WASHINGTON; CiTY,. Nov. i9. ;.T-- . --": . . ' Naval Viftory. But one Cruizer try wit, a fhij of 6 gins, lort of a PrefidenV &c, propofed by the fta males it ronftiurional. We have no delejra. d om. ' She was' reported to peott oi ot Maryland, ana rercrca it to a committee ot .ted powers ; lor that realon u would be an . , ' ' . .", . r .1 . .1 'i . i. . r . v. . . . ',. remaine Yefteru'ay captain St e ru e t, commander ! eilv. bin had not been ! fquaJron feea by any of our Me Capt. Ste-ret bring the refpetHfie Hlfff pt- When lated .intelligence Malta he at wai jofjb e ft hoo n e r En te r p r i zc , pa r t of the dhemnean frjuadronf ari ived hce ,wi patches fo the Secre ar!y of the Navy. f ranr'-S nt - v the bearer of difnatehes -r . - :r . r --- -- tU ate. as the from Cotnioodo e Uale which exhibit a, de- ,,--f wa" r 0f wh:ch korr thev; bd ten tailed arcrvtinf of the, proceedings an luuauon rj..,-. n J..-- r f ihe'MediterVaneahfquadron, ':"- .v Ouffe'i it t Attgall, the Ichoor.er Eo'er prize, cWirnanded by cap . Sterner, and car rying 12 hx pounder and go men, bound to Malta for a fupp'y of wa e , fell in. wt h a Tripol'tan cruizerbeiW a fhip of 14- fix ll.. .' ! r L.-J .L-: .11 LJ ' "k.J nnt --mi-tvl I'll nor was it exp-fted i hat it foon Would capi tulate, at the French had received a iut .JP" in the grjsateftj niefc''" Cawn ..Sterret Bate thU uponverba! information which was, 'how ever, fully credited by the Engiih officer at Malta. ' ' Vj. . '," ; - .. - . ! - pounders, manned by So men, ' The following are the particutarvof an in fitrrrfclion tha't bappenrdat Agie-s'-abo'ir the A mis lime mic cuici yi ic wore Jl' niui eo', . ' . u j t-..w. en'ered the palate, armed, took polleflion of his featj hauled dovn hij colours, fecuyed the pa'ace doors, hoi fled a fljg for-a new dey, aid frpitt-the windows above, offered' a reward of .16,000 ftquins toany perfon whowou(d tike I his life. As he could not come out of he door of he mofqfie, on account of j i?s being ; fituated under the windows of k palace, , and the Tuiks w! hin having' u in their puv to lire upon them, they tcut a pafTage th o' the back of he building, and enst ring . he'palacc at acked ihe infegentrfcvcn of whom m.id lours.. Captain Sterret interrogatejl the com mander of the Trtp(litan on ihe objetl of his' cruifei He replied thar he came oil to cruifc f(C the Ame'icansj and that he lamented that he had not come ;. ilong fide of fpme of them. Captain Sierret,-on this reply),' huif " ted American, in ihe. room of Brit Uh co lours : and difcha'rged a volley of mjjfquetry ; , wjiith the Tripoliian ve urned by a partial b oadfidei''Thi was the commencement of a haid fought aftion, which commenced at 9 A." M. and continued for hrec hours, " , . Th ee iime'j, during jhe aclion, vheTripo-' litanattemp ed to board (be Kmerprize, & was as of eh repulfed wi hgreaf fiugh er, which -wa-grca'Iy.Rcreacd by the effcclive aid af forded by the Marines. Th ee times." a. To." ten tnembers to report thereon at the next fellion. 1 Miiitia Low. V In difcufTtne the provisions 6f a Militia bill, Mr. C. Greet! a d f oca ' e d t he p r o p r i tt t,y of payinglbofe cuizens who attended as jnilu tirmetrby-a general tax o'n-prop-rty. After a fhort debate, the motion to this effecl wa neative4. :"':. .,.'. , V..';;'' ' ,, :,TSi propofi:on if'floticeijl for the piipafe of titg the aitWtioii.ni intelligent perfohs' tojiVifubjecl. liVriowlly becomes, the"le giOnre of (!so United S'ates, , and thofe of eacb IJatc, irt the ceding period of tranquility and , jutal fieedom frOin alarm, to devife and pn!..i8' a,t' atn of execution as energetic and Wife militia fyftera. In forming fuch a (yf- ' ... 1 ' .' 1 . It n f tcm,4r: nay oe wortny vt eoniiacra ion, wftev! legvlljimc, as tner.i s nreiwe upon tne citizen wonla not ot bedi j,nce is ufurpa ion. ' : Mr, C. Green bferved that he was very forry to have occafion to Tpeak gain tipon that vubjecl in the Irgiflature of Rhode-inndk He belirved it to be an unauthorifed inter Terence, and' an objecliOhabte aflump'ior! bf power. For' thovgh it was cloa'hed ib ' thi foft language of a rtcommndAtUn Vet it would operate upon thofe whole confeiencet injht forbid fotiiplia'nce', iirtKc;.ifitl' greeables ot penalty the penary of difaffec tion, difguQ, and diflike, from the reft of heir fellow; citizens. Experience had taught him the force of this oblervatiori. Many do not make the diltinflion between a recom mendan'on of his kind, and a pofitivi law but confider, that whatever comes fiom the entitled to refpeft, for which incipal vtfftlt the on the l.ipoiTrriiiuck nefctsronrri-ana as o ten n 11 . 1 1 1 tiearneioutiy renewea me anion, wt;n the 1 f Jlf.LI' - k. ...... ..f C h l ' ..r...T ..... -.k J!., a ... a, .1uB and pat ttcularj of American ' colours, rame on deck, and eX!oVd .hrm. . under abdication at Gibraltar, vfplwr. while thev rave thiee dieeri as a mark titb .Septemfcr. ' f viftory." ' J . t. Ihe tchooner. vhariotte, John liaynes When forjhejhird.time, ihJi, treacherous commandet, from i5iuraoie, wth cocoa, &c mrrk mid. V-ca'atin inu 'Wv : aulut 1 JW . C alii libelled tor a breach f blockade to fink the T.ipolitan, on hich, a.fccne of , or ciliefwifc', fbe was inever warned, ar.d wh A. rtrr I . n 1 . 1. rl ha'11 . .nam.. t I11CT L'll linilll. WI1 lull Ul ICVtllll llltll Uc Jl.f UU3 l.WWwafc VUAUW, UU.II IUV IIWIIIJ VI ItU 1 ' IJ r - ---- - for mercy. j n? n,Cll Jt her before (he b ough " m, and remain Sterre'. hnenintr to the vn nf was Clole in with Kta.. fti we are a. wai .'heir el ape, ihe o titr th ee t ughr until two of them, overcome by lofs of blood, er compelled to furrender. The other was cut to'piecerTrrihFdey's" frafrafferrun'jinffllhaTT tcquired. thus its p cohfc3ieice be more the obieft of general re. : effeft goes to rreaTeamraoltty among the pfco. guit, if 1 tax we';e Jaid in each Hate, either pie, and to make againll .many an unfavorai on property aone, or on property and perfons, j ble inprefltoi.,' He thought the bi: I .to, be an which ihould compenfa e the citizens called improper interference in maiters of a religious into the held, for the time employed in the ex-j nature. Tha' I fuch interference, was rather ccife, & for their nect-ffary equipment, The , avbttrary, as the members of the houfe had no "great end of 4 good milnia law is the -pro er. power inveiled in them io 'direft their .confli. ,'ion of the property and '.lie perfon of 'heci... tnen s iii fpiritual matter. "He believed thai titens. Thfe who polfefs the former (hould t' bjt few flails were in the Uabit of thi. It py in the. ratio of their wealth, and hofe who; wasttue : hat ihe (la es of MalTachufeus'and ConnetliCat were. From whence he toncuid. ed that thii ftae had takeD ihe example." But he hoped the Prefbvterianifm of thofe (late in this relpeflj would never le introduced in tr in s iiaie, to tyrarnie over tne mnaonanis. poll of honor for ihree Vmus, All, however was qmet the S2d beptember. have no other than perfonal righs (louitl piy a letfetconrribution. Qri .full thought this contoiind ratio would appear to be t Vic mo ft juil,. ".,;.; The fibjeft""ar anrrate; isinrerefl rrierit the " conlidera ion of an enlightened ' nemani y, even afier fuch perfedious cotnlui, ordered the cap aihe? her tcuwm h'mfclf, or to fend forne of his officers on board the En terprjze. Tie was informed hat the boar of the Tripolitan was fo (ltaiered sis tube ut hi for ufe. He aCi'd, what fcrurity there was, that if he fliouid fend his men in his own boat they wou'd not be mmde cd ? Afiei tnuncwu fupp'ca' ions and protefla. lions he bo.it was fent . The crew of the Tripoliian was ditVovered to be in iSe moll deplorable Da e. Ou of 80 men so were' killed, and JO wounded. Among ihe killed "cte 'he lccotd linnenam and (cin . and among the woun Jed were the cap am and Bill lieutenant. And fo decifive was the fire of the Ewcrprixe. that theTiipolt an was found to be in a mod perilous condition, having re cetvrd ic (hot be ween. wind and water. wiih Tiiaoli, I ve llels that of feveral 1 M.i'ik.nl lllill, & till HI , U1I niviiii4iii h ive a igbt to run s lomg as 'hey can from !ie tlufu g veirels iu thofe leas. The veir-Tlnd caigii belongs fo a M IVi ierfon uf Philadel phia, whj wai nn houd of her, Sha was ta ken bf 'he Veirel fl;Kp fcf w. f, s. The fhip .p)llc, S muel Thriflo, eomfc fiar.der, from L-'-horn for ihe ifle of France, r 1 a an a wi n a ca e ot oil, iop, xc. he in 10 and rafo he propcry of Millr. S mind;- 1 , 3. Thmikf giving O.'y. "' A refolut'on. was in'rodu ed by Ti.tr Birknal, for the appoiniment of a day of Thaokf.fiving. . Mr, Piiinan rofe, and laid that he mnfl op pofe he rcfolu ion for he was deciWy :i giintl leiflaVve,p9ointneit of any parti, ClMUy fo-that putpwCe. It feemed nx mucii lik; ;he molioncalf, which Aaron Ifiew- ed, anl fai I thele are 'hy Gods. O IfraeL He knew and felt 'b delicacy of his fituation -ih he fliiiuW unavoidably provoke againli him lie honed pi.cjuJire. of many, and many, perhaps lefs honed, would cnn i ibu'e to in flame thofe prejudices againli bim. " But h's own heart, ind his own conference admoniflicd himitiJthe Uiotrd not become a tavrioce 10 ihein,. We have, faid he, the a(Tu ance of Civ ill himfelf (than whom there never was 1 mote per feci chataQer or better man") that X , i ihofe jurbo refift the temporal powei, from ,om"" :n" ! connlHon wi-h fuintual things,' fhall be lniir.r.l lull 1 , . . . . a coun. ri j ... ,. . .. . l 1 6 " ".,T rM,"D.t.i;l was cad into a den of lions, "for as that ihe blorkade n.i longer filled, on whsch! l L t.it. t u j-.r .l. .... . I n . 1 ... .l t .L. -..iiiiuni lie wiunn, Bu ceaiam nc 1 1 ' 1 . ... . Amh.. mi. r . . 11 ....I.).. lilt" larrui riiunci w.iii I ,11 tt. i . rii.n 1 11 . ' " . .w tnts with the ftl 'hat not a fmg'e individual of the crew of 'he Enterprize was jn ihe lead degree injured, we iff loll io furprif a the uncom. moo good fortune which accompanied our feamen, and at the fupertor management of captain Stcrtci, ' AH the o.Ticeri and failofi manifeded the tryeft fpiri't and fuiintd the frea eft tffons Uurtng the ei'g'cement, AH, 'rerelo e ate en s 'ed to encpimuiu for their valour ard good condufl, Th. marines fpeciIl', owintr to the neamcft &f the v tile Is, whiih v.ee within ptftol (Lot of each other, were emmrnily ufe fjl. Aftcradmitidtng lo the relief of the dT trciTei of he wounded Tnpolnan, and the wann ofibcrew, captain Steriet otVeied the fhip of ihe enemy to be cmnp'et'ly "aSr. manited. Her mailt were acctnJifigly all cut down, and her gum thrown oeibr.ad. A fpar was raifed, on bith was fixed, at a flg, tattered fail ; and in this condition the 11 1 1 p Wis difurilfed. On theifsrival of the TripJia fhip it Til uucnanan, ot Uiliimoie- ae was ilopped juil ; , t j - 1 . j irr'J k i f ' 1 . f innilicu, Ul auu JUIIUIVU""- IT an enemy . p.t and bound o another cpemV . ; ' A , . ni m. . "iff - . o-bu' I will forwarn you whuro you (ball ..f IT L!..L- .f.-- L.L..LI'II.J L..L warned off the port, of us being b.ock.ded, nAWf ,.l(..n:nn K,lt. TK4 J.J..K .Jl K,I went to Nap.cs, AvasereabouMhreeinomhvrr.j.,,,,, ,r,.i.t. n .t... 1 tliV IIHIllfcl I IIIH I f 111 counti arrtveJ . n 1 a s Jt port, . It hai lince appeared lhat shit vetfel went from naStimore for. Leghorn, but being and hei being from oneenemy'i noil to anohe',they make a handle, and it libelled as Flench. 3. Brig Sally, of Bererly, William Jirnei, comtnarid", with a cargi B4coo Ayics hide-' allow, copper, hoini'&c.' loaied at Lilbon, on freight (ihough apparently ihe tap; tarn's, as he has dec'ared) for this pott and Trirll, flopped as being a fufpiciou cargo. 4. Tht ter mer Ma-y, . William Ward, commander, for breach of blockade, flopped coming pu- of St. Ltar with a cargo of wine for New Y.nk he wat not watned when go ii in prjec:i of the princefs ; and Shadi ach, M(h. ack,u Abednego, into a burning furnace, becaufe the found of the dulciner and the harp could not allure 'them 10 fat. do so an I warOiip the images fet up by she king. But to them the jaws of the one' were fattened, and the flames of the other were ha inlefs. lie proceeded Tne hi Hand mod earned defne of the re igiotis and rrlleciiiigm nd, as foon as it comes to, a knowledge of he exifl CMC of a God, is, that it may form ideas wot. thy of, &. fui-able to that fountain of all god nefs. Thus impielTcd, our hearts would be I fit. I . .! I conuan iy nuea wen grmtuae towards n n. lt .k ..:-. U.:.-:-; " . , o"n-iy wwun 111c Kuiiiii 1 t'nr uunprilCQ i tl'. ft... Ii I , .. if ! heelarei he dne. no. know fr wf." I " m.naiu, o. ...c oo- g.. couni ,hewie.,r,.ndtwa i... mZ. CI Uot der A fenfe of that du.y .j .l ,r. . . : . . would eer be prelent with us, when idiiica, uuii Ttuc uimt ou'. wiuin ine utt. j k rr- .tn. j:..i -1 ,i r 't, 1 u down, and when we ufe up. To tidi Admiral at owed lo pif, alf o.ben to eo ter, . . EARTHOUAKE LA cnnfiJenble ftiock of.an Eanboualtt vat we lie confecrate Yet he arden ly hoped that the Prefbyteria! I or this state might ever enjoy their reiigioos.it bertic, in ihtf fullelt manner, jWhat (fail Mr. G.) was the obietl of our forefa:her Roger IViiliatns. wh was 'he firfl fettlerin this lUte, in coming here from Maflachufc ts f It was that he might, enjoy the liberty of ce. cience. lie th?re perceived a fpecies ot bi- go ry riitng to tntolcraoce. . trie left, .ma qHoi 't tOM ftatr, ihen wild end uncultivated and' we are all -rntuled i h fwrdom for which h? fuJfered. Mi. Green concluded by obferving, that theXreafon why, in his tfate, the difleiem denomma ions bad 10 long lived together in harmonyXand fiiendlhip, was tecaufe there was no preference given, to any feci by the laws, and that the lealf inter. ference would lend to dedroy that har.hony. And as a connexion be ween church and date had ever been fo dreadful an enemy to focie: v. he hoped 'be legeQature wotld refill fuch aq k! .... .L-.L-.n..iJ 1 v enemy win c yci 0,1 inc inrcuoia, - Ihe hnuje being divided, the propofed re folutjpns were negatived by a great majority 4. Lrgijl'Uive confidtnet in the Governor, The following rcfolu ion was pafsed by the , houfe : ' - v Forafat'ich is fcveri! puU!cliionS lsave of late been made, in certiin newfpiper prin. -ted at Providence by Bennrt Wheeler, cal led the Uniied S atet Chronicle, flandeiing and defaming the governor, fupieme court, and other conftitu ed authon'ies of this date, one of which publications wai fubfenbed by John Dorance J Rofolved, That in the opinion of this Ge neral Aftrmb y, the faid publirationi tend i difcredit this lli'e abroad, and 10 difquiet ht go. d peop'eof ihisflaie, l y weakening public confidence in the conditutcd au hoiit cs ihere n . ; Kefolvei1, That in ile dpinion ejf this Ge neral Afserably, hii excellency the governor, the fupieme court, and the b her conflicted au boritici of this flate.lre well entitled to tbe public confidence, and have defetved well of their fellow-cititent, by a fsitbful and me. ritonous execution of the ttudi icpofed in i tl . M. l. it.. M S.l. I nivui vj 1 in y upir, I Without Quellionintr the luflnefs of the , . n . ' - pinion cxpreUed by ihe legiflature, we can sot one day only, at lumcient to make 1 taturn but deprecate the irepolirv, id e?en pernl 01 our luannumeu ror continoat oounttcsano b'tdlngi, was in bis opinion, far from being -!-k. . . i i t e 1 m 1 rilh' 1 wai really difrraceful. The Icgifla ture has no authority, nor can it have lay ju fkT. ft1" I h,iUle, "!' tilt tifdicion in soinerroff religion. The' con. the I lb Kilt. few m nutei bef re 11 t. n:....: . n.... i l It wa. accomn.nled wi.h . fM... I . pomu-g. c sn princu boiifet Nv injury of any kind bat bcci iiiitcu. fuf. l.l! f- ft1 - r . it -l.t po,, ,. ...ng..s oe letuaion. .1 tatmf w omp, who . icvere et. pie , ,hat r is the right of jty win to wor- nd ind.gni.tonexctfd, here, that ,he Bey Mh Mowed ly mmbi.ng d,fl.nt found.fL ' Goi (ffeeiblf, 0 ,h iieL.f S.. A ItieiH asitation wis tereeotibe in fr.il V , , . . t' v.t . . w 1 ., . ccnuicBccs an metnarieroi this uatfi 0 ner odi ate made ufe of, at if it had been iaten d)d to prefervi tbat r-ght with more fuoefi d r er aiaty. It il line, fa.d he, it bests ihe fctntlance of a rrtommerdaion ; bm hi is ht fiiflflep to I retigioui tyrifltiy, Tbe Tope if Rome llifri himfelf Chtifl'i sice-geieni 00 utih, and if bis advancement to that da'ion 4m hot fuyply tbe pwer, yet ii impliet in ic knowledrment on the p.itt of tbt peopley cfi btlicfoftkc ixidcnce f tbit power whUW Hie tegflnure of RVodclQind luveter. ordered ihe'ounded ciptain to be mun ed n Jack Af, and paraded thro the d eeis sin objeO of public fco n. After which be received 500 pauanidvfl. ": t ,, So ihanderdrtttk wrie the Tiipnli im at tbt tven'i and it the icprehendcd dtflruion minted ireir utumnal fe(Tion,.acd have ad of their whole marine furrr, that tKe failo joiMtird till Fcbiiary neat, then employed at Tripoli on bt aid ihe crui. . I. Amendment t$ Ft Jttal CwiUulitn. fenhatwere b' ing mm by the government, 1 . During their feflion, (be leg.fliture took 'l defctud tltem, and noi a win toulJ be into conliirinion the amendment to the fede r'octtici lonastiite tUn, . rat corflitutiuu nfpctlipg tbt choice cf tlcc I w mm cioui tendency of a legiflature (looping to in icricre in newipaper diicuinoni We ttuok it at once futile, ind unJigmfied. Capt. Annabel, arrived at Nrw.York la jt days from Jercreie, informi, that tbat porl wis (hut igiinfl neutral fcfTeJi but it wit eipeOe f by tbtierchanf f tSe phte, that it wotua o openta igno in a lew ciyi, . Ut;er frcn't retpeflable meitciri er tlereinnow io London, dated ihe 4-h of 5tpt, mentions that fevera) of our ttflcit laden wi.h valuable rargoci bad wiihin a fottnight been taken by We LngliQi fepjldion charged wiilt ibe blockade of Havre de Grace. It had kern ;bcfoe undei flood tha; tbey ei lo li wirn ca mneia ei neing octiired, lad Icvrril hi( been prcfiouUy turned iway iib warning. It is added that the ctptu'ed vclTcli would b AithtA Lw in oiJi nf it. .!... . . .