5 , s r. .V: . ,w ... 1 . Ifi i . . . - 1 1 ! i J i 1 J ! r-i area' 'ta ii wt km Red on rtt rat i ibe . and advocated the principle of the lordtawnttd " To which I anfwer,. although lir if S a vfouei nd htr ring, and fotaetime pa. $h,e notatoe tpiieftiM I will venture to a ft,' Ait-4n the cofe I i a it boat, oat balf.the number would ftotnJ,' fort and takba BritifltxaDnon from'eJoube Abe. berbt Wri,'ii4 tompel (bm to bet; for wercyiT , ven if they were commanded by bit rooft gracing ' mjav, end being full of the raaft beif of Old Eng v lend d Load on porter. v----- : "..What re fifty, nay tthoptand iivei, . ... it t that nerve afc fiar'a arm . afTht Bribe f-r lint aTv.'' v ." f.'nd it the caufe of their enmity egiioft ihefe emi- fi grant from Ireland knowing their attachment -td fepublieanifrB, end particularly to this country from th herianin of lla lite revolucioru Bat ff they, . thofe lrifh jejatdoa";oujht not to be pertniued to land in thiicoootrt. th-Y wre not here in thetimee of trouble, but ) ve fled ' from juftiqe.'Ye,, they have fled" frott jultice, from thofe .h ;(.Jbave retorted ta the ruin: end the pUowv . the bnly true nod faithful friendi to gcverament, end Whofe fvftein bi been to hinr, fhiot or treoiyoTr where " they could not corraot. , On t the cowardly hpO- critet ! The blood of the g-ood, people, of thU .eoun tiy, with their dwelling. th,eir ciih, end theirTur nitvre, well. know that the toiiea wha w;ie then in t hit' country , preferred the guinea to ftepping forth a the Irifh have done, to vindicate the caafe of the ' right a of man, both in thia country and ttrrir own. ;' I fuppofe that 4hat lha toriaa jnd their frienda would be glad to find oot the tea) (late of Ireland thofe yeara pafti' I (hill endei'vor'tO gratify them in the I ingu'ge of th great Carrm, on the trial of Mr. fmnetty five or hx yeata ago, and which ia aa ' follows : ' ., '" ' ,'' , .. . Mercifn! God, what it the ftate of Iiclmd, and M where (hull we find the wretched iahabitant . of that lann I you may find him perhtpa injail, the oolv olace of fecuiitv, I had almol faid hbi- taiien t you miy fee him flying from the flame of hia own dwelling, or yoo my find hie bonri .tjieachtn on the green fielda of hia, country. or . he may be found tolling upon trie furfict of the , ocean, and mingling bit groana with tempeKt, M$ " favage thin hit perfecut'ora, that drift him to af re. turnlefa diftance fiom hn family and hit hom.", 1 Tbefc ite only fmalt part of the reafona that oc. cafioo fa many to migrate from their nati country ; .for what crime t Why, for affart'rug ttofe right vhich the Almighty affuidcd man. ' - ' ( ; . ( The rifal of the Uwa on the futgelt of natural if anion from fourteen yeara to five ia an heart-ache Jt thetoriea and fedtialifti, knowing that tha aoiei.-f Irifhmen (not one out of fifty excepted) Kill hi to , " juppart of republicini eod the cooUiunipn. JTheV re likewife mortified at that part of the ritia)tNT'a tnefftge to tongrefi, when he fay i And fiill wi refole to the unhappy fugitive from, diUrru, lhtj Wpitality which the favage nf the wilderaea etind ed 10 our father on thia land t ShaJI oporr (M hu. sanity nod no alylum on thi globe " 1hi1' cor loboraiive f ihtt part ef the addrefa tff eongreft to . the people of Ireiand where it fay i, " h i hpwever (om coe folatioa to reflect, that fhuld It occafton much di 8 re ft, the fertile region pf America wouU afford yon fafe afylnm from' puveVtyJ ti4 In time fiom ppiflto) alfo." Thil, togethrr wiih that - -part of tie prefident'a meTig ta iofigir. i at great fiomMiag atoh fctUii ni rcpiibliciaifra. A letter from Leehornof thetd iateai that. hi been ctjiduded betveen the Emperor of Moroc co and the Untied Siatea of America. ' . ;-. QSobcr 25. , : . " Our p'rtatiKie l4 wer-a ftif appeannce Oar letiera from Plymouth and f aofmoutb re. loll f order received to get fliipt .ready hi fei. The Psqflegaliud Herenle, of 83 gun each, and Ji.eo. hetmof ii,at SpUhead, are to be fitted with four month ftoie and provifion. At Plymouth ordn were received 6a Thurfdiy for elf the men of war now jo port, to be completed . with four month Rore tod provifion, and get ready, for f-a, ifwan. (ed. The Childva and Yenturier Taifel fate on Wed. nefday evening ftom'l'ly mouth, with difpatchca. . i : OAoberaS. : . j - N We aire happy to find, both by private letter nd by authentic document, f-hat the Swil Diet hi not fubmittid to Buonaparte, and that the account in the French piper on thi (MeA are v. holly W'fe. The (Diet of Schwita, on the 8th, feot t letter to the Chief Confoft io anfwer to hia Prociamatioa, ana at the fame time oublithed it to the Canton. Thi let ter i remarkable for good fenfe and moderation, for ealmnefi and diarnitv t it ii the very reverie of Buo- nanarte't blufterinsr and imnioua ManifeUo. It Haiea that the Helvetic government had done much rrift hie bv their theoretical fchemi. that shAOe becami ind ifpenf able, that thi chinge w not the effeft of a party rpint, but the woik ot.Uie whole, awi.i na tion 1 that Buoniarte i rriifinfnrm'ed otthe lla'e of the country, and that ihe Swif hve done no inore t.hahe, by hii declaration, told them "they h d a rivhtta do. Thi letter Vrculd reach Paria about the tith,, and it wouid be between the 1 6th and eoih that the leolVof the Chief Conful would.be known in Switzerland, The letter allede to lormer letur, detailine the particular of the fiuuion of that coun try, whih wa wiitten on (bs very day Buonaparte' rroclamation ja (iated. Thef two letter, together With die remonftrance of the Btitifh court, which would arrive in Pari before Buonapaite'a reply could have been di hatched, miy hive opened hia eye with regard to the Caotoua, and wholly changed hia view. . , - But we'ftit! the fate of Switzerland will hive little infittnc on tht meafurfi of the Biitifh Cabinet. Mifllliera have determined to difconiinue difarming,. to keep all the fhip of war end troop on the f ir(ii flationt that are how on ihrrn, and to decline (rendering any more of the ccloniei or poft agreed to be given up by tb tre7 of Amicn. They hive refolved upon general grounds, in cofeqnencef the general conduct of Frame, to withhold every thing from her, and keep up our increaie of the prtfe;:t mana we polT:f pf making war. Switzerland i but onavaoint of complaint, and if more.notfchaa been made abont it thio any vjther, it i not becaof I it i the rnali important, bj becaufe it loterefli the feeling of ii;lihmen the ruOU, aiid 1 Imely to re- crait with the in jit luccel the popularity ol war. But if Baoiupar e wer- to ranounce Switzerland to moro, to difclaim -all irte'fe'rence or coanfftion with that ceuntry, we belve it ii in the d 1ijn ot Minifteit to proceed fu thcr, lo difcuTj and review the whole of hi consul which afTccl the interclltcl thi coun ry, either direly, or r a member of the commonwealth "of Euiope. - Mioifter conteo.!, and wiih trchfcthat Buotuputr difpUy a boHile r'.ifsofi tiontovrtrdi tlii cou:ry, that' he leitra on evi occilioa 10 hart 0'ir if re lit and "ur pride, t!t h ticuiui wuh con emntt i puifuM a cOurfe the veiy m-mt f . I, f te.Hf.-t. hiimU k tmV H V B AVC t ' aa the declaration of motnunmfik la Si ' Vw tO ' J adrni nf .avntsk rA in tMrnt A'A ItB tkff WO 'fit C the toiirt and their loyal Mulltci,. whith ihope lr,tTiea.y 1 f Peace, a g od oudsrliandms." V.t ever will be forgotten bVtfM.IrUhnveiT. , . Ht(t 0, W ii..,rd with a ltheooiat in dtfoute be. I feel very forry indeeo, xhlltj inn -when r0 It ween the twr. goyrvflmrntt, and on fom ol them r Id mother CanSf,re to hear of. the tieent' rt bW imucrfsitly informed i but they arc chia, her foa iecr here, Xht will imig'me.thu U K.- A.. h0ff which occtfioneJ the delay of gen. Andirolll, mericani are oppoieo to inem, contrary to net r-j eonnrctfd wi,h cotr.me.cial arraiigrmcif. the Ee pcQatioM, I know tht old lad)', feellnga 10 he(jifl, rtU,ln. The commercial oegocietioa haa, m aenuer, that en teaming of the foreffcog tie.im'nt I nt, faiW. and ia who'lv at end. A foitnijl1 (he will bo ft into taara accompanied with ft Ir.fh ; wc etaunife.i an auicia iefielii f tea. AndreolFi The publication tf U bat intftrua- peace! te waleh him aa St in theBrUilft Cabinet, lime; prolrng, peaceable, respectable gentlemen, no me- y to excite uneiuneli loihe rnotJ j- .lou o.incun. W have fpoVeo of him olyi-Mnppoiieiajp. the prefeot Admin'.flration have a right to .'ptak .. wive we to try him by tha. principle of iuQice, .his cha. yactee. would be bJackar than we dai.e paiot ii,' hi condo& would jttu,if tany menu ottuioiag aud re dact'ne hi' Bow'crV.T"r'"""'Tt""'""' f". . 'The Foreign Journal bring further detai l of. the new plan ol Indenrnitiel, ind a copy ot the note pre feuiedytthjit by the Mediating power -France piet te eagerly the adoption ot the plan; but we expect that Auttiii. wiiUej'O iu imc it give lhe orina jjoR of TuCcaov neither PalTan or any of thofe .parte of the Upper Palatinate or Suabia, for which the Em peror conttnda, and to occupy which Aufm hia lent troojj. -Indeed it leem to five the brand Duke nothing more thao wa before afllgned htm. .WASHINGTON CITY, December is f$fr:-i. - - THIS DAY . ' ' " ' a ' a aV W4 M n delivered te iach House ij JHs. Lxirts, Si To the Senate and House bf Representatives : :V ' . the United Motes. WHEN "vre assemble together, felW citizens, to consider the state of our belov ed country, our just- attentions are ry draViv'to those pleasinr; . circumstaricci ". 1 ru -ir t- 1 ' . r n w. i,m,, .w B-tr n..u k... m.n.Ri in ,j,irr wtucn marK me troouuess ot inai ucini plan, thefeby damping the hope Europe! forming., from whose UVOf they How, and the larji of her future conduct. By the indemriitiet, Ofna burg' iigeneronfly given to the Eleflor of Htf.over A French Melleoger Lecompte, arrived on Sunday, with.difpatcbea for M. Oub. The whole of ihf ,nrgocMtio between the two countriea pafTet. at .pre lent through hi ad. .-Several paper. elle'day . re P'v'ted, that fatiifadory difpatchca had been received from Frr, THey were wrong, Nothing either deufivc ot faUifadory ha occurred. . . ,- Yeflerdiy wa the day' appointed for.jthe reduc tion .of the Guard ; but the order ro that effect were countermanded ; fignificant hint government entertained of a war. - " ;, ht"'i i -BERNE, 0l9ber 14. " ' VThe commifGon of ftato ha publiftiel proclp matioi, declaring that Switterliod i not. at, war with trtoor., that it doe not intend, to go lo war with Prance, and that it will do all that honor can allow to prcftrv the ancient relation of amity with that power,, ; ; NOTICE. v ; CIRCUMSTANCES having, ren dered it necefl'ary for the fublcriber to cloie? . his account! in as i.'iori a time as practicable, he-aeam notice an thofe to whom he is indebted to: bring forward their accounts properly adjtsfted for payment ; ami ali pcrfons indebted to" him to make Cettlemefit on or before the firft day of January next. ' ; Thofe .who cannot make payment by that time, it is expcftei.will come for ward and give their notes, or confers judgments, bearing intcreft from the Hate. JUiiN NtLLlf FayetteviUe. Nov 25. - ; - - cry,, and though diDrefling to the lurtgt, will' raife K on the tune of O'Logiar But I fhail endeavor to pptafe the old lady'a mind, bytrahfmittiag to Iter copy of thi p Ate, inclofed in a letter, and pei hap deliver ii myfelf, that fo thai wheu Otc finda the oppofkioa folely conhgaed lo the tofiet and their ariftoctatic friend, fh (being of a cheerful difpofi. '. ti) will iaamediauly change her luae to iha tune ot Erin Bragh, 01 Ytnkee Diod e. -! fhali lake my leave ol thofe geetlemea for the pi(nt with a promife at fame fuiaie period, if occaGoo recjuiie, to tetom to the charge, and a my Honiara not vet cahiulled they fhrl be at their frrvice fo long aa they continue to bc tha fbvea of tnoaatchy ot aiiflocf acy. . '. i PADDY O FLAHSRTT. nou arrival. tewby the event in iierl4nJ, but we will givt it to-morrow ii oflihle. , Suppofe then, ihu guinptrte wwen Switie. land, and afk of Erland te fulfil the treaty of Arri en. wht are the rraiona ,he Biitifh M.mR.r wi'i give for itluTiog t make the neceflary funcnden ? Thi ttha icaporitnt qaelion, ihe queuioa hth we canttot anfwer, ihoot h wt hive fome hint ideaol it. 1t itnotforSwiiienaad, Holland, Elba, f.ouila a, the Brti(, they can reflate. T ie fituauon tit all thafeplacea wa ftacd aad known, a It ow - Aan.a, belore the urnititive Tielty wa lignrd. Keirettrg Malta, indeed reward great difhctiltie h'leanlti; but M BiBer muttconlela tbemitlvri childtcn, il tr-y contend that the treaty at Aan.ena d-d aot lurrenter Mt'ti to Prao:e agrettfily 10 the Tieny of Amiettf We prelume mini Rer nave aitiovi4 the irtatv la very diffc.eat, from whK ih.-v Juapafed it and mw Ihit arc itnwitlinf 1) eaeeuta h tondi'ioni. Wiih ail our jraianly aad dillikeoi B49opitc, wa rrjuu - .U- " - J - . . vi, nm caantining n irviiyvi pecv, vn rine It with hi conduct, - we cannot dilMvef lav gocd groQnd MiaQtr kite for complalnipg. IVay if repent ol ibeir owa lolly, hut they cancel , ac cwfa Bjonapantof breach of faiih. If they taa, why do we not fee loir. hint boob thi fob eft to then joarn! t ' w nrail be hum la HXa it ap, and ( It with ih public . The (lift fvrtoa Bif4innding betweeaiha Iwa grament wa tefatliaj' the Cenaf ial irtami we arc not well ialorKicif pan the point j but whtttver mifaadeitaadiag caigtii be, itCuald Botrcatant la a breach of tieaiy, or a gioaadofwar. Btcaafc Out Chief Coalal atlfplarva a M WoOi'e dJfoliioB," thi wa at told, It grin! ol war. Who befide the piefni Cabinet, everlappo (ed iht hi dtfpohiioa wat other thaa hc-Qil thi country t W have pewr ceded ta maintain, iht hi datliag abjrA ii h ralaol the Briiifh Email, aa ftaw navy ia ihcaaty ImpedimeaH la hia all domiaioa Tlx moraioi em which iha figrattt' ' the Pralimiatrua waa Sit haowa ia Loadoa, w wet laathcd at foe aSeitiag la ihit ppa lhl P( cauld not like place, anot aa tccnuat ot Buan. part aaibUioa thaa of tay abj clioat by tht Br lift Cabinet. rd indeed were ac.ial aa bl mv U a1 be ackaawiedgad rcifaa wi aa aar fid'. ! Bpnc' dilpatiiiaa evar ha been, and rrf oil be hoitleiaihi cWatry. Ha will never favglv hi defet at Acre, and iha tafa af f gypt, tcb bring lb cafe, the tieaiy af pva fhaatd ha mid eiaai il ftioald e4 btva had holt aad fliw aa vef y pan M alter hi " bolil dilpfttaaH apyo'iaaiiie af at iMkiBg ihi coaaiiy a rathe wa ihantd hv nud( the peaca wbea be wee daa, aad wa can d ht boaad bian. II Uiailct wiih la divl biaa of hi haaittdtrpoioa," ibry al radtrce th aetiaa latbacaadttiaaal $, wa anal be ItjadU, net 1! 1 a aaparreaent ed aa ad ibe two grvai ,nHM a.h -w.pate ihcwatU, a rrtaael t the Nicewafiba W4." ' Bat while wt fy iha ww af M-aiftrt, t4 al iha rf 1 Wry have ajada, wa da aot fogt the (SbI lUaaMrii 1 i. ka an r-iaiatal la Iher fall by aablf daiiag, than by aaj 't al lima-i tHm, im he piac a tk aa hia aaabitioa, irai My4 Ibe fcwy Earaya ia aaViaic, btiea!y facha a Impirttnf Ftreign In ft Usenet, LONDON, oa. ' ' The D iVeof Yaik ia now ia daily artendinca at hi ofrV: ii the Hf Gurdt and ih re tut -Icier-o'Oi'i:t rl ou Cabinet haa givvn rife m f'vcrtl ew idi both ia tha war aad admiralty depart ment.! . " ! ' It neo' fid'ntly flatad at the-War-Ofliee, abac U the e nifi f ih exi'mng weck. beuiag ajrrt will beiffjed, and ecraiig cfTicert diTpauhcd to the di'nt por: ol iha Umiet Klntdoaa. ,-, A teiier tiont Wi!tcHfttr, dated the 19th infant, favv ',' Tb Iall Biahaty aad the eavnmandiag yfuet ol 'ha 4b, ia fvrritoa brtr, thi mntaja' re ceive J om:id pperr fxm tha War-Olnee,' fiaiing that tht reda'liM of tSc airay ii coua etmandd." A 1 inteiSed rciaciioaat tha Sejeot af. the Cv-dt ii fafpewdtd for tha areieat. Difpaithetcratina ta be tent Imm oat port with the gteifel eipediiioa. Oa Wed atfday mora Ing the Veaiaricr, af it gaH received atdemo fail , fiam rlvntoutb with difpatche. and with (rated Of dert, which ait aat lob opened till ihe a aa lrt vital Sicily. OaVTtdaefdav anaramg ibe Chit ), al 1 (sat failed wiih difpatchca, aad,Viih I. aat!r fe.Ud or Hera. Ia ibe afieiaoow tha Nimble catirr wit dirtfUd 10 take ia artrvifioM ff laar ana a. ha, aad to get ready wi h all pUlihU fpeed ta receive d fpr.chaa. Older wave receive I at Fly tnewb the day be lore yelerday, 10 get tady thiee laal of Ibe liaa Bawia adef lw tomcat :uea. Fenvt Of Iha rre.b jaaraala caaxaia vloWat V latbtan Ibe laglifb yapvrt, fotthi boUncf la aa pofiag the aaabiirna af f ranee. Il bawraer, glo. loji !) la lh( ladrpfadeax alike lli(h fpliit, tail all ibe wriier ( ear cry f whtrt partv, b4t aaiied ia denaoa of tha nfkie l KctiaB aad iha liberty f Earaac. A ilvie letter f'Oaa far. fat , the report of aa appeoachiat war Ucraafea evett fy, ad piadarv nil leaf !. Tha Caafal baa rai caved wnb aoaali hM(htlafiW teclra aaad by M da Mar. aw aa iha UV-fa al bit bolila pl gel twit. ttt'dbal ibia icapeiiaaaataaa tny cafl coafi. drrabi liwaiiade alaha 'cwtal diftrtat paaet a4 hit awa peifal fupic. . Tha. Coafal ttv fwtted U. d Mrnew iaiKU 1 bad ra. TO LET, . ind rnltrtd upwtti fl 0 jftnutry 1803, 'TMa'E .ftibfcriocr's DweHina: Houle, JL with a kitchen, fmokc tioufe and garden,- all in complete" order ; the u tiiation is pTeafant aud healthy & would anfwer extremely well for., a Public Houfe; Aifo, two other . tenements fuitabie for fmall families. - . PEI Mil CARPEMTERa Who again offers for fale his planta- ion in Bladen county, containing 533 n rrei of good land, fituated on the mcr . r urn d'jout 30 mucs irom umingtoi , ' ALSO, '- .24.0 acres of land, nrar the Chivo-o'e FiiiC. ininini Mr. Jam:s' Larkins's land, in Ncw-llanover county. 200 acres of back land, joining Jfamei toy. Eft), in laid county. 300 acres of land below the "Sugar Loaf, in faid county, running I row the Rivet to thi Sea. 'joo acres of back land in Erunfnnck county December 23. measure of thankfulness we owe for h, bounty. ' Another year, has come arouaq and hnis us still Llessed with peace anf friendship abroad, law, order and religid at hot), noou anection and harmony vi our Indian neighbours, our burthens lidit. ened j "yet our income sufficient fothe pubJ Jic' wants, knd the produce ot the year gre; beyond example .These, i fellow-citizen are the circumstances under which we rneei and. w remark i with special siitisfaCtir those which, under the smiks of providers result Jrom the skul industry and order our'citttens, managing their own affairs i their own way, and for their own use, t;r embarrassed by too much regulation, uuon presffed by hscal exactions - On the restoration of peacfc in Euro; that) portion of the carrying .trade, t hic had iallen to our share during the war, w. aoruigeu oy me returning conipeuiion the belliererent . powers. . This was tti expected and was just. Iut,irr atlditit: we find, in soms parts ot Lurope, monor, lizino: discriminations, which, in the ffjrl of duties, tend effectually to prohibit tj camulg thither our own prodnre-m r own vessels. I-rom existing amities ant1 spirit- of. justice", it. is hoped that frienc discussion will produce a fair and adviqui " n r.i '...ii .,.. .l-..1..:. reciprocity. iui snouiu wise wiluuui' of interest defeat our hope, it rests with t legislature to decide whether they will m inequalities abroad with, countervailing i qualities at home, or provide for the cvi! any other way. ' It is with satisfaction I lay before you act of the British parliament anticipati: this subject, so far as to authorise a mutt abolition of the duties and countervailiri duties, permitted under the treaty on 75 It shews on their part a spirit of justice ar friendly accommodation, which K is duty and our interest .to cultivate with : nations, Whether this would prodore dye equality in the navigation between t two countries, is a subject for your cor. deration.. . . ' ' ' .Another circumstance which claims tention, as directly affectine the very tout of our navigation, is the defect or tltc tm sion of the law providing for theTeturn seamen, and particularly of those belong to vessels sold abroad. Numbers of tin discharged in foreign ports, have b( thrown on the bunds of our consuls, n to rescue them from the dangers into w! their, distresses might plunge them, .; save them to their country, hare foun necessary in some cases, to return then the public charge. The cession of the Spanish province IWtsiana to Fance," which took plao the coursejof the Ute war, will, if car: joto t(tect,maVc a. change in the aspec our foreign relations, which will doubt! have just weight in any dcl;,cration5 of legislature connected with .at subject. RUN away from the fubfcr.bcr Ibe- -There was reason, not long since, lo firftthiy of January laf.. iko J;cbc warfare in which we Vv kilovr b thnamt of l ACOC. called FWd with Tnpo i, ni.ght be take.. j - - . . ' . . 1 tvun amm niinT r in. iLirnirv nAum. Ui.l fclltfwf -.:f,. , ,i,..r,. , by fome CELL.. 1 bought from Mr. William Hobbi, i Sa npHin county, which place faid Jacob wat frcn a few dayt ago. It it needlcf to crTcr a (tefctiption, at he it well known in that county, and ' hat . a wife telongicg to Michael Sampfon, Eftj. an-J it harbnur cdby her much againlt the will of Mr. Sampf. n, toniyknoweilge, I will give a reuarj of twenty dollar! for the delivery of Jacob to me In Wi. mtnjton, ani all reafnbie expencet pa by JoHit Bla:ui. reinforcement, therefore, was intrnedu ordered to the vessels already tbcre.; sequent information however, has rtino these apprthcoMons for the present ncciirc our commerce in that lea, with i smajfest f jrec compc'.cii, we have supjK il best to watch strictly the harbpr of'Tri li. Still, however, the shallowness of tb coa and the want of smaller vessels dtr part, has permitted some cruiser enca unobserved! ind to one of ihetc - American Tend unfortunately fell a pt The captain, one American teaman, : two others of ctlour, remain prisoners v them ' unless exchanjrtd under anaM mcnt formerly made with the Hatha w, whom, on the fiulh of that, tome of captite Biihjrcts had been restored The cowftXTiov with the tlnte of Cr gia has been ratified by their Icgitlati and a re-purchsse from the Creeks hat b consequently made, of a part of the Tal ice county In this purchase hat alo b tymfirthf nded g part of the latult within fork of Oconee and Pakmulgcc rif cr. 1 particular? of (he contract will be laid be ( congress at toon at tbey thill be ir a r for communication. In order to remove every foufvd of fi-rcnce tvHtible wiih our Indian nciehbo' Tett, . ' 1 1 have nrocccdcd In the-Vuik of settl . C ARLITOM WALKkR, C.I. j ah thcin, and marl.in the boundaries utrtraatriv. tweco us. That- with the ChocUw but United States of America, Capc-Fcar Dillrid. &flrin Curt, : Dte. Urm, 1802. J UPUS the pettiion cf Jomh lUartAV, of tlifTownofWilminion, hmkropi, Ptayiog thai hamifHl reteiva cetufitainpC 4ifibirf Ordered, iHl unit ft' the ctrJiior of faid Job) Barclay or foma of them, fitw 10 the jurfje of faid Co-in, en iha g h clay of lanjartr ct, fglBrienl cattle I ih conirtry intt I 'cetiiftctia of tJifcbarft will then be f'anifd to faid Bnkraot( rcrfaint to in tt vfCoojffi, iaibttrifa raJ in. ftoaiJci. 1 , . 1 . 1 1 -

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