t Fdrfign Intelligence fj' yiEKNA, Jinuifjr 17. ; It arrears, after ths 010ft accurate iovelti. k P.,-1,, nf"fttffrtf hid OCr ' XONDQN, Ffbniafy-f-..... cllion.a hUjown death' by auemptinff to -fata ' ntt,, ATmjUrii'MhettfaiW UiVtylobp ihe Jaoiffries, and by ea- : Ti r'S.Z-" :.k deaooitr.to Iburitem up in tho cuaflei.pnji in.of lfie H ,ien . allowed. " ty their cuQomCto' ; pu; He tt "l"n, T - J placed an inconsiderate reliance orf ihe Uit tfc d lofiant.inclaGve. . ' e ; , . - I0 4. come with hen he Ion, arrived at St. Domingo, w Wdcahislfoobi and having. (Hid ihW Marc's was iak on ber paffage to PhjJa. only' fi l.cfavs, failed again, futfuofed forW )y fng.v FfeDch.ri put e -'J. 6 r . AooHoaid ht, 4od ordered for Port Repubh. trance. ... .... ... A .. v :.-i,.. ua i'u ' rerl 2? this nWrt . the fhlD Or On. " "PJ"C ' . """"H w .".,-,c r V-vs . ,:rM . Uooi,bukled oart otitic cargo,, t assays trom ua.pcrra.nkta?.it .fu '..-.. ft,, ,,n KM Bayri'e captain jj.nrorms, mat wi verier -uai j Frtnfh al ort, 5 -onefih in-fPec.ie have provifiansr t-c, on board arc lealcdl cr,, r j, ,, ,0 dars.'Td7IhVre and guarded by the French, who oblige f rtaii.derin preductf at edayj; or if prefered, of thej jttt uu.mo.. . . , Sever arrived ; the proia of the P.cha wjW Depu,tlfns fbe PaCan ?W'J Covered. ad hi., hWcvefteiTby-t- have1 preJentcd ihemrelrts'cCiMCjfjjtl - : ; !. ' ' . -C9aflt:t0C9nratlaho' 7 NEW.YORK, March 23. 'the netM'twD'i. ' .TheVrf tj'ooihitig rirwt1iablc ,:.We "arerinformed from a tefpeftab'le ' eiiner in kUC- af 'FP't' vl Jj'"'S,4-'s Mr J- I W Vit-V mu iui. iuuuni iinv iuii; br'ihthe-a'afwe-s of thtf Ftrll toniul ; ihcy I returned on Wcdnefday from the cit 1 on -l hUTi fatrieT place,- r til lAl't r holly ninterelW. . y-tftthf istraoqwH c , .. rte- nnT T k - Wf,r- at Parish the Full. Confu'TetrffoasiotaUy f: t ,: P. , pj.f,.r ,PAb,l " rFBritm-'toiroalills. C Soar, indeliftb'Mii' 1 to'takc:h ftfftftre. the leaft ly mptom' of 5ifaffeaion,"he hi been I W ftoies1 for OjC ofc of the fleel' a the ietelvca, a he himtslt nate; inrougr.$u n vv cu-inaic. .i?urnev. wiih (he ffreatcSMoy. by ihe Merch.I . V - dl jhft'Mftufatlu'rer".' Vnd the" Fa'tmrr. 'Kisi FxVracl of a let fer from a Tnembcr ot pVelhoi.Vofe.ltce.ro' ffote atUrier 'rneii.'.ar i ' fim day the French Conful ih ( convince h'un he e'njjyi-the ptblic conhdsnce. forms ,s th3t a Frrnc-H Fl'eet o ; thtteiinc article ftn falaa.ei he, iwcnty;five (aRnhe" line, may be ex. '7' ? '!,CK- Wclcd in the .Chefapeakf in' 'all. next .t r k i IT T" i! h week. - Their .objed is Proyif,on tor 1 hoifci belorvini; to Lor l Cprnwallii. have iu!t , . . T . , ' artived hcre f..ra Amien, wi'hTome' bt'lii, hcir aTmy ln the W' I,cs, y ut 7 f vantsr and they have,, failed for' gngUnd'. venrmwytt purchojt -with " .' This leem Jtiljiis e,eeJfcncy u making pre paratiouj for hit retJro tc'L8ndotil!' Another articli ?Arorihr -of obferVation, we have .extracted from.the. official .paper (TJie Moniieui), which apimaivens. with conlYdcr atrle war.nth and fp'irit.-on the fufpicibus ere-J men oi war and tranfports, arcrhomcrit uuuiy oi many pr. our aury paper , rejpeung I y Cxpcaed in the Chefapeake. Ex:tral of a letter from the Sou thwart1 . , by this clay's mail. " From corred intelligence, 1 am informed, ' that, a lar?e French fieet-o , ihe r renctdj.ioivtobi. Domingo.- It re- French eovctcment has auolicd to ours wnonltratev with levcriiy aainil iHe mitnoati. I :,. -...xi. ... :.l 3on which have been call'tiom thu fide' of ihf "waier on the objecl'of ;he' armament and the Hncerity of -Franco in defuing' the redoration f of general peace. Fir.al.y. titontludei with a vciy juft obTervauor, that fuch hoftile Ian- ptiBie it breach of the law of nations. J'l'he accounts from CnsftantinopteV (ever intcrelting d-uring .he t'epidation. f public' Opinion, aad che viciffitiicles of ptjltucal affitr in tvurope) Ave... that the Captain Pach-i has b:ej appot.Qt;d commaoder m chief of the ar ' mv deflmrd to att againfl raltwih Oijloo, and to q Jell the icvoli which hai iecently.'brokcn out at Belg Vde. 'There ji niuch b'ufile in- the to guaranty its contridls with ourrncr cluntSj.for the.fupplying provifioaifo. the WelMndia fleet and army. It be An AmericBflodp which efcaped from St. theconfignees to fell (at a price fixed by themlelvesj to government, and pay them. two thirds . in bills on France, & the other third in cafn,.out of whichcafhj the duties are to w paid. " General Le Clerc, with a dtyifton of the J? rench army, has penetrated from the Lape thxaigh the mountains, as far as Port Republican, where his head quarters are now reported to be eftab- uned. - bilfj on France or Holland, av8o day i sight. ' By the fchooner Good InwnfixarrivVl yeflerday; -we Icarri-, that Gencrili Bbude; and Leclert, 4iave bsen a!fo wounded, iht former in the leg and tbe. latter iu ths body. RALEIGH, April 6 i ll it reported, that through .the inftrumen. talityv9l . oiir newly appointed Miniflerj . to' Frao.e and Spain, MeiTr!. Levingfton and r:"-i. ji... .v. . in.ni nf 'M...ri,i-c. .j . Rtgaud has Jailed for Aux-Cayes, , -i.. t., tKa,-in.n , ... where tie hopes to raiie- a- conlideRiMe..k -tl fc tT..;,-',r number of his old friends, and attack :Slatei;; Should this drove true, the magnitude ihe. rebels ialhe:Xoulh. ; - Uf the advantagei fiom fach an acquisition ic Thff black; general Matirepas, who our mercantile iniereflj and political fecurity, commanded irt Port'-de-)Pix, had-fur., evrrv jiaan of dicerrm-;nt null perceive. rendered himfelf to the French: tope I - - .. .,.. . " I . a i r't. "P-.M... 1- O .- t herwith all his army, amounting to ftearly five, thoufand men. ' - . v ' About twenty negroes have been (hot at uie Cape, who v. ere taken in the act of' fc ting fire to fome fugar plantations : a ftnall -diltance from the town.. ... '. March 26. . . It is a faft no loagcr in rloubt, that the French ''government has applied to ours to guarantee the payment of their contratts wim our merchants. 1 tits ihews the extent of theiT credit, and the reliance oji their good faith, entertained on -the mercantile intereft in una coun try. -It is fold 'publicly - that ..4 1 would, ruin the" credit or the nrlt merchant a. tnong us, were he to fnoply the. French army and navy in, the Well -Indies, with any conflderalle quantity of provilluns,. on the credit of the. French government alone. So' oft en' and fo fatally have our j IW'- . L I ...I . -.,.. .ngtinderaood that our admioiltration ""n dccu . .veu, ,wcn W miles, that no man, whole alta-irs were holie-ktf rite, would venture' on a fca of ey, on Avh'uh He fcaticrctl in evecy dWeclion, wtecKS or rtir.cnran fonune5bcacons, that warn the ;.tlvo. turous trader to beware of coniidinc in the dclulive engogements of a nation. Oito.nanVapi.il, m,.ch noi(e of preparation - I-r V ' , i; We f-arf li.t le effttlive 3ge.Kv . ' bJ &ve" That from t he day of ihe pub The Grand Vilicf.'Ji to ert5n at Cair, have the power to place fuch' contracts in whatever hands they pleafe. 1 Marcha4. ,tJ A gentleman who arrived hecyelter. by in the fl)i.p Augufta 'lai .favoured rhc edtrflrs-of the New-York Gazette with the -follfwioi notification t . ... 'Bv o'rder of the intendaoV thisl!hat for. f"Ps ;cilizeM in .he till ihe new orginizttton of Egypt Thall luvt been cocipltlcd. J licatiort of the pf ncral peace in this town, ;r before, if the king Ihould order it, he commerc which at prefent exifls vith neutral powers, and was granted The Ihmburg mail which brclme due ycf.lthe llth June, I7y8 fliall entirely ceafe. . teidiy at rived ihis - morning. It-i cniert-1 American vclfcls will Hill "be admitted, have been amicipa ed by the Fiench. papers. J i,d may dcpofite ard carry away their . Accounts iron lonuaruinopie, oy tr.e -way 01 property a they have done hitherto, ac- l.alv, repeat the iwf Higet'ee of the.Po le ba lon(il)K l0 thc'txcaiy of October 27;h, ang rcluf-d ta.taiity Jhe Irra'y wjth.riint'j . , ' a. 4 Uale ihat it jnflilieJ this efalal, by af. , 1 . . .... t-(T.. j r. f?i . L- ...rc.i . , f..ng .a,., a, i 4 . ' j l j . PHILADELPHIA, March a the rrctiminarv trcitv. bad exceeded bis now. I . . , ' .. ,. . .Ibttract ot a letter trom Itayanna, to ' February 11. '" . Rear' Admiral CainbcllN fi-ildron ha pull into lutoiy, in cnirquerce ot 'fie wirwi nav ifg on M.Kfday conic round td 'ie wrflvard. HAMBURGH," Jinuarv, 30. " Account from Conllantinople, by way on I'Jlv, whunmay ue depeoo'd upon, Cimiam 'the intelhgenre, that the .'Poie hai j-jfliiaid . itfelf in refalirg 10 ratify te.'preKroinanes 1'gr.ed it I ir u on thu ivh of U-tcter, by at ffrting'ibit KJeid AU FJ"rntJi wjs not em. ' powered to sign thefe preliminaries. ' ' the coinnierce of a neutral-and ffientfly people,' at this inftant (lands indeb td .o trie tnercnants ot America, lor more than 10 millions of dollars.! AnJ is it polfiblr, that af'er having with onedalri of the pen camelled this enormous debt, ihe government of. France cm a lit the government or America to gtutantce her rnjjagcr.cnts ? If the propofuion is acceded to we defcrve not only to lwfe ten t'.ines the amoiiHt aiTured, but to be kicktil and cuffed "irTthe bargain" "' N. Ytti Com. A.h.1 ' ln(addition to the information invert In the dead of night oni Tuefday lafl, X 1" 1 . .! - 11. li. L." L.l Ute, DtOC out in uamc i ycieviuc, uc. lonelne to Mr, lohn EcclesL which entirely cor.fumcd. ihe fame, ioge:hcr with , fix xen and t wo liorfes whih were in' the liable ; and had P not been from a fortunate change in the wind during he conuagranon,": which borer a. way ibe (lamei from the adjacent buildieg the moll dreadful effeQs might have been cx penenccd even the entire dettriiction ot th town, as the ware'houfe of Mr. Eccles situa ted near ihe flab e, cori'aincd a irge quati'.ityl of .gunpowder. ' iVJr. Ive'ly houie vat le oil times on nrc, out oy tne great exer tions of tke Fite Company, lately efleblifif;!! in ihat town, and the expert ule ot ibe tin ..-... . -. -- n 1 1 n r.rtine, u was exuneuiuica ana tne coniuf ra iiW prevented from fpreading furiber that' the b'tilding in wh chil originated, t he fame hi'jh- Mr-JCeUi! Bore .was broke imp, and Hbbed cf fcicral hundred dolia'V A f ee niaro man ernpliTed bt . Mr. Kelly is ff prQrd Tobe he incendiary,' and lha'' he or i ginaicd the fire to draw off he ctetk who 'n t f, 1 ' 1 - ' L . I r. .1. .1 irpt in ne note, mat ne nugni eitcct ine roo bery iindikovcred. a tie man uas ocen com minea on luip.cion WILMINGTON, April 15. ' , .Early in the prefent ftfJion of congrefs al committee was appoinicd to invefliatc ihel (late of tne Trelu ; rhe commitiee applied o Mr. GaMaiin for iiifofrtj.jtion, who, a it refpei'fd Mr. Pickenrc reaor-ed as follows : Thofeof Mr. Pickering have.bceo rendef- d, and his general accouni lus brallated by I ihe auditor. Jiy thii-ii appears, ihat with ihe exception of two items fufpended for ihe want of oucIiers, uhich iuma we underfiand are cj.fmall value he ba accoumed for all the puolic .mcu'ey received by him, fo ur at tt (lew hat ihe whole has teen iddIIciI tar tu!-- nc lctrices. from tie AcroraV If iiplcafing'lo obfervc, tkaf'fince trie 'Tate change of. things 1.1 our country, there isnot only a chanse of nicalures, but that fome ot the (launch yedcrday, by the French vellel of war. aut-te publicans difavow the old fchool Hbg of ypur vciTd, I c ,earn' ,ha' J rcvio"8.' their d-par- principles vhich they maintained for fa ot the dufurc ol fhisi'"re f,?m t-rf-I'r',ni0',, a 'quadron many years, and even difown their for- i.- A thiii fiom Char-rruin ,n,cr Admiral Leroi. mer miafmrs. A memorable inrtancc , fl.,r . ..1 tt....ia"vf- The nunihcr of troops 'of this appears in fame late anti-reouh- TAR1S. KckiiKiV X. 1 1. -t nirfiiinit a(lon.fiijfni that welccdcd to the Ptench. ' traj vedels came up to the tiiomh of :hcitar! ru;r, to come in, but in vain iluy wwia r.ot ailowtd to come ti an 1' chor thcrrfi)re I'bclieVevt i certain iur tra.'c wish this place-is over. A i .nllrmin til tliii riim K,i . c. .1. . ... ... ... VI.V llbv'HU n Icttcf ftotn Va!hirgton, Hating that the" Flotidas "iihLoiliani;'havt been datlr (e ihe Irr l.fh Jaurri cf l'tliim-n, en ihe drpariure of the fd la-ffon fnn Br;tt Ji ii d Kuuh tOTonleive how, wbde e a'tjit peace, a rapedmoa fent out 10 M 0fningt, to re eflal.l Oi. peace iber', Di.i!d g'Ve any uneafmefs to Jjmaica. Ihel-; 4 ftoutin ate snore lu.uble to the y aloawes of th Tartift c Thibet, t hai ibe femimenu . nf iviited fniopcant. For ihe honor of ihe tivi'irl ion Vf our lfe, let us not 'make our ftUfi-no'C barb!; ard n' re fooMh thin vt in ftO ire. lhrlrturilt d AtJtTiOnt, which enty irr J o d tcuver. he baJ f.i h m" ihofe ? ,i.Va flvok jben. an? veir . o-ptH e i ibe rier 1 vm at D'f fl tn b,iirij if ihe . Pitlitunaiifl ; the Pufetl pwi deoiai'dn'g ib-U te.oafi)w.Q jc h ?,gjfd 10 ,hc Sa ildrotir Admiral. Crtinl,'wi.ich had Vr.TifiirrrJ ipio D'f fl ty n'ff of wrih'r, va""nfrrd not nly , af'w It (out , 'be haib'iur.bj.'affj mclc f.o r 11 traoiAifiai y r. atV'p i.fr ibi it waV iVf BfeaieO in jn :t 4ai cm.M Vt i.tfe rd ta civilind cp to luttci ikesn rvrn ctpbW l i n,.d ibiH t"of an j the igVi of Hi heat bid leu nnlu-ui in rxample. a 'refpiiljble merchant cf this city, Haled March M. " Before ihe failing iliaU inf'irm you rort ro American lc!!on"iudvJHiih flour and rice, wa8.af,,Ve,, ;hrr- V nTt ji Spears in fame late anti-repuh .i,grc,i. ut, and fa.lcd the 71I1 inlt Sf.ia,c , "7"---oevera. ur .nc imp., or ran papers, jono Adam's tieaiy wit! v nine 'tu 11,5 v t, v:i men inutn i iamc, wnicn nc wai 10 long in orine to-traticc. . lug about, on which he employed fo A letter from an officer f the frigate marfy X. Y. 2. envoy st and trip e em Barton, 10 his fi'icnd in' Boflon; daied 'barties. at'the cipence offcvetal millions at Mala-.-a, Dec. 27, flatcs, that 'ibe ot Collars' to the Unitedtatei. and for 1 ft. - W ' , V m a . . . . A i ,.irmi i,i it,;, i.- k,.- .,-:..-,iirniiaucipnia naa cap-urea a 1 npouian wr.itn Atenanrter Jiamilton rrublilftet -"" v,7 ,v-t-'"- k.: . . .k.. .k- c "1 :.-l i:.t -n . . , . r " c i wjr.win iioci again-.t mm, is now caiieu, jtj the fame power ; an that thcii Naval it'hn'j treaty. Do thev fuonofe it is Commanders in the Mediterranean are forgofien'. that whrn lohn lav nude h!lreted to coofnlt 1 he American Com'. 'if treat viwithltni'linrf Jc. ta,i tt tl r....:--.l ...... . ..1. ' ' . - " r Z' ' "' MiAiiuQia icipccung tncir operations. flan was 10 iicgin a lyucirt 01 war mej- .. 1 ,, .1 , , .furcs with Fraure.' This plan was be-.- NORFOLK, Aprifj. lfM b-the recall of Jamci Munroe, Agemltmar. who time paffenger m the al influential and popular 1 mintflcr as e irrr article whtrn Wl ibe Cng.l Arruc.lin thlf pnrt on TfteidJV lint, Vatd.hei'iftchef fTth. mrmberi the French fna'e NcCtliiiv. command. edbycapt. Kcrganon, in 16 days from Cape- Francois. We are unable to Hate upon what cbjccV this vcflel hast been hfiutchcd to tire United States. The general imprtftonVt Hie is tlcH'ned to t.V .. .f.... t.L.f. e ' r- . .. -"u H'"1" 1 ,,.Wn..yf lonmo., .ror. , Kep.,,,,, efCr WJ, Jn Country wl0 ai tint. "v." "V ,10U'ea "w"0,ce formly ficccMul in removing procure fupplies ot provifiom fr the fon'cs at St. Domincttu Tne Neccliity brings the litcft ac- i.our:s trom ihe Can. io imrortant . - . military occurrcncits had taken place. An amrnflv t?f a few dai duraibn had hcn declared ; tst ihe tertninarifln of whi:h, fiiould the blacks not flmit, It was the intention tf Le Clcrc to make a general tnl tgorous'lttack. rouSTa'nl'atwo fmn, it is faid, aad re tutnd 10 the I'limli camp, without cf frftit g s pauhcatifi i. .f 1 was fiypefcd ihcy Mould ji-iio vidl tticit father. We utthrr h-atn, that the- tcjoit ot the capture otiwhrlltpht 6f Delklincs, Is untmc. Ganthcaurae "with the fjett froq- Tou- Hthe palpa- M .if ..1 1 Tkr on iheio-h of Mmh, a general k', n,c.,,"P!J ' mciijirei 01 tn, lion was fought at Pelit Revicre, in which ibe, ''SI'. ' nd "1 ob'a,'!'g relief looi.r j..L. ... ' . . jji.iki were routea, out not wmsoui con fidctible tofio.n ihepirt of the French, i nj whih general o(hces Dedai and Pe. vfiitx. were badly wogndci 1 oa theneit dy I grtu number of B irkiere trouM 10 r i , T .. . prnonert, ana iae L,nitl If Dl oil board ibe Admiral's (hip ; ihe o'heri fent to ihe forti m labo-, DeiTalires'i irmy bad bectt ro.ied in . . .... . . ine netgiiownaodoF bi. .Marc's, a4 himlelf wonnded by I bill through b bidy. The foi mmdaftt c! Lffine (who murdarrJ ill iHr hiei at thu pUci ) hid been tiktt ari. furer ind brouihi in ft Po't Uraublir a An Atnerica fchooner wi HUsi fails hd bern found bei ween St. Mirc'itod tSt Ifla4 of Gonaisf? wuh I eumbrxja.wr-li inbabi. iai whd h-l btrn ma d?re4 siili im 1. Mire 1 witburs!. - . affairs where they. fuiTered from the? ilif- nciiny ii oiuinguiuiing t;etwecn inc a mcricans' and the Englifh, with who.n they were at war, avni all pofTib'.e rc- 1 .! .L r 1 r taxation tn innr mcaiurei, wnictt, iroia that caule, bore hard on the intertill of this country. From the time of his re call the active anti.rrnublicin career 1 j s . . ....; r may ui nicu, anu contains lucnan at. tonifhirig fucccfTmn of events ii n Worthy of bcijig recorded in vo'um? by th-imftlvcs, andwhich (hall he re ervded. It wis no Iomct necefTary to dillurb the bench of the fupretne cour?, and roh it of the chief jurtice for ths purpofe nPohfaininij the conciliatory Mr. Jay, whufe name anJ kw.ja jat-

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