3d 53- VNOTTCE. . Qrt Salurddy'thetgtb. injlanf, at "the Taring .the late Mi. ink -6 Blaney, w town of lVbmniltn- - - . Will br fold at'Public Auftio'n; rpHE ;pah of the ftock of GOODS V x . on, hand, belonging M that con cern, confitHngof dry. Goods, Qroce lies, &d. &.r : 1 :- i - V 4 ALSO, W ' . "OriTuefday the 22d inftant, at the (lore ot 'hjilmtBTirtey , it Smhhyille, will be fold jhrcmainder of faid par? ncrflnpoogs. .,,.;s . .... - . Tertp!Cail'Defore . the Goods arc delivered ''";'!-. ' - : BENJAMIN IU,ANEY, : . Surv'ping partner. Wilmington, Dec. 17, i8oi Thefabferibers hate reieived by the lateI arrivals ' frtm Mewl To,rk CharJeflori. 'Providence, 6c. the following addition i their firmer Ex t kn i v e St c , vtz. OwPiRftSK.coa O patterns, fafhi ' ojiable colors, . Second cloths, . Kerfeymers, ( .. Coatings, , . Swinfdovvny ; EUflichir Welchf plains ' - York fh ire do. Red, White, ; Yellow & Green Mooreens, Durants, . . Shalloons, Callimaticoes', .IT- NOTICE., nPHE':;fubfcriber$ propofe doing bufi -X nefs this- feafort in Partncrfhip, : r? . ' under the firfn of JOCELYN& QAU-i !' line, anu win receive i iuuu(,c.iiq mcr ..(,;, , . r.i.i. t -j. -, chandife for. public or prfe' fl USSS.t lj&pZ which, thofeho,.m 0-4 and 104, , Duffels;; -;:-.v Madrafs t)andk'fs. them maydepefidon.attention to their interefi.' and oiinAualitv: ,t . , - They are alfo cpening a, Liquor and Grocery Store,, which' they expeS will fliortly be fupplied with a pretty general Aflbrtment and. at reafonable prices ; in which the favours of their friends will 'be thankfully acknowled ged. 1 r ("" v -"-' i v'-'i "'' , A, JOCELYN, . ..THQS. N.QAlJTlER; public, ' general ',. a i bey "have juH re ceived hy the JlJtip Sally f rem New . I art, 7 .-...-...;...1 AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT' OF DRY GOODS, GroceTies andoiher articjei ; Saddles, S.hoes, Efoots, and Hats of various fizes and qualities, Eartheii Warei Porter, Pickles, Dfyd Apphs,aniia lare quantity of excellent Cheefet, which they offer low for Cath, or all . kinds of of all; kinds, Decrins 'ireenHides, (beep's Wool; geefc dOckFfcaihirL CampbellV wharf. "". , ." , " The ftMctibrr ffirr ht file on lew ierrtis; by fPiecc tr Packigei J f pre in . Frtnt.Jlretlt ajeiii iors Johtb ef the Cwrt'Honfe. ': - " ' AN ASSOSTMENT 0E ..." G Ot lp .D S Cenhilirp of SUPERFINE black cloths, Ditto ' Mue do. : I)i,,p .. . dirk mixed do. ' Ditto ' ' -London hrnwn An " Swahfdownf, '' Rofe and irbUi.Vets- ' ' - Red 'grceu & white flannels, -1 : x nam, rio;.i patent worUed hole, Calhtiancoesanddimitie?; ' Thickreti and velveteens, Marfcifles qudiinH, SilkrumWellis, ; ' IriQj linens, Linen & cotton pokef KahdWs, Psatn, cWkcl and ribbed cot too hofe ' Ca icces, Cotton ca-nbricki, PirpleanJ chiyti (bawls, , " Tamboured and plain jiconoc muOia, ' lJtto do. book and lappet do. LauW loog fi gove$ " . .... Sewing nik, . , f ' 1 J Caihor fuitable produce will be receU Vcd m payment, n . JOHN FOOTE. ' ADVERTISEMENT. HEREAS the 'CnpartnerOiip of j4iM.t cianey is atiKilvcd. by w thccath 6f Jofeoh re. All f havinK .If ouod againa the faidcopart-nernnpiri-requeaedto render in their !fCw-fI!f rd al1 ofe" who ire indebted tiiher b piyme'i.t or 'fiiTingfpecUhies, In 9; ta the fubferiber may be en. b'ei ; tocbf, the bufinefi as fpcedily at porihle-.he has DP?ineJ by Power of Attomey.John fiarday, George Dun. can, tnd Thomit Calicnder, to tranfad -w bufinefs, in his abrence. lv,J,j. BLANEY, Sfvhhir'. Silk ' do. Ladies fcarlet car dinals, trimmed with ermine and fnail, Ditid of different "fancy colours, Men's fiikA Cotton and Hofe. VV'orfted J A large colic 1 ion of elegant ihawls , fuiiedto the'fea fco, 1 1 ' Ladies' muffs aruj tippets, v Ditto fine & coarfe cotton hofe; Cotton and linen check V . Bitto ftripes, iriulinens 4-4 and 7-t X- . HumhumsS - Gitgharasr PlatilliSii. Ptmitresi IVfuflirietts, u Jeans, '. Mar fei lies i; plain It cpior'd waiitcfoat jng ' .' : Nankeen j,' ; ; .v. Nankeenetts, Counterpanes,; y. Large camblet boat cloaks, r '. , Dilto coats, Sufpenders, . brafsanou Yellow, "1 .' xn Black,-.-. .s. Pink and I Blue : J. . --fe-Spencers, ' : VeneVian York j fawn gloves, ' Ladies' long gloves, .Buckfkin fmall' ' Clothe '1 ; Yelvertt ditto lined ,-: V'A'hrawnikinV MarieilJes jackets,-; Swanldown ditto, . Flannel! jackets ' --trlmm'd with fill A large afTortment of Teamen's cloths , ready made at a ' low rate. of 4 yrUxttnflVt and 'refullj defied AISOftTtofcltTV CHINTZ Calicoes, , Tamboured,") & i-appt,. J- c JkcOuetf . 1 Book and Pnntcd ' Ladies' beaver hats, Mens ditto, A large and hand fome afTortment of ladies'. Englilh kid flippers, (uperior in fualily tndUtike to any imported from the North ward. " Ditto common do. Furniture calicoes, Pocket handk'l's, Men's gloves, Bombaxeet), Cambrick muflin, . Ticklenburgs Canvas, Ofnabrigs, 'Darnafk tabic cloths, Break fall t able .cloths, Men's half boots, Ditto (hoes, Mo 10 co pocket ; "books, ; D reffing cafes, Necklaces, Tooth powder, v Utnbrellai, Parafolej, Tea trays,' Bread Bafkcts, Dutch liquor cafes of a Tupcriur kind, Trunks of different fuel, Fowling pieces, Gun locks, Powder k, (hot, . Shot belts, Knives k folks, Ink (lands, . . Sifteri, V Cotton cards, Swedes iron, American do. t Pottr, kettles and dutch ovrni Skilleti, Shovels tc tongt, (loo Avteli, Frying pans: Mcel, An a!lbrtment.' tin , ware, .... Cordage, Sheer lead, : ,1 Bar lead, Window glafs, Paint 5, Spy glalles, Starch, , .... Paper, Quills; , - Ink powder,. Palleboard, 61, 7.1, 8J, andicxl nails, Children's jockey" caps,;.,, Blacking ball, Scgars, Twift tobacco', Shaving boxes, Pomatum, ''' Colored and white thread, Ribbons, Brown holland, Sewing twine, ' Sadd irons, Wcedrhg hoes. Madeira,"! ; Sherry & UVinei; Claret J French brandy, Jamaica fpirits, . . Windward ifland rum, New England rum, Cherry bounce;' Wine cordials, Annifecd, Sweet oil, ' Qtiin's fauct, walnut ketchup, Mullard,' : Chocolate, Coffee, i . Coppcrafs, Mwlcovadofugar, Loaffugar, Hyfono: mm Bohca iTlit Chccfe, Porter, Rarftni, ; Black pepper, Pimtato, kc, k: KOW LANDING Xx. the Cbarlejltn Packet, r.c , I Groceries ana .Irpa'a-fev,; Fancy goods. ; '7 foregoing articles, as .vrelt -as thcfe6n hand of their former ftbek, have beJn cafefulbr feleflM fmm ih. m. Dortations. to the Mr1ri I . , ... ' -v 1" j iv 11 viw niiwiivw thev receive their fnnnlipc olsrt U on tainjcrms enaDle tnem iu icntM .rcaiojtra.DLe. aavance, tpr mo ney .country produce, os notiociabie Pa pers. ; r ,:: ' 'k w lt ; SV v, v From four to fi VP 7 thtuifVnf-l iv!n ' , w wU aawaivj VTVtC.iU oees-wax torrwhtch cam will be paid , . W ilm'tngton , D ec. i b, t f ; ; JACOB LEVY hforky hs friends and the public, that be A iVciidue &' Commiffion - STORE- ON Market-wharf, three doors be- V r.. IOW JYiellrS l aacks aTid RIfKnon ftorei ' '"where he r wll glad ly receive lymmsiius vi tij(iorracr acquaintan ce' n-J;bthers who may be inclined to ufc jhisTutmofl endeavors to fcrvc them withjiritegrity and punctuality, . Hf , has on hand for fale, on low term,.a few puncheons of St. Croix old Ram, one trunk ..of Calicoes. and two bfks of Hard ware. , "f . Nov. 26-r6w. , ok s ale; - . yV$ H TO N B A R M , a very valuable jrrat-on in Blacfen countyon the north.weft branth nf PM joining ,t,be lands of John W addle, Efq. vwiimiijj uvj acres ui gooa landj aoout 2oo.icr?s of, which is prime low ground ; thewhole neatly cleared, with good ten res., The -dwelling boule i large and commodious, two Uorics high, at.d every waylwell finiihed and'readv for the re- 01 ay famuy. I he range for cattle and hot's is excellent. P may? -be, had in 12 months from this date or fclbncr 'if reouifite.- Part payment ." mi imhu ana a long ere dit for the balance'. " '1280 acres of Land on Colly fwamp in faid county), about fix miles rom,4(hton Barn, well timbered, am! mncbrtar and- turpentine may be made -w . ALSO 460 acres of Land in N IV. Handvrr county, on the found 12 miles frojn AVilmmgton, apart of which is clelred.TJiis is excellent for corn or cotton,, and inferior to no land'on the found,,, 1 1 defcrves the attention of thofe "tM.iuc a promaoie summer ;c- like iris E aooo acres of, Land n Duplin coqnty, on the nonh-ealt brancn of Cap Fear. afewmilraabnveRnrlrArh TkS. I , , , .-...., A ma land is well timbereI, and a great part of it capablcof cultivation. A long credit will be given for any 0! 1 he above crafts of land, and fold low for.ready money. -Terms may tc known -.i" . Evan Jones, Or at Fayctteville to . . David Anderson. NVilmlngton; Dec, lo. 4w !: COTTON fi INS.: ' HE. fubferiber will In. a few days For Sale, Freight or Cfiartcr, rHJS.'A mericin Ship Nancy, , burthen sbtSut 4iv mn. tluft arrived from Liverfionl. A Iwill if not fold- be it ad to return h Cariro for in icn oays. Cor terms apply to tl - XuMcriberi v" : ' December 33, JOHN BARCLAY; board. Freight or Cha fu'r n'w n . . -v. :. 1 uc imp ,0iU4i,i ; ' 7 ami torinFurwoJ .. ' if applieI for in all thia ' moot h , bu r.t hen abou t 406 hhds.' For teml apply to - John Barclay or: to the , Maflcr ori lit ' i . George Cameron. ; Wilmington Dec.. a. , : . Jif? Jmpqrted from Liverpool, and now , from on boara th ' jkip Nancy CraP!' cfbell, and fir fale by thefub . Jcribcr, , . .; Liverpool Salt, ... . .. , , ;Sione Jugs;';:; KVV-;. . ;t .. 1 Crates of Crockery - Ware aff dried. . ''r-"y': . JOHN BARCLAY. -Uecember 3 3W. " - . - -" "... III. ICTT. .1 have hit Cotton fi: on a pun oounu, and will clean cotton fofone-eighro. The Machines are made upon the npoft Improved conflruclion, they do nor injure the fiaple of the cot ton in the lcafl Some cotton that one of them clcanrd laft year, was fold in Bof. ton at twocentsin the pound more than any other of the fame fpecici of cotton that was in that market; the difference wKin the fuperiority of the Gin. He find Bagging to pack the cotton where the owner prefers It. j JOHN SHUTER " HSfcrttc, d,f.ea fr0m Dn, XINNS.d. SHEETINGS bought at reduced prices, and in 'high cenduon. , . Twenty Dollars Reward. TXESERTED on the 13th tilt! from VJ the Garrifon of Fort-Johnfton, James Price, a private of Cantain. James Bruff's company of the firtt Reti- ment of Art'ilU-Wi. xz- . V ,lu '-.''gineers. '?'-,ia501!1 2l of a6c' 5 ft I inches hieh. has (hort fanJ koU eyes fair complefled, and pitted Witt' V the fmall-pox by trade a printer. 1 7 ,tntio imu omers are ior-'- warned aeainft concealinai iVJr,, (fifting him to get joff. p --------.' The above rrwarH will back to this Fort, and all reafonable ex- ENOS NOLAND, Lieut. 'f the frl Rtfi of Artilltriffs - , , " engineers, Fprt.John0fyDce; i.w T WILL give 07e Hundred Dollars to ' X any perfon who will loJge my mulat. to Fellow J(?Win Wilrninton Jaili ho may ealily be known by alanfe fear ohi. left arm. If he does not come in ,u.6 ..,c next Wew-Hanover county' Court. 1 uill i . . . ' , . ... . mv 11 jwiiutciy outlaw htm. n 'u 'M. SAMPSON. December 6. 2vr ELc?,P,D ,frnm plantation osi cd ABRAM, a Carpentcrenerallr anndLn4 ahb0UtfVV''ngto is f 'mZ and has been frequently employed with. fuch.-I therefore give this notice of hii being Run.away, and that he carried c h.s cloathing and fu'ndry tool,. I forbid Fidler or in any o;her capacity, or har bouring or entertaining him as I am determined to 'profecute .whoever doet ' euher,- to the utmoll rigour of the Law FIFTY DOLLARS, to be paidon con viction, to any perfon that will gvc me notice of the perfon fo harbouring or em ploying h.mj and ONE DOLLAR be. 5 1 lfffnc." tot havin2 con. this tlate lnS,0D f ny thcf ift Maflcn.of treffcli are' forbid carrying nirn off, . , . ' Nor. a6. J. BURGWlNr T AN. A WAY from the Mfqiber in Fe- bruary 1800, a Bf jro mo named SAM. fellow, about five feet eight or tine inch,. - 6 ., wuiii (i I, wcu a now a ia WiU mmfftoo. bv.ibt being purrhafei f him. ' . ' rmy doiiirs reward wi! be paid on his beiof ronGncd ia Ml U .k.. .1 , w - -- j-" ihc vwnn X' him, or three bund'.d and iwcn y five dol- .... .... v ,.cn ,or u,e cDaoce of tt m, N toto pprebendrd. t MUSE! Uiiers ea cuber cife will be ai. N. B. lerdtd lo at Lurabe too rflfic OftuVer tih, igQL I AM miborifej br ibe irjjrtJ pTriHv pfonouoct lo ibfi public aaanaer, ibar ' Oim!d ijiepertun slwi pofTtf.enbe monry f . amir ji, there wiU in a few diyi be recourfe , . . ii.nii . mvr will -nrMfolouiibbliejb adiauied at in ! loiuca a D-eicn of itooorkad bonelr. NATU A Kf 1 , Hr

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