j.- -v; -,:....;. lucti Frew ffa Iktillicencer. "VASHiNGTONS E 1RTH-D A.Y. THIS day the birth of Out heroic fire,- Ah why Columbians, does it not inlptre Your zealous bfoms with' freedom's V ' podlike fire, ' . J Whv noi awake and celebrate the morn; ' ... .mi n r ' n ' ' . On whtcfo ine mutinous w autingion was .. bom : i .. : Why no our cannon in marMal fyflfn roar. And freedom flying banners faw'o.oui thore ; Why not larne' trumpet roufc each patriot . heart, And blood-IUinM Mars to heaf'n ,hc news impa t. . t ... ; Did not bis virtues and high (baring fame, whole blolloms bear his make Plan freedom'i tree, 'name' 1 Whofe undaunted fdu", when he was call'd, obsy'd, .... . ; " ' '!,". To lead oar arnv'es t our country s aid ; To meet vtt'ran troops who oft in glory fuil'J , Britannia name in thunder round the wjorid? Wi h warlike bind, by liberty impell'i, c giHi'd us freedom and our lyranis qulell'd, He fic d be roaring cannon and death's bear ing la!!- . . V 1 ' ' , ..The foleron dread appearM to heaven a!l.v The fplemo dread appealed, the Almighty faid. ..' ". .' .. And fmil'd fuceef?. Unfabled Aflrea weigh'd "Ourta'ufe in her e ernal ftale, and found J, jnft- While all dirtftmg pfovidence had crown'd. And mote ihsncrawn'd his hopes ; but (Irangc to tell, ' V By undifcipllncd troops how Briiith vet'rans 'fell. , ' . . Luiels wreaih'd around his temples twin'd, And Trenton, Ptiticeton," prove it to man. kind. This execrable purpofe flavcry defpife, He. tanght e'en Briuui folly tbe wife.: Tar's the encircling f in his chariot drives, ;jlts tame (hall fpread, his grateful country ! fp ; .. Her mifipnsjfav'djjy hU viflorjous aim, (. O mVii rpareiernal monuments to cHarm i'-ach pa. riot heart .hat ofi her freedom glows.; And Hi ike damp terror's vengeance on our The'ta'fk he bore, and fhcath'd his fword, did ceafe, For fur uregloiy, hb;rty and peace. The ftrong foimda ion laid, me hir.ks 1 fee The godlikr hev' "c,re ra ill gracefully. J Hi mnd above the roeannefs of decei , Of honor pu- e, in coufcious fir.iie great ; In ev'iy change he kep'. the (lead y aim, In heaven his jov and vir uft are he-fame. Mutt he he foigo ? No-t-EanU Hull fade a. U'lV. "' ." ' Sun, moon, and Ban from their b'fghtform dTy, And in our faces fiooo's jf daikncf- rU, Hki the dim day, and whcU the fluking polr. HIBERS1US j March, i8o. chanvinZi and i power tt -Aitffff oiichi to reft wi ho'n?r.els " The "honorable- gentleman has told as thffe powerv given io coBgrefs.are ar-conw tl panied by -a judicial jr which WU Tcrreti ' all i on examWatioo yoirill44 lh very judiciary, opprelfiveiy coVftmfcled, your inrv trial deftroved and the luigci tkpeji&nt J : . '. ....( " upon congT'Js. . Mr,kcnry-lb. Vol 1. pa. Il8- The h-norible ginileman did our judi- ciary honor in favin$ hat they had fa m- nefs to coJntetacI . he legiOature in fotne cafes Yes fir, our. judges oppofed the ats of the leg.fiatu.e. W have th.s Jand ' ma.k to fftnde ua-tbov had fortitude to'declare that ihey. were tW. jyaiciarr, ' and euld oppoft unconfti'tj'jonal acts- are vou lure ttiat your iCut. ... , will acl thu? ; Is that judic.ary io well ' conilruaed, and fo tndepenatnicj mincT hranrkes as our Uate h t . V here .r, VVf tanrl Wark.in W , governmeni.f , . , " I will be lold lo lay, JQU t ...v-a.7 ii. I take it i 'he tvgneu cncpmiutn , rft. n.-Ki.j !. m,.k:f0l t i7oi-' mipi 'and much mifchief ' done iefcrtii t nc K-iejtucHi i ihiiii.::7" 1 - t the whole Xwal force in the Mwliterran.viacuatcc!. -an, if he detms it prop :r.7be frigates " . , . Chrf.nrakrConflellition and Adams, W On e.i9JUit arnved t Ch.rieflon, therchrXxmxartordereiMhatjea. "?lrJi JJ ' Vv" , rt r n- Gonatvfi.Hn futeeit days.' ,t.aptaii Truxton uCommodcire. 7r Conftitu- , , V. .uA:.- r t. t X . . ' J J . ... I Ul) III? U IMU1UI., Ill l!l; 'l VWl i iiuiri '7"'" " ,,vl" (ix fail of French Ih'ps ot ijie tine lo be ne Comm9dre,sJI)ip,:tTbe men art fr;rat ; or.e which he poke, told engages jer two years. ;' captain Gcr on, IL; in 0',J toffane, h. hinx i were bound o Port Republic, and that a k had failed from Bred, at ihe time ih. Extraft of a letter frm a gentleman af the France , for Cape. Francois.. He afierwir. Natchez to his frierd at Augufla, dated fpoke with cipt. Turtle, from Pot Repub January g .... who Informed him that he had paffvd nire - " The Indian treaty, i terminated; but of Britilh (hips of the line. in the bite of U barticulan is not tranfaired- However, cane, one of which informrd him, that ib, it is certain. I believe, that the? agreed to were waiting fqrthe ajrival of a Fiench have a road opened to NaJhvUle, where tonowmg n.-n cuw u, . ..ic. ,r, and nofettlementt on the roadThey helUvB. - dated the ; 2o.h of J ebruaty , Jr4hrrr,t f -hut mr of " Yefterday the Spantfh fugate. bol.da ar, vihifkey. required L;fk . f , . 5j ( Kr-nl, r wheels, cards, frmcers, blackfmtths, eSrc. Ther nCws brottglu by them i,, 4 ri if -a gooA.fen .of, vdijptfimn ta throw, .d(ifa.ffr U?s burnt ihe Capej nnd fled to off, the fiiVaee b'atifJ."." I mountains'. leavintF behind his mili'arv ch- .. , -j - ; , y . in tia our country .(Virginia) thai the atls of .n -r Hiw.. am Inn . si .1 ... uinr.. t iintnnmiu ! to be oppofed by she judiciary. NkW-YOR, teb. 53 well filled. -The commander in chief-has oft a letter trom a gentleman in tno 1 eij ,a urge rewatd ior nts neaci, ana nas uia Extract of town of St. Mary's toliis friend in Sayan. nah, dated the 10th of February. , . am firry U inform you theil our neighbours in ' Bad Florida, are in a dread ful htual ton at pre lent. The infamous J el Yeflerdav prefe.n ed the moll; boifl evil's im Bowles., has at length brought the In. day we hav e experienced thirlemoi. f nevy jns'and Spaniards to open hoUili'.y. tour Fall -of fnow commenced in the. mornmg, and mwtj,s'paa tf,e MachafooU town Indians 1 . : ,.i.n i nmc 1 . . 1 1 . continued wi noui inic.n.....wu - ' rVJf)et general JJowles makes his.. Read-' uref;. Durmc the Uorm, i i.J-J.-o 'n 1 r- , . ' , . , -n ,,!. I Quill ill i I lOK'TQm li.'C VtVTU Itfiwri u, . the llupOMaria wn.tn n!,u, ux-. 0i x j. S or naviS - t ..rrwrlamntinn. thAf nil thni' who rtrv nnr down 'their arms in three days, will be har, ed when taken, without diftinclion ; and ; fo that any veflel taken in the aft of Tttpf ing the infurgen s with arms, ammunitions,); provifions, wilt be treated as pirat.es. Jan. j, fays, By he dehnittve peace iwecn Fiance and Portugal, the limits of t- 1 1 11 . r f 1 r 1 rrencn ana roriuncic vuvana Dcme nxec, ;n rrtot-.. nmc! ot havi2 iprune a icaa u" uc , . ' ... . - 1 taramaiuiM nvct, viimmi v iciar ..uukiics, t " ' . . r . 1 M...-.fl.. I An i his n9P)"oef. xviotcb were co'iv? ea 10 I t.u, u.. i..a 1. vosace to Liverpool, wpiec in -ne iwi-'Ci r' , f . g-'-4 Ul -. y v,jrCc, w ju k w,;h he. mafts a'hwart he deck. ... B'Avles ; 7lr. Fa.it s f on followed a few (llitablc p.rfoIU lo rec0nnoure ar.d: take p Fr bruary 24.1 t ' ' welts aftet to the Indian town, ad faw fcfion hereof. " The colony i1 in a flate: Th oriz Erho for Charltflon, and tne brig Bowles, but could not recover one of hum- the mod perfecc tranquility. Fi;-,v fnr Savannah, which M4 fs.orq W' frses. and not without great difficulty got iwvitVvn Knnitav. are on (hore on Statdnllland.h,. 1 himftlf. being Breath ' intuited, and A fammary of the value nf exports-of Tne former i. bilged. , , v, having hit horfet taken from him.' A gen- Untied States frorri, the -t,tt Octobcru8oo,3 The fchooner John, bound to ' -., tleman from New-Ewfond vut.ed ! ,ne 30 h aepiemoer io hete-at -ih time of ims -w nommuitv caWd ,udve Hull), obtained rpmixcw-tampwire, ... 1 1 ' - a -) ' r S'.ig,'a"d ;he pilot boa: guftme ; the fane fpst wlre Dr Turnbull r rid out the florm had his Greek' fettlement. Mr. 'Hull had Yefl.day. nvirntng w r(lw the Goirrnor of Floridar leave to form fn ; and it is luppmea .u c flM extetrlVc fettlnnent at the Met uncus, a- driven to lea or ounaetea. c, iiirifiu-. " 1. . The U ion, tor 't t'lau. Tu, fhoonersaie ilhore on Long.iuana. 1 irougm. jrem we mrwwaru a number rj ' tm '1 "fetllcts. with ivhum he hePdn to prepare tor WASHINGTON March 4... . plantings But Bnvlei's Indians camet A , cnnn r: the houfc-'was organized w'pped fome ; plundered the whole othem 'atter,thc readiuK of the of everything they had, and drove them out ...-ilc a nmttort was maasny 0' ire country. ivu iiK.t'Mir uuamia ,uiu-.- - '-fin'..- 1 .'.r. t .J r ' :. il. a al .. - t. 1 c ,n rn none till next tciuoii, imonw er nx weem van. ipqui 1 wetti 1 the bill to reoea'l the Judiciary this mo- ago, a party of the fame Indians plundered 1 tion nro'luced a long and iiitercfliiiR de- Mr. Dupont, wh lived ab.ut 30 miles . f J.I... V1 l.nrl-l .... . A......f. nf o.ni. .u . it WaS lUDDOrtCa UT " ' , .7HL'i', w "rJCK' dan! RlHiedt'cy GfifvoU," foftcr andj A(f fame daj killed young man teamed Dina, and oppoieil Dy ivitars, ,jiic, utnnaiy, currtea off nts miner ima inree 1 Bacon and UjwlotU At 4otmi "uiiers.rour aays fan, a puny uf irien- aucUion was taken on Mr. L-ouncies Uy Indians, wh hud been jelling Vxtr deer. From the Ex amines. The atten'ion of he public beirg much draw 10 the f.rbicA nt 'l-e ts?cal 1 ihe juiii eial law now pendirg in congrefi, as touchiitg. ihe contluuuonali if ot tae tneaiure , i- rnj be utcful to publifh fome eminent opinions del veie d in tfce. Virginia conven-ion ujvon ihi- fu.i-ft. The opinioits feleflcd- are . -th-f; of gn lemen ho have ftood a high in the ellima ion of Virginia, as any of he CiMicns eve. din. ana ocmg u-ie-cu 17 ilemeaon loth fidet he auellion of df-pi.on of th conflitu ion, and when the fnl jc4t was confideed ablliattedly from piity toi.hdera. tioni, deferve entire credit. It is irg encd T . v 1 11111 & f Mairacluifetts, Rhoie-lflatKi, . ConneOitutj - New.Yo k, New Jet fey, Pennfylvania, -. Delawate, Maryland, Virginia, "Nor h-Carclina,; Souih-Caroiitu, . Geo gia, Teobclfee, 1,440,:: 19,05,,-: tG.c. . . o : . ti 034,.. jOj c Q . . . mi. Dol'ars qi.ojO JUatl ii NUUllbL. Ireafury Department, Regiier'j tjfice, Feb. 10, 1 802. ' It appears highly imparraut that the pw of he United States of America, and thuk- motion, and lost by 4 large majoniynii horjst oc. n this town, ana who turope wnonave property or bulmefs ht tta nuetiion was alfu taken Jt 5 oClocK, mere known to belong to tomnt tobo mver 'nwuid at'nd tothe. wondejur difplay of udoii the pll'atre ot he bill-Yeas 58 favored Bowles's mefwes, were met by nd profperity, on the .Ttcial ie N avs XI ' ' P' f the 'habitants of Florida, within bJ 'hc f xPnr" of ,hc Uni td . f he t 7 ' ' 1 11 ? or 4 miles'ot this pfoce,on the SFani(h hebfuiry That uTort eon ain ,he J ' . . rxir.aiiinii Hut in lu,!.. M.n.k. ...I' . extiafts ffom ihe fpeeches of Mr. Pet.dleiou nd Mr. HftTty, flute ir.i oMcflibly, dial in ihcif opinion, cong'efl I ave h light to al- ter,change and abirtrfojhe-sytri'aiCour ; and aifo ihat helat C' gen leman (admitting iSna) at a ked ihe conflituuon upon ha ve fy ground, confideiing ih jederal jndtciaiy bad y ronnrufled irr ihi itfpeti, and Irfi in de?endcqt hi he jnitia'y of Virginia, whuh is ijl'Mjhtd in ike tonptution i tftlf, .and iheitlwtc btyond the teach ol the Icgif- . Unite. Mr. rtndUtonD.b, Vir. Clnv.Vtl. ill, p.'. 9 11 The fit!! tlfiU conuins in ittfrivemt n' of ttt CMurts one fup'em, ard loch in. feiiur conns at ( imgrrfi may fiom time to lim oiditn andftlab.Ui, Jhu fecms io bi pio-'cr -Congrci's moll be 'he judc, iftd mi fird tri(n o ihtt n d ay ihem as fiperience tr.jy dtilaic. It it h fore no only imp'oper, bu exceed " '"I) m,-'?,'n,'nto ft the arrsr-grmrn ' in the jonlli ution iTlrlf, and not leave i t laws whi h may b'. ihtntd irto rlir j ' 10 ct'CUTilincf . 1 hirk 11 hiihly ttula .... 1 1 . n . . . . bit (hat ihni n u r (aenm'H wni tt 1 appoint he Uate t mir 1 to hive the mfe nor Mffal jMi(dill'ofi, btraufc il would be bf iLtilctiUud 10 give pi-etal (ifjriMn & trilwrt (Ttonomtt al pnfpoffi, fince al ma .Miii"i. lalitv may in thai cafe fiHW tnlUaa ff l tompr rnl prnvihon Ut the itidgtl bti' even ih 1 rhg'ble ni"ie of e rrrihic nu; fut riua Dioig itafuni for ptriatiuns during twelve mon hs, ciidinf ;ue jo'Jvepccmber toon It exceeds u.- OOO of dillljli. nr nriilu id f.im ..f poo of pounds (lerlinir. The cotton alot lirillv 1 1 .mm niM nifintii it J. X ; .. . . I ' l'f ,.f .'h.iriti, , ,tW Wc UIU II UL , tn nil direcjitnt for. faff ty-rjome Tingle bag of oar own cottan at ihe end our revolutionary wr j Our flower is enn fed to i,t.H',o0 bhls. our tobacco 1 6t tUJ.' . . , . . .. .J' 1.. , r . .f , r..n.- L.ir..t .1 or tne or. oiarx s rnvr. 11 u now evtaeni j nunn rorn 1, 7 8,000 ou tit j. cmpaiiy with a ifaiite whtr h hitff " I f , I -. . . V7. Jfc.. S A.. a a.f . . a- a r 1 vrrriff 1 rwrrni rt ur 3 u rr t r rwi tr wr utiirii v r. iitru 1 d . w"r - 1 . r - . - - - a . s 1. . . . n . a ' 0 . . . - . 1 1 ird fur m iinrai sra tna ban .1 . amount of ihe i un. WILMINGTON, JMarch 18. MVW'iV'T J'l". t l- i. Capta n SmnH, of the fclvoner Nab- 7-V V'v ' i 7 ho: u,l .1 ihc nntl nn' Sill'.iUV la t.l " : ' . fourteen days from the imanna, incn-i; il 3 Ht.et til feven fail if I hiv fq . .i ' :.. i .u.. l-......, tuguutue, jtme ti tne ijt-nas on me Hon iiic arnviii a. i,wr,..m, - : i ....-. ... : 1 iw.1 ., . ... ' nf hlltl- fll !!. OlieL0"''' """ "W 'J'"r r. that fa linle was laid in convention upon 'hiijo, having on board iipwarthvof 20,000 fubjetl, bui i i Uppofed hat ihe tollowirg L Trio 1 Ken h totaltrbrAe upward .fcourfe, thrift. Jcef and po-k mS.oik, Uuti "he bat AX mln Ufs Americans who haveone theU,iill b""e. cheefe U.d, and. candle., ab .eirivcdatSt.lm.n. . . io,shi,?.,o pound, wetght, The mortal m, uaviiiK uii wujiu ui'niiu'i iv -. , . ,L ii i inline tiivuinu inccs are tne iioops, who have taken poison ol the r tinmen v,M u hth able and hf ou Cape, Port Liberty and otler fm-lk-r fro5 r . " ports of lha Ifland. its citizens. U rt rndefs the fruon ,t IliMn.nl!ow. tha, , Fr A new Bifhop has arrived in xhe fleet UhtpUten m Honda mure deplorable, is, heft m New.Yotk, has con.raited to lit . . . I . l' A i. ... Invr nl Iks kruiiii r mill- I ... .L IT.,-. .I.. . . 1 . wi,ii piuTniuii, me my ana navy vniCn irrhrHjyaTmar-tnd rder vicreimmc iatclv tiven to peimit the entry and talc d w a of all the cargoes ol A me r can vellels hen in port. It is Itatcd trat new or Icrs hive been Riven to open the port to the American Flag lor fin months. Iiy the Br' a Apilh, caV, Lte, arri ved i tier hi from Stw-Tuk, &e recetv- ".. . a t eJlfe hventfg Volt that city, ot tne bio ti 1, cWawing tn$(t pjscktng uaounts I'm SI Ihniingt, ubich from mvttvei v policy, jit forbear pUshpimg. that the whote force of the province (milt. "fnTinftude ij'trtynio meam nvAU meet three hundred Indiins m the wiods. And to this, that there is not a Jigle military Nappcr Tandy, wh P'J on the frontiers loxoard the Indians, Genial of Ii .g )e Poor encouragement this, indeJ, for e migrants to that country," Captain Monfith,rif the b if JofepS Hir. vfy,artived at Philadelphia from Cadii, in. lorna thai while 'he,e hef ceivrd a tetter iron captain Ulackwtll, dated Alrefirai, December .j t, dating the cap ure of a Tnpoli an b ig and two bund'ed men, by the Unttsd siaui fnga e Philadelphia. OFFICIAL Appfi'otimt fir csoim'fions for private trmedvrfjels, under UtJcl, entitled "A ail dr the p'Otrtliin of the commerce and (e&mtn of the United Slates, HfOiuff the TriP'ditan crullers." muH be duelled to .... ... the Stcritary of Ue Aaty. fin vf nt tf Ihe tztnUemett who will become for it1 1 to the bond, ihe name tf lht xtijdf'.r mlkb a emm'fiion it required, of kertmmandir, j an steuietuniti eer innge, numotr f 1 h,rd 6.oo m;n t thai fot Dauphin hsvinf guns and number of men, mujl tejtt or, t f, to re ct;t, ,r,0fl fmm Rf e,f ha3 aniactrtjtctite Jrtmlhe cu)irn-iu1t otp. teen demutilhedby fur fail f he lint, which ter, Ihatjucb vtffel il 4wie1 PrPtrth 'tked it ; it was then taken potted on of, at Captain F-iller. art ived at Chsrleflon, left the llavannaon ihe- JmH c.f . February ; and i hat day four Spsniflt' thipt of the l"i and three irigaie.,obe of which wa Irene", arn vrd at Moro one of ihe frigates had got into ihe harHour J I hey wrte fiam bt,' lhmn . Lfif. received by the frigate. Rated ihit he fleet which had arrived at Si. Dorniiir froti France, confided of iweaty twn fail of O be ll'iofd in tha AVaH.lnd.ts. A letter from Dublin flatet,- that L ho bare the corum-liui. io ibe Ftenth fetvicc. tri .! nii-nt r. t , m i. ...... ( . j .:.; " n o.i c ricru'iuo. or iiiii(iaii.itn in nm ..... 15 ay lof hie. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To American Farming aitd Planti . 1 1 appears from a great number litis, that a capacity to produce coif o cotton hooI, really exidt in a v extenhve portion ol the United Sta It betiitit in the fouthern counties N-cw.Jrrfsy, and n ihe northern co ties trt DJaivm, Marylanl and gi nia, andviintirues through tle Car nas, Giorgia,Kentucley and the hi fippi and Ohio territories. The fun i . i ft ern line m renni,ivania, cor.tinued e. wanr and weltwatd, Mcems to be ..t i. .... i ...I... ..i nun in i ii iMMiiKi u r i vtsai uijy qz led Ih cotton dufricl tf lie United St Mi fatls which prv? the' cotton beeafiiy pr'niuieable in the Dclaw tnd Marvlird tountics 'of New Ca valuta IV IMIIIIV 1 WH - m II M WWW mifl al3 be produced. Nat.inta!. vris alfa the Cipr, where npfi i4a y ccrtaincu. llvi!l o! tuutio towc