PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ALLM AND HALL. Three Dollars per; Annum. T H U R SDAY.D E C E M B K R ,9, 1802. Vol: VI.--N0. . 309, jFrfl ibi Btjlon Chmnult. ' " l re tove rn(erwiv 11 TEXT. tontefi vnh Britain '? Was it f ihe love ; polfc of "freemen,- tViodied o'exprefs thofe of liberty interwoven in ilw foul, thu .fed. ' fcs tVwaicS were in!f woven m cyery npre ' VV . 0r tJDDO&rion . to Britift tyranny ? Oar : of ifc'trMpuli f tnuitonj ot 4 rr'lilrtv : 'fCW Samui-t AiA.W to wn roseling'" wee the pure c vV,fin .she foul of man;" So it ii KtT(y ; ,or coll ego (at chat time) bathed nfiTwfivii in tout fit na." boil i, 'Vtir , wai --iri;s i'i""" ffjyt fchrt Adam)' accrin7 Vo La fjjtrit of freedom and the right ofa - lain-, in'.fut of- "a wolf t -vi:l ,d4uDi; Tut-e-ih 6nht day were eager. -to dUpiaf '..fclx ton . t i 'would not with to put. an uncandid flrtKiioiv on thia tTarafcraiih ff leBcd front letter, but if there iv any precifcjiea exprcf i ky .Mr; Join Adani, , it ppfart, to bo in onV thao in tbe eiher, un.ilin M exhibitions all. tended to roufe the mind toU rr,nonl . wo-vel,, ihey arc en- 1 1 i4 .A iAki j p - . u iAtiimn 'i nrtnnr.i an 111s biu1l 'i ..j iir.r i rf ni, rlnSn Cliir nir rtf hid , the i nril orodaced, and eonltamly IIl.t 1 wuva:ilJll tuu civil FIIUKI mill" -"- ....... -- . , . -IT t I . (1 which arcfi,ft-p,od:ePdrnd-onVPporl4.the people jFafeuil Hail and Old 1 proved .by MoWny If lam no, correa !,.!. imoroved U i fi-w-.h U. U ,L South often iefound.-d'.with the accUm,tio. : in my coflclujiani,. I fl.a.1 acfcnwledge: ilitv. o! cituent, colletlsd tox inve!igite the gr?at j my error ; . buuhe Lnglifh language cannot h hn been effefl:d by three leading caures w.h'tch though ot abfoMitely diflin from ech oiJrtr, admit of diflinft illutlrnion. t. Tae wide diffufion of political infor mation. ' , " ' . 2. l ne wil an$ or the aaVmotltration. The rapid mcfeafe ofplmer$,anl, ($ec tUyr4jior4 fopuftff ofiur weit em country. ' ' . :" The two afligned'cauies ar; fjfficiently well undedlood, they, are the flandipg top. ica "f o.4iiical difctiCion. But' the Uft ha .bren little noficrd. To u, therefore, wefliaJl Tcpiftolco.efpondeW 'Mr. Ur.'Ada.i..and Mr. Samuel Adams, rics it is true, considered thetowrto. uoaoni p.u.. ..t.r v. ww.v. hr-y-r. i' r ir ;ftn-,,iB; oa!Hicl riAf.'nU ' s's a den of wbUel : thcr foofed it eOaHgwable may be ineappttcano. "--j - . r t r r r - - ' ' .. whicr. and are icb a. hti-'y ir..eff (ling o "the happined,ry that a body of nobility Qiould be created jdj Admit i profpenVof.e coitn ry. The Iciten check and 1 controul them ; Hutchinfotv'and j p written with that Corduiitr, aVii '. elates Oliver even wrote to the miniftrybr thip'J rtorai calhd for oecifive meaforet, meafttrej of great Admitting mv premifei to be fubflantiarrd, energy, which f.-on produced a flue of war. does Mc. John. Adam j de.cUriiion in iniv n: ution i tae country tne opn ex. ratio our BUI st ngnit. nicti etnptta'i-. pi'i opinion w cnurciy liippreuea on . . . i 'It ...r-- ..J u..-,. w.,vJ;rur-cal v ! atcs. "that tMvrrnmMii i mjhtn ed tor "V ' me lone, wno were 10 eti?nat- I.:;.:.! '.k L .. r. rd. ;he general diUH of tne oeofle. convin. : l co-nm n good ; thai they abnrhavc an cd from their. an.i.repuWican Centimeftti,; aud Mkdtetftwooldcivilun',: nhbad cid them in vhat abhorrence ey were h'eld. : coa eajWe; .nrujien.bie and idefaa,ihl,.ghf! r.tx to Bntain,. were compelled to be ft I .K,;.: ' Kv ....rin- -: Did no. 'Mr. Adam find that the Tuirit of o ia..n nvernmel ; that . ih idea ot a . or ejepan.- .aom.-weoi into exile, icfleaion. : titerif. was ,,crwov,tn the foul of the pe. n bom a nngittra'e. law giver Or judge, ii , were lilen. and pallive. The racl which ! havcta'ken appear' to pie, when Ke wai i Congrer during oar rc n!,,Bfal- .f Mr. John Ad ami om.romifc (be e ffe-ice orrhe coniroverfev. -volution ? It i'thii which originated " VflK contlnu'ion is wrong ; for if the but a-n-the-e - CuU Mr. Samuel A U.n fa, ' that bdyr At people 4'.ld for. tbi alTwnblf f'll V-, 0,"raci'lIc ai. wlvet, wuhout a ' ihe lovf of J'.berty i ime w -n to ihe foul of the ftaiei f man' Mrtuhn Ar'am a'nfwert, " fV it the eviaince of ;, according to Li Fontaine: in h4i of i i .f, , ,,d fu ther detUrei, " that w (K'mb! whj;htr tt it muh more rational &r. in one thin the other, uatil man it eit'ightenc.t by, ihd tk.aion Df .h- membinnai' nabiliiy, i it cot prepollero.n or them to at the fpait f l.beny exifling ; IP1 10 'r'ye a rrm ot government which TRf people haJ no ils i a i no n!tance.rceogmt;i .mat ciienui branch uMtnirl thm body of.nobi'i-y ws ncce Ifary Fr'theii Tecori- j .nic" ' to prcicrve the haiunony of their fu, IV ; ihcy thofe hon-.ll mer. from amng ihem, : Cl' eO'fiptV' ! ' ' . - ir nojuny is aionero preierve in, wne e, who. wereiiV ih 'fame anAet of life' i-h ' ! i i ! .I.....I.I .U... j:j .... . .J in the nami of coititiou fenle. are w mhnrl education ana civil ano political' iniiiiauoni, s intunni,.! , acy . ui ujt ruts tor mv ,uru , - - - ---- -, - - ... which ar at lira produced, anJ conflantly ' Tuch a'oi.e ; the candiJate in general were ,ar fsour? b-rnioa land fet.led by a fupponed aad im-)toved by a few that it by I fcarcely. complimsnted wi h the 4 title of ef. J fra'.'r,,,r' oJ.Re'fecutei ' republican living lie N'-biKty. ; ' fWe. .'When dm refpetlah't. hody "affern. Ufltf-f 50nfl,,a,,,' and law which emlmice Here then ih"f two cent!?OM are at iffuf, , tied, whom J.d ihey addn fs ? Weif not a!! e,erX c,"zrn on fhe fr tf q!?'y, n and it it a ttJeilion of ibe higfa cohnuerar-'hfri. aplicaiians mid to ihe people ? - Who :-fonex or ho! 'f hi& extcuOve terii.ory lien w'liicb of ihent i 'the molt accurate. If' ttttaei their army ? Tudcfmen and farmers j ,h P0?.1' ,p ,po for ''eP d alliance me love of liberty ii nofmore rationally in I compnfed ihe American phal.nx. Whocom. dcUd'cVirl 'hen,fe've,? Af'e' "pcie" Urwoven in ihe human foul, than in" a waif.J tna.idvd and manned our- ihip cf war and c,n ,h; K of 'heir own pro:ef.on, from and if it Uiy- daprnda for exiOcnce on ke-1 prtvateeu? Wtie they dukci, earls or tdi ? ' ,ne c " ieV!-,,rn' ' tne co.'iiiry t0 ,he pre iftrtheritfiedi'y a body -&f men, which,lw U 'No-ihe people, the plain American ciiixcm, : b.'',r " F5,b,e ,ba ,her &ou!d now plc.fcd to flyle a Nobilii: dreadful injeed whufc fouiicrc invigorl.e d with libei-y, no id, lf,,:l dieitown compeienry, irrevrren'lj re it the ft.uatioucf (ociaty. D.)i the hi3o y of awed by nobilf y, and who diflainrd 10 eon. 6-. n kind eve' exhibit evidence, that a par 1-' uaer UtsUe.vct under their immediate pro c'r ordtf of taeodenuminiitrd notlti, feA KCiion. l"hef were the. folJiert who fought 'thofimprrfiioni,-or are endowed wi:h that be. ur bat;le ; thefe were the failors who even nooleme, ano produce, cbcnGi & tvnllanlly ' 'hat prrici, rendered (he flag of Antrica, t.-t fuppen the l.bcniet of the people? Aa rtfpectable and dreaded. . . lie t'toi'le a fvi?a a -wJvis ? Are ibey i I cannot but 'taofe and wonder how fen. t ferociour ar.d dell.uctive in their batiu ir.d ' tiuiant of ihj kind co-iid be advanced by Mr, manne', a bi voracious aniial j or kc ' John Aiio. That the peop'e are n ' wore they their ovn vtrjt tntmiu," unlefi the rajiunal in ihe fipport of their Iib:niei.ihjn le'i.ign hand tl nthilitf is liietcbcd out for wo!vc, ti ilefs fupported by' a nobility it of ineir proteciiur, r lu wnat i'.nnce does Ihiiian aeii.iraiior-t is mall cxiraordiiiary, In D d.vliine apply to the ci neci of America P Were the tilt fenlera of tjn country tbu df fignwed ? Were uur veoerabla forefathers at hollilc a wuUet o eaih 0 her, when ibey lindtd on trte American fhyrei f Wat roi the love of I brity in-trwevet. ic ibeir fouls, whenihey fo:W4 ihe I itariout full of Bii lam, and a-.i.tirdili4 ptiacai of noble', o frek an afyumin il-n defolne te- iito'v ? Did lhe lappufe ii uccelT-ry to bring i body o ncblctrjcn, tu pioicct them from devouring achwher at did ibey contemplaie ihe el labhftimcti of political inHiiaticn, wiih a ftrAatica ly genommaied a nolilny ? D-d this anriocratical pat or the brink g(t v.riitnf in them any adiflaiitf, while iney e e (r rud.rg againt) . the atbit'taiy met Ju-ei nf K"g'and. before their Ciribaikanon ; . did ttcy rr.Tivr rotifolatinn from ibe iuf of lord, after ihcii airivat P No, the l.v of iU mi a interjvfi fn their oul nd tic) fjrrrd p-lituat ir.Auuiionr. fninded 0 pitneip r to eiy re Ipttl cOkf.Hicatle i f un feclirigt. JjiI rma, ocaitd fiom ih !wa dom t-l a nni Ot t rrnsneni, thcr were ltd o adopt a fril.m of f-iii.ic.l irg ilaiion hi gir ibt f.culiict of toa ni nd iheir ut- m, aad never decided ihcmfdvei it toftffmaJait their 111U (.hk.v k arl,g i ,f( yf h hyttl.t CMd:i. to thtck 11.... c ' i.wir ibvere griiy, The ftRismrMi advancrd by Mr. Jh A d4m might bavikeen aip-fleJffatn a cro.n tlb'ii IN Luioj ! it m ln k... k. he day of adveifity, Mr. luhii Adamtknew the obligation he was Under 10 the people ; a fentimem of ibis kirj, coding from a member ot.our nrll cong'th. would -hive taiftd iha ncu.ic: ihe guard. auUip of their own heaven, aud ihiow iiitinfclvei into tle attn of a nobi lity r Ave wiil not thus akit)nt heaven ; we will n-t ihut dilhdn'crr our forefa hcrt ; we will uut ibui Cfl aii tnifery on our pollcrity. OLDbOUlH.. Irvn lit Aj) InltfygtAcr, A View cf the r.Uttvc Uratntk of c. rallies in ti.a Uiiittd ttifrs i.i tli yc($ i5wO and 1S02. . rCor.iii.iird frees our Uft."S f - I 1 . . . . a.c ui irau ior, 1 Ok canfe triumphed, libeny wn eflablifbsd, " and peace returned to reward our labort it alfo reiurned ihufe dilaffefltfd to M-Jf berty, with thtir uncxhaufled treafurei. tr I it j.ot in human nature to fuftjin a long uninJ terr.ipied effor'. War, of all human effort. - i moft exhaulls iha vigor of iliofe engtged in it "'"" Our war not only exhajfled (heir vigor, but deprived them .'of their mean of fublittsnce ; and the wh g funk into repofc under the iiaU tering beiief of fecurit'; The loriet were g-n'ra'ly men of weah. Having caref.illy uuibanded their refourcea durirg the urrilout fn.fon, ihey catne fonh, on the return of pearc, wiik mighty influence. UThey were reinforced by l Jatre body of men 1 i.r. r . T- ' ' no .icii loriHir.anie, uur traamg townt loon -fwarmed with Britilb m-rckints and ag:nra tiiJ all the commerce of ibe couotry io3an. ' tanronfly fdl into the hanii of tLfe liyo def criptloi't of penpl. ... '. " . A' g'gan-ic intere-ll i.xmeiiately fpring r.p, v.hiih in many pant of ihe union carried all tefoie it. Not confined to acqjifition of wealth, it enierert our public couactln, and in many lulLmti Jwayed tbcin. A large portion!--, 01 our .u-.i"at wr.o naa. lupponed the revolu. ttou, as it i.o-v apprared aoi fo njuch from tU "' love of rtjblicanif, at from ibe pride of in. dej-er dcrce, orafpiru of adventure, augment, ed this power fui phalanx, and rendered it for a whils-uitnd.ble. The eicais that fwceteded need not betcU, . lliey are frcfhtn our roemor'iet, and our cour; try Hill blaedt Irom the woui.dt they iofliclei ut on in peace. ' o thefe cveoii a pint of refilltncf, calm, ! a-et ui iran tor a m,.mf..i ..,).. J i i.i.i... . .. :""." conurxnt to a flame. Suppof it hnd bean y,r. !,, in ibeif wili-ft d -am. ( .v , n : in 7,A V. T K ' V01" ' w';rt U,d ,ha, ,he ropl, c.nnof Pbe trufled ; w. I ,ba f.ll fruit, Jf . wiJe fire. J det'a 't m' nd , 1 1 1 ' t'T'u ,er..ere,rfor.l,oo envr. 1 np oririin inny 'Wou J" have taen Let 1 le.i r intriiVe fjbvrrt ,h i . ; J j 7 'unu "fong me rl-al.d .-h foch a v fioary oupof.-roil 1 at in of Vcw yTu T H i. e"iet0"'J .ndi unprejudiced by U.IS, uunt, tiii.i wit not ociei.a.i 11 a into the . 1 h. iKi. ... . I ft. ..... 1., tbirn 1 r( ciuieot Q.a ; Villi t luik in hoiei. bui Aoci W larain. . , - - - --r-".r,. iuc nunrn n;r 100 be D.miii.I 1. rxneiie ml j n m.-fyr. ...I.r . J .. .n - - " . .--.wVi Ml II U WVII i .. r j. 1 ii vi ni:i k - iici hive if n 11 inf. 1. fl ntr nt . . l . -a on cmmc.c-i liver d.eam of. M. ik.J " rr. . ' " .ilt . ' """" "u,n " n, a'ten fcorned 10 b. i,i 5 . t... . j . . .1 7 , " u7 S" ,nc c wi ototir weHern bieifvfn. vnicn wat m-erwoven in h 1 Ioh , and 11 t'.c I ?,tl 'cat lleroM k.A n L ' " . . r- uU of bUbtave companion. lhr iC'r, TU 1 , 1, 14 V 'c ,ha, ewe cur political t.l V.fningon, looked, a hit ...nraJesTf c.l Kew!!,.C,i,a U'" - . ! f '"Cte.fing flr.l, tire, fo'd.ef, , he d,3 no, ero-ue hcih.r'wX J . ? 1 k? f"r ...J-,.r .. 1.1. 1 1 w "9 11 iii e even now ei iov. ih n. t . ....... ,w M . . ,1. iauji luthf ilea-the did not View hncKi k f afkl lar..l oil ei, tut cndried himfclf at ihe bead of Vermont mer, wh..f fou's weia invigoiaied wi b the N'cw.York powciful energ.ea ollibrily. U tw. f ifty II tne love t-1 liberty (as u declared by t familf lau;a' M . S.iuuel wit ro' iti'eiwnveo it) the lou! ma-, 11 vm,U have brn impoiTible to have tt fled the irdfpnden e of Anurira What bat t'1.1 r'l.i r J ihe f: ir - of an rrmy . . i.. ... f! : a . i. ' ivimi' ty on i g4- r . nai cut mi tnte i u I itngntuaa tftn a ej ,he warworn, when d, but 'h-ktU.rf,I,or.aT,,fMhahaiWht but ih .nuna .0 ihe Am-.i. a-eea coeteiiait in ite htirt of h it coiirjirv I .... ...... j ...:.n . .. . t 1.1 and had Uen in our iJ .?,, d.nin. ih A . n u r , . w. ' ' imvuiiw i, 11 ) k 1 tyrpfiii' dtfl-ime of iri of liK? can ,,r. fjrm.d.H. irrp ly Is Clfitidf for il.r.r tur tiribi (il r. . ... - J t . f i t . . ", mi svp bi in' Tf ii-f f 001011 in I'troi C C0i-f:dlitii0n, I would a(k Mr. A.'.v.:. ... s W .. r. . , . . . . j 1 . , iinifcni 1 nan ivui' iii"-ri 61 int. i, 1 wbai feariiculai ateih 1.. i,.rkri . .. , .. .. .. r , . , lb. ur.uiuipii. mtups ti :nik in a. 1 . ... . H'a. 11 10 wnat ancrv i im i.umjn mit 4 a we ladcb-td for .bj rufiandrr t-f ta rwoll.? Wh ii .he irSftd fpetuliiiprt of nob li-y in wni indance bat n Ui i...ff... 1 r ... -vv"1 ' m.t cjr poiiiical S.3jiuiioM ft. uq d be impr-a id ad fpp 4id by a Bobilny ? l)idis reteiaef My aViNIfoCij. li,r Delaware Mai)land Nor'h Uirol bi Sou ib. Carolina CfO'g'a Keiituckir lenccllta o o O II M 4 o 6 t $ 4 6 10 8 0 J o o e 10 0 o o u n Ttitn if Mio!iy That, .1 ft fvidtn, ibit n vnl fhort of nwiiiwlnwi tan p.fvfni iha rep.kicina f..t ODiair..r.g a ffpiib.tcin I'ftlidfftt ai lie .af lat cleflioa. , , ' Itmiy be murta;.g Mq;,Pt m,ti ui given ih;m ibiir Irc.nanit n lii-el w.,.hf . Ha t ihn weight been fell in iha clrftioo frrcedmg the lag, Mr. Adam, bai never ltn p,l.dnt, weCou'd bive bad nta - alien oj Itdi ion lai, BA aliti. courre'u p a .own, no iromenle flandiog artairi it . " ri "'fgat Uio to redeem. 1 hay. been inadvettenil itxmn . .1' .eOion, but 1 lnja not uoproi-ibly lo air ........ .tl unprou.aaiy to men, .i umo!rreflt u, myfetf. 1 be TuVjcf.; in y opinio., roa.,., deep a frequent irflec on. Ateh.riu6ifti.ibe eaufe of republics I ber.y.ku.ld.all wy hopri .f kappmeit ui nrm rxifltlct amorg m, rejaua 10 hU thai it de.iva in fupp front rb plan, teri, and finnen, a.d thi mirchiBi of ur in. tenor r.anny, bofe dev. ia. t0 i, , .fr anfe f,.m to iadependem and difiatrrrOto onvit,0i , i (fttt9,,r lo tffff eilJff f0-i tbai hat been iflab.iQteJ. I ...' tottnd ka ia vinuout tdaa.rna,. Ma,0I gracing , , 0 - U ,,, Jf ufcfljjjij ri". r " h!i ,-65f. .i?a-tf i, i,4g , '""("' -'' ay, iko 1 in 4 rt v. . ... 1 i ..a 1 ....... - -t.r.

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