. ; "(Ccntlnued from the fir ft p ge fo far 'as regards the duties, bat Teti jadgi far ai tegtrdt the fUry.- It mull be a fa'tary th .n. a id not, the duiie; which cooliitute ajodgc-For my pirt, I do net know under what Clafs of things to rarge them, or whit name togiye them. They are unac knowledge.! by thf'lmer, firiL or fcenius of our conftitutior., and are to r.e nondefcripm There is ancihcr'diifvciiltHinder this con fi action 11' U to encouier, and" which alfo eiowsoutcf the conftitutlon. By the confti- . - . . . f . . . Mt Wj IYi..w...l li.t tli.. Vnnf tion of twoor more.ftates, ' with their afTent and that of"Congefs. If. this doctrine, once a judge and aivvays a . judge be correct, what u J : r.;L ... :.u .u.j:i YVOUIO JOU IIU III J 11 C II II TVCU'j W i t II l lit III." i lift judges of the flares who.: formed that t it- t-j i. . i I L - . .'T ' ypu vou d have in' a iingle flate, two judger'.; Junction r. .-no u womu dc unncccnary, and of equal and concurrent jiintaittion jor Dive a i-ead.jiitlgc wi.h an tlhcej and another a quafl judg'.'' without an ofiice. . The fla.'es'al-' io foimitiff-fuch iunttioti, would be equally. embai railed with their (late judges ; for the fame confliudion would be equally applicable to them. " , Upon.'his con'flrnftior. alfo, an infallibility is pfcdica:cd,' which it would be rr( gancc in ah y human in'litu ion to aiTume, and "which 'fiors 'to cut up lgillauon1 by the rob . . We Ihculd be (Ie.)a .red from that, which is in, dulgcd io'us frv;m a higher fou-ce. ad on r i i. .n : t i . i -I 'l-:n lUDjects or uiner concern loan icg.ua. ion, mean a retraction from, and correftiou of our error. Oh. all other, fubjefts of legiflation we are allowed it feems to change ou' mindt, except on judicial fubjefts, which of all othcrt la tne iiiijii vuiiiiv. aiiw uiiiimhi, pirvai to our own (la u e bok top ove this dvftjculty ; for in to yc.fs Congrefs have piffled 'n a (cfs than 2b laws cm this lotijcct. I conceive' jGrrthzi the 'r'nttre Ky hich-a judge holds his ollice, it evidently bot cmed un.'ue laca ui lciuruig ins iionciiy snu inuc- pendcncrj .wii.Ul exercidng his office. The idea wat in rodurcd in England, to'counter- .. : iL,:J Iff, ...J L'.M n -i--- t- act tne mtiucr.ee or inc crowo Over 'lie judges ; , t n ! 1 but if the con 11 cftion new contended forlhall p'evail; wt fliall in or.e m'flaken imitation of ihi oir favo ite ptototypc outflrip .hem ; ' by ftaiifting, what ther bve not,, a judicial 'oligarchy ; for "here, their judges are. remo-. vable hy a jc.t.t vo c of-Lo'ds and Commons. .Here our aro not lemovable, rxteptfor mal fefanre in office, ;. which ma!fei!ance could not be commit. ed, as they would have no of. lice. Upon he wiiole fir, s all courts under any free government mud be-created wiih an eye to the adminidrition of jullice-only ; ar.d not with any Jegatd to he 'advancement or emo lum'n: of :r:dividual menjj as .we have Unde riable evidence bcfoic it, hat the cteation of the courts now under conf.deration was total ly unnecelfiiy ; and as no govetnmeni can, I. ppichetd, fc'ioufly detty that this legifla Hire ha: a ilgt to repeal a law enafted bv a preceding one ; we will, in ar.y even, difv charge our duty by ip?a ing this law ; a.d ilirteby doing t in our power to correct the evil. If the ji dgfi aret in i.lcd to their fa larics. und:r m conflitution, our repra1 will ro :jfccl trietn', and-thry will no doubi jefort to t!:cir p:tpcr r inedy : For where there is a rnilTrnu3nl right, there in u It bet remedy. Afcr Mr, li akenridge clofed his lematks there was confide table paufe, vhen the I're fdent 33am nad the rrf.t'tuin, ard enquired ifl'iehoife was itady ft.r s quition, Mr.'Olcot;, of Ncw.Ih-.ijuhiif, thought the f.ihjftl wat ol fo nuili ifnir'ar.ce at to merit la thsr confidcrdtiuu. The x gumenti of the gr,i!cmJti I lorn Ket.tntky, however, irrrniou, no' coMvii-nd hurt that the I;w om! n lr rir alrd. It had not rifen cnfig ed the rr.oft impoitani dunes of -go-he ight, but tS- princi- vCTtm?n' tnd bccufe you 'hold ihe.purfe cd hai been fe lied aficr flf'rgs "f the na-ton. l.kc a inn fir 00 11 in 1 pics on winch it rcll mntur. nHfition. Hc ihoi ght it would be c :a aoidnary vrio.t any inconvenience had been difcoveird,' 10 ft t fuch a law afide. For ihefi rcdfoni Mr. O moved he poflponetnent of the ermfideri io i of the queflion. Mf. Cocke. oftTenneirce. This ifl ri fiid 10 be entirely expciim'en'a), and it it fufiher fatd, thtt na incorf;nienc ei had a fifen urvJcr it. lie ihou!it frriniis Tcniencci naa arnrti. Inc inconvenience of paying 137,00 ci ri jfiT V J1 truly fe. j : . . . . noiii una u was in inconvenience which ojght to be cot r.d of 11 faon 11 polfible. U wis eipeAed that gn hmen' oppofed to the Tcfolulion wojIJ eome loiwj'd with their ir- gomeftts igilnfl Ir. IT, however," they hid ro I'gumenis tn.ufe. .he il aught hi fiie. d from Keniuckv ht-l trough forwi'd teafons f copnt ard eiperim-nial that the lioufe mud be cotivinced of ihe propsieiy of the ic. peil. Mr. Diyfon, nf NfW.Jcrfry, trufleJ it vii ronbe difpofi ion t,f ih- ,n.,vcr to pre fi a decifion hw!ay. II Kouglu it would be prefer to ro'tpone the difcuflicn. a rrn. . ilcmen vould thrrcby le pictHJ d fija.,- .hruig V4x':ifopin;ant 'tfn-ibtj fuSjejrb ' He..!uj- ed the' m juon 'for ottpjnTme.it weuid'br withdrawn, that other gentl:rn:a mig'n hivs an opportunity t.afpeak. ..-. 'j Mo ion wi hdrawn, . Mr. Jona. Mafon, 'of MdchuTeirs, faid it would be agreed on all hands that thi. was one' of the moll important queftions that" ever cami before a legiflature. Weehe not wP'his opinion, he would not have rifen toolferhis feq- mucins. t)m iic icti iu y r ,,llv" the queft:on, and'from' the refpeft which he entertained tor the dtltnct or country nerepre fented, he deemed it his duty to sneet the fub. - . ...... . . . r jeftand to be faiisficd with givingtto it his fi lent negative. , . f,' ,t. It was well knOwnK-and 1 be pr?fume4 it would bp' readily agreed to, 'hat ho people . on call n, lor, tne tait twen y-tour .jcarsj aa been fo much, in the "habit of forming fv(lerns of govcrDment it the people of. the. United Sta es.' Nor had any people been fo fortu nately fituated for cool and correft delibera tion. In the conflitu iots they have farmed, ,it would appear thi' there had been an unL form, concurrence in the ellabiifnaien: of .one great prominenrfeature, ard alf in the application of one unif-'rm principle to that" featurt. That tc legillj ive, the executive and the" judicial fhcmld form she ihree dparr : ments of "governmcw, and that they ' Ihould be diflioft from and independent 6f each o ther. And 'he more the proceedings and lentiments ot the people were examined, the more clearly would it appear that all the new-, tfc additional checli'crea'en, had heen'appl; ed to adjufl the tclr.ive vveaktiefs or ftteoib of the feyeral departments "of government, TChe fame .principle had beets bbferved in ihe olal" world whenever an opportunity pre; Tented for forming a conlli utior, having for - 'its pbjeft, the piotelionof individual rights, Ir-.i-vJiJ .-U1:-.L;-v.W-.-h::..r-if- auu u iu ty i u ti-.c uuuuim 'miiiuiij ui the moiT cetAre ed hitlorlanc ('arfd '"tKili'ticfa'tis 'both of Eu-ope and America ; . wi h ibe'tupi-. . I r r 11 VT ttions ana practices ot an our scg i:diurcs. ior had Mr. Mafon ever hcatd ' anv one'hatdy e- rough to deny the proD' ic-y of its obfervance. He well rero'.lefctcct .hat among ihe great . grievance4, vhicfc bad ouled us into alien ton .of ourjdependencc cf Kng'an.d, it.was de clared in the inftnnncni'aUcr'ing tha' indepen-. dence'"iha; thectown had the appointment of judges dependent on its will and favor." From all thefe circumlknccs he conclud'd that the people of America, vhen Jhey fo. md a fyflcm fur their fcdetal govetnmen', itrend ed 10 c(lat)liin this great principle ; and the conclufion would be confirmed by an exami 1 t t , T nation of the conlli u ton, which in every inc 1 iciiacru wis cnoien tor 4 yea's ;mc Senate fot 6 years, fuhjeft toaVrelcnbed ro a-, tion biennially; the Houfe : of Kepiffena ics for two yean.; and the judic ary duitvg g.nd behaviour, it lays 10 the licfideur, a the ex- Tl H "I.. I r I .1 ptraton ot evciy tour yeas, youihaj. revert to the characler'ofa ptivatc ci iren, howetef fplcndid your taleius or confpi'uou your vir. . ti,u..t si f- 1 .fr.-.i . inc. ny 1 jiridiuc, run uvc aiugnra to you powers which it is dangerou to exercife. You have ihe oower of crearing oRires and officers. You have prerogitiveS-.The temp. tition to an abu!c of your power is great, Such has l.cen the unilonn experience ol a- gcs. The confii ution holds the fane hnguage to the Senile nd Houfe of Rpprefcntativf. : -It fays, it isnecelfary for the good of f... ciety ihat smu alfo mould revert a flurt periods to ihe malt ol tke -petiPl, becaufe to ytui ne . 1 1 To ihe judinlry : What u the Ufgmgc applied '. ihm ? The judge are not ap. pointed for wr, four, or any' given number of yean ; but ihey hold iheir Uppointmeni for life unlefs they mifbehavctbctsifelves. .Why ? For this reafon. .They rc nor tie, dc jvfi. lines of the high prerogitiyes of goyeroai(nt. They neiiher appoint 10 office.'cr hold, ibe putlc llrings of ibe coun'ry. r tectflative for . IB?y oepena en irely upon, ihctr talents, wMitt is an ttiey Mvc o ircimjr.end them. mi . . r - I hey cinnof. thercfo e be difnofed 10 terveit their power to improper , p i pofet, What are their duiei ? Toeipound anJ apply the lawi. To do ihif wiiHlidelf y and (kilt re. quite! i leng'h of i;me. 'ihe rcq..ift!e krow. ledge is rot to be ptocurcl in a diy. Tlefe te ihe phin and firong reafons shith mult fluke eveiy mind, for ihe dtiTefrni tenure ly which tl.e. judge hold 'her office., and th'y are fuch at will e crna!! endure where ever libfiy cxilli, O.i e xina ion, it will be found that ihe pfifle, in fmn ing their conflt'utiyn, ir:a it i nuke iht jdj;i i inde pet dcrt oi he h- fi-.tiie is wf th: cxttu' iu. Bniufe ti: lection recognized or re:enea to u. , ngnt 10-repeai - a lefion ot it, It io tTiey -ponitrrcnn pennincnt. as tin-.e,liKriTreji7" The cor.flituiion, in :he coallruftion of he nny repeal tjie law fo far as i. app ics to a pfrience and long, ftudv, vcr'e reruircd to executive, legillative, and judiciary drpa;t- pa;t.6ular diftrilt, and thus get rid rfanob. p'rfeft any man in a knowledge of 'he law( ments, had aihgred to each a dilfoctii icitiire. noxious judr-e. Thry may remove his ollice of his country ; tnafmuth as it has hen ihu'f 'datiif-whicV-thft- hive b'' 'j5';'fpr'n5:CU?Uio'Bk; 'them expound not only the law?, but the c.inili u io:t a'fu ;" in which is involved the power of chjekin. tfic leg; fixture in cafe it pafi ariyjaws in violation of the confti. ution. lrtr this , rei.fon it was more important mat the judges in ' his country fhoudoe placed -beyond th: coiurou of the legiGature, thin in vJther countries where no luch power attaches to tbem. . ' ' ' 'r Mr. Mafon challenged geht eraen to ex- -hibit a fing'e infiahce, befide -ha: lately fur. tuihed by Maryland, of, a legi native atW re- pealing a law oaflcd in execuiionrof a Con ; i i t . . ;' . . i . . fli'tition. under which the iudcres held their offices duringj good behavior. , In 'ruth, no fuel) power exifird, nor was it in the power of any legiflaiu'e, fo circumftancfd, by a fng e law :o dalh them out of cxillence, Tue opinion of Mr.Mafon, ihereforc, was that this legtlla.ure have no right to repeal .he judi'iary law. For fuch an' U would be in -dicct violation of the Conlli' a ion. - The Conlliiution fays :- The jud-iciaJ po Jiei: of the Uifited iutcs fiiall be veiled in one Supreme coar:, ad it fuch inferior courts as the. Congrrls m ty, from tinj:-to i:n?t orddin and' cftahlilli. The juJg:s, - both of thcj fupreme and infeior -cmi is,' ill a 1 1 hold their. pl'ices during good Uclnviour, and Hull, atflatcd tim6, receive for their fervices,' a compenlaiion, 'whiqh u not be duninilhtd during their continuance in office. ' Thus it fays, " the judges fliall ho;d th?ir officer during 'good beluviou," How can this:, ducftion ot the Cvnftijution be complied with, if tfye le,!la ute lhall,'from fcflion to fcllion. repeal the law under which the office is hfld andjemoye 'b?. pIicr. He. did no.! conceive th.tt any words, which human ingenuity could dvife, cou d m.ire '"ciwrtalerctr;- get over "t the remarks that had been made by the gen- iitiuiu nuiu xcu-u.u. uui fay, that ihTi provifion of the '. ph.e erclufively to ihe lJrefic 1 1 - f-- t- . ' 1 - : Thii -gc n tcrniri conniitition ap- fideni. He con- : I . 1 . r r l i i nueis n as maoe 10 uipoiieae tne powers ot me Pufideut to tcmove the Judges, But could ih.s have ben the conreinjdatiun of the framers of theConfliiutian, when even the rights nf inc rreuueni 10 remove cmccrs at picaittrc, was a. f.t tcr of. gteat doub , and had diyided in opinion our tnoll enligli enrd citiens. Not thai he llaicd this circumllatice, becaufe he had doubt). " He thought 'die prefsdint ouflu to have the rnt ; but it did not emanate frr.m the Conllitutton ; was no", cxprefsiy tound ir the Uonllttution ; but iprang- from tegilhiivc'conjirucn'in.' Bf fides if Cougrcfs have the right o 'epeal ...K .1. ..f .1.. 1 1 n r l iiiv wnwn ui - in? n'( nicy inuii uuiicis inc r . L" 111 ll. 1 . r .- . cm mm. omo it not ne rn iurd Mill to fay, that the removed judge held fcis oifite dating good beriaviour ? ' . The ConilitUiion faj, " The judges, lhall ai fUud times, lefeivc for their fc:vi;e, a compel. ir ion, n ch iMall not be dim r.ilhid .during heir coriitiiuncen oJicc." Why ibis provilioi. ? Why ruard aniiH 'he rower J- j V- 1 0 '. v ucprivc 1117 juoges 01 ineir pay lnautii. nuti-n of it and no provide agaiull what waj more inpor ant, iheii cxillente Mr. Mifon knew ihat a Irgifiitive body wa orcahonally UX'y.d to ihe dominance of vioicnt j.at.rn.ns ; he krew, ihat. they might pjf uu-inllru:itnal laws ; and ihat the j idy, fworn to luppo 1 ihe co lit Uiion, would ' fufe to carry ihen iio tli-h ; and ht knew 'that ihe Ug.flj jrr n.'B.h. contend f.ir il rcxe- cu ion of ihwi Ila u is llfncc the nrcelhty ...... . of il.cinf the i idirs ihove the ir.llucncc A he e pjfhcftis ; and fo !r. fe reafons the Cor. dilution bid put 1 horn out cf the power of iii leg' 11 1 ff, - 5 il't if gentlemen would no ajrrce with him as to the unconflituiioiialry of the mci. fuc propufed, he would afii, was it cxre- aicni r tverc inere no g-eit dotr ts cxtlhrg ihroiighoiit the Uniied btatci ? . O.iht not eich genilemin to lay, thoueh I' miv have no Ja.3ttf- I. , doub'i or hefuansy, arf no. 1 larg:r portion rf our t'ni:;ns of opinio t. that it wo-. Id vio late the Coulliiuiion ? If his diverfity nf 'fentinvot' eaidi, ougu i-tt ibe evils un-1 f the judifiiry law to bc 'try g'eat before we touch it ? O 'ght we 00: to aim is lurmouif., inj itideaJ wf dividit gt.urci'iir m ( Was i.ot, ihe Cor.lli ution a facud rririmmrnt ; n in. Ilrutnent ever l be appioichrd Mi.h reve t . ... ... n . .......... 1 . . 1 i 1. vi.vv., linn urn-in wiiiiu c.iii' 1. (it iiit.t. 1.. i.i. ... . . . 0 ly 10 be drawn f 1 m" 1 1 l.o'.H.w'd upcaf, rd fljeAed to !he lluk irl t,l :,(. f;cti. I.'ut Vvl.c.'i is he vil c t,i,:4 .id H ? Tbis'fylleo was ell-b ilhed nr,!v .,!. ftuoft : fcarcely hid it c: lecn or !.:'( t : .ifr:v had we tf ed it t,n 1 vrty :,?tn:i (, ; sU-ir rr tt.cn r.e nee run) o: be 1 I.) p deflrty a iy.Vni .itt!f tr U' f OA -.. mi iftl 1 I tf i'i r: 1 , 11 I 1 f - . . . - - - - V " Will i jr )rt''aoifsC-;m?re mageanimi y, mprc rationality to abde b y -ft 'until we ny it';. in. ucia or ia.iing up a p?n auu aaining u out of cxidence ? ; . .. , ' , The reafoa that the fuits dpnding were not fa numerous, arofs from the nature of the. pld ellabliQim:nt. That eltablifhrnen- had no parallel. It carried with it t he feeds of its ' own dilTolution. No fei of judg;$ could be found1 phyfically hardy enough to execute it'r Such was he labour of their duties, that they were denied time for ftudy or imp.oemcnt. Befidcs a cafe was heard at one 'crnr by one j' dge, and podponcd for conftderation toih ' titxf term. A that term" another judge tip. jaiqd, ,nd all the arguments were to bo gbneoveV ane ; and the fame-thing might' happen agin and again. Was this the way to extend jullice to our citizens ? : Was noc the delay equivalent to a" denial' of jufllice ? T . . . c .1 .i r i f . ii war 4 raci uiar. inree-touriltS ot ne time of the judges had been taken up iu trayel- ' Ji"g- ' ' " " It may be trite, that the number of fuits- tn the federal courts is ielTened-, and if ihe in ternal taxes arc o be fwept away, it mav be ' dill more lelfencd as far" as depends upon tint fou-ce. But is it polfihle, that fuits will go on dwinifhing as the getiuenvin feems to think? Is leaion fo prfdommant ? Is the ini'.enunn fo near at hand ? On ih contra'y is no! our commerce inceafing with great ra pidny ? Is not our wealth inc Vahio ? And will not controveifies arile in'b ocnr i.ir.i the grow h of our numbers and proper v ? v.onrove'iies, which will ro to lede a inhn na's as fion as the judiciary fyflcni is fully edablilhed. By the .'document'- quoted by the g"ntJeman.from Kentucky,., it. jppeais,.hat. more bufinefs has Utcly been done in the fedc. ral couru, tlia'n in nny 9 her at.tecederit timel except in one or two coun tei in lVnnfyt- vania. Belidn Yfdid Mr. MafonI even If th.r be not a giear p:elliire of boftneft,-'had we no1 het tr pay the paltry fum of 30 or 40,000 dollars for lyiter.i too iroid, ihan have one that is too narrow ? Ifii not a melancholy, confidcratkin, ihat in many of the " European State's, the colls pre equal to the principal : con cudtd for ? It would be 1-onorable to ths United Starts 10 exhibit a different examp'e. It wmild be honorable to thrm o hold out' an example, even if confined to foreior.crs. of piuiiijn ana c.ncavious juitirc, tnougli at ihe expence of toopoo dollars. Su 1i an exam- bie would b . taufe -far national triumph, nd our people would exuh in it. Inalmuch, iheicToie. as io render ihe iudri .r'n li ... . J icipccidme, it was neci llarv to rnikf t! .. . " god poiicy, that the judges fhould be well p-id and that hey Ihould be p aced as to be ilicllcd of all lesr. at d nei h-r ;o Jouk to ihi.tight or to he left ; ii.afmuch as they uVuld be fo pliced bs to reiidc theni indr. pcn.icni ol legillaMve as well as of crcutive power; he hoped this law would not le rc r'. '-. ... .... ui mi. KMtiir, winrn trt iNUlon alhgned as hofc which would ifilluerxe Irs d;'cilion. . He ad.now.cdgrd, that be ha I' entered ihe huufe prcpaed 'o ilfci h's fenii.ticn S ; but as ihe Vjucflion was about., to c pu , he h .d thought i bea tooflei ihcm,' luch anhey were, rithcr ban to give a ft, lent, 10 eon a futjctl of luch great ixupot . tlnttf. Mr. Wrlgh', of Maryland, faid it tnufl ,e 3rrcd ilia' ins fubjvl, was one ol great I'Ttp riante f-om i ril.ci oon'our revenue. If ihe rrpr-dUf ti.r aUnflcil leflion -was con lliititumat, heprtfumed tVere could be hnle doubt of its tvpei'icocy from the jdoUrncti T-. Cm .r. .t.. ...r.. . I ' I - cn 0'ir table. Has the cntillituiion veiled thi IfgiUiture wi ! a. power over he fuSjccl if relohnioo ? If fo. il.en fhould a la. t i I a ... which hid been the t ffrtl nf a l!ux of pallmn, be ifpralrd by a nllux of feifun. He br. Iicvrd 'lut it had h:cn introduced at ihe p r.od of an rxpuirg adminillia ion. It hid Ici-n icfilled by the repnblican ' fide . of the ftet.a c ; ind he trull. d ha: now -n 'he re turn of reafun it wnuld be trptale I. ' An aliufion had been inle to ihe (lite of . Maryland which-had lepealel a law refj-ft. in u? j tamiry. nil. w.ne'e qioted the rnndttuiion of 1I11 line, whofe ptovifiom, l.e 1 1 . . . . t-bhivel, fo fr i refnet'trd the ttnute w i.. r. .. i . j . . .'ji '.i.i inc.riu.cti 1'iorr, conr ipi'i'ncu won iro'f .. . " .. . 01 1 cutiiiiiuiioii ui ihe l-niteit Mliei. I!k L.';li ur; ol that flat hid been of n p'tunn, f nd eotrcflly too, that ihey did pi. Icfi ini power, of fcpealii 1 law f formed t'y tvr J)t r drc fit And the legiflituie of ih ? V,. i lies t.i.ilellcl ihe frmi prwer. Tin t';';- l.s 1 sWfidy At ciminfd ly ! e"jr e. .. ' lal ftllmi. whuli, wh le t ceaitd't , ( tuit,fJ 41 the J irJ t,) t