'JIT Of. The -r.r.., (nriV'inAm n and paid for within. Uih pifiod. above Mentioned, amoimiingft five thwfimd tun- h.inr.rfrt -anA m'.L.S n . . . i a .h, pounds, - ne billing and one pen.y 7c,g8j I i) . v,uvjcu iu ujc aiov tiatenaenti: becaufethe a mduuV is cohered, and that account iU be balanced bv certificate! another vpuchers i Co that it will to n'c effca tho refirft or balanca re. gaining in the TreafurY. , T. rwK-waa ac one-nait of the bilu in the .Treafury, and Yarnifng the above menuened bafancct are ; of the ermffion Ot llti. and mint! nf .1,-"- a 1 - W0ri". a??"!d be ihugbt.by the Go i.-.. Mral-Affembly;' that the firuauor, eftbe . .' country with rrfnA tn.A. ...... . V ' jyPkef it wce-iTary.tiiaU -Piper W-M Sontiiued,ia drcoV ; oufd nof a more eligible "eX-' ,!hf?rihcn'..and.in twh. cafe, - without ; 'Jking oh my fejf to gi v -an opinion ' cj ther wuh refpea to the neceflity or the -i. Y-i v;;S'UiMiiire, x wouru take . , .' " "6BSU4I,5 . mean tnrougn .'WntCh., It lnnfin tn r-.- .k.r . ' In fbrcein this (lite, as ran.- r. rr. A. . '. : to c.airtne counties. -c : Carohna, .to Tcue and. jofTert for, the Ufe of fan Iln .r.i.-' - r: r--.. j c-f.iica.ctj pro- perty, VVas taken up read the 3d time and re efled. ' ,M5 Troy, ::: preferred arBHl hi im Pov.tng the. navigation pcc Dcej Ri ver, .from the South-Carolina litieas fat -p. uic as it may be deemed pratti caDle,. . . . , ; ; .--r .r. i he commuiw t n itim 4'.v: .,TJ... red. the bill to alter the modeof pre ventine theDYadtTti r.,-if :!-v 1 1 .W commendtd the paflsge pf a iie w . bill j hifin.: TJli- r.- i- - ' . .. -- -' I'ciion .lenqingj--accepting; orbctne thebdarer fniu- .L...ri: no death enfuts,v lhall ever be ineJligible) tdclafrthe COitntic ; pli Dulait Hatcft it Jozies V leOed BrigrlGenaltn? Bri" VSHlNGTON;-JSov,,:;i . Tyo of cr,cw of thobrir Franklin hayemade. their tcapeiahd 1 h?S ' now on board 1K&JA?$:.$ Ura they inform n,'fk-.-:t. rujr MIC.4. fc .. , .... ... , , KpBET CtAio Now tyng., tbj ror forther Diriu-ii!ri rnmii,..r.i miltitr n kn...l . flL T i vii uu.il Li -M r xi i ui r . irvt. .ue.cemher o. l -;,:.-;,? w. np:- ' i? "6BV,""5 " mean tnrougn J ?f 'j ",?PPear, to m befe torn and deuced bills maw k r-,i.,j - ----- ,;imui.cu m more uiclul and feemly form,. without aB vio. ; ,vJatioao infringement .whatever of -the ' - ' ?knftl""ion of the General Gorernmerit. i he ben manner of doing this, as far as a am ania m nH . .u. 'y . V W A ISi T R'f V :; : , 2-U - A .White Journeyman eoop?ri,Hwho have been dai,V" "c0, x Uasrbeen rcgulariy brought up tt, the v-wn. '. .oruiin conlu. trade and .uirfefi1Mr ,rJn iw., ffice of nrofit..nrJtriii;u'iivLr Wt lnc8nQatwckihgdicon1laat em JnVr. 7? nt, any pardon be reprieve not- ' JOHN MARTIv " 1 D. SMITH ' P,Pe,i d':p0rk barfelsy "'VvO'nmr ?n rum; legs, &c. of thj Siuti tide .! Mil;. 7"J"k S"j .ake. cheaper than any in toivn. j -mi r. , -tr cert nut rem. I irrrmk.. ; ; ULKb ana hinges of various kinds aua d. mention . k..i . Coverrfment. anv mrinn - i ... " . . ,. 7" "uu rcpricT? not- WItnltandinT or. D.JI r 'i i . , . ,dc luriner iraoie to be mdlftcH. anrl . . .1 lortcit a futn not pti-Mrt;-. i vw . ;'U.ny perfyn fights a duel arfd eitller of iiwus. uii, tnat the furvivor, on COnVltljOn. fliall fl,ffr vl-i.U f (r ' " - 'ne ract, and Jikewif fuffer death vt th.. w- 'c. o It anv herrnn f,.tl ki. iv. ' V v cvcrraenoinmartons i ii'WS andciiaaew-. MnHwuv : tbeo fid.and depoftledin fomc one in' the' fame manner as if h ?J 1 or other of the Duhl W. 4.;." .n,. ",c raa,incf if they died in. jjkihould bethercupbn idued in lieu . : Tburfday bec,l; " ' Ww-VTM proems ftauld embrace 'Mr. J.G;Wi,hV Zf ? rot only the ragged rtfonev at nWr.r ?! ' refrr J J? P,'.cfcn,ed a bi ,0 ,.Jbetrearybut fuch likeWile as7 ihai appo; Wa for W? her".r comc- iflW-' irr and luch al fo rnini'o,,: 5 : ire, lhould.rriake this depolit facred. mode of - ?or mould u ever b. in.aded optorh. ri.ud ,T. ' 6 r-r., ' . . ,M,?" " v or new emi ion .Mr luton. 'orefentVr km i y wifl,- to make a tender : in thofe further frtSUon". rVcU cafe, and in theonly, the bid bill.w.y' sJtt-ccrtfic. taken oat ; and their reprcfentative i - r F.;J n .:- !:"'te- tWrcesVereio'reWin more tojo ,otq circula.ion; a'confence Regulations this kind, which mighj agreeaWy ,0 t u inf UL 0 f be properly detailed. nd guarded fo alaV, mte, they aeed C"? if hey,fluU be deemed advice, would Prt cf rhe.r IS " .hi ? 0 no wile tend to increafe the quantum U lands aA 7bV expira io? of tf probably lelTen its prefent value ; while in the year ,;66, o, the coXfon. ' they would .undoubtedly give it a much the General A !Temb ly wVuU ' ? mote decent form, and witlval place it in enabling them , "7.. Pif a auateorprefcrv-tion. ' oart o t " V' s u,,.ucra,,cl1 I hatfe the honor to be, . With due refpeft, s Your obedient fcrvant. JOHN HAYWOOD. ADVRRTICrurviT .'' HIV fubferiber again offer for fale , hl$ aluable ..plantation on Holly JU : and dirnn " " V!! .u', l ' .r-,,h-e of 'purcha; trowel, ; VLk u .8 J Tafuu$ Pa,cm pu.'fh'fe money will be! repaired to b inch fcrsw amlKrii ' 6 1 a Ir4 P'V00, tb rfidue i wdv &ti2n- rtdW M,SAMPSON. , k..jiv w 'c na iprKfi j I' November ic. t ,k ' " a handiomc arortmtut ;of j -. - -l! ffi I".!: an1 coffee "-iohnRoN;. Ct,;: ' iron Wi. n """"8 pans; iki lets', I p. ol. iron pots flttlvards-fral-k- .i.' tm, . ..-' u.i . ...... . ' . "muh. uat r. lni i a h c u p in n; S .j"" rS - "rpenteV. and I JKTED on the night of th..jih airort,H,;r. 'p'.i r:.;:HW,c .?.rPwweriit.wH u n-exeni tiaes; afew f u,uul 3 years ot we, ct a nd ha my tovv hog picceS ; f nd three quarter, of an inch Jigb r ha, ' Kfe C0.a,fe fi? ; quart, Jbr.ow I'.re rudy lomplcxU I, r H "decanters, (War dilh- mt flfcl a round h ue jacket and po andg,lcr.t(iand4, . pint and halt bon- ' . . ,( .... .J Krrn i'f i , ;rufn' ,lolJand' 'gin', The abort reward .wilj be'-gifcn fo' tea ?ndj; Kb'rn and luaf aPPr.i"g.'hc faM M'Connel. and de' tea co(Ce and chocolate ginger, tall. lveri"g him to the commanding office?", fpite. pepper, . table-, fait, 5aI? ' of any rnilitary.poa in the Untied sSX' . . . A , coneras j mace, cinnamon. -SM. M-ucxa, roxt, Sherry and Lif. iuu , pawns, cloves, -rui. I JOHN F. POivrr t. errv and Lif. : r :r ' . A" white! vi-lln v uVf ?lutl - :. oil : 8 bv ,n .:rV" anu,f mP O AN-AWAY frGm ,h.. cr,.u7.. compltat allortment ofebtdae duel il'. n,Sl,l,c ,fl fnft' wo negro and Ihip .chandlery ;h 'en..jAME$& EPH R A I M the' pr6. tber artic,e. not lt anJ .' Py .f Jam,, Keddie., Whoever Will Mi..ni... ... 'ake un the dirt fUAu. i .i.i- .""wiiuh , ,,,,, , uciivcr niin 0 me in U llminertrtn ' lkll - W4i - m ii 1 1 w m r i a part ot their ands.. nA u,..k. ..-I. nwuojli I vt.a.'. hort leafein the f 11 UMSTANCES havimr ren . C .n k.. aP? ?cf PT tk.i. i .l"r,c "I W dcrw I nrVff.,u f. .i , I 'ncuy lorDIU tiaibotir mtt tks- ibV rays; r, r . f""j ., ira n n .. m vavafikjaaijiviirc , November II. Ten Dollars He ward .. ,g er Mijner, now lyinViq'chii pure, i,ft . . i - v.ini4iB me Pavment i .W. i-ry."' i ""'"met are olopiin. none j reaiurer. uia n wou M he DonH kA .... . ' Zk ; r 'fn t "Mb,"u,7 me pur-.J win ue ptomoied by it Tlii chafe qf rtock, were condemned at the dlans will be fatished, fuch r'Jr Bank a. counterfeits. 0in to this.1 may 1,ave .rant. aS other caufci. twai nntln f,I .k. .. . W,,,,,V '.ana be ..- . r 1'iinium "muii. nu inp iii,n air..). ik. . . . l. . " iiuicx. or riiif. I ' 1 ici. idu S.!1 'S."!?' M hu"& fifty. ;guimn,ent of the Indian tirn: :dmen, bca1' Uom i ! J&rf. fld'. k" ? k,,ir, .v..wu.,.,, ,rocents(v. M72e.) expenfe. MUl " JOHN KELLY. K 7. r" " "a 01 ,Df" crt' ,WI ! nave purcnaled two hundred . n4 The Indian Pk:- J.J. J- . . Fayetfevine. Nov . . . ' ' that may betho'c expedient, fhi comm'f ' 1 U 1 1 U fionerof the U.St.te, remain, here to give ' THE Copartnerfhlp of Fontaine an. fucb agreement the nectifary 4ion X r ml and form, and den. .k-. i7nc!,on f, Hiff..!.. ah . At. 7 .al Cor" - ri : ii . widLiiLS n amiH . .k f . ,.". nonces an triole to whom In? it i ,i ... l i i . ,,uiui .orine forward Ihrir .rnlnl. i .. f -WW..,,,, piopeny atijulfca for payment ; and all ,k,1u,., indebted u nun lo iniKeit i rmt.i ....... l.- the nrfl day of lanulr nt r A I" BWH'CMet 4 totheiaih. .bui 4 k . " mu. Mta. - al lhc ate of 63 per cnt. being the " .-. v. . .....ucipniJ, t thc . end of the laft quarter, as per the let. ' ftrfibf. 4e- Ca0,l.er of lhe bnk f the . United States of the 71I1 ult. herewith rrefented. : , 1 j This communication was referred to Mi tmmice 01 nnance, and rdered to be nrinteJ. Tueky, Ntvwti-er 30. The fpeaker laid before the hour the rerrefcntatlon & memorial of the Chiefs L . . . "uc 01 iDuuns. o ihe pai Which hmr.o rd ..r....i .1 r. r." .""-- " itxiicu on me. uum m. 'ri1' f Mf-C. JonesJ hi. MATTHEWS. Chat.... iwwuir, Aiiiincwi. wiir ..,11 1 n.ri-j r. . . --"n. TidntrtVA r .L. . ..." ' m a DCLirn u iir fr a 1 - 111 . uiv rui.rv p pt - - miioa int tod of ibrce of iiVf . t All maflen nfn.fr.ll. ..J x.L.' i k- . . . . . " " vmr' rc ncre. T rWw.rr.rd ,j4lnft MfbfHirirg-.Me4;ng " or carry io f4,d appremite iwif; u thd, peril. JONATHAN YOUNQ. Wilm?rioot DcecmbfrQ. " ' . , - uC -ppomiej as a commif. ffl4n"on ine u,a concern, at v it: to fee the agreement executed, and 'nl F.' rn'alhe !& Co. are rco in die. conformity wuh the propofi.ion, delaJ V "nd t,nfe mc-ebteJ to either agreed on in coherence with your com. ;WteJ to male immediate m,.M.M . imcnt. F. FOMTaim - - -I--- -v.w.w nouie tnei lour commiitee bee lrae ,. f CDrercatatlon & memorial of ,h. Chief, ; bill ,0 carry thi, .,1. f 'fP" afbe of Indians, .lea ihe. pari of the tatT a'l k- kf was referred o ihi fbm!,.;.i "lte-a' hlCh is ..,u concern, at yell as rui-larollllJ. 7 :. Lte ;.CfwJ . ,: . .: . ; .. her firm. J KN UP. and committed to jail . nake immediate nay. rv,:",,toun,', 8'oman nani F. FONTAINE." I ivOGER, about 40 or 45 years of- I A "TABUL" ae. UC Wil fame lim an.. ..tt ;. a a a iiivur... . - - .aiiacii in Wilmington, Nov. 11, 1802. , ' n.!e of South-Carolina, by a Mr 1 1. ; Hfic, wascaiiejfar and thehoufe toekup the fame: it was read the ii ttmm i(i,l 1 -. - - itjtMiu. 1 cas Njyi73. ,' The order of ihe'da; being called for -the bill to repeal aninallcdat,Ra. kigh In the yesr 1800, entitled an a6 to lepcn wmucaei Ut rc?craUai aow . v. vi 1 iic uicarora ixat on of Indian. M,V. "V. ,n '"fa nude to jy.K. eapires, ficrt will be in the tear 1I16. afW k mi ,c ' ' ""iwji jau laitiff arejo revert 10 Ike ftate. ,,",,f, T-i ' 4... f 7'w", 4. The till for dividing the flat, Iol( mi. m .1 IUI1I III Ikl.f L . . ... Riivt -IT. Vl ouniv aiorclaid A7'r ?ra cfubfciiber ,,e N"confelTf, that he mife his efcapi " . tlfff dlV fif fan.... I.f. . llrOin Smiik.P ..j . iii - k .t ' w jui'i nrpro . nu rcturnca to. Mow by the n.me of JACOB, called !hU "d fay, that be does iwuri:- ''htfaiJ fdow 5:T h" r,ght r?"''"1 hi' miRer from Mf.'WlM am iijikk- r died a few davi .f,.r. fc. ,.i couatr. which nlac f.t i r :..k V I he rerfun to whom Uk.u ' a few d ,, ago. It it necdlefs t offer a 1' '?,,ncd l? "me" furwarrf.i prnvf itufiiu 1 a 1 lie 11 u. 1 1. i.i.ir--- ! i' r iti an 1 i. . . 1, ' -".iiiiiuwR ininiii,.' " o" coupty .nd.has a ifi Uoir.z toh ......1... ' iWiCiiael SJItirmn. ku ..I !.t" iT.. ... 1 ---I i iu ii narpvur mit a. IMir.tl MiPAkfkit? ri edby her much acairi .k 4 u. l,iUilober atfl ltn. .. Sampfon, to my knowledge. - . . N; Jh printet, In South, tirolina, t 7 wra 01 twenty ditilart! " ! mt auove to their re. for I ha dflia. rv nf ..... Inert Id. iw. ,....1. I ; - wi o me la wij.i' "w i laitnv ivn. St Ii-oh i. ! . ip:i " ' " uic . and all fcafenable eipencii ALMANACKS for fate mbi m. paid b v Jvltif UtANll.

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