es'aaaBtjMesjaijen lMI)MMM)ggss 1 1 if i r . t U u 7 -J r: ; - I'M ' -i Vj : - -..: - Mr. Tracy, ibe ArgVn of "fedeTaKfro 5? r'ike fe mtc ia Jane 1 798, rniAi ibis memorable fpeecbJ v- ;rfr--'v:!fl'r ' :" , Vl for inytbwh.pirt I wtfh to rake every d t'whicdiir fiiuaiion 'and otic abiUiiev can command.. I rk" f rm. f 0l.6nWnr vefleU againil the,; ften , redone,,, ui -Gently wift to'put jrm ttto ih'odf .of.e.. j". tui-ia wiiiTiii. and -6t every- cbud in America, raga'i ft eyety m,teryo: can4? i.dVejpy?tVr '1 Franc-V" We .are nov tVa rtual war With France, ihe.decfarattoii may or mjyot e nwdeV but the var Lc fru (v - bfo pi " w e" ii. e v ct foau bavefeace rwuh that nation lonjtaY )he prewfr 'iria wti llhown'lhat fheir'BoW.'01'1 bafef, ih;rWfi-.ivV itietr audacivy -ndlhen; want -' u all fenfe-.of reTfgious er motal 'i&Hgiitor, : uuhii ihpin tor auinituon u i." ny,l!!t r.'.:. u-.., ft V.f n..n wlwrb 'fliall -te . : founded cn moral principles5 "tl be ofp;fcd and condemned ly-f.ub "i iet f people ; for. sin nn o-nrJ ihv difreffard every ihuiff hoiioo- nUe.i . Wiib ,'bV . prefent goveTneiAC' Frinfff iu ran i,fef be v iete. -I'-'Tfever : wilk 'to fre aeare'viih lhcaV ceirtifln of hott iliiiei prb3pV Tt ".r m.T. . t biu peiice '.we''rfttrelv ; ought- to- lyvr.,V' woaU dirVacV Ameiica ,t be 1 ptnuy .wilfr 1 m a a 1 ace -or 1 cE. . - onniin j . roeinj, be 'confidence l tSe peOpIeyii) their ; governmen'. T ' ;' w-lv':' ' '' You were iheo of opinion, lhar . evrr' h .ncftraan flould refpeit ;aiid; fuftain th go, vernmen:. i '. -;;:.s.) , Governor Gilman, the favourite .chili of federalifra, lays to ihe legifUtujre : of NewV " HampQiire, in a fpeech made in Decembet " Perfection in human afl'air u not io be . expefted ; to fatisfy every (iihsn.ij ext to: impoflible but if r fyfletn T national go - verBpicnt' in general, good;' if it U free ; If , we have the choice, i fiequenily: syre wifli of psrfoni to adm.niiler it : if. our fondatineh- tal and irrevcrfdble -principle in a rej'ubiicin governing! , it ihjt a majority fltall gnvtn . it u not proper to give a firm fupport 10 'lie - Jjwj and adminflfa(ion f luth a guvernmrnt, and for every -ciirzen duly ' to confider, Ijw fr ciamOiirj and oppuutien thereto tjaj in je or procured, or' may 'invite or procure injuries jfrom acy foteign nations'." - j In June '9, Mr. Craik a federal rrpteferr- tativc trom Mulard Ciid, That he lata it 'down incontroverti'We that in i'e govtfBtnriH, the mamrnt tre rxe, . . cutie lols the confidence tf th? people (hat moment the . jjovcrnnieni is dcitroveJ. lie , deemed the i'dci that ike executive could have ' influence by irjratu of its patroni't, a ineie chitneta." , ' ' ' ' ' , This it P rang; doflr ire ! Ii i 'tis climax1 'of federal delnlion, and it nothing fhort of ab. fo'ute monarchy. -, -It- cannot trtercfore,- be , foppofed lo be quo'ed truth. ', It i quoted to (hew i&at fedcralilm ii coodftnred out of i own naomli. For if it' is ' incen trovertallj that the moment the executive, lafe the confidenre of the pcopV, that moment the overrment it jM'royed," then docs it fo.Iow tv it.tviutle inference, that every citnen, e en thot R'i he iln-uid be a flaini.j fcderalifl, once in If arch oi cfTtce, but now ur.fottur.a'e. A Ji pO'nitd, who attempts to deprive the executive cf tUe. confidence of the people, -it that veff tt'omcr.1 does all in his power to .e ftroy ihe g'ivr nmen', and is unijmvoi a'.ly difofiinizfr jui enemy 10 tbe cor.'.lttution. I1e coitfetwin is a pieciou one, 11 it Cod fit tnt bryond denial the lliongell thargc tniJe by their oppot.ent., ; ; Yu were then in favor of cot.fir.inraUofli, res lo mtn who coiitiided in v innU wuh the I'reU Jen. ; 1 cm are row enrlr avcnrn; n J. Il.oy ine "thi'tcler of the ptefid-nt fvr if p-.itmrg 'but 1 few v ho ig'ee 40 pyl.iil i iutjii nli.hioi. llufe conllitw.e the ftinJf trpics of it ' traction. It it affcrted ty the eiK-mir s cfb dmiriiilraticn iliat iitry have aaidcn:J a!! pfinciple ad ceaf' to defcrve the public tn hence : bi'e tuey la m im-exchthve ffjn- for ihemiVlves itcauft till 'afii ihff only in tiitry titriuwe frtfttvd the 14m hit1 I In 10 .-iri rnniui " i 1 "t ;ii- airijant and, hallow lUurujuy vf 1 inaiiia tg tl;a irR. i tUiXt to thl Alm&ll - Diroer and Gwer of all'j tboa 1 in tn foil perluiuoa ana oenei, tn i iaterebioi o4ner regifdi,oor fce-rtsbetviltaci'diw. tiid that I . IKll be.Mn.freiVvtnl ieiraatly jn-nedm ihil ium, ihoagh poor nd wwtMjmue icnnc, i only by eery imcoHer of. the 'peneril Affem3iy,ttl U....m.('iiirnn( th State like wife. v" v' xi. WW ..T " . ' V - jThe pe and prtifperity pr our eouwtry pretet.,lv.i in rWrfiirtr and fmilin fucciDtooit to onlyw fifcjetta at congratijlatiqoj , but a tnis which undoubtedly fKbuld" be confidcniij ot foi' .-'NcrtbCanlina,1- v;-:i:' , .1 GattTtaiitir. .''- , -. - ,.' -:"-'-'." I Uie litety raceiyed,. and fctre now the honosr Hry Pickeu and Jcob Doll, ot-ibe Baroogh ot York in-the Rate of Pennfylania, otf;rjoleiihi bo whjkh f 'ttap'y W arma miy Be baa by wjrounj. Urtdrr'the tprelliaii that rt it proprr 1 UH 'nn or wfioo t inntioo to tfie G:neil AHrobW, ih'i o Stufly the 7iu ol tlve pmlent inootli, the f.aecu Sporxltig Intel ligrncc. riprkindi and' facta at cm mm UH tr exS pdw$ aruh which 1 am veQed,' wiU'eonttitu, latitude, nor to pom o4t the-toHtrirg care aq PJ jce.fe : 1 ; r ' ' a bencRcent. .arrovwenw ; "i 7nrf1,'A W. which neceffirity prow oat of any urefent ft uxtton, when on the eye of biidtnr adiea . i i: .il l t I t to a body or men, dj wnom i nave oees nigtuy i tefling hind ef remind u,M.t't it ia to a due obfervance of our ao f tal aod reflsirns di tie, and a twin ana wiht','.. portof tie conflUutbntharkel by'a fcrufutous id. hetence as well to t(i letter at to the, fpirlt ,f that .6. ftrumeht, that we cau rationally loo iorwu ... Continuanceofthe innimabe'ci.joyii."t w poiUia, nituc. of our eiable and happy lot. a teaion oi ibe Aicencan people. - i. ,- Scon itter the rile or tne hit .rurmoi, r,..,..'j .k fimml ot the Bills oaffel bV the 1621111- ture, were mt figned ; on tbs report of the XleikJ tof te AlTemb'y, I thought it-my duty, aud foraf 4e4 .Knf' hilUlo 'iha Sacakeri'of the refpive hou.. in tar'e t'l a coiifidential Mtirn5er (Mr. W. HiV) ijm. rrt.twnrit (iinml. and ? ream i!oicd b V a leirf rmiixit ntt HilJint-iiKV.ed. are more eafilv ca.iceivrd thinaxpteUeti.. I haa rvot Iaii2U4g to iletc.'te . lThWrliair'?ton Jockty Club Raie'coiiininceJ- A pa'Tbuifilayfait. ;-- ' -t ; " . ' The h'it Uty ' - -- ! - CoU pikeyfn'i Santpoo won trte' pst-ft, b? Itttanecd Mr. Jamet Blood onh' Foliat.o, and ?4rv " B tie's Prefideuc'.he fii ft heat, with 'great ef ' i, 'T-'tv "' The feConil rl y J '."- ' 5'.' lr. j.ane'aVara agle.:-H'inJaes,i hsrfe Cahdefi 1 reckr Col. Wlket'a, Medley a Mr. 7eanfnj;' titifta.t?d.i Eagle won' the nr!t ltd f:cnd beat., " saving diaanced ait rut Medley the Kr.l heat,' - s- ;r-r.i "'"' "': "! Trie third dtju. .' :-, Msir''Wiktr, hotfc & jhcl'y woo the parfe witk them.; but would bag you'.N.howevar, Gentlemen id j ,jfe againlt Mi. Laoa'a hoi la Painpc) and Mr." Alii' ba ai'urea, cnii a graviiui re.ntraorance or your nr..- jura a aiiingor. - I-J r.;. . ..J .L . n,5..::n--! .'. L . ... , -. -'f o v gncc ana iuaip jri, i.u kiiv w.i inc . wiiaci si yoar profperity and happineft, Bull not only be r uirtcd and cherifhed by me in pri vate life, hut fiiatl be among the lad fentiaienti which are wift me. ' . , ry-. ..VP- .. B. WI'LLIAJ. ' . Raleigli, November tj, - ''Ws meflage was. referred lb ' theTa'tn corooaittca wfth die totiucr. I m , ' ' : Saturd ivvNov. so. "..' A rncXigeva received from the Yenatt1, fixing up i nor lor t ie eniuinf veir. ana n-in-ii HI107 lor uim n t iii. HA'ini Lie. i i t r --.-:- -- ": .1 .&. lahn Rant ft A hs.. Irireoh TatUr siad William itb ihe E.cauye waacuaraj ; rrrnh.,kf.a.. BvWrinKnr t(i ' Ji'n'oW. , bdundarry lia b'ctweei tlau lrf i -i- '- .i--i. " r.neiiitr-t.. . o . I ... ' l.ojn tbe .speer.otthe. uonte or v,0rrniio..., v -r rf thUowInU-g at the' time f,r bsltotting lor a'G :.U..a.tik VSa u.!mw a m'arke.f Witlilh lettsrlt.i-.. -, . 6 , . i - " . ' :lhe fi of letters. tnaked wife herewith to Ko( the kufinet't w in rtclrd fo the ! th atejptfc-!Mr i v''- , Uud if any, what alteatntis,in the fedicury i&em rvr n e ui icu:ri nii nea i. mew me inv ". I .1. ; .,.ir., .-.j , . u:n LWt""4'0 ,.Mr. wAer, Matfhe wi, Cameron, Ion ami Wr l,T, T-rell, msd on she -S:me . . . uti. ilQ. ,t . L. - the Rate ot TenneCee, and the MP' fWir J earned on re par. of this iloufe. ..,.' -purfuaat tolhe d.retftont of the 1, Affcohly. n . . fireJ ,t lh(l A,,;R.'f,w. tlre'taih for tht fe" Ext raft of a letter- Trorrt Annipclii, diteJ. ; Navember 4 7 1 .s; ' . - v ' '" This day at n oVkock, ' our much ref-pefted-friend gen. Samilel Smith, tVas cho'fst a fetk:6r toiieprefent litis (lit!, in te ferial" " of iKft United Stjie. for fix yeais ftom tna. 4th of Mitch pext."; -. ? - : :...- Tlie enC'RY nl. Governor :M'Kcat- i iii liters!) f vty a ft hrr: FcWatifn ; tKt 'ifocrf-.-no'vr' fcnbwtj ortly .by" hi. i ' I V""i Tiuilonal Initliigtncer. ' -. '; 1L . C 1-TI-. - 4 - e : tt fur J at till o,"K" ;:s;::,;; wrpitenti.ry Bin , nd Mod.y " r : ' 5 : ' -f,,htjive.f.ty. Tl J,:.V I h.. of thVtrme when, ' . that the Addrtf. nor in the manner ir whit h thi, 1 oe weald be 04 " ' "ceuancy the Govirior, wbh ...d of'coerfeit wV not in my pnwer to expedite the , -.-Pd to. and fent to ,ht aen.te H.roac.reace, b..fieH, nor we.ld tt hve leeu proper tn me to hti ECflknci Bfttj. ---Wi litems. Efa. doDt anV fuitVVrotf orher mrafure in regard to it. . : i , .-'.a u- . J IX, The file of lrtteri marked Z. witS their inclo'ores, Will 11 tke iliention of the Legiuaiure to the-im portant and mlertrting claim ol the" heira and de .:f.. n .1.. ii. ririnuilli. . matter nf vrat iiisn ui ills m. fcu wi.ii-iii r.-.. , i r.. .... .-. and fe.ietn concria to' r-ii Rite ai'd ! eitixeni, ir-C P"""'.0' ll,rf Yt,r wn"' " do jnltice to the.r one on which ! affa.e myfefihe Leg-flata will b,. 'b'T .bear to ePrefi the high flo the attemion and toafideration its poflible eon- ' "" "r F'n vour a?:c, rayctu;, a,. I,n,ence, e,it. - , . . M .V.'?,i"H,mJ1,,,f' .otftratai. . Tha 'e'.er'mttked T. wilt inform tfc; Ceeral Af. JRewh:' ",nM the Cod o,r.ien of his fe!ln-r- femb-v. that a ehiet t-f the Tufcaiora -Nation of Id- ". we " "'"Se be fo ac-prahle, ' : JTLOMJS PJLVS, - . , .TO TUS-ClTIZSSr'S of the U.VITEP STATES ,v ". Utter the firj. : ' ,. ".. ; .' Atraa an alfenee of alnvih filteen years, 1 sm a gain leiurned to the country, jii' whofe diug-.-n X bore, my (hare, and o whof greatnef 1 contiibuted My part. - i., , ' . , When I folei far Europe ia the forine cf f?8 , The UeueTil tftomVy, a tKe clofe of the yeJstto'n,'t wis rnv intent cn to return to America the neat .y-Taith hn exifled betvueen them and yourfelf. darioi! yer, api ertjoi' in rctircratot, tho efleem of mv Irienia, and the resale I wai entitled to 1 had ftood out the ftorm of one- revoution and bad a wifh to emb:rk in iniiher,. ' But tbre fcenes ani cifCum'lancei than thofe of-comemplttel rsfa allotted me. Tha Fieoch rtv.O'ut.iea was hegicntrg to gfiimnii when l airivea tn fnoce. The princt.- di:n isoo This waiai'tecd th.m o, the bufn efs at the tnbnte of ihans rendrrtd by tf,e KFrertmv ; P1 f' '',! t'"J,i hcy were copied frOos Am. laid bclorettie L"ft A(rcmb!V,'hnt with' wW and en.v renplc i.beliej,igihi yoar Exce'.len.Vrt. 4 thim n who co.duftedit were Sata. lused powctaficm bia nation. - - .J - . 'V v rV'-'tt,y PH"tutc fl,ch oStrlrg,. we pljy ! Jut thr fory off.ft-.nn foon fxtinguifhed tha aae, and The letter .Wd G. cj-,nia a ylirhH" , ' , ' I eat the other to thHcaffold.- Of ,hof, wlo beg,-. Mr. Weeler, ol Vli'rma, furn.fh th'i t e s G ateful forrhe g-fd 'tfhr which y.lif Excel. I tb" reva u'ion .1 am alma the only an with mafkeis, Uor.U, and piflols. The k.uwn sni. '' to ctp-e s for mr ,orFe,i.y, -hat ihro&g'i a thouf.nd dange.a. ; I owe ilth not f acknswiedg-d'want ofartni in N'otih Carolina will' we -e lo ' VO i, that e ate on h ti fp ii.i. . the piayeia of prieB. aor o the pie' y of hypo-rite:, probably induce tha Legiflatare- let treat with Mr. 'I0"1 fi' ;- wrfiare, and atkiooCy wiAs thiti but to the coounuad protraion of ptoeidanqe. ii'..,.,;.. 1.. r.wi.ei rthi. t.,r or m .m fima 111 J""" retitammt, ynj fny, iij- addi; ibn to that (i-t 3ut 'while I hthe'd witii peifi e the dawn cf . oiler cffetLal n.eaut lu'r proca.ioj the n.cxiT.ry fu- c;'" -wcls will rtfult.fiom:; a io-!cUfnefa , akH ak ah uiah 1 I arf I . -1 O, k A L. . 1 . 1 L ply Th hie marked H. e-ntaif atkVWniHf (lirlfl enjoy ths h'gheit r.uon of hum.o felicity, f(Ti0a ol C .nrefa, and fnth nf the acti a 4 rrVa- ' atraTr..., imm ..,e Jitting well dil rhsged a high aod iMipprrant trml, comimttee appointed to of;bei y rifing in tumpt, I. fa w, wiih regret, the luRte of it ladfnj in Arrerict. In lefa than two yeart frost the (imeol mvdenuture. forte distant fvlloml csin-' ' fully fgfgeAed the idn that the piiriciplcs of the u- t uni of our ia the cixmIc oi The fi e nraikrd jH.iliti VI lit M' a,...-..-..-.-. 0 ' m 1 S . m m T f - ,. . . ..i -v. Kfv ralL.1, Trsnci mM.4 at I .. t - bnawfiuai . i r ..... refiTeed their ipiOtntmenta hnce ihe lilt AiltrnUiv, ,r.., v...... jv...., . , , wr ,c r wn.r.j,,. ii i i..-. ii-r1 i'oinf me nt v t he S-icakrr nl aaeh M.inr .t .iiiii . 1 atl t9UCh nana nhiat.hfA vr.A e lOiti ire I wt uia am leave to auo, t if, ' .. ' - .- - , - j . . " r :Oiatio and funher inlormatiea al ihe Jee.f ""rn"'" ,ak nfi ifration l .e piepiuty ol fay, mat ty fneods cn your Gde iha watcti cannot alure, Ihe back' containing Jh lefers wtittn in- and hv the f xrculvr. Inte her wiih it.nllier VrtMt ttSufaQcd byi.nin the eoiatfeof the cu.ent y:Jr. ,n.eTn' ',,',,faB, '-d-Eatoo, wcieuamed oainejait i.. r . . . filler fta.ei, aihfvecomsio my lindt t' ,1 5 wjuiw, vcporiea w. txpifirrj on tne iot tnt the nelfiit vear. tnatiue vica were iq.t ior jonn oaptirt atlhe, 41 l?t inna leceived, at inat tiroe, a letter tons a e l J ae 1 1 n f i I - a t W a. a . -i . t' .a a. .1 I contains the 'ttters of tneft vvi.i am a-oia., m eg ror joiean nyior, that tncrej ""-e iitnary correipopdent, aod in my ar.lwcr to bet ....1 .hn Hia fC.lind Aflvs waidaly eletied. " t 1 1 eprtT-i fiv f.iri on that he.di'n ire foi'owiYa? complifbl nlthe fi.l, we Wi add to the ref- -"fLt diir.Ued. All who peaalnliiy, aod incKiieike wealth ol the flate, n JITi. .t -t i ' well a diaaw.,, in a 6 en dej-re, that onple fant hYH. ? lLiS l'- f0nccr" and unfeeiningly (lite o thing,, w hich rrtrdera ui at attifjit F. Fof.r.itio !c Co, arc r inbl fhin a Bmk, nl that the ce re.ioil by 1 " c rtctrcilcd la he idei ol my abanloiiing Aire- , iill or.oi.hefwi e M.lTri. Calvin Jonis, Allen, C4-1 r'c. 'n for ray eaiive toj'and. .-Theyaae rtgli. I "at raiher tte snv hmfe Butmn eatin? the gi- a " of C:iideuton 01 Mjiifanea than fee all the vam.i yaod .mn-vnl F.i:fpe. , , - . ," A ih wituid yies heer, f.r I malt inn'g. a "few .Jiiughti,, ret-.ips io le's, Aperies y, bt what fcurop; oow i. The i a cer.te ol her cbtr "atlef, ihtt won the hearts of a!l aitieoi in bet f; voar, may found like a raa ce, aod bei laimitia b'etmeiiif it fcji nift be: i. Tin ruifs cfthil libtny , f r which thcafa.j aed may lu-ni! ' matrri U lot illg talc, or e'oit .a tih lro;i ruH-e ferfihilitv; whiia tl e.fafh.o iail oi thacdav, envfloptj in diftpai'on, fh.ll t'tiiJa (be p.'oJfU, ' and dei the fia Wieo we conirniolats ihe fall nfean-'ret. anl tha ex'.inrtiou of the nations if the ancient wr'i An.i I lli'tl l...n. -. I r mean t has in (r,..a .... mil nooie. li..gertot..f afs on you- pa-ie, cv vto'e reco,,.. I "hgnanoa ef Mat- roendhtt ou take into itrjurn ihe Iscilitaufi wivvmpi a.ei.iun.j. cur inlieet navigation 5 sni the flill g:eater"intpcr. f4" ,',"" 4 4, --- -' - HKce cl p-oitdtng. nrrogh sd (jtu's and fuiiable - j 'p' T r t mean lor a jeneial diffufi jo cl learning aod fc'ieiice 1 ' J I 1 v Taa tlrorghout the. flate. Thele app a, to ma obieOs vf WnH- - . r ihe Writ concern, aod well wo,ih the rtiei.hoa of a , 1 V v-opaitr.crinip o; r onrainc n paluotie and enlighten! kjnlaiere. Thro' iha ae. ' JL Tarb?, i thisday, by TtlUtliai COn- !io h jvc de al rr ntielltfJ p.e(fntnecfaj t'yd.rcde,.tbn cur filler ttates for thibit them lor OttletT.tM.t Without Aad ineoafec eace of tbe altaicmeat ef the othrr. ?J7 " 'iiine mi C3'?U to tltncr tirm, i ' mne t eite car regret thM tad far more eft mihla end, independent ol other at (ollCltcd to mortar.t aod Utetelli.ig t j 'Kle.anom, we my inta uatr.aVv iudutteske food sad rlntctina taae. that l .. .1 he anab'ed all latnaai mtkA Mass A.I ' " i nnt'ngton, txny. it, 1S02. Our u'.iwiny wi ofcHuti, dalv to apprecitte and ptopei'y . n undr. i.ioa lu.l ae'enq m ir natutal tiail, ana poliltcil iinhta, iii fine.-ihai, wiih cn.Wsifi cd minHi, ml ihe mii( -itni Iy el Itttdom, they wtl, aecr enf: la tt lice. E. WILLIAMS, Ral.'tQtt Stvtmltr l3,. i8i2. Tie abwe waa inferred to j-i'1r.orr.rtii.te. The re.krv lid befoie 'the llnuft the tddrefi f Juleplt O ahim, wi-hihe pi Ibbiniitrd t tie cwtMeritien hi.bwioefteredio ajimitermttt-. - out houfci wit almoil new an! tit ?nci Mr. CU'k, Irnm l.e halloiing eommir? fat . . . , ,i r......', ... :. .':,:i I. r a- T. w'ni avwIV. li i B , - . C Voiron is euBed. Hvcm ami (lore lite fencing t.MII.'J 1.1 aa.w a iw w t aiv la If I j . - - ,it a - r, w sg i m Vlir iai t ail m-lie irntnt't.'iafe p-."v- . b ,'f",r nr.itr-t eora,iP,i,rea, mrgtiii. P PAMTAtMP M 'at worium'n'r, loty p, runidi. led -cll sud A- A,irIJ'' "t-wenolthe tsollcaflly worktrnalKia : but wfcea I . A. TAKI3L. "threr.rhe ol Ame.;;a (hill, tht futje-i if 1 -LauUj fcr Sale. qpiiAT Vahublc rJantnion. r.rar JJ South. Wsfhingion, contaih'r.g cr.c, ,h th tufar.d acrci ci vethimberr.) lsnf. cn ."'?. . ..-i n ae if : 3W " ntien e iha Lrrifliture, i again rtntfCil for file. Tle (Iv C and :-. . : i . 1 a l " . Mr lad ritrd a i.tten prnf,.f.t ef lit. j r.ljt.Utica J tolmUj TQoU i...l-l. i'k'"lf'"1 flaylae for -mia t'te Liws and Joaira'a ol lit 1 , t i' i j'ypirtallhi pielert trfTi! h-th beiag raid, a K.f"n will J-oU, U Nty tent to the Rent's, prea-f.a' Ihmre bi lo'mg forj A tral cf Sour linndrcd' Crc Cf I j " As ihr Frei j" C'int'HipuiiTe lorro w:Lbe ieCuii.'y g ea r "thn cmmblirj bt.fs or maiUi can ii fpire. It " wi: tint thf.s te laid hoe Urid a tenp'e c! eat "-raiiqyty.ftrc ro'ei label tl i.muV.e h.:ght. t "thne a palace cl funptuoas a nag.r.ct , ia. "heitla't piir.fut thaj-'.il h ao'uleU wo.k, tl " bjinin wifoeen, ihe g aaJcft fctaa cf rn nin glory. ea lerMdsii RO.vEsad ILIU Riii d thrn-rlk il I foraer Ame.ita." know, lio n th- iufi. intiiua I niia'e ant ttafjicit.ihst the tmptctlirai it at then dittrtfJcl o, for I was pro.'d of Aminca, wars bat loo wSl Titaa. 4ed. Sh at riti.;,i, Kr l.k her gioiy, aal making hilty flf'd'S in tia , .ith of ol'.'i. vino C-l a fp'ik ("Set ihe al ff vavaSif. XIX, ai,iagai!bc and enta'iegtii1iable lio"p tfe'doag night ol eifof, is gm t'l'v in up, tn eve el the utma, the g'e.aiac Kama ol ri ua i Freaclt reroluiif a a J read it l!ia- a - - - General Aflembly. -Taafdar, Nrstmter ,1, Tk follewirg trilhgc naaicifivtd from ibt Cn. ataor, To the llmr-rsVt i)t Ciatral ArTenbly ef the I t e 01 awiib-carolina. I l.n a re 's'Qly'ly ( ackaaawledgt tft receipt of ibt melfait a ib hirh yoa vtrt plca'ed is hinoui are s9e1y, a-t to tmkt yea tht ccjim juatUr lokih t al e'er. nut Imcetnae tryfi'f ia a fimp'a at.4 toarl't del 11 ihe eaeteut bunf Cnce ymar lafl feints, I fk'tt 4. ptikapa. AaikiiftvCa'jae be 'hMghi lo but tl kha k'd my dat. The '''.ied ftV tVafa'ioen, h.ret. wkiti ceaaot I. II 14 aa ait a la .ht brea'tol a'l r t, . ae. aa (rev g k i'f leta't el fit lm aidia I da t leaf tn, a d aaw gia mH 10 tnfa t us lettla 4 Ifi-aini. ib film cl a. t apt, 4 and la l' t fatifkiae vf ftewUa ai..reti . wili.'l !, bebaUie fepet.ada the awca'e 4 aHrr! at at .1 a a I me r.o.. rrin n re ton,-on.a snd that a put- lelativl, gjr, ri ns the abovej j h ,M ,nr" i toitiaitit be tron'(d to take tnto eerfiaeiatioa;.. n , , 1 e f tl lda4 Bjke a f-uoa aiiaik. .Tbsbrii oef-kjeelelrliis pteprfa', aad miketepctt oaUt j ,faa CI 1,vc n'm.Irc I Jtrcl tut burJw,,ntlWt u. . ie hea..e af tniu.ea aa.l eantdwntyel ktaiagiW ju.l.e arioiiag parloiffiJ jVtrry rj'uatb fci rtucka " !tatie4 ihe pamti.i, KIGtllS CI Us't. ?t byemd. ,.'' ' TUof wh-, are incit.tttl t n-jrchjfc 4 l f;;rfa.lkiw hiIWii fndiy, Nee. ta. , ,s, .i i ... i . r th Iii.h;. Tee embt l i--ei e r. kfe. U'.lket nr. I ,..! ik. ...M ,t T..V. 1 '" -Uic UHfcU.Cl 141101, SVIM ritatC au- ,!,,. a f ,,). A. Jttnilani tui I e'a.rl. h. f. , tiaty, piiymg ih n ma, be ttcommeadid (0 bis ply in Duph'n Qtinty t(t DiiYAM FARRIO:?. Noyebfr mft, 1802. liiMlationttnto forciga Itngaiga, wti b'.lweea lo I and l.vs biidicd Iboalaiad tact leacy ihe Citttaoe, to t'tnt bins a nda easccoaat of Ike tl itfte el hie late dae w ih Gen. psigkt. Tk'a anemcnal was reft. red in a .at coaamit at i 1 be 'taate members t't, MelTii, faiey, Teraera'4 lli'iki It iha Comaaoaa, Will Rt QO f ft MeM.a Wa'ber. Cienereeand C. leart. ' rr? ., r t t n . i bad eanal orpertaiiuies ti tee'elni'g of attini A meHge net 'ci.-id from iha eas', fafaaiag 1 4 twjMJ lejf(0f ,7,l.v"w,r n4. llealy dfTeittce tt -eei irt i4a at atif, l U'f U lri0t. ill lleufa lb at ihry d.fatiaai leibt ptepafal I tha eflpi".' mi"t af a oin-aeiiiee tea nder Mr. yia..' prapa tne te 'petting ib Pab it Piint ifjp aad yrepowd a imna'd'tn ba Im Inf a friKt. Ib;t prn,htini ktmg a;rted t, tha bt'lot.wis rtn-n'dn e'y en'eif I rp-a. Mr. Hfker, Ira-i iht c-wi!t'tt j?m m4 to fe. pttia tat tht billolieg I w petite plf'. lea-'t.ed iHit ia t-t't t't In, fp GaUa, it fi W.llnia .... . . . .... oa)in, an.ii iaf uadgt tea iiytia, aaa laNifca'f Tht ptiiiplea ol ihaf w9ik were the fan-.t auho'tl In C. MMafiaia. Si.d thirf-a weu'4 b'f I Uht lirrlc la fat tad, la it bad bi o H America, I a. cea 4 Hi vie el ihe nt ioa beta tje ly t k, rr ten- wirb, it,ibal the one waa a'o;itlie ihe lncil ei'teto THE ff l!b:e VtfutVV i.f Peri. ''"'ottflkuB4.aa4ib wetiunofe ot ,t'M J.1 ' JL' i,'.f, i ,.ill. omltf, I aclel labotti e.ittaie I'f mm Mfr2n.. drfriitJ. lOiilitlil.z 1 1 . ... . . i . . 1 ---- - " . iiri, mte ia iic finaieii r.i-. inn, s in i"- vt hotfti, catlr,,hogif corn, nuuunollji,ihitaUeeiict, tit p eVtire-mikt wheal i..f a'n eKi c't in a-ne hir, t 4 ' Let I. C.lti i da v elected. IntbWm-glo iteb'e, tftiimi'tlloi ikts.rtf.l T Uleif Uedagt wat fft ved ( ens h i tt. aaaneat; alt r If gestae Uitait el aa, bk Alia cel'tn f iha Cmrner, , , r.ta r1ef ?r I - ... ".t-l.lj . . f I Ar t l.e fame tm;c an.l yt vU li .... ,.t.,n. ,,,". i-- r.r.. .,,,,, i. A. IHA l.ti'liCl LCalmavxt, (Mail hB lijit rt fc9 f 't,a a. r 't b't.mnir'rtete tttiilitc (i rian tt i, p e. n isit trxaeaela, aad tie a o-'a aa Iwifdtia'v w 'strtr. ft h ihi.t'ot i o eltr ikn she R.oat'l r 'lit wataMktia by tk.l iataa.aa, Ifd i an L I iic! t.ut lor fire tear, lo-Uirz 'o uid effjfe. lAML ELUDU'OKTll, Ei'r. Noy'Tler i8. - ' . i . , - t v a. .

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