is f xed ta tftee pa, ftxid -will be through sudden emergencies, you will the whole -within a' short; time. "-'The covin- think this institution worthy of try to which their titrcnau been extmguia- etl hefqre the revolution, is. sufficient to re- '.iceive a very fcsp'i'ctabfe population, which coivj-rcstf will probably the expediency of eijcouranpn, . so soon as the limits shall- be ueclarff.i. We ftrcto.-yicwtms position .rs an oht-post of the United States, tur- rounded by strong neighbours, and distant .from its support. And how that monopoly, which prevents population; should here be guaraeo against, anu actual iiauiutuuii mane a condition of the continuance of title, -will : ba for your consideration.- A prompt set tlement too of all existing rights and claims ' within this'territory, presents. Jtself as,-. a preliminary 'operation.' ' - i. r:J r - In that part of the Indiana territory which includes Vlhcennes, the lines settled . with the neighbouring tribes ' fix. the extinction v of rtheir title "at a breadth of - twenty-four t .Ktgues from cast to vest, and .aboutj.the same length parallel with and including the WabastK They hav.e also ceded a tract of four miles square, including the salt-lspringa.; near the mouth ot that river. . . doubtless a "review and give itthoae: improvements "of vhich you find it. susceptible. .' . ; ' -Estimates for the hayai d$p'tm!ent pre pared by the-secretary of tbenavy for ano thdr yearv'il,Unlute. manner be cpni ruunl cated with the general estimate. i A ismall force in the Mediterranean, -will still be-ne-cessary'to retrain he Tripoline bruisers andthe uncertain tenure of peace- with some other of the Barbary powers, may eventual - j lyf require that force to1 be augmented. 1 he necessity ot procuring: some smaller vessels for that service, will raise the estU mate j but the "difference in their jnaintc nance will soon make' it a measure of econo-i ses. s i o avoiq the waste pt our resources, it is proposed tOTtdd to our navy-yard here a docli within which our present vesselsmay belaid up dry, and under cover from the sun. .Under these circumstances experi ence proves that works of-wood will remain scarcely at all affected by time. . The great s' die; without having made a choice of . - . ' i . v ' L i -t. i i j.. abundance ol running water wnicn inis suu-,; j kwner winters uian uvuae surcauy jup atmi, nosspsses. at heicrhts tar above the le-i nsneu. vel of the tide, if employed as is practised for lock navigation, furnishes the means for . A, .. .. i ' .,- rAising mviiigupoiir vcsscis, m u ry my. , - . x v. Presuming it will be deemed expedient to expend. aniiu'llly a'convenieiit sum. td wards providing the naval defence which our situation may f eqhireY I cannot but rt commend that the first appropriations for thatpurpbsej maygo to the Having wha,wc already possess, : No cares, , ho attentions, can preserve vesselsfromrapid deicay, which ji'e in water and exposed to the siin.- These in ine ueparimem oi., nnance n as m'-iu). uccayg requn-e greai-miu, r-uusiciiu re;jaus, p'iasure I intorm you tbalttie receipts or, -ana win consume,, n conrmuea, a great poi" xternal duties, for the last twelve months, Mion of the monies destined to naval pitrpo iiave cxcecaca inose pi any ioimcr year, t:vd that the ratio of inrreasa. has beeK also greater than usual. This has enabled ms to aniwer ail the .regular exigencies of go vernment," to pay from the treasury,' within one. yeur, ipwards of eight miilions of dol Jars, principal: and interest, of .the public debt, exclusive of upwards of one million paid by the sale of bank sto6k, aad making in the whok a reduction, of nearly five mil lions and aii half of principal, and to have cow in the treasury four millions aad, an half of dollars, which are in ac'bvrrse of ap plication to the further discharge of debt, and current demands. Experience too,: so far, authorizes us to believe, if no extrqor li nary event 5upetvenes, and the expences whicii will be actually incurred shall not be greater tha,n "were contemplated by con gress at their Ust session, Vut we. shall not be. disappointed in the expectations then fonmd. Rut nevertheless, as the eff'.et of peac-j on ths amount of duti is is notyet ful- Jy ascert-ined, it is the" morcnecfMaiiry to practice every useful economy, ?.no to i?jcur ;no expsnce which may ba avoided without ' preiudice. . . . -, Lr.ThecolL'Ction of the internal taxes ha- yingbecn completed in some of lhr"9tatcs 5 the oflieers enrployedin it pre' of cowrse; out ; .of cimmissionv In clhen thy will be so . sho;Iy. Jiut in a few, wheivhe arwmge- jnenu for the direct tux ha J been rltaidcd, . it will still be ne time before the "system is closed. It has not yet been thought ne- cessary to employ the, agent authorised by ah act of th? last session, for 'transacting " busitK-S'T in Europe rtl itive to debts and lr.vis,- :or have wc used the power, conn ilcd by the samt act, of prolonging the reign debt bv rt-'.oans, and of redeem inswad thereof, an equal sum of tile domes-j these, ftllow-citizens, are the lundmnrks t'edebt.. Should liowcver the difTiculties of iby which we ar to guide ourselves in ull rrnmunce on so large a scale, render it ne cessary at any timcv the power shall be exc ,cull nivl the menr.' thus unemployed 'a biMid shall in conformity with that 1.vt, be iiihf;:l! applied here i.i an equivalent ex tinction of tlomcst'c debt. .When effects WILMINGTON, Dxcmmbmm ZO; 10S - . . V' - -i- a- ;, : . gr We sre amhorifcJ to give N ice, that the General Mufterbf the W il mington or .t i ft Battalion of the New flttfvrRegtinei'tr'Tat"ik'e plate" in ntid;tcvn TO-MORROW. ; t ; ; By the arrivats from IJarbaoes we nars not rieceived any news to justify the reports which have beeri in circulation these sever al days past, of the actual rehewtd of hosti lities between France and .' Great-Britain, said to have been received at that place by a frigate from London.'- Capt. Childs of the schooner Hannan and Betsey, Who left Bar badoes so late as the 15th instant,; informs, thftt previous to h'is sallirij a mail "was re cefved thereby a dispatch frigate direct from England ; . but no part of its contents had trauspired i great preparations were, hovye veMmrnedi&tely comnien'ced to put the isl and in a state of defence and h was conjec tured that a renewal of hostilities was on the eye of taking place between those powers. i The tertti of servir.p -for vhioh- r;-w . 1 liTonroe, of Virgiwfft, was elected, haying expired, and he being by the constitution ineligible to a re-election, Col. John Page,' Of Rosewe.ll,, n o.ld and tried patriot of 76, was unaninjously -elected by the legislature to that dignified station, oii the J llli ins. : The Legislature of New-Jersey has risen Port or Wilmington. ENTER LD and sheltered bed. .And shou d the- nrca 23 Br5j? VcnuSt Crocker, New-York, sure be found useful here, similar ; KcVrHannah Lincoln,: Boston, nes for lav'ihg up, as well as for building ! - 2 Rhin r.h'arlfttti.; r.hat.ltrn- . f r : Sch'r. CUiibsa, Prcntis, Jamaica. ' . fial! v, Proctor, St. Croix and repairing vessels, may hereaftt-r be un dertaken at other navy-vards, oiTering the L same means. - I ne -puns ana -cstsmnes -0- Wm-'i,nl mmtn Wniin. the works, prepared by a person cf skill. &nd j Gautier 8c Co. . ;.. ., "v ; experience out scarcely , ; Forfrcight or cliartef ' To eny Pert U the' United- Slates or th V: ' Weft-Indies, i " ' The Saoor - K A' N C Y, -, 57 ton's burthen, ' Silas G.Tluddy,, mafter--She is com plfitt'y'loijndfof fea and .wjil be ready to receive a cargo in a feTT -days . Apply to the maflcr oa bond at Pott's wharf. ' . '"": ,,'J)ecember 30th 3W. - . t ' 1 FOll, BOSTON, ; TheScHOoNE SAL L Y. "Jofeph Ruirel.'Mafler Will laii in a lew dri-- ' ' for freieht bf:ba(IaW . ply to the maflcr on board HOWARD A TILLINGHAST r December 30.-- V 17 t'nnx;ncons 4m prooi Jamaica nuoi . ti Caflcs Claret Wine,. .. .... j'Hoglheads MolafTes, - -4- . i6,ocowti Cordage aflbrtcd. "' Calh or produce will be received li payment. ' ' ... a. tlOWARt) & TILI 1NGHAST December 30. 1 ii&JSWr cr .will he pveseinec 10 you, with-, cinn v'nnr.r rrti,- Tni,,T.-. , and from these it w.,1 be seen that, , carrro.' rum and su'irar, to J.G.' li Co. mOlCthan hPS been the COSt Of One' 97. Itr-" Min.rvTi. Tnhntnn. rhartt'nn. vessel U necefsnry to save the whole, and' 1. " Sr.hvSnHv. P.,f n. pnnt Ptr .u.. .1.- 1 u ' I' 1 .. - r-.-rjt ." . u.c whiu.h w c ciiipyy wi 10- cargo, inolasscs, ,to Howard & Tillinghast. c!s .ts completion may be adapted to the SchT.- Betsey, Smith, Jamaica to II. S T. that wai Ticiva yi ivV v&iinkwiw M iu tuiai tAj'tu--. - - - CariTO TUm d,t.?,rp,-: ' . , " - ;!, Brig White Oak, reterson,lWhacJpc's to cuiupie -peace. ana roiinun -,?Sch'r.Peborab, Baxter, :. Boston. mrcc ana .itayigMion-in .u ii.cir lawuu Diligent, Fieron, Han.tin.A- enterprises to osier our .isncrics as nur-, . . 0 8U h niciasses. t6 ir v U: r.erics of navigation, and fonhe nurture of ScV.r.'lIannah and Betsey, tbildsi man, anJ protect the mimwactrucs adaptta r Barbadocs-cartro. rum ahd .oluc. to our circumstances ; to prescrro,.the . v t0 c atlaP.:Pclhpm. J t of the nation by an exact riicharjcc jjcn-r. Hope, Itussefc BarbV,tn of Us debts and contracts, expend the public r . ; ..rurirn ,, t, t r. v. money with the same care and economy we 25j Sloop Nancv, Undlcy,, Newport. would practise, with our own, and impose;. , - 'LE ' - on our citizens no unnecessary ,burtUc!rss ' 23. rii-Jo Ptih. Wit. 'KV,..v,.rV. ' oi,5. to keep in all things within the pale of our 24 Sch'r Ceres, West, "Charleston: s to- constitutional powers, and cherish the fc-''--Sloop Blue Bird, Mulct, St. Croix, n'.ng'deral. union, rs the only rock of safety j ; ' - . Wholefalc Prices Current, H'iimingltn December 30 Bacon ii cents ber lb. Href t io'h. our counl-ynicn the true principles of their P" W W 35 cea-i rer Ik , Breid, constitution, and prsmotcan union of sen-.! ',', Per 41 S w-1 u. t.ap, 3 ment and of action, equally auspxious to 1 our proceedings. By continuing to make tliis our mle of trtion, wc shall endear to doVm, Baiter prr lb. 1 4 10 16 cemt,' Can ihrlr Innmntu and safctv. tii mv nart '" Pf "-tO cco:. . 1 I I . I a Chrefe, Atner. per lb'. to Biliit.iry result from the plan you bate i you miy count on a cordial concurrence ; 11 10 f C,,,J ""e ccn 1 ot(Jge prr 1rtat!v inrlifnf(I. tviin m;n. vhvtiiJ. n.w mtirtp TiMl. nnKl mtfutt utiii .. 'v '0. 1 1 ooi I. von pel t0 tut I CO Civ Talic objctls 0' expence, we are able, on all the information I possess which may oro j"' o? 1.3. Cotion pcf lb. 1 7 uv 1 8 ctt, without a direct tax, wtthout in'ci-nal taxes, enable Ton to discharge to adrarWi-gc the 1 utr n i3. Flis letd per tk of 7 bulhv an i,witljoutb.rro.ving, tq make larpe Mid thigh function with which you are invested V V, ' u,?rP" 4,u"'t 1,0 VS tftettMal p.iymeiits towards the dischirgelby your tountn. NoUr. 111, 0ifoii, eh. 33 1.3 10 5o of our public debt, and the eraanctpnilon! TH: JEFFEKSOK. Ht u,i Vel f lo . Jufl impnrtrci, ; J tid t fa fiJ J at reafonahle prices fir , . . ' . C-fh er Produce. - TJARBAOOfes.MI, JiJ . rat, and St Croix : 5 iiuar in hlids. and barrels, Coffee in barrels and bags, Surinam Mobiles, r. - Ruflia ronj by the Ion br ewt. N...l?.,Rum kt, V- . JOCELIN, GAUTIER, & Cb ' , .Leccrnber 30. ' i' HE. fubferiber will dilpolc of the - iemaining part of " his Goods, oa rrafonable lermi,1 and 'receive' ' Deer " flcins in paymrnt, for which a liberal price will be alloed, fa tbat jh.yarfc deliveTfd in Wilmington Coins time ia tne, muuttv 61 rebruary nexr. , JAMES WALKER, ; I ?ivTi:Lr m sold, . On Tburfdiy the 3 dnj tf February nextt '"'under ibidurl-HouJe, for frtmft fgy 'trintTr-':-'- ; '- ' ' . ' THAT.vatuaole tot tf Ground ori the"fouth fiJJ'of Market-Ilrcet. betVreetf t)utl'ey & rDorfey's ftore and Capt.'lUfliina' dwelliri! houfc. . ' ' ' . . ' . HINTON JAMFS. .Wilmington,' Dec. 30th. . 1 "' - H Lands m Duplin for Sale, On a credit cf -to months. BmAt iu'uh fecuriry la beglvtn. Vii. ,.0i Acres ort Long Branclu J6 acrein the weft fide of the North call river, abqvc Wm. Eurion'a place, 3:0 'acres r.eir the mouth of a (mall branch running into Uockfilli. of our posterity fmnMhat m.tal canker, It Is an enc!iura$cm?nt, fvliow-cititens,; of, thu hi;,het crd-.-r, to proceed aa we hve beg'min s'; diluting crr.nomy forUxa- , ltii and : m pun.uir.g, i tifcful for a - nation plate x wc are, rather th?n wlWrt5 pr. ctiied by other under diirercnt circtm itanccs. Au J whensoever we arc dcktuii-ci to meet events which . shill call f mh all D2Ccni):r 15, HOI.- FOR S Al. E by Joshua Potts.: V UMtNCTON, UeC. 30, lBOl.i TACCi, th cnt-rgic of our coii'UrJ'mcn, ve luve , ?"oU K ' . the firmest reliance on those eneirifis, andiJ,AWtD the comfortof leaving for calls like tlic, ;,'yTTON f the extraordinary resource! of loansjand CoaDAcr, internal tixcs. In the meantime, by nay-jt'UT TCK, ment or tho principal of our dci-t, we arc , roRK lilvntlnj annually, portions of the eatcnul A, and forming fi-om them a grovihs fund, still further ta lessen the necessity of rcruiring to extnmrditury resources. The usiul accounts of receipts and ex penditurts for th'e lat jrcur, with an esti- irt.ite tfthc cx;x:iicci ol the ensuitp' one, 'l lc laid Ufjrcyou Lj the sccrcury cf Nn rhne,hipg deemed nereswrf in n T.t .ry csUhliOimcnt, aiiestimate of cjcntu fr the ensuing year, on tu pvit fK,iin;, , ,jt0 6f xt vm to be :np;Oj cd in falrteations. nH other objects witSm that has benntrpsred CoFFfK, Ar'i'iLR hf.AS Tallow, ,Soo acres on Maxwell1 Svtamd. .. ico acres on the long brarith, a branch of Rockhfn crcckt Ltd aue on the north fide of Stump crecki x -'I he aWvt lands were idvertifcd in thi paper on the , 1 2th of March. blioiild ail V ret foil with In niirchf. st A Cotton Macliuir, , of 17 Snw'i, Of rcnicUar conilrnflion, weU' , frcomnendeJ, 1 Two ft w Moft Bom. fr ion, liOiu 110 dollm thon ihouUnd. Lumbci,bofdi, plank and fcantlinp, prr'M f. 1 i" 1 4 Quit, nance uniter per ion 1 ( to 1 dot. Sl-inglei (er 1000 I doll. 5un w. 0. hhd. 20 i St dj!li. 1 Icadine do. 3?. -Sutei w 0. ktitel, io to ta. Oa. r, 0. hhJ. u dul's. MoUllw per fillon. 40 cen;i. Naval llojea, I lr per ibl. i7j emu. Piuk none in maikei. lurpfcnunf.perfcl!. tl imH. Rofm. . bpi- Irrir. e fJe. Simui-I W. I;..i: rr- :t. .... r. .-' :.. v .. . : j'i --s m )l 1 r r 1 2 T, I 11 ",.om o treat lor ihe Nme, at v,ib.aik err, cone in nuket. Turk per bbl. ia I itsu iv r.i 1 .w t ....... . ... - w --- if - " " t 1 f 1 . rv.trr injr ni. rfitiiM.i t . ' I I .1 i ' ii " unguium. I, AW I), 4m pruor, per4iion, .110 cenu , IWindwd. I. i proif, Wen,, Dm, 3d p. 710. Amei. iQ proof, 50 en. Rice, p. rwt a owki. 75 en, per tuth..lutk a 1U. e aoienut Liverpool, 70. Sufic per Vi!mineon, !. BURGWIK. Dec. 301 h, 1802. MASON & jUDbON, b'own, 8iaioi'Diiiorhue,aotif ataiarkeuj "t NFORM the ii.habitanti bf Wit Loaff per lb. ac ten'i. Tallow, per lb. t x 1 1 JL m'nion and the uUblic, that the NOTICE; "'PE Copartnetfliip of Fontaine ndj "cn teas Tobauo. per ewi. a l 4H&II111 1 hive ' fommenceJ tl SAnnrl.f?V ww 1 . ----- - ' " wb aar aa aj 1 1 11'USINlSS. In lit VJtintil kianrk. AN-AWAY froin the fubfttiberJorpofne to Ktaior lohii Wa'ker'a In i.".' . m a.: - " I ( roenU bf the eiutaiy kt waf( tndj make a part or the Kct.aril estimate, which will be prraenir d yiu . Coayd.-Hn tK.t our regular troorj ars iMploud Pr Iocs! ptrnnif. nndthat the! .. " P. A. TARDE. llitU I our general rtUitice fwr jrxat i.vl J Wilir.Ipg'on, Hf . l, 1 80 2. J Innor about the lit inll. two hegro Market. flicct. They have on hind ami n, JAMES& KPHRAIM, the pro-lwiir.conflii.tly keep an afl".rtment of l-Tatbe, ia thijday, by mutual con. P'y Jm' KeJJie. Whoever will good Saddle!, iV.d!ci, i'oUmafileaui, fcr, diA'u'.fcd.. All perfoni who have dc-1 takewp ihelalj Icllowi and deliver them land Trunkaof vatiuui fiici adLlifcrio a a a 1.. . 11 - . man the taio rencern, ai vrell aslo me in wiimtrgton, loan receive a I upot, which will U lold on modcraii igair.fl F. Fontaine U. CoJate requelled I reward of Ten Do'.lari. T liermifor ca(b. . . a a . . i ir.i - . a, I . . I.aia a, .1 loeauioii mem ior leuierr.em without I Malteri of v.ffela and 11 nher rer-1 a journeyman who can be w . . . 1 - - - 1 . ' - -. . . - 111. . lltAl. l.ll"K,A.l .A Ait,.-. L. . 1 r - . ft ftV.a. I are fahcitci to make immeime pry K. FONTAINE. 1 are hmby fi ibid harbour 1 rj?, C0I"ncnited will meet whh enceurage coi.ceaiii corcarrttnih mawaiat lheirl0)r" F rpirc at above. v aw m I 41 I1111 a at - -: a - w 'j . 1 a. i..a. av. a pern. j . . I y i'"in.giun, iec. 3Q!n jw. ' 1 IIUMA5 ilUN I Ilk. November 11, ' tY Ac'verrerntmi. &c. o muled fr wAt ol ioait hall jpeir la our neiu i

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