The fbCotnmt &t aw ttmlhtl Lri tttto registered snoiher State v shall b I." . Lturtcf this Sfcste, aWt; it tot An' act to eab& assmitnry of tesrnin at Spring-IEU, in Ui county of Lenoir, aaJ 'ta incornorate the same. ten ia the eoattty o: Onu3". T prevent the rue practice of ducting, w.ihia tins liie. To repeal an iactriised at th last sessl- otv cauileU An act to repeat part 01 eae inspection laws now in lore ta this State. For the relict ettne imcarara uino m. m. 'a . Croatia aJa&onal eieetms in we coua tv of Sra:oa. aai tr other mtrnosev To tthe o!oce of hoMlnsthe battaiioii tri'Mter and ejection!, ia ths county of lUa- To fix the permanent residence T tht Governor of this State. To amend the sixth section of an act part in 1831, entitled 41 An tctto amend the era land laws of this Mate.N. ; To amend tit fevrl land laws ar tUs State, so far a re?pec M surveys being maIe To amend an act pissed at the bat sessi on, entitled An act to open and make na vigable Fishi Creek, from the mouth thereof, t far as practicable." To ameni trie several laws now In force. . . : "!.. .. " A : in their f ower to pav the purchase money I ,?e ..tnayigauonof Cape-rear and mlo UieVreasurv of the Itate by the Uth Dvep and Uaw Umrtv ; , of tmb(r l803 wd lhmby u n;urt4 v7? ? ?A CWy by their Entries lapsing for remedy W Yuborouh, in Anson county. . J- . . ... Mathgturthcrpro VelM t of the CeruRcate Debt of this .State. &at p Aca,c lt w htft$ . ioauihonse Danl W Ute blienffof c,. ,u ,f. Th all i rn-i taiiutrr mumr, u couecc uc arrears moral nrt!R W t ci'Sfef m?if , tS Aldcrmaa Uh th iiok of out formant, who dUl tt roaut Z (tot j for tkt fcoipoU ol ttf ft. lilhtd i ht reut4 it la frtnpy cc ri(Q ui 4ca '" v , . Vt a;i fay U iafotmttba m toimani by cmunt l l wiu r tarn tl e manner Icr t ita this fart- rrarh ta vrtmen. vWi art it M Uu f a. a . ' Kit an opibtca. li j eot ee that any gentleman liomthit toa et Mr. Buy Ua fuch inlnffwijten Ut from it. wt do eat htCtaie in d t1rirt ttrCclm fully pnfua4eJ thai was tr.t w author it the report, r & why (if fWa was sot the tact iWJ tt havt refufctl to make knvwa tht papa gator of tht falfroml I U tht cuctn. ilance wat hlJ to rim, it ti imma:ctul he i her it was toU wihaeir to U$ puh'.tcailaa or not. t! fat rwb'ieJ nJ r tf a:xl.fCtiMrm t .f ft , M.,2, mJ ,K. r a V... . fia.ifn, ni 1 ' - . . . , . M I U Hit f mM 4rtlhl 4l.V W - . . " m StsttS rr hi thna tieJ tu tnuiikr tt?m WU ERE AS it may ao happen, that S Tit ttt Nmeter t, tut Wf- obttct. 11 ii obicrvatiora m tittf:; tatca oi'his iiif heart. admiued as ettdence in thia State For the better regulation ofShcnaa teev To prevent conspiracies and inaumcU- ons amons the slaves. To esuhlish an Academy in the county of Franklin.'- : '. y For the relief of Uriah Sullivan, Utc She. riff of BrunsVxk, county. Urantins three separate elections to the inhabiunts of the county of Pwpliu. To estabhsh an Academy at the court house in CaawcU county. - For the relief of persons who have ob tained ittts for lands which art covered in whole or in part, by grant of older date. To repeal the 3d section of an act passed at the last session, entitled M An act to con tiaue in force and to amend an act parsed in l?9. entitled An act directing the judges of the sperior courts to meet together to sctUj questions of law or equity rising on tht circuit, sue AN ACT f ..Uxiftr CtAt4t at 4. - -. M.:t ml 4 ia i;,t; j itrt. v- ' - i tlrjrl tt fat t t4 ta some persons who have matte entries of land in the year 1300 and I Sol, may net have it countr of taxes for the year 179 J. Proscribing the duty and directing the m inner of electing port-wardens for the port of iln.mtotw For dividing the State into Districts, (or the purpose of electing Representatives to Conirrctt, For the relief of the Mechanics of the town of Wilminirton. To authorise St. John's Lodj, No. 3, to claimants of entries cf lunds made in the years 1800 and UOl who shall not hutt psul for the same befvre the 1 Jth day of De cembor, 1802, shall lave till the SOihof December 1803, to pay the purchase wo ney into the 1 reasury lor the same I sim: all Lntrus so puid fur, are declared to be as coi and valid in law as if the ssme had been paid for according to the fifth section of en act passed in the year isoi, entitled w An act to amvnd the scwral Land Iaw n this Stater and tht said Entries shcU raise by Lottery the sura of SOOO dollars. toauuiomei.ic i runces oi t-umoenon i ,A.,,i.,u;liniurnk Academy, to raise a certain s;tm by way of L.mUp. ,S0S. ntlVtt xw Entlle. L- Lotter)-, to complete the buildmg of said (;Ria ' tnd t J.- rfM Rot vMattd kt (.rant within the time aforesaid, shall be deemed lapsed and shall revert to the State; any thine to the contrary notwithstambn Andt tttuthtr rao. t V, 1 hut the proxi Ions of this act shall not extend or be crn Ui'ued lo extend to give relief or further in rfulrcncc to any person or persons who havt ntry or Enines, entered Laud tu amount than 649 acres. JOi RF.DDICK, S.S. Rati3cd Dec. Tth, 1SCS. Acsdcmv. -To repeal an act to alter the time of hold ing the election in Duplin county, passed at She last session. , To amend an act jrantin tares separate elections in the county ef Onslow. , oiii.iw rM,tv mttUt, Witnes ses nnd jurors attendinrthe superior court P. within this Sute. : , J . .. . b fc To repeal an act, entitled An act to a grcaur regulate and hx the price J lor inspecting and coopering Tobacco at Fayettevillc," passed in the year 1791. , To amend an act directip; the manner in which confiscated landi shall in future be disposed of, passed in 1801. , . To amend the several actsfnr regulating . the pilotage and navi Ration of Ca pcFear To esuhlish a town on John Strother'i land 'on the north-east side lit Euticombe l.fa ACTtj emrnJ tkt seirral Land .r, fir es mtt(t Suntjt b;nx mjdt tnJ rr. turnfil irtlo ih Srrttary.0jitt .WHEREAS by an act of tht General Assembly of this State, passed last session, all Lands entccvd previous to the first day Jof J.nuarv 1798, that may havt been paid Idas a tits faw tit-Atl ant vsvl asssv wmI tnil county, opposite or a little above the Up- tixtn tK. kw .per A) arm Springs, and for other purposes , d of December Jjt decUred To keep open the south Yadkin River and IT iiuming v.rccx, irons me mouia oi aim Creek counties s f t.fJ a-;f fans C54t? t !iaa wt 8f fwwatj aeJ. if.jart. tx. hvttji a raaijwfctS(' frt tkf sa i VssJjt aoJ Cw'-X aMSj&n f .1 fa. e?svtt afe-l as tt ltaS-iiaf V aarai attasirastefsi t-.'tf!' t"t S. w vav 8t ! !- CS4M Ims I sv-it way ' a-1 Jt. yt mvtZa tit ?4i s isa. ta, Thtfe temaiks lust cot beta itJitct' hy an ap;rcUeitlianthat ihe charadrt 1 1 Mr, Monrot has. luaaincd tht C t.ttU ir jury Item tht occurrerue hi, fitas their futiecl. Tfat needs ro tUt. His cvctlu as niimlUr, RaMftraii nl i;(urrir( has tncirclcl hs aaiwe si4 unfadivj honors. They havt 2 wtd rurt. ly Irom tur amety toapu tt Wt UU.efa f fccfal;firt by fhewi-f U people that i adherents ait cmImJ h no barret t that juthte, tisih aiJ ct wtrry art all trod icn utAt Um by lUa, if thertby it is likely to ttcetvt sh 'tti iota f imrortarxe . AAUUN LAZAUtS Hdi jutt IvirOBTtO, aeM . ay CtS tKC a fadft- AflonmrntotGodi, CixstaTiac ur - v CVPERFIN Ds uaErt'.n, 64! tvnauMi sid eUS-t CUW VUt - ta-uricc- 4 l nU 1s t My H!.C k .4 la yt ao c a te ei. Ta acccti at t:ii wa U t ;.mc f Jt aJ atl tii a 1 1 it ia4f.iu242c f D'Ctasrv I J. . UAMti) wa :-?a vHbt at a ." '4 a.-..i. "t " Swill 9- CM' a lf o k a 1 t tij-tf tx a y U tow a. r t. CJ I1??. UBt -ft ;M. WA.,tl CUUt, I....'. iuerib t tiat a4 toia rt4ttt I. I. ... . a f liarf W,a LMtLt l...4 a4 .i'V i ' f. t M V " Suia j tiffin tUk MiaVu 1 tia .a-l ,U ,-r'J- A 4 aad tamtls fcai Jo. al fc k,?' H r"' J ' TiUwi-s' t Um, WH tut .b J.i.it4 at ill sa wnk it?a.? cfc .t a t4 r k J aa Diipt't aad tatty swt anic-ei 4 lapscu uanoa 10 ioeiia;c, waicn in nvuiy p,.juia 1' 1 ... . r win imn io me grrai rijuryon I a t'ri Hitne 1 !rt4 a 4 e.J S '1 trUkHhCiljMet,M &M,4iUk4t(,AfJl-tt W aVt. tf Uf. tixnsVti H.imaMfcuttHi t k&. l'waasia a Wl, O-l, wt . Il'i j 1 fiUit ULi,k4f 1 has a sat.S t ir I fiat tal coaiU InUi Lmm 4 ui m atwar4a t s.liit trl a'l tra t. aatVWi iit a4 U .U. t Sui ttW tKa-;r, tr ki k t ; ulf tracoi.U HrdmU t IImW( Dtaa ,fK4 mt w ,ia s.w WiIj ttr, to. AlpcfUatf htftby f taae l i liiiisj, tr?f ,m att c lt aay, tie kvett r't t 4 immv f.i tin tfK)u t tint ui oi iiiik&itc: lor 1 iaar. . a.ina t 1 k as far as they extend through the 'd, w, ' r - - , ...... . , "Dr, . . TT i vr-I- - . - - r r m AM..iai m na w .4aitr a jArr ' - - . proving ottos, mesne conveyances ,ma enccL-dfyiht CJthoritf ,h, ,m, Th:l all -si" rv TliniL .Vl.fTt a,. aCt g.- power, of attorney, whlcl. have rat leen k of nd J ia ,tlL IL J J .. . L' Mi'Vt tororc prescribed by law. f,..Q,. 17SI, which have been paid for, shall have 1 Maillija V't-s. f;ii.i'i.sln.iUuftiid i roamendtbequarTV'elawnfth, S te. U& , of jjnuarv7304, l0 hwt 1 j111 a,rt . J V,V wV To raise a revenue for the payment of the . BlirM.rii ... ' fm-,efi 0 ' r4 wy 7o-t. tfjt. tiJ V"0" '; ts-7 , llistanacortt.n-eutciurgesoiuovern. cretarr oftir al. and all such 'hnds not aWrriCaart ,Vr, ffttfr . '-a for the year 1103, '-- ' 1 .-.1 .. i, .v. I lirn.iuiiMi.. f rnas rnrxf .1 rr ia t , to 1 surrcTCU kiiu ibtui 11 va , laaiv aais HLirt - - i , Civ: went, To ascertain in claims to land vmf the office of John f TT'OIM tu4t vf W.I Hu .of .Vit Wia. a4 liury lands, shall O lied and determined. d b as other vacant and Cw.n Dtctwkti ,faa. 16 k D. 1 Rot. J . awl t - . aa. I u . 1 ini 1 iik.iiu uv am. ua aaauiK.aiBiia.iai a 11 i a PorU,,anl$r.c1Jn become void and is hereby declared lapsed nsirong, ana lur tn u .1, ln ,K . ..... ,n1 mi h lv.r.:ni.- Crantinp furthrf me for proving nrtd re.l..,.,, JA u i,i g.snng bills of s an.l deeds ef gift. . . T . . - . s p, t.l m..t s e rc t N Tt-aVf $5. tht -.J? me,r l,h.e M;Llrc duty ofihe aheriBs of eWounty In this within this State U appoint Patrolcs. ' , . . ... ... this State and Pfneas Miller and LU nexUniroortuer be pySished three weeks i V . a .5 .ir',u.i ia mcccMlrely lathe State CateUtj any law To authonse ij, addiUonal allowance 16 h conlr' utj. as requires thai ajl idea on executions Is- f'n .J ;e n ha suing in behalf oftit Sute, shsllb. mado " Nurth-Csrolms Mlnervi," Ihsi Mr. . V a a SAra.a.aKA l,J klAftMjIail A aM U I a. I a am a. J tt the court-house or the respective coun. Ul" r.nn ties, and in term time. ia ioul the piyment of his debts. Flnt. For regulating ordinaries and retailers of this laltdtaW, ami btlrg called on spirituous liquors y tht small measure, o pMbllfh th mms of tbs perfon who and for sppolntbir fetaadard-kcener Inthe cava lc currency, lit trier to fhel cr hit town of Fayettetille. own chsradler from-lnfimy. ths editor To establish a strate election In tht of ihst paper hit prefinteJ tht world eounirof Orn?e, aoJ to provide for the wttti lse lliowlnf snoWr, preservation of tht court-house in the town I The report ok the flight of hit demo of Wilmington. Icriilc msitlly lames Mtmrnt, Efauire, To amend an set, entitled An set dl. Govrroor of alia Ancient Dotilnlon, wt tectlngthe mode or recovering debts of :ol. arc called tiptn In Aldermsn Prtnria Pe and under. . ' urfburEh ptner, tn contrsdicl sndpubliih a. .a aa. a a m . - a r . I. It prescribe uc rooae lawatca wu:s v ma author ! uci a vuisus aivd l.t) NO I ICE. 't A Til ti rl ta4 M It AN AWAY. f.tiHtf'a tat raatf v- U m kta a .ir tf rlata a4 bub Htirfj l 4. ta 1 ll : a a i ?. A Mitirr tf ike eradlion af Sr i IMfty. utesale4ky tht Lsttriatt j l r s4 i4- Si Mrs. !lowtr4S, ea iht Ul. at tt i slasi v. a sr W t.y oe IOCS IS IBS I MfftOOO t ! ' rot I of that coactra ta tit U U4 Ulwtt iUs i tna istir tppiotniaa rtywrtt, nip! tat ppraprutioe of tha UU ta tU ktJ, .( rultci. A. T, BROWNE. Wilnvllf as, Die. lb. 1 Hi . . . rvn a f 1 a ( a- t,ataa7vfafvgtl ia aW wa raaavays. at ? s4. " f-ltt N.v. If. iSai l TO KEN r 9t th fl tf J9trj mtxt, itPU-'U M m, m v premijii. A PLANTATION ani Siw.Mil en tht North.weU Aiver. Iwtnty avt miles below Fayttit vilU, btlooi ,nt tothecdsta of Peter flubcfoa. itc. PolTe2ioa will h etven immedimf?. t THOMAS J.ROBISON, Dtftaktr e. . AViMwliliriltti;, . 0s Tfi f 1 41 1 w Sel. aa mm . . . ta t river. U a-al ta'tat Ntass b.U'Uta th tta't a4 F. 2.f -'f - Tht lurts (iil4 Wt alti ij;Fi fecarlty Dtctaabcf 1 J.

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