MS Three Dollars' per Annum. URSD A Yv r Vol., VI. v ' v - - i ,r - . ' i ti 1 I : 1 " ' "TT ' : 1 ' ' " M - 'i. .tf'n'ff tr u' wv V X v r ft 4 A -I t' t 1 A f t y . , . II - . .. .. --4 ' i ?.. ."' . - - . r U n L. 1 W. Ej c. N L. I n i a l l hi n r u n n l . - i - v I '? - - ' ' -- " .: . , 1 : - : :k " ... ' ' T e . r r v h I r c 1' s to t- SENATE of the UNJTFD STATES. y Friday, jan. 15. " i u;d 1 c i a r y 3 iX l - MrvW right of Maryland, obfe vert. ebae i be had t'en called forth, eary in irm tatter to detenu he Ma c ne nacKtnc notiur yio reprefent, f-orn ihft.nnkindrmputaiion of '':t-vioUfion of her onfli:uji,VXil whiclvbe flattered himfelf he had jIcceeled even to the f4tiiftft'on of the bonVab'e gen :Uroan himfe'f,' Drefa'itedf'Otn mifi-ifurma'ion. had ''been induced wrmake it,) .than ffonr anv de , jire ar thatfme, to enter into the difciilTion of ihe metifs of 'he reiobition before th'cm,.'and- al hodffh it bad already ciccui-ied fo much of Te . ti ne of th? feni e, arid had" been fo .'ab'y .and fo fully difcti (red, by houoiable genlcmori of grea abilities and e-x-rrience on both fide', yet he fhould prefumc o ca! tht-ir atieniio'.i to fuch ornminent features of ihe cufe as had been itnp'rr Ifive on his own mind. " Ihjslubictt na ben rou;nr oerorc lis in tk imno in ihio? nt a recorti uendauon ot , the rrelulent ot the Unileu states, itij national the condituiional orgn of the government, in his official tneraT$ u cortgrtfj on the Hue of the Union ; a duty itnpoled on. him by t he fxprefs !ener of the ronHituiioii, a duty he was - bound by the mofl loleintv- obligniutts conlli .u'ionaUy to dii'chargs, a duty that renovated and snlighteued America had too recently fe . l.a-l Liim to litfc-harec, to readijv . o. : believe - he would uhconftiiuiioiu I.) aljuVe Sir, this fubjeel U. ben (u1 miited to.jhe "ccn U Je ration o THii ic o n g ie fs 'of the "Uni ed Siat:?, a'..bpJ'y..JelcCteii. lo. their priotifm, their wifdom, and their virtue, the conflitti tional organ of the lfgfli:ive will of ihe na. tiuiu in orile'r to inform iheir mxis, and point their attention o o grca f-and important fub .... iKv ue;t convened toH libe. lionetl J.fchargs of which every ihing valuable." o America, depends. .. Thi, fabialhadV..' beenBrAHgh bef-re hem in a manner to coc ce a hatl;.-or ait t.Tima.ue de cifion on the Uijstf, nor had i b-en left on ihe vague oundition of lugellion or con. jecture, bu it had b-cn brougi before -hem in a manner that impofcd dcliberaiioo, and had been fupportcd by documen t ilu had paraii. xed and a moil fealed the, lips of Oppofi ion on the point of its expediency. liiit, however impoliog the mannei, or how ever iucoturovf r ible the matter on whschthe ttfolution wis predicated, ye , h. notable gen lUrien are tound on his Moor to oppole it as - ...r.tro f ilit adminiClraiion hev feeliti- Arn(cAa fuoDo t. oarticularlv as u imp i titr the no icy of ihe la e adminillration, and . inde.d a m:afure whiih was ihe work of their wn hanJs. whiih mankind at a'l limes hate Wr. inne io admire, and however convinced olihererro s, have with g eat been brought tocoi.fifs hem. . Sn. it woi;id fcem by the couife of the ar frumewi on the ptefcu ejuedion, iha'. we bad ii in con'emplai.oa 'o Drea oown mc icuvi iudicia v al o:iher, an'Lto lubvert ancient fo.itidatio..-, ard ji'if the agents or perpe rar li. t fiibe 'en leman from Connfthcu has noli eW tal'.cd them.) w ilh polluted bands, in tend'd o dcflroy ilui conllituiit.ii, they JuJ fwrn o f.ipp til. a'td ir leave ihe co.nrnaoi iv wiiSoui a jud.ciary 10 enf. ere btd:cnce 10 Ihe laws, wbertfcy he llrorg m.i; g vc law 'to ihe Acak. ilie f.choppieO the- p.Kc, and at'f il ai'J wtckeTHmroU' vn be weak ind i n'.i.fctined ; .nd all with iinpumiy ; and st.tirrj wovk'd mducr a uslief, tha,: lUy alone hid rJt'irr i.ft. iler y.'Jr p.opcriy f be pro. L'jI the fact .1, ilia: the O.J j-idiciaty flSem, that has anUeied eseiy rccrli:ry d. ifufs f om ih: Cfmnienceintni of ih.' go. effi!rn'.etnaius inviolate. It ,H ihe new fftlfiii ell.iltil!id at he Uil prod of ihe it (ii.w of c ne tf", 1 ( ll'irt whe reby fix new j.tdjjes wrre itii'odaicd at vircuit juagt, t-efif t i lKin hf'.lern promo cd to te c t f nt ud;ri from diflr fl judges 10 tliake ruin in, (He iiilltiil fouits. fo' gen Iniirn o! trrgtef wh., (.UiSlrd 10 fllthhlli ! ttrw fsilciri, and v. bo iloMf fme were by the rundiiutioft d;'jua lilie l to atifpolut iiflice, tiea'ed durii.g the tune for whuh iby wee !cied frrve in ' ctgtc f. a..l as he lnJ faid, btTorf, iherrby, "iiiJirtfi!) mi! t-H i.flice f.r llirinfe,'vei and t!:e faoMf ( an fxptung admmillialion a nviltitf iclirtrd, by the refill tans i:i boih f inite nfthe n I'lt aHr.lU-tire, a meafuM sai iitrieJ i"o ptt4Vn.n by lh-t(r litnn wh im he pfy'' rive itvoke 1 ihrif cotihdente ... ... at ir.e rron enl r.i? y' w VJ""44 a, a a time ben ihe Inline fi in ihe Icdrill cour t had rlrcunrd t)cir!y vt h.lf, ind wl.r ti iht (edition law ld cf ift I be an en. .i f lo rrllrtin the tbctif of (he l ien, i.d st puii.lh nt: n for lU f np.tll.jr. t .t.t hjrefl jever polkal opinions' wai a'l that was in' ended toK repealed' Here let -me call you 'attention to the let terot iho rd"lu'ion, wnicn en rcauing is win - -i 11 j: ..n- bs found toex c-fld no f'U her than to - the re peal of the aff of con efs ot the lalt lelhon, by which linteen. new fedetaV judges had beca created, asd a lyllem eitaaMihetl at; tne annua expence ol" i qo.oo dollar. 1 We arc now led epieK-nta iv.cs o tuc nuur the orea'o of their leg'rfla'ive" will, to determine - on as he wtiether th s law, wincn na- dccii rvcr nuiouj in the .light f th; pcop!e, and whole birth was not entuclv iegmma e, man oe rtpcatea. We are infoimed by the Prefitlent himlelf, that it. is uiir.eceirary, and that .facT has been eflablilhed by thi document fubmi ted to us on the f.i'ojert of he judiciary courts pf the United S ates. Vc ae -informed alfo, that on' the repeal of This law, and the making fome" ictrcnchinents, i:i ihe naval and mi liary el. tab ilbnien $. which nave : been already pro- the repeal of the odi- K'cliea u is predicat ted ous internal taxes ; ana in tins manner ana to eifsf-l thi debrablc purpofe," this fubjeel is i .1. . j broush". befoie us. Can we men hetitate to teli. ve our oeonle f:om the burthen ot their o- 'dious, by the repeal of this ua- necrflary law r V")'nu'd p-elume not it go. tney be entitled to hold h?ir ftluci as j.ud verned" fingty by a regard to 'he public wel- ges, wlen in the eye of ihe conlli ii ion mere fare ; but we have notwtthilanding been told was no luch olfice ? N'o cer-ainly !' The by honorable gen ienten, on tne . o.i.ner,ae.oi the houfe, ihit this law ought, not. lo be pealcdk - Ik-caufe it is inexpedient. Hecaufc it is.unconflitutional. Upon the liiil point, that of i Yexpedicncy, . he fhould not d;iain the fenate longer thsn to Lobfcve, ihat ihe dv-cument on our able fli;ws lha: the o'd judiciary fyltem, which had beep coeval with our government, and had been in operation from its commencement, has been at I times lullicient to ne . f anUUioti-ot all the judicial bufinefs of the Uniuu ; thai ihe if: r : . i . . - . u.j - I . .1 0 nil ik 1 in t.c iuui 1 iug d ic4ur utkiuicu '-i.. ....Jl.ii 1 . .1.- jrr..n.n, ntariy unc uji uhili iu ijiuvm, nni the momrn' of 'he tfl.'bli'nmerit of the new . t 1 II re ; alio tha'. it wasconte piatta to repeal he odious in cmal taxes, a confidtrabie ou'.'ce of litigation ; and bar the more odi ous fecition law had expired, which they" all knew haa been a fouice of conlidcrablc litiga-' tion, and he was for'ry to add, had not placed he itidiciary ab-ve ihe reach of abulo ; ou' whether dclervedlv or no, he dared not to flion : and iVat ihe peace we bad lately ef- lablilheJ wi h France had put an end to ano. ther f.urce of luiga ion, that of admiralty caufeson ihe prize Ude of ihe dourt of adtnt - iliy, Frutn this view of ihe fubjel. he him. lelf was entire')' faiisfitd 6i the expediency of the repeal, ar.d had lnile doubt that, every gentleman vts equallj fo, that any evidence cou'd convince.. As to the poinl of its Icing unconRitutionit It wiir be iccolletled thai ihe l'fclidenl him frlfhas retoniTicuded the repeal of ihi law; an rvideiire rrf its coiill.itutionaliiy of fo high am'.i') i) witil ihe enlightened people of A iter ca, ilut if n flood ling'f on that, it would u'qoi e ia kd.'ia' hod o Uia'.e u,bul we know 1 he e a ii houoiable gnilcmen on this floor n t dii'ii!i d iu tonUI's heir re (pec t for that audion v on thu occafioi . 1 hole gentle men i will refer to ihe con Hit ution iilelf, j from whence I ptefume ii will appear that the power now pit'Dof:d to be exrcilfd u "cleat ly dsiePaied. In ihe I.h feciion, o:h ariiclf, Congefi lliall have power ioc nllitute Inliouali infe" nor iq lie tupieni? n un. in we 7m article Co igrefs Ciall have poer Us rllatiilli roH- icliicet and nofi-roa Is. Thrlentethe piecife icap tiTiool ly which r J 1 t ! . i r. " .l Con ref ri'iuc inc laQ power over the fabjetls of the inferior or con fen and U ihe pofl,.Ficri ; there 11 n o;hcr I'w 11 1 ir w. .t tno.tty given iliein 'ut uy iscte niu.o ; tner; it no exprefs authority 10 atoUfli'eithtrcnuct 1 1 1 r -w. . 1 or poIUvllitf. .ui lite laUietis ate 1 ate tfe (Letr Irjif. nef as fliouM Iy given i LunjreU 10 raerttl lative will uduo. m luch niaaner bed tromotc the public flood. 1 would afk gro leaiets if tongtell harr not tO'blithed ptid-4-fucel wiihout amnber, & abol.lhed ibem at their w.l ind plfal re, by trirtue ol Ueir au'honty ui.drr the 71b ante c, above llat r J ; aid 1 Oiou.J be g id 10 hrir f om whence iht ivhoruy io, abliOi poH.nflicet it dctivfd unlclt frcas the ar icte (bat on y rxprcdly it'ihoriiet ihtir nb!tibninif tad ihf auii.oti.y gitenottr ihe lut jetl has n.i in all pad time bre rt l f!4 .iriue r.i 10 f .!. fVii, c at eilaLlifo. mrnt ttf lod oificfi. He then called the cfi.ilfrofa tit ihe ocpoiihon 10 po:oi ad ,ileice Ifiween the powtu .f Cerr eft t the inferior cjui;i and ihe pQ.o!hcett and to the w how irwas that jConrefs could a- bolifh" ihe ofl offices under an authori, y to. eftablifti the, and no to abolilh-ihc infrior courts unucr wic u-.c auuiony -io vciianitin I...U. i.l . ? n . n: n them, & how the fane phrafeology that is u fed' V) vetting die power in Mongrels over the poll, offices & inferior, cour'jj can be ro"ued fo a4 to authorize tne aooiiuung poit.oinces cc not to au hofizc tlie abo'' idling the inftfrui; courts n iyc occnum nm uy mc in tctiion of 'he d article this bufinefs is to be explairi'ed; us emmnc u.- me juaictai power or ms Unite! Sia es (half bVeiled jn one - fupreme pcurt, and in l'uch inferior , court's as. Con. , Lit V i ituv trom time to time, omatn and el- ;U lih. : The ludgcs of .he lULHeine and infer rior courts lh?.Ii hold their offices d.irinjr, g-iod ithaviour . By this it has been infilled, that he' iudgei of the inferior, as wtll as Uic fupe- tior courts hold tbeir offices during good be. hiviour, and mar we nave no power :o . pals this rcBealing law, bcaufe it would opetaie io - difisifs the judges. ii. .l.. ' -..r. l... ...f .j uic iam uiai wungiti uy on ex' ao-ainary lejiflative ait with the concu rence of 10 thirds ot the ilAte, had a power 10 bli !h e ven tae fun. erne court. He alkfd in fuel) vafv whatwould becom of the judges'? 'Would toniiitui.ioa racanr, ana cou a rrr.-au ,no htr.g te-iefs than a y.icige oiider tne conMitunon, and .tne...raornea.trie.conitu,ton - feitcort - 'inncd -the i.iTice, inejangc uncer me cur,;;iiu-ipn ceati-a to ha e a political exilfence. iTc would not be . known to the con.lif.ition a. a - j, i.lgi. So he conc'tidcd by an cvdiitaty aft of leglfl uion, ihe Congiifs might repeal he law e ctling the mteuor cour s, and on ihe rep?al ot the law fiom whenre the legal exillence had been de-. rived co.illiutting ihem judges, he fioold he f'aa lo near now- mey could b rhow ihey could be judges j ihat cd by the law, they drtied their fnun the' Uw, and could not heug crcat . . Li .. n . ihh h a i j . . vitii.ih.w u"iu nit irr, auvt iuuiu nut ;.i..i r.M,;.,. . iU.j;.it... . - 5' , . wuuu. um incaui a jadge known to he law. and not the man who I. 'I rf' l- 'l'-lir naa rxen a ju ige, aner ms political cJUlou-, tim. II.- infilled haf Congrefs can 'HabliUi legllatively, a court, and iheicby' ceate a jude ; fo ibey can legiflnively abolilh ih; ' cou- and eentualy annihila e the officer. . iha'ihe infcrioi cour's are creatures of ihe le- i gills uie, and that ihe creature mult aUays ' be n the power of the creator ; iha' he who . ctcai-ih Ui deftioy. llirt we are afked by ,, the hon-is ab'e gentleman from New-York, in t aalvr to Uns, "has a nun a righ: to dcllroy 1 his wn children." Mr W ighifi d he had i beet laugSt to beliee tha1 irwn had nm been tin own ciearor, but he happy inllroment of : crecion But ibis power'hat is now it cd 'ous, had tea excrcifed by 'he ten le- men tbamftivct. in the ver. law. ihat it now 1 in ended tnbe lepcaled. You will fee by ad. i ver ing 10 taat law, the dillnfl couiis of Ten-! nellee and Krn uckey annihilated.- . Bur we are lold by honotable gei.t'emen, thai here wai a ciicuit court. cllabliliei, confiding of Ihele two llatet and another llate, and t;at the judges, of ih didrifl courti wee appo n. led judgct of .his ciiCuM tourt'j audaicepted iheii commilhons at furh, and ihcrefo e they fay that ihey did not deOioy the office of the dill ifl judget of TenncRce and Ktr. uckfy lie afked if each other date had not didritl cour'u ;he afked inhere had not been ciicuit coirti edabhuSed in all ihe dates by that law. tad if ihe dillrict count of the o her (la rt had .1 a a .irla notiicrn continued ; and can 11 be laid wit a Jillnft court compofed of a fing'e III e at in ihe ta.e vf Tenneliee and Kentuckry, it not anoi Ihfd, and ihe oilice i t a dilltui judge - J.n a L . : . . r. : . 1. 1 uio 'tv, "'v'ii 14 ms fame law a circuit ii'couii 11 cltilliflird, an d ihe dillricl iudei ' appointed (iccuii jadg't ? Can i; be laid m . l .:. r .it. ..l..l. i. ia .1 .;. . ,i. r .. .it. ..1. .1 1. mi tnai n 1 me lame ouur, rcn mc an ' I'tt are extended 10 three da es, lo fit in three putet, at 11 wit wafniiniii'ed-io one line putc wofn-iinni'ta-io one line, and one place ; or will gentlemen if il as' thai if ihe j'id2fi'of he d.ftfitlfwur had re fu fed o act as j idgetof ihe circuit cour 1, whe her ihey would fine b'fn dill judget of the d.f. iittt count aler ihty hid been alolidied ? or will :hft uy, tnii py icommimon 01 a - , 11 ift jdg lunming his junlditlion to a Hair, it ihe lame at that i l a circuit judge cilend. ii g ii ovff th-ee Qaiet ? And wheiher ihe ' liw iu horiiing the CPtnmiiriun over three fla tt tVfit t.oi 10 pre c Je ihe ccminifTion ycfltrg that luihoiiiy 1 Mr. V tigh! tfk'tl if Cor-greft, when aa. fcilir ihnr avi hiufv inlhf htl inlljr.ctw 10 00 alUblilh ir.ftn)i twt t, had not the eight oat nmii ineir cununuince io-ny pcriou, una that at iheendofiKit period, cot tonttuti, what would be if the liw wit the C.uatito tf ihe judge appointed under the, law; would hi1?" authority Continue? Certainly no A'td will any gentleman contend on, this floor that n a rormer congrew liaa a rigm to give :r r ' . . t . mi a ion to the continuance of,, a law, tbar the prefent Congrefs have not the fae au h jfity to limit or difcontinje. Honorable gentle- men, however ing;rwouj, will bad tbemleifea, he prefumed, unable to folve ihefe difficult lit - , or 10 reconcile ineieincoTiunencies : tor his part the auihori y by which this fubjeel had Deen orougnt DCtore tnem, tne rtcommenJa lion -of the Paeiiden',' had' been powerful - The let tir 'and fpirit of the conftitution, whea recurred to., had eftablifltud him in hat opin ion, ion. iba1 thev "were iullified iii the meafufe io now propofed, and the praflice of Coogrefs ia aboliihing: :he dillri courts of .Tenueifee and. Kent uckev, fatisfied him that it was no new idea, no new exercife; of power, and further 'hat nothing in the form of a conlti ution cart be - gurrdedly' that gentlemen 'may no be. Vou'nd io differ on i s true confl bc ion, and even, as in the prefent cafe, at differenc limes and on differen' occafions, differ them fclvas in the conllruction Xf the fame i i ll ru- men . If all thefc confiderations weie not fulfi cicnt to faiisfy gentlcmeri, and we were oMigid io recur to the principles on which this inllroment muft have been ellabbfhed,' we (hall .find i bar we do not in any deg'ee violate them, bv the confl ruction we put on them. If he Ii itith government is recurred to, from wheoce'eiie.1t:'te' cover nmen ' borrowed their pnncip - cs or it the Uate conilituttons are re. lorted. to. we fh -all find thoroughly incAmora. ted, the p indoles for which we contend, that the judges ;a e ind oendent only of.the Execu. nve, bu never above the law giving them their political exiflence. He admired with the g n leman fiom New.York, tha' iudees ought .'o be the guaidian of ihe conlliiu lotf: io far as qurftions were conflitutionally fubmit ted to them; bu'he held the'legiflaiive exec. live, & judiciary, each levetally ihe guardian t . .. . v. i t . iiv, oc tuuiciarv. eacfl level IV Ihe OUX c i. . .n- r r i ' . ui hc ion una. ion, io iar as tney ware cat cd on in 'hrlr leveral depariments to adl ; & he had f r . . luppoled the judges were intcndtd lo decide quellions r.ot judicia Iv lubmiiied 10 ibrm, or to lead the public minds. in leuiflaive or ex ecmive quellions ; and he c.r felled'- he had g cater confilence n ihe fcctniiv oftus I her- iy in the ttiil by juty, whuh had in aU time been confideied a ihe palladium of liber v than in ihe dccifion of iudien. ho had at for.. ime been tor up . Jr'ui bis par lie did noc wifli to bieak down ibe jiljiciary ot 1I14 juJge, or o violate ihe conP.uuiion, thougli he contciTcd he Ihould feel a fiture in he de- cifion of he ila e judge in cvn fedcra quef. lions, wi'h an appeal lo the funieme federal cotiil, as in ihr prefent judges, and indeed it s . Hie conuitution in the a h ar . ad. fee. which impofes all fla c iude; the oa h to ibffv. ihe coiidnution and lawt of ihe Uoited S a es, a'wayt fcemed lohim 10 cdndder the Rata cour 1 in a certain degree ju Jt ei jf federal quellions. Nor bad he ever been able to taife a. doubt in his own mind, at 10 ihe pro ; pn ly of iruflmg date j idget to decide federal . qucfliom, with n ppeal to a ledeial rourl when he confideud that date juriet had al. ! ways been trolled to dee'de all.qucflions, from ', whofe dec fion there was no appeal ; and in. ; deed the da e count ai all timet had been the or y judic al guardiain of our rights, whofa ( inirgri y fcad never been impeiched. Tht gen-leman from New-York it fo careful of the , condiiution, ilut he wifl ed it fecured by walli r a - 1 a a 1 ol brat. AJoes he ipptehend othcri w.fli to violi'e it, :md himlelf i t exclufive gtiardian. : ar J th it oihcr gen lemen do not hold them. leivct eq u ly bound 10 pro ret i'(or hive no- thing wo th p.o-ertin. For hit pan he had fioin lofuui on it ; tSji he believed that n, - iunfurt iovei,in-n cooldmake il mote fecure .i . r.i i ti. t nun u was, aepoinra iq mat naiiowrd mn. pie, &. locked .y ihe key of our holy id gin. .i -. r i i ti. t 4 . tfftsiwfwa. ' T X 7IILRKAS my fon CHARLES, a V V youth in his l"Jb year, abfCtimlcJ of,vvjs i'lvcaglcd away tom my houftj on Hockey I'oint, on the nth inlt. in company with a yuung nun a. til ave named ILSSE MOLl'ASS.. AH re,fur.""fe hetc. by forwarnrJ (roin harboring vt cairy-. ing the faid Chailes awiy at their peril. 1 wilt uivc ten dollars u any retfuu who will bnrchim home, or iwtniy JuMarj in fur any informaiion o( his beirv bar . uourcti or intue 1 a way WILJJAM WILLIAMSON. RocLey.l'wint, Feb. acth 3W. '.I ' V n v ' t t I . t t