' ' '-' ,l - '- Jf ' "-I ' , - ' I, ,' 1 ! I I II ; .1 nii..'.r u 'I ' I- It1" II .'I rMi-.' , . lTTTaMP!yil,i IB a , .IlilWB. . 1 B L IS H ED 'f WEEK L,Y - . BIT, A L L M A N 0 ' HALL, - Three 'Dollai s per A Ti ll US D A,-JN3 .Vol, VI.JNo. ..A, : congress; OFTIJE UNJTED SUTEs. H o U S ft O F 0V R E S E N 1 A T 1 V E S , '; xr Midday 'March, i. . . OK A T E -f-rrr T-rm-1 iiTimiin iiiiiiiibi i awaia n i,i , jidge h dutiei of th, circuit eovit werr inpofed I on the )'idg; of -the f-ipreme court and the diftriSt Mud t , 10 telieve.tbW. judaea from thi i'npof. ion WW one ohj: of thit law another object' wat 10 mki an arrangement that fkou d poi equir- the j.jdjea J' perform greater du; jet than they were able to pe firm le"it oot a Grange do&iinft that the lef lemngthe burihcoi ol otnee, the diminution; of th ;; i ri?'tnsftffJetfrl- fn," trSnrtpccifatioii hat relti n to (crvicn r!t.cd 1 1 irttnureVviM a.'cfe one u oerf nine f(H io.lancc, by ccruin prrifiont i the law,' rrv ,w a .r Tt duti. edredtt be oerlormed bv iudee. flvouH An. Aft tr rrpeitl ceri4. acts, bttffiiOd d , M tatracTioa ol kUriihu ?. -Bat .'iN .riiiif0 th nrOntttZatiaM t ICC CiUrlj . iki w (nontcq tyi to inc inoif 'Oibct arir T. ,. fcv fw "V".1" tai. ioAanOC. by, certain :Brtvill i the.l-,' Ue e, n, ertt..r?ar li.r.fo.mu, X(WtbCaruli.,. diftria .. ream red tolioM ir.-rw ue (. dr,.,e S f .t hour "TOr.". di.tr A couV,, is e.ch ,.f, d' (brt'e p!i that jurlg migh-' tttrle proviuoui r fi. 1 .1 l - then mU(l orove .he ...empt after the f.. ,ea fyrj bee, f -J u w k, fr, we'l eq: fider.d. ,nd the .r,me4. f comely e, I h5 -,n,t l0 l!:e oLt5 o lhat dutri hail'fj. I . . ' 1 Mr. U hn.r4. ha fi.iuUrlie inLialiipi) in tn)inintf He k.d drttrmifa -oprei hb oo.nio,by the ,. f J ... . , , it,;. ,l. 2 1 . ...r. v. --WW . prov (ioni nectlf-ry, nH ai tfieUw on the (able went r '. he fuat'ofca bttafcU grieved by timei Drove unto'! 10 a nuenron ' " l... - t ... I.;. Hf Nmeiilf-d cbu iml u'.fe ll c! oft. liifd him to f"!r hn deiermintlbn t n impulft Created b. j)tiiiuni too dirrft to be miltafen. J . Hiarefpevl fj t!ie Jcjjlfii ure ot" t're Ute froit tlteh' lie crr.e, lfo rq itrpd be Riould vfi) o k ff'fo.'.j, for the, ecfiduft he flucM pu'Jue, That Je giCuure hid retoir hicndrd to the reprelcnutWei ii that ftte to iote in rmfrmity t' the bill on the table. Hoi(f!vif great bit rtf .'td !t that legiH'.ttrr' b'jwrver (Tiir-h lie wra jn'clined to obey id r (J i. I'll ion, yt, whea he (Vm .4 th't refptV coi.fi ct0( Wi-himoortifit autiet when thofe retju'fioin irf pooled to nblketir na, f -crei ol'itioin which ii f -MM&f ditcQ; anollier cour:.hs..eo a n-rt heftn) hn deeifiB... KU ordat i u3 be, cnnljfteoth: 4teH-fr t4te law f wipofe ; to be repealed, under tee ftiH feifnifion thn jtn exfe1ient, Y,e eouid rt ote for the icpral, beaafe tic waae.jiiaily perfuil; d .i. a cxpe 'ient ; l)ecaf ' lie did eqt conftdsr h'm'eif autloiiaed f- o "e. Uated thai when heCtme i.itp. copie fa, tame wiih the eoov.flp full OBkiicniid, th hi dic'ury waa diUirfl. impoititi;, intlependett branch of tjh jvetntnsi that .0 bcefl&e'KOt it .wuijlit to be welf o.4.oit-j that the thergMauon waa defective, reat f 4h.it ke knew front eeneriince it a jieatly defo to their repci., be Ihould not be conuderel OJt of order. The fla.e of North Carolina hai aiv immeofe e. eo'of feacoait. ' i"ie chief fri portfire Edenton, Newbern arxt VViltntngtcn. Tie br't and the latt ire at tie diltanca ol tco milt a. (he one from the o- -ther NewbeiO about too milra trurrj eich. The reudttc of the jidge n (he interior of ihecoontiy, teart3 iilei fiO;ii Wi'ininjton, the place of mod uAt, and ab-ui .o miica dom of the other p)tv; the objr At of the juitldiri'ort of the diltiitt cmrn are chicflciufca ot aU.i.iralty nu rnurt;imk' jiirifdie- iion'.The eou't to be ufe'ui ami convenient could only be made la," by hriugira; the judge, at fixed te. rioda of lime, to the cimtnrrcial pninti of hia diilr iX. The difficulty ot inllituting a lull in the ditlr tk Coart of NorthrCarolm;, and t tie inconvenience ot uerijifir it there, annua ted.ncaily to a pt'Siiib'iiiou of the pi oit fa or indivtdualt : and, Mr, H. la d. he knetp (ienundt iud been rtlh nlhcj aoi tleca'tf a bndonel rlbr thaa eocuumer thate ubftlei.lor lite It rrafoei the pmvifiooa on .tin fulyett wrre 10 trodi.eed into the laQ law,, at hia motion. Kui al ihoua iriuch beocfif may not yet have beet mpe lionctd by (be new rfrranEeaieai, he had r dout ' ,, r t . CZ. 1 kI i I Rt'ai I waan (nan I arwism cnmiri . i ... L.n' I..rt Mixri an ular Ol lal . r" . . 1 ;, . 1 ! , ; J ' u , h. k it .a t ,h,t W hd b', tnlnrmed, to I late leim v; ..ico marc., .n "V Vi7 0e of tlv.fe Ot co portal, ity 01 aecj'iir.pg loit n'i itofle T eeri-nt l ti-.at to a refo. m f the .htn txiftibf fyf. tern, the re y, alternative whieh prrfeimd itfell yiaa I itfort to the t.m-ta uf ike freil lleiee. Confier iar it a foletilm tn ihe fciei.'.e of eovtitimeot,' thai n loveinmtet llifiuld irtriill i'ie adoaitiittia.ti of iu lawa. to'the officen of another, oer w i ' . iid oocomtoi; be.it"j; tl.at no leloivlib.lity a tacked on the tte-c iiidiciniei, 'which vould otlig them tia (.eilmm outirt irnpofid on thiu by he general government and knowing the jeeloufy vi t' e Ha e got rr menu, wM.li hr.d Utea (requennjr taiiicuced 'f -ii.tt an an.a't jmitinn of nauouil fate auiho'inei, th- iietefliiv of a rafutm iieiloied ttfc'f arnh gCt ore,''. Ti e ttreuit e'ait f -.irsei'y eQikliSied, wtit di'rcWd o hoidrit i.y ie jj.ia ' lha fopitir e ,C uh,a r) the UllnCt dgei in tf tr refjrtAiae if U.tll. Dv ti n tmcut fiajuJ ea were requited to njaovrr tl.ia vaft touoliy twrcc n teach ; "yir-To k' d rou'ta a u'it in every II a' e, and th'.a in ad dr.u n to the etiiui truveJ at them at judge othe ftior.rtc oiie tut.tequrnie aa M.al with all ike.r tiert.oaa hefc )ud('i fi-a'd therfe'r rqal I" the tilo-n.nir (t tho'e riu tri ari nO'bifX van a iehancerit'.lie wi(: om el coogrrfi, hicli ct.etithel the hepe of a new aitiTico.tni, te amed them in tKi . Under thai att-oUih 1 1 irie Itple ol tc.mi would uKvniowjly ot ut , v did uit.ui fitcuto ly , ai.d iiftaUorcd iul lav, to all k.ii.reuu ib the Ceuita. Aaaihor eil w,l lilt want ... teUntiiv, and ike reltfltiu wab of eoiditencr of decij. n, a itv f count prtdufle of dciava aud Hne.ttuinti.a, . could not fail to deprttiaic ihe Canojer ol the j a d cia.y k-iweter, upright d irt'tptbdent ihe j.iijc il.ai wai a in ponan delctl aif fcitH.al- luwt.i tnt famt ;ude to de.ie on yojr appeal, who had peiiUU'ice J j id .it.eni in your rauta the li.lru l Court, Tnafe iti many .bet inarlill ftt i which hid kten nt mir.ha be addaccJ. bad dmt4 hit eaitid iat (a( ot a if..rmton to lie idictrv fvdan. , AtCoidina-U to Wta k'd fcffioa , t'-e fiaih eong efs ha had giaeoMattne for a moit l'i'ttl(t (Mgailiaa ol inetoitill of tb U.l ed I lira, an I 1I4 Ui f.ln I t t f.ied Ihe laat t na t Aciujue by i wi:h to p.om.e ib doe ad tat' tl lua cf ulC4 i ceeaie l a ikatadei (,f lha sWtMteai jatfi- ia y, atd to inf.ie b iaon- ; wnce ci the I ,,, it tnc .ali.uirJOl lUt en. 'aim, tit r,,d mvaii.blf given h fupjvit lit ik law ,,fc,,f J ,o r'rr!ed he belrfd it to te .V"'' M ' wtoed it wi crtUilaiioal he inn 04 krUrtt imirrciliniia. ai.O wi.ert i. adurd. fame operatlco lathe ;femovl of the jjrlgo from the I advor.atea, bee'of it wii a mfafare which em.it;ated olfice ? Sure'y thii will opt be denied, la not then j from the eittcut T , 'bee ufe; h I frilee are te-jrted ! the -.urajvifitBt' in the confutation aj certainly contrl jh- Uvonr baped f? ; hia power to grtuj. ap. im-'.-s vebei by the one a tbtt otbetproced f e ?. The fra. j menu edf"d tJ! niiht atfo fay that if reonbti. ' men of ihe enoftiuition-appear to hv been jeafcoi, cantfrrt' aa it it called, ' did 'eave'trjij q'i( when the aijxiattilv jealool of ai'interferenre witli the indtftn- Brit ifl Treaty ca ait i:ito it,' that tieaiy had beu?h cozyA)i ttu Judj i f not fattafir-d with gitardiug thcia i(uo this hniifc 1tvty foe to the ce ift iution ; f"f from I dUect removal frm office, they enfieavonr. J tlie er.ei gtl-r of that government which; enforce jkrj ' ed to provide again!! indireft mtunt vrhcieby the re j ptVmect .flf dektHpng witheitl, are not likely to ii d wottl iif ht be elVectl, henc the prov fmn wJ.icti fur- : jrieadt or idiireramarft the coerced diktore : t'tefe - faiata jaJimiriition tt the faliry of a jude. Bjt. fay 1 ihiag h tnlght fay. He would not howevtr ei)ko :a.'i in to fs-rvtcn lo ! the eheea naeaor jft waaposfib'.e thy might ntja tned the o. her thill well fo?ndd. Hsdiidaiued fiach mntrvca bij, :e.f. oot be p iid that whea the oCficoia abliftid.ofervU ; ad rejarih1l'tlit t4Aict of ifflpqdtioo sxt ftneer tff can petforirrodj t-oofcqnently cooipenMtte)'irU l.to purfaa ftw . "i- ' ' " ' ' . demandable, apd thuf the diiricuftt ii avoi led. : Thij tit H- vojjld lofoT-a the oiW genileroaai frn in h fare it a notl coove;4r.iit kind of cefuiflry ; : an Virginia, " (Mr. Randolph who had tlluded. to a arjrpment not ea.ec'tfd o beh?'d in, thit .boafr t jcntleman fierro N. Caro'iaa o that floor ai a cura. fnhtertujtet which Cvjiif not fail td -ajtaeh difjrace on mifli'jned judt ; that tht mt trbelTwred $ pe-ef iid'tvi'iuala fuitfly mti;i be .an vtn hy-oy r nent, had' foch'coiiiiniflioi) prefeoted tu him, of couife fte T) what doet the t rcu.iietit jrapuni Daet it amount had never the opportunity to accept or reject it j ha) to oor than thit ? (aiked Mr. H.) engine mat apprehended that U'woii'il be admitted thil the ' .-ic- ior iiipuiatca irn to prnorrn tor mt (tnnn te-i cptance o: a cemmnuon waa netenary to maice at vice, and while in ptirfuincc of h e comraiit he it eu-1 ofil;e. utu that nrfmher hild lu feat hcrt by a gaged in the Ork, in order to avoid the pameiuof au'.horvy ecrual to that by which ihe feat of any cw the hjn flipttlatrd, I difabje h'in froitj ptrf ming ther'tntmbe-i waa he d-rthe Ire e futfiyget of a ia(.( k'ervccfaWAuld t! it be warrantable, eon d IjuU ...d icfoc(l.bie tih.J hty of the liecitieo, of the ii( tify it I ljinrjiiellio.iably ne. lt.it, of the ni.heil tntl fie reprefti'tf 'it Jii aclhoritv, thfr geull.-mata importantrt; jii.igt't hjuid be independent ; tjiey f-om Vtrgiiii h ee,itajn!y b'ren g'eai'.y mirinf'rff. are intend:d to Hand between the leg'fltture and the ed at to the rr.eTbcr horn North. Carol oa. 1 If he al CM.fliiufto.i,'. between the government and the people, I luded to the fame member whea he ifTimilated cjf they arain.eriilled to check ihe legifl'ture. Should j tain tharafleit, aa to their .politidtl ;terde'ncie "i tht lrpflaiure furmouet the barrier of the conftiiution j iht of hit feufacpta He o, ku intoirscr had gi-wfal ' it it the duty the iudgea' to replf it back within deceived him. ' The fA or feniiment of ad aiiii-rt- . the bounda which limit itt po.er, Vtte they npt j volminrwy inherence u the eoetniea of bit ipoitty, independti.t,, wcu'c they be equal o h; dfty f i never ha.l attt bed, nor ever fhou d attach, on th ta Could rhey perform n Jare they, perfoi m it, ii on i racier of the member alluded to- The f.cl wadi- oi.pa ot trv.te, coartt,' near Cutty luili bid beta in oik tl. ue wta taut lura.lhr.a will enotaY r to-l n a ii bit tht oill os the tab.e i loran amtcid.ritnt witicn fhiuld retain the t.eo til of th-le ptoi;nt ol ..ba latt la waa :nbitueil, by the conliJat.liou that th ia p-.-ltiuo of duty w.ijld thereby be too f teal oa 1 tn iud,; ot that diuiiil, w.to will have the putirt of t.w win mi urt ag I I imioiea on nirrt. war ii . J kid itlleaed wii;i reat titeniion aud weighed with but d r.iberanou all (he artumeutl which hd been Otfsied on thit impo lint qirlima; hit CrovifAion ol tht ctpiie,Bcy and amonlti u'.ntiniy ol the 0to pofe! repetl wtt thereby fj.c.t Whco lie fom.d ilia tU argument, iheoLC mud relied on by the av.aa.'aiet ot ti e itpe I, on t:u eon tim ional rxilot, wa ale ned Iron a dt.tinH on, a fancied tli U ntl on a Uilliuction without a ditf-ic..ce, between 1 it an a yal of a jue I torn oiTkc ted the tiki. r. away tht t!n,c ol a jaCf ' : whn it it aeltuowlcuitd n til baudi.thtt we have no power to itmovt the judge ir irtt t ie rttjee t yet it H heJd tmt the thmc niar t e eff.d' d by taking the tfi-t t orn il.t Kege ; be tnui ke caCufcd io declaring Li, bci.l, tiiat (uc!i aiju- ancnit, ana- ta o eaatin mem a you will l tt ther oypofad by boyi" pr cjotcftei by ai' a would alike be lou d to be but 0doa" i..cej. He confucied the judicial fwr o( the yoittd S iki ii a veil d piwct t pov.tr vcOed ta the judge tenttiiatiooally tppoin cd it it vciUd Ly ifte ton I'nuiwn aod ciasot be taken away b, Itw It wtt vtilcd by 1. 1 petpi lathe roiji'.lj of their tott, ,ud caniiOt be due td by toy powtt inferior to tbtt vl .M people, ia il.t itereiie ol their foveieigJ y. , liiet JBttim.ua dulartllh.t tbt jurl tal poaf the legtflure they jrrldtpendent Z By(, Jf.i fid with a goycrorecnt of ref lonfibilitict I ke ou.a the uecOnli qnlable .ower of ihe jjclger i inroniyttib e. Sir, i:0 fuch power uclaimc.l for the iudei ttieir elficeind daily1 ia to (ireveut t!,e exvreifr or unautho. rifed power') ihcy a'ie nor without lefpnolihiliiy they rnty. be t'inirolcd he corvflitu ton pri-videi the meant. Tht teuu.e of the r otli'ce, ia their good! Behtvimr lea rhat ctain, their ter.n tpiit,- aad wkti'.rr tUty bchivc well or ill, :i aq; lor then, hut tbe laiflatute ta judge and decide,. And here it the roatt.tuiiona'. cheik on the jifjti ;' thit hooie miy ielvM.h ani the fenate ev t iiont olf.se t judg. If ha blWivaa ill, jadge may ihua be removed, and trie Icc.Riiure it retrained from, an u iwtrpatib!" ufe of ihii power by ita it'poiifibUitiet. Mr. II. -tM.cLn.nl hin.ftflf.wl hout a doubt oq fa wpu&iiuT j,!Oiul prnot to queltion. y ...... Uucii had wtto Iud concerning the manner in v.1 ri tnc I'W etopuiej te.. ne repeeied had beta palird. a ntltntaa U j'm Virginia, (k!r 0i tt) who iud tie n ui ei. ii the debate, kai taken Ovcalma to trend. in by nam cettain Uu .tatl, and alledged that hf ii oti earned tin Law, A lecuntma 10 the j-ioritt) ot the dry, would fhow tka tail to be tbrwile, OMleiaike x"t'eonn meant ts l;eft, th:t the v ttt ei l!olc fti-atj ra woylj naa been i;t tevtift ol whai tktv were, b t lor tr prolpert of t.hair (uute ouaattDDOio'mcntt He ivothl not fttuuoiethe re . tie man inlcnded ilia, i Wou dbe at acl ing oa) the ibaiaU teraof ikic leaatort riotivra loo conupt for that g-h I tiran to ct a .e on cthe i in their ebltori. The l.tae gebiltnian with giral tnioh(''i haa nilikcd Ihe linie whea the f t't'itnuii tpp o'lalion f ikt law y,ai tnntiinced to ihn houfc. Ihe 1 1'h day cf febiuarv who thit Home wit cntged in the eho et ol Pitfi. dca.l And then tne gertlcriin dir-tta h.a atteuiion to tat ciieumllacce cl tome of tna tr.einbert of thtl Kui't keing tt trwtrdi tppo.r'id to ofLce. Alto recti v the reverfe -hat at em her had o-at ceafe-l to la -; - mrnt (kit hit ability had not e.iuil VI hit inclinaUnrt to f ive hit couctry jl" bergloriout coq ell for librf ly V independence ; during tht. time he at but a boy) the only one ol kit family wbo wit able, did fhare ia the toil, th peril end the gloiy of the coojetl, n wat found amrap thofe who gaihycd iautelt atbf , fprint of Euiw. The gettleer.tp Irom V'fl'tii Wtt.alft rnifttkeo t to ihe lotUilooi circuruili-rv ei relaaag totbe fJary cf b cttiicl judge of Nirrh Carclinit, at the frtTno. -Thit ai cot a fortaitoat ctcorree it w. de &;rtl that genileirao'a (riajud lioni NortbCfo ' lint wat ooerif a e-nmltrej ipimted to repot f c r tke ftltrtet of (be cfi ers; u& at ICrl: H. hid "ft- ' de.rfk, od, oj.pcfed in tke ctatrtqtttae th roeafur ( tr't-rxnttrjpu) rrneraiiy, ac especially t tncnta!t of fen Muy cf tka North-CatoHnj judge, aod at ta hi' j ' g prevailed In (be coiniit.. (a the hbtct to the ftrpnfe ot hit to-uitwibert cf that toe mioee, tke fioit1 Baeo.kert nuved an anjendaitat t,o tkejr p'.tt wferrtyihat j't.lge't fti4.y fliookl bt t?cMei nao d.oit wbicfl veie to be incraafti-rthe dfpjt ', wat obvaoat the sircuanftaucca being fcoown, tf mcadrneot v. at rtjct!ed. Mi, H M l tk nitmbar alluded to Utnertcd net that he r iTrilrd tb g-xxt pinion f thn ly ado.i mt.rtticti; it wit b l pri Je to btc kceo fo dilnn tn Ovad, The lf geUin wat unfounded which had ortm tie by fome, taat fivo-it'fm wet exa.aplifud by the appoiuto tat 'of that roeipher by the late ?.e, CJeat. The ttlatiOJ.'hip of auWitf cr aayc-anlaua fuinity between the fit fid en or any part of Hi laruilv, tnd that nr.nber did not txi.t, t bad itt th l honor, but lie bad filled tnefica bef it io i.tai far depa'tment, undr cornm bion conferred by the fiiU 1 tthdrni. To Have beca thut ciflinnu CjiC by I he prtctd.n prefi'eou, thtl mcniber tenftdrred tt kigk'.y Hanortol to hitrafclt, ' iyfevrat ft! Ihe time when thit approbation wit announced, . fieier.t tralon with lam ineie.it their irritation and vhtihai combined or aot w.th the circumltancf of idifuiay theitimicibiUty the ui-livet iud leel.np tkt fubfeqitm t.oiuteoenu, Mr H.. dclncJ kit 1 0f that tncanker ai ijierttore to be tflailed tfey-e. incapacity io difiover what iir.piefH.o (he gemltoiaa t m it to be faanfkcd tnj ihe nctet ne difirjirel. tht.eby mmideu to make. Ifcovldrot have lu. ed by wk.ek tke tafil. r itua" be md,'.k veil tiar acted h had .ny ii.auroce on the ptlT;e olika bill, I bed- period of poin ed inveflive, the irtoft termt'ol lor that wit a te;ifpea1.e relation, whicu ccall not , tere 'giiity tl.t keen knit cf the u.i ful ftugrJB fUtflrf Did ike gemltniin mean to luggell, iihij, or or ike etlgcUfa tool cf the tlumf) epnator a,- io. wuia:enddtabn aan tucdte on ll peadiOg IriararMa alike aeCept.ble. U k wpuld l.k leat ii,an r tail a Inrrrtiun oaiounaro. it' to lav. il ai an ehaaUrr l thai r.L,r Ini.lit fhail be teUtdin on(.lupien-e court tud ia (C1 tn- ! wit never ondei fl tt leatt wuh.n 'kit krvowU.lae. ! k. . i,.... ..I ;,...,,., Li., k .1.1... .i.. .i.r. ..1 Ui.or coart. ai Co. rtlt ru.y f em lime io time o.. that tfe ! f ieiiue-i dir.Uly or mdli.aiy in.cil.r. jntehinaiion ol hi. aoecnit k.poi y p .tteu'.ri vl ta'tV dain aud ellab. Qi. J-ie tut.Bi.uuon tna.gea the ( td with tk.t ku.e in the thoiie of hia iVttlT-n tm !takia te , ke difiea.dt (In U (' ti' a wk'ula dH itnt biai.cb.a ot gov, erven, ( depart. did ke ever kt r that ike I e f ftftiiajol tfpemfed ike '-hive I em -nadi t tk fliielded, Ike tk ta ol n.!iv Mttni aa art tali aaadl al a. J .4.. ...I at - .a . a . a . . . - W . v , V '" vtmag power, cam n enrxi ttt one i-r (ne oiart oi lie cindtditci s however d:ie", t 1 harm ( K hit leet, or t. it- ed difi ueg i t lianita.ivn, ly tht bill artx.lt iba I fit the (uffrari of tke Ha t in thit HoUie t eoua.lv kg fUie power it veiled in iu Cautli ol the y- diuS'al' tt il to dife.te the ttleuainiiip, whicu-th nitre) X.l.t, ful jett lot It tied ittoof the P.efotul. fuld ont tpjv.n r. n:t bear to tie lit jea nl tb el- By the fftoaa ar.ul the eacutv power it vtled ettion Wntrtfure were thofe tppoinimtnlt men. miLe P.rh.lcnt of the Unitd S atti ted the iktrd uonei t D d tbt irtitlemm me a t fugftU iku 'he nt e ttfit the J dtr tl powtr ia ike jad,et tA H oaican of lb t IHwit wko wtie d UiugmuStd k United Stain, who fh i kola their pCwet during ib? f G Inn ia I i fabler nt nominal un, w. to good bthav.our, and fhali ti imcd ii .n itteive lor laaid by Ihe yiofped o proam.'e of (uch tppolot. me t It. veil (ODtenft'ivn which fhai: wot be di.iar entif lit wai wjlliag(a htl.evt tke gentlr tnia nifl.t4 duiinx ikc.i conni.ua. ia tt." lb dni lack I fvfut&ie weu d o onwonky any tnaa thut aifth-t ol govfr'tiinrni tietbiM tat.c diftiaCt wko did llil himfiW it!( to lw ailaarrd Ly a id i. driadtniit ratho htr by whai tatrM.rny Itch tuoti --. 4 Q.ovU futk fugii..a ke mad it It that oa or I w arpir.m. tl'icaq tut down .kt e aeH g f'Cl would not fuQun it nc roadatl of tf l thud dtpatitnem ? Wht-e ta tt to bt Mind j nit , n.fmkt'l tHufled to, wr.aU p,v ,i io k tnat.d. laaad oy cor.tltUioi 1 hca Cdnnrurtion tnakea il led, tnd k tnajie ty ilm . hat oecaunn, wat ( decided to tua.eiiaa.t a btittl. tail lb.h t.iat )4 i c iLi j .... .ii, . . ..l.... of th ct.1 u,., .fi,x4 , ,ht r,rHJ,a ,t .! t Ite Ii juigti aot tht leg.ft.toi io ri Oi re il t,s ,u , ,., - ,, ,,, ,1 9m .! lOef have Il.t ii.h mi rlivtUlb .,ftient i tht IV t-ielenl n j,,.,, ,, , iht, ht .tanatite p wee, tt tt t itgifk-iuri or the eirtnive, t Jfid.lwtKB kit tire , irff4 ui , nMU jw or boih.i.. detlat ihty kt.ctl.' right ttdivad Ihe ( .,o(.do ke te.iaid ,,i,j , ,onrt.iu'ifvti t iul'iM ju.l.ai.l powtr. To t. a mtad it tp. lha. I ... fl?.tflii a t gi,.,4 Mr H . tetre. r""' ,,,,f hi 'u-l ughi at Out lipvik r-tdb.rntl.il y .ti..,n Im.d, lutlu-L.ff d.d a-S II w t fa, would ... j u,(, , ,,, f.Uiioii I Trc " "I wtB of " leg.ttalaii lit latw ibil lit 'oait lia.i Uuj.t,i kt ' Pt.iue..l l pi oaic l.y tUlU4, ! ikur ! arjil.ea wt- ai, iff, irt.ix, t but be kid ttt 4j 'ku,f 'L' lon4 tod iS-i bf l.t leaio ne piin.iple m m i.u tj.oijkrt nftnu'ion f ty drptad on thi ptop'. in tkt tut. Iff l wis -jit il! makf . e ii,t.t, I, (! .fn h" in ki( lur tkeir ttrotmaanct ('It k I . the tAtt. mom Um a.ef) n,.f ,rt - . 1 at jvCg't, mh i l Md tiit.r olktat i I -t (a in. ), male io aetet In m , IW h t that wt I dtpd o, ly oa C 4 tad tltia lokral itr jrij-id, md ju.) u (rwifn.i.j nA'l v tncif eo irna m t-ikte, le fltwp ,,.! et ge ,t lt haw ha. .,! " Ikt j.? ..d lloM X I n I Mlkeur.f Imu.. n I- no i td If de'ath.nj, u U f.'.J." "' y tl t .fc.i wn.; ll..w I kin .m iht tf m a and 14 n.-gll far, iftal .nJia-temt to daod Itnoi Ik )ad(ft of I M fvp't I ai d St J.mI a ,',', k Inda.Md thai ih tnahrut e it not (, .! ,,( awCrhl )-- wm 10 t luand iaikt w.fhel f 1 Wit, .lrM t,f hr-;.g (kt l".ii .ti( l at ,4a wrtaa ilai,u lata lion ikt j.d(t wb tit IL 'rH.rmtw id'inct l ti f iviu atilt (lltrt fell aaania. ) . t a. oi.ttt.t1, Ikat p.oiovi wevia-f, t e j .eg I H.aii f 1J 1 1 fr. a ir irvaV.a of U I;) 14 Mate. tt It t.l aW 3. 104 Ua irtljJ,., Uxr t kMiw4 I1 '.' kl tka) t,Hit livr iM JuJf pr(.l J U ' allkt faf Oittat yiaj-glil ',' k4 aaaMtoa o-ttmtoald at at;i!Ti.v Ot tr iant.ktit on ikit tod ilhrr txetnoat lA aiidcnatew to rake II. r a'li.ho.u, io t itft their infia.atintft ta the fubjecl vl le tppnlo'man t j diicevtiine a diltatiiion Io ai- rub irBpr tneiffti tu ax'enu oa ikn Diet 14', H laid lp kit Bill kt Wlt.U tntrrf tllg and ilihowgh g .ta ntn dired fu Hoi io f onii ctl (iMitattnt, ke wit .i iwJ o tf rtcu t aieper lyuei w taey win ii (rink taiuitt to lap tnf liter (rlf C?inel (r rivni and kt wtt wh itag to kelura that gtnlltin g,n, tally wet d.'po, td t-idJUgkl Me woo. 4 hn otrcatiiwti lh Itn kt ra Wko ! iat ia4 letinai,ai in b (eiia.a kr fvt ire aid to ta.i tp rataet tf n t .n if i''4 e. pal el will ertltid oi on thole who trlibvoi. Mi. Hill concluded with eaprelaoni ol feftrt that ht hid tahtuttad tat pirt ci th t.ueolihe con. r.ua. in obiettaM eatitn -oat to tk tukjell under Ca Bfiterfme j bit impel ed ke kid bee be hop- lake eatyfed. It wou'd rHum to th qatttiot ht. loi :ht coaai lee 14 dole oia temtia an adoi,io,.il okffryanc-o, ikn, ktlit.itt, at ha aid b li'vc. the tlWct of civil liUity o L Utumy, td iktt tkw kl'iiing would only b tnfeird to oftifrvrt i.4 owe poktrny by tka "rr)tir t tat ol lawi day' l4riaUtrtd by upntlil tud ladeptaitei jaJget) il ll tuiy to tllhoie) lltUfoll liven y uct, fun whuB night pni'aly toeirivtrt Ik'i a.l tar pvt. itai pi icia'.t i It fSH. d il t'tlott cvt,k4a vote lei knku g out tk kill kfiiuo ui ti. Out oa tb ukl. a-a-a-aa JUST R EC EI EL) AN atirirtmcat pf the mo;t apprmei CHARTS of ihcScicoailol Noctb Atiuiicif il.t Vi cJ-JdJiO, llorop, fie. I : A. HALL. NY A NTH D ON fre'fht j the Wcfi-ImVcit fTtl of itt'uut too torn buTthf-r io fiiirvrtnc time t ext month. Arrlfto : . : JAMIS YALKR. May 3;, l8a.. L ' . . .,; ;,t.. I 'I ( a