I . a '. i '. " ,'.Jr. OV.thc fifft day of Jiiauilrif, 1803, the ..: Willi tKdroti GaTT,; enter , ,upon thcihvyear.oiicli(htnent jjdurifij'which timrotoy ferine o1"-7-4 cJea hc Editor haea"rf fuliain 'teiii'y''''Hi5:1rW4'aiii unremitted .... bm keen his exertions to acquire but a ., : a ici nry competence.- '-"' : . : ; : -; Z This, however, is bat ioowellkwn to every reader who is acquainted with the4oca!hjr;ojf hi;'PAfiuon ; toother it, born and railed hi this rate, aw, aoe , , r.ot poOVs principles repugriaa t- 1 o his " country's I ndcDendeiice-he' is oppofed acwrio-thtfTtmWtiwr:rettlefF4C t ion who aim at the aciuuv.iioiv Indcpcmience. vand the, overthrow ot the ltates Sovereignty to' alt foreign I nfiur ,V: nhce, Alliance dr Invafion he is a friend ";j to,',, Elavil Ve f Rejiublican Gove t n ments, and to the Confliiution of the Unionj ; which it (hall be his unctalii)g object to fuppor.t-to- Vhepefenl Admititttration aiul;is unfutceprib!e 61 falfe lenf rcf- , ,lioo, which inliitioiis Uemagogucs too "t)ff,cn ;,make ' oii oun and ciedulous . , ...Hence jthc oppofition; the reproach, t He flaiuler. tin;. private enmuy of Anti'Ke: :.acAMi:we friendi of Monarchy, 'and hcrats, IJut the OP POSIT ou the hntnilemah teviling of o?c rtjttngt i ., thofe ScaRBKCHOvvts ofbeirVci iioti. ex foi ' nolhtngl an inlik'nificani nothing! The Editor cannot, hewili x6i7ieawtrd from the Path of Re.cVitudc which it has been his ambition to pnrfue. His Garctte,;aj the -organ of Truth, flulexluii to public view the political vicel bf public charadlers, the vanity of latfe Patriots,1 mar the devices of hypo--riicjloiTice-hiMieri, detcft fulf:hood, ?nd diffufepure aepuaLiCAN Principles coufo.iane to and conlilUnt with the na ture and genius 'of Americans and their uovernmcnt Under-the: lutlaeftce and condua of foch principles he hopes far the extended twvu pi, uv v a w , f patronagsof the Public, which will en- able him to (mpfbve the plan of his Pa. peruana enlarge tne rpiierc ot us uieruu i;ef, .v., s- ...:..-. : " 'With that VirvV, f.ibfcrrption Papers are pUce in the hands of a number of Gantlemen indifferent parti, wbofe kind fervicei, the Editor folicitsa in' procur. inr; fubfrribctii A letter from Cape-Fraficois, dated Oct. frotrf the king:, in answer Jo their memorial j0jlQ.s aml Su Tammany's Lodges, in pro- lOUi, received by yesterday's mail, says, or remorrstrarice but they cannot be de- cession, a number of transcicnt gentlemen, M We have been embargoed here 3 weeks ; pended upon. r . V ' and a numerous ksscmblagc of the inhabit the. town has been in great confusion since j "There are but Few American? here now our arrival ; the blacks have taken Tort 1ut as flour and lumber are now admitted. 0n Tuesday night, Capt. Samuel Dun. Dauphin and Port DepaVx; the white mha- in Spanish vessels from the United States, WKLL of the b- .titants hVe fled to the Cape." land horses in American vessels ; 1 do sup. . Qn the , 4lh ult m BU(lcn county Mf I r online Iii'M-lor azeue cj me mn-vj - jvcveijibtr. Thk'newk' which we nublished yesterday, relative to the evacuation of St. Domingo, tkft Fitm-k triiftM. Ii in tome measure confirmed by. an arrrival at the eastward,! and one at the southward., The Boston Ga-. rettc ot Monaay says, - inicunjence ota rerv distTLifcinP' nature, wai received in town last evening; faun. Cape-Ffancois it stated that the blacki nad Kainca txMiessMin a... ... . . ' r i tut n ,mkAi,i iui,rn hhr.oH ,11 ot all the military posts in the country, ana voiup.ii.rcu u tiuuj j .t.i...i. .nv',M n.i ,v. inuiH .that ikn wani.i ihonev. and I do suppose has inhLiiani uf'i.fB in th- irr.itpt ennMemati. comotercial plans in view, as he Jeeves the vt;U in the harbour." 7 ' ..Orleans, ubcre he goes in a few weeks on Captain ;Mirincr, who arrirrd at;Kcw. some business for his government and York on the 23ihof Nov. from Jamaica, in- more than probable, is charged with some f irms, that just before he sailed, a French fi izatc arrived there from the Cape, dis- patched by Gen. Leclcre, for the purree of boIicUin; or the Governor of Jamaica an asylum for his Udy and suite, during the troubles in Su Domingo intimating that the blacks hid become so formidable, that it was unsafe for the whites to remain anv longer on the island. It was aho stated, tht In a late general engagement between the French troops and the blarks, the latter vere victorious. ...." Extract of a Utter, d.rteJ Putt Reful!icon, lit ' , ; .NWmi.T, " Death and destruction threaten us even within Ihose fortified wallss in short every town, vl!laftc, -fcc fiom-tlK? Cape to this 1 ilncc, hat Ucome thu prey of the hrirarvLt and the Hnmcswe ndniain, vet, a few pout at MiMMiAtt, GaattD Iloit and, 'ancc they ind France Cut. oe 3 AC tut from alt appearanc !lt WMin be wis til fmnt n nt will have itctlinr left in this devoted Ma hut the Can, Pout ntPtaitcAM and the Molt, M the South, hitherto so ouict. ex. . Libit s aire Ai!y thedrta-lful sfmptwnilofth tpproachhg revolution." A V Brliu! res paper. of tl JOih Ocfcler, i" Wa u.idukUr.'J tt.i io great a tnor 1 - r--. talitr prevail among the French troops at Martinioue. that thef have abandoned Fort 1 e, that Royal, or Fort de France, where neartSDO men and 40 officers had died' and thai the contagion had followed them to Fort Desaix (late Fort Bourbon) -they ar e about to shut that garrison up alio, and remove. toGrand Mornc. The town of Su Picrre4$ hriwe- 1 - : '... . I ter. said fa b$ healthyi ",a It "teems that they are determined at Martinique to prohibit afl cbrhnlerciaHnter- course with the British colonies; fof wq unf derstand that all vessels afriVing there from anv of our islands, are closely watched ;artd Itv9.se leaving it strictly examined, and every o.!-t !rt that r-nrrtcjt nnH(r it mrf,nnt .ul a description.; The. Ian,:rVonihenceo that Island, has been detanvd, c a guard put on brardV for having flour iin. The .American are prohibited importing every, species t& pnjddce-btttTtce and fishjihelatterpf whlclrt J UUkT VI WW Mvavt J' v. xfr ofl letter from a gentkkin ofresbtt .New-York, u.Opeatf account! aalaie as the . iabiUty tod merchant of Phihdelphia, dated 5lh .pff Otlobcr are' received, it appeari Thomas, 20th October, - t , V plexron of aff.n .id wu"' I arrived here on the 27th from Tortb-' M uken lcr v .ur, la, at Which place I made it my business" to Thfy vefotpoffeir.on ,f Berne, forced obtain the current pfibes.of American pro- H'vcic governuieDt to capl..e,,;The duce, Sep. they; have made that place a free port for every nation except the Ame ricans', who pay the same as before ; we can go in arid out tinder Danish or any othef colours, except American, and need not go t6 the custom-house, where the Americans are compelled td pay ten jocsfsr entry and clearance." '. 1 .,.'' " y -' .'" Extract of a letter from the Hsoannay dated ;, " Since my 1 e.4 to clear out Africa, in consequence vilege granted to the Marquis Colonillo, jpf Spain,, to import 6000 negroes into this isl and, in foreign vessels. This privilege will commence to operate from and after the last day of December next and will disarrange me plans ot a great numoer o. American, h.liiSi.iuuW.., ""U,"l"7 that trade. The number of negroes re quired for this-island, is beyond any calcu lation yet made, as the number already lra- ported since peace, exceeds, as.l am in "Pwarf 9 ofktwelv.e thousand. i 'he Consu ate have drawn up a tronj ,rUmA thi ri and spirited remonstf ancc, against this pris vilege, and sent it forward to the king anq are supported by planters, and all' parties. Since the promulgation of the licence or or der.' ncErroe have risen in price from 20 to I 0 dollars per head ; ; fiml look tip towards tne ciose ot tne year : noiwunsianaiug tne neaus ot aepartmxnis, s;iy, mac mey snau, after the last day of December, continue to admit vessels with negroes until tney near jjc m iimt n v" in course oi tne winter , wio 5wKiuiutnw docs not as was supposed, and as the Spa- nUli merchants Wuhed, hunt the atrangers down, and turn them out of the country. "The Marquis U yet here, and as the winter is coming, on fast, will, 1 believe, psagc i wie uip will sail in a few dy for Philadelphia. " On .Friday lasvartive at Ihrs prt, a rrcnui wiuuumij, ut.M.v. .1 I LI. 4 . 1 M n A i.pI..u V-i Jk some , his fimilv here, until his return from Is cw- arrangements to be made In that Province, previous to its beinr; given up to bis nation being now reduced to a ceruinty, that the crdcr from his Catholic Majesty to that cflcct, has been received here by the Cap. tain-General of that Province, and of the Hondas, ll is to be given up to the Trench in the same state as it was received frcm them by the Spaniards. ,t " I have lately wrote to the Secretary of Slate, informing him of the permission granted lor flour and lumber, and also of the arrival of the Commissary here, and when I leani the object of bis mission, shall Inform bim immediately, as I really bchevt that one half of. our counurdo not bofievel that New-Orleans will be cvft ?' life Spaniards. llis alto said, thlt tq Commissioners will arrive soon, to take charge of llo court- tryY with 10,030 troops , " Several vessels have lately bcitft cupfef. rid ed on the coast and brought bto this port far imugglmg, or on suspicion, having been I found in the harbours to windward, toid. at! the Spaniards say, with orders to land their leargocs off the little harbours. I I'rrihia ara now dofie to Snatn at lese than fjtw' dollars and to the United State at tna dollar jr Ui, and tcitcls will not V . ast, the Govcrnct has refuv :LP:,xLiti.., .-.ii. tJ .ti any vessels for the coast pf ta .,. ylfRr tnmntPtrmn , ,Lr,;r' ,he of an exclusive prii-V f , fr.., a.j .1 .d'. Drmg any price, aitnougn mere are a. grew many here For sale, and the beat ships that ever entered the port, or viere ever built in the UniterStates.V v '-;. . ', . - From another letter, liaied Nov. 8. . 7 ir- The packet arrived from Spain on Sa turday night, and brings a cOnhrfnation 01 what I wrote you respecting New-Orleans : it also brings the answer 6f his majesty to the memorial ot the Consulado, respecting the admission oHumber trom theU.btates ,m.Amenca veseis,. ana to carry away in rewrti therefbr.Um ahd molasses: ; His Majesty lias- refused to grant their request Ameri yessels, Kit ha granted i 'to Spanish; therefore, Spanish vessels' f ntfvir gos from hence to the USAtes, rum, uiwwaca, . u i m. ,mui Auaomgi.;. Lacci, veiling, conar veivei, brown sugar, and, bring from .thence lum-Und vclvei Bindiog ; coloured aid plain, cam. ucr vi aiuiacs. iiuwcei ww uw wu v nietmng-eiscT By ihe arrival of ihc Livfpbbl packet at infiirecnU behave with the Kreaic.il 'good conduct. From the general fentimcnts tbiougH ul Switzerland in favour of ihe infurfctlioo, it-ii obvious ihat there i no force at prcfeac there h t to op'pole tliem. . -; Frivate lei(er' frcm" Parii mention; that it tenne, aa important jacobin confpiracy hai been, difcotered -fct Mourner, lhe liTetjfap-1 pontted pwfcfi of ihat places" 'llie grrilr. of He ones, about 0CC0 rcen, with their cocn rnicdet Ge d,.S , are charred with hlviuf pie ; and the girrifoa difperfed; and pari tf 11 lent lo the colonics. -. ' The plan of indcmnitiei cootiauei on the Continent, lu le ibe principal ttjeel tl anen- inn Th r t aa ri rrr t l.rmi nu ... nr lw r n deieimimd optolit.oa .lo .iWbropofed khfincol Run and France; Jhe French eo vcmme.nl ua puuuuiea a violent phillippic a- giu.h the cmpetur, lor hi atteispti lo erafe tSivairu froui the till 'of II res. The fir It coo. iul takci great credit toli.mfe.f lor LU gene rouiy. in toTpaiiirri! the cottilutl ol mvana low'atdt Frnce, and for bit jjllicc in fctilins the- indeinuitiei udoii in eanible LtG-i The manifctlo bica'ht the Uncnate of one sho a a . knotti that he cannot be diLbcyed D1LD . ltcn 3 and 4 0.ciock of an inflammaUon ia lhc lhroatf JoHN jjukke i:squire, De puty Collector of this Port. At 4 o'clock m lhc aftcrnoonHhis remains were attended church-vard bv the members of St. rKTTloatw XUooRI, A. 55. Port ot VVilmlngtort. . ntefd Ztthber l, Shif Ntncr. M'R, Jmiic-crj .km-.o Henry Urtj'ihtrt., " 1 Bnf Nancy, I aiaili,' Ala. Ciytt carp C.ff crdcr. ' ! a Sloop Two Bi6:hri, Roberu, Bervada. ." i, lcfc. liny, C ar.. . , v ew-York. .,. . t.-Urlt,, snow, - BoIIm, J. r-Uon, UJCcy, " rtw.Loiwigi. i :tt Bn'i fhoU. 1IL' Kcw.Ywik. Skip ifpiia, Kicolie, lt.finaiL tit jo, kioitik, augtr CB.t, coaUu4 lo order. 1 tear ThrcfSiifin, C:k, UoUoa. i J Ihit Polly, Itom, Jic etrfo Ram, (.onrtaaa tii lo Hitd & lillib.l. Sloop Morit am "' f. ll Bni Catrloue, loitn, I'"".! ! Ml. . K mf, U,trl i J; ff f-j. f W ai.u,.u. Hikawr. bidf . Cleared Pf-criM. Hill. fwiilbuMilt, 6, Jolcpk, ol, Mul.,AtUa4. B.ijUuk. Caik, ' Cik. 10. aihi, ,Moaitimt, CdliatrUk, ! , aadnai. 11, Utjoei, Voej, NcwUry Pti. I J, Ceort, PKk.h., Btib4-M. if- M;, Mci;Sti, D. United States ot America, Cape:Fc- DHlridt. A'T,!y . I - ttrmt jo2.J . T 1 PUN the ceiiuoaof Joo i BVattAt, v m -m - . f Vbltfie Town olVltafto, Uanatapi ptayiag that kniHt receive a ccitificm of iifcbsr Ordered, thai ull iba ciJnr af fiid John Banliy or foe of them. 0 to the Jvt'ft of faid Cirt, on ik t b day of Jaauny ax , luttcitoi ciuli ia ib! con-nry (hat a certificate of dtfcHiffi. will ibea b giid lafa-4 bankrupt, parfaiaf to itt jf Congtefi, ia ihiicift mad aoJ fiovided. CARLUON WALrUR, C!k, Dcctmbti 16. 1 I ' '! '1 -; ' ' 1 L.itioi nai iiciieu muu ivuuuwu iu iuc iiui v AARON LAZARUS HBS '. J"? jt M F Q It T I V , Sndlt KW QIlH ' t0 bandfotne1 .,' . ., .. . Aflonmcnt of Goods V " J T .consistimo of ; !"' ; OUPERF1NE Dutch tod Enelilh Broad O Goths and Keifimerei ; koap'd Coaiingtj common and ; claQic Clothi y Velveteeni, BUtkeuand rUnneis ; Tkeydown, and fiik '-feivet .Velicbaunff ; a great vaneiy of Chint and CaUicocs'.oY te jpb(( .faCbionable pnerni j fuperb Chini 7 aocl corowoa Futniwrc Eur. lift and India tuufliingrifinptd, ,ad plaia Sat iim t eletritu Wll Shawls t cation, inrkev- dowf ;ihd '. catneli hair do, ebubn and (ilk pncwj?JUiii jacoaeiuuioeijx owK a compleat affortmeiit of tolion, filk!& woolea Hosiery J Stuffs , pullicatHandkeichiefi ; fine a rtd coarfe IriOt Xineni of a (uperior mar nufaQure ; whit and brown Platillas j &ua and coaifc Bedtickinga ; Hamhtfmi; Dowlas, . D iaper j Ind many other articlei too tedioui ( enumerate, which will be fold low for Cath c"r Produce. .. x Wilmington, ,.Pec.J i6. N;. , .... - Sjr-' T " ' '".' Inpmed in the Jhlp Pelly, Jacd Vi D Stout, majlert fr'tm Jwka. . - 50 Purtchcqns 44th proof Riitzl, which will be fold jow for cafli, or pro-' thice. Alfo, a few Tiercel of Coffee of the firft quality, . Apply at the (lore of BO WARD & T1LLINGHAST. ccejbcr6. : ' ' ; ,NV .." WINES, Raifins, (Box A Ci(k) ; Al mondi. foft and hard Ihelled ; Prunes and Currann, juu .received and . for' fali by D. iMITH.- December I O.jw. , ; , t. , , - , v I Marftial's Sales. On tht firjl day of January, i8ot, mill le fold under the Court. Hi ufet ItttuetA the fours of eleven and twelve, ' FOUR HogOiradl of We tt-India Rumi. one Calk of Sherry Wine, and ont Chett of Tea, condemned in the Federal Court at December term, i8ot. L. A; DOKSEY, DM Wilmington, N. C. 1 V ' i6 h Dec. i8oa. 4 i FOR S 4LE by Joshua Potts. WlLMINaTOM, Uec. 10, l82. ToiACCOj Sugar, fi-OUK, Corn, Sawcd Luuitt, Cotton, Cordaoc, BUTTCt, COFFEI, PbaCh Brandy; Apple BtAMDri N. Ruu, W. I.JRum. , Lamp' Black. Bii Wax, Bstr, PoRKj A Cotton Mafchinc of xl Sawi, Of particular con(lrut3io'n, wilt recommended. Ooc handfoffit Yawl with bill toaapW Two new Mofei Bjiii. v A NOTICE. Mteiirg of ib crediiort of Browne & J. a. llalfey, it reticDedby the fubferiber, aiMrt. llwward'n, on ih jo b ioO. at ted o'clock, i the forendon wlieo a fall Hate; went of ihai concern will be laid before them.-. and their ijSptolnioo reiireJ, tefpeniag iba appropriation o( thi fundi ia the handt of lhc Iruutci. v N A. T. BROWNE. Wilnninj'on, Dec. 1 6. NOTICE. THE fubferiber teturni thanki to" the pubUf in ceneral, Vut parti cularly to thofe friends who hav flept forward and afforded fucb liberal en couragcaicnt fine his commencing th Vendue ami CommifliJ Bofiatfi H now foliciti a continuant of their con fc.lcnce, anJ ai ho ii about to form foapt new arrangements, icouefti all tbof woo way nave cna itcouuti wnn nim to come forwarf 'before the 6tft day ol finuarr, in order that they may ha ad- jatrted. , , JACOB LEVY. Wilmington, Pec. 1 6. TO BE HIRED, M'llatt Woman aimed LUCY capable of beinr liihef cook, houff A ferviut or featoftreTi. Apply u : ! MARY S.kMPSOtf DccttnVcr t xw. -: I...... i - V.' I , i .1

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