KIT A L. L M A NOiHAl. ThrM E;. C E MB fegon PUBLISH K D f. e u f of. !C1 tCl ar the' I at in a out r. ' Foreign Intelligence".' j ifnmediareljr fee d PARIS, ilVend?ma?Oa;4) ' on the . . .i:. .t"7 i i 2iaeraipcace. , Ycflddav at 7 in the eye nip jthe (iena't Jas given for-gancral ; rejoicin)L?!e..-firrng qf cannon, at the Time infta'nf from the quay of the ThuiUcrie and efpanadc of the Hotel 'Nafoualdes lnvalides. . The citizen having fuddcnly; flppcd'ln ihe ftreets, nd trycrro- event went pe dtnulea over m wuoic r wium n.cs we ucmnies or ine .repuonc, nee irom tneir trammels, win atlrme new" happy inwllicencc a ..If iU "foemfee it$profperiy carried to a new energy. Good nfo' aU will i'pripi from hone ft ? " . . w . n i r r . - - " i - . . .... - 1 . v . . . , .. - . l . i m ii i .. . a a 1 . vi - i - - n . 'r I i. . -' P .it:. iMr"i, : -i nteti, m -atfn, i - y cof- mis - peace.Behold, tf niiitva-ed, this terrible contell one nation has triumphel over the cHojfs . of many powes combined for the deuruftion of in itbefty. and wbofe. wondfuli-cyents will iili'flra: the moft ltr kii of hil- rated each other with veeatd to the which tVve crovcrrunent thus Announced; in a body t "ie .'theatre', toiiclrtding hat the news 'Would,' n d,b 4here Rottfied officiillyrr Jhi'y;cte.;&$K iri 'Tir , iffy jetliires. A' all the theatreK Boti fi om'tije mwifter olhe tn'enor, amTOancing' the fje. n i'ure of pteliininaries of prace. wi, h England had be-nt. read, and repea ea in tne midlt the loiiceJB acclamations. iever uiaafnoie lively entbufiafm appear than at 'ihironiedie Francpife he Theatre de PicatdTand at that cf Vndeville. At t WUt wit . is accuf. find an appropmte .expreffion .for fenumen , 3c on thi'opra(ion a copy of extem pore vevfes was rwVed w ith the moil marked approbation. When the -play was over, the ciueriV fojprfa jhe fronts of 'he "theatres, of thifpuWc olfices,. and of a great rriany pri.' tatericiofes, illuminated as on the recurrence f ourgreat many pnva'c feflial. The in - habitants of the diftnfls.n iho neignborhood of ike theatres and .;h?. f alac?qf gfjyne.nt afftaibied in the public walks. , At this ymo iriMtt a nnmeVous train, compofed of the com. roilfaries of Je police of Paris, cfcor:rd by ' detachment of light infancy and dragoons, preceded by drums and trumpeu, and fur rounde i on all fides by enomeiabtc croud of ci tzens, travtrfed the principal ilreets & (uaresj proclaiming in the m dll of torches ibr ' news' of the fignaiure, of preliminj. ies. ; ,,ifhf" windows were nil rilled with fpeftito s VoafTagcs we. e blacked up, and the IKefets ,'i.o'dated with the , crowd preSing forward ' j,hear the magiflraie charged wi.K the procla mation, and to exprf their joy by.atUmf; tions". - At every haU of ibe .jwocetfion ihoo fatd of voicei exclaimed J Long live the Re.; public l.on live Buonaparte ! The news f-n'ched Malmaifon at four in the afternoon. The fttittrft orders were iin mcdiately jiiven Hat it thou i d be announced .it Pa is bv dtfehaigfs ot ar Hery, and that, by mc'aru cf the Teleraphi, it might be iranf mined wi h -he u-roft pollible rapidity 'o . every part of he Republic. Vejideii.aire (Oft. J.) " Tlie Fi ft Conful on his a' rival this day from Malmaifon, found, on his arrifal, the .pr'mary au hoiiiits ready to congratulate him on tat nappy evenr oi :qc ugnmg oi me pre luminaries of peace with Kngland. v . The pitfiden' of the conftrva'ive feoate, ci- tizeo Kallrrtnan, ftxpreflfed in an appropria e 'ferrh, Uie lerttimentt of the fcna.e.. The tirfl Ccffu', in his reply arfwtred, ' thai the intelligence of an event cilcv'attd to have (J nighty n ii.fluencecnjhehappinerof France, had a jufl tlatm to give birth to joy in' the ) me rcbe.i of the fenate, svho had ever C.ewo hemftlves the p'ottflon of the piric:pUi cfitpcr y and fwcul 0der. Cm aen ArnouU ptelident of the tribunate, at. tei ded by the members now in Paris, ie. l veted himtelf in the following terms : CM -a dnfkt, " The mcmSe of he tribunate hafSea to unite wi.h. itie public joy, and to picfeni to you the tonf atul itions oo the hippy figna ire of p''imintiet oi peace with litgland. .ThT only niiiipate the acclicna'ious acd lUuirgs of the retch people lor this ineflt nable bfneft, eff Aed ly an iPuflrioui war iior, and irfooit-liuicd by the hi Q nugifliaics ' vho hsve proved tbtmfclvci the ptiiGcatois of Europe. . - . . . w "V r I I I to y. yes, citizen conhHylq many ipienata even S, fo mah"y trajs of genuine heroii'm, and of fuhlime deyfioato he iot. of pa 1 1 ion f tn n al I biprro , regiftei ed ; in the, re -fo'ids orirrjjnWtlHy, Vil) rofm the wonder f future, affciiiS'they have exctted he -admira- tioniihe prefent t'aee of men. -While they thi?. they "will at the fame time confer an appearance of truth on all the miraculous cir- cumflances wbKjh'hillory recounts of the he roic ages. What priifes ! what exprelfions of gra. tittide can fufficienrly exprefs " ou" liiife of the mfiifs thofe brave armies whs have conquered Peace by f'uch prodigies ; and above all to that genius who has fo often led them to victory, and .who has conflantly p'cpaicd and direfted their fuccfv. The title of one w hi has triumphed, o ver nations, is, without doubt, fplendid and g'oriouj, but how much more fplendid and pure is the title of hiirTwho has glveri peace to the world t The firlt for ever recals to vie w, all i hole -painful ci rcum (1 anceV which ; labour, and hoioiials will henceforth bf only great work, citizen cOnf'iU places of repofe to the acred. From this Period thapks be given toyotnrrhe-lqveof a. great it will bfrimpofhble tor urtpakeTftrtgie-Rep-pa ton will cotiftitute the reward of your pa : in this great city without meeting fome tndi lernal iolicirude.. I vidualt whom yOur labours have tendered Mat itime peace ! This bit ring," which happy. . . -' ' penetra'cs our foul' with the moll pleafing ' Organs of the people jof Paris and of the emotion points -out io us a!ioihe period of depar'ment of the-J our labours as near at hand. Seine, it is by tranfm'tttin , to you. iete, exprenions mat we Dett cart . Members of. an initiia iqn created for a vconyey; to yoa, art iJea of their ftntimenu. Jtme if war, we fhalL foon' fee, ci?uen ift? 'It it inhetrMtBft i4 afoof ; irf their lauf cnlul, jihofepowefs ceafe" wirh which vou eure, that we iht day addrefo yoii .cMzerf" T ' ! . -. - ' H . ... . ... , ....... . . .caled :o tnveu us, and wmch, when Lontui, at1: length." repott Irotn ' your were p Ion they become t-'feJefs, complete ouf happjnefs. labours, enjoy Tin' yduV'reflecTions' all the gooj Witfrall our wnhts we dehred an event which you" have; arcompltlhedi 1 May yoor fo dfTcn'ial'y connected with public felicity, J life be long and happy, far the example of anJ each' f the members will efleem himfelf .goverrtnien s, for the glory and profpenty of hippy, if in, his re'reat he can hope that his the Republic." la b j r have obtained your appiobat.ion." - j The ex-direttor Treilhard, vice'.piefident ! Speech delivered by gen. Mortier, eom of ths t.ibuhal of appeal, prefident of the manding the fjrft mili ary divifion , chambe'r of vacation, being uitrnduced a'ong j ' Genrral Confulj wVh a depu a.ton of he tribunal and pe. t General Pace, the objefl of fo rainy fe'nted bv the miniller of iuflice. addreiTed 1 a iiat' nn)n aeisiiire'd. Tn r!.. . fiuonapartc in the following ihon fpeech : i'.ViUry obtained under the banners of th? republic, peace concluded on rhe ctmti. nent, this reconciliation, fo much defired, bfohght about wi n our mod fierce al eternal calls fotth the groans of humanity. ; . The ft- rival j -interral adrainillra ion icflored, civil coud prefen t" only ideas of profperily and Uwt prepared and matHred by long meditation; hippincfs. a criminal code which ij formed in the filene " In preparing by vory, A by alluring ; of a ralm and "profound dilciiHinn ; order ref general paciilcation, citizen confulyini have torcd in the hunres, exaclnefs in the" pay- done enough it it nue, for celebrity but we:raents ; conhuence ar length tcltored, and a may declare, with boldncU, you ljave no yet confidence too whi Ii it founded on an opi- done enonffU tor 'lie nue elory ana ie. 'nton ot wuuom inured with Itrengtri thefe ii'-iiy of France. fV-arlike exploits have ren deied hsr the mo.1 powerful,' th moft coufider. b.e rta ion of :he umvCi If - Hie mull become. ae Tome of. the thing which you have ac compliflicd wi hin the fpace of two years. l'5urief mc, Citizen Confu!, to prefent by you' cares, the moft fltfurifbing and the j thebdirwge of the Tribunal of Appi a whof mou nappy.'' , In ihe anfer of the h ft con words weie rema kahlc : The (1 nia1 org-iiiu iion, principally coh' this auguft 2nd brilliant refult, the valour and conQancy which the french people difplayed , in the great cooteff, which is finiiherl, were . not fufficient. ' jThetc was need of firm and vigorous refolutiorfs, which, arrive without agt at ion at- their- end, a nd command - even fortune iifelf. There was need of the powerful union of the genius which conceives, nnd the force whithexecutes jof the kno'vlelge of combats which commands vitlory, and of the arts of governing which' turns them to . advantage. " If France cheriQies, in he ch'ef tria. gtftratej the immortal bencfaflor of his country, wanrors while they partoke thefe fweet afTetioNS, love to behold in bim the iiluflrious ' chief, who his fo of en led them to glory. Urgin ot mole who compote the hrit divifionj the reflorj.ion of peace. The m nibe.s uf ihe" :ribtnalof cafla ion being inroduced, citizen Mar At a I, uicfi. tj, pronomicrd tie toll.wir.g lcch : . 4 Fir Cflul, , " W'li-n, at ycur call, every hope' it re anima'td, ai d by the afcendmcc which a go yerrrocnt fir-r, jufl, and gcuerous, gins ver us enemvts, every hope is realized when peace the tbptt of every wifJi, rs th-: fruit I of your wifdom; when, I "ay. roartiimc is about to be added to the blefTings of contmen , tai peace, the prefage to fiance of ihe ie turn of her prosperity and fplcr.dor, as well asthe accomplifliment of her high deftinie.', mil i is a nomxge well due, whuh erery heart which is alive to the due feeliogs cf French men, will hafltn to pay you. in ci'cumuances fo honorib'e for yon, and fo happy for us, ihe tribunal oi'cafjaricn reehihe propriety of ipproachtng, to re-echo ihe iianfpoftt of peblic joy, and the cries f .L. LfT. r al . . lnanniuinei?, wn cn cm an ItJes di'play ihe feciiments wi h which all due citizens ate pe net rated. , Kniirt devotion to the public intrrefl, Conflant teal for the execution of the las and the miintenance o order, inviolable ftn delity to the government, in imate and Cn. cere attachment to your per fon, ardent wiflirt (not for your glory, for what icceliion can it teceive I) but for your prrferva ion, and for the continuance of that peace fo precious to the world ; fuch are the fentiments which -jorgwn j now am, and it u wuri piealure i.iat f i renew tne txpretnon ot mar devoiionand ful, thefe i I 9 a no only expreRiog ihe froaments which i ieal wh'ich; they1 will never ceafe lo feel for abiii y of I nave long felt in my htff, nl which I j your 'per&c." '' ributd to! fit me ly tmbiicly at a period, ever Cardinal Laptata, Legite titter t aiuved noil d -ar to my terollech'on, the period when yeflerday evening at Paris, alout half after I wavmi'mhcr of a LegiUatiou of whith you hx. His fuite ttnfi()s of four prelates of as ;hc Chief ". " j Rome and i wo other ecc left a (tics. The i carrigea The Pr.fccl of the department, the fecre were efcortcd on the road bv ihe Gendarmetie. ry geneval. the of .he Prefccnirc, His excellency alighted at tpe Ho.el de Rome, iie council general of the demtment. it.c- which belongs to the aichbifhop ofCotinthx hb prefec'tj of the tlillrict'of Franciade and but he is io occupy, the fuperb Hotel ic !teaux, the. Mayors and Adjuntts of Paris, Monmorency, io Lille-flreer the council eeneral at.d the admiuidiativA ' Priiire Dolaorufky has received a fibre tomtrtitTnn ol Hofpitals, ihe com.uifTi'iej of ecriched wiih diamonds, worth 50,000 frankt, ttmtribmtoni havn g bki to the r.umber of a j as a. prefent to gene at Clarke, Irons bit Lnd'td, at the h'. el of the prefecture of ihe imperial majelly raul I. I his 11 a mnrlc cepartrrfiH, fet on on foot at one o'clock, t the Palace of ihe goveromrni, : TtK weie p'efented lo the Firlt Confu) by ihe Miniller of the lnte'iur. The prefect uf the depaitmcnt, tbtii rxpreiied bis IcnU. tueun : ' . Citizen Confu We &c. (as above numerated) prefent to you tiewi(het and the benedifltona of ihofe who'.ive under oue adminiDra'ion. The rteliminariei of Peare with inglind have been ligncd, and he j y excited by this news was :he more lively in p opor ion to is being more u( cxpfcled ; in p oponion as the goveiMnent of England had accttfloined Eu tope left to hope, from it a icturn to pacific views. Thus he government, ever uoiiinj foice tovvifdom, has teen le to infuire at once ! leiror of our arms, & ambition for our alliance. Thus to nations, formed to eHeemeaca other, will affociatei heir efTotts with their all my tolleigues pattake wi k tae, hofe 1 avuy, and Hcir genius o confute the world, organ, at this moment, it it to me fo a?ieea 11 a r- L u . . -.. vie ana 10 aunouraoieio appear. ine niu coniui tnanked him for the fenti. TIk Kiifl Conful rei'lied. tha' the r rrnch jrop'shohadbegantoiine he joysofdomef. mtu, ne l, eM'5'Ied in the name of ihe' tig tranquility, were not left in want of e xie r. jTubuntl of Caflitioo. He added, that he. tic tranquiltty, were not lcl in wtnt of exter txacer Vie added, that with plcifute bT ictogotied, in ire gooo tnotce 01 ine ma. jority of the uibuniiv in the election of their prehdrn', the fetitimrnts of aitathment 10 he govrroaieni by vhith the whole body t cre animaird. A greit number of the members of the It. jiflntve bojy having alTcmblrd Citizen Gjf. frtidi, the pirfident, addrcfTedihc Kii ft Con ful in their name, and fpoke io the follow, irg snannrr: Citizen FirB Ctftt The members of the UgiQaiive body, h have it this time aflVmbled. delay oot i rcomet toioi t he eapefDo of their fatit fattion ind griti uJc lo he corgra'ulations .J lt j iiDunatf ana tne amaic , iw nr.c h34t! dent peace, well knowing the plesfure ihii intelli gence wou'd afjoid, and being deCroui. ai the fame lime to give a proof of hit ficciil tfgafd and efteeai. Citiien lienhier, pre fi lent of ihe council of Matiiimt Prizes, fp'oke io thefe ttmi 14 tiintn Ctnfult, In the mid & of the public joy, the council of maritime ptiiet opproach to jin their congra tilationt lo thofe of the pollic funttionattes of flae, , They ipproich,' throncb me at their o'. girl, toieOtfy their joy and gratitude for that pfirtxotueied ly the pet leveling eflomof ihe r.Vah prop!f,ii.d fettled ly tb wifJom . . . in 1 which have dnlmguiChed the progrefs of a dtfaflrout contcit , . Geneial C Oft ful, the Price of the Wot Id is your Work. Who before you was truly anxious for its teflon. ion ? Who hid of gratitude' to general Clarke, for the at- tention he bellowed upon the ' amngmen' wuh regard to the return ot the RCiin prifoners ,imo their native country, .. .. . St id A met .Effctidi, fecrcury to the Or tcman ambiffador, Hauf Bry' his io'endanr, and Ifei, doroeflic to Hauf Bey, have received paflporis to rciuts 10 their owa country From the LONDON GAZETTE, October lttb, i8or. " . mm t . By thi Kina. A PROCLAMATION Df daring tbi Crjj'alv.n cj Arms, at use!! b Sea at Lund, egrted upt between hit M.'jefl and t'nc trench Rtfublic, and enjoining tit, ibervatitn thereof, GEORGE R. ? Wberrat preliminaries for reRoring Perca between us and the French. Republic wee figned a London on the fit ft day of tbit inflint Oflober, by the I'lenipten iary of ui, ind by ihe Plenipotentiary of the Ficnch Republic t and whereii, for the putiiag an end 10 the calamities of War a f-on and as far as may be pofuble, if hath been agree J between us, ma tbt rrencn Kepubhc as lot- 1 l .. . r. . .l .. r t !(jr1tft-iTnm7irnta-jrrif,ftrv;.?.r-td-4 U To-? . , of the figna uie of ihe ircliminanes o"f ".Yoaalooe, General Conful, you alone Pieliniinariet 'ihill be Cgned and ranficj. mDriEing uuc ir.icrcu 01 an nations, . inendUup thould pe euaonined Dfiwten ui thought that the obQaetet which oppofed their land the French Republic, by Sea and Land. bappinefs could be oveicore. You have in all pint of ht world, and that all boflUuiea conftralced the uajverfe to fay with us the fhouli ceife immediaiely tn4 ta order lo individual, the greanQ of mankind the mod preveat all cmfri of complaint and irfpotes worthy of.eflccra sod of love, is. he who, which nvgh- infe on'accouat of pr get. which itcuflomed to the fivours of viflory, bends toifht be tod at fea after the (igaatire of hiisvliole mind to cbiaio the title of picifi-.tbe Prelimiiiry Aniclet, it hit Inn (o I reciprocilly igreed, That" the telfeU aad , Ini greit sera, Ciiit en. Conful, the effects hib might . be liken in the Druid city of Pirtsowe4 you the h.INf its homsge Channel and inMhe North Seas, after the & i's griuioJe. In population it immchfe & fpace of) welt t diyi, io be computed frora rjeetflarily indubious. Wir kid chained the exekange of the ratlfccitions ol the Pre dovntheiraiiiy(ndfjfpendedihir labours; liroinirr Aruclet, fbould be reflorei.on each ibeani.ihcoiripruigof Ptice, will now fide j tin the tetn thould U oot noauhfrcW them all ie meim of profpenty. Wrtikfhopi the Bfiiifli Channel and the Notihfiea at far ' nttUttoftuUicjuy hith art d.fplayei in r' ? 0 F roP , 0 "M 'Mamein.oiproipe,..y. Vylft the UriiiQ, Channel and the Nor.nSe. ., f,f 3 cfikti grew City. an. nict mil1 f br.lluni ,f ..b, Jw,H Vt f.-ptnei, cgm.erco tad ted-Qry, .. the Caaaty Ifl.oda Jod-dmg, ; t