i r Ttfree Doll JHffiSJ) ayT"d e If General Aflcmbly. - Debates nn the taimiiftULM acforrpfOol in luchcalcs, muck it htocated.Adrtenjrjan I look op -Mf-XVa'l.im- . ,v "' i: T h'.i.i fc.-. r.v "t is, I fun- 4' til1. l.t ... ..I, a i t!... . r ... , V. . ' I .1. ' I V f i ( . .1 kit . k: " m" mi, I f a;- tn f i ' att t Penitentiary Hill. The houfe? having keeping to eler,': " Houfe,'--Mr. Mt hew, in the Chair -U i 'f- T'-rofhc;' 'r oVfaia thiClVai cacc. a 1 The realun .4 oave ;maaV ;dinirta.brr be neWVrWe in our law. ' prefrnt there i T tw mtrdtr ot;the SrlWndwind de-rct, no Di&mehif m ur Sate.VW. man who - - I ri I 1 tat a 111 P4Lt TI J ; . I" V Pll ..I. : rtlf " , i 1 - . a iv, thar 1 wilh t! jo'bt pfi hi filed actfo-dirft Id the'.r'e0Mhty; ; at prekni,' liurder'of ttj fi'fl oVg re' generally proved, and puniflti' fvnee bo:h bet j proper y, - frrr'moA fr-a-teW ! cfu'pe, ; fvnee i .1 i. : . i i i - .. njr si-- .putmmoir wi.n k-a h, lines lwi .feci srnnrka ion : lie!"'. acquit criminal.'. mm iiu.g'.o, inan-'pufiun tSem vn!i death. rr.ri,Vcrt,.,nan ?mc tjecr.mes welhould h,vef -The ,ieBi. for- filing. M .u charged, n .-r wKat difficuWy mir a'Meni an exieoaat'ion where a' man- U innotferr.' ; 1 - AlaicanderagreeinV to the timet- of puqiuMTirrt! propoica rjr wr, walker, tjie Ti ccin.nitue then o ocerded td fill 7fii blanks Avlthout d.J e'. tilt lh?v' e'ahia l ifi fl!lg0f9blj paper 6i thf kind hVre .neu J - ft H' III whixlreait a boxid, biM, gr xii c, o jg'i" to bs puniflicd raaai'v with oj.e L' A''i-.-.rk-, Cominj io" ihs'ls n-'fefllon.' 'i.KiV'k difrnemb. ring her$,.''bjr cut 11 or 'd'la'yiit?' a .hUnwl of .hem cced. n a y.r .fH.i id d epie ,he ,u. fon of the PeW an ffender o th,, t-nd,ad commuted an tiary bring, del confidera.ien. . v"0 Mr. Ta 01 laid ktt WA it view, - , . -. : - Mr, Dickfont!.niffhr tUm ni. J. end th Liitt'VO icrm of 'hs nfArinCI n.. B fluvieo , 'h'ii'k whcn;a' ma.i Ii eonvitled if 'fi-i kn.d vf .nardf r fp.rcifid. in tliij feftion, 10' for w t.ch hr liab'e, by h p.fctts Jaw , o fotf.'i- hi life, ouirht nm tn r.., iMtn;'ril'inrnn of five vcar. I hou Mr laijr- moved uv hi k!.-V utih ot i ff ha fivV or in jf han fif reitVcari.1 m i 1 . . i . i Rl r. i ...rj. i.i. ik v J. ii 1 ' J : . guflcmm f.rn Il .:fli ravi( wtl co-tfen: t erfMi excited by ir j .1 ji ... . . ii .. . . ' - ----- . .,,w w v ujuic hp icucn anient rnht be a lath i,n, pun.tltmen. in-q.lr rKard P,;, he So,, h.rn xxf'- xrr T t , ,hr oin coance. he inhuman. p-aic , Z. ' , 4 tJV0'.", . P -"gviPg, noj.ng, ar.d ho ' hoped the .1, l. ' ii ' t f , . ' v ",r- - . "5 "X "'in-ani"o re pee 01 ucn p acMCei. by fa n? in i'j'- i!u b,.,.k ..will be ni!r4 wub not lef. than ar.for tbe office. If ii were confide ed b ank, a, prop.frd. " ' Z ICMT'll0Yv,!yT, V Awj,V fi-WS,J.c,d...: TbeJ;fliinwa,p .n:l carried. ' rfl f i hJ odjr'T 6.- ,m; ''wbercd, .he punifkmen iTihnU weeben filled to the iftti, BT Umeni f,o.: he laws of Pcaalylvania a..4 "ould be thousht Idficicntly i2h' t for fto. feaion Mviihom r,mX TK- 1 C ' Cr'd b'' er ehd;d' 1 ,e,n",.nnl V' f-fpicioa rert, 'ife, fJr . feconj c.ff nee o 1 VJ. .,'' " tHw,.w.-.v c irtnci; uia man wnaira patin', when " dxnrtn -o tnfrul 1HS mo:io. nd malt ih Ii i bern tkiii iiiii.ilt.;(,l ..J i... I a m i .. ... , - r j"-.i.i.k..r iiiiiva cu, uy inu term oi puinlhiiicnl not let tkn . ..,B. ...n i-. '.:c';... i t i term of puoilhiRcnl not Uf, than 'ijjn, .nor more -nan weny years. .1 pre fume 4 ha; tke committee arc aware that ihe rourt will have the :ifcreiion to lake the Jhoneft time,-if ih think p oprr; but if the olFtt.ce it fla fraot, I ih.r.k be longcR will not be ioa keavy a punilh.nrnt, Mr. Tatwn. I mufl.exp'ain. The ccmr: viH no , as tha grn lem.n fom Ncw-Hano. vcr fuppofet have any difoetioti wiih icf ptft io ih? ptiniOirnet, of o.Tendei unJe iliti law j it U the j ity .flut wi.l Jiave thit d.fc ei lion. - . . . , t .?-.' m-ili ca iy a cei ific'iie ah.iui him jkherever he goe,, i (hew that he it an h... left man. Mr. Taiom. I- atn f.i-nri7 iKi iV,;a boald le treated a? a trillinif olFencel Ei. pp ing one or iwo , i, i,f in myopi- un, one oi ine greared. Uan lix month, ( a year imp ilonmcot. be furfi rrn mini (It. hent lor an olliMice ha is fo deftruaiveio e peace and g i government of focieiy P ure y no . If a man lofet a me nher, hi be able af.erwar.lt to labour for ike nay ro f .... u. r. ir -i i . . IhepuriJiment for rape Leing unJpf cori bavjr a penal-y can fctrceiy be laid cu off n. - - . - -- . till m t - - a I V ' 1 --. ,. . . npy wrn a-e occilmned by f.ich Ihulaliir. J ..Mr laent moved to fi.t un :hi A .nt .;.i. ! t A f-..r..! . .":-..' u-L-.. ' , , , - -r . l " & luiiciT io ice incR fununff wild bealU' I hon iki h.i,.f il -ever eonfeni lo a left puoiQunent than ! ears luiutifoninent for f, h-ni,n- n it jdhive. . . - .'Mr AVall . in. ,ii.wnii: mi IIJJUI ' .t net left ihau right, nor mote than twenivupe Trs. Mr. Alexander. Tte rr imn 'w,V; t - - .iiv't ii ; ike o jcttof hit chyfe of tbc bill io punifli, urn , ntn ttfovta, to be punt hed m-ih r .r n t . i .,""t.. , ' ir iiaui tcvc.c.. manner; w 1 inikf fbarg- of w ft before oble.rveJ, I believe ac ibn kind ate eafi y made, and arc di.'Wt ef ; f tbu kind f.Hne'.imct happen, wi.h- i . , . , . . " '"'i jr w, ,tn nui oi jhc Kiunainz party. pu doub ful, m. te Iju udc otrahiiit be . from l ..!.!;.. ..rr. ru? the Juiy. l or tS; gH wb:o:e fat clr,r. ; m-.arely Vp-tiied of. with ouidrr ibil it Pot he p. ope r. I pfi,H.fe, ihieforr tbifihe I bu.irkiriei of .hi. k'tnda.. rM....JM. irank btfi-led up with uJJcfi tUn th ee, wtihour -.be' leiR .malice aforaihooirh: or cril uftrmoitaaktcenyet.t ; . - ifHiwn, pethaptio a fla e of intoxication i air. Walker. Whtn U IriT..! --.:rk I J L " L.:.rL , . wmcn nnffin be at.im. - I apre. 'ha.- a man , i OMgh. io be' fjmfhei ecUy j wUdcl.bt'fa.c y.'edmmi ttP.tt ofth.t kn.d, 'l he recoi.d dkj eP je', ke,ould go-fnuke., and take a man't life, be tafc, a left tln.Qwnen wuold i Such a man oujht to be frverrv puniflicd f trfTA. on-.IfK o i: wi.h a viftnm r.i.iv .. - i - - - - i ivw-i aod kowever propar it mlgk . be tq puoiOi fucb pncni.ci, wr oia. noi wun 10 lee uiem puniui. He ve men'. uibert ifOtr eorumiiitcff (uar cHraee- nritllk 1 rtrnArJ .Lit k.ll II. f t I " It . l. I " p .wuwiw VT.ll.il Will. 1( ilfoij reform .be nJl prof ofe.'.UVche .hougkmot le& ihaonne, itoVmo.e ihan five term Iball be riot If r rkrJvtii b...' .1 I in i . , , if em eait. If a nJ it nui i r..--.-.i .. . r . Y IWIHHW ' VViv . T . . - . I I'll I'.. ! icvco Ttari. n: r.eyri-iu. Mr. Aextrder. rolfelce when d uk, he ought to be, puniOied mwm acveta y wnr,- v Ml Lacev. If ;kV kl'l J. f . 7 " - - -icRinntr.oMffiir rrje prte- orV now tat Hditon fl1)U:d p,G trio a hw, i, would be fixed, a.ArW. hat Z Z$Z --L Vn. . i' i v . ' " vine te toeiituauorii v r- " i rrtiekj fhoa'd beki d a an idrauate puntQi,, " Mr.-;Aiird--r - I rv.!U i A k peru Irithenner dorlbrd. n the bill ,ua.i,n of A, building ;detrrmin,d 'foj Theymv my ub,n,oh , .bm very l,rt-e-.p efem... .-1 do not kiH .h owt of FayVue ho'0t 'ttnirder 1 and ' trull -ihat-1'wit 'v.-- :iu .h. n . r -V i :i.tf. - mi l : "i -i- .'...".: , '"v.i;"i proper . n-ua, ion lot 40eu. t mrlfo,IQ,n .v-U be ; ihe 'leall puiiifbmeftt ! Mr. r?ifker. ! ,k .k- c..-.-.: i idmAtcWcafe, ; V - r' i . .im,uuCUI,( p lit outer r. do ac a waj or,en.v; " cowa.djr the enme a.der J, not like the Cmp roller ..d T eafrer, rot tile itot). had 'attend fd- ro t.hi- 'wn; l.A--.k-- L.r - i ,. .. ,f,v. v i ,, ,, ,' . " ""v8' " F'" 'oi nis icrvicrt py la'arr. IU I . t'T' Lhi W d have obferved, that ! depend," tkieTIf on ihe fee, of hit-office fof ike re hwkt he hat mn.,-. ate nor kinified hrf n,..n, ' t J 'u. .l P- ' ,of 1 ti.i.1! i ' , rv wK'" mc:ci.re, ei ner tr ;eM'JZ nm ,':onifmP,ate nepun..i,.,pe aLo-ed for lm felt, ice., or flruck oui of e of an accidental matmitg ; ii mull be die bill. Z !'j?Zm?1? trhouU Ir'" . ' Mr. Tatom. My view in nmUg theft' gsn lemcn was, that b -mg flice s in whog .jbe S ac placet groal conbdence, ihey migh b well tiufled with the buftna and employ. iOj ibem wouM prevent unnecetfary rxpenre. It will i nrt g eatttou -le hero, living io,J (J'v her at-ibe feat of Coveri.iien", and any '.ipencc tkey i t at would be rem A i than I The irtilj, in my opinion, would be muck bet ter and cheaper fu filed by them, iha by r jjnincuiBi. tciiumg in ame cm part! Of the S e. Sk r Mr. Dlrkf.m fald, be had no o'jeflion to withdraw hit mo: ion for the pte&n M . Fiflier. The public, i; it Irue, bat great ronhience ia ihe officers named in tbe b M ; but I think the .ecre' iy hat ,bnfinef cnougb ar piifeoi, wi hou ihit. Ue T ea. fu e!r Coujpt oler have tbei. feryicet hpl. -Jy t.n; fried by fa y ; but ,h-ecrt:arvt at I have before flaied, it differently Gua ed, and ;hu bill propoft. to give kira no compenv faii'i n whatever for the fervicei laid upon him. M r. Wajke . . It it pe-hipt improper, at, preUnt, io li po'. any particular tentlrmpia . L I r r w '. . . . . . &C ' and furelv no man 'wnnlH fav . t t . - . ii r .-....i. uiv-rvi.u. is 1 1 ill I r I v v pu;i u) nco m-n i.mcdV W to When im'i is the cal. ib .'. airideuiS ol. ihlt kmd.l Iheiefor? ccrtxinlv hn m-n 1V..A- T J.. J , . r i ' .1.1)1.11. nuuiu e l in a tt'-of-Dalk m 4 D art infiilr trt rK ,.nrl n,j:-.r l:. , . , , i . - ; - " u.. .v naiiuiii vu ins XBUl V he toMcoiidiicl ol ihie linn ee-toi n"fl":Trf t.i lffi .k ,.,:n..-.i-..t I I , r iiuin.iit ui M'. Bloodworh remaked. inat wkr. . man to be cmh'.ed for life, he ibougnt the Hue might be IcTt. " M' W. lo.ift. Th K,.n .A . i : .... r. .w u any particular gent rma ir . , . - ...-. ( mi ouiiO'-m I Crhapt it' mii'hi bt oiFence of .he crime, he e men ioncd ; and wc, 0 Ue Commiinoner, appLinTd f om i. it no o nbab le th- ..mm wiih . fm.l- J if r i 1.' " 1 ol" ....... ; u tf..U Dini O ne 111 . nm.... - . - . a man with will commit ofFeo'ce, of ihi, kind, ih - ojen. d;rsw:ll have no occaGoo for their money io prifon, M'. Taiom. The man wVa r.ini Cm confidence might be ' placed in the Officcri nientioncd, 1 do not think it wou'd be a' o. g; her proper to leave iku buCoefi whollv to i mem f ' . ' - - IV. j .111.11 ennd offi.Ke of ihi, kind, it to be put ou of, 1 Mi.. Cu'ptpper eVervrd if it wf,. f the vrfw of the world forever. If he be a fa v io naJ 5! " ?2 " ?'"?Ctr fpropeny , he ke i, alight on., and j Yre on ihed TiCti IT to be nned even more Aan iKe. f..m I ;b,-.,.k. :-. ir . - .. man o he ough" to be fined even more -A an the fum . i i i . . mcniioncq, ti tie nave no property, the fine will i.ot, of courfp, be paid, . M , liloodwonh withdrew hit oppofiiien. Mr. Williamfon propofed, thai if ihe of fender have no fami'y, all bta p openy flwlf be forfeited lo the Siate4 , lr. Walker. I am fty ibe-gentleman fromNew.lianrrver did riot mike a raoi oi o thmfubjerl. I am clearly igiinfl fo heavy a flnebeHig laid upon a rnan ko it condemn ed4 be iu.prifoned for life. The exclufion fotever from focinyi, fu ejy puniQimsm e nougk. If ihe olfender have property, He will have fome conncclionf i. whom it nay be ferviCeab e, and io whom it may more E . Iy go, than o be Sue. Mr. WillitinTon tnuved 'o amnd ih? fee lion node coufidera ion. by adding, ha if the pet fon Ihut committing ihiifecond offnce have ha family, all bit uropery (ball bo for. f-:...t .l. c... oicu io i iic aiasc. :boy-tht iittneccfT.rv o dell u, nn:.. ptiin arprefent. .. MrVTa om. The greaiefl oljeflion. ra'fcJ a (4i.U k.t amendmeni of he fe.a! La , ae nude on the fcore of etpeme. K'tow-rg ihai hi would be he cafe, 1 have a I alonj bad in view the faviiigof expense. Tb C o ve nor, Tietfa cr 4fld jy-cie a , rouid meet i.g"hcr at any time and do bnQ e.t wi h. ut inconvenitnce ; but if 1 retmilliontrt were 0 be appi.mad in differ-n pain o ike UaiV, hey toi.ld not bold h-i m eirg i.h..u confidnable treble &, xpet.ee j and houck lamni afraid ofm-c ing xj encr, h n itrectir.ry, Iw tiifoavu.d cap id..tt,et pf tvery u her k: d Ml Moore. I ikoogki wbad gf, (ver hit pa t of he bill wi kum 6 t.rg ii bi b, Fit. , any own pi I hf j?(lM,B h4, Ihe uffit erf mentioned in b bi-l Oi I have be jiowrr of con atlmg for lu.lding .ha boufc &C but I doibirt o ikei .. tL I I. ' . .fl. lint I am of lore oug'u the p'tr-JfUnu under t . ' . .ML XJf. AI.-.-J-. 1 .L- L'.L . I V ,il0...,fO.M k ; ;: "";' r wvnt H'.uu..n. i koFe bu w'.i. P;a i . lVi " " ? ; 9manm un!n;u.oui nam.ng ike (jtuano. of Pen.i-ri- ... , .... .,UJt ...I. 7 aoe, ana thai , will be afetva da , ne mtri n.ive an hud by the ioml La la of WK , Th., m id f was concurred v iih. The i e ft cf ik- btankf wee ibrn fi.led, ..nd . be bill jun, inrgiign wiihoui la ibe rrmtii The ii . , . i.u viiiiumci ii.iu ii.c nyu I M r. fitktrf.i. . Th. k...:j ' L. l r . ,k. f.M ; l.h. ' . , , ,p,ni "'m Py our preicnt I. w, aged laiher or mother, or other connection,. Mr. wilt '"Itr"'-"' Hfjblc v.i k d.alh I H fotely a crime' .'.iponef, bit pro(ertv eartttno'iooU!, n?,,lor,rue,u, even wUk h,r hcreit.fore been cofiGder'ed by o.rl Mr. W.lliamfon confen.ad. .aimpni.ii.meni lot f.wooid not be loo If fft Da tire at of ... maa-nmuiV w.'.k Ti. u... r j :.-...:" . """'i' T"u " 'oc 'fm' ihe kiflf. lam of .i.ion.Mhir in A., f .k. t..'i Al" ' l." i . '"V.' i were pauea o. vorrrmiiiee bei rofe. and ike bwake. k...... bit id, withajoogrr.mprtfonmenijbanf.x monht.;d.a,.,bal pcilonV confined in ,he Peni-en. Ih. Ch,i..n of ,be OmmU-X .V. '7; 7! 'o! tttpritnrriwlTlTTTrymrXr tome, con. . M.; Walker propofed an amM,Jeht. II. .1. . ...tV . . tf? " J -r i'rniiiTti r-ni mr.'T IDITTTr t i.u. at.t. it. - a'ar . ""'"I ill "tuiwcnij Jjr lire t liivipfl wit r..J 1 Ii . , , I i . . j ...... , ii .n-ii i w un, iuni - . .. ..... n ., M mm o 'rn Minora r. i; ih.i . ih. .um .mi.t ma.i.i.j Tfih, k.ck ki, IrJfUide .U Ir.a pun.Li. 'Iy ihe mover of ihU bill, i. by no wear lo. .- for mmder off e fetood dg.ee. i loo greai. Many timet a man would raiher flfTei rath than be maimed by ibe ion cl a member. li.-AJn; it i, be cbfcitfd, ibat tbe tii lp be committed wi'h malice fine thought and 1 tm perfutded, ibar ro convinion will cvei take plare whee ibit doei not appea. ai d itiMttdof lie puniflmtat being iwnSeavy benbli appcatt, 1 flroo'd bave no objection io inctealf it, Mr. Taioay. Ii bat been ebferved, ib .I'll . "O.lorr I neiti'd. inow ojt i.,. b. frfprtieg f al et tbiowgbvui ibj'b j!. ' ifipeU otibif under conltdfta Ion, I j tnoae Kj!i;lie KM to ihe difcieii.m fd w ti brr ci''Dn'e oi ibe cafe. Mr, Wood wo I Jid in t-tiu'wn with "f gentlema ffi saiiiPurf,--tbir ibqurH tiime ui.d sjBtuir, nfiJenioo1llf iU .!! . i . " ! . ai mi Been cvicrvca, ir,a fwv.-.,r;o,hcd.L.cuny cf a. i!c.'r offcMr. iy V CQnaiiied wk. mo C . . - . ' ' r tri w. fixed for taking it -ttiL. t j . i. m nu ee had. Ml. Walker oroDoffd an mM..lmni II. rrn: ... .J.. . r . . . . . . ? .k....t.. :. . 'rr. ' . V . I i , " . . ' " A '" "rt snuoer aioe Bu, 4 ...ov!.., ... mi ni toai mcie unioriuntte Da made (und y ameadmenti tkeicini bick nipn at nA h a j! Im a It. P...... ! a a a a . . . t Ml ...... , vu. . n'.crMaiy were ae. ,nt Hid ii poo he Uictk. table privea ot lacir i.' crty ; t,ey uugM nt to be On Wedrefdiv next, i liar ved i iba' ihrr otifht io ha J -..... -f ... SIIU !, , relTary to make life . fome Jeg.ee tolerable. .Ifti,t,i foil w i f,cooi .diPf He hoped ihe wotdt on low ar.d conie 711a 4o. ' ... diC'i" would be flratk oot, vtM4k4 ' t. r.. 1. . ..."". m,,, ,r v? r,, AT MAMAPlf'O connnca i;i iBj 1 cniten iarvHitile UiouK be , aiiiiiiiii.viVO flirved; I (boald have no objeai.n in ik For liC Ycai ) utir ortl 1809' wrxd'avwvHti betrg nfrd, inllc.d ol AV1' . .Ti... ' t it 1 if ik.r will l.inl; ikfgen.!.;.. f,o- jUi Af,tJ 8 VJriy l1 IJoklt t?CC. v j!. Piintcr liaijct Vr r I '

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