Thcnrovifion of military 'flnrrt hani will be laid before you, that- you may judge of the additions (tti) requifitc.. - . , , . i intuit mini huiu UC 4 ijciiiiiiuuru iiici vriivi uiiw;4 uuuiiu iHiwvviuiii . i ra- DECEMBER OOI ' I iunl-M thot-i!.i'if Inur nmn(U frnm lhi t r 1! vv in) reipect to the extent to which our natal preparations fliould be carried "T7 . -- ; - rue which makes; usaeelc. -;thglf,.-pqcfc; wry, or trom ourcitizens. J imc ,bas . I he-circurnuances tunatt "wen bot a confcient iotrs ddVre to duecf the we find ourfelvst .is vclace rendering I :.,s .x..iJJuMlJi,. not "ner in 1 1 ted a . perfect enumeration-.'' roiiie in ire rente oi opinion may. be ex-- Hd'-al.licationS-of.Toffic'cbirnff: too petted to appear : but full"" 3 1 tCIl t Inn ihrrnvriTif thft mode heretofore nraeti. I -i - it 'v . - ?'-' ... .... . . , ? .w I "VjI K"- u' vu ihuuii iu nil, uouiuii.!i sriulfipHetl and remote to.. " becbir. p Ic'tel y: i -4he 'drcutnlia ntes of. every part of th tt trarprl ttri : FitW trial A mnnff I finfVwu-k7v4 iinffifi-"will' HnnKtlfT 'c,mr!L 1 1 . . - - a a a a a. a . n . O w I' ItW " " ' - --'VavaaaaaU I a VH j . Kir drpneffnt rn if pY. 1 1 vp rltfr rpf,! r.n . t! fmalt fnrr MIU nrftKiKlu .. I- a W Mr H T ' Ull VlaVal.tllV.Wft.tWIIUUj A ( avaaa, - - ail- Jl MlMUl' W1IJ(J J Q) liaye, begtin - the reduction'. bf;hat .Vwa.if be wanted for actual fery ice in the Me. i ..V .J." ! r 1 jf ; " i 1 (Vf iU v I' WW t T f I ,s in m vdoinathis. I have had orin'cinh! reeard --0 . I V 1 to the convenience of the kgiflaturc, fo " 1 be economy of their tithe'rb their- re. Jicf ffOai the erobirrafsment pf$atmedt. te anfwers. on. iubiea-rtAt ret ..fully tH Ttscre WT-he. legiftitv re jyjli Wbt dipiiniOiej. '., The uifpecl.qrs.of inter nalf-,;propriate' to naval preparations, wonlJ lefs coidefhethey autholyfinin to obn.rudt the' ..'perhaps be better employed iii provid- fures ofofFencc, alf they tvyiV-$Uys i b'or account a-bility, ,of the ; inftitutlon, hartVinp. thofe articles; "which may be kept force on an equal footine.wUH flats 6fibeen'difc()ntinwed-SiVeraTaucnc"i,-crfi-'.without 'wfafle or 'confuinotion.' and h its adverfarics. i cpincaunkaitf tw a-fed byExel"titive anthofitv, dw falane'irt readinefs-vvhen any cxievncenl' v them into ule: Hrogfels has fef n n u appear by papers row 'topiu.":'-'' , -'in- providing' fnat'er'.s jcr I - -four guiv fljips.-as djtti'l??? v"-- 1..-. 11. . . I ' . V tibn. .7 Th : -J Er lL&$ON hTbc ' homrabh '' the Speatef 'V'- ;. ' r Heufe of Rejje- cr:i.. 7 S ' 'fthtniU, v ' 'S,Vi'7... v ' t. - LCl.alil auitltl litpif 4 JUJr t 7 '".v uuiiiuu. uiiuhiu; Mint iuujvm tt. iiimi i. I:-;'" 1 i t it my duty, by iivnJiai' the lcgiflaiure think-it expedient" to pofs'yJ have in-certain -cafes, Tu, -.iu-r.Tt)T' TulfilUng them to vindicate, thir roll in review, and to try all its pa jSj Sickened thefe .expenditure, fr : ! ic right .'cb.'ftdefyi'g.. the by public utility,: they mayb'e a f ki-i cd 1 i II a t u r e mighr determine 'jvi.--rnrv partufb from-fttpulation on ;f every aid and . ligtc which jexeiuiive many yard's -are'nei'cflary as. Ivuve ; -From ihe'pYperS' which -will : information' cn yield. - ' .contem'plated;wThe work at , -"- - -a, . " - -"'- i tT fli-ini ni rr c 01 ' cUmiyv that the wars Mroublcvv-hich -,hc e-xefC-,fc Qf iorCtt oxu VclTctU within behoves' us tQ avail ourfelvcs of every pi't ion,, they aretmde'r ...-. .u. . iui.j ,u.u uui ucr tf));,r p0V, j an toconfidcr4wv far it joccahon which preients itlclt for taking executive - adminittration, as well as of ie public contri- our direction, it s . . .. I lIlfTVI I IU IVVVIII1IIVI IW" IU! II j a." . a vV IIIL natioits hive at length me T6 an er.d i v I -n . -r r " i . . . i a' f...i. .u.: -i - r. ' win oe sale ar J expedient to .leave, our V1 c lurciurge j nut u never may nr Mhit rhe comnuoications -of oeaccanH . i ' ; .1. ru'. 'T. 1..- .1,... 1 . . . ' s ' " anaus wuu i .cm in uicir.nreicnr, ,poi m iivrc mai, an leaving u iauuui -commerce areo;lCemoreoperiingamJ:ig ture,- ; jo , .1 the fmallcft' portion of its earnings oil ,; . LWhr e?.e.vou7' "ci" ,b?Hs .'I lay before .ym the reftilt of ihe:cen-' which it can fubfin, government fitall id to-fhecnenctnt being wM Jias been Pus lately taken of our inbabiianis, to a -Mf confute the rcfulue of what it Waj -Mealed to brcanie into tfiem the foicRof t-. '1. - j.. nn;.....,i .. 1 ....... j r eoniormuy wun incn we arc to rceocc uru. -conciliation and forgiyeneri,: we.-are thc cnfaiflg tcs of rcprefentativn and In o.ff care too of th !bottnd wtth; peculiar .gratiMJic, ovation TT.Vni. nre5i ih.f it binions entrulled to , vthankfultoh.m thatmir own peace, lias cncreaff numbers during the Uft iia:W be prudent to multiply barrier V? thro,,S.h W.PPJia fea- ycars proceeding in geomWcalatio, againQ their clifiipation, by appropnathU fonjri.MifRlvelperrnjttalefly tocul- promifs a duplicattoa in. little Vrnore fpific'fuim to every (Jecifiq purft titrate the earth, and r. prafluc ahdim. than ,Wtnty,two 7.ears. We e0nW fufceptiblc of definition : by difalbwiiifc Fovibofeari-fwbchtend, plate the npid grbWth, and the 'all. applications of money .varying, from oiir.comforts. . The atliirxnces . indeed f. ... . 1 ... K-rrt';:,.i..- L:.ri ....'P ... of friendly d.fpofit.on tecerl fiom a II irjuriesit nay enable us to" do to others ! in amount, by reducing the undefiftrd the powers with whom weMve rrtnet. :.. r...- c. ... ' u...;.. j r,.;i ':it..!';t.,l f ......u.. .1. ........ Aim uicrcuY powers over have been diflurbed. But a ceflTition of t .!:. . v '.. ; ... . . it- ...fa ?k k--: 1 '. u j 7 . P'icaiioii ut men, iinccpM ) e of . pppu- w ;,,,u,rt, l accountuuitics lor tnl g V 7 h;chha1 h nefs, educated in the love b( order, bU money, v-herc the examination may be commerce of neutral nation and of the uutCl, t0 fc,f. eovcrnmen7 aild iWu, prompt efficacic,., and uniform. V SSSE !T - blngs'above all price.' ; ;. ;. : An account of receipts expen- v , auvi I uther nrciiin inrM.rn. iiw ( ouures, 01 ine la it vear. ns nrtnir.n conttmplaicdi The work at are ...among thole permuted torn and 5 of the 7 'frigates tiitced 10 laid tip.-bave been' bruuelit atul l.-.i.l -.v lure, where, befides the fafny of thcir tney areunttcMhe eye of the of friendly difpofit.on teceryel fiom all irjurie,it nay enable us to" do to others in amount, by reducing th the powers with whoru we l.fve rtincu in fome fi ure day, bt to thr-fcitiafneut J'l'eld of comncics, an pat relations, had inrpircdconndencc of thc tx;cnfive umry flni rcHinig circumferibingdifcretionarv p tha-our. peace them would no vacant wilhill ,im lo -j- Jjf.. money ; and by. bringing bac! have been di lurbed. But a ceffation of oUcatioil tlf mc fufccofihu UoL-Mopartneut afl' ac?ounubi ... v 1 rinpr r! rri 1 in 11 1 , neiictheos at the-fame time., the hom- s.-,HW,nc- k .i..V...;."" fr .uVV... ' 1' tW 7-,. .mM:...t a- j-1 l,nc incrca.epi nnmoers, nave proniccd'" '""w; 1 rcaiury, win, -1 I ..... r ceis un en 1111 iiirn,! ih,. i-i.. 1 has attended the latu fjlr: lamli ihews that, , with at 7r.:-j j . ,r- r 7 d 1 anauxmcrauon urrcvenne artune rom ""' uc ,J . fnend'under . prelHirc of tirccm.tan. conItfm Jo a Tatio f3rnwon(18ti'of . ":.; " b? rcvcwcd,w,tVn KJrop.,latLon alone and ,s3 of the pul V JT.- c $ ,? -S5'? if 'hHoreign relations, now ukin-'ntio they may be made an itnporunt tthZf ""y '"'he whole wildT . fourcc of receipt! Amon34l. payments rcw.tjrance lor tnw luinte. . tn--f.. .t'. t.-..i.. -r. thofe made n 1 rnm,. f id. ,;,:- (Pm of peace aifncndlhtp generally expence i, ell ai of income! thtre Ml! ft'wtliat the public faith has been prevails,-and Kam hippy io inform-vou ... V . . . -:.-jr- t-- ., L r that .h-rnniinMVV.; ,Wt&A. ' - C4JunJ0,c.Kr,unfl confidence thr we " "V .1" ;-. t" J 7 Z T"" may now fafcly difaenfe av'ii h all- itie i it. snonrj lncmwie implements ana me prac h.,Ail . ' t 7tr -rk..n-.i-.Lr.v-i.ri Pernal taxes, comnrclKiidim? ecifcf - c - ' " f " . 1 11 v . .... . i I t . K,,..,,,, uum.ngana nn. f,!.nl . nrntlXAl. t .,,.7 ... )n': and alreidr -we afc able toan. r. V . ut -" r V -.n.ce.h.r.iotd mttVcq-uSa. ?i .'K!? PJ7 he,nerea o?ih pub- mlnurion cf their ,Mimb?r, -proved by ' .."gc jhe ImlI ft the.r wars adihiir wan:,, KvcXem A '"l llh?-hlf'X.,-,,e' ' begin mo ccri ,ce an in'atVof p0 aJ i S J7 M cowltmpC',- ' vv ar, inifcea, and untowird rve.r mm .l-uwivn. , , . ' ' I lunar iditf ir.k...A'Ai 1 11 ncril aeat will. 1 P nKi,, anucaii . J . I "or flic CXDenlCi Whirh tli . ( -- --- -...... nvilliuuil kVUlU nnt ,. St.. . r. j .. . . . ' o this Tie 01 rencril 1. Uhi;li we have been bleiTed, one only "l.-.,....! 1.1. r.!i: .L.1..1 . ' ixiipiiunrKikii. 1 iipuu, ineicait con. C.crable of the ihrbary (latcs. had con'V inrward with demands UnfountleJ Either in or in compai, tml nn ferrait- icyuicii 10 ocnouncc war on our laiiure to comply before & given day. The flyle of lhe demand admitted bur one an- ' a jk . A .a. . . cf. Jeot a iraalLfquadron ot-fri Kites into not meet. iut fmtnA mi. to t juittf our taxing the indii(liybf our fellow citiiens to accumulate' Ireafuie lor wan lo happen, we knovf nhtlwheti tnA ... l.t .1. : .... . ' 11 from the lemotatloai t.Orrr.M iVt 1 yj trcfure. " ' ' ' f . Thcfe riewt however In remicmg our us agents, and here -vonrfidvoc ..if.. will be euided by your own view. ; the U-giflative provifions refpcbl iug them, w hich may from time to lime be neccil lary. j ney are pfclerved m Inch con dition, as well the vdfels as whatevtr ueiongs to ti,em, as to be'atVall limes reauy lor lea on a Ihort warning. Two others arc let to be laid un. t, C,n , they ftll .Live received The repairs re- Tr....v .v . pi 1.1. in a. iu m a lound condllica. As a fiirirriiitenJii.i kvillbe necclfary at eaciryaid, his do - ties ard tniohinums; hiMttnc fixed by the executive," will, be a it Me prcpu'r fiibjecl tor lci;iflaMon. A Communica tion will alfu be made of but progrds in hc MeciitioTj of the law tefpetting the lo be fold. " The fortirications cf,6ur 1iabonr.?, more or lefs advanced,' prcfcin vonfil derations of great dillicuhy. VSt foiiiir ot them are on a kale fuHicient! proportiotad to the advantages of iheij pofiup,.iujhe cffiucy.trf. their protec liotj and the importaiKe '( the . j oints a. 1 1 ttl n 'it M 1. aa . . J. . . ... i it'iiu 11, ni.u.v4(t i f-'ienii vc, U cott-fp much in. the fii trcclion, fa n.urh in their-maintenance; and require lorce 10 4;rgioa them, as to Qiakt it quell iohable what is bvrt nnvr to be done. -A Itatcrnenf of t.HoA- r. cxacllv malntairrri ' Tn'ihtr .;M Kimenced or nro'ie.-)ril. rl ih ad'led an clttmate of appropriations nc-!a,rcJlJy incurred, and "cliiuiaics ut tl.cir f-'aiiaij ni 1 iiv citiviug year. . 1 111s tail . vjh, a iar as wan oe wiU ot courfc be eflfected by fnch moiM lall bc laid btfore you, that you may fications' of the fyltcm'of expencc av:')c iubled to jtidgc whctlur any lica you Ihall ihink proper to adept. t vjtion U niccfTary in tU- Lws rcli.ti A tlatemcnt iu, b'cen by t'lej1"' fnbjtil. u rccrrtary at war, on mature confiJera-I Agricnliurr, tnantifatlurcs, commerce, lion, of al! the poltj and Ihiion whert flr'1 vigation, tne lour p'ulun of Mtr catrifons will be txrtiiicnt. and of the" protoerity, are then moil thriving, u ln. n umber if mn feqttifite for carft gir- 'c1 n free to individml f n'tri riie. tifon.iTt.o whorc amouiti Jsconfidcrably Ircc"ttuu from caf.ul cm-urrf 1 u-.' fliort of ihc prtfint" military ciUbt th-' 'wwtver, may fimructs ,. J. ; ., 1 XT.. .v.. r.-ii '' . . ,f. I I. ;.....' uifciu, ror uie lurpitis no. paritcular' ,,,,r ry ai m mcourie of our thai a ftan-Jing army Ihtmld be kepij of their importance 1 a lufiicient alHi. up, jn time of peaic, for "hat parpofe rajnc they will occupy your attention. Uncertain ai wc mud cycV be ot 0a "unot, iudcctl, but a!l feci sn P "ijgllljX-Jf JCUmxt-f If Cumiixxac anxious fol.citm'e for the 7dilh7urtKr A n ra am a u 1. . . , . ,7.. m .1T.T.i. . - ' . ranccstothat pa nf our finccrc de- y IXh.iV to feniain L peace ; but With ordrr. ou fkc pUc. ,n to WotcAonr commerce arainll the ZJfi ltok fK? "'t"' lr' tUi hreatene.1 .Hack. The Crf SaJ air... f 'rVth"C of ,he c,!1 poycrnment, VydecUred war in form, Jill -i. t t . . r " fcwiviBiiifctn vere rnjt. 1 wo haj artned at U bra . here an enemy may chuTa to invaH. ..e: the only'forcc which can be ready ate fcrv point, .and tomnnrni tn inf them, ..ii.the-ibp body-of.nighborlng viu&cni, 11 larmca into a rai.itia. On ifiele cvucCcd from the parti moll con. venient, in numbers 1 proportioned fo ...w ...Taming lorcc, 11 is ucii to rely npi otJly to meet lhe firft attack, but if it Ihrcatejis to be permanent , to main tain the defence until rrguUu may it engaged to fclierc- them. .Thcfe con fiderations render it Important that wt (houlJ, at eveiy .feffion, caotirjieto a. lneodthe clfcfci, w huh from time to time flicrr thcajf.hei, in tbt lawi iiiMier winch our carrvm.- i.,.i- . m . - - - 7.-ft loon be ,plced. How far it can be re lieved, o.hciwift than by them, it a fu jeet pi important coniiJeratioru . The judiciary fvllem of ih; l..i.t btatu and elpcciaUy tint portion cl U rCC0.,l,rtrcdtl, wl11 0, fPrc pre fent nfclf to the cnntcmplaiion of Co..- grefa and that thev may be ablc i.i Judge of the proportion which the indi. tution"bcan lo the Jmfinch it hat t.r peiform, 1 have caufed ta.b procure T Itotn the fcvcrl Uatci,, and now tar before Congrefi, an eta- flarcmVnt of all the c.u(e decidif fitted fee firft cf. ff ihj vmvt md gf lfcrf X r, t a v ii ro ri rdi Jn fri hi ren W:l . .-

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