I . ; f . : 7r : . . - . . , . . i ' : ; . a! . 1 - - r ... . X ; .... annaaaBk.. .. .. . T 7: M; iAA I - fip 7 rTT-rr yy Voi,;y. No. . 1 250 r"T;'-!; f 1" -' -'-"n r-rr r r TntIiiwir ii 111" iT 1 iii iii"wnfiiT;- - ' is I ot r II, ia V ier r k, ih. I ince r Wv: ,tuirHp4l'MohflwrnW.i,..'pteiraii rd nig ofrol the couftty, whte hu property lay, fhoula , weectUry .mwww to be atfonttd " did not ' . '.'.'' i i:cf iron, uiiii ioiv cou.nrd.diu which ihey njay tiave rot, fff double tax, wrU u 'tWe wo lied T wifh- i.gjw ht voe i the dirk. "He l w Toine- I torined. ii.onJ ti' in Lc citcful thi U did oni pluHie' iu ifeAlmv ; beciu c tn l4w ha yifciT provided jthioj tn t.? bill W-hich did-not met hi aftprobatioiu . 7 . - I . or-orsr mi. .. r. ot oerfoiu in ilic ilcepeft tnMerv tuatit buV dlief (u hti nft h'rnltU ,r bf hlilstw. Ke tM U would be no difidviritip to ir. - tnA AiiiZit .ttYt2liiit& H thit blil wrre baffed 'in- ractiAivlIe bpe4 lb imeudiacat'Voaidl'-aot U I M wffr Wt toW t orefant ia tbt ufaal-wav.- to a law.' i: w oU h" ycthU rffed- Tfte e i fid he, cfecto , ':' 'v',;!:. ..C? I Mr. V A VS otletyed. that it wai nut left hia .- 4 ..',4lrJtV'A....'h., r , DEBATES , : -r' - . - !)n the , ' rEtilTETl ART BILL, .'. ' .' '..Holiday, KoV. . The I'tSuTc wtntl.iniQ j commutre f (he whole lloufc pn tbivbill, fillf A i p m A of tlte ftWas, and 2ttcti(Iit .ottfe of the fyft'em, but t'nc piii cip-e t tf.e" iHetft.i e was not jtoucKfd. TViia,. k'ii ax peel ul'l be gi;iiid "on ua (t;nJ -Miad.ngi vhib w - tftfdTf r VtMl'iUr, bat W OH. that 7tY, Mrr,ier lhll 'tlicelore delrt ipiiting ule any iesr Valienlatih lae ioitmici, wliich tte toin.nitcd o the r . . i . . . - r .i it . . m . . w I , . - f i. .i. r j ... .. Am...I- in inc,ccirm.trc hmic wuoie, u in a view oi uuu tare m gujj:Jii ; ir.u int i'- jujiqii mim vho;e piucecditigt upon the bill arc given a nwmetoas cUU ot men, kwi Aaby.xhcme,of fr tur.e h.in.eivHvhii h 1 cii'iVfl.'Comaofcd -f gamblfu an perfoiii of chara'U. is'. Tliefi? men -re-al-yt' t'pc;tl to take eve y adviniige in tli ir pow er . i miii mi. 'Si itfcivig ijiila, a.'Jd vuld, dpub.t Ictt lihoJ. oftlie adv uaei'bcld out In biltr It may bi'Ul blikl il.tfe ; ffrlshave ;prena"ia ' effsVd leii, ..wtier&rr tlieir wardi mkc a contrit. ,of mv fiavtpjyovef their1' fortune lo their bufbsindi ? iLtvki t.ilf imiT men uKn. hiuc mirritU ON THE T f.i'r itir mtrin'S,t nUllTnlno fhrtutiM. will flO doilht DiVOrfb fiiid Alhny.y. Bill. , " (plcc their property In fuc.h fiuiuio.i that it cannot. T'urfday, , j be toirte at the ritodi . of the wira ; ihey .inay lYr- Hftiif hvin ido.vcri itirlt micf a rommiitte of place :he lirtd of a friend, and after a dj voile ia obtincl, i.t potTcITtoix of It ag ju, and by tha; Oieaua become fecurcly.poircfltd yf v.bat they bid (o U!twfaniably' ubiained. But i inay be fiid, that a miitjrfay be (.Onipclied by a Court ,of Jullice to in iii; 'fnclf rjef to the will i i he; Cpiirt. miy ttitKk'u .wy .', t,)j; .ci-Oihi one tU)i4 part Of hi i-ci)ij.c; htii gratiufg thai lucb pit of the property be a!Urcd"tbe wife, if the htilbind be a jam bier or Jcit-iVtiitt (at t likely to be tiiQCafc) ir.u probable iuilcot hu property might be !elt Ana if the property .e ,eo led,-then the unioituiMie wile, is left in a fiunioa which mult iflct't the (.eiiUcnicclinj't ot' evety ."Mr T. WA!,K(a ftd,.he contend Fop the projctyol hi, motion. A'inan wlio .ivet in thj coui' h if in h' power to entci hu pro. pcr'y, but be who livi kt "a !iHince in.itt roi jloy n ti. nl for the pur-ofe and rht,ent ,may neglect to N hia dic&iont, or lm cafult- taitu j:retta(rTe entry-loiri bci"ng male. ' He dil not lhtiHtht fw tbc State to. iks advanftM of tiL-je Mttkeva ! it-hyw oaiti ?k T1 A' ti-e whole on the above bill, M; .VUtihew td'iht chair, and the lirlt ( tV:on luving been read, V Mr CiTTn, who iniio'ducctl . the bill,' laid l-e regrtt rd whcii tbc fuhjrft wai belore . undtt cunli-j deration, be had not tctn fCipvtWctJ tourin irf. uarr" the am. udmeht lu had i: cnttuiKtl, aa'h nulf.-l it w old have done-way m?ny ot tho objcilioni vh ich. cxillrd 4-p.aini the bi 1 in ita prtfeut toimii-) Hs"ioJc'ncw to move the mtndineiit, whih hehoi.i peu wou'i". be ado'ptrd. Tlx aincuanie.it wa.rea4 ' and wat hi fti a nrv bill-J ' i ' i!r. E. A liXKHDt. fid, if lite ginllcmm wht - pr.-pofed iliil aoiendmcft, wo.i'd i point out the, df ania2ei wh ch it jiollclTed over ihenrig nti)i. lt t vl.i:h it )! pioporro at a iubllitute, he fupiofcd ii 'nu!d t ot.hc.,bjifi:4 i.o,HchaJ belote him a u tiitcd co-)V ot ti.: bii whit it had teen brought l.;r- . ward ever) Ifffion fir five oi fit yean pail, 2t whih hd been liken from a law pjtlcd in the year )i or g2, nov; n xi eixe in the liiti of I'eu ifyivania, ul which the bii rcw ui)5ei co (iceraiion wat, a litc.al coov. This law -be be ifved, had" been drawn" by rr.cn of vey lupciior ta e:.ts, with greii deliberation. ji Ke h o arte ted to lit? leiatnj ol i..e piopol rt tub Uitu e, ar.d ouic' .o.t 'ce any great difference betwixt ti:ctvo b..i . n ali the fubilanliai uartt (hey wrre the faac. They d krc red on' y in rcfpCkt to arrange- aticst ; "d InlKad o: i'i re be.ng any fuperrority in the n ethol, he ibo jV.t ihe meudxentiather woife in that it(pcc: llia'utftc oiijgii.al. Ijc.did irxlecd oo ferve two thirst now in tlicaicatimeru; the titSk vn ta exuii')ri"o ,hc" ground oh whith divutfea inifchl be oht :iiet!, h,ch he ibeuht iitpiOper. The . o hrr oit r.Uancile tiiji. o:!v Lvii l.eid it trait. f,..t, l.rr.ui,m..t K it ..f ,r.v..!rti. I LO..VCV It to li.nl. IlriilJ t llifnl.lll LOWrr n.lt 1 i.l clauft i) I 'i' t, the iiu it on vf the -cl lor two j O ih to clicat tut tifilJicu, Dal the w.d.wof h.r yean he wouK .ciilii-'.cci.fer.t to i but a to the re3, la!tle:. i , . the altctaik.-i vrx-po'fet wt.e i.therfjr tic woile,! U-t 'h! h b-m wlrA v lirrntinj ud'i and the met' o'u ,l ana) ertent r.o( bein o goo laa rti' u f- vc.ia? In Ii f 'Uii.- m ty$ lime, theonruo!, lie jvsin Ja'.cur of it ai.i.ng l.e ot ji-jMr. J. bIievra gre.Ur miiclncl U- io.,i- '! bill ' : 7 I nii.ir; v ider jt, rJia wn ld ir ic tie. i i bv ihe law. Mr Co frail wit 'forty the getultmen Irom Salif-: -'-ioU:S'i-; at lawyer, hi hiu .to doubt, bur) touid feenoihii inhii amendc. t u i Vpiove. wc;c ttna ftil. t . pafa into a law, ha Otouid itap ad ' If.-i!..uht ihe clu!e iccuitina thr 1. fk.ru at tl c 1 vuUgci Irout it', but whtltl he couui.u.d a Ufcif- " . . . t . " .. . . . i ..7 . . ..it:. J l .... .i ... latr tune H.al U cl.wl.d t&i t divoile , io dcu- J '"" m pe.ioii tug ui puunc wuiy, j i w ' Mr. W W. Jon at f"td', the reaCen wby it w povidrd that a tnaft ' wlio: did not give in a lift' oi i pio pert y ih Jul d pa'v 'a idouble tli, -a that, th iate fho'iid not be" 4elfraudd j , Withawt jli i pro fion owner- wof d not give in their pibp.e.ty,' and :th Snue wdjald lof: two tiihd 'bf iiV taxc, aa it wai notorioui that- in every coariiy ' c.onider,.ibl. qaantic of land were at jfrcfeut Utu.ticrcd, and eft caped taxation- lulieiher. '- ' .. Mr. Tatm obferved,' it v one of the puVppfn of thit'bcll to make non-iridentt pay t,hiStT-taxei. At UriQ one-fix hoi ilic 1 iid in the. tfitc, id her lot ore eteap.a ,taxit-)iij - put tnc piopnieu : Otma t x, defire,- ibau liwt of i ther Gentlcmeri. to hive t ho ttevcnueiqiiiy cwncteu. no waa not a mend to tbt bill, AorJ&rvU bvtU-ror it; but if the Genttemam from -at;tovet wiTitd further time to confidr the bil', Kt-Ttie be w called nam for hia yea or ay. htTaiu't ol objck to h, & wi;hdrer bit mo tion. ; ,'" ''i,'.. '7 7.lj'r0Di''! HUtb'.Ul Otlfraitrht not ha mmnif a -fatcond leading on that cc6unt. He iruft- Lrd the rxill Would pats tarata thlid leading, and thae toe -a cat and ,Nyi wju: bew taken. On, pm.tt.rg the queioii np ohjeclion to the paf. utS ppet;iiig, Mr. . Withdrew hi motiuu. minutes; .., u Monday, Nov j -('': Mr. J. G., Wright, from Wilmington, "appeared, waa qunlitied', and took hi fiat.' A mtfliig Va fent to the 'Senate, informing that bodv. that tJem-ri I Davie. - wkom ht ivcxpcttea, wr.n.a.'iiidute lUt ownerf gf property, I nupoiwisd Co.fcitiHi ner 10 the fonteft ref- "" '"vj i , iw icq luai u u.ouiy. j ectinj tne oourtaary iuc Detwe.n thti Stgtt and S, eMei , "I ",'- ' r- ' :; - CarolU being p-efenl, nd W-fhing to c. mmuni Mr. . WAtKlU.tltd, that 7 at piefent .if land cte with a conndsntial comm.Uce on thi fubjeft, wu not entered, the laxea upun it were not Joft tj ( a jof t co nrriiitee waa'propofed. . , the State, Geiitlainen tee1 only look into the it j T: bente agreed to the appointment of 1 con. Gcti, iiiu.they would cn lantlyfee a Jo. g lill ofjmi.tceloi thi vurpofe; but not to in being called a the kilvesiifenieiiii bt Shi uff, for the ale 01 utc. - ei.ifient.a.foniin'.vttfe. it la itihninueft,l u.k r, - -"1. . 1. 11 mnr 1 1 ltd .; he t 'Xtt Jat iiii them... Hi uui no. xoower to'wi.hhotd iroin either lii.ufe an In other influxes, the granting o! a dKone to a tneaa L rx juc.aie any property, ficm tax wiiat he 1 ion dm jiv be -obtai ei on tbi fuljeel ; alwava eiuc ove her the liiid 1 1 a mi; tier 1 1 lorn hi a ko.ivf.'antw t ititJ, who won. a 1 mm dutey vtr in a Schedule of l.lj i rr i.rnyon oath, wti u iwiprr.vrmr 11' t tJt erigiiul bill, w.'.(.h wake um prokihon ol thai i-id ; ti.'l a mn auer he hd b ' Kiued 1 divoih', in 1 ifo arntber part et the iia i), Si ta) c hu j.topct'y wi.h him. I'.c ih-iu,'ht there were cl.cr irtn-roveii.n.iH on. the rniginal b .1 i but they weic bcluic the houU , and wuuld be jud g-d ol, Aa to bit Ibi.nirt, 11 ry eie ri i,to be lute, txtiaortliniry. led the ct i( citni rnt e ca I 11 ia. gur,t t y the gcnilcu.ai. IjJI up. might b juil ; bt ihv.i',t. lie had not had tht bt.it fit ul la liuttai euueiiiti that fiitlcmao, lia hopeJ h aibi( to txp efa l.intle I :o ai to he unceillo d. Mr, Ail XAiott rc(.l..d t'.at it wnve,y far from lum U ccntuie t e g(u;lciuau' ini.livi or talrmt ( h ttlicvedhu moii.ei puic, anl hid a vci) icfuitl). lie Oyi don ot hit tal;uti ; tut he did i.ot think that devna.e fiom th 01ifi.1l o'i'alo Ojj of ihcb.ll l.d tcndfitd H an btktcr He had'iartmce on the v Ulom o tiic Lri.'Uv-ie v rnnfylvinia. though he C il nut obfriie any waul ul t altuil tuntv in lite 5 4 ,oit,e til l' e (ui lUc'v The vrry c little whi.b ti e ni vn nd irtniunrd 11 in Miip'Ovemtnt to the bill, v 11 :rt o! jctiion.'o t put wbitli" he had mat k.-r ! li.f ante, dine t wair(d, but ahku had t'ci" hi c 1 1 ittiou l.ro he lai rT-. It rpef- r.l 10 b' 111 that fuvh a re .utfuioa wculd be t-o i'igi and ifvt", td I th inht it unn-teifaiy i finCt.id the ti'ji'.ai il. t'c C u : htti luHic cnt (tiwcr give tUiutu ititt itlh i.ia .owi'K 10 t lie wemm a thev dirmtd ttri,,ir, not tx (ttliag oi-a third oi the ),i.fbtiid'a ii.iguie, and 10 call Jul a fehtdvif o! tbc inn' pifpeity, il th-y dvtm it oc'.tllary ( or ou it lu'al id o n. ilie (at wr.u'd b difmslTwd. Ui. Coilia l flight -he -toy I,ou he ptopofed wit toy ttilicient l.ii. u.at m the biil. It a do di'iiiK tii hai iiiaiiiid a wumin with a l.andfjitie utop ill, ' wne in tn' ig lur leflitu lOuia un wile, tii:hi dclrauU the C.cd'"'" ' ' l?r hufb-nd, wilitati, wai, tha? the lax Ihnuld b' cq tal to a 1 A larger piopcrty nnglat be given i" liii ,'iiyit to j LVl ... AltlANOEa 'nelicvrd iuffineiii had b;ca be;"atd the wife havny on-":hnd -of the ' pro-1 fa'd,- t-) niniCf the houf tht ii oil! wa jroaer i petty in her own right, 'fle wih piobablv liccome- a ii, rio.ti trnod If an ol ji'tiion rr-ul 1 be me to a J piey to fome defignirfg petbn j .(' tljcrc ate ,uot. -douli'e tax neing laid in hay iiiu"a.;cV .it would be! wai. ting men who would not lull ate. tn beat an im- in car, .who? uwrnn were not rthjn iri.htn las putatioa of fcandal, when they c-u gain confiditi- Stale Tltere iniqlit betting teiljn in exempting bly by the act ; meu wiio are al way leid to lake from l!ic d.uile tax iuh ycifom aicfided in nii id vintage of unfufpefting inuoccm-e. - . . . j lh:t i-atr, 01 in loictn "country ; ' b t fuf y it Tiicre i atiotiiei f:tuiion wbi. Ii, pltc- the meaii tuuid be 110 hudlhip em a ty'i eilon rTiJiug w.ib'ui hire in h ve y important view, -auppol: a mandu-a, he &iaie ; bei iulo rvtik ci iren ii fupp'ofi-d 10 b: ieaVtnga wile, f.r wliom he hid t.ie moll tender acquainted with the lw (i tiie (jovcioiTitot umlcr' 4'cdion, and to whom he waj willing 10 leave the winch iivea If ill cit ema liom RutoetiorJ eiicoi hi cbildroi ana ti.e uiipolal ol bit tuuunv i wpo.d cnadne his itr.d..i.,Mt iuthii way, he f.i uii it.e i tlamouj mai miht trke advaaiuge oi iter, iaot object t it. '.' " ' far thi f nic of het tn ,ttry,' iu4 titpiie lue cluloren , Mr. Lxwim otfr vcl' tli t it wai'ilic , iUf ntioo fibeir jutt 1 tgbtr. H iui.idiiirlv pat ia,pa.j.ui t!,t tn-i-a gv.iraaW ttn("ltr which wai at f llion ot a t p.ritiai pr.-ip.-i ty ; ana Oy hit inll i-l pielca, lunamrd oy the icvr nut, nw ng to perhint wj in lie touriiy wntir inrr piopettv Uy, not ivin' it 1.1. Ii w.i well known, iliar in ilic wriui cou.iiiii, nvM on - htt l the land w.uid ic gi'.ai in, cicept (hit tt 'iihlc lx Wai'l.ul I ho' the auer l nj niiglit not live in the St. le, they wire flt)uaiici, atij.uiu.r4 Willi I lie Itni iu.,M:cc Miis.tnei p.opti.y lay, aim n nvyca tit. ui;.u ment ou d uj; pall T f in'HUio w-i jiu and neitived. Th: j .-lltv wn.iow on t-it bill pifliig ill f coad r.adiu:, and the yea and ni wetc (.ailed by Ur ;. Wlki. Mt likoai.woa in hopcJ the le 1 and nayt w.iwFl be uil,ciiuu wi,ii . inn reidtng,' and taken un tic fnial p.lfjjjc ot liie t'lil. Uuiing pail ol tne dilcdUou cAt .bit b II, be had be o iieecifari y ab fe. t . ind theie were lome putt ol it which he tboudit needed intendment. 'I he i,'ii:nan.rn:i might be iiuodur.eJ oa the thud rcautt.g, itnl the yea awl Oyi 1 hen ptopcrly Ucn j but it he w-ete cil'.fJ uponTor hu vote, in tin priicnt Itije of the bill, l.e ihnuil'voie hgaiufi it, though he tnigt be (of u ul lim ily. Mr. T.t : faid, ibia bill mi befd-e the boufe thre tiiii iic, md it wa u.cciliry i. f.i. uld be n.J' ri . ... tiiVli; , l.e v:u... ..-.. ,-ot the membert of aov co in. in 1 ce 'i l unncetfai ily divuUing to the public, initto prop.cr oaiy 101 tnc lavcuigatioa ol the ia fhjuldiiwM-; cife fuht of hit urivatc iiiicicd. tie hoped thercloie the bill woul4 not paf". Mr. Cottim I .id, itwa. tiuc, he iu.1 introdur the bill : but it wit front a bciiei ilu: the nticf- ttty uin-.ndntcui would oe m'de to it. lie thought lucn law wanud, but b.d obj:ctioui to luine paru ol the pretext bil). He mcotioucd in pirticu 1 mat 1 lit wnitn rrquirca a ituoco.c on y 01 one e.i m the Sti e to comic a man to fue for a di. vwict, which, he Uid, might encourage men in o- a 1 tnci intei to come ana ictiae a ycat in una atktc r the puruofe. ll the bill wat 01 tincudeJ, b fnould vo c igiiuft it. ' Mr. EtooowoaTH believed iheie ai little oc- ctltou tu Ipcnd tba lime ol th; l!ouc on 1I111 bill. IU lb iught the geuklemait fiom Faycittvillc hd gives lome ciy lubtHitnal iCnloni : gaiull ihc p iling ol it. 1. v.ci.lu ttiiaiiiiy opcoadoot so the grca'.ctl viliaiuy ; advautaz.t would be liken ul the law, in fpiu ol 4i the piovifioui igainll theni, miaou to the lair lx, kltpitvin; them ol tltrir loiiuue and ul their .i- .... ... t. . M...'t ..Md....... ... ......J It tutxd tentltnitti would fctioudy tumiotf the ton- Itquence, ol pathng thi law, and that tt wt-uld la I to the ground ; he hoped futb advaatign v. on id t ol btaUited to JpcCulaion, to obtain Ijitaac ai (tuc ttpcBweol Innocence md vitlua. The quclWon on the bi t'i piliingtti lecond tcad.ag wai tlica lakeo, and ihcre apptanog only it to ct id iatoui ol it, it wli ol Couilc l U. 1 lioia ia favotr ul ih roiafoe, waic, Metru At.xi der, Btadfhaw, Wellioi, Giythtr, Harwell, M'Lcunia, aMiiihcwt, pIU, ii gentlemen wifhed the rcveue ol the V.ate cor0x,,!te f the men ben i lobe duly cullefiti. One- cu'.b, i 1.01 one hxih j;ewi,eia . t llfjjroaj-h ni 11 iit cliht revenue w. at pici't lo!t, lor win ota ..n I.ccivtd frivnt the Senate, a refolutton reauht .o- tbe Governor (o demand from be executive of the M:UI.9pi territory, and ol the 'State of Tennelfee. the lurie.id t ot tt', Tyrrel ii Sio.kely Oonaldtoo, to'tiie e.J that they may Is brought to trial for Iraudi. ' , ." ' r T!ie.lollowiaj bill were pfefented and reid, by Mr. Uabuey,-. a bill to Jnv.A n.t feveial aft,, u.uiitg lepaiate elacliom iti'tlce cnanty ol Chithim;' uv Ur vudwick,. a bill to amend the, lutb feilton ofaa'aft ';iha bRere of or, hamind feiirity ad p-aniRO-aaaiw-of taeat cffrftij Sy Mr. Jat, Me. bote, bill (ur Che betlcr regulation oi taveioi, or-tiinnk-, floie), in. by Mr. Ellis, a bill tuthoiifing liie ticiluiei t public bniidtnga in Craven county, to call delinquent fhctiiTi and conuniiG er in tha difli-ct of Nevbcrn, to account lor ditlii:t moniei ; bv Mr. J. PiV.fr, a bill to imcnl au icl pafled ir . 17114. to pi event the future im.ortation and bring, ii.i; ol fle, and udented hmrinti of colour io'.o. in- 11a;. ; by Mr, I ord. a bill to amend 1 1 act to re- guinie auii fit tbe pr:ri for ibtpccttng aad tuiperiog ubacco, paifid in 1791 . The co man tee ot pmpoimoai, dec. reported a bill 10 aoihorife David Dickey lo collect tha aricara of taxea due him at tieifuier lor thi couutv of Rutbeiford affo ellablifh two fepaiate elcctioai aad a general mu Ier, in Biadco Ccuoty. Refotved, that n bill J a private aal'iia be ia. tiodaied after Satuiday. Tnc honfi went into aconmitteo on the bill to a ir.end tbe penal lawi, i fined in ihedebatri. The fcnita infirmcd the houfe that they had re jectrd the bill ia amend an ad to prevent fundi in tic fala tf piopirtv tl.ctc.ia ut..uontJ, jtalTcd i 1744. . The Se rue propofed that a bM which they feat 10 citt un aadk-criur wuurt vi .aw, ina cqaity tl. Am tthr o, 111 jenniuii county, na reierito to a irom lb: dilliiet af ilifaat A(t.cd. Mou.c, Robeit Smut, Stulwici, Taim, G, Wi'hl. tod J, fome fuch rrruiatjou at tbe pte Vm. In look ng o ycr ilic iccmdiid Onii'te county, wUne ii wuuU te aekuowUdgtd ibe public bufmeU wit at well ininiged a in toy o.her lOurty io the Mate, he wtl convinced one-h'lir h part ol I'.'.t bU.k nolli were t ci teird, and the whuei we.e cod; ua uy ditbin.ihing, J wo y;iti to theie cia 1,414 l,,tk pdia when t.ktu lor 1. 1 diieCl lav l id Ruw only I, too, and be be lievtd one-lo r h part of the land wa entttei. He bad a) JcuJt th.-ic we.c t.n'il.'u aai pu4 a in ibe Vine out g'n .at 11 Gcutteica w fried Hill in tme.-d th bill, Uty mt.t do fo on t!, thiiu leading, and not, bn.tuf it wai nU altogeihri what iliey wi!bed it, oit a gaiuftTn atTmu a fecond r.adi. 1. Mr. Attxahtita wai ileiily in favour of the .bill, ind hoped it a .y Gtinlcmia bad i-bj ciiwui to Tbefd:y, Dcx.2. The f-Uowing bil wete ptelcnied ind teJ, it. ty Mr. M Lennn, 1 bill m uihotfe the at.ru' oif. tfVoriof Hilcolin.M Nicll, laic fhn.ff of Mjtra Cuuniy, to co ti e ( t da ; by M , R. I.ni.l', bill lo 'icr the rjorle ol 1 ilnj; tnnr'y to ociii the eiucl oi 'J-.o ;. r ri lion iJinke coun y toihc twU'Hi Ac. The qa'llioo uit the feeo'id tead'ng oflht dito.fe bill wiitiktu by )Ct and iayi, anJ loS, a aluauy flaiec. Receive I fio n the 5?n Jr. a report of the falec coaiinntee ap.wti i d to cottier w ih Gen, Davie oh lb' lu'-jtft ul lU buuitdny lint, which wit COuvVt ted w'iiIi . U -ei.ed t'fo, a bill to trpnl the 1 II fiction ol an ' On thr- Bill for lifcir.g , Lijli cf Tuxalli Prefer. ' iiaa ill, ' i;e in i.i'flt rur icoiri iv t...au n ihutl ul it. Thil he Cld no. ihinx. r" ,u, .ti i"i t .e wu.i in.' ,Tb Bit! 'to fix enatitormiime lot tikiagthc liflt . . L - . I : , . .! 1 . L . c. I -. I ! t,;l'i n i'g J -il on iecii,"j ne imtn,. j - 01 itmu'C prop?ny mrncnvii io tan, m p.fl, M m'i rf.anvtj.. Ihc lotainutct into tote t.M itiije l the 61.I witl -K.1 ameudiotnt. Ihellu! being it tua. td ..d ti4 nil fcflioa if liM. bwi ie.d, k; t ot tin b rivia that it the commit tt of the lv J kid t!.iht orutttrio teiffl ihe . . mead- It b would now Una ibem.. He tiuSed, b ie j id lor tpp iuting com i.itlionen in ixuui lie bom Geullcmca could not bate eicry immanicnt they L fiopoica receive, they woull not V ie i;nait tii p if tent pttTije of U.e bilU II ih pri .ci plei cl the, bill were g'id, cvriy member ougfct to luppoii it ; ail mult tulei thai thtir tic gieal t day lin ol tt.it htaia, palTed in 'C. WcdntWiy, Dte. 3. ' Bi !i pr ffi't'd ard reid, vii, by Mr. Banner, a - - r r 1 o - . - Cnloici. 1 the vullccttua oi taaci," being OR til te tond Hiding, and Ihc lime ol taking the US bay ing been ftaed lor lb la ft tea woikng diyi ia A pnl, io tit a yi, aad fofcue other aracuainaail aide, ' ' ' Watt ia movrd la imeui the bill, in 1 11 . n.A. . !f. - ... t, ti- 1;. .,i. ,1 . in , , , vil. lOC'IO'U.l an miptuiuu va im aifri, s iri ltr.qacaeica in ibe oielct Itflioa ot ike rrv..e. I , , , , ., B ; . ..!... . . It notaiag mora wai obdio d b ruiaiiia.ofiu ol ta n tl'nta tire it would le .a deluabla ncafure. .... .. .....1 . " wn in; a ,,,, vwaiT iicviiiii in c.wb 1 mi .r 1 -idui.ii c . . ... a jun.ee, ika httlf .i.ibl. rr.ptVn, dv J " .'" m 1 J " u,f" .... . . . . : r-, . tniilme lai'.u.ui houon tn lb lokulni tiiaoi.. BV in U.n OfiAf aaiilaiBi ilinn-huui ih a... is 1 " r 1. tu. r. n.ent wt,ikh bt. had uoualed lo the bill, b bad iua the uaat wane it ia dirrOrd lLl everr kHlfu thing wioi to fa t.,M)o ii, tl auf otbri gem Urn. l.llir.g lo deliver ia lil oi hia Itaiblc ;0 party, I grr fi'u rvii tkm bimfell, wa d oiiug lorwud (ball pay two-luld In. He thought lUa piovitton in) tmradvirnu lu the bill, thry wfrc it .ibktty 10 uvh ik,I to extend to. pel fjatl Iir1r) out ol the dafo. lie hid a t.bjii'lion 10 U bill In i.l fie- county. Ihitc wti gieit deal ol piuierty ia ll il Itot tmin, tMd tnit-id oe tgaia4 Hi ihoKf.b ha hd fi uitior, Mr. W, obftivef, ar.d the owartt of il fcodoub' I had bta diaa-a-try gemUtoan ul gitat it.li.ht hlvt HO knOwldof thil lata. Tha Uti i'iiir, bwil. u.iwral . i.d . q-i.. r d . , aught lu bc'cq ulta all, 'and IflbcMn got i Imjc 1 Ik bill Urn ibi.w,h, Mr. Aleiadcr motel ua ptid, it w .1 all lUat it coBUmpltted. Ill bwp in tod.iiHai fi't'.a, licaiLikg itidaiai.ua to two cd Ihetcla.c fuch 1 ci font t lived mit ol the tvnij y,.ri wbnb -ed to. V ' I teiigU only be eudged to ptj tl.e f.ng'e lit. Mi. W, V '! ub.ttttd tail w!,ea tbc lr gift, j lair. W. A. Jaait Ua aaiufwa nby ralol). I1. ,k ! Clirke, b I. lrtie,.l pa.t.laatfl palhd Ua lefT.on, . At pit.i ,inlnf ft4afi fa in i telnet tot rnuia id iiij i i !, t ttltfif tan, be m-d ' no kr lira. Tbe ptoytftoa Idr cviaclmg the nan of jtifim knot to mv away, be alu thauinta . ru'.. Ii6a. Heitloloie, Mr, A. 6(eivi. i.i Tn.lary bad Wta fiU io;n itl',..fcri wki!i wr no bciily eel a(!ij j and it wai tb-ictote tetff. it i. iiocuve g'litt utiti cli iaia the OUcVoa r.l he itvrnue, lioa l.d l. th.rto ten, wbf'ivtd t bit Owe in, p(t, ( id ,, Cvt una who 1 ewti; limn-, wi,gm 10 piy. Mt.Itonawoata-ld, til be bad ttoirej waa, latC ttiaiiaio atil ad the Ytu. Nava, would m thdiiw bit raxMi'ta, aud 'ei the be lka a ua ti4. ci tin bui. Jit ..td ny kuitht, bill 10 lerarc la t'ti.e ti ihc mir1 bcifafiff . trq t ; Mr Scii'l, t b!l 19 empower the .lOmyl.. cmii ol Ckowia o i.poti.t the dutirt t,J ih I f..tAaf, Vc. by M'C.riol, bill t i(r li.t p'teeol h it tbe (rpira'c irtliua ia Ibe county , ol Cuiti.uck 1 by Ul Ktaaedt, a bill lonfif mrt.g ibeu'a 10 lnt ttteJ ia lrufot tad Mani.tf owni'i-i; tad ijtf'ftlt.n ika b"adiit of LiV CuurtiCi i lad by Mi. itl-.', a tll atittliaf kj maaaet a whirl coAbia4 .9di tbaU I ft luUie 1 Tbe UUuwirg ariTat wnTtceltei fiuia Ctii: fSre ikt hj ye.J I 1 '-Ml ' f t 1 a .

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