1 (- CONfGtf ESS , , t or 'the united states: , ; : I Iouse of Repress n t a r i v ? ? . . Tuefdayt Feb. 16. Deb tie on the bill received from the Se nate, tnltlkd ' At ail to repeal cer- tain ulIs ref peeling tht organization of , the courts of. the V. States P ' Mr. Henderson ' t fhuiiM not rie to offer my opinion on the great quell on now befoie the committee, - wf I "J101 placid in a luuation different Irom that in which 1 have been ftnee I have hid the honor, ol feat in this hofc'. The legifltture of the ftile of North YVirolina. one of. whole teorefenutivts.I am oii th.e floor, have feen proper to inftrufl their fenatore, tnd U lQ CQ0tiol.ih6 WifWive at well at the execs to recommeni -to their tspreTchYuivei tn longrelty 1 . ' . But eentlemen contend, that thev mud to ufc iheif rx;rtioi: w'-procure a repeal of the j becntifioed to limiting the power of the Piefident'I iw pttled the hit feikrt oT-cqogtcfs tar tne more .n ttot,emen whst -is there in the coaflitusion to Ariinixiiiin iilt!ii- rnnrti ni the United : r.-. -.C, ... .u:. mnA ? Urk State ; an! i the biil'on your table has for its ob- vou efe , COUIt in(i fin',: with judge, and tell eft the repeal of thit law, and ai I (hail probably ! h;m 0 io flmpe Wuite, that he (ball hold vole aglintt ill palTge, a decent refpect for the opt- t 0ftcf, during good behaviour, or at long at h nion ot ttiote who aavc, nraca iuu itw iuiwi h,i behave ell : what I beleccn you, or, win any thofe refoluiiohs, demand thit I .fhould give the -m wnofe mind is not bewildered in the mn reafriu which inner rice my conduce. 1 0f madtr0 mctiphvfivt infer from the declaration ? And here, Sir, I cannot loibcar lamenting ex- Ceminly that the fffice will not be taken from him .tremely, that V fhould uoforlcnately be placed in a ur,til he -inifbehavei ; nor that he will beJtaken l(m iuJicul pwcr of the Utile J S'aieij fhmll 1 .veiled port withho I hive quo:ed from the wnflituiion the time l.andi. It i the trt d. fi it ion of tyja -? S . . C i . . I . f XT I - i'l ; - at. .... J . a U Titmit.i I w. .l ... U - u . . . i ttrl.r Ilia Haw.Ka a I in one fupitme court, and in'fucb infeiior courts at congrefs may front time la time orJam ana e.tao. . lifh, " Thajudges both of the iuprerae'and inferior courts, (halt - hold their offices during gdod beha viour, and rh.all at ftatei times receive fsjr their fer vkes, a compenrtion which (ball not be dinarnifhtd during their continuance in office.'" It is admitted, 1 aodcrftand by a.l parties, by every defsriptioix o fperlont, that theie words, fha.l hold f otace dunnfgoed behavwurare-intendea as. a (imita tion if poer-.i.,:Xhc quell ion, is j whit power ii thus to be limited' and check d ? 1 aitfwer, 'that aU and every power which would have had the auibo ity of impairing the tenurs by which the judgea hold tbeir offices, (if tbefe-worda were' not inferted) ia cheek ed and limited by thefe worda; whether th.t pnyver would be found to rdide n congress, or in the exe Cut ve; The words are bio.d,and extcufive in their fignicatioTi, and can oolv be (atiified by being cort- of iforth-Caro'int, , aie to be loand in the Virgtma and South-Qif olina ConTlitutiOns, tn, nnthtr-ot wtitcb ftatet hath th; Gove nor the fight' of appointing yadges. In Vrgi.iia, fir, the. judges of.the fupreme court, in 1791, declared that the alTcmbly of that Hate had not the p wer of impoftng chancery duties on tne diitntt judjej and in delivering their opinions,' Jelcmted at Urge 0.1 the independence ot the judi ciary,, and fa d that the ahembiy cou.'t not aonirii- .a the oEjce of a iajg-, whiehlwts fecured to him by thi eo'ISTtuiion, If this is a true expofiuoq of the comlitntion of that fta e, I afk genilemen by wht 'authority they now attempt to impofc j diffe rent mcaiiing .on the fame words.' wh:it iouadfin the eonUitation of the United States ? Arej, we to fuppofe that the whole people of Americi wire lets regardful of the r rights, iefs lolicitouj for in dependent, judges, than the people o( a particular ftatt ? And pnlefs thit is Conceded the doctrine of gentlemen. whadvoca.ie4hiftJe- of 4hi bill 4uU be incorrect. Hut it has been faid that the powers of each con jpt( are equal, and that a fubfeiiicnt icgiflature can repeal the at of a former. And is this law was pafTedby the congrefa, we .have the fa'iie pow. er to repeal it which they had o enact it. Tnia ob jection is more pltufible thart folid. It is not con tended by us tllt legilU'.urei who are not united in their poeri, hav n t he lame auihotity. . The and whaever v-.u in u 111; tlierthry call ihtit gi.Ncrum 01 democracy. : , f Mr. Chairman, I le?,J orirm.k I lee;- iti ths tempt, tliat fpint o! inn .vation wbicli l.ai phj.M b.'fprc it a great part of 'iheo:d woiid fe vcr) dilution wh.ch the w fdo'io ai.d ex.ctico e ( j ha.i-reared up ttt the Lciiefi bl man. A Ipirit .w; has rodein the.whulwiod, and dirccVd Vlie 1." to ike dttlruflwm of ihe fairell poi (imi of tu which lu fwsut, bdorc it f very veflige ot u,v, ligion, moraruy,. and --raiional govp.mariMii, ' has brought twenty - iliions of pco; !e at ki. one man, and compelled ihem, ta (eel; reiniX their com jlicll nnleiiea.in the elm of drl'po:, It is sgamll the influence of this tremciiu a, j. that I With to- raife my voice, ;! exeit niy po weak and feeble at they are. I leal, hi , on ti of Uccomber it made its appearance witl.i.i 1 . -walls eieathadrr gignntic- bodvy im fiicni "ft7 lion. I (far it bat aircadv b((uu 10 r.xeit 1 devopring'energy. Have a justiciary tyde,,, tending over this inunehie icoutui ',, matured b v wifdo nol yoar ablell 4: bell u,en 7 It mull b- . troyed. Have you taxes which have been Un'.'.. the coinmenr enient of the government, aii 1 i'lfit iti'n coiiffquint. imon the fayitig of taxes ! off ? Aie tbey paid excli fively bv the vcaiiln- the luxurious part ol the community; and air queft'.on is not whit omnipotent aflemblies can do, i-nledjcd for the paymeut, of. the public debt-?- uuk wiil wc van uu unuci biiuitiL4iiiun nciiuiii ,uu j muii uc nimiiuucj, rut-c. y9U a in nt cuablil.' fituitiou, wheie the highrit oouations ot. duly corn;el me to jtt in a.)ol:tioa to ihe wifhes of that comirrunity to which I immediately belong. It is .;.Ju ni iirat iinDAitancc that it nablic fanc- ''"S.'.f r- , r tior.irics we fhould not only c; (charge thofe tiults commuted to us with. huelitN, nd ior the general the office during good behaviour. . Udder this, im preflioii he entets upon his duty, performing it w;th the mod perfect fatitf,iclion to all feifdnj who have bufiefs before him ; and the legifluure without wi'periiie a complaint, abnlifhes the. office' and tl.ere bv turns out the i'l lze. -The : iudee it told this 'it rood, but io fach a manner ai to give faiitlaciioa no violation of tUa comotf. tlthbuirh vou have be " . r r I -J .a:..- . . 1 . to tnoie tor wuom we are atvnig. And if I knowrtl e lligs of my own heart, I decltre, that next to the, tonfeioufnefi of having performed Toy duty withiuprightntft, is the know. UAae that in the diUharke ol this duty I meet the y V approbation of my fe low men But, Sir, if thit approbation is only to be obtrned by the uncon- 'ditional futrender of my uiiJerftanding, and the violation of my oath, I hope t .hall be rxenfed if I do not nuke this facritice at the aitaj f public oui- moo. indeed, air, were t ei.puiru ir mrrgo i.ivta, well, although, we h te prom-led, that it long at you did behave well, you 3ould continue in office ; yet, there is now no further oeceffity for your fervices, and you may retire. - Thefe words, during good 'behaviour.' are intended 10 prevent the Fiehdeiit from difmiflitig .you from office, and not the UgiHuore irons dcttroying y ur otRcc. 'Do you f icpofc, fir, that there it a nun of common utidci Handing in the nation wiiofe mind is not alive to th: influence of iiny fpirit, that would yield his aucnt to this realontnir r I hope and beiicve, the e my ovo opinion and adopt that of the legiflati.-ro is not. Bn, fir, how is it proved that the Pre- of my (late rwere I mUined to lay thy will be do e and not mm;, I Ihould hrtt demand ot them an abfolution ftim the oath which I hive lately taken to fupport lb: eonUitation ot the U .ited . " Stjieir' As long as Jthat oath is .binding on me, I fee an tnfuperable objeftion to my ifting in coolor mlt' io the'ir wifhei. ' , I will further remark. Sir, 'hit I am not a little impniEu ui.., i "t" ".'"j -. -.,- tak-nto decide on a q icftion not ncccffai ily before t'icm,. without having an opportunity of hearing the argtimenti which maybe ufrd here either on one fide or the other. I will not permit myfeif for a moment to be ieve the meafirc origina-el in a want of confidence in thole who tepr- feut the ll.iie and the pMple in this aflsmbly. And yet, if that con fidence exiflt, the icafont f r this procedure do not iinmcdiately ptefent ihemfalv'S to the mind.' I hope, an, it win not oe anoentooci tn.t i mean to cafl ihe mol dillant fhade of difrefpjft on that body. I leei too jreai i.rcipeti ior ine irgu 'Iatie of my native lUte to be guilty of fuch an at tempt. No doubt l ot they were influenced by ihe purcfl and ihe mod coi ret udfrllanding. It does not lo'.locv by any meant, that be aufe my wem an l tecbU mini', ca.not difcovei peiftft prvptiety in the conduct of rren, that tlienfoie it docs not exifl. . Having yreoufed ihus much Mr. Chairman, I will proceed to an examination 'ol the queflion under confidemion. St has b.-en ufual to divide it into two puis : f rfl, ihe exprdirn.y ; and Secondly, the authoii'y of congrefs to p.' the bill on the table. Thii ii natural and enrrtft dicifion; but I fhail in. ft the order of confidering the queftio::, and firfl examine our power to aft, before we confi ler the rtpedieucy ol act on. A id if alter a calm and candid review ot the confli ulinn, it fhould be found that we are prohibited trom palang the bill, there will be m neetfCty for inqui' ng smo li.a x- pediency pi repealing the Uw paffed lafl (rirun of cjngre s for organi:ng our courts of jtillice. The ttlat ve metiti ol the old and new judiciary fvflr.m will be entirely out oi yiew. Far 1 am confident thai there is not a mimUr ol thu body who would wifhtopafl ihe, bill on your table, ii in doing it we mA violate tic fined cmccr under' whi.li i rc (TcnibUd. The people ol Amelia lave oieVintd and tltb lithtd I bit ih poweisil govrmneiit (lull be c riled in three gieit deaartmcnt, ih LrgiQttive, the F cotive, and the u1icaf. Tliry lf faid that I kite (hall be kou'c of tepiffcuia iti, the nim biri of which fhall belhnlci by the people of the fetrril flaii, every (rcond tir. Though this bouie ii corupolcd ol mrmberi . rf.fen bytha pmpe imme diately ( tho'iHi' t' rv cin have no other ia'eiiU than the great community doru whi.h ihe f wtil f eot lhrugH they mutt tetuiniothe common n if in ihe fhn prtiod ol two rears, yet cnlighieurd America did ot (re prarr to eiiiiuft ibe power rl raakiorj Ui la this body ilmei thry knew that li t hiliori of anio and Ihe espetien.e ( ci bote tellimony spin. I the (ifety ol e jinmiitie; this high powrt to any ont.afTcm'j y not checked b) (erne o. ther body ftdent would h:ve hai ihe power'of removing the judges fo.n their ofTicea, if thefi woidt Jdurmj vood behaviour' h d not been iuicrtcd in ijie eooflitiii.ii ? Ii there any words in that mlirumem- which give the P.efideat expref !y the power of removirt ai y officer it plealure t Ii heie an I call upon te tie men to ppint them out It does not rrfult ('tn the falViionable .-xiom, that ihe power which cm tica e, iin deIlroy"'Ihe Piefideiit iin nominate, but he can not ippoint to cfHre only by the advice and con tent of the fenate llirreloie. it would follnw, il the p wei of difplaci'.g lefulit from rh it of ciratin tint thefenae il ould paiiicipue .11 d i f( lacing it well it creating olt'.crrs. "B.it however Hut nay be, it is ceitainly'a nice toniliudive niver which hr hat exeicifed, btci'ile the legifla cte have from-mo lives of expediency acknowledged, that he hid it ' If the constitution does not ntcelTaiily g ve the Pie fident l'n- light ot removing riffic rs it p rafurt, tod il 1I11I right dep lid upon legiuauve actor conllruc lions, vvheiiWLUld have been the ncctlity tor i ferting thefe emphatic woids st a check and Imiita linnet executive power, wftere without th:m ir.t Picddent hn no fuoh powe,. You ir: nking 51e.1i oxtns to contio! a power hUh doit not eilt. The perfons that framed our conflituiion knew that 1 powr ot leiiovtl in ordinary tafet mull exi t fomt. wheie. They took cue theufore, that in whuevei I; an da it might fill, ihe Imgu ge ol the c Ititutlon ulteclinf ihe tenure of ti.e otiue rl a jndgt, Ihou 1 be co-extenfive with the whole powe of removil, nheihciliei it fhould refi.le iu one or in more handi. Itm, fir. thefe wordi, during good behaviour, aie f.miliar to the American people', when' kt politic cat nana -, wincn uui'ca tit witn weai-aiuim writ b ull ifunder, tud we illumed amnnpthe attiontol ll.e eiilli an indeiitndent Dation, molt it nut ail the Itatei introduced lhef wordi into their Conflituuoni. I bey wet: dee:nr4 tircn'i'l, add a meaning lias been ili.nped upon Hkiii h h it U not in tht power el thit lioufe 10 eiiaucr. l et a. lor a 1 jmem examine fume of ihe ft ate c "Dilution- and Ire what funiH caiiln mull ol acccBi y be- riven to ihrle woiu's I will f.r.t advcit to the cunfliiution nl Nouh-Ciio- Inn, at being ooe with which I am bet ecqiiainird In that inliiumeni it ia faid ;iu the CcmciiI Af (embiy (halt, by joint ballot ol both houfrl, ppoim luditei of the lupien.e court of. law and euuiiy judgit of admuiliy od an altr-iney-gineril, who lb!, be conmiifJioiied by tiie (iovneor, aiid'lioU llicir vfTuri duiing gool behaviour. I ilk gentle men whit tfower m imemied here 10 be limited ad clmkcd by the w tdi fhill hold their officii OJiu'i good behivioui f" Not the ex tutive, l .r 11 It wed known tl it tl . Governor ol tJtt line cinno appiiintcvra atonflabe.' It couU not set hi rutin ins ol ibal coi.ItiiuiuMi tocheck hn pocr el icmc vi , lor thit ol appoi.nment 11 not any whtr given io him then tbele woidi mad tncin Ihil ll.e It g;3ituic ffiouid not hive the potr ol remoing the judges from oliwe as Song at they brhaved wtlL II you do not give i)'is (ignuuiiioa 10 the words, tltev ire of no importance, fc might at we i hive been le t out ol the inftiiM.c.M.-1 nope Iht lechers ol the people nl Notih-Caroliai will not be hurt, od then limiting with accuracy, the extent and boundaries ot our authority, ine very icciiod tn tne conn tut ion, ; lea 3, art. 1, which I hve red, is a proot ag untt. the power of every cengrds 10 it-pcal the ails of their predeccftjri. In the latter- part ot tlie 8t!i lection 1 it 11 provided that the judge a mail receive tor their lervices a compeiilatton vchich lhall not, be tltiriiou'i- cd lotir ir ilieir 1 onttnuince -in -oftice. I fuppofe that it wilt not be Cfliueo cd that we can diminilli this com peofation duiing the -continu uce of the of- h., yit the lalary was hxeJ oe alcettatned by 1 former ccngrcfi; the fame obfervationi may be made with refpea to compenlmon to the Ptehdent, which can-neither be incieafed nor diminifhed during the period for wh C. he lfia, hive b;e 1 elccl.d. It 11 hot competent for this coogreft to 'vary ihe conipen- latum to him wrncri lias been hxed by a prior Irgu latuie. It it cle iriy fcen upon, a little iuvefiigation that the poGlion which gentlemen like Is too exten. live, md leadt immediately to 1 dcftrudion ot the coiltieufon. Ii does awy all check and mikes the Ireiflalure oinn-potent. It has "been alked thit if a corrupt and unprincipled-co gref. fh uldmake an army ol judges, ' liavr not a luhf- queut congrefs tht rilu ot icpealinir the law eftab ifhingthis ntonflrous judicial fvtlem . 1 anfwer,- thit rhf have uot, Ihe lame mode ot reaioning whicn attempta to prove th 1 right from m abide of power, will alf piove ...... fl. ........ . ... ""'" Hi t you may ic-ucn in : com pen ia ion ot yourjuUjet. Miy-not equal opprriiion oe lot poled upon ihe people, by giwni; yaur judges exhorbitan: filariis, is by iocreifing ttieir numbers ? Miy not the fime corrupt aad uupr.ociple I motive winch would icad nemo the railing an atmy olindget, lead thena to fqtisnder the public moi ey ; and may tkey not iu tieadot'giyirig their ju get 2000 dollan a yeir, give .hen too, 000? And yei, fu, if thif: were u tikt lec , I kn w ul no uth vity under itie confUiu 100 t 'tU.n thu cxor!ntint compentition. The gn-emrnefit of oilr co.mtry it predicated upon reiion uie coiiiiu -ncc in tnoic wno adminilter our public iff iu. They mud have th power of aline ior the public wellare, and 'hit would never have been giveo them il tlje pot,i9le abufe of thit power ee a lutticicnt tetio tor withholding it. I will take the librriy -f obtetving Hrther, that this pail ul th't connitutiiin. which furbidi lelien ng t.ie com penialiou to the judgn during thcii continuance in olUcr, iurnifhri a ftrong irg nr.rnl that it wat iht ii cemioii Ol the people to place their iudect out of the o. trol ol the Icgifl.tme at long a. they behaved wen ; inn tnevoio mean t render Ihem ude n- lent ot ihe legillitute t-i a certmi extent 1, obvious: inifinuch 11 they Inhibit the power ol reducing the r laUriei for it n evident thai if they c. u!d tike irom them their compenlitioii ; they which il not only elTnt ally necefTar- to pro'.if. country againtt ihe nllax ot b.;le lorein m.-tiU, lai lp cnaia attrioutc ct lovereimy ? It m :C aboiitnea.- live ynu Ijwi whicu ren,,u i',i;, coming to your country to go ihri ugh ; pros. , ry Bate, by wlncli their tiajin, their moral.-, propcnfii-ei may be known, before ihey are a ted to an tnc 115011 ot native Americans ? mult be repealed and our fhorrs crowded .): ouicalta ol (on y. tell oo-r iTrd kummii. fhould find no afylurn on this glob ! Mr. Xlmrmin, if the dociiine 'eonttnded !o, gentlemen on the other fide of the houfe. Hi , .. come the Tc tiled conurucfion of the eonftituti i enli-htentd Amertti, icijuiece ith that cr. tron, I dec.lire lor mvieJI. .md for mu elf Vr, Would n l heave's figli nor fhed a tear, vrr i til dcfola ion. Tin wcuod you are about to . mil wo uiviiai , ly inty HfUIU OUl I 01 UCM S ,ll tence for ncw.-yean, but it will (urtlv .e. will neither ferv.c to proteft iti fritr.di vo.- defe.: frlf ftom the omnipotent cnergict of i!s e- . WW ,V MUI J UU l.i il 4li QUI l.i - The. Honfc of Reprefcina iveii)f iKr clit3 5 a es have brto.OccupieJ almoft e !- I . ' I I I a . a I 1 7.wi,n- .:'4...?')cu:ii'0. .-t Vic bill . trom . ihc-- na r on the Judiciary. On ihe 23! tJt.- Utige' fj)o!;e aiii.U, 4nf Mr facun f.. bi!l ; w1k- at 3 o'clock, a morion wa "r.v ' hat the .iu:iii teerifp.anrJ afk 'cav t. i.. ain. M . Gr-gg fait! lie htijj'd the co:nr ice wt-uIJ uoi rife. He laid it omit t .' dent ioeveiy grnt'eman that tiie fubjc'. exluulled : and oiliei bufnirfi cf i.no... 1 .. tie at' , lUcc riling of (he cotrnnittec. wai carried yea 60. On th- 241I1, Mr GodJi'd. G-ft tou! floor, aud fpokr againtt ihe rr)ealiiig act wat fiillcwed by Mr. Ifrael S.nt.h, why " in faior of it Mr. llogc.r moved tl , cotnmil ee ftnuld rife ayes, 5-' 51. Mr. Rinlerlge 0fe athalf pell k Ipoke icaii.ll ihe letiVa.ing aft, Hci to.. on the lloor nit hall pall 4 o'clock, w. concludfug his reuirk. On (he ij'hMi. R-iUJge. finWivti ' ,'',1, n ipc.hing iroin .il tm 2 o Claimed lie afcr. ion ol the I:onie. M. Coildarti. hacon and Nic!hn!f..i. ic kf i.iri . ., "fi X ha wMiou o in 1 iht diivc irero nom otrjee, mo me conirucncc would niva j He Was J"lowed br Xfe Uiivf-).. be n lhai our luigei would hive leli ill ihitdeuio. r,,,,!,. :.. f,., . r , , ... deoce which icfu.ti from a eonfc on!, efs H it .no.! .1. V V W e V MC '. ,rc?'",S ther powrr has the powir of Uuuuiifhiiig ihcir com. lorli I afk. gentlemen if the fumoi of inn can lliliitiwn intended to givt Coogreft The power oli'oo lifhi. g the olTi.e of a judge, by repealing the liw which cieitid ihi ttffirr,and thfreby difplictng the judge Wheie could hie been ihe propriety of (urbi'Jing his fa'iry to be dimmiOied dunng kit cunt inuinci inothif la it pnlholeto fupo'ile thit ihey were more tn- two o'clock. " Hi iioui to U cute' that tnJcpiadcnc which KiuHi Mi. Gr f voM fnokc jf ainil ie'i.il a . wi houi h-iiflii'ig hit lemaik-. Onibe27th Mr Nichollon (whoil' followed Mr. GtifwolJ the day hrl.re. whicli our at conn r cfoci not rienMiui. -eluded hit fp-ech in favor of iroealn . .jmlicu-y ttlofihe Uft ftdtan, iliont 1. 1 I v a t (o own: Ch KlUHl Hennit .ir. (I.. r.,l... r.l. 1 . , Irom swrmin nfy ol Ot.peo.tt.oo, ihm that whkH . iA . ' " " . wa , f1',kC 'V ..r Ii. I.mn . it,.nurv ol Ihe o h. ulel I Tiin thrw , "V "" -'viiKia, .,1.11111 iiiriuc I fho.ld hive Oieo i.toge.ihtr irgndleli of the pwe'r j (even in favour of .h rrpeiti! .t .... -a i rT- i. a .1 a . " whicli (. ongreii wn to nivc ovn tuiumie, put itmit with the uiihoK ilnclutii t eir power ul imininiii.g the ftlary, when tl-a onus null upon which the Cluy depends wai t br at ihe metty 01 Cong.ci. 1 leievc 1 fill lucu Io ly cmnni with juilne te ittribu eu io thofe gien men w!u give XiUcoce 10 ihl inflruueat. ' Ar tin, ir. the conft nttion which, gentlemen on the other ltd: nl the hnule coorend lor, tendt it the come million ol legiilitite id eecnivi pnwru in the fame hindi , C. pgit'i.bo have ihe power 01 mixing iini, tan alio dup ace i itir j.ugt 1 oy motion wn men midi that the c..i. fliould rile, wliU-tt was fupjured hy M Hill, llnfjrr, Dana, Baya'd, Macm. ' . land, Gnlwolrl, Bacon; Claiboiu atit andoppofed ty M'rTr-. AlK.m, (1. i iSmihf. Al ei-'it o'c lii.lt (he rp.fil on ken, ycai 40,11171 4; Th- ro.n n:.' -& adied leave trift, a 'tin :wn rran!i!t; iherV wit He? if. on, 1 tt 48, :-. On .he a6:l nr. a m: Jm was n They .veikerelaraereQid.tnoiUef bih ti-rdrillandl lufultfd by Ulliog ut l hit the 'menint ol ihe woidt way be Unthtd by tonliang lhm locxitnd 10 a prohibition ol the Ufflnute difplirHi tht ju 'get ml p.octrding lo the elrfticn ol otkrri wi.l.nut tho'e dil. Ilct; being guilty el tMlb'.haviOur aU.thii 11 idrreti, whti fecutity, fir, hive the people Tut a lor the inJr ptntrnce ol their juderi f Tht coatti.tuino hitiold Ihciaihit llr fhouU bejudg td by men who, darttg the linn ihey behaved will fh -uld continue ia offire, or wait it ihe Unit thing, fhould ho d ihi n duiiof .nod kxhivioar. It-it th y ar now iafeimed that .h, wii n.itdtd in opti ic 11 1 thu 1. upon 1 be I'X 1 dilpli.ifg ni t, by fiKUinf o'heil to (il ll.r r oftfci whta Hue hid aot m.fbebivr d, bt aot 10 ptrnt iht ir pilling 1 11 w irpeairNg lhal .(l by which Iht lp'nl n eat tn iffire wit (niJr; tr in niher wordi, oai I'fembl, ire taprcli.'y lo.tiJ.'.t ioimit (he It nm( by wbthnr jri!gri hilJih-ir ofVcM, n long Mlhey b"rtat rU ;' but Ihey 4 tepeil iht liw. and ike juJii t.t out ot t -Ck, .Lougii ilwy ra -y bt iht woll v iiuit, 1 r' t'" and ib t rnrn ,i iht conniiy, 11.4 hive atU '.el'd their ektut lil' lulv Alt tlit gin Irmrti w il,i lm ,oa N Carolina pi'pi'ldlO gvf ibia in fliurluia i il.it ,iniiw tia.f "it th y pupi'tl lo it I -Iheif lu. tml Ih t Iht p.o.idnot t thin tmHiiu ion may bt ih. itdd, aad lui whole power g-vrixmim, l( il.i,i, ,(n.i A laJicui mi bt rtttMt Miiird in ibf flaiiil lUiUlv, lad ibfolmt leeifltiute, called tl e $ci ., Da memheu ol which a.e not lo be 1 letted by (he prop's immedinrly, but by the f-ivtiei aiiies oi the feveril Ma c. t they ire 10 bt th'.fea lor lx yeiu t d 00 lor' iwu, tad the ri".il-6cioo-i neuilnt 10 infill thole 10 a 'tit is dif ferent from that r! 1 mtatbei ol (liii lloafe. , To luefi bod.tl tie ivrn 1H1 pnwa .f initianrg ttl l.wi, but alter a bill hn piffed bmh ol Ihifr Houf-s Ve tote it brtohifi ol b nding obli.tuoi. oe iht eitton it niuS bt approved ol by tht ficfidem, 1 11 a dcid ki'r emtil Id ii given by ike emcmivt. The Fifftdrat it tiered cM by the peopli, not by the e;iflnurei el (he (cvtril flues, not by cither fcouft 1 1 coagrid, tut bv e'.ctloii chulen by lit jtopK IIiii la bold biiofii.c duriag lour yem : Hii ' li e lecoad g'rn drpitiment ol the gnvirnmtnt. It will be eiaiy dfceied l.om Ihn tufoiy new of 0'rtoaflnatmn, ihe t in ion and jei'oufy with whicU the people hive (wafrtrtd t't power ol mikiag tiwt, el taaiminding whii 11 1 ght, ind pmhihii lag wbll il wioag. ft.,!, hr, alter (h'l U wla a dr, ihrr i'l ituhiiittiitf miaaiit wit ickn..w. ledge d by lb n.? en, it betimt ortr flaiy la tOihl Hi foot! manual lo jdt ol tht riiioi ind akhgiiian of thu liw." !t ptplt did not lee proper l tmiut (hi. power H jrlgmg nl the ntisi(t.l then ttwi twhrr to th leg fli , er to tit tit tiv, Weciwt', they all aniKiai'td U the mik.ag nl llaic liwtj tad etpentntc hid fhtwn, ihit M 11 tepeiling that which treiin ihe oik.eiHny till, ihe ahcJlouXe from ihe V t firicnv tt'Uu -r-1 fruK.liliic e nTroutnee ii, inn whuever law 11 ilrd .jj;,:.i ,t r 1 , e ' ? ...e jodt mult cm, xu..h onhtV-i.! "'J'0"'' 'jr P'ffc-Cfd be u.neiout ol odi.e. It ii ol ;i lie imporuace it "nmjf ,, mniiuted of d:pnJ .': Circuit cnuro of tiie t wricciion 01 c. iofl in 'he pe'ialc ol ihn cantiv whs hel Corr'ili fit in judgmeut upon iheir liwt t icniclvei, orwhe. ther ihey fit in j.r gmeni u n l iof wh.i ne ip p'tir.ird lor li'lt purofe. tl amount! lo 'he fame dcl,olilni :Sey in lit j dge. the eeiCM and nb'u galiuni ol liietr own Itaiuiei, by hiM thait in ilinr pwir whs art placed on the firdTi Ve ngrcU. iSf'nir ice. U'hutvti the Irgi.lituie decliitt 10 be liw capHa'i'inn, -.v here I mul W obeyal. Tht ...U.tu,.a.t:.ec whuh jJt f H't judgi. wen to bi 01 ihi ttiliiiurr 't tomileie'y . . 4 Uni ed Stft, .h ptjer. (T mul lor the .Ciiiion ol libeiiy, thit the je I dtlpotifm Impodd epo.. ihtm It ihv n not 4K ii aaa if g'uaiivt iiaihootm mo, a t aipt fry.. (Mm ,0 , utrne ihey g.te i.ir vott lt ti t m( w.l.ntl. They ikirtlote, eairl'4 a ibod ,Kt pif! gi nl tkabul on the libit. I will luriher diyaiiaatnt tilled tit judicial, and faid Ihil ' tMj.bietve, Ur, tkiiima.., thil wvidel ihednt im- tiu iwir T ty n.ay iifa iti.H fa loliwi, wi l ol i.iiiaUtr, fuloeod int l.ibtn torput in li ne nf net ladl'uejjj: whoetiitt. ;i lion iiieii 1 ihoiuyiita be huiltd Irons rmle.i. Al li " pirn which tne Co.illiiu iO'i bti rt ute hui4Im l.betiiri ol iht peoptv, ne ptnlriied 11 n- e biowby iht palla.t tit 4hi .i Ibl min!l.nul nihtiit wt doUiioe whtti h-t bite Intty iJvKeJ, iht iht jadg-i hlvt not l'.l iig'it Al diclaiiMJ r. .n'li luttuaii I id if -ind ot dtt.uca dial in, -ut j; igina an 1 ipiii i j 1. lea may . vaia l- utiit in ,n niiiai'tden ul j toatt. a fill miy hi lota out IJI kJiUi' i'l d .ay (St iwlh.Miiy rl C 1 'tU l a law ul Ivcb tindih trd figmncilien, aai li t f M judges . piiiU hm y I t will be 1 4 (bit 1 jJv'' hi on nl Con, 1 iioiw 11, ii.i'. wt ! I judge Dl'thcir iiiSoni 1 ij will M tt trfe t 4 con.ertilt eg j.,li n', ael l, .lile pawtf in mrni, arifin;, inari fru.rt a want ! iirfi 10 ihr fitirnMii lillieert. a.J i fro n i!ie Italy analylii nude ai die ., G)iiircH. I'he'mfKaue ccntldJei hi herely ine fo'K.win Set iiuliiuicd ani '. a . . r. ',1 lnn,i.i!r li ' . ......... mw - Cmte'lfd Rt'emrrti, i 'Mtntf flaicmsiic, Dilference, as CHAULES I ON, Feb. 2: Utii lajt void, wii I t sui tam (.ti l if oy Lie 1 r. ' f. . a,ni ol thu n.eaare. New otli!! may i J-KlfaU Ot a -l:Ur, .lltOI Miy S md by liw, Arlsi'ii; a-nie lonnv.aif.nii'iiy ' , February XT.' dtt'iitd lit. fit, dt iin if.igntd an I ay.l.'J i i t . ea mar a va.a I- utiii in ,ni i.it .i .Hen e l ! I t(l 11 t f rvtVC'l H? ilf 1 inn n i r r'v'-ivc i 1? ilf new,, '..'ut i Mr. Diiji .,i from; line io ihil jmiili, l;-liu', muf lere l !y the 1'niliane, jii-I ! li:ter, th:ii Viih him, irs cifr Mray capt vet i Jtothc Lilian nitt

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