WILMINGTON, Dec. 9. ; , ADDRESS. ; --0thii fr.ftday of January, 1 8 03,. the Vi Lii'ia o'TdijCU.rtfTi U ' en'.' iipoii the 7th ytiar pi; its efiab'ilKraent ; during which titne.niany were tliobSi cles the Editor has encountered to futtairi the liberty of his Prefs, and Unremitted! r rra-r- i,ut Caufe thcra to advance'; ' ' . 1 . .' l.v . I, v ". nave seen nis exeruuus vo aiiurc vui Tcantyj:ortipctcnce fint eafeerly wind durin die time they were jftm-Johnfton, -N.: C.;" V rnntte. 'dftToyd a good arl of ihe' early ruJt ; conudcrable orders from all pi rci fyve a'fa contributed 10 ihs eRaUifotneniNof high ;.: fir tinker tr.aa couianave oetiras- pecYcd ; and a Uie f.oftn of raia deftroyf-d all ill" rewauurg my jnm nii w uni trying oa ihe gre'od 11 s calculated :hat one chtr.d 01 ih ctop ViU be loft by thir unfortunate acei- dent wbcii will 001 only maint.in ihe prices Dec. o. 1802. - f - - TEN DOLLARS REWARD. DESE RTE D on the night of the 5th iiilaVr,f AMES M'GONNgLii ivatie in the. Corps ot Artiilerjl$.J--Hc is'aoQut -10 years or, aee, 5 teei o; ana Prices a -LtAdon Septcmhr-20; ntsrhoweverf "is but. too weltf r.Wn J meaTv oaiTIne do. 6jL64h; Ti to every reader wno is.,acquainreu .wiwi 1 y V.-ij port ant ' th Inralitv nf his Po ition ; to other it born and raifed in this (late, ar.d does - t ot poRefs principles repugnant to his ioiirttry's I ndepetlerycei he Jsfopptifed 'politically .10 the "atTJ biti'pus reftlefs Fapt lion who aim at the deftru&ion of that independence, and the overthrow pi t,he t flates.' Sovereigntyto ait toreign innis, ence, Alliance or InvaAon-he is i friend ano to me-vsomiuuiiuu. wi mc Tine do. IMPORTANT. A letver from Ncw-Otlkini, did the 19th Ofto TV SMITH . Having remofiJ tn tit new' Brick Stirtf sluih ftds of Mirktt jtrett, "has rtctU vid general ojj'vrlmtnt tar fakUxu. viz. ; ariters 'of an inch high ; has j T OOKS and hinges of various kindg brovVn rtair. crey eyes, rudy complex- X-i and diment ions 5 hand Saw's ani iuo ; hi drefs a round blue jacket and j cut da. broad and narrow axes hat overalls awhitexweiiCMac wtih yellow Jchets, draw knives, ihingle arid bthtnij The above reward will be ttven . for I trowels ; ffimblets ; 1 a. -j-V: t -a - 1 I . . " ... ' J ' r apprencntunguic uiu ivi-v-onnen anu uc- nncn icrew ana.D4rrt.augers ; 1.2. 1-1. 'enng htm to the cotiinaidifigorh:er, 1 and 1-4 inch halels, mouses, .(hovel . . ; j . . - , t - . v -- -" - a o . o , ' 1 r . & o v v. , JUHM r. r'UWi.L.Li.X a handlome allortment ot razors and Lieulen3ntrrtftuUriiti. r ppeket kmvc ; iron and box coffse that on the iteri'oon of thit day proclanmion wi poUcd up by oraer 01 in in:cuaim, ciuiing tne po pot merely ijii'ift the fntrjnce if produce rent the Atlantic ini American vcfleli, but nifo - aeaind ALL PRODUCE rLOATEp BOVVN TKEMli:ISIPPI. Thil meifuie hid created great tonftfrrntioo imong the Atneiicn me'cluriti there, who had expedited ao expreft by the lAnlotit.to bring 1 copy of the mil jtn take pans, frying pans, (killets. iron pots, Iteelyards; icalt' leamsj bat order for the ii.foroatioo of government, and of 9ur j Sunday mbraing, an apprenuce boy named Aronita Ten Dollars Reward. RAN-A AY. from bn board. the ScKoo-J lead ponder and ihot ; pewter ink x 'ner Magnet; now lying in hi$ port, bft (lands ; , widfjrons i carpenters am "vvhich it lb all 'be his unccafing objevl'tb . -"rtppofr-to the prefect' Adminfltration and, .is ufiftifoeptible of falfe-Imp('ef.' ' fiens ' wfiicK'triftdious ;Dernagogues too often make on young and credulous .t minds.'-' , .,"?"' ' Hence the oppqfiiion, the teproarh, the ilartdery Yhe private enmivy of Anti.R:.: Jrijiicrats. But the 0PP0SjTiON, .the ' mgtnticmanlj revjitiogs of thoftt t rifling. cr.es; thofe Schkef.C ho wls of Detract tisn, go for n, thing ! , an infignificam "nithinr ! The Editor catiiot, he will r.oft be awed .rqm ihathof Rectitude which it has been hi j ambition to purlue, His Gatctte,, as, the organ of Truth, fliall exhibit to public view the political vices of public charaers',. the vaiiity of . fa (e Patriots, mar the uevices of hypo-, critical office-hunters, detect falfchood, and clirfiifs pure REPUBLICAN. Pr tnci pleu .ionfoiant to and confiftent with the r.a- tjre and genius of .Americans and their Ji Government. v ' under the influence and conduct of Tuch principles he hopes for the extended patronage of the Public, which will en able him to improve the plan of his Pa- m. Br .. m ...... . m .a per ana enlarge the Ipiiere 01 us uittui ticfs. - - . . . - With that view, fubfeription .Papers re placed in tbe hands of a number of ..Gentlemen in different parti, whofekind fcrvi-:e, tbe Editor fulictu, ia procur- irg.Llfvribcrs. ,. -; ' From lit Bitin Gtzttte. - Cvmaurtul Corretpoodeoce. Lfim, Stpt. 6 If 02. Sill, .. For the infotmition tti jvernment of tin nerthmo irtHinc:n ih; route ty 1 will think you to have infer ted in tSe ne wfpaptu iheer.. clfd,nt-fU'ion of tit wider ilTned by, tS: eouri he 4b id ft'. A thai f 'l ot the otd-r liUinffiythe confumption wai rfmhigiouflr prc(Tcd, an e xpljn too f'on ibe judge ard vdmini(ttator, of ihe corn mirkei at requef- ledtbu' they dilTeied in opinion on ih Ubjetrl . ia? forrper conce i'inj; thai ihe imponanri wt only inttdeJ, the latter that b ih the impor tation aid ciufumpuon were ptohibitfd af:ef ' . n t rr n 'he 4 b wf Jinuirjr. Uy tbr nciii vellct I Util le able 10 communicate wLat the real tnien ' ; lion of ihu tavetrm.ni ji. Whfat, Irdian corn,irxl, cacrpiirg Rice, all oiber ktridi 0 ' trtid flutf, locludir r p biTcu'n, and all c the' article huherio allowed frird the United S a ei, continue to b; freely tdmiited vpon b fame fuoi!--f before. Wi h refpeci, I .am, atr, your ojii Durnvic 'etn'., t ' WILLIAM JARVES, ' Dfnjim'n Lir.f.lit, fff. , , Is vU'.ti awct of the Royal 0,a!if, of iht Piioct Rffeot, cur 1 ori, late!jr eaned.ied 10 the Coin M (. Fuf ih pur pole of pr .tib'tii'g l ianoJuflioi., fniii trsii kiig le-m f Flrar, tibrici cd ia fueign ounuiet, iocon. feQ'ienre ot t).e cufct hiving ceafed, wbith rujje tle aimiinoo rwrtuary, dut.nj in ji h.i bad tie entry iiiiathe corn mar v""'W vniutllKFl 4l coopers' adxes ; 4i tut and d. 6d. 3d. 1 i i I A . anrt oriit n-iHe ... A f..:t, .1.. . rkan bottomi, : b.t fugar had pofitively bceu lofbo" (feet yA tncbe$high, abo itj0 y ea rs a !ror , ed f rU nkj of 4iffcf6nt f , es - f . ' prohibited; .77 ;v ; , , u V f g wej, .made bas ihor. b atk ha.r, h ,y f , ,jn ( f(- ; bar Tron ; (hoes, Coarfe and fine-i qiiarYt, pint, and half piat decanters, fuar difh byforwarrifd ag.inlt ha or-carrying faid apprentice away, at their Pni anu gm cram lianas, pint and halt pern. . i . : 1 jctN a 1 lirvw lKJSJSSj, utfticii. ; Turn, nonanu fin. .Wilmington Prices C urrcnt the lame as ult.week.! ; and hay loft the end of three f hi (oct pa the Ieftfoot. " ' v-;-.( :, r -- ' - ."Air mafler of -vefTelli and oiheri are here. F 0 H S A l. E by Joshua Wilmington, .December 9. ; . WILMINGTON, Dec. 9, 802 T0BAC.C0,' f lour, Corn,, r- .; SakLd Lumber, Cotton, CoRUAGf,. Butte, POKK, .. ,' iSuGAR, PtiACH Brandy. Apple Brandy, N. Rum, W. I. Rum.' Lamp Black, Bses Wax French brandy ; brovvn and loaf fugar j tea, coftte and chocolste ; ginger, all fpicci pepper, table fair lalt petrc coperas ; mace, cinnamon, cloves, nut- nn.AKEN UP and committed to jaill bon wines paints, red. Wen. bW . white, yellow and black paint and lamp North-Carolm 1, Duplin County. B in this county, 4 negro mail nam- ed KOHF R ahr.i.t An nr if veart it I . --:--7-- i o oy 10 ana 10 oy 12 window pja 3. - f"JC l!lT,c,.a "r A combat ,llortment cf cordagc,' the. nate of South-Carolina, by a Mr. and lhip chandlery ; while rope, and 0- Johrt. Hunter of ihe county atoiefaid. ,hrr 3;Mm nnr-i.mm 1'Nove m be r 25 . ' -.--.- -ri----; ; A Cotton Machine, ' " r of 17 Saws, Of particular conftrudion, welf r , . IpVr l''UU'll(icd.f ' .:,; Ore.bsidfome Yawl vi'h fails Two new Mofet boats. . FOR FREIGHT, To any Prt in the ; WesT-Udies or America, 1 DC denconvr lioDCKT GkAIC Now lyirs at th. Market wharf. county lack, j Roger confclTes that he m-Cj'i; his efcapc Vx 7 I f'"or11 South- Carolina' and returned n: tbis VAhi .mid lays that he docs net know-liis right owrtir. a his maftpt died a" tew days before he came away, 1 ne periot) townom lie belongs is there fore rcqucded to- come forward, prove property,-pay charges aW take linn a- Oilobcr 2 1 it 2m. - complete. N. B..The printers in South Carotin.. will plcafe infert above in their pa peri fcr two months. . .. .' WANTED . A White Journeyman Copcr, has been ngnl-i iy brougl t up t who iv to tl.c uarjc aftd imdci ttaiM-Tcatry 10 ;.it .on, Uc will mcft with tiicouranement and For farther particular cr.q.uic cf ihe 1 conflict employ by tpp'i)ing 10 mailer on board, at itMr. John Henry, in Fto.it-iticct. Dccctubti 9. FOR SALE, , " , Tirty Ibrft Kistf SPAXISH MULES, and one JACK-ASS. Ai.o, Iril-IM MAPTIM Who ba5 fur fa!c a quantity of pun cheon, pipes, rum at.d roik barrels, inA all f:7cs of rum kegs, &c. oi the belt mkc cc cheaper than any in town. , December 3. . " FOR SALli. . ' . Of MniyKiht xyh injt. at the phra- tit ef 1 hints Stmmoni, Hccojzd, tn UiUv SteT.tr. HE perifliab'e property of the lite 1 iiotnasaiiti iwaiy sinitrions, con-! hiting ot cattle, hoo', at.d one iotlc, plantation ttc. fits and houfehold an.i kitchen furniture lix months cicdii ill be uiven for all fmns above twenty fiiil'i gs, the puafcrs givjn bond and ) I NOTICE. CIRCUMSTANCES having ren dered lit neceirary.for the fubferiber to clofe his accounts In as fhort a tim ' as -praclicahle, he again notices all thofe to whom he fs indebted to bring lorwara tnctr accounts properly adjultcd -for payment ; and all pt-rlons indebted to tiini to r.ke feltlcment on or before 'he firfl day of January next. ' Tliofe w o cannot make payment by that ime. jt is ftrert flit come for- ' vard and. gtve. their " notes, or mn...; judgment, beauog interefl from ihe "t FayctteviHc. Nov 25. AbVERTISEMENT? THE fubferiber agaia ofFer toriaU "' X his valuable rlantVtioti onoW" bhelter. For ihe convenience oi put hai-V fers, the rich lands' halt be fo divided to m"ake two capital fcttlements 7)e terms win ce rrocerate. vdc n;i or re purtfeafc money will be required lobe paid down, tbe refiduc in twelve Jft'ib teen u.ouihi. : v M. SAMPSON; v , Novtml er 25. ' fccuiity A quiiuuyofUAYtScOATS. . DAVID WILLIAMS, ExV. Tl ey may be ften at Smith's whatf, Decmbci 2, iSsi. ' ar.d will bc'LUen rtafjnablc teams, by applviOK to occlll,, uautier anu Co. Dcccmuer 9. 4 , j O T I C E. TO RENT, THE 1 wo Tenements ia Front.flrter, at prefeut occupied by Mr. Rich ard I.ancion, and Mr. D. Smith, with the Iter: houles in tne lame, . . ALSO, Several Fire-ptoof, ar.d ether ware heiufws, in convenient parts of the town tor terms app!y to ' RICriARD BRADLEY. OAolct y. HAS AWAY, LAST NOFICE, A LL peifur.s jr.dcbted u Browni r au l iiAtstY'', , arc reriuclled to ho exhibit ihcni lor fct.lcir.snt without ,il t.fiff piim in ihi ciiy, and o!er placet f 't'(i kit giant. And ia tke t .4, that dm toy.! al ie erm rintn DtmilJ le d jiy l.lefvtd, an4 ' that al! pifjftt in eieflcl in thit VjJrth of l.f.s.-fi, Cntli ht c a full koowtcdjf of, tbe fi, in a Se y raay juterrt ihrmf.'lvei aecor. d ' g'j I hive v dtted the pfefeat be luf fed mu- t'.t Jrcla'ition,1 itt coriftarini'y 10 tbe (i-ne r ai! idir ; 'bit ibe fpac of 4 oa.kl 1 a'.Utwe f-f f, confumphOn of tt Fen rttfltfg well at fK what raiy arrive, cou. trg fit. the &vt ttcreaf Ana th'i (baft it tur J up it 'be cuQjniaty placet. (vgieai s time I nuU paymint l thTriifleei, on or delay and th-ila indebted to cither firm, kei f.bcb;'e the Kill . dif ol January next.1 At- aic fuUciicd to iiukc immediate i). "'iter that date, all accouns unpaid, will meat. V. FONTAINE. rHECopJttuafhip of Fonutnc'and Input" Subfcribtr's boy SparHoV. Tatb:, i lhi JiT, by tintual con-l 1 .ha'io-.k with bin a muOter. par fcrm dilfoltcJ. All pcifons who bavedc-Jif pifV.s and .lrafs bandied fwoa fkoii- n the Iji.l concern, at well as lened ia rcptelent a digger twenty lioiiart Fontaine U C. are rcokitcl!cd','a 'fTere4 for Sparrow, ind Ten Do'.. lan for IULLY, negro roio wno tan away maWs on latawilt I be ind.fciimir.ittl)' put in ihe hands of an 1 Attotney. A. IOCELIN. C.L). HOWARQ. December 9 2. ?. 0 lU (l f Jim-" ' PJHf , JS in, tn the prfntftt. A PLANTATION and SawtTO IX n the Norih-wcl River, twrntr-1 A lafpeCyprcfiatnlQik.atidonit ii M .. . . . . I. I.. . II. I I I" -H . I . t . from ibe fulfcrtber a or t mot.thi at. All pet fom art caitiajed Igiiull kltbrut ire;, emplyifgof carrjrirg of! mc above earn tuaaiatt, 11 their peril. ANTI-ONY B. TOOMER. B li'r, N.iv. 25, 1832 f RAN-AWAY frrrr. ih fubferiber, nor about the id irfl. fworrgto u en, J AM Li k Ll'llKAl M, the pro' Kri mi lim.t k'jrt.l'i. Wkiwvrr i'l Xtmttdi lit Ijljnd Ittutt the Mfi lak p lJt tu feHovr and deliver l in wryi-T aw flrv.r, Home In Wilmir.(;on, fhll recYua rfIUS Ln4 i well tiralcreJ with lew.r,i Ten Dollar. t a t I . I . P. A. TARUE. Vi!mirf,ton( Na. 11, 180a. Tor sale, 7 A.v?lual)lc Trad of Land, i Cmtjiining 703 tent, 1 - MaHets ol veHeii avnd all other rcr- ... . . . 11... imiM h. 1 k i.n..i,i4 k1M111.11 i pp n'-i 1 iriiD rififf 11 win 111 i. tr... k ..iw.. M. 1 Cura'MjrVci. Sum. a. . 1 " ' in? lo the efla ol Peter lUbcfoii, dec. c Huf Corn, Coimn ofltiduro, eery concraliif orcitrln Moi twit it h tr Ea'iift eT liefer fiom 1 vet nrptflaVi 'JJcSina win r iren immcuiatetr. 1 ".' u.e auovo a a "' 1 pert!, j I llU.MAa IiUil I Civ. baafen Mah?j, died Sep. a?,.loi. I. THOMAS i.ROBESON, quality. tfwytt 11. t tV.i e t.91 wf fiwU I'tia f'lfoi. hat keen Fir t b ExetutiftA V G. MACKENZIE. . - 1 cr; ia.Wl'f tba 4tf wta hif ittv cta l)br 9. Novr raber 4.' BUKXSf.ru e t thit 9 m r