..;! I ' ' - , . ;. 1 , : P U B LI Sit ED W EE KiTY BY A L L M.VNp" HA U'-." . T "OThree.aoUaH per Annum, r T H U 11 S DAY, MA, R C-H 25, 1802, - ; -Vol. VT.No.,, 272. Kill OF THf,,'f UNITED STATES. , t'riday, Jan. iK .: ' TUDI CIARY B i L L.' the law and ht pleafure Repeal it, and thai the creature of thst eonlli'tu'.ioo, cannot ..by any : fice of the ac, and to wjlh that pu.l "ndrTinolS' ibliciry ucnts,' the aft wo,i . He. a: the will ot the leiilli-urc, who advocate ths rctoUtiion, in Inpport ot" as an act that completely dettroya the indepen- the etftinv -o: rhe law dc erminwii the of- the mcalure, fav, that Virginia, Maryland.'! dence of their judges ? For the removal of. ."- .J" J Drecifc'y in thi . lame man . and he lall congrcf ailord examples'of a le V.. 'Sine footing,' as of the fscre- giflature abolifuing courts, and removing from fief iif ihe 1 r v r c i. C . ..a. Much r PUT. VjPLNOU N.oi jou,i:-vi'.wiu. C(.r jnl 01 .time Mr. Prekdent,l)s bren fpentin the im- tafy 0f ht vh't 'fecreiar'y of the treifu-v,- office judge, who under. a couflW.1 ion held . Wrtani debate oti 'he-nfolmion before you ,ne fecreurv of'ttvc' navv1. ' "Biit'the fub.. 'heff'appom' incr', r in the prcjent cafe,du. grea iogehu.iiy gret abilrtes, and ii.uch el jcft mo e fay rxprciR'd and explained un ring good behaviour. Let us examine the fail oquence iiavcben ailplayed omhe occalmn, jct. ,ilt. proper head, in the ill fee. of the 3d aui fee if 'hey apply. Virginia had a- g;nc by gen lemen on both fides i of the queflion.and a,:t 0f tj1K coriAitu ion, wild e it fays, '." The ral court, with the common law jiirjfdittion, he fubiect prefented in jWll every polbblc i',.aca nower'of.fhe 'United Sta-ea ihill. be which ox-ended ihr.ugh.jut iheir flau', a court point of view, tor me ; therefore, at this late gelled in one. fuprcme court and in fach infe. II age of ihe debate to nlv tor the hrll time in ri(. co.rt8 1: CongrtlV may from to tmio -.; this HoUfe, . on a fubjeci1 of fucV msgnitude d-.'.n aril FM,&. The utd.'.'.vboi-h of th- fu-' and in ricacy, already fo ably difco-ITed, ar.d expect to throw much light on he ft.bjec', or tiitil much new ground to treaJ on, wou d be prbftiiu;5 iou. Jin thinking as I do,' that the prefcnt tjucft'iDn, bo h in principle and in i s lonlccjuencc, is' of the h'glied iiripor'ance to the union ; under 'his imprelfion, under ' this conviclion, I Uiou'd be unfaithful to tay own ftcl'n;g;, wrre I to give a lileni vo'e on this oct afion. If I can heicfore, ihtow but she weight of afcalhcr in the f le, iha I ih nk ou'ni 10 preponderate, 1 (hail ihink. myfeif lull tied aha bee ; tirticc to be ascvncife av pollibie, and d pVcm'i and inferior courts, flull hj!d their 6fn ce d aring good b.havioitr; a id mail at flai-d times eccive fot ;heir f 1 vices ; fompenfa tion. A'hith IhsH to; be diminifiied.duriiig iheir Con inuance in office,' ie ie in cntion of the conflituiion is j idge of chancer "with equitable jurifdiiElion eq u'ly ex enlive, and a court of admiralty ; the jud g:s of thefe three courr$. conllituted the courr ot appea's. About 'he year 1787. ihjlcif lanneof that fta.e found it necelTary "io- eft.ib li(b circuit courts, and in the lav, enatled, iha- ihe judge of the coars of appeal, IhoulJ be the cirtui court 'u'dgss,' This law the ;es refufed o execute as uncofi'diiutional, laid, they cohfi le;ed themfe'ves is foinj. exo'ici-', and,-cannot be doubled; plainer and iam, ttiey wor'ds and a; more c'.er C.i!lructi.)ned i:u, ihg one of the three pilla s on which the great tence cannoi be penned. u The judges both fab ic of govern iicik was ercfcled, and iliat, of the fiprrme and inferior courts, Hi til hold when, this pillar was endangered, a refignation their duces during eood behaviour." Wc would fa' jrft them to he reproach of defert. all fu'ly and rti oce tindcrftand what i meant ing thir Ha io.u, and betraying jhc faC ed in the judges, I may. venture toafferti -he great object of ihe repeal ; and in his confffli the ii-jury, fcora the leginitu"e a (Turning a pow er, wLh-ut giving tfuy reafon in the acr, as ia the prefenr care, 'to repeat at : pleafure any law ftab!ifhing ah i nfertor cour;,' and by that means difmilling the judges" frjom office. Par ty " fpirn, caprice or peifonal dillike, would be (ufiuient caule of removal from office ': ihe. judges would know this, and peihaps fome of them foon feel it. " Let us fuppoJc', . and it ig even fnppofeable, 1 hat acjufe came or? before one of he dependent judges between an influ en jaj membeivjf cevngreis and a poor and ob fcure citizen ; would any p, rfon fay, that the panies Hood on eqjal g ound, and -that ihe fcalcs oFjullice hung eqaal be'wecn them P It won d be almofi beyond human nature, far this dependen judge to be itniar;ial, efpccial ly, if his filary was the only uirar.s of fubfif. tence, and men of g'eat abilities, and.wel! fit ted for 'h: office', mi eht be in that fruition. for a wife man tells u . that ' the race ia I in doirg fo. ; But-fir, the fabjrcl by. good-behaviour, in a ji.dg , theoa-h he- terefis ot fociet'y in riilled wi hjhem ; that tlie.nor always to the fwif'oor richest'6 min of n lo much exhaullcd, as Hell as the pa. take.a d the very nature of-his 0 Tics it ; propriety an I the nctcllity of. thei indepen- updeiftanding.y, Sn fully am I convinced, uf-te Tloule, that -1 'mail endeavor l0 aft Wuh jiidice. iiieg' iiy, ability and .ho dence of the judges, is evident in reafon and I 'bat he judges ough to be independent of he rawtno as mJi ..Q. mlli.M rntt v inH ih rti. -hi ii. ;t .ihn1 jJm 'a 1.1t ilii iki. :in,(!iriirfifir!.j-.F(Kj. ..mu.... aC . 1 r f r : -j . .. - - r ...... . . . ---- - -c 1 J ; - " .. riai low a cnde as to rx euuve a luojvtt wi.i r par iilly, .i good behaviour ; if :'ih coa .plies mo e forcibly to exclude a dependence i thcie could be a doubt that they ate not fully idmi , 'he .leading ea'ure of ihe caf which I ! ,rjirv ; W0UJ be m lb -haviour, and he con . on the ier';flature, a branch of who'tn.' in ca-' and comple e!y fo, the conlliiution ou?ht to ' at.pie!icnd,lbvM havc. for that txp 'efs pu!rpoie Hither. . , ' J ;r. A-.hit .he niiriliim. Kill then I fiiall endea. I : .... t c .L , .'. r- .t..r..;. .. 4 ; .. L 1' J .... l.i 1 . , ' .u- :.. 1 1 u . r... e j .l r:i ' . ' 1 r " - "6 1 ... , r ; . - , . j1 iinpcaviiincii' , n me umc miuciuic a-iimi was- 111 ipi(uv.ii iiimtu wii jic uw? ' oy j fig hi me -j-iiyci nave luppiiitu inenitc ves inae , .vo-to fiiew, that' (hf p'efent refoluiion in its ' ct.,tin, clear and confident conOmaion. mar. iudess who were fom.- i.f the' ahlell I ' ?Hlm . anJ ihe neoo.c have acauiefced- nn. ' . j - 1 1 1 -. - ;ind no .0 her par of ihe condittition contains ' vers, and grta ell 11 a : c-I s r n m.ihe Ur.ion. I any article cohiradi'lory to it, which I contend believe ihe even; wat, th-y protelled n-'iinft i c? sfes t. b . - ..... . i. it - ,r . . . .... .L - . r ... J eti fti is ipoucnani ia ;nc np'tr ici cr inn iDu it of he conllituiion and fecondly I (hali ronmll he obvious and ua u ai conl.-qiencri .:. ,hc cafe. lt: conllrurV-jn Lnven bv ihj V., ! .he law as'unrnnllituii.ir.: thai will arife f.om. agreeing to the rclol tiion,, ,Iemea on lhe ,)th r -(iJe, b-iog by im.itic. ! licos, lud ,he rchgnationi svi h -hole that would lollow, fhoird e tiifa fi0 0!y aiui agi.nil .ho plaii: and cx- ! wards we. c a p .p cd cin gtee. Uii ii npw, inc ma iiiipo.iaui ?.cii word, of lh. .ik, will no: be war. ' fla- chkm; m cor-eci, which I -f.-r.-fume in f.b.dependent. The people at larrie in - evJr v . lor it ine r nance .is is rrfitrrcd iheir of-i lerv.itiotis and a!tcr- ; P"f. peop.c nave acqu: dt r that I el:e', and ough: und do wijli iht-ir : independen1. One or uvo ob wil1 proy their opinion on tlui AH (he Hates in ihe Union have ia "d '-s. If tins ! 'heir fc.rcral-cor.lli utiotu mqde iheir judW r . -I: .1 I . -PL J l '. a well s the moft proper quellion it bave I ran et by t!je . pi inc i;.lcs i law lAn ir lid Ii;.t Vaa it HrnA : Hair. lUVir 1t mmht i h -ir rrlrw r tu , II . ' ,1 - I ' - we Pe';,V"aef f i ; ' 4i.llttuaton i.s pafanii int io,an a.'t.of th? lc e xiji;thti wo'u'.d julliry, or in ihe fmalieU conventions, thofe tonvemions having fixed repeat .he e aft oi Lonrels, to tar is a Riflltt-rPf then to lu.ld an oiTicc d-f mg j.wdl'C d'grcc fu'ppori the pnocipleVofJiljelroliHio.,?': he condiiio-ial duiabiliiy of ctfice in their refpects the oflice and fa a y of jhc jurlgsi ap , !,lvm( t,A d,11If t,le pi aCrr of !,c Irg.f. In K-c'afe of Marvlan-l, 1 have not ha i fill J and the people uniformly arquiefcing poirAcd und-t iha act f it hy U,e le 'er and iru;Ci Jrc 4j.ririv,n Iltj. Ifmoli I).: fo infoinu-u.ii, iheiehie, cannot decide. Inihe under ihci-- fyflemi, arTjrd fullicienl evidence rxnr,f. words of ihe c 1.II1 utu.n wc have , or -he aft would he Vp(ij.ta:i to the conili:.!. cafe of Tenn.-lfee aid K-.niii.ksy AitU of ihe public fen-tnieni. 15-;dcs in the caf. u s 'fubjecl would be tsnneceilary, dtaiP f in expetlicncy ' or VKiuid be ul'eltls and ir.cvelant to the' qucf turn. I nn no, fir, difpof-d to advora'e the late judiciary fvftctn in aM i tnodifitat -ens, as 1 th.t.k i iinpeifrft-and no sdiquste to, the tjartofes in endd, and "bat i is not (uch an .......... ..r.i.. i.ilii'ii t- HAii.ht intiti.. . 1 1 J n 11... ti I'ftn aciop'cu. ui s i. i-i n-.-icRiiiciite , ami is in iprraiior, and the ju igTs ajlpom cd ! - .ut.der the itt, 'om.n IHoned, agtreaU e coullitn iun, duimg good behaviour itiound is now charged ; and il hough pre. viiitu .0 he a lpt ii of he aft, nppotaion to the iex -diency of theni.alu e would have brrn ng'v, ivou'd have bcn p cpet ; yet t..".w i nrtercxtO ng cif cumlljotc!, as 'be law j alT;d ! ihe coi.Ititui on.atrachrd to the oUuc uf 'ihe j" 'gri appoinird under it, d-i a. ion. 1 lie conili uticn 00 he ncc ot it ar guments u.,r, ift ii,ive l.r.:-.n J.aw.i wiih nircifi'ii hi.iI inexpediency corie.;lncf."no:l-ii!T I itir!lu'o is. no hi l' dit hoilf. Had tut cotiveiif.o:! irnMiditd ihe - conll 'iiftion now ii:li.i.(i lot hy the lavorcri cif the 1 c fol dtion , t.i : That the judges ot ihe in.eri'ir c im s h-d I.c.r oi!:t;s not during good behaviour, bu" at ihr will of the (I 1 t y 1 t ecitii ure ; an rxt-utiaioiv cuiile at er li.e u - d lichavi;.iir, wo-iid have been L i . il 1 , I wjni writ.- ju.iiuii; i . uic lJi!y; wer nil rciivtJ f o-.n -iRice ; but by iaw con:i:;cJ as circuit co;irt j iJges with additional duties and adiliiional fa aiy of 500 dwllars each, They neithei vacated heir olfne, nor had to take a new oith or new commiflion : therefore in ihe'iakj.ihivc wa, no viola ion ol he conili lii':on. . -lisi 'o fum ihe biifmefs up,, the cafe ol V ifg'nts, is agamll ihem ; the cafe of Ken uckr and Icnnclfre, pot m poinr, and Ma. b.li v uf'IU;e co.es n. live- i h good lebi vmr.r, o amrr.d wuld be proper, bu- tatc ptai h; at, ai leail f sfarast- eif.-ftsihe jud g would Le unconUcut.iiiia! , , fi 1 am of opinion, 'hat as foon as iheir ap;;cintmtnts wc e coap'eted and theii c.imm.lt 1: s dutti g C-irtd behaviour rccvi.cd, ina i!;rn 'heir ufa if a iadirs vscrc u.itip!tf y bopd ihe irnh tf l-jlli ive fofi ; and bat ilur f.it'e ' r 1 :. . 1 r 1. r piricni 1 tio-uiion i.-r 1 1 npna iuiii 10 ur as c fpefts ihe i.fTue of he judc, is ur. (int!nu ional,"ndar!hr hoi 10 be agecrio7 1'frmn m- ne e hi, 10 d'fue 'he . gil rule i ci? linm a dcd, a 'a.v, o- ronilnu Imial oui ed I tlt cJet. : 4 frovid-u always hat th? judges y and foli ary one.' Hut let us now f.ifipofe ' '"e j of f ich infe ior cosiru (hall hold their offices for argument fake, though the faft is o herwif.-, "; only during the cxiilcuce of tise law under ihat ha'f of the llatcs 'in theUnion nailed f,..l! Mh.chihey may be appointed, ISj ihe laws ; if tboU laws are founded on wrong and clearnefs wih s fetch every pari ..fibs confli. uncorillilutiorul ground, Ibou'ul ihey te t pie linion has been penred, it is tigh , it is fair cedent for us f Sure'y not Ifthey wcie fuun- not ,..i,tlind thenioapi.lr l'ep.tti.f.he con- 1 br tl inl-rmfd and mca d.(,f.g j Otcd ki t ilituiuiiinqieaton o hurule. 'I be rule uf uf,h- Union, intet-ded to k.ip ihcm d.f i 11, tu make fuck an 1 rxpoluton of .he fee k,,a fcp,.ie, , ,h? iDree g. d.v.fioni of M-. chief j illice Jay, when appVnted en. voy cxtraoidinary 1.1 .he cuur; of Great. Br'u lain ; was not 0;p6uii".n :o ihj appointment echoed from one end of ih.. continent to the o'her ? hat he ex -mp'-e was dangerous, it put the judges under the influence of the exe cutive ; that al hough the profpect of an bono, rary appointment, wuhin the gilt of the Pie fide 111', was remote, yet it mig.it influence and ' leiren iheir independence; If then the peopb were fo alive and quick in feel.ng, whep the c,aiifcs-f aiaun were fo remote and inn. ii. gent what wi!', v.!iat mull be their opinion, when" ihoy find ou- iht the juigei. f.om being indc. Denden , by holding heir offices during g.iod behaviour, are icduccd 10 ihe furvile ffuaiion of holding the ollice at the wi I, at the cipiice -bf.lrg'fl a'ure ? I the public mii d prepa, red for n fl rjck of this kird ? Shall the le gifla ure witk 4 flrong arm, and by ao airj. tned p iwer, defl oy heir independence, and -the tby, lueir exiilepce as one of ihe pillars ot the conllitu ion J in tbi's fiiuation of your judiciary will he fireimi of juflice flow eV . qwally 13 the babiu ion of the rich, and the o.iage of the joor ? No man who know, human catuie will anfwtr In ti.-.c - ........ . .. . w ,1.. . nomeni txirn'oe ineconfe anegiiive 10 ihe prefentre. -.ivi.'-vn 1. 1 ui ivirrn lo. 3fuT and fatal conlrouenert lliai wou'd fa!!nw ? I -vL.. -V. .1 .c. , - I . .... "r""6 ' inuiii(i 1 ,. miti.iir wuiii mil j. uii'iiu-T. 'im ine iramert ui nm mf vvh.f.it a ii f r.. .l. i' . . ir.n nn ii-k ......... .1 . . m .n 1 '' , -.... imiccn tcae. 1. r-" w,7 1 "i t "i ",c sinuai payment CI Con 11 run on n. were 'M.r m'e in iinn , n , , - . " " t t "f r ' l,g6' t con r 7 Mi-wifi h wi in, uic 11141 in or liens irel ; a . hough hey have been commtf!iuncd . " pur t,f-u" c,'u' lgrU who do ibe whole aurmggooj cenaviour, ana Dive diUharged the ; wunneis 01 inci; cirU-a ihronghoul all parts du:ieiof 'he ollice wi h irtegrity, abiiny pl Union. Their number willneiihei iro- k-- . .1 .. . . C . 1. .-it ' I . ' . .A- i .11:.. .. .1 ' . . . iy analogy ot rcauinmg, to lay, that" at no I (led in error, we ought to correft and .ucn piovilmn is inlc.ied, no IikIi luppoled continue the trior, borne gentlemen have (uiiO.-itftijn was Mi-eiided, and ihit thetefore faid, alihou!i we cannot remove ihe judges the. pi i.i lc icr and fpirit of the conlluuMon from the olli.e, yet we can remove ihe.olhce P-svm.I ;jui it pcllib.e to mike ihe fromthe jud.'es. To me this is a niad, in Ict.flaiion. Do we mean lo act iisdiretiiy wha' we would not piofefi to do openly ai,d mull p-tt-.i manor mute t ',?zr and conclutive, I bfg indul pence, wh'ht I Ha r ihrr which coi ihe collateral at.iumcr.ts hich gi a ly ilrcrg hen and mforce ihe ditertly ? are the gentlemen piepared u, meet i)i.:;f.inoi, which 1 advocate of il.at pari of this quellion in all its foofequencn ? Lei iecoa;!..ui:.n. The fuft is, hat all inhght- me fuppofe they a-e, and fke'ch a law funded .... n . . . .nr. .i . a 1 1" , . ... .c.u iiiiir iu rviucritan ic on uic conieq-jenies of iheir reptiimg acl and' ml,v vIui mi, wi.h conomcni .cllimony agree, that exh.bit ihe tafe in i s rral and true light,' Jn Let ul now for a ihe jaduury . u t 10 be kept fepaiate fiom, f,amirg a law the preamble iWd (la e fifl. Vncet bf X''" and inde pei.dc.ii of .he leg-fuu.e & ex;cu- and explaii, l.e rraUs f.,r palfinr ih- afl J ! ion. If the . iv.e po vcrl ; tba.LLou( Tlh.- thrrk- snd" Soppeltea we fho.TTJ7nT52uee. uTue aJTn "ire inTarTa sm, ...cccocm Vc no -rue ar.j rational their B.efent-teuea m .U fAM..-.:.- Hind and 4i.m or ciauie unacf "-"'""'" ai win ci-m. irnoMl, Dl ars of the e.,.. ;.. . .,;..-. I putt with ihe pUMi.n.fa.iM.S wh:n .he w.-Js D ' 'fl f f)" i.c d.fl.ni f, - .i r Pj r T 7 t 1 . ,f8,,,"?r ,n ong.eii ,r n'juie....f pnncp.e or cie. L-iaWnin .Cir con.m mind ,;f.l accrp. CP, J " le fa . I KnTnl W 5 ,!'e'; aUe re .ban cui.on of ,t In, ul ,n con-.oveifey, ,h. ..-map .efBcn. ih.t will admit of d.Tfren, l j'j'V? U 1 il J l T f ' In tWf 'ich Jtl benfwff 'flu lon-f uRice wtth con- st.tan.ic o.if rvera' par of tie ii.fl.a.- 1 . S fV y,! 1 4, mount of one not the belt pnlhble fvAem ihat could be a " " ' ci.ienij .be whole judUiary each xhtMbrn .he tub i.v tn Wa'J f.ch a ft LJV cJ.lZ, 1 7 fll" nT' llH -udS" of ,h '' ufytWU fooling, withour ioU.rC acdpem.w ,f tu,u ihflfU(nfnt , k, 'j V.j S ' " vlA fT W'T,'' ',"'''"t-cniled, &r. inci;fcfpen, that fuch vat.ocira ..-.1,. l.hrkl .1. ',gV,',e fv.nd.iB ..Ib.ri7 .he fadar. iha. the fud luteen f,de.-l (v,,ti s, fbU toi be hl!ed uo. um. .h kM a I.t , amu. a;l,e , ..U L.,,a f.l .U l. ? T .,wd ' rV.-"' V"" ,ht ,f1 H Y fcrretf are removed ,nd d.fchareed f 'brreas itmav be necaf. . 1 aad . -.i w 1 , -illJll 1. In ill llfl.h.iir.. .1 I' .11 -t- . .1,. .1..- .1.1. ' ' n I , . " . " n act - ..-,.,nt.l,i;uiiit(i ul inn t.ieatr.i)ic ssoi.d hr im.S wi... r . .1. . - -. - - . wi.. To tonlliiute It. buna s inle-i.x i the lia- p erre nwit. If .bis watiheon'f tlaufe f.ivifg ih row. er 10 cMablilli ib infefmr cs. i, I tt. i' J ridS; j aiii, tiX; lUs Ug-Qt: e co.U tak- ihe winds of the tooll oiiil.in. f"fitnel and iheifpeaiticMn it, cfTecc ir.ur.Jcsf, aid expUictd by j e mikrri of it, iha all the jud. wiil aaiorally prnd ne res brvr a lijfM lo h'd tl go d ttcv U-af, an'i tbat ibe II. ,J . . I. . . 1. VH.r ouicra ouMtig Are we ttt pud to ie f,.t a a. .'n ill h r. . it l .1. l . - . Iv. 1 . - . '.-.ure as j lorm, u an ir.e itw: rtaior.t Zi-.td a 1 e" (bat talc wguij hoii their ef fa y lo ft mote. Thus the evil (h,M k con. tirua'ly ifm.djI.gi.Mr. md tl no Vf ry rf mviepetioJ svo!d pt total. y reoiosad, and ihai without a..jr in;eife'rence with ihe ccoflt. lucon. On he o her hinJ, fl.oulJ he refotutioo V ft a w catr.fd what arc ibe evils that would Itfsilt f A. i r" r I