. "" i the OrWTi fr vrvfhe MediterrancaB ; two vnrtnt fir sum the laid Canarr tflands at fa is pelade the whole empire. ofdcRroying the government""-" No fyftm wi'i ; be prepared to replace that which Udeflroyedt tba EWorrnd Uftly, five moo b in ail find it u to be apprehended thai anarcny w.U otrttr.paitsoti.ne oiNi,'Wiuwui,v,..-ii, 7 or anymore parjicufar' defcriptibn of tiale or places And -wher eas the Ratifications of . the faid freViigina y Articles between us ami the Trench Republic were exchanged ' by the rerpeciWPlerMpotefliuriet of us; and of the VrF c nirVil5rr - oii -the i o h day of this v FRANCE AHp - RUSSIA. ' A kind of ptetiminary tteajy; whlclj the Firll Confui fent to Alexander I. for , hi approbation, tending chiefly to terminate the' prcfent .differences between ffte Fire nth arid . if' ," i -a. .1 . .. '.. I un, rAW from which dat'the feveral rK-illian ninbns -hat oatiinecr-Hieviaaaittcwat lermi bove rtenti of twelve days,, of , fanttian of - that monarch, ,wh.Ohu . Wgsi Mi de MarKow, me new rvuiuan ninmci.Bi Paris, to ratify it in his pawefli m'd the firlft tonful agree to; the terms; ptapufed 's. one i . p . r lit. -i tt -rtt- two . montns ana oi nve. month are to be computed ; wrrai it Paris,, to ratify it in hit tae,-,flrm is our royal aviIi aud plealure that trie ceUatioa of hogiihies between ;us and t.ftjtttcK Republic thould he agreeable .;tothe femal: Dochi. 'fiiced baweea ut nd lb? 'iFracri KepuDlic, wtnavc laougui ui, yj uu wim PORTO PERRATO. : i The Paris Montteur pf Sepi, relatesr that admiral Warren debairked 2$oq1 Swif' the advice of our Privv Council, to'no.ify troops on the . tilar.d of Eljbaf . together with tK fim- ;tt our totftn fubieftji : ind e i fai;or and marines-to aft in coa'ceft wtih the declare that our royal will and plcafurc is, gamfon of Porto Ferrjj6. Thcy wertf at fartt and wr de hereby JUicjly charge and command. f fuccefsful, and took a battery ; but at Jength, all.o.ir offirCfi both ar let and land", and all : (fairs the Frenchaper) were Yepulfed.Ufld intercepted in then, retreat, 200 cnghlh taKen '. ".:-I.'..r . . ' I'll 1 ther our fubjefli whaifoer,. to forbear , all afl of hofliHiv. either bY iea or land, ajranjft the.F'encH Republic, and'their AU'e their ?aifals or futjeth, from and after ihe tefpeftiye ' .times above-men'ioned, and tfftd'er the penalty ' of incur ing our bigheft difpleafirei- t .'Civ.eJittcw C9la.tndfov.the twelfth day 6f thinant Oober, in the forty. firfl year of our Reian,,and lip ihe year four Lord, ouc thoufand eight fiundied " - and one.. ,; ' GOD favc the KING: At a. Court tt Windfor, . the ! : Ocloherj igot,' l '. .. : ..sraistaiT... . The King V tnoft . Excellco; 12 hd Majelly n Li Council. His MaiiellT in Councilwas'tbisday pleafed to de3ire;aad orderthaVfov the convenienc? and fiofttr of th. commerce of. his loving of ifohers, and tooo of the foreign troops HtUed. A Brinfh frigate d finaftcd, and toguu-boau taKcrj, ,' I tO N DO N. Oaober j. ".vo' Di'fpatches, of.which ' the folio ving are.ex rrafhi have been received forai his excellency lord E!gtn, Jus majefly's amhaHadi; fjxnacJ dinaVy arid- plenipoienUary .to iha, Sulilime 1 f o te. y , toe rrgnt non.. lora nawKcioury, one of his raajefly's principal fccre'auei of Exiratl of . a djf patch fir am hrd Elgin' ft lord Huiik:Jburyt . dated bwltiinlmoptet Sept. 16, 1 80 1, Tnidnight. "l congratulate your lord (hip mod fincerely on the intelligence which 1 tiave th'o "motnsht received by" the annexed letter from ftf John I. Hatchinlon." , !: bv h'w-Rbval Prbciamation of tnis "day's "date, ' affci witf fce deliveries as foop' i&eyl can be intievchangedj ?o fuch of his fubjets ai flia'l deli re ihe famej for their &ips, poods mct chaVdrics a;-d ' effefts,' they duly ob". ferv'ihg the .ftve al AtU' of parliament s nvhfch are or may be in force. ' .':' ' . W. FauIkner. A 1 LONDON, Septembcj' :o. REVOLUTION IN HOLLAND, . A rtv-lotitn hi tiken )t.e : iheBaUyUa ro ftrnment Tlc Dutch L'iflme bi. ben 4 iffp'.v4 bV the Diuttvrv, M a new blitt ct CohUUtttion hl beta fabmUieato ihe beoitt v J .. t " ' t. On the 16th toll, a me(Tje rat fent to the Firft r 1. t. .!,Lii,...u.',,it:l.,i.k tl. ltd not toVthe tidv tt of tt chtraber, , but .merely noiifiel vrhlt they" h'4 done.' ' Violent dcbitei took place... Upon a div'ii'n there ! R)aj9riiyi(tn tht dioQory of 3 10 aS. A cammiitee wn ippninttd to report upon the mcT(e, their rtport wu fivoriLle to th: principle ol the new conlliiuiiof being Tub nutted : tbt people. -But when the report wu t kto into conCiteraion, it wu negatived by 17 to' 15 nd th metlure wu agreed (o he eleited. In this tlite f tfiiin the fcitecloy pubfifhcJ a procltmatioa dlT')lrinn. the legiflnie body, and rcciiiiaj the feolato give thru void tpo the new cootttiutioa 0 lh 1 ft of October. 1 h Aewconftitut onconCQi of itl ftielei, Tht dtrrcbjwyrtto be abolirncd and the caecutivpow ti tttp beJDvtv;d ia a uie direct r U it cerioni oo olih. ru'iito go out yuily. The legifliuireit 10 canbitw 35-mernnert, and tbe rfptbl.e tu it d.vided Into ffgbt OepVi(net. - Several nanbert of the Dutch letQtUre. in oa fcqaeA.ff-tf their determined 01 pofitioo to ite ty. XhtfrOfAW iitV4ory,ivti Men tricnea. Th Mon'uejir publifhed the official ic coiitt'of the furreodcr pf Cairo. The bick ciingi inong ihe generals was one of the cauies 01 me defeat 01 toe r tencn in Cgyp B jonSD'arie t indignant a their iconduf). Re . gtiier' cemands a court tna (hat ; and Meoou ti t ' 1 n vriii nave one without aucing. . Mp. Metvin, fervint to lord Elgin, arrived elleday wi b dilpitchet f-om bis lordlaip, ' dated- Conllintinop'e, Nepi. 0, (latirg that gen. Hu'C infon, invcDed Alexandria the 1 Jih Augujafe. he floiill of French gunbo'i had bceo de(lpyed.a(id,fome batteries b.ewecq Lake Matoia and the (bore. Menou on the tid feat a flag of iracr", demanding an imif tice of (hree days which wu' granted, ,tt the cni of. which Ateiindria will be giveo up. The coniud of the Du'ch executive pow et in'diltolving the IfgiQatore, it a viola" ion - fever' principle of jufltce, 'The Du'th , people viewed the affair wih indifference, 'he time it 0 II when loca atlt excited popular in -' Jjgni intttj Thr rullkjrtijcd.ritLniLfjr cxcouive or let Hative.' The Fenclo ternmenf diftlaias ill pr;icipuoa in the iratiuuiont 'TRtiDBLFL? iy TIJRKF.V. , M The Turxilo Ifo'iMfi ii'idv anting rapidly 10 ibat diUJlojiga whub has bei- f long re Infurftflloa has no" been confintd to twva -PiOvirMt, ii bat 'iroV.n out, near Confjaat'upp'.e, at. Aifiniople, I'bi ippopoli, Nitta, and User plites. ,Jt ponulice have f Tea opvo ibeir mag ilratti, aod much bluod lSafbeen Oi'd. Svcf4 Gov tenors have been I rced to air. ad ravolt m fprcadinc it the tnodn IaiHr, W dreed the CoafeaueA Cardidil Cap'tra if ' of the fa.mly. of the death, njLa greaHtnmber of her Were ia i'.i . . 1 ' ' I "r . - . 1 r i . MoateniuHr, a name celebrated in hirflory i "He is in a vV'ry'; weak fii e of health, elleem. t! for; hit great virtuei, - and is aged . 68 yearsi j le lef Rome in ' the beginning of September 16 repair to -he place of his dc(H. nation -..1 ' ' .. :-: Geheral'atrin "to citizen , BelteviUej ta- f miliary general tor commercial relations, oi ;: the French Repblicsn 'EtraVta. y:r:i?x iai 'ni i Head-qua, lers Longone,,Sep. tj, ; " My dear CommilUty-TJje fqu idroa..qf Admiral Warren coafiftinir of feveo fh'ipa of the link, three frig'e and two brigi, landed yellerjtay abour 300a roe n t tbe right 'ofour camp. AeTar. ohaioate battle of fix hour we forced themtote.'embark; wiih, the lofs of 4200 men.' kil'edr'drowned or wounded. We have it : ' ' 'ii 1 n r ' - . 1 r ' . . I ' fC taKen 800 Jcungnin, priioneri. wiinaeverai ora cers.Vyrhom , (hall in a little time fend to Leghorn. Our batteries dilmailed a frigatCj which. efcaped, only by being taken in tow by 20 veflel!. Seven gun boats were, funk, and three taken by ouf foldier s by fwimrning, This batilc ctrves wth flory the troops oflhe I Republic, who being fick, and in want of evey thwg, had nied ot a'l their courage to be it men double at leaft in number, and fupborted by the terrible "5re eif theif battinei ': tt :.-Tfhe Englifh had landed; ia feveral points. A 'thouland men, protettea py: 3 mips, aiacK ed alfo Morciana , biir the brive tohbi'ants, in conjiin'tlion with, fome French and a few Poles, forced them to retire with loft, . , V Depend my dear, Comraiffary, on my fiheere. attachment. , . Signed) ' f Wat r in. (A;True Cppy) . ' , 4-Be Ltavj LLJEi" fALEXADFflA, Nov. 28. . Arrived this morning, fchooner Har riot,! WeBb,- Antigiia, 28 days. Capt. Webb informs,, that in the ; river e fpokc the . fchooner Neptune, of this 1 Extrail of 'a tetter from fir JM fT.Hatdhl . injon. A. o. 19 ine cart w Aig'r, maieu -(lead Qtaters, camp bffare AltXandrU I ivitt feixe the oppor' unity of a meffengef going . to Conflatitinojite, (aifpa ched' by the captain Pacha.) to inform ynur excellency ' rr lilt 1 . . . .1 nat gen. menou ouerea ian mgiu teap Hitare for the town and forts of Ale aadria, and demanded an arm! dice of 1 days , for, tbe purpbfe of arranging, .ihe terrru of,, ihe capitulation : this I have granjed acco'dingly. ;The Gttzvtie .oi pnu .day , cpnhrms4,ibe actounc of Menou having offered to capitur la'e.tor the lu render ot Alexandria' .ihe three ddys allowed for fet 'ling ihe terms ' had pwtoo waugxtneir iruis urr.er was again rettorea oMne4tfc-Hovvv'! 'The pfinclpal fcenes of reVoft we e in the Y ; diffejeni viUajres to he plain j 'all y i;hi n 30 ; ;' Ttiile f thtr Cape,-in ! wHich iris ftiopofed. ' ' iromrjoo to wnttes were milucrea.Tai,. it extendeJ'o' th'e'eape, -the loft to rraa'y .A.i m?Ticft m(rchinrs wpuld-hav"e bcefi. ijjpaJcula ble. ai i an immenie propertv 1 betonp-lntr-m s :l .t .,.h -I.-:-- t.u?-T -V " X.talte the liberty io enclo:(e !'6riie;tp-'l 'r ' formation of. the ciijier.s of your portjletfj! J1'' (al of fafts mads by the gavernoof St. Do"; " T, .tiingo,' relative to the laie injfu-feciion j and lL o affure you that order an'd; tranquility are row re(lored, wi h 'every p:ofpet of their contiouaace. - ' ,:'N.--'Y '' The embargo which has been laid 0 the.x veffcls in this port, finccthc 29th ultimo, was t6 prevent the etcape of any who had been 1 concerned in exciting this infuirctlion, as well as to enahle 'he veffelno carry to the United States a detail of fa.cls, ad an, affura'neo of," the reftoranon pf good order. ' ' ' -' .ir:.t. -A..rJir - -v-; ::. VV nil efc.t ictycu, I. am, Sir, . - - ;. 1 ; ; V oiir mbft oWdleot fetVant, f ' C ' TOBIAS LEAR, v " Gtncral Commercial Agent of -the Uiited Statet of Jttj: rica intheiJlandof&t.Di, Robert Porviakce, .. Crfltthr of Baltimore. Port of Wilmington. Entered f run the to tbe, loth tuff.. Sloop Sally; He fferman, Nevv-Port. baUyUur, N;w-Yoik. prt7 30 days from!Liflian, the CaptairiSch-r. BeUcyj.M'Ilhcnny i Cijarleitohr oT which informed hjrn, THAT SPAIN .W Brothers, rteH, SavannaKr: HAD ACTUALLY DECLARED WAR AGAINST, THE UNITED ST ATES- What degree of credit maV t- 1 i" . ..: ' . : " De attacnea to tnis account we are un certain; wc have, liovvever, deemed it out duty to prelent to our readers, a Cleared, Sch'r. Hero,.TUden,: '.' ittdji, i Mete rt M i I lef , ; Ou adaloiipc. : - '; '.'f ' Entered J ace ear - laft. , NOME. :" CLEARED. we received it, the report of ah occur- ', Sch'r. Betfcy, M'llhenny, Charlefton, ierlce, which, if true, U of the highsft j- Vaory, Derrah, Kinglton. importance to cut country,, ! .., . ' i-s ' r.n ' ?i''ateofNofih.Carolina.'? Cape, fear Dilria., i: WILMINGTON, Dec. 17. ROBBERY. w v . Im Admiraltt. ;HEREA$ .obcri Dickey ' and jann cans, late mariners pn af .1 ? I . 4 - .1 f . . i- . ft. T ' . w j . - . - . . not expired when -he oMffenger was Wni offL 2 3 ? f J !, mil iideujrDotra tne Ichooner Swan ot.Nortolk, br ieo.' Huicbinfon uicjau.wa lusvniiy laKBiiiwif which jonn aiming was rwaiter, ana ... 1 4 .'ia.. m wt.-l, ' .iPlj.i ii;ii! t r , ... . v oy ui4.a. wcu, v:nuci ncrucs, t ; v-uricr wuiiam i a nioti is . Owner, ' - Corn A(arkehi ' ' wriitc men ia difguifc, and the following '. lately .filed their Jibel ifl, (hit Honorable Thi morning at Mark lane we had rcry.'nous robbed therefrom, yit, 1 I Court,' fetting forth that they were enti- fmall fu'pply'of Knglifli wheat, and no g'eit Dollar. ( tied to wages for fervices rendered on acceffion of foreign ; hne farnp'es of the former .No 3002, dated Sept. 3, l?of, for loo board faid fchoorter, and that the fame for mealing ha,ve been taken eff-at rather lower ) puces than this day week, fay about ll. to f, per quartet . The bed Damzic. are alfo ay raiacli cheape-. Rye' and iial' ve'ry " heavy articles, and fomevhat lower, .:Barley,'I oati, and ' new beans, are all extremely d and feveral (hillings chraper ; boiling peas, ahhbtigri very few at market," hava declined near 101. per q indeed the idea of peace have nearly flagna ed the corn trade in general,' aad of coutfe lit le or.pa bitik'Cp was done '"'y 1 1 " .1 - is -t r i', ' Englifit whear, 56. 68. "i. Foreign wheat, 45s, 64s. 6s. Flour, 70. o 751, per fackV American, 381. td 46s. per bbl ." ; . The news of peace produced ihe nod lively joy thtoughout the country Oa.-ibe Mail rnti Km wtr wriit.n in rr r ihe words ".PEACfc; VIT1 1 FRANCE xfflt The coachmen, there being noo'ivc io ibni. country, thought proper lo fubfliiute lauifl in j,'? us niace ujxy Price ef Stocit this day. et I o chek. 3 per cent Conf. 67 14- ditto for acoiunf, 67 T 3-4. Uftaraora 10 5 4 l I Tbe ieduMion which will lake p'aCe in the pfice of fieights in confeduenca of the prefp'eil m V, . . - A a. a it 01 peace, will be a laving aimoit incalculable. The 1 ficiehfi will now be reduced from eleven 10 (ia pounds per ton. wbich, as war i t i . I M contingeticics were auowea ire urp owoerf above lue permanent peace JrcigQ 1 do. do. Ico.are withheld from them, and alfo duv. do. do. boo ir.g that procefs might ilfue againlt the do. dg 109 faid fchooner Swan, her Tackle, Appa- do.. Uo., . ico. rel, &c. and the fame might be adjudged do. .do. . , 100 to be fold to fatisfy the decree to be do. do. 10 j made in favour of laid libellanti. ... ' Io do. ioj A11 iJ whereas his honor the Judge TuiH do. do. . loo -appointed the fecond Monday in April . 3155, do. do... 100 next, to hear and determine faid, litieUt the v-oiirt-houfcin yilminj;iob. . 1000 k neie are therefore to liivc notice o ScntbytT. Lefevre of Charlefton, So. all perjons concerned.' to apDc'ar before Carolina to Mr. Brugun, jun. of Phi. 1 the court at the time and place afoircfaid- i-ilii.:. I.k j .l . . a . . 35o. 3'5. 3fS ladelphta. No ' ' . ' 303 z dated SthSept. iSot., , 3d Marco, 1800, bih Sept. 179I, 23J Jin. ittoi, 2th Sept. lEot, do. do. do. 31ft Aug., 1800,. lS;hd. 1795, PAR!?. $ntmift me Oa the reoaeQ made br the F.rtoch Go. vernment, the Court of Berlin baa ackoow. IcJged the ereflion of the Grand Dj'cby of Tofcaoy in 0 a kingdom, and the actefJion of Don Louis, Infant of Spain, to tbt LroWo of . that State. Thit ackaowledVaeit htd before taken place 00 the'pirt of bd Coun'of R owi?, and'taat of the Government' of ibe Hsleiic, Ua 1 viao, ,Cifa1pinC.au4 Ligniae m la.. Kfpuoiics. then and there to fhew caufe if aril can, why the nravcr of Vhe libellanti Dollars. I IhoulJ not be granteJ. and a decree made iooj thereon accordingly. ' 100 vsi tnis an parties concerned will take 50 j due notice and govern thctnfclvea accor- -ii:...t.. i it l.. . . . joi"''7a n p?ni incumocnt. , 50 1 A true dpj Ittm the Recardt, S, CARLETON WALKER. ,50 1 Dec. 174W. v ' 50 Sent to Duncan M'Rat I: Co. Cam den. Dollars. No. 7Jt, Tod Note, payable to A. . N. Lirrien, 10 days fight, dated 8th Uec. 1 801; coo 307 c, dated eihdept. loot, to Adam Miicnrut. - 100 ' ". ' . 6oe " Tbefe laft are endorfed by William Milligan of Chailclton, to Donaldloas, M'Millan, U Co I Omct f l( l lit at I At t ft, wVitb til -1 toll. nefs hat conferred on CirditaV Cab'in; charged wi b tutbllipf hu rui(Ho to Fraace. of ioHuo$ Ml;t7 'CU.teo Cacaulf, and all the tropiapd (0. . TVrkey nr-b dare IIU m odier tttgn th 4t RyiB4f f p-A IS hereby given, that my wife MA RY DOWNING ha left my brd and board without any provocation or ciufe whatever known to me, and left (be fhotiid be harboured or credited by any per fort or rerfoni on my account. irus puDiic. notice 11 given mat 1 win not fay any debts (lie may com rid or incur in any maaner, from this day. I alfo furwarn all pcrfcf from harbouring her at their peril. ;, JAMES UOWNlfNO.,, Wilmington, Dec. 1 5 1S01. ALMANACKS . I . ' . - I M 4-1 M W .rt. l t t m I ....I L.. rwed it Baltimore, in 14 days from Uipeia. ui uic uni vi wur low., bave informtiioa of an infurrec-1 Ancl a varietV tA 6alS.'&LC.' w. i.. . . .l. .r i j - variety ' 6,1 the i?ih of AvpttQ a Onfift'tv Jwn ... n t X h" ' r l I ,,Qn woicd nroac out ancru me acxn 01 uo I r r i i i n i " e held , a. Rome, for T,e inveHiiare oT heUf h j m,0 of bt fnonb of Sr. For falc by tllC Pfltltcr hereof Grand Crofs, ibe thaiaa.Atc bidst f tWn,. . m . ... .1. . . Uomtngo, among iha blacli, whofe avowed I imifct' ..j f t. u:i.s-.... l!.. . " tT h i 1 1 I IIVUJL. IIU Ill 1 IlliillllCIVIIt aiv'cntion wsi 10 mauacre an ine wniirs wi n 1 f- !ii i. i.r Ar... out etcepii Gcne.il Mayfe aa charged I i jnijHjicta 01 w -.n , i.kbeingjUutbor cf iba coarpWacy, tod tftept of Goods.. Apply-to . was arretted 1 Touraint bad fbiruen oflhe I ' lOlliUa Pottf. e i 1. .. .1 V. i I . , - - ..... ic&ki u tae irycni lauaauy poaiwi wuoi jjcccffibir lo.J'.t . i ,

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