PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY A L L M A N p H A L L. -y'l Three Dollars ptr Annum. T H U R S D A Y D. E C p M , B;E R 2, 1802. Vol. VI.No. :3o8.- STATE PAPER. jaU the advantaeVwhich have been or (ball be DeUivare, : jfran edjto any other powers in the fame man Maryland, t, tier 43 ifihev were cxprelsly ftipulate'd m lite Virginia. -. U - ' - m.Jl V . .11 uU-VIUIIII Lfejtnlthe Treat) of Peace, btlivetn rrenrh Ktnuhlir tni the luhlimr ( Jttamin U'ciciiu ucaiy. V pore ' . ' ;io. ' lite laiiliea'tom ol tfte p,reieut treaty Oiifi..Uailioi, TUEFirlCoBf..l-riHe French Republic, V'",,J6 6 7 " ' ' v 1 i " In ha name of .the . French people, .wjJ ,h(J tooner if pofoble, it Paris .bff "LX. )uuHirO.Min Empe'ror, hsii.g deCro-j , ' Dne at Pari, ifa O.h Me!Iidor. t the year ,.fceiiee, leflore the relation, of peace and amiry icb V" N1"1 2. 'V '' 'f C'' :"- ' ' ' l.ave of old fubfilled between France and .h .ae r,hc U'g",'1?. j i .-. (Siedl ' Sublime Pone, have for that purpole appoint. a mi Mile rj rieiupotentiariri, v... ihe Fi.rft Conful inihe name of (he French people, ci tizen CM. Talleyrand, mimfler for foreign .iFair. to the French Republic ; .and,th'e1 Sub hme Ottoman Potted Elfied Mohamed Said, Gballib EtfendiPrivate Seeretary and DiJ retior of Foreign Alfairs ; who after exchaa. f(ii' their full powers, have ag.eed to the fof. lowing article x , l. There (hall h npjrr Xi fi!cn,l ftip beiwean the French Republic, and "the O . L I '. ' I . I . ' ' I n I ' " n i . . V " !. . .... rr a r r evo A V n KSSIED MOHAMhOS.AlU. GHALIB tFtE&iUi.1 Federal Or nearly ilvretvole, 4 . o i0 A . 10 o 6 . o .8 o S o "-" . "9 44 . 35 t to one. ! : , Tk.f. . , 8 . ; . 1 . ne' fpiionenu--. whrre ,hey could, confolidaied. who! o,c which i, bypo.-Lr.icaV. can reafonably'be', by , ft L7o ' r. i I ' 1 "' A'.,.. lntellr.cer, f iH he,r fr.. the fallowing ' .he people. hVr' .C A View of the rtlative (Ircngth of Parties in the United " States in thtt years'; ' of .hunan.nii,,, yot. lo fllte, gtfi y ildeA DV fnnnri.(ri,,,T ik. ft . . .1 i ' exDofnion. I New-H,mp(hir,, ,h, whole votea bein? tij ThU f . hS i mftNTHpeb,C miBri,ie,i- e to verfpv. . Miirachufetn and Connecticut. kh fam,. ' Rhode. Illand, the election being made by i fin r and I 8rt2 TTV'.fT i i r l i. .V i . I .' cu mc i icNtn icpuuiic. ana tne 1 aneriea in. me teuerat prini, uiai uncc du.j. in .j .i r i . . ;..m;.. i D..... . L-tt':i::.- . n..n x.U. v .' l- m. . .viwuunu, iuc,tirt.u uDDf nude l) .......... .--, , tor :v-u,n,B,,Cemen . qi nC FrC.Cu.y v. 4vi;. , gSnecal ticket, which is .he fame ode purf,, Moni tor ever cf4.betWcea ihe lw Jvr , the . epubl.cln- ,ar.y. ia,bee. lofing (,. h; Iei , (. ,1 " J Tfie trcattei and capitulations which be-! great ai to cea.e a probability that the next 1 i i L? "r T ,he for? ihr r defiHiefptaiirc-. relation, of. prefideotial ileQion will ieflore the 8ver. fcacely a poflibili.y.hi every kind e.illufbe.weeJ , thi two Power., net tcT.he federal parjy.""Thu declara-ion i 1 , 'wer. ao ihrJ. u' fltall b renewed irv all their particulars. .' i made in a great v.riery of flnpe. atconi- ! . . ; , , ' -?,e ,lmt ,he minority, partifu I . . . a . - ""-- . , . . r ( . i th kll k Hfli tt.l in til U&. . I . . . I . It mai. In intAl u.fiAiir ,t K k ft... ' a s I. . ':f . . f L ' ' I I !-.'.JL.. . 1 n I . -n . ' .- . . I ... . Jt " .. - - ir. toniei-cncc oi tnn lenewai, ana in rul. ; F"""CJ u raacn uanaer cau upon me urcieni flfrV1ii. nf Ll .mijiiI Httnl't.. arininiftrl tr.n tt ! kai Mit iklami'm. f . . r . MiiH.m vim. .Ubi.n., lflIHUI4.'wUy aiVOI VlMg ) niiiiii.i lull. 4V ! HVI 111 ...AVII.IWfl IU It fey and De aware. The republican, m.y dc he fame ln Maryland and North,' Carolina. . 'O'y wtil have The power, in the former there can fee no doubt. "Th,. .w.f... r. evay member of which i republican, will con tinue heyond the next' eleciio, nd iherc is "at in ihe oLuei km n in two yean fmie liriilarlu t. L . . c , r--- ' "ki wc ionu aer the amendment of ,he . , , wuivM If I . . . ! vcriiioii , inc riecior arr cnoien bv ih U ik .t. . . ' v vi iAic iuw u iiir r nnt ni i..u . ri a it w k mi w inami.i cwm tuiii .a. r ua(iireu.-wnite tjub icam ru h m.n.f.n r,,. : .. . ' . . v.: -t to wbica tne r renct) nave a rifftit to enuiv m pet caiumnv bv the ordinary wcauon t ut u 1 . - ' ... . " t "lw Y C"r into ine rcDub ham AJ m..l . the Hate, of , he Subltme" Porte iUiUT-ito Vi Ueei wuhout .7,",.: tages .granied o oiher nations ; the Sul-lime yfclf- degraded were'I -ppat'e of Jniuliiij eW,Y0Tk bv a uemiineo'c lL' ' p,i j fin" ,he P11. "f 'be conflituiioii Pone confemi that ihFrench m.-rcham fliips 'be. public withibe language of a blackguard or. ruof ' l' h, ,,' '. ec- can becnictiai'ted of ihe JUbUtl) tearing the French. IU$M for the futufe or the fallLood of a liar. Dull on fohuc. ' t, , . b . poflefstbeuodifpu-edgh. to and !jy. i plain language 41 lean, fac.. Mrrafmcmbefl Q-(n J .. Tq be ronioucd.l tree'y tee c:a:k aca. -i h iublnoe ni lfl" ""ic good leuie ot my reaaer. to ater. r.l.n,u rhllf.n ..ti:. ."" '- - , : like wile confemstbat the faid French 'he proper inference,. - ;f. ' M . ? Political Miir..lU..v ant fliips, r.i thtir palfaae in andout of " 1 "ow no farther criicrioii of (be relative M-u. Irf.v ' .k. -r.. . . ' V efea.CuliwuiwefpecMo every thing that ! ireoaih of party a, the clofe of .he yea, , g w, J!r reLtlican! ' P ".sproba. ' TOrnE ... -pAU - fjvor the navizan.n pf,r. b clacej i '"" "".e vote, then given for Prebdent and I u:. 11 ... .i... 1 . , '. . Ik.... k t :'W"H."U''-.--. elv on the fame lu,n. i K .1. Vlce.Prefidrn.. . 1, ... . . . "6 tiC- or' are b I. a lea fort. I bad ... Jgreatinteren.c.liedh ,he ennre il.U. 'rV : i ... . r! 'T' ?. f-tlion would ceafe ,ft al'l ha.f., and ,;ilm. .!,.,, ... .......1.1.,, ronvten shi.n.J 1 Porte aierch lb caa ttecif ctiini Clip, cf ihofe naiiwar which now. aavi . ibe iublime Pone and the Coveiomeia of iLe Fienih Republic will wriH common con. K-nt take vicoioul ineafuiei to cleanO ihe ( a. 1 iv hit b tbe lhp. of boih ftatei .'mm all kinda ol pi.aiei. The autliroe ro.-.e pioraifc to proteft the French trading flupa in ihe Black Sa .giiuil all kiij of pirate. ' It is herrbV uiiderQood. ihar. Vr 1 L.i.n.. j-i fec'urtd by the piefcui article to the French .1.. f Tr 11 11 ui mc wnwain .iapuc, man in i.Ke manner ' crd 10 ihe fubjccti and Cag of the but lime Pane in lie fuarai.d territory, of the French Republic. '. 3. Hie frcntb Repulllc HuItrhnha.Ot. oimn Countiien which lie on. ut in the ni. It ity l ihe Jilaik tea, both with lefpett "c j r . -- -;---' ") icniuyivania, in tot. It a ledr ol party, and refoect. intiia.e v the oomi. f.. t:..i. n . . , . 'ii ll(; . 1 , ' r n r mengiu inii.ujtnoi relieve thai at ihi waimly d.fputed, whether the prefen. Prefi eniuillg ec io in Qc b fof fc de,., ha. or ha. not loO ,h. public confidence. eoner A. ,kffe will bT;lBl,u (, jZ T'J It Has bee. T,d by the lederahlU .hat : fo. o( ,cJ , lhe whole delya .onV e,0;Upi-.ed. Thow;, "f f tirt. V - J b,., branthe. of thelf, fla,re e " I kV; t T 11 , u r , miy republican. 1 i, not know wh-.b- ,neef.0 ,,, ,be ...j f r"" "." the pub ic will.tNbichwa. in furh tale, deci.' ,W i. . C...I r.. .k..r.. " mrni t InA r...r ' '.hc gov""- k,.,. or one Ulleh.d has bee . ffilC(j fup J The upror hai oorrif.- r.-. .l. a' t'u from ,hn - u,k ,.,.. . llaTG HRiilUIDIuffl. -jfrti. 10 any dI.-r.,I,IWO?, f lh".',efce5or-.iMr? V bat ihf rclult would be the fce dat-.- 1 hi. 11 not believed : But i( nuej . mi;(je, . . .. Are, ;.wyfl ?J gk? dlu,,nu,,00n ot ' . DeUware. the refult i, not fouly cer. hib:in republican pariy in 1800, c. uin, bttl ,hefe u e?f pibibi h b. n compai tfooa propoM.onahccreafe,, . fcine ff,ajori,y .hat cholV a republican Sovern! Soj.and would of cou.le.n .l.,, ..w it Mf wi ,hoofe aif , a ,epul!,ca .S bly 1 Ll" " TT't P'e(luI0"e'u,10 -' I Maryland, five federal elec or. ,be federalill,. In making . comp. lfe .Uowed.o avo.d ,he impu-a-ion of p, J nfon be weeu ihe ,w? propolcd;,,e , j,.. .Imuirh of the . .fe.i L fl....,, ,1. . ib .he.retu.t of the political flr,n,.h PJ;ei, enTe republican. iwu .h, 7. cf VI Clll lia C. Hill DV IDS riuuahrr aI ...I.. ... 1 v . 1 . - . .. .. ' '"'v' h ha. trade iuay render it pecct'lary t1 llaiinj fioia tie beWexiHirg . n: m .Vr ' i'-X K 4 ,b,l ou.!l be 0W 5 ! cf her liQ.ta.e are ,e.M,rJ privurgei woicn nance beru.. he war li0r' P'. V.,k r., r . r ' . h . .. . . i" r. . . . I Aoitii Carohna. ihe neiri. in i m .n.:... i ii-? Dii ni.ei. r..r ih. o..r. j... .j . . . : - - f 'fcllwEHI IMJ . MC . j ..... heir ita.Je and he geut. and Commiffariei , en tn 8o to Mr, J-ffeifon j fecondlyby which .ha. trade may render it pecclary to Hating fioia tie bedextflirg auihoriiic. he ..HAin. Il..h.1 ... f . i ' I I " and arivilefei erjoysdry virtue r,fthe old capiiu!ann. in ri n . . . ; . . ' . - - any i;icr fi'iin tue ua c ol ibe bubi.ius r..ieui it Use clufe of the year 1800, 1 one. - a. Jo tow : " a. The Sulima Pnn iff..!. A !! .1. ..' n .. 1 r . 4l tl nuliltd wllh Itfoc A to It IJ lh ltiiv Kr .1 .lmr.ff icniciuaea ai Amieft Driween t'mie , an4 MaiUchuieii', f rrflind. nn ih j.h fif f!f imifi.l .f r. , . r W tfl n. J t (ae,.h c-f Marcb.'itoi) or ihe itJ 0f Zii- i, H t.l;,iC 1 (f lil J. I . I A .til . If....... ....... .ltUIC( ui , v rnu-in, . N'liis ituihj A riew lriQature hat been jufl chofen, which .... . r . r - uMepeopbe.heworlleo, ..arc ii.arKed the BauderriI ,.. naccd .h lo theif tU(feor 3t4 . JM. a. f.iraccd 1 d,fcovcreuShe VrV It iTkeV''?6 cffclfchS: 't ilriket lln.if mi.,1. .... . ..." J. , . mjc uou.eit near. 1. r, o . hu defci p.ion, i, CalUow be ' e "'XV41 af'( GriUoldi, ye I.f. ste ine.e rphe eron of ,,e h,IiJf, 7, I r ai v .k wi an ueaiy, uhuh have iclanoo to the $uj. 1 om.ic bj .uc preient ircl'y for4jal;y -tacwcJ. ' A. The Fre neb Re public and ?! mutually ruiraaiee ih 11,' .r 1 B " -"w .U...IHI m ne tr pblfr Utun. , .6. Il: iciloiation. and indftnn Ufauaoi bub e due to ihe faff tttl of ilia iMfi fiiiuffal to ibeir citsaem ir.d fulirtti, ho!e rtf.cil .. vn ronauaicd ti l'l r.f ed duiiiif war, U. t r j ... 1 " r.jancr, b a fanuaur agrtemem to be inn. .iu JedF lencin the ia I'. , . ""IHW.I..I ,1 VVH .iiMim-i.lf . 7 y'MJ h mmoi confent new irgula. ..... Ui.Ule agreidon, wui, ,tfptl , jhi . ;noi cuflo..ofi Kb.iW.iV,,,. hive .lUftj-ibcff lluli in bvh iurt tWMI',Bl, ltf tri;..ia.e4 by .he 4U c.i uUmi,,, t. Ihoaij aey piifoo.u be fu4 la the i tw ciNnmri w!i ax deia cti ,n cartfe. ef til t!, war, ihejr full iiba.cdiatU te t at l.bcriy, wi U,ul ialj., New .Jerfey, Iviii. a Delawarr, NLiylaitj, Virgtu.a, Kc'itycVr, Tenet lUr, .. Noith Cart o o o o 11 o 0 i 1 SI 1 J . . yr Sooib.Caioiiaj'jr '6 4 9 4 o 7 7 3 0 o 0 , 0 o Federal 6j ludetuhfii Th. flatemfhi cab but ui ibt wdinaiy omptckmri uf public pmiun derive i 00 " icfutacy f whuban buncil e.m,an. f n j I ,'f f"o af fiifi i btit ihe decided tat 1,0 ifder ,k. t iprellt.wii.f the faiion- s::urir:.rtt,' i r.f..Er J- "'-.- fop - " v 11 vibii luii innif p wni. 1 a- - t mk iuiiii 1 . a 4 ....r. ji . . . . - ---.. Mit,H 1 Laiuir. ni'n.tii. each ,Je ... no, known. J Wb 1.,0,, ...flead .f pfwif j, m,ae iou.h.Carolma, .ht election i, by ,hc tf.ifj dmn an huMi fame, d.a.i;, -,hefe -1 tutr wh.chbe.fgchofe, only every ;w..r,. J?p' y.' Ii c.fl, you ,0 ,hj t the fame thai t..,ed f.r elet(..ia milu- . Juflicr. and refl.iia accufaiinni do 'Iheeha.,.he.efure been ro new .e,are. wl, wo,d,,or tuofc ufyour K;i.ieUf. p.clC,..t of .he pabliew.ll! bu.atcoumi that 1 " ta.y le relied on, furfVlh iJir PJ J m 'clU( ,he t,tm cf ? ? 1 g.ow.b of .f,ubl.can Ja ib.i VJ ''mler ibe period of tenor, wh.. a., . i'''J'V,'M4'''t"..flxir!arr'J Ge.Mg a, Ken oary and Tnflke, thfrt' he bandeu f alTum-d pain'. eter !. bct.t en eitaiued lfe dtubt p (m ,h' "f-uoded wiibio the wall, ct "V,- , . " ' i Comfit, an J that out of ibof. .wall ih.eai? Af er th . flafmenl t.nthrrt ht a doubt of at pdre mvalion fun ibioad and -tithe pufe 01 adtnr,.ilu,jw puifelHug nte ful f . wiileive.? If you do not ii ,f in .v.n.t. kc m in f-eopie ibn ha been " "c " mT "e uninariiatle to awl tbeeafe afa.y aa ftrdot period? Vt. . k Hi y. ma feel 10 be painful recollc who .heir doubti mufl be der.ty de.t,,tin' I, - tKe Q, however baleafaol e. lo know tot Wtre an cU'3i.i. Ne(it3 atUihi.ii'iu, Rhudt.!fl.i.J, CvanetiiCu'. fhiff, - r .... - V W.T(I. i;t hf tajpiefctil iff, J w.fl, pl'it' Ve.r.,,,,. Hiiri n..!.otaiy ,a,ha Untj Litai.oA ,'t w Yo.k,' I ' MC..I f.vwuud r wtl', II l. f.p-lU.y N'.w.rif.y' tJa.ifowJ .'.in cub L'ait 5.. u.l t '.e wtu .ukfl.aj'I. O o. 4 o 6 v I 2? 7 9 o 9' o o o p It i. vtin to fay the oeop tr deluded, and ' their teididt i. 'Kd - 9 "-"""'ii BIM.W 114 f ioeiufanf.v well fof Uci dacUmation, mi It dot mi! ioucb tbe foiai j (tit f,VM (.t,y itaatiifua iff i.a, I . repwb tcan be nadiMf. . ,lica an me Mid by-wd all 1 jsh.Ki!d we c cr.d alt ' 4ui r.i to ike pi, l I eUttion. a.a aitow o me ledeialiH.., he M ticm. ianr dia.; t.o t,ne ( wb'.ci. dua 10 ibt oeouie. who ouaht oicirly ou arr. km k.h.i ..... k.-. 1,..l I h MftCfil y of a m...'. J..I ! - '. , 1 I' 1 v ' - tiieiHna 1a not ;to beMcgrd by what he doea 10 dy, b"l W wi nit acnooa. , r U. then year rondufl in 1789 be ceapscri with your condua i. .801. Vou wtre .be 10 powei. M'l a ra J.-.fl.J ,1 char. ten ft a, yoo areintiiUd to .v w. .Mtjie. liat if ibconullcBir naik ii.yoy ate cmiifed to ntvUi. ThrB it will keMfw.bai your cWhii. ante i,lia priUaal and not public mo-ti, Y'i ie now Iwve.i ol fcaif . il 1 tMwcig ihtttfonou. Lr wart for. war Ud 6l oic.m.i atiu.., io tttif tna-, wim a and ihild to ih.Mooi.irv 0o;d bem.aal g..-2itiy m0 woa.a. .L.!4 io fuojo 1.

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