V wlucll -were tJenrnrltna wlirn Im .-TT 1- twirls- and judges' were piouglji in .to ; their aid. ' : .-j v T'iiii. yii WIW ',1 IV. 1,4.1 iMgalllZa-. .vjion. it. will be' worthy your conlidefa- iion vrnemer tne protection ot the incf- I 'f'.'.-n,l?,,e.,I nence jbe avt;'a - timaUit ;.tii'vtition Jdf' juries has ..beettmatrtv'br iV" TT;WrVj4iid j . .-'.11 . 1 r . :incpiuni. in u Am nrui 'wik :. LAicniini hi an flip ri re. niri vtm . r -- iuuiv uiuincc Thcinnaftiat election alio c& ef 1 R ' 'S'W sf i r? --C,r "f Jjphe ,Jrwh fhouis ojoy, W: o ..,18 tanfider whether that i fntt i.,tT. . : v i r . V T - French nAv. Ar.O "to ?rW 'tt4 V T( .. , . " . rrfalcd amazinirltf. exclatrmh .,,. W. The. populace imagined that, LaureQottwas nuonapate himieit. Hence the a'cU' . . ' V IV W 11 C t 114114111 yto confidcr whether that is fuiiieietitly fecured in hofe Rates" where they Kre named ; by a marflijil depending oh exe .aitive will, or defignated by the court, . v9F officers dependent on thern; .--A ''. . I cannot opit rccommen'lin a revi fa of the lawn on the fubjel of "natu ralization. Confidering the ordinary chances of human .fife, a A nit fit ft' f .ir- u.u. .n. . 41 ' propr'.Larenw-wa$ Mtntf 6'iepea this- but aiVe tnortntmg iri-coIo-jrHcockades. , Lureiori repeatedly bo Weil, ancf Red ipuch pUifcd w i : h h is rcce p 'ioa -bu t real ly jvt believe fouch lighted at Redifli Ho;el he yeni t (o theTiifl flo6r window (4M. OuoMeadit.? him up ia Xr .iu ; 1. iv iiiu niui 1 anu uicwintr n m . i I .Ll .. Jt ... I. J. of thofewrto aflc it;; . and ciiitru)s po- by, many of thefe (tafes, and ftilL, be- 1 ...... J j. r . . . ' ; v.rvu.ui i.u.vitqucnce to tHeir prolperity, And, ,fba i 1. .we refufq, b.. t he unhappiiu gmves rom (lref8,.thar:-hofpiulitv which the favages of, thr wlldernufs-Vx- tdfiod to our fathers arriving! in; thjs Jahdr Shall oppreiTol humamty iind no . aiyium on this globe ? The coofitu . nou, indeed, has wifdy. provided that, for admifliori to.-certain offiresi of irxi portantirnaa-refidenc iwmcient -to devclope charaan and dcfigri.. But might not the general charpcfec and capabilities of a citien-b.? Ayjely comniunicated to every one ma k r ihiilnjrz hca fide . purpoftr ot embark-.-XV-;,'.'--''..' aPd fortune permanently j3'W a a' 11 ! 'le rainiulen t ji fo rpa'tiqn .. vX yurii' ; an abufe whirh Hri.io. r- - - w s ' - " wiilir j ill ...fri'.rtri crb:rrj(iinr.-i ittwi -lr.fc n.tt.. . v . w - . . . HIV, KC" r.iane . ... . .. 7-,-.:.,, ' imivji ii4l.JWT 'O .iwii.;u ci ;ii"i.ili 1 11 ufiitinn 'in ... 1 - tnat n.'i entrtavnr flm.ill hn r.,s,t.i . J -w- w aMv 1V ocred aiid-fuppfefs.ir.. - , .' , , . ,. ' i': .T h fc, fc 11 . 1 w cit i 1 en s , 5 re-1 be, in a t . V-'i'lll'.i;,'' tUte O .the li.tmn . -mvb I , havc iho-mht. of importance . resubmitted.. to vonr cnnfiHpr.itin ;ihis ymc... Some otters of leU miuerii, not m..rea!y for communis .on' be iht fubjed of feP4Tate m'eg,.,;. I am. hppy in the opportunity. :pom. viMPfduits affairs. oiourKw vernmcnt xo-thfff rtllrt r.. . - " ..jiwill ill . lite imion... Nothing. -Hull be kantino ne to'd, M Oto begged him 10. defift U'iifc r;U'Vif.'ri-.i.-n' r - - miK wkdo me vovernnjer. . After pang a'.lnort iime in Red iV fin! i.ai'iA.M k t)ii, reamed. into the carrjjg; 10 procf Jft Lci;d Hawkcfculry V pScev -lh they jb . l n. jio jive 1 in iiiinni ir. n , be mob greatly mcreadd,' follyltiQrbf I cat r 'acre wi h rcdnnkVH V,!.rr,....L ...j :.. St. jiineV's: fijuare ;hejv flopped ,ii, 190k q$ me horf-. and drew it in iriiimnK .ih I Hawktlburv's i)ffir"ii. nu ... -....ii.j.m;u. uiuuy P a rt?" J&V 'T1' n ofc dre wihe cV rf -gg by lavin? feold'of Vach' rthpr' nArA . mis mariner fo'ining"- lines one htindifcd' Wc iv.n... 1 K'v irrmca nn ip irnn-i- vnm .up behind -on the box, hirigingori'iheiwheelwj fv? friend if Btjonapae's. i In thecop. f.i.fimr& . uproar, feycral perfoo? wtre ihrovn. dawrr i nd rimpled ii ode foo , : ; vro -of whom it was ihotight'would not furtive. boon aftrj two'clbcXihc-trriar'eajhed-t kcfijjrv'. office, into wljicb pie(i! La are!' tuii ad M. Otiu eutc-ed, iild' txUui'.ffei'inf ra rift cations: :Ar"v" "vr . t About half pafl two'the can'nbn $ the PaVfe announced this 'gieat event; ancTat tbe$ilit Tower guns did (he fame At ifie four.d o be filing the popu'ace fdmprre'd' alorg t ncishbouririg ll.cen, pirj.g in o '!:' tt rrjuicinp, defiryi. pf wiTr.tlTingTiliij .fcfir. The i;ar'rige of 'be Ciizen. Lauiretlon ha.vi the horlcj out, was m ijie" nw.-an.iiroe teeiov, ed ! om D iwirng-llrect, round, ibroagh jkp Ilo fe G.ijd.. .io he cn ranee from the J'ark of Lot d Ilaw'kclba'-v'i oIKt'e. ibar irinf '',. ilfflirn -migtif iheie ge 'imo it pjva!tfy, awl ! . I..- I-; j j : i-i : ' IIUI III lie CllllirCl. III. Ulr.irt ..Vure'lon and Utto enltfed, he'hoifes'uie on.my part to tnttirm. as far is in ,nv im ialin v... : .k- til.W- 75 jegittative jiidgmem nor in i.iah.ph by .,e mob ; Mi'. CoxI'th' ..to .cany 'hatjudgmcnt imo -faithful Xc- -Ar, who was 'in it, " a io,' 'ai? H Ctition. . TU. f your difcufrtons will . a it 1 a I m your own walls, lha? conciliation Khli'h In nui-l..k.l.:.. I. ,y .ipjv.h uiiunus rational coni tlnfion," and bv its xainn!c. nAn.t.... amon our cunflituer.ts rha! prigrcfs 1 opimon.. which b tending 't Jnitc them in nl t i ii ju ,u, 1 iiat an flm.it,M,irrI..:.c-4"Trr.i. r r . good btimoarrdly addreJTed 'be im.b .thus- nn..M 1.iT r V irv 1 . - 4,1 rLWenremen ! Cem lemen (the . poiila, , mould be fatished vt!li anv on r,u- l.. t T.jaT .l -4-1. . - ryKLr 4lf ,1 ? . , . v,utl 8,Frn" Virginia inrce I1U7IJS) if. nV 1 SV '? r!r,Q bC Ptati I ' f -f yoi- tr. be ,i o derly as poll'ble j .inauiijc tho pleaung Derfuation thar it I. 1 Villi f0 tiUlfrmiA In Jk.1 . k . ire I nan, cr t a hei . Huf fl.ir of tltc! Waf i.iey p ocreojj 10 the btck Boor o! rx . Ai rn'ral y which. - leads-, ottt upon the! parade, Here Laurellon and -O.'lb entered,'; and jai maindl .t fjrns time with; the lArd-l-Lord Hood was alfo pretcnt.. 'arl S-Vincen?. fame out wi It ihc two ciurrm. and vr ... v , , will 1 .induce tho pleafing perfuatio that m!c All ff an. 11. . o wv - w'.vui.inucnj win t-Oti'ially cvmcuT in honell an diltnteretled effirts, whiebbave for their obieQ tn rv..r.....' the jjencrnl and Mate povenimcms in their- coi.lHruiional imm a t '..i:: britim. i to nintjin peace' abroad,-, and i in 1 r r mni a.. k 1 nu uumi.uic tu me i.tws jj rinflic acr ntc re- 9 ( Von are Ullerminrrl to draw iK f I. accompanied by Mr, Otto, I rf quell yott will be carcfiiJ,. - and nOt ovenut n the cat riaS " ' - 'ihe fopylare aflnred Wi-Lordniip they would be ca-eful of and rrfp'eaful o.th Urangen. Away they dew the carriaffCt 'm-i L r. ...... .r p. 1 "ii uiouis wi ppiaaic, mroitjjR o!. lamer ... . . . . n-'.i ------ "- Mt I, - J t. . 1 .. .. - . " 10 rlUhhlh piincipJct and praaicfs fl C' T u V r y Hab '' admini.lra.io, favu urabh iW S o!( 'Ul Cour, o( liSrnw . wt . 1 ".". ' heir acclimationi.' Tiny went Of lutriy aod prorerty,. and to reduce Si. i.-a n..- .-j - ' 1 V ' - - - . . f-njuti . 1 1' " "viitc ana ai'cr witnarawirg, oc jamri urtei frramea crowded widi pJ pie, iSvjping n .tt 10 fee him. At four o'clockj, bii carriage hatmj beca taken 40 Bcnnet. n.... t... . i. Hissi mm. coiccanj-n, ne lett.tDe ho:ei with M. O.io'a bro h.T, to walk o Kit carl Porf of WihnmKt( vvmnintrton ' Ehttrt'i firir nu r lr.it ca r. Three Brothec,, Bell, - New-Yorls, g wauir AJItfl,. ' ' . Argusr Brown - r'2 Thoriiasf Rprn. y - Schr NcyJ Brawft, ' -rrrFfir.T'iy, Sandt-is, , ' -T friffldfijip, Denifbh, : B B Providrncc. .-St. Ki t. '-Eagte Beale, Charleflort. Kingfloo, Jam. BarVadoes. . S. Simoi, . fGep'gt'a 5T.;' liar'KTbmew s . Kinjrflon, Jam -" Lvnil. Fclllfnann. LJLJ j 1 r- i. ' I 1 j. . u . ; NEW S FORE, J'cetved.a fupptyof the fslhufif,: urtU pRECH BllANDY. ' ' j, A 5herrv Wi -. - - ' Malaga-' dc4'- ' v ; CRscdartj-.i' " ; Bfexnd faflc Raiflns.- i, Gurrantij AlmoBdj. ''' -Chefc,:Bttiter.; -.' ; ' Stune frnal I cabled barncIT ' H & H L rarfed joint binges .i' II. KU Ml A . (.,,1 1 ! - 0 iivii u'ivhj i-.. c 4 v- - ' ; - , D. --SMITH. -jlJeejnber 24,"7-aw. ,- -. . . QN-Thurfday th" 3rn inft. will be fold at Pub Tic AuVHonijo tjie highell bi 'der, for the benefi of the underwriters; and all conceirird, .. the fchoon:r nIFnrf .(Virginia) wi h all her fails an- th6-.- '4fct'." - A' - - P. - 'r-r- r TT. The above velfel r-aptain John Liming who'iun aw jy" with her Vtrit ihe-ovftif r. arid ha'i now abfeoned fibm plare Tlvf fchoonrr tvi h hr aDOare- mav.a-ariy time bcTecn at the CaHom houfe Uart. ' .. : - JOHN LORD. Att'y. ' Z:r f'M-!f9 lr faU or barter, , Tobacco. Citron. P., rb ..r i'i. ci.:. " ead. But er. lam-iira ft - if ----- n. iai(, i 1 llli ;-v iwiicrrn i'ux ?e-dt and a tew calks of .u 'v.'i i.iir;non hrown Mnnt. Decrmbe 2.j ;w "Sjr fubfrriber ;nfinii'n in '.t r ; It JLrt cpuifryjrbout the firfi cf February next .-'ffoueft) a!Mtserinn .i'ntik -j' ; i. r 1 - 7-. p"v vu uiui 10 matte payment pf-evtom to tbar period, oiherwife ' their amounts &z; will be put inihe hands of an Attorney atlLaw tobe fuedfoVindifcnmL narelyThafe to whom he is indeb ed will receive payment oa rendering their demand. r - iJOHN KELLY. .-7v i.iiic, ijcc,-ig;H -11. !ftlKl-llllll. II I -t -; - ' I 'HE fubfcrihr ,krr.- I..... .:. . public that he hat aa-tin . . 1 l r Tiefs two doors fouth of Mr. Howard' tavern VPhf h- inta.J : 1 . . - - - ... 1 v v nu. ia 1 v j nn rtaat i 1- 1 1 . 'NOT; ICE JPHE. fubferibers propofejtoing bufi X . nefs this feafon in' Partnerlhin, . TlKv irXe; Comrhiffion 'and Vendue line, and will receive PrnrW orwt IM.. clundifo- for public; of private fale : in Wi I,,fJie wno may pivaie to employ them may deoend .tntereit, and puncltiality. -, .T!hcy are alfo opening a Liquor anrl Gcery Store, which they expeft will fbortlv be fupplied with a pretty general ll"onmenf, and at reafonable nrtri'e' in .rK!-k .U f... : - r r 1 '. wi. iv rj 01 tneir friends will be thankfully acknowled ged.... . 1 . A. JOCELYN, THOS. N. GAUTIER. w Dec. 17 3w. .CRAWFORD 6 WHITK. Refpetl fully jnfrm their frienJt and tht publicin general; that they Mve'juil rr. ' Kc(ivfdS the. pop Sally htm Nn- 'J'u.rl . ' 4N EXTENSIVE ASS03TMSNT OF DllY GOOD,S, GrocericJ andothcr I'articJcf Saddles, Shoes', Boots, atjd Hatsof various fries andqualitici, Earlben Ware, Porter, Pickles, Dry'd " Apples, and a large quantity of excellent vheefes. which thev nffr , (n. r.n. " or.ali kinds of country produce, Furs fnefcs Wool, geefe & ducks' Feathers, old Copper, .Btais cV Pewter, &c at Campbell's wharf. , Oec..i--cf. c-b,ed to the en, e a'e ' Sf ' "l ate Daymen. ;aid;hfr dart fiktb ir y ; IS HKHf bv; CIVF.N, IJIAT the ftibfciib-r at D;ccmb r term I mil. of ib r.iii-r nf M..... 11 - . . iifuuvei toanjy, obiatned Ictiers of Admillrrion n s en.'- pr v. 1 ,.U! fjfci nn -nwn. "Th..f- ;n,!.u. , t. - w v u ,w in 11 r aip Jelucd emakei.s.tn diate payment ; aid;hofr "''g -noun s or usmai di agattill it, of any '1, 4tf rrjir-d o exhibit the lam- for pay. u.rn. m the uhfatbrr . agreeably to law, and WHnin 'he time lunittcJ bv .h. A r .1,- o.. . . v 'i nit. vr ral Aflembly paflVd in 1589. cr.iitlrd An ' tt lo and an 'jft cnMilrt -n .. . m ' 1 iu iLcin. ,ing proving wih't and grantin; le ler,of s ....u,n and 10 prevent frauds in 'he manairrmnr .f ...t).... .a ; o ; ,""tS emu. in failure wTieieof tht fjma will I. . 1. J 1 :o the tccoter .f ffh f . ' CILBERTGEKR, Ac'mV. ' .Vn ,he day of I anuatv nexl will ii tn the town r.f tv.i ... ; '"1 "it nai credit cn ike ncraru,n. ".""! .k. ivf r.inli'l... r t ... . r ... I J f Hate of faid deceaf-d. 6 ! . '(linirRTrpii'D i' i 11. 1 . nunif, . ilininrri7n M.. - . it . . - I " . w . .1. 1 LairrfloA. ffrorr! f brUnl- ,'ik-. W.--.k . , w "i 'tm J M . .... . '""" inaoneot li io-tpnte 1 chuT a dt de . . . 1 j . j . . .... .. v.Hij', itnnro raiiS -d by 'ihe Chief Confol, St Dover toitb ki ..:-. 5.k.'r,'2 and proceed io M. Otto'i la dinner.' fopv of the pfflimina-ieiof peace foroulK i hlU ''m' 'ccogniied him by kt unifora, m.:.r n r.i ' land ro letting ak.M.r k k. ... J L.-i. " , uv iviuniiu oica I r j n. I . L 1 - j . Afirr m(in ,ln r..-.. k. ! i? . I 'O RcdilA hrtr ite ua.I uVl a. bfpafthed ne of his o-jrieri, richly drjfrd i riia c h, ,n whitb fpe. obrrvaton. 1 icitic in. reid. in nt df ki.i r M.k. raj m' ihe l rriicb exny t and to apprlte'ci tiren(Vin ,f his arrivjl;' (;ft; Lslbn f.-mir, arr bimi? refiefli-oeO , fol owfdand -L-l III H . .. ' . 'Tt:nfa veurn oiter bridge anit i. o. tWkainoonoH Situ day , hthHfesofhn rovhi ,KJ,i5M I'J with blut . ana irsr word ftACt upon thrtn : ift bi manner the French envoy maJ ,Kis !iomphal entry an! a m .b fwn colleaed, nnm afiet the carriage, )mb drovt to ci . ten 0,'toVibe cornet of Hereford and 0. a Htrer, near Tyburn Tyinpike. Af er ttniaininn f iniBuie wiilt M. O to. that failM i.f.'.'. J I -. . . k . : . - . ' l , . ,. ,ul ,lrvl i,la (irnir; who ci ii. S u 1 . . . . WILMINGTON, Dec. 24. . The Con;' cfs of the United Smtei met ti if 7'h infl; 1: tbedty of WaOiing en, It tn?mbeM of the honk f eprefennMvet e;n. pufrn, ibey pr-iedcijo the choice of Spea ker, when Nathaniel Maeon, Efj. n eMed. M. Bildin was cbofenpufiJtot proiera. of the fenatf, On ibeevenU of tb tiJ, rf OJober, the populace of London, enrftf l .t i... - '''lie In1 prelhoni of T-ter TorcMpine reproba rr. 0 ihe Par m ..la . .i .l... .If! I. I - - - - , .i-iim (utuii on nil Hi rat lor H,J.ik. tf-.i t- . c. t. ..... i' ,nf IM l 1 all, Mall, ind hit Pnn ir j'" men, um.-e In boa hampion-arcet. aKt te staiunrMi- tad Uen like. for aha. a-J Jl.V .V.01 TO' RENT: ' F$r a term ',jearr, as nay h frefJi tt nHAT fruitful, '- heal l.y anj beau iful 1 PLANTATION, near the head, of .he Spond, known by the , r ams of St 4 1 c k i ur,ot which ihere i a very comm.di wi. and well fiiufted dwellirg hoofe, open to ihe feJ beach by an avenue, and aVcui h'a f a m la from the Sotrnd. wbirk .i . I r..r. .r lords abundance orFilh and ihebefl Orders in the S lie. Iheie is alfo on .he f,me a goodKitchenr Smoke Jioufc, B,rn, S abe, d . ha.r-hotjfe. with a icmaikable fioe rescrtU.chard.ThtfLand is wcli sdipied ipirtcuitmeor Corn, Cotion and Ind:f,.. iim.jj iue couie aoout I o acrei of ftCtTTftTlBat MiipT-wTulb can be eaKlfouir: flowed, mod of which it coated, and wdi rro. duct excellent Rice. Vl'kuk.. ..... .... Una can U accommodated with mod kt't.da of P.a,.,o? lurnugre, and tyi inr Jock beUgingtoihe find at valuaiion. rorteirai apply in UMming on to . ALMANACKS For tlic Yenr olotir Lord 1802 , And a variety -of Baoks, tScc.' For file li.the Prhitcr hereof G Ciurt-toufe. AM ASJOITMINT a - " a w av 0 0 D S SUPERFINE black cloths, .Ditto . blue do.-. Ditto 7-. - datk mixed do. Dl'ttO- f fin.t.in J . owaiifdown. Rpfc'and diift'cl blail-t. Red, green cV white flanncfj, Pbinl rib'd & patent worticd bofj, Caiinancocs and dimities, TOckfcts and velveteens, Mrfcillcs qui! ing; Silk umbrellai. ' Irilinem, ,s , M.ocn-ft. cotton pocket handk'ft, Plain, clocked and rSKk I -aj a. r " ---- .vwva t Ul,Ul HUlCtt L-alicces, Cotton cambricks. Purple anj chintz fliawls, Tamboured and plain iaconcf muQi. Ladits long filk eIovc. Sewing filk, 6 ' Hatj,'&c, fe. Ca(h or fuitaMe produce will be rccci red in payment. iw . JO" FOOTE. Ucccmbcr 1 0 1 f V. . -ADVERTibr'MhNn tr Turin. . the deatii of fofenh Kfi n. an ..V. ' havinj; tfemsndi a!nil the faid coparr. nm.par. rcqneilM ,0 rendcf f0 fncjr accounn. und till W- wK thereto wil ca xA fi.u .t..:. cilhv by payment or gmng fpcrialticf. irt order that the fubferiber mar be tn. bed to tlofe the bufincfi at fprcdily a ' pofib'e-he has appointed by lower of Attoroer.John Barclay, Gcorte )). viiiinn.. in nil ih rrnf. , pairing-A blvcr Smiths Bulinefs; and folv'cits tbeoat-ionaire of ihrf-ili:n.-'r...L r.i.-? . (1 jo"" 1 "nn. iuiu icrvice; jBdTu'tcrs tnmfelfth.t by alTiduity he fball now on hand a Imall alTnrt v . ii.nciiri 1 V lAMs; r.nni.m'r.nr. 7 UiiyJg'oii, D.-c. a 4 . . - - " . - - , 1 4-1 i I I, '

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