PUBLISHED W E E KL Y BY ALLMAND HAL L. Three Dollars per Annum. T H U RS D A If, D E C E MVB E R23, 1802. Vol. VI.No. ; 301 r. Mr. Hall," - ' -.- '': An aitechment tt my native foil, where but a few yeere fi,he firm ,ae!yoctei of priftine liberty, on. diff uifrd, drred to etTert their eonfliiiytionel rig'ita pledging hrefelvek end their property, to. obtain a trie'iorsti n of the undefe rved fufferingiof their op prefltd Countrymen, in defiance of the haughty tlrrcitiof mercenar v lei(iorit iodueei me to requefl yoo wilt pulriifti ilw following Ypeech ol Co'urrfellor C'irren ( ii breathe feniimenta''unqrfe,(Hotilbty calcu. Iitrd to heir bp virtuout citizen! igeinQ the' pretTure of ()-t iflionj ' '- .- . ,. Thr mm whofeexertiopvhave been" liberal, honed and induftiioui ( whole anfnfpefting principle, have 1rd him into the habitation of calumny erd ptelt diteted opprellion, can only floace fiimfelf with (hat aecetTary portion oflecret grttuUtion ,nd felf-ap. proving pride', Which whtipert PeeCe, and bid the wretched fmtle. . . AN IRISH ZELOT. A gentleman of whm-I4uiaw, how dengeront it fa. to; thing thet wte1arbtra i nrtUfjrtknWyxUyiX (peak ; and of whom every prudent mm will think fide.board waa co.idem.ied to the grief of reftituti-an. and talk with all due reveience, X He feemed.. twit And here (laid Mr. Cu'rranJ let me lay inmy own de. (far of ihe defendant equal to honor, inefjuhdencei equal alfo (for who could be fuperior f if probity nd humanity. To thit genjeman w.u rr.y.clientj configoed, and in hi? cuftody he remained about fevet week., unthought of byhe world, . if be bad neve eaiiled. 'Thedb'iyiotfof the buried, ia a profniind at the obljviop6f the dead , bia family may have mourned JwC ab fence, or hia probable death 'but why feuld 1 mention fo pel.y a circumltaiwe Ne The' lean or ' the farrowi of the wretched, iive n'a interruntian ta the eeneral nrocrefa of thiora. The . . fence, that hia if ihe on'y oecaftja upon which I have mentioned tbia - ireum(lan"e wrh th1ea!l apu;araice ot lightne't . (have often toM the llory ta a. way, that it vould not b -coins m? ta iell it ' here. I have Ufft t it ia the fpirit ofih (- ie-etmga wMih were ex. met, MlW.i'in4 vnB WllVf'lltl V 1 . I 'IU liu ma ne U a ctilti, wfi n f. m-iny thoutaadt were drank and barbarouty " Ad ft bia.iy tii'eu; it wt nt tin ed iihie reot e3ioo, hit I heli that per fan the raptiition of tMa kind remonffrance, and final lutxrulion f Hi evlo their ntr,-i..l.-. fign'ng (t m (txot, di.ted by "Janya, nd hit 6a , laige a-Bt fom confinement. TI'UI faid Mr Gurria wa he ki ed from the into the eomm m mafi of hia fllow!lea by vf.Hingio ths tender eutreatie of the kjrcd 'hit !oe4 dim, to fign what wai ia faO a r. f of hit laim to the eo nmoa aighn of n bunai, ertat.hv humbling b mfflf. to the br. taan6fancof pmp red alava. . But he did fuffef thediirn'ty of hia n.tut 10 pa f ibdiied by iu kind ntri h haa bean enlarged, and he baa brought h prefen: aiioo. A to the fsfta tnat ha had Rated, Mr Gin ia faid, ha would mA a few oVfervitmnt t-m - CO0RT9F ICING'S BENCH, IRELAND. Ia the Cafe where'ia Mr. John Hevey, wa ff, ; and Chrlei Henry Sirr,' Efq. waa defendant, On an aftion for afTault and f'llr imprifenmeat, ! The, Trial vaa had before the R. Hon, Arthur Lord Vifcnant Kil warden, Lord Chief Ju&ice of the King'a Bench. . ... , , MoMnAt,May t6, i8. Mr. CUftRAN ftated thecafa for the plaintiff, ia fubftince neatly to the following effect. lie began bv tel.lng the jury, it waa the mol ex traordina'y aflion he had ever met with. It mud li;ve proceeded from tbe moft uneaaippled impudence lathe plaintiff, it ne oat Dioiignt it waatoniy j or th moli unparrallelcd, mifcreancy in the deftndtot, il it (hall appear fuppor:ed by proof. And the event r.nft ttimn ihemoO condirn and indelible -difrrtee on thefuiliy defendant, uolfa aa unworthy vet d iff Dionld rtiift the fcandal upon another qairter. 1 On ik. ArJ ih AfllAli h fain IftH.tPlt lUnr mnA lam. gV. i i wai an action of refpafa, vi H armet. ' for an iii Ird In St. tUnt evniiin in ntturf. and ita (Dir. mil", i. d ol routie th t (hould-mf jfure the damai a. wric nriinrr iiiuii per itinui, , nir hu?cmt f,i 1 1 . i . m ....ITU m t 1 1 innrv in... ...ititrt. - f.'-' : ' . .' P I itigaof Hbrtty, Ti e trafoa fai that a pau'ed There waa indred, fir fnd, a time ".hen, in aridrt'.U g t ii. rr uon vert interior violation! of human nchia, he kjd left hia hofom vlow. and fwcll with lhi noble ltd elfvltirg coAlcioulntla of being a: trtcman. lpikin lo Irremeo, aa4 to ( lira country; where II ha waa not ab'e to commamcate the f .-nerou time to their bofoma, ha wai not at lead f cold aa not to ctcb it frm them. Rut thai waa a fymyaihy whir he waioot now to looiiih at to t licet, either .f a.. .- a to mipue or participate, i a wouia not inioit mem by tht hitter, mockery of fdeh aa alTtclaiion t buried ia ihey were h did not avifh to conjure up the fhadaa of departed freedom 10 flutaW roo d thtir tomb, lo haoni tt to reproatili tbem. Wliera freedom il no r ore,, itia a mifchitvoat prophination to nft her liBf.u'ge I bennfe it tarda to deceive lb maa who iaaotonrrr free, apnn themoK important of al pointt i that it the i aiure nl the lunation to which be it r'duced ( and to make him tonfowod tht liceat'.out una ot avoiai, with tbe real (.otuuioa ol Iffedoai. H meant not therefote, be faid, to call for in haugh ty vrrdta, mar might bumble the laner enrt of op P'ffT.on. or a Hut tbe faarUd light a of idpedcoe. far torn It t he oaiy aft. to lor luch a verdict, ai ip peculiar rttpeitant rera Hut hu e doea it fianifv. whe hrr adt of tnjJefttioni and humanity arc fua rofer-and ihe lun fet, jufaa it did kefore -tha r bl-one4 by giatitode, byi fla tery or by fneadmip j i il mig i be f .ii for the drfeida t, that mucfioi whag bufioafe1 of thegoyernmeut, the bulinefa o Hha caAlel they are ree trded i the heart fiom which they I wa da ed, my not appear in proo', T- th t haj of thefeatt or the tortme, went on . wits their uiual ip'ong j ani in tbe hour o aiverl vaenU!tt4; il i.t,. aid,. ht would not have fo ftjted, if he had noi fee esatWfa and tranquility. . At fall Mr. Hcvey , wai ; mould evir come, Iweet ia he oj ur tj their memo. M jar Smdy a in court ) he had tVerefore ; put tho difcovered among the (weepingi of the prifoo t and-s y, ind precioua ia die ba m of netr confolitioo.- faiffi agaiifl him in a way which ha -houjht the moft was at lift to ba difpofqd of. He waa at Uft hoooar- . Uut to return, H.vey brought i i aitiori for hia mare, like y to mae him to a defe ice of hia own charaflef ed witb the perfooal notice of Mai r Sandva. "He; I lie Major not enroling t"a tone mta coji , id! t it ht dared to be examined aa a witatfa. H; had h nia no wy or eicaoinj denying tbofe ch rgea, . t ; i a. iuct were iaiic. ana t, iiie were nor bmipq. nn i Hi ike you my Lo d. ffJ Mr. Carta f.. at if I waa ' I'ua eubliclv alia tad. ed witb the perfooal notice of Maj r Sandva. "He; me Major not enroling tone mta coji , ant 4 it e dared to be examined aa vey'.faja ibe Major,) I havefeeniiu ride I think, a ' thereby fiigjeflthe probable fuccefi of a . trufJe i.made him feel that be I fmart fort of marei yon can't ufe her here ; yon had liooi, filtered the property, ' and paid the collrof no ver al dtHation, but by i better giva ne an order for her," The plaintiff, yon i fnit, to the attorney of Mr. Hevey. It ml per apa iuhey were falfe, and if ihe may well fuonofe. by tbia time bad a tolerable idaa of hia fituation j he thong'.it ba bad mu:h to fear from arefuftl. and fomethmsto hope from compliance at all eyenta, he faw it would be a meant of appiizingl h i fami v he waa not dead he inUaiitlv rave the o i-: rcq ired. The Major graci lufly act :pt;d it. fay ing your courtcly V HI not colt you mncn, you are 10 be feut down to. morrow to Kilkenny to be tried for your life you will moll certainly be banged . and you can Icarcely thuiK that you j lurnty to tne otner world will be performed on horlobaclt, The humane and honourable Major waa eq ally a prophet witn an compeer. 1 he plaiutitt on Hie next day tojn leave ol bia prifoo, al be fuppoled tor tha lalt ti:ue, ana wai faot oader a guard to Kilkenny, then the head, nuattcri of fir CharUi Afgil, there to be trkd by court maitial for fuch irin.e, ai might chance to be alltdged againit him. In any othet country the fcnc that took place on that occalion, might excite no lit tle horror and aftjaifhmeot ; but with uathefefeif fattona are become extinguimcd by frequency or re lie' tion- I r m inltructed, taat a proclamation waa fent (onh, offering a rewar i lo aay maa, wh-a wua come forward and give 'any evidence Jiaiult the traitor Hevey. An unbatny wieuli wb.tKa.l usn (hortly before eoAdrmnaJ l. air, and waa lae Wing ready for execution, waa ailurcd by iha piopcla, . . c . . r . . . nil lmcf rr.y wii dvi nini suuii-jn to dcihiii I" 'ft between the alternative piopofcd t pardon, (avnr add t aid, with perjury on one tide, the rope ana toe giAbet on the other, Ilia loyalry decided tha qurl tion aiainu hit wo foul. He wit dimmed, aud uattag what wai not relev:nt to the action. it ia materially pertinent; I am dating a fyiia n of ion certcd vengeaoce and oppielHin. - Thei'a tw men clcd in concert ; ibcy were Archer and At nwell You milter at Litchfield and I at . Coventry. . You. Jlu.idrrtd in ihejaiLand 1 tyrant in the Ureet,' And in our refpetljva fituation, wa wilt co-operate, ia the common cufe of robbery and vengeance. ni I "ate thia (f44 Mr. Curran) becaufa I fee M-j r lindyi ia cuu.r . And bafrtfe I fr.el I can pi ova tnc Ua, beyond Ihe pollimlity of denial. If ha doel not I.-arto appear, fa called upon, ai I have called Oi him, I prgv it by hit oot daring to appear. If ho tbti vraiura to coma forward, will prove at by kit wn onh, oi if it? vcuturea to daoy a fyllable, that 1 ave dated, I will prove by iirafragablc evidence Jl ncord, that hia denial ia falfe a id perjured.- True f-r, gamilrin.-o, (fiid Mr, Curran) we have traced the jleiuiirf through i tha ftrange viciiliiudea of barba oui inprifwiiiiieift, ofatrociaua condemnation, ana ol Kcideutat d:iiverance. fili'a Mr. Curraa defc I bed fba laaliuga of himfctf. (Hevey) & lain family, t;oo bit uilcraiion ; bit diiBculiiet on hia re ur i, 'fat Aru;!e raiuil the afperitjat on bit ch.raciiri ait taiicvrad Udeif'y t hia gradual Uceii t uaa impiaaabia mahrniiy ( (irr anl Kanlvat Vid the imioiUiai rr f .k. r. W 'Ihretiari (faid alt Curran) bad elapied Uca the deliverance il my client ; tha pu lic avnof. ptcio Uad cleared 'the ynvata lellimoiiy ol Hevey l ,i ed to have brtghttntd, but tha malice ol b acne. He Hevey wai appointed by thr fei.teuce ol a mid, and iea htw btco appealed. On tha th ol bepte n nootnnt, eniigitenejcourt-mannat, to tana tne piaca mi. uzmj wa nin4 wm,, of tha witnefa, andfuceeeded to the vacant baiter. huCs, Majjr lirr wai thr ra. Mi. Hevey wai inlor. Hevey, you may fjppole oouiinutd Mi, Cur ran) now. mrJ ta.i tne Major bad at that naomeut lain, tkai he ihoajht hit labora at in end j but be wai millakeo,; (lavay)" obi to have beau banged. Tbe plaintiff Hi hour waa not yet come. Yon are probably gn.i wt men at the ciwrge , ne tiaea hia eye o i sirr ana you my lord, arn Kcounang lr bitefeapi itasd, ifbahaddand W biti, mm de, tared be b the fortunate reco leflion ol iomn early incum,! baa aud bad faid truly. Hevey aof areiei, that bt (lancet, that mliht have fmote nnon the Cci.&ailaty o' flande oua fcouudral. At toe ullant Sirr rnth- b. Chailca Afxil.and made him believe be waa id, d un bi.n, end f.t'iti by or four ol hit la- debt to P, evidence, "lor tha life af on iaooccnti wllilla, wao bad lue id'd him in d.fgu fe, fecurcd though coovifled aiaim. But it wit not lo ; bill bi n aad fent him te t e eii.e-g i.rd, dtfineg that a alcapa wai purely accidental. The pioceedrnga upon receipt i.i it be g ven for .ha v llaln. He wai (cnt hit trial haoneaied la meet ihe eve of lord Carnal4 limber. Tbe Oiflcer ol the guild chl0C4 lo ba an lit. The freaki of format tie not elweyi crael, in taglilhmaa, ut latety air ven in IHeird, he laid tt the biiierrtefa of her iua uiiv. van fee (be can adorn baiillfa, I) p'l waa in ft ixland, 1 (hauld Ihink. her mifcreancy of tht Have, ia tha trapping! bf now J . . . . . " .1 n.ight mate lome r'taritioa tor tha molt extreme ind otimttiied luffcring, aad anight alfo tend to lomt atobible mitigation of the pMic, and f eoeral dcimy foe ihi purpofa, he faidTbt asuQ rany back their t trntinn to ihe meietchollv rerioJ ! t;oo. It n it that fad crifii, that ibf defendant from aa abfeare individual, lined into notict and conftqucacea. It It ia in the hot. bed nf pah!ic ciimiiy,ibal faeh por tt annua and ioaofpicioat piododt are accelerated itboot bing eneinted. from beiag towa.major, neit leaieelf legible In the liS of i.ebli iocum iincn, he t-ecame at onri invcflrd with ill tha real tioweta bf ah mil ftdfalaia) BuiltArll. The life tr4 tht liberty ol every mm teemed In ba given op 11 bit difpofal. Wi b ihu geatlaman't aaliaatdinaiy ' lion began iha nery ol ibe (u fieri eg tod naia of Iha pUlotif. It f earn a man af the name ol Me Cuire w protetated lor feme offence mini the late. Mr. Hevey, the plaintiff, by accident la it in ran: be wit then atiiura ol wealth and credit. mtwer iniht irft line ia thH buCnrfa, fjnfottn i att'.y for bir, b ihct efoet beretoloif employed iha whaeft inr iba profeeaxiun. aadiound him a m.a . mf 'atom tbaraAer. Ualoilnnatelj lor bimfcH, bt ,veTiioed ihit rcamltaca) in court. Too conafel In 0e prifoner UCflad on hie being (worn he wain, Tretarywere convinced, that no credit ttductnibawrtnefiforthtciownt and the pri imaa Kcnrdmg'y acqtitud. In a day or two alter Mlo (,, Ml tk( pUiatiB in II I litett aa.ed Low be defd Uianetfete in bn bafiaaGi, tnd fnorc bv Cod be woU teach him bow to medatit wn "bn trap," Geextonte, (aid Mr. Cuiraft, '' Irt lam font ol propheta, on that detivii in footer l orn teal ierireiioo. and who art fomenmet mid an. Ba there it another clafa who aretl.ety nhal IV y ait dttermiaed to bnag about ibemftivttr Of il.ta f-cHid, and by fir iba mod authentic clafa, at ilia Major lor ketvri yon fen kit no mnaopoly tl rrtca.on. Un the loliowiag eveeiae . nooe He- arywatdagied in tbcdtik into fovna lonely alley l t.t ba waa feiaed, bt knew not by whom, nor by M tMSatHyied becaoaa in Moment, In binv ie f,tn hn family and bn Inende. at il M bid nevti bera. He wai carried away iatqutl ignnncvt 'ol b rime, tad of bll delMny whether to bt lonaied haid,r iit-i nanted. Ilittitana bt foan Urn f i t it wn the tieefon wbub be bad committed gelrH tbe Majely ol UjH Birr. He wtt UmeJt er, unit and wealth. But btr playlulaela it not iM wayi lohuman t (he will (omeumet in btr gamboii; I ne oil opoa the woenda ol tbt fuaTerert the will fomeiimet favc the ctntive from tba dungeon and tbt grave, ware it Only that the might alterwarde ie coiiiign him to su detttay, by the teariul of capn lh i taut tiai i entitled to, bm t don't kaow tha Itwt of lb t y. ' However, 1 ibink ynu had bcu er loofen inula uonabn bit wnia, oi 1 ifemk they may kill him, , M joratrr, tba defendant Toon irtived. want Into bu coc?, ted ie. aiaed wiih an order " wbub be bad wruua, and by viriue of which Mr. Hevey w.t ta. t'toui ciueliy apon laataftiC eommiferation. Lord i veyd lo ihe caUody ol bu old frtent aad, Cor awailia lead tba traafmifi ol Hcvy't eoodemai tioa ( bia bent recoiled (rom the detail o lupidii), nd baibanty. He dafbed bia pen acrolt aba odini ccoid, and oideren that Hevy Oiould be loribwith iberittd. 1 cannot bnt highly honour bint lor bia conduct in thit inlance nor wbto I recollect bit peculiar U'.uation at that difaHeroya period, can 1 much b.'ema him lor not btving acted towarda ibat CKVt, with tbe fame vigout tad , iadignnioa, which bt hit Race IU-wa witb rtfpect to thole abomiatblt jutifdictioot. Hevey wat now a roan tjein he fftcok ibe daft ol iiitlerttgaul iba priu.n gate , niaatirt beat tht raiponlttn the aniKiptun cmbrtca oi nit family and bit Irieadi, tnd bt returned to Dublin On bu arrival btre one of the brl petfont ba mat waa hie old lnt:d. Metor Sandra, la the tva ol poor Hevey, julliccaad bomtaity bad fhnrn tba Main ol tn keama he no longer regarded bina wun ralpeu to lenur. He deaeccd lie eneiei obieiaieg that tHnngb bf might have iravclUd 10 betvm lout, bt though' It more com for tab .a in paalormbu etithly journwton borkbttk. fJagraaeUl villain, laid tht Maine I It th.t the granted yon Ibtnr to bit maia ly Adf Idh 01 an t. na ! m aavaval & na in aAa 9 V aa fV.ek wv w iwi war i iavany n'w jw w Utim iaodia. Hert be wn fluag lata a roum wl a bout thirteen led b. tweUe it wt called the but rital ol tbt provotl. It wat occopicd by fix bedt, in which were to lit ltiitecn or nueca milertule wei. cbee, lome of them ftukingnndcr coottgioat diftaU a a. Ua bit hill cnuanct, tbt dcht ibat waa tdmuttd by the oaeatng ol the duo , dil. ufed to h m a vie ol tht lad lei ow UUatCii, for uu luathtoma lotiety ba wa note won to exebaoee, tba cheatlul hauct o mt, tba nia oi open air, a4 ol bit own timbi and whei He wet ivadcmacd loeieiau the oillval batted and tumewpi, wbicb ba bad at ed to fbjw to hi original oonreTion in the nrovoft wat admitte&i hit ro'ibery ot the cup wat admitted , hit robbery of the mart waa aJmitted tha lie fo eiide. ciou:l fore.d on tha HibeaaCorput wat tdmitied) the of the infamout appology wai adm tted. Again, faid Mr. Curran, I challenge thin worthy co.npeerof a worthy compeer, to make hiteleftion, between proving h i g'lilt by hit, own corpotai oatb, or hy he mora r.redible mddcly of bit IVeace. And . now faid Mr. Curran, I hart given ou a mere fkttcbj .' of thia ex ra ordinary hiQory. No country governed ' by any fettled la we, or treated witb co anion huma mty, cou'd fansifn any occurrenct of vparalUleJ attocity, and if the anibn of Caleb Williamt, or of the i id pie dory, were to read the tela of thia man'a furferint, it might I tbi ik humble the vanity of their talrota (if they are noi loo proud tohevaio) when they faw how much a more fioitful fource of iici. dcat could ba found in the infernal workingi of tha heart nf a ma!tgnent (live, than in tbe richeft copinuC nrft bf the malt fertile aad creative idngination But it ia the dcHiny of Itelmd to be the fce ie of in h h.nro a. al ta bt fluag by fuch" -eii'-i to nadnfa sn i to death. And n w, fa d Mr C rrtn. 1 I el a fr mcLnch ally p'eafire, in fei'toe, -; ajru-iT " atn 7a TMnaa lufjiuC It rcmaiaf me a te make a few obfervatioiil at to tha aa tea ion ooriit to eve, if yon believe tha cafe ot the plam.irTta be, aa I have dated. I told yon bo ' f :e thn neither 'aride nor Ipi'it belonged to oar fu tuition, MHoutd be fortytoianamt oa into any tpiln. tie Uio ol th port rr (I'ttJU ot freedom or mac nendt ee. But ' rv tince to you it to give thn fu I amount of tbe dami'fl laid in lb drclar linn tnd I'll ie'l yon why I jive yon thai advice 1 1 ihina; no direagtt coul i be axicmve, cither it a com pen fattoalor tne Injury of the plaint It, or aaa puoitn mrnt of lite favage baitanty of tha dcUadant, but mf eafonlor giving ou thn advice, lye roach aeepei thin fuch eoafideritioiu ihey fvriag Uttm a viW of our prcfeat aaofi forlorn, and diulitioui fuaaiioa. You are nowia thr haada of invthtr comity, thai country hat n meaot of knawiag yoar tttl coodi linn, except Irom the in'ormation that fhe naay accU dtotally derive inn trania(t ona o' a public nature No printer wonld dare to pb i(b tba tboulaad in Qaoc: ol atro:ny, which wt bavfe wiiatUed at ha d out at ibr pifcn! Boraay ooaofthem, unleft hn d d it in fona f'tt of conn ca, ibat be could fcarce'y be made a pablic facrifice by brat 'I force for pabiimia; wht waa open y proved in conn ol juflice. Mr. Curran, btrt mane (We pointed cbfer tatiomon the lata nil coaairy, where iha ftceooae, of tbe ptefeit extiagailhtd, lad where aoothei nation by wbofa indolent mercy, or waofe inAigaud larf we nay be fptred, or fKntccd, cm know nothing ol the extent nl our fulicringt, or onr delirnaney, bnt by cafuel hearfayt I know, (aid ba, ibat thofo pkilofophtrt have been tbuied, who ibiak ibat men arc'boinina Itteofwar I coaftb I gofauh.rted think tbey cannoi bt reclaimed o Uaie of pve. Wh n I teethe io.laet of a man in man, I belcvtlt. When 1 fee tha lit ol off.ncea in eittf trimmal code in Inrope when I compart the cn t ormiir of ibnr caimea wub the Dili greater aaormiif j nl their poaifhmenta, I retain no doubt npon tbn lehirtt. Bui, if Icon d heCieia aato mta in tbn the ovtiwttuing aa.4 lelou.mjt arrogance ot U net in feaaecommuaity, I btv no doubt rl iha intaiiagmth otfkt, tad mimoiia intathoiiy bett be p tlrd tl,t ' able malignity, ihH ll loravcrtan mt attton agaiaaV . bid a ghl wtthnut bed or lood, The next morning,! n on. Well wat it (aid that a n.uon baa nn bit humaat keeper, tba Major, aapeaied. foe plata. , beirt," loaiJi tacb other tbay art onilntmlf tnvi tiffdtmaatid why bt wat It amprifonen," toih. ea, viadiUive, nppredvn and nnjud. Wan did tlaiaid ol bnagrr, aad aiked lor tbt gnat'waaKe. ! '! IK tbt mardt t or robbtiiet of !. Wtrtf l.joi aaodya repliaJ wub a torreot ol abalc, whua ; Nothing. Aid yet at that titan, Oat prided bar (el I aa bt tnntioded by Uyiag Your ciimt ia yoar ia t. 1 nm.b aa England tvae did on Iba eJevtiieo nl bet leaca in Major kirr i however, at dildiiu, tn U mpla ' leniimem.ann mt lennamantoi net anon uv. a ax opon you yon may tppeefe bint by p,iai and Can-!' odiowt f pact k 'a did fbf tthibat t Her bt line UaraiUivn bat nmala yondo lo, ya (bad r m lfo buiaieg wub ell the laiy of rt iae tad lyiaany Yon (b.a'l )0J are. I tell yon eel DoiTeUioa of tha beal. whicb von bate loalet ed do not protect ee, by bod wt will not ntietefa them ) your tieafbn, nor can I fvppofc,lbal I tab a ani j Yon m l prebab y, (tor I haow yvni aaUaan a aid mal. tbaibad birn booourad witb cnovttiag tbt ' nugieielui baidiaetij et empt to gn nut by Haktat weight ol duty and tllealaucr, COaid condekend ta) , topnt bat in that yon wi4 ILd youiit.f ratal a Ira, load btr lnyl lomt witn tba vi'c baidm ol a con. ' Hevey w a talnleai a- vUItd tttitor. Alio tht Major, 'laid Mr, Cenaa) nnugb to iflua a il.beaa Cwtpua, aad a itara wat I tot not lutptifen thai be fpakc and tfled at ba did. araada upon i. tkat Ha.ey wtt o endody aader lit wat no alotibt alunitn.'d it tbt impadtatc lad wanaal Irom Ctnerel C.eig, oa I thargt ol Ufa- aenlly Of calling iba prtvlVrgvi tl orlwitl alunder " ai ai inia letain wat a giit lalraaaot, lion at, tai il Cvtrame it j ner moan luiiot ntr pitnt ptttiai ottat iivttg waa. tud bee hand a ran wtia lot bo4 nl bu innoctni and tevoted ceaiarea. Wbea I edvife von tbticiort to mark VtHe let mgt nf tba caft belail ya, dant tbiab I anaan.thet yonconld make any i atrial im. paefban on iba naoeeluy, nr tandarneft of tbt conn iaitqae linn. Hardened by ibt namWilefe teuao. tNolibai mode of naaaaifbed atqnttatian, bt tad trtQed tht lieqaeaey oi impaaiiy iatn a foal nl wn. rant nl fpotl A it pint. One t,l ibalt Udtnxet, 1 lert I ant now biingiag it) tbt memner nl )nut Lnrd Oiip, A linaad tad rt'pecied b' at her btniHeti bad blerr tap ibe Maji beard, thai lor many yeart il bad borne an incrip inn of Inn ft brtcb,M whuh meaat " Iielaaid learner " lac Ma) Cmbdrird Ct;td b airr, I am ieaiined it adeat, Let birn pmvt tbt imi nl at il bt tan, Tbt Jndgt betmt whom tbitrtiarn wan brnagnt, 14 that M bad na antborny w iitwvatt tbt nabZupy pnfnnet aad Iba by mod iabnntan tad andt,aua lac, my ieut waa neianatd M iha bnnid naaabenof patM4 aad famiaa. Mr. Cnrtan ptnaaadad tnaafatibt Ian Ueiiap nl Mr. He,,iha difpattal bu) frvad. ibf u nl bM .o.l,t ,Ue anioataat M jandyibu nlei lety iaadaCtrdlt a new nlet of impnlnament li', Itnleiinen ol ite e .immm nael. tJ tC.Hr.fd, railed tbt prnvoft. Of ah.maaC-iMM,4T f"f- - rUdeiynl wbbyanbbfi.Mfaaed In ranch, I1'! ,k iUm utwajf-gett, ibat t a Ma.! .a,dyaw.t, a.dl belitvt JatU, tbt keener, jdtf UliM ara4,aa waa ta naan.a l lli.iapi(evrenra ia gnilt lo fn.b laog-b ol yeart, ei fet bim at targe, on taeaduVon tl m.kieg in tbjd foffeMnaa of iba dt iMtai vt.Tel, My poor frwnd ln.maiaon I i ..... kVr . . a an burbot indignant trie lean ed Mevtt noon wri lappitcaaitn m ma letknr hter, ra heria a telle at a rV lab mho a taxmy, bow baft and ndtoai tba a in leal amy iim in let a fcmatan itan rvpygaaaca nl Utvty try,bara prnparty wa art bettata. I am not ft I anli in at lo nnpt aay it a) tlra j praaiial Jaaxn ad bnmamiy arc vinaee that lavxra la bat hmm actt aad no.iiyag prit aont ( -fU not i herein t in id tbem ippaar amt ibaaa Bnt tneu art pein cip'ei tad Iraliugtlubllan ed in ibenr pUct, dapid pitlrrtnct aad tdmtrwmn nl (all, an edit tiun nf bemieity, aad a lendaa.i loronantiiird pr .ile.Mbffe yon find, ftr tbey cud nnhmg tad n on thtna yan may p tod act farnt ef tt. Wm naiiagri oi ibit kind aft bad op in be wnrul, ai daaa nder tba) faaU .an ot tbrtr inthyiUy.ibey mad btcnaat ediont it aaaakiad, anafi Ibiy tetfnl Inant lepaobaiitn on tbt in)tttdtt l aura meat, and Uiieii nl Ltj ' datiia, ' Aa InSa Uard Lualteiai wnU Oa nk frnaa balm pi taannatoaaitaaaiUg them. Ceiacirw teie wt.l lea, Ibat tl aaaont bt bar la.efod tWtnaonr. agl an infera-t! Ip'rat al fooahaen betbaany, ibat m. demtn anacaaaUawn at i at titan Uat ad bbt bead I