ine rninodoa .t .k. .k. iadffti.- a. done under this authority iff iae o.': ........i fctLadart. and he fto.wiii. Pdent Vuf ihXUaiui Sou. W ! e"A ft-W he conRitutiorial I ..V. J- l A ! ril H lfLl i l ILlI M r a. - - - nominate and T TeBwn which had been niaJe ihe ord.aat ad eooftui of the feoX&4 PP?1- "'i he roofed to confine bff-tohr:.drfttlilc;t- r;fef lb fcbfervat.ons upo. theei- fuh. iudes ot ioe wprciac vuu. v--r . . , contemplated i.cpcal. We iher officers .heb , , d ,hjt lhe former .he'l'refideni ftill bave, power io s. p , tmiM?,.n, ,0 ,he difcharre ,acancics that may happen during We reJ f .lciti bufinef, ln ,he United States ; .hefcaate, by granun cowiiuwu. , . . . ; , j . b h( . ,c. expire at the : end 'of "frZ Liable fro. the foment before thecom iia, lac icenrrcuucui v-- r--. - -. it ! j ... i .i..r.l t he 'i- .;rVV oT twototei. At ibit time the 1 prden ul leto w apP' yehiig, , and the rCvuit unteruio. ' The bi.Upor. which the f w in ,VA.on . f;ulpoanto . L ; -..f f.! ihe lohot iJt- -r i .ft , "At ws read io the Senile Y bTuaiy, 18-.: , A.A "me the prehdrn. M,l eIedW,fo far axt' -Vefpcctedhe then iftire prelident, wa nwr . , . , - llrG. -U he propofed.o 6c particular in aUer aining mt . vrv " re piemen had complained rumuurvJ t-" ' . i. ..j.; :i not viiraoied arid the :- , v i r . . fif, nf tufliee bad pV tnc iw . " - "".!-..,; Into hc daw. and.fKU, and he,refU;ol b.--1 a ry upon h,s mind, fad been a, .c?rihb4l 7o i aSvocate.. a; y ..Ap.ellioo which bid been diadc- by the ruwou- , op)Mfl ot.- .:c . .7 -V f (Tmff the aw no com- -n . memorial from the b.v W rjuUflei pit-: H.bih.-o J.vj -ev8UhoUgepef(,on7 .a, .been amply; cpmpeie.,'. Thebif uiflccu . fg. , much declined.; ne ouum. - ft whe.-e - prooiouons wa ...n.r niiruuci ui - - f .. -Vn-; lUtrwUe' tVerefort it aopeari, thattoi doctrine gafy .U.;a ifion for toemVet, wtrnt for AjUtf, S!WIr of lai driTe. nd eon, b.tngiog fait nVie, tbld bo madefy e rtoov.l of e rrep J whib auu. Ac. or ge vl - r . , fiAration from tb cooltquence i . . rv it . ii fi; 'tWditW exhavled lo ereat a poriioD otthe time and aiteoupft oi t terete the p.wer.o j r - f , Delaware I Mr; He did not wWVUW Y' ' iF;. Joubr whcrherVthfi correcilv in favouring ui ; he Cbould on!v oVferve io'-eplyttkai the coniluuon impoled adaiy j fe ? He did not wwunli tne , i.v. - i in t&e name oi uiK..... - &r, or a gentlemen fay, OriPf.oj qc.i juftice to etery man, doof; J&c ttatecour,,' will be ouiiea oi tocir-juiiw, bought VJ no meanl a aenraotc " der this cpnGderat.oh alone, under the - conTTttion be felt, of the mutiluy ci toe cour ; hefcoold vote for the repeal. 11: Mt G.' concluded- by obferviog, that upon the whole view of the iubjctl, feeltre.the fir- met! conviction, tuat tnere is no cor,,iuuuMi , : A.nt in ihf wai of rcDealirC 'he aft tft queflion, upon the moft fait and candid in er pretation oi me coohhuiiwh. principle' advanced in oppofnion, godt citlf tatbe aeuruaion ot plei of the confliiuiion, the refponfibilily ot all public agfnu 10 the people; that they go '..'"hli(hmntef a oermanenl corpora u on of individuals insetted with uliimate cenfo' had i'erv ;ihe fpnng of 799,-e- prefent cafe ?. cancies vacancies, . J 6 '. J i nt- wiihouL waw' know wfelher ihe judge womd ac . ? - . whirh even; ,ept the PH p&d unionind recommend to b-,r c6n.iider.uon, ; - rr - ,c, lfc alone a vadancy cobld accrue, neproc . aclf0r as he IhaU judge neteffary and ,PeTlln: ...... ,w .Vn.ineiole oY appoint :aBd.ialw orn,u.0 - r-. M ,hal lbf lluJber of fa.n ?riT ? . - th'al lhs Ti !L 2 heW clmn, U to- p.o.a the jurifdicuon i tb. w.ll. appear .b, reading the refc couru e uf,tf untie eff.ry-. two perUni . held comn)iiun r- . r, ,j ... 0e .ke rnnflnution... u . T , ,u r, and expenne , oencvmg - coun haberetofore dvicharged all th dut)e afligned lo n in left than one month In trie VII w . i' n - .11 lha iljk iu V ' - ria . and controuiing power Uoor. the Preident fronHtne .0 nmr, tog. ye . f , rUe!. over leeittatLn. irTo :;PwbcTever tocong inform, ion ofx,he of ,h ;F ; 100, and iircfpoM . Id aSu. he proceeded o' union, and recommend to b-.r cbnfider.uon .ia accrue, C .r..f..,k' a he lha U iud?e neccliary and I'H ".l .i.-.J.'..:,;l.,r pence "of the tx.ftmg fyAem i. 37,000 dol. . DrOmOUOnS W ptl'v .-rr- " - p j n ' L 79'i. . . j 'rf,Td remained vacant,. nn..w 7 -t - . f..(i-m. .h. .nim,t ' ,1 , j ,riufive ot U yi iuu v r j-.nvin of Uie U-i aitriouiaoie ip iuc. tj . .h v ... v. fct mill uicd. .wlii ive .,01 i.Walc. in lever! of he diUhvts ,JV K, il,f ..' (urns. Itfhe her r 11 tubK Ct Will . OC um v 1 -o - . . . . fc. iulU excuuv v .? , . llCvtai ...nalprofecu ion. gj ofty ,,0,U UilLftronger. point.ot J . to bciendcredf or by companion 1 ..a. .v.v.v inir wr.iL. . --- w' t a r.. iai dm r ' r- nai -t-- - - . .- ,W Information however on. -M nejo ; , w rfifcuflinjj tttc hb-ry; iSox,- if wirappr by the Pre fiLnt. On tithing the- ournah ot that ,he journal otthe h .' - ,j h aoy 0,hcr fy Rem, i. appeared to him to dO fur thapurpole 'n dil J I J ,nJmoul. jammed" -he ddarire be. billio quell.on.u .he fena.e, .be .found iDi. lfcer.;0inir ,ke lelariyc anJ ihar Iti-duiu-i could be performed in half that lime"; cit fiJcring ihe lompenfati- - . bnsof the iudw. 10 be. ainungll ibe highelt, eivcn to an ot the hignelt-otnccri or tnc w. o ti....":L.i....... . State, tor the 01 mc wnuic conliderir.2 ihe compei.fation. ol'all the judge.. bill in quellion 1.1 the lena.e, .oc uv-.. . : nf afr.aininr ike illative Umt, oiMbeirjournaU,.; 00 o..-n. .0 - , , - 4,fo ,k6 Vcnl- y". ,M; ".jr.; .h; Lufe ot leure-! u' tlr whole. 0 ine . o - f ornDClency-of (he former fyttem, io ttdi.. Ciy.i wi. 0Biou.-.r..:v- .- ...... .rennaodate, 1 tec. .r-- V,.f v . flnefi He wouid not how. -hi,' ,ddu,oM.whcb .l. 111 mr v -w . r PJ . 1 . nii motion. 11 pih.m - --h 1 . t Li u.. .1 -. ., ..r. n 1 . : .. ...Jr. v w ' ..Kf-,- amonit the ueemea a lUDieci V kuu, h , .moreKiOD-l.e Jhon : . j... ,)Aan the ourtialJ, 7-ig, ny k V -wi..Ju (l .he.P elident of the Uni.t;! biaies. . liui t it 1 . fV..t'm'. 1 1 i njur 11 11 i j -. - a vi- i. n ii iviuwvr 1 ... ??rrZ: L,, from the Prdidentm .nays, me na.o, r y -r h be wi. VI II l.C ll'iiuu - . 1 . ... - nnil IVJf. KM 1 Ul JUUIU I . aCe was recelvea no... -w-, - ,.;j ,,rtl,;n menu in v.r- demonWa omiiv" pxcerdm-j the fervicc aQicrted them,; as well at ciniddi-ring ail "hs ciicimvftancet at tendng'h iublhtuiion of ; he' new fy fieri 'for ihi nidmcl h ircrealinc the number of iudtN- and compeni'ationi, and leHening.thet.' du icf by' me dilinbuiou-ot me Duiineu uroagic numbtr of handt, , &c whilii att ng ui.ccr Id vo't aaiuu int ' "-"-ir ' . ...... UmMn ifrflUl'tt 2DDOU1 lliciiia . 7 ' r H.. I.M MatM -bv-Mr.- i"cc 6tu"l'"kU " ... .u.. I.-. . ihe. fiebdejii ot t-w . .7. . "u. . iue of the p-u-no ton ot judge, uoc u. . t i nrlitUtLff. LiltlL WlW . .1 .a. A rf-k vli t t .i... nv- isi.d turn an act. b , . , ... knu. I tteiire ot trie inititunoii . .u ihe bottle ot .ep eiei.ia- . i i, , ihia c rcura- .. Wio ne vH-i...... .-- . krn in tt uencc. m n.......- uc iyu'--"" - nvci.ient oigM.izU.or. of he cou. elident pf (he b:aies. . But f i m mldc fa j.,ikg ou lhe hrft ft ihin 25 per cent, of being aurecu will f.jhe repealing bill. V nllaiC,. tft, ihat ihe fo;mer cours, were - ' ' . ' VII 10 . t . in r-i.i.i 111 l . . . . 1 i . 1 w.. . .- .. . . . .r 11 mo' e - . ... f . .11. romminte. '.ne wnu.e numa;r .-.-.i ...t.nrt aii aci vu uiw. -- ... m.. 1 ,r maivcs ui iurK ""' . - u. . .he nance mn u i...r-s -- . I ' . I1.; ..ini,inr the JOU'fiaU -IWHiri.., ihe tbe view of of c a uft .refpective frlTiont of iho CONGRESS. j OF THK UNITED 5T jTES.- . HOWS K OF R R t S ENTA ' t V C S . ednefday, March 54. ". . " if engtefftd bill mukir'g appropriations for defraying the txencrt -amich nuy anli I , IDC ICU1U. iwil 1 . -- t - ,Ra u f, - iL -...iQatu e-o. -' frmU ipnng of .79b ,!i",8 V, Jr,, ,r tei7 A, ; - 1 riciuuu'. v , a . r o . u. hit harf ihiar ina tiir mi'' o ' thnnfavei, he U,d he to,.nd ar cuy - T .. . wmended for, agamll ihi or . a ,nr. ' I rf. f.. Uu,Ud Stata and the -1- r l . .. u.i' ri! n p nr uuh ncii' ulkih iuvii . . ,--. a Rtpupijc xvas rea end pja. f Dinms re tat led u bill " Or open- 7 . r . frtu communete from the I 0 rjverto the tahro Banck tkerto h the citv et fFuibittcttn." Tvhicd tnnfUtht crJtr 1 ine duv lor Friday ' rf concurrent r'fa'uli'noi the t'juoheuftt, uris agreed ?, ttt ,tbc njotm.r.t oj iht . .. 1 . 1 1 rcya fioujet on tue 2a Monday $n prn. l't tinkerland that the Stnate hate' pollp mJ tie jjrjxitratiott ot tb. rrfolu tun - ne hhuff went into c&mmttee 01 tie V be , i d V- f,b,S iaW" T i0; S dVr he influence of ibe BrLiU, ue.,y. . lfarA mcimonrd vote be.fg S ' t. Pendent 10 conect what wa called a.milUfce v' . i..n'c, 1 Ar. eded ,n manner afo , . .. . m - appo.iUmvi.g - - - J -- . ballot i ajJtroj oj j fomi cbmour, u was wceffarr .0 Ful P . f y aefc,pH& Uttiiuu iali .wa.d.-flaKd 10 be aw wrclcn, fu. jaV ... co. t po.-.t ot view. . er ,,,, 1Q1 thfeu. U,d, X r of .he! ltf.tha. W -".!?- :QVl0an..fall;QlQ8 1pn.-g,A,K; vuo .w.:r. ;. r:f co .nat w. cimn,,... . "-r-" r, u:r M 9 jprojaciuiive f 9-8 x.rao.v .n-;i . wotd Ciltntr wat , r" . '.i; . feni.fvlvanii. fai 1 vv ncn .nunc '" - r . . i. . ir .h r,,mm.'.iiun wu uhciiuvm i " . r r c n was a ly umiaks . . . 4 I... oril.narv' onlinei- i. . . , .'...,,.,;, r.,i.n. 1 wa a. Ditacn oi nc p ndcd. a pe.n,aeR Tcn d.rcc - w ne.. u ion in u m..ft obv .o'u" le.' er. If u Lrfging. and iutliilence were l-.m U d he ton I. coaV,, w void tr,nibm in the waiL of lhe cbi-r J bc,u,c at the da e of the r i. l.j ...ircJiicea to cca.HG - - . . l I .A nA- ,m .'.tu 1 1 mull be obvi ton Mr. Orten', 1 , ..,1 4iitu .waken the recoUcttion oi our fellow ctue..,, fir. . In.tiffnant at.Xie!V Oil vho ve.e looking w -.- -,r:fll,.? ,he a.pointmt the awful Iceue, Uei.ou:. , - , : ,d R0, .1.. ifluOillUOUJ uaiuviK - , . ,- .i tton 0. their touniry X . . , ,lt.nd,,,a ,heiifc, to'd lu.i.ilh bui I i, f.cllilv rem: inhered nda.ioii t( Oueo. in : ...hl 'T o.tvcm we fair and known . nrE.w M finw ol i. - - r , , ,, ... extiefTion t..rift:n -thf chief U, tn., lU.eol ..i.n, ""TS liVUe c.mane.. i,nevocble p.ovibb fo, 'A I.. r.iiniicre ('! I'll'- nonc .f ! . , .' . .n k...i...Al ininar. .. 1 ..if..wrr. .It when a tudtcal. clUHiin r.ui.t Setui.teid?. it becooiet i robcablf, how')- -ou d if bf, lo..a.lsRiU ute, coo.. I..:.. .u. K ihe zecutivf. to eouibeelaie ihot... f tacv na.T ' in.. " r l tatpeaiabU ! I fet h l' of fc,! .nhdf"" . lh,r ' r . a: k.. f.Wnmma ihe mm tile bi-Kire character .ann. furier a6t. T3 criminal nroferu. ujiii H i'trrfyivania. fall 3551801, ip'.ng 3 JO - mining the common ca'culadon of fui'S leulcd be ween the pariies wuh.uu! trul, dif- (!'... m. ahiiemenu. Ac. &c. and it woald Ilia w . - j jppear ihat the Ahole number of judgment 1 11 1 1 iv , r.,.; vcnev hid hpened, and ta r.e lideni'i iiKbi to appona ''ra?'' folvcnt 'perluna, would hardly compe... ubdr on the btti 10 untmue mj'.n e il cedent coudi.ion, and be 'V'"' j uie lhe expe0Ce cf ,he inCi ution. It allo.p (j ougm. nt the Julariu if ceiiam iffmrs Hhe ' appointment, . I .u,. ,h mimber of caufn left in he iiied. th,etm named. cojU. eality .U .dct;i.d by lhe Dx former fU eommittt rofe and rpjrttd the biil judgfl. f;? To p.vcm we .r an. J f-f w y olher appoint. , of ithe publ.c w.l , .n h n,8n1' , " v view 0f,n b.llo y wiiu.-la ;. ... ne.f,..m-ln the cho.te of ..nt. -.uPw" . .... j . r. loflLn ruue.-Hu.r8n' r .uT.Usit .Ivei, M JQV,'rtW the l!.ghcll,pntitrr. ol party .ag The tell iW Uit red i...o end v ce.-Ana now - Iv teU ut 10 b- calm, .0 gujr.n 11 .k. A.nnrT of our oalbontfi rri mi - - . . tii.a. ih f.m', .hat .be , ..IVt it laurd I V'. US r I r..idirui V rat"1 " , ' .t.. i.m bf ciuua.tlance whun niraj-i ? dact not. . 1 LciusMan.nehow.hithwwaicvrieJ.n. 'n cltt. Mcmbfr, of .he lejnO ,ti-c. wh voted 'for the pi!lV b' '.V U" "T ' ...uooirKcno H.d ed, .be fa, ihe tfiiUaati-nhav tg wiU.y g-ufJcd . ,aa..c!l-U ..f tbatfoit t ka. to judical okr prcvVUy cr aud; by .he-enwval or vl-at acllid IM $TW3Utr.o jidgeil.o.n lac otlicci .fly .hen helJ, .0 io newly j ... ...-.,.!..!' .heir placet bv mem. bc.t l "it leg U.iie, b rt"1 r,;',nt.T, a..on ol ih pew tifliiC. U b' Uia.tut.or. lowever it aPpar, that oa TcfpcU wai paid if. inoi:e oof.heoM.tut.or.. an. GrtVcttion uf Iht' iQ ar icleof tba onn.i...o con a.ntvfa wo.d', na fnaiof or rrprtfen. tame Ci.l , d-ing b i.n f-r he n elf tied, te appoiuieJ to any it .1 .w. ......... fH United Matct. nb.rh (ball lllfj (a livir. ' . . hac Iren ncaicd, or ih emoloiatwi wbereol Qiatlfatve lf entifaled duiing lata ., ar.i a pcit-n h-llmg uy order tht ntied Suici. (ball be a nc.abtr of enhtr houfe daripg t.t toniiouaott in ollka If vacan ci,,.idii!ltd ta bo p'eiuCy ji v Jic tl clubl.Onfni (he appoimenn o the mtnOri of the gifltre,; nr.t la ,. f.X.m .t .I.rxl LianV of ihtt D.OtllioO il. b..i iKit ail (ivt the fact, rt't IJt. IWI'un"'" " f . atanccidiita.fl. li wai BettlTary ig make 'Stth an amendment, tb.t the Iuji fau'd antinut tvioy tis i fleadij three Of ' a . a I j dttti to l't on ire i.sie, Twrjday, .arch 2$. Mr, Bacon m'tXtd the appointment of avnittte tr.auhe ivoelher uny and if any uhjf tedud'un it would It freper ta' in iht ean,tenfutiant &t the Sena ?(T:n be expenje. .lie faid be aeeV luad tort and Ktprefentaines. .be imaliell cimp'aiflt in the flate be repre. j To thit miinn JtvtrJ amendnvnti ven ' . . r 1 . r . I . 1 1 r 1 . 1. -1 if. .. I'ft.eil .ne incompetency. oi ine ior. nad' on uintco cwiaeruoie ainvii-w tn mer court 10 difcharpe .he bulineft in that i iutJm tu'tch terminated vn the tuihn ct li Ijii unon loclipff over the number of - j .p fuiu 10 the eaftero circuit, it appeared to bun (lrance, that the members reniefenting that part ot .be cojntry uiouia inuu upoo .ocieaung .he epeoce of the fyflem, when .he'cour.i ihrfa have fcarccly any bulineft to attend o ; aud that geollemen io the fjuthcro Qae where the bultotfs wai greater, Ihould be 10 flate tontli ucf.i., by . following ihe eiample bcrlSra us f liy ereetn g a new uer oi juojci nun ing aui 10 iban adtuict.l eBii.umen.t, and by t. . ... .k miindci onaboccd 'bv their pr&ngtion wt.l the UM-mbut f site Ug.Ul tire " . . Ti opera Uo'cu:d be C3 Ult take plate when me lepieteuta itet bad loS lh t.i-.f.dfcoce ..f ben ionui.tien t, and olcajrle left likdy ioVe irlluewed by eofUdefa.ioos v,r pub.ictjtod.'. Ajea.n, h, tk buetute ff. ' .i - -..t.:;n,;.r "would have ibe advan iem ou " r . , lag! of all oihtt limi'ar in ee wo. )d 4 bcuf tf hi .her c..i .h: line. iufim likteomc tippKCve to the P ' pie, tlief the t,ufola..o.i toieco.len nai ! tl,iiy itt iruet oy iw ou. .-- tLoii.y ; but atf.iiUi. g jo inc aoc fiie ujijh which the fytlto it U .om.d in tre Umted Sta es, tw ttmedy on ic app iea 1 :. ni.t th e f by ti e umot. of H the tt fp tp!itie igtnn ( .be p'orle. .Hoi t', be (tame l n. ution lamto . at er all tl ' and c.rtumfper ion tey had utA to etvluda tkia r.beivea irciv Horn be p ac tcai liuts-u ihe governmen t .hat the ciitlVt uio ., n.lMIt.l be nade lha n.ilrumf U wf l ' ...v.. , , . . 1... at.d in Lrrmanent itrtvoCtbx cnt. 1.vvv ...... i . . . . . . t .. ... 1. Ami,i t a. mi in ia ioua. ine mimm aa ipi trg adrwo Ilia fop i wIk 'be pswatii , id always f"oe i m,. 7. " XmrA. i' fit rtftrer.-t f it ti through ike docket, v, e never they attcrded, (J.e rrltj CQmmiuee fipp;inhJ on the.A'- :iont wt.ii. ilia' " . . -., ..v... :. :,. He believed ihev had a! !"""- , ' " . ' and at far at bit own obfervationt went, Uia j - . , ' tj. n enquire xv'itijuaerni'oii u my watihefatl. Hefaid. 11 ipneaicd (lrane o J ,, . . ... . ,.tt b.m. ihit new courti eapencet hWd I , J . , be called foi in o.her parti of the U. bta.ct, . wrf"" 'V " i "7 Ihrn .he old" courts were coopetent lo ibe to.lvitb the' InJji Inlet a H fr.frvt PeM 0U i ibat flate, wheie the buHneft ha- been on the fwtjrrs, t ecetvti tfom 1f9 Senate, conl.aciaaly raoie aoy wher (la'c, al. Wrfi read a third time and pffef, ihoughitis now very muth declined, auJp.o. The houfe then & up the hill li r bably .ll decline fl.ll more. In the fouru tinue in hue an cfl to auntnt tie fJ ot Maine, Well Pennfvlvania. WeQ Virgi. . fjf ; tj ctrtai officers thtrtitt ncmett.' nia. and Weft Ttnneuee. no fmt at ait had -rA amrninenl tt limit tie continuant beea ioflitutcj in June U.l. Vol the laM to two tears if lead of three wjx U,de. iMiei .i iMlrtjeuihaiireun.-.- frf-rf W40 ti, It confideied the late cowria a ufeleft and t . , , - . . . j WW(. J w ' " ' " - ' mm . m tea aacnj ing t r - r -- pf(, a ,4daa1 demol.ti vfosenjufc parting f... power, ,S. M r .rgd.w. vcy ilg ihe r ja,u'd(U,ofl, Jak the way ot a.tainiag tstif objeit.i vpos " ' w- unrccelury, aud the cipente. ihe efJre, wat . . . L r. . .li. ii. J J . . lo nim mguy unjcuionaeic lie aa nvi in fider it ir. the nat-ue of a ccnpenlatmn lr thcie wit no ft)..vtin( le.iduion 01 trrvice He could not Ulp coaf.denng ii as a trine for pail fervicei at a inbu'e lor t!se zal.f. pUycdby the If gen.lemto m luppornng pr.n' liplei which the people had denounce J. He ibouf'M the federal Maaima.wlyi wat " rait. . . . . . .... 11. Wont for defearc. not a U1 tor ttttult. uc . . coald not tofeat i in the peuple even out tent, at a tr&j.e to o, hrf difeefpf tt ilie.r i.iinci',1'1 ' 1 AnoibernWflioe be bid toO;e aew orgf fiiitriAA f 'ih rnuria'wai. their tendency o rod Te a ffadjtt demolition of flaie courti, Kiir ol roiru, increai Uaking lnii of tV!i j ----- - - - - ... 1. it, k,ll iht ii,.n tf which xodt i- f un. riw. " .f. - - rfi imply reijv Kj in f nerfil tern; ry oac(ficrr. ' Oh thtt umen&rntnt orate mjuea. It u (upptrttd I y Mefiri. J C. Smith., GfiJuidJ. Liner, Morrit, Ihjf t Goddui, and Bc$n. f ' ' la And tto.ftd h M-ffrtt Gmt, Siub, tsuhilj-.n, GiUt, lhlUnJt tvi ffffanm. t . t . . La a 77'f J" d Piajt xwenen ear. J. on iht ant'Jmtnl endutre not 37 ji fir a ihird reMi h-Mint'' . -i polfi ton 1 prtjj pow. hosft thf er e net Prefi be of tfU deVc r.d b!e lhe: I Tint ta W flllCL 10 C' I ret c were theef witi Wh-r bal.fl CIO 10 itdep cettif 4 lH I'x' Sat 1 ihte ' elKf lk Ue V1 itW. t.Ji4 4. 1 a T. t'U( r..j t1 Mf) tftjill ? 4 .

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