo V cfey jnr.r 1. t o. J-rj Mof GdW. do. V jWid. Buabury s do. p.f The ll::.r Apparent, ... yVVR 6 VO' CifeV" Ei;7" n-,W '-.Pcrin' French and Erglilh G,S,rn.a:. :iw not fuffcr toexift in this country. (ii ne wniinuea.j AUGUSTA, Ocl. 17. Communicilitn. The riewly difrovercd Jilanet, Hcrfcliel, wilt be in conjunction with ihe planet Venus on the to h day of this month, it about ao : ..n r. .... 1, .v. . minute yaw vviimit in iiic n.viuiug. ?t nuf . a' ihii lime, will be about rne drgrte northerly of I tench:!. At (hit new rlinci rrriees 01 Q'J Mrr.ortai junm-i. .t u-jci Crorn Law," Giibeit'a Di(lrci:cs. Cruife o1! Fines. DJ,tn Recoveries. Hinds Gian. orv. Miller on Inluraticcs. Rceve'i Law of Ship? in2. Ilargravc'a Livt T.atls. Wil Ion on fines. I eirnc on r.-mainocri. ou ir. Chance'y. Fi'xhsrberi'a N'a ur a rrtviHtn. Maria's. Law of Hauons. Ward' do. Bur. lamini't. N'a ural and Po.itical Law. Ckd. leJli.)n of In'errrf itoriei. Jonc 0.1 Bail ment Warvuliu't . oume.ee. uuemiotie C.raisientaricf. M.f in' Coilcdion of Sn. lute. La cK'i Caf;s. XonHitmioi erf F.ni. land. Law nf liie Unircd hta e a so Liwi cf Nor h-Carolioa to 180 tncl iRve. Report of Cafei, determined bv : Jud? , w, ......... . , , XL LiHIv He bat fibvrted the: 7 '"Snca ,tJrtrawntJ,v,snJdUO . t)Vtn.e ly rt'Mxra;fi the guwy, ana i..fth,wli!iffovereJ.tV Dr. HerfcbeL lir InreduBion tv La:mL'snr.Jvj ropii. A Irtnch Profodical Gr.iniim-, Lj . tin Grattnir. LeeN Ain'rir;r (.c,?nu,a.--. F'ar's Afiiflan'. Tumi' AimTmi'. ,?? ', Lclfu;, Sudlittr Bock n.d a butaUr el .it!;ti valuable ftbod Book. , An E'lfl'tiry concerrtinj lac I. g?rtr r-'i Licrn'i.Mifncfi nf the 1'ieO. Viswsnf ii-e '" Public Debt-, Receip'i and txidi ute nl the Unred biaief. pioce2irgs i f jl.e Vir ginia AflemW, nn ihe Anfwcra cf funrf Sutei 10 ihrir RcfoTution", nr.- l in Dc;em bf 1793 ; iohicb is prefiifd ihfe Anlwer. Tre Political ProWf. of Bftfjtn. or an Ln- pjtlial liidoy of Auufeitt ihe Govrrnmwft of ihe CriuT.1 Empire in l'-i'ojif, Afia arl I Am-f !. Tm, ins Kfva'ution in irSSX foil F.qui.v pf ih!fl'eufNor,h.Car-3lini,i;ihei'r prefrntiimet the who'e lenu. .o prove 1 meeiing.ntbe i6ih of J.ne 1800, held Pur- f onf-q.;c-.ce nf ihe .lopalar oyftm ruant to an id of ihe General AlTcmbU, fjr rajtat.on, V if and Cnnquea. S? djwi, fetilinKcuUiooof Law or Equiiy ariGororr f .K'y 1 l? P'Cflr-,iJili. .k. ,!lV.A.7. ' . A variety of 0 her amphlei. Pljy, ly nvar&fiz . tht gunty, ana -lfc!lt,wl puotfiZ-lre innucet, ni menhmi--h c t p-ubakle it had bcenof.en &u whuh crimes are izainii toe coom-i f-, hr-,-. rwl ron(idei(i m fiatd f.ar. L..1 I!..;... .f;.U If.liikll. r r t , ........ M ttiU'jn, peacr, ana aicunr 01 wuhum . j,, aitance jrom jne jun it , iooui ntreuen j'tM. The aSrtve four ariicTci relatt princii pil'y tnthe prefi.!cntMnsupuraHpccch; ?n I hli reply to tho Ncw.Havcit mer chs.nts. In' the in jijiiral' fpcech, there are fevcral palTaes- whirh have been uled ly Uuenrmiciuf JelTcifon, In their un- ,..t.i... t...L. n-..j!. tt: f a..lJ'CnaBooks, Tov aa, jiatRu a u. aaniuiT AIT, i' Ia Stat aia, Kedcmpsion. raeri neujiow wp.mnn Mf . , . . ln(1 ntlfP.U nrowni twoncoruance. rami.y innrucior. 1 ., n, u . &c. Src. nJ BlanV . tin? u. iff el'inifs. YtMnf't lime greater thin that of ihit earth ; it tbrte- lore trpeirs imau. - I's diameter is mo'eman four time tl in ihai of ibt ear h. Six moon Wins' or fltelliie it et.d if. It hehtisof a bla-lThonchti. ojf2VL"tfti i(h whi e cofourraod. in briihance. is beiweenimon. Sermon u Kclisioui KJjCiion of ihe light of the Mooo and Verice.. It it faidjCbildren. RlTcIt SeveSrrnyo.i. Erlkiuc's ihar he Moon move in a retrosde direction, !(JofpelSnoeii. Row Devo n fte-eife cf prTrotn E ifi 10 Wefi f th t i a ftrgu'arc" Jihe Hfrt. The Pro Man' Ue'p'dt Ycung cuosfifica 1 (ot all 0 h:r anooni luihcno difj iIatt'i Gaidf, Tricb, Sirinjui, kc. iva Pilgtim -Eiararii on ib a!fcc. Kieg.ni G.h Leuer l'apfr. Fine in p.. . limit. Lift nf W .Imoti A vif nf the C Ko9 P?ef he C1in,n vViiimj 0.. rtPinlor (n.e f.caih.f.t.fJ Reed. Wrapj.itigdc Q .!!, &c. Ilefvev aMeditations. nanif i Hey. . v . ?. , ... . . Chrifli'an t vi.n.h Ra Sea ' t.f AWii. . Amfritin and trgoui 5rpnt"f; - Tinf : M Manifeft. MerthatM I niries, dc. md t ajtwimentnf Co itt mJ 0 kr JVaikn t "Tilank Piice Current pi-if n F.' Pod F!io P-pf, Aa number cf u her t'e in il Stationary Lint iw ttdtwt l c . nerate. ' , - H jvetnlcr 12. 3 1 v

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